The Chosen One (2019) s02e06 Episode Script

Blind Faith

[ominous music]
[bell ringing]
All of this is for protection?
[The Chosen One] Yes.
To keep all evil out.
May this circle now be closed.
- [creaks]
- [gasps]
What are those?
Replicas of The Chosen One.
They're warnings to the Serpent
that this place doesn't belong to him
and it never will.
[Angelina] Now no one
will dare invade our camp.
[Enzo] I want to be a doctor.
[Lúcia] Why do you want to
be a doctor, Enzo?
[Enzo] I can't.
[man 1] You're not responsible
for the crew.
You still have to prove yourself
as a doctor, Vergani.
[Enzo] I can't.
No way.
No way. I can't.
[Silvino] We could still go back,
you know?
[Eva] What do you mean?
This jungle is dangerous, forbidden.
I don't know what's worse.
Being caught by the Serpent
or by the Chosen One.
[Eva] Silvino, face the fear.
If we find the cabin,
I'll be able to help your wife.
What now?
I didn't tell you everything
about the cabin and the altar.
[Cleuza] Hey.
[Santiago] It smells in here.
I'm sorry I didn't roll out the red carpet
for you.
[Santiago] At least try to clean yourself.
If only your mother could see you now,
[indistinct chatter]
[Cleuza] Mateus,
don't pull out that plant.
[Imaculada] Aunt Cleuza is right.
We mustn't hurt God's creations. Hmm.
Naughty boy.
You're already an explorer, like your dad.
I'm sorry, Imaculada! It just slipped out.
Don't worry about it.
Mateus and Santiago's father
really was a frontiersman.
Go on.
But this one will be different.
I know I've asked you this
so many times, but,
is he really your baby's father?
You can tell me if another man
got your pregnant.
We are practically sisters.
I told you already, Cleuza.
There was nobody after my husband.
This child really is divine.
My mother already knew it
when she named me Imaculada.
She always knew that I'd give birth
to the new baby Jesus.
Is my brother really gonna be
the next baby Jesus?
It looks that way.
You and your brother
are going to have to protect him.
Protect him from who?
Whoever tries to hurt him.
I promise
I won't let anyone near my brother,
or near my Mom, near Mateus,
or near my Aunt Cleuza.
Don't you talk about my mother.
Your mother was great, boy.
You're too small for her legacy.
What would she say if she knew
you brought the Serpent here?
Just like you and your brothers,
Imaculada lost her mind.
She couldn't tell the difference
between reality and fantasy,
like an animal.
Seems like you're talking about yourself.
[Cleuza] You're just proving I'm right.
Like her, you're religious,
you're educated.
But even still,
you don't think before you act.
Locking me up in a basement.
I practically raised you
after she passed away.
I helped to deliver your baby brother.
Asiel should punish you for this.
- [grunts]
- Don't ever say that name again.
- [whimpering]
- That name doesn't exist.
You will call him The Chosen One.
[Santiago breathing heavily]
[Eva] What are you talking about?
[Silvino] I know you're anxious
to get to the cabin.
[Eva] Mm-hm?
But there's some kind of darkness there.
- Something that can hurt us.
- What do you mean "darkness"?
Something scary.
- An evil thing, you know?
- Oh.
I thought I could face it,
but now that I'm here,
I don't think I can.
Then why did you come all this way,
if you're not willing
to go through with it?
Because you said you could help Ana.
And then,
you said you'd show The Chosen One
to the world,
so, I came along.
But now
I'm not so sure.
- [hissing]
- Oh, my god.
There's a part of the Pantanal
where nobody ever goes.
Not us, not the people from Aguazul,
not even the natives.
[Eva] Why is that?
Because every time somebody gets near,
they feel the energy.
- [rustling]
- [gasps]
It's like
It's like an evil being,
an energy that can harm us.
As if
it wanted to suck our souls from us.
Nobody's able to go there.
- [Silvino] I tried twice, but
- Mm-hm.
The first time was when I was younger
and had polio.
And the second time was when I panicked,
thinking I'd lose my wife forever.
Then what happened?
I can't remember everything.
But Santiago found me, gave me a beating,
and told me never to go back there.
He beat me
and said never to go back near the cabin.
The place The Chosen One
calls Sacred Ground.
[The Chosen One]
Lúcia will awaken something in me
that I'll use to destroy the Serpent
very soon.
I require your protection
against this evil.
And I need you to protect my messenger
with your everlasting mercy.
So be it.
[Damião] Why are you still here?
I kidnapped a woman, Damião.
You won't be able to get her out of here,
that is a fact.
I just can't go back
as if nothing had happened.
[tense music]
[tense music continues]
[sighs deeply]
Thank you, Brother.
You're giving her
the dignity she deserves.
If we couldn't prevent her death, brother,
at least we can honor her departure.
It's good to see that your faith is back.
Now, leave me with her.
- I'll pray for her soul.
- [grunts]
[ominous music]
- [groans]
- Good morning.
Did you get any sleep?
Well, I wouldn't call it sleep.
- Can I ask you a quick question?
- Sure.
The things we're going to see
in that place,
do you really need
to tell the rest of the world?
if this cabin really is similar
to the one from my research,
we will have found a connection
between The Chosen One
and the sacred healers
from past centuries.
And if this Sacred Ground has some sort
of radiation or unknown vibration,
it has to be reported.
But why exactly?
It would mean The Chosen One's methods
have been around for centuries.
That would change medicine forever.
It could save people, believe me.
I don't know.
I feel like I'm betraying The Chosen One,
you know?
He's been good to me.
He's been good to my wife.
you believe that God led us
to this place, right?
Then whatever happens is His will.
I, I have to go water the bushes
and then we can keep looking, sound good?
[Eva] Sure.
[ominous music]
[Lorenzo] Angelina.
Let me get him out of here.
[Lorenzo] Angelina!
Where is she?
I don't know.
She's supposed to be around here, no?
Are you still mad at me?
Shouldn't I be?
Don't know,
I thought we were becoming friends.
Me too.
Until you got me plastered
on that whiskey.
- Did I force you to drink anything?
- No.
But I know you planned that I would.
Listen to yourself, Lorenzo.
I've brought you some world-class whiskey
and it's my fault
you drank the whole bottle?
- Is that how you thank me?
- [chuckles]
How could I resist
a bottle that good, huh?
[both laugh]
- I'll help you find Angelina. Come on.
- Let's go.
What the fuck?
[engine revving]
[inhales deeply]
Set your spirit free
from your body, my sweet child.
Leave behind all memories of suffering
and raise yourself toward my Father.
And toward my dear mother.
My mother.
Not my mother. No.
[Imaculada] Soon, my child.
Soon, we will learn your mission, my son.
God told me.
He came to me in a dream.
I don't like to dream.
- Why not?
- [young The Chosen One] I see people.
And things about these people.
It hurts.
[jaguar growling]
[growling continues]
I had a dream about this jaguar.
You dreamt about this animal?
Yes, Mama.
And it was alive?
Yes, it was.
And then, she started to walk.
And how did the jaguar manage to walk?
[Cleuza] You're letting him go?
You're crazy.
You're going to kill the boy.
That animal's going to kill him!
No. It won't.
Didn't you hear what he said?
What are you doing, Imaculada?
Changing the world.
Your mission has been revealed, my son.
Today you have proven
that you were chosen by God.
[Imaculada] Asiel.
[tense music]
You stay away from Raquel, you hear me?
- [José] She's my fiancée! My fiancée!
- [Raquel] Stop!
- You stay away from her!
- Stop, Isaías. Enough!
No! Stop it!
Stop it!
The Chosen One said she's mine!
- She's my calling!
- [Raquel] No!
- [José] She's my calling!
- [Santiago] Get off him!
You again?
He won't accept The Chosen One's word.
He wants to take Raquel away from me.
Is that true? Are you an infidel, boy?
Santiago! He loves The Chosen One!
Please, Santiago! Please!
- Are you breaking the sacred law?
- [Raquel] He's just confused.
Is that it?
I need to be tougher on you, boy.
- Come with me.
- No. Santiago.
[Vicente] Santiago!
What is it, Vicente?
Something's happening in the jungle.
There's dead animals everywhere.
You and me, we'll finish this later.
Raquel, wait.
[Isaías] Raquel, stop.
You can't blame yourself for any of this.
[José] Of course, you'd say that.
[ominous music]
[Enzo panting]
[tense music]
The bastard was here. He was here again.
[Vicente] But that doesn't make sense.
Didn't he want to face The Chosen One
at the campsite?
Maybe not. But what if that's exactly
what he wanted us to think?
I have to warn Mateus.
Juvenal, it's up to you.
Take the boat and go warn Mateus.
[Damião] We better get back
to the well, Lorenzo.
Angelina is probably somewhere else.
We've been looking for hours.
I know what you're trying to do, Damião.
You wanna replace me.
You want to be
The Chosen One's doctor, right?
Yes, I want to be Aguazul's doctor.
But I don't want to take your place
just yet, Lorenzo.
I want the job at the right time,
I want to be The Chosen One's doctor
when you give me your blessing.
[Paloma] Help! Help! Somebody help me!
There in the water!
The Chosen One's drowning!
Chosen One!
[Juvenal] Mateus!
It was a trap. It was all a trap.
What happened? Slow down.
What are you talking about?
The Serpent.
He actually wanted The Chosen One
to leave Aguazul
so that he could go into the village.
- The Serpent is in Aguazul?
- The Chosen One has to come back!
He has to come back right now.
- Tomás, where's The Chosen One?
- He went to the river.
Let's go!
[Paloma] Is The Chosen One dead?
[Lorenzo] Stop that.
You're wasting your time.
What the hell are you talking about?
He's not breathing, he's dying.
He just needs a blood transfusion.
Get help, now!
After all this time,
you still don't get it.
The Chosen One can't die.
Really? Are you still drunk?
Because right now, he's pretty much dead.
[Mateus] Brother!
- Brother!
- [Paloma] Uncle Mateus?
Uncle Mateus!
- Is that you?
- Paloma!
Paloma! What's going on?
It's The Chosen One.
The Chosen One drowned.
Juvenal hasn't come back, brothers.
This could be a bad sign.
What now, Santiago?
All of you, go around the village
and tell everyone
to put up the garlands of protection,
lock all the doors
and grab their rosaries.
Not you. You stay.
Aren't you a tough guy?
The strongest ones stay with me.
Isaías has a family to take care of.
All the more reasons for him to help.
I'll do anything I can
to help the village.
For a start,
get that thing off
The Chosen One's statue.
Raquel, come with me. Come on.
The rest of you,
go out and find me
every man in the village
who can carry a weapon and fight.
The only weapons we have
are in the basement.
Get those and improvise others.
Check on Cleuza, while you're there.
The rest of you can continue
with the search.
It's going to be a very long night.
[ominous music]
[villagers praying indistinctly]
[Zulmira] Nothing's going to happen
to Isaías, Raquel.
Santiago can be a jerk,
but he knows how to deal
with this kind of thing.
I hope so.
What's going on between you and Isaías?
You can tell me, Raquel.
I'm not testing you.
I just want to understand
why Santiago is picking on Isaías.
[exhales sharply]
Isaías and I are in love with each other.
It started before the campsite.
And it kept going.
The two of you got together
at the campsite?
You know I feel guilty about it.
But Isaías
he said that we were meant for each other.
So, it wasn't a sin.
And Mateus?
He found out.
He said that we were breaking the rules
of Aguazul,
that we were irresponsible,
and we were putting everybody at risk
with what we were doing.
Mateus said that?
Then he forbade us
from even talking to each other.
How dare he try to control you like that?
How dare he judge you
for what he did himself?
So, that's what's wrong with Santiago.
Do you still meet
and go against The Chosen One's word?
What about José?
It doesn't matter.
The Chosen One decides.
You know you have to obey him
without questioning his word, right?
It's the law.
[ominous music]
[woman 1] I wanna go home!
[Angelina] You need to eat.
Get me out of here, please.
Not now. Right now, you need to eat.
I don't want food. I wanna go home.
[Angelina] Well, you won't.
Either you do what I say or you die.
[Mateus] Angelina!
Angelina, come with me.
This way!
Follow me, right now. Come on.
The Chosen One needs you.
I will because this woman
isn't good enough.
- I'm ready to serve.
- Let's go.
[breathing heavily]
[woman 1] You?
You put me in here, fucking bitch.
I had no choice,
but if you want to get out of here,
shut the fuck up.
And listen to me very carefully.
[Zulmira] Look at me, Raquel.
Pay attention to me.
The Chosen One decided my fate as well.
I accepted it without question.
Look what that got me.
Did you know that my sisters think I lied
about my mother coming back from the dead?
But I saw my mother.
Right there, Raquel,
kneeling by that altar.
But they said
I was trying to get attention
because I was cheated on.
Cheated on by my husband
and I was feeling lonely.
My husband cheated on me,
and people still look at me
as if I were the guilty one.
"Oh, she's too old for him.
She's ugly, she's grumpy, she's cold."
That's the kind of thing people will say
after I ask to die, like my mother did.
They won't say,
"Zulmira was a strong woman,
who took care of her entire family,
who took care of the village,
who was loyal to The Chosen One." No.
They'll remember me
as the woman
who saw her mother die two times.
As the woman with no children.
As the woman who only got married
because The Chosen One forced someone to.
But even so
was cheated on
in front of the entire town.
And I ask myself every day, Raquel.
Was it really worth it?
Was it really worth
following The Chosen One?
Listen. From now on, Raquel,
I want you to ask yourself.
Is it really worth it?
- [Angelina] Chosen One!
- [Lorenzo] Get him ready.
What happened to him?
Why is he like this?
It's because he needs you.
Let's get started.
The procedure starts
with a simple transfusion.
First, you take the life's blood.
Like this.
So, that's why I needed to bring you here.
But now I will help you escape.
Can you understand that?
[tense music]
[Lúcia] Come here. Let me help you.
- [woman 1] Fucking bitch!
- [Lúcia yells]
[both grunting]
I'm just trying to help you.
Help me!
Help me!
[breathing heavily]
[Damião] Unbelievable.
He was dead.
Clinically, he was dead.
What happened?
You came back to us.
Once again.
Yeah. He helped.
You seem much better.
I am.
You don't need
the woman in the well anymore.
What's that?
What do you mean by that, Angelina?
[Damião] She's just confused.
All the stress and the transfusion
It's normal.
No, it's not.
Not like this.
Answer him, Angelina.
Tell them.
Go ahead.
Isn't that what you wanted?
To show them it's possible?
What's she talking about, doctor?
I gave her some vitamins
so she could get better.
You gave The Chosen One medicine?
- You tried to poison my blood?
- No!
I did it for you my Chosen One.
Angelina was dying.
The journalist was investigating.
Angelina needed to survive
to prove that you could heal
your own followers, not just strangers.
[tense music]
[Enzo whimpering]
[Enzo] I can't.
Dad, help me.
[Eva] Dr. Vergani.
- Is that you?
- [whimpers]
Who's there?
Where is that noise coming from?
Hard to say. It sounds like
it's coming from different places.
The bastard is knocking on all the doors.
[Santiago] What are you doing?
We have to stay together!
[villager 1] My wife!
- He could be attacking my wife.
- [villager 2] I have to protect my mom.
[Santiago] You idiots!
None of you are a match for him alone!
[ominous music]
I gave you back your life.
And it's my right
to give you back to death.
- It's not.
- Why not?
Because you'd never be able to cure again.
How would you know that, sinner?
You said yourself.
When Flavio died
in that accident by the well,
you said you can't cure murderers.
So, what would this make you?
Yes, what would that make me?
What would she say?
Brother, no!
- [Mateus] Brother!
- You, come with me.
Calm down.
Let's talk about this. You can't
It's not you I want to talk to.
[tense music]
Nobody enters this cabin, understand?
[ominous music]
[Isaías screaming]
[Santiago] The noise is coming
from the basement!
Follow me!
The basement!
Isaías, where are you?
[Santiago] It's the Serpent!
- No!
- [gunshot]
[Serpent wails]
Hello, Mother.
[Santiago] Aunt Cleuza.
[cocks gun]
[men screaming]
[closing theme music]
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