The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s02e06 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 6

Where we once saw good will
we have found lies,
deceit and betrayal.
Evil has slipped through our defences,
and I feel that it is now too late.
You are a good soldier to our cause.
I need you to be my eyes in this school.
To be the eyes of God.
But be careful.
One does not need
to see it to believe it,
but to believe in order to see it.
"This court orders the capture,
dead or alive,
of Beatriz de Osuna, founder
of the Crow's Nest, for witchcraft,
also the seizure and destruction
of her heretical book,
'Draco Musca'."
Is someone there?
Where are you?
There was someone here.
I'm being threatened.
I don't know what to do. Call me.
Good morning, my love. How are you?
My head's really hurting.
I think I need some fresh air.
Of course, my love, of course.
- Hey, it's the cops!
- What?
- The cops are here!
- Hide everything.
Last time they took it all.
We have to tell them.
- How? We don't have the Corax reports.
- But we have Manu.
Look at him, he doesn't even care.
Students are reminded
that morning exercises are obligatory.
"Mens sana in corpore sano"
Where's Paul?
At ease.
One Two
When I woke up he wasn't there.
He didn't sleep in his bed?
Your stupid friend
likes taking night-time strolls.
Do you want to go visit him in the fridge?
No, sir.
Are you there?
It's me. What happened?
They caught me following Manu.
Following him? Where did he go?
The sanatorium.
He doesn't even know it exists.
He went through the passage by the stairs.
Are you sure about this?
Yes, and he was carrying the rifle.
- What rifle?
- The one you had.
Manu and I hid it in the laundry room
for when we got out of here.
- Brilliant.
- Manu is hiding something.
- I don't understand.
- Me neither, Amaia.
But we can't trust him, do you understand?
Darío, what's all this?
What's wrong?
Did you take a rifle from the laundry?
Yeah, plus two bazookas and a helicopter.
Manu, I'm being serious.
Didn't you and Paul hide a rifle there?
Hey, you have to talk to the police
before they go.
Tell them where they kept you.
I don't know where it was,
or how to get there.
I don't have any proof.
Wait, you do have proof.
You're covered in marks.
- That's all you need.
- Mara acted like I was crazy,
like I was a junky, and it was my fault.
I can't do anything.
You can't?
Or you don't want to?
Manuel, you're not the only one
who's been through stuff here, OK?
I don't know what shit
they're doing to our brains,
but I know I climbed up to a window
and nearly jumped out of it.
Great. Then go tell them that.
They'll laugh at you.
- You're an arsehole!
- What's your problem?
What are you doing? Guys! Stop it!
Stop! Manu!
Fuck! Eric, stop it!
What's going on here?
Go on, carry on!
Hit each other, that's it.
Don't you want to?
Then hit each other. Fight.
Very good.
Are you done now?
Is that it?
Then sit down and let's start.
Very good. A bit weak, don't you think?
All yours.
I'm Salvador.
Your new Latin teacher.
What's so funny?
Ah, yes, of course.
If you're so interested
in talking about my arm
or my lack of an arm,
let's talk about it.
Just for today, ask whatever you want.
I'll answer without exception.
You've got five minutes.
I've got a question.
How do you manage a wank?
With the other hand!
Not something more interesting?
For example, how I lost the arm?
I'd have told you
I was deactivating a mine
during the war in Bosnia.
And that wounds to the soul
hurt more than losing an arm.
Open your books to page 13.
Happy birthday to you!
It's my birthday?
Your seventeenth.
I must confess, I feel older
every time it's your birthday.
Make a wish.
Very good.
Give Daddy a kiss.
Hi, Fran.
Hi, Inés. How are you?
Fine. A bit dizzy.
Enough questions, Fran.
When did I get home?
You suffered a bit of a breakdown.
A couple of days ago.
That makes this a double celebration.
Firstly, for your birthday
and also the fact
that you're here with us.
Don't you remember anything?
- It's a party, not an interrogation.
- I don't know.
Last night? This morning?
Darling, you'd better go and get changed,
or we'll be late for school.
We'll have time to celebrate
with just the two of us.
What happened?
She remembered? So you intervened.
I don't have to explain to you, Fran.
What did she remember
that worried you so much?
Listen, the intervention is very weak.
It won't help you Darío.
In a controlled environment
like the boarding school
unless she's told otherwise,
she'll continue being Inés Mendoza.
And that will stabilize her.
Darío, our objective
is for her to remember,
our objective is not to erase her memory.
I know perfectly well
what our fucking objective is.
I also know that
I am in charge of this investigation.
If you don't like how I do things
you can go out
the same door you came in.
"The killing of innocents.
Five girls were found dead
close to the Peaks Sanitorium."
The five girls died
15 years before she did.
The crime is being repeated,
like in that medieval painting.
The gown, the gouged-out eyes
It's like with Alba and Rita,
but in the 20th century.
He looked at me.
The killer looked at me.
I can't get it out of my head.
I deserve punishment.
I promise not to break the rules again.
We're grateful to this institution
for showing us the way.
Wanna tell us anything?
Paul and Adèle Uribe,
report to the headteacher's office.
Paul and Adèle Uribe.
Paul Uribe, didn't you hear that?
Why are they calling us?
Your mother, Patricia Brun,
has escaped from prison.
The French Police have alerted Europol.
They believe she may contact you.
You may be tempted to protect her.
That's natural. She's your mother.
But she is also a criminal,
a very dangerous one.
- You understand that?
- Yes.
If my mother turns up, we'll report her.
This is serious.
- Did I make a joke?
- Behave.
I hope you find her soon.
It isn't fair that she's free
while we're locked up in here.
You should show
some gratitude to this school.
Yeah, to this institution
for showing us the way.
It's bullshit!
See what we have to
contend with every day.
This one is a particularly difficult case.
The fact that their mother
is a criminal explains a great deal.
Do you love your mother?
- What?
- Do you love her?
Watch it, kid. Show a bit of respect.
Then why do you treat us like shit?
Paul Uribe
I'm sorry, Officer.
This is our bread and butter.
- OK, get out.
- I don't want to.
Why aren't you helping?
Why not spend a day here
and see what really happens?
- I said get out, now.
- Come on.
This place is rotten
and no one does anything.
I'm sorry.
I have to show you something.
Yeah, it's Mum's book. Who cares
Wait, Paul. It's this.
Mum and Darío knew each other?
Happy birthday.
Have a great day.
Inés? Are you okay?
Where were you?
At home, a little unwell.
But I'm better now.
Paul told us everything.
About what?
About the photos you found of
The other night,
when Paul and Adèle came to dinner.
You don't remember?
What did Darío do to you?
Come with us.
Is that you with León?
You knew each other?
Here, it says "Alicia Bernal".
This makes no sense.
I'm starting to remember now.
I remember that this is impossible.
Yes, but it's happening.
It's too much.
Stop it there! Stop!
Why is your past creeping into my head?
I don't know. I don't understand.
I'm sorry.
Maybe León can explain.
Have you seen León?
Have you seen the music teacher?
No, I haven't.
Are you feeling okay?
- What am I doing here?
- It's okay.
León, I'm trying to help you.
How did you do this?
I don't remember.
Just relax and trust me.
How did you do this?
This is my house,
I won't leave until I see her.
She's just asleep.
Her neural activity is completely normal.
Not again
Not again, daughter, please.
I agreed to all this
because Darío told me he could help us.
Yes, and it's true, León.
You saw him. He's gone mad.
I'm getting her out of here.
Listen, that's not a good idea.
Out of my way.
Where will you go with her like this?
No-one knows more
about the human brain than Darío Mendoza.
Only he can do something
like helping her recover her memory.
I don't know if he can help.
The question is, does he want to.
I know Darío is very personally involved,
but trust me, the treatment is working.
Nothing! Nothing is working!
You're not well either, León.
And you know it.
Think, please, think!
I can help.
Give me time, let me speak to him.
If you take her now, you have no chance.
León, do you hear me?
This time I brought you back.
For now, for the moment,
it's short-term memory.
But it won't end there.
You're deteriorating, León.
Then you'll lose your recent memory,
and finally, your long-term memory.
Each time, it'll get harder.
Why are you helping me?
Because you're right.
Darío has gone mad.
- Where's the rifle?
- What are you saying?
And the door to the sanitorium?
Calm down, man. It's me.
I will when you tell me
where the fucking rifle is.
Again with the rifle
- Did you check if it was there?
- Sure.
So was it?
The Vitruvian Man.
The famous drawing
that Leonardo Da Vinci left us in 1490.
Da Vinci argued that God used mathematics
to create both nature and human beings.
He made a diagram
that explained man's place in the world.
The door to a new understanding.
This is just the beginning.
Lines, proportions, angles, radii
Put together,
they're a complex mathematical code.
Like an encrypted treasure map
that no one has yet solved.
I'm sure that you'll have
some sort of remedy for this.
What happened?
It was a low moment.
But it's in the past.
I want to try and make things right.
You have no idea
how much I regret my mistakes.
That feels much better.
Thank you.
You truly loved him?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for everything that's happened.
I am so sorry.
I'm sorry.
You were right, father.
Now I think that
I'm feeling a bit better.
To forgive is to free a prisoner
and discover the prisoner was you.
We're running out of time.
I'm losing my memory too.
And you're still lost.
I'm scared.
If this goes wrong,
we'll disappear forever.
But I refuse
I refuse to let the life we built
just evaporate.
You asked me if we were killers
and I promised to tell you.
That should have been the day I died.
But you didn't allow it.
You sent lanterns
to summon your people
the Crow's Nest.
You wanted them to save my life,
just like they saved you
from Spanish flu
when you were only 15.
We owe our lives to the Crow's Nest.
The bells sounded
a death knell that night.
We had to hide the fact
that the lodge had saved me.
And thanks to their science,
neither you nor I would ever age.
Do you want to marry me?
Every day.
You are united forever.
Do you understand what that means?
All you have is one another.
We had to leave our lives behind.
Flee where no one knew us.
But the enemies of the Crow's Nest
had seen the lanterns
and they soon sent out
their macabre warning.
History repeats itself.
Every time the lodge
has used its knowledge
to overcome time and death,
death has been their response.
The punishment was always the same.
The killing of innocents.
"Sometimes we pay high prices
for what's important."
You said that to me.
One life for another.
We're not killers.
But that girl's death
has always followed us.
Students are reminded
that they have 15 minutes
to wash before going to bed.
Thank you for warning me.
Now get to bed, it's late.
All clear.
What the
Don't you think it's unfair
that they can and we can't?
You're crazy.
Thank you.
No, I've had a shit day
not even this can fix.
But worrying about it non-stop
won't help you either.
There are things that help.
Here's to the shitty days.
No, Amaia. I know Eric.
He's having a shit time.
I've never seen him like this.
And it's not just Manu.
Eric is having a really bad time too.
What's wrong?
No, no, it's okay, it's okay.
What happened?
Where are you going?
I can't. I'm sorry.
What's wrong?
I'm sorry.
Students are reminded that
they have five minutes before bedtime.
- Did you see him?
- Yeah, but I don't know what he's doing.
Well, it's nothing good.
- Which way did he go?
- I don't know.
- What are you doing with my sister!
- Get off him or I'll shoot!
What are you doing here?
They followed me.
You're helping her?
- Let me explain
- Explain what?
That you're on the run
or that you're a murderer?
- Just listen.
- No.
- Let's go.
- Paul
No, you listen to me.
When I escaped from Room 3,
they followed me with dogs.
They were about to catch me,
to take me back there.
And your mother She saved me.
- You're bleeding badly.
- Yes. You'll have to help me.
Go that way. It's safe.
How can I help you?
And who are you?
Can you keep a secret?
- When I heard Darío was here
- Your friend?
Your friend Darío Mendoza, you mean?
What are you saying?
Paul, listen Adèle
He betrayed me. I'm not a murderer.
- You have to believe me.
- And why's that?
Because I've come
to prove that I'm innocent.
And get you out of here. I swear.
Then go tell it to the police.
- Let's go.
- Wait
Hey, I'm sorry, okay?
Hate me if you want.
But she's come to help us
close down this fucking school.
Where's she gone?
Don't you recognise your friend?
Your daughter said you were dead.
Well, not yet, I guess.
Will you help me?
Or are you still a scaredy-cat?
Adaptation: Daniel Murray
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