The Circle (2020) s02e06 Episode Script

A Love Triangle

[mysterious music plays]
[Michelle] It's nighttime,
and the right time for Joker Courtney
to make some moves in The Inner Circle.
He's about to decide which player he wants
to make influencer at the next blocking.
Who am I gonna choose?
[mysterious music continues]
Oh ♪
Oh ♪
Oo, I had to twerk off of that one.
Wow, that is a huge decision.
[tense music plays]
Khat is new to The Circle.
She could be a nice neutral option,
but I think it would be too big of a risk.
Mitchell also just joined.
He can't even handle a Circle Chat.
I don't wanna give him this power.
When it comes to Miss Emily,
Emily does not need
to be an influencer again.
She got rid of my girl Savannah,
and that is a young lady
that cannot be trusted
at all.
Terilisha wanted my ass out since day one.
I would never give her
the influencer power
because that would be
a one-way ticket out of The Circle.
She's not even an option in my eyes.
River loves him some Courtney ♪
and I think that he has
a good head on his shoulders.
I just worry about the fact that he seems
to be really cool with Emily.
I would never want Emily
to influence River
to potentially get rid of me.
And then we have Trevor.
I really feel like we've built
a little bit of a camaraderie,
and he's fun,
and I really think that he's a good guy.
Circle, I've made my decision.
[music swells]
[Michelle] Y'all didn't think The Circle
was gonna tell us who it was just yet.
Did you?
["Whip It" plays]
[Michelle] It's morning ♪
and The Circle's waking up to the first
full day with newbies Khat and Mitchell.
[Khat] Good morning, Circle.
Crack that whip ♪
I can't believe I've made it this far.
I just hope that the allies
that I think I've made are genuine.
Chloe came in straight away flirting.
Trevor was the only option to flirt with,
and now that she has Mitchell,
I wonder if she's gonna drop Trevor.
I say whip it ♪
At the moment, as it still stands,
I prefer Trevor over Mitchell.
However, I haven't got
to know Mitchell yet,
so I think if I get to know Mitchell,
and he proves
that he's worth getting to know,
then that's something
that I'm definitely not ruling out.
[Lee] I'm feeling it.
Feeling the love right here.
Emily, and Courtney, and Chloe, and Lance,
my besties.
[Michelle] It's Courtney's drawing for me.
[Lee] And then, Miss Terilisha,
you just keep making mistakes,
and now you're trying to save it,
and you're in a desperation mode, and
Just calm down and be calm, you know.
My picture's still up there.
I know this is The Circle,
and shit can get nutty very quick.
While the players get ready,
Emily, played by Jack,
knows exactly how he wants to start his.
[Jack] So I'd love to kick off this day
chatting with Courtney.
He's someone I get good energy from,
but still haven't had
a more personal chat with,
and I think that would be
beneficial for my game.
-[Courtney] Um
"Emily has invited you to a private chat."
Circle, please open up
a private chat with Emily.
Right now, I do not trust Emily
as far as I can see past this photo,
but listen, I'm gonna be her friend.
We are gonna kiki to the kikiki.
Girl, we're gonna be
Mary-Kate and Ashley,
linked at the pinkies.
I wanna get on
the same page strategically,
but I have to warm him up
with some compliments first.
-"I know we haven't talked privately,
but I absolutely love your energy.
You are a shining star, baby boy,"
with some sparkles.
I just gave Courtney a lot of compliments,
so we'll see what he says.
[mockingly] Oh, my God! Emily,
you're so sweet. [imitates vomiting]
[whimsical music plays]
[Courtney] You know?
I'm not gonna let her feel like
I'm giving her any resistance.
-Circle, message:
[mockingly] "Yo, my good sis Emily.
Big cheesy smile.
I'm so glad you got in touch.
First of all,
I'm so happy that I'm still here,
and I know you played a part in that."
"I was feeling good and I'm better
now that I have a chance to know you.
Heart emoji. How are you?"
Could just be him
kissing ass a little bit,
but I hope he wants to get to know me
like I wanna get to know him,
and we can make a connection.
Circle, message: "I got great energy
from you and I needed to know you better.
Chloe said in Hangout that she felt
super good about you, me and River."
[Courtney] "And honestly,
I'm so down for that four.
I feel like we're on the same page,
and I'm loving it."
Hopefully, that's putting out there
I'm with that group
'cause I have a lot of love
for Chloe and River.
Hopefully, he's like very receptive,
and we'll move forward feeling good.
-Okay, Circle, message:
Emily, I'm so glad that you said that.
I love me some Chloe and River,
and now I love you even more
after this conversation."
-[Jack] "Our squad is a go.
All right, this is good.
We got a squad, guys!
I feel like we've loosely established
a little bit of an alliance.
Obviously, I don't think
I'm his closest ally or anything,
but I do feel like
if he were an influencer now,
he'd probably have my back.
I've somehow managed to slither my way
into the snake den with Emily,
and the closer I keep
the snake to my breast,
the easier it will be for me
to chop her head off when the time comes.
[Michelle] Now I'm just picturing myself
breastfeeding a snake.
I kinda need that image out of my head.
-[bright music plays]
-[Michelle] Yup. That's better.
-Stretch it.
[grunts, groans]
[Michelle] After being told by the Joker
that Chloe can't be trusted,
Mitchell's getting pumped
before he does some digging of his own.
-[bright music continues]
[Mitchell] Circle, I think it's time
we slide in Chloe's DMs now.
Is she gonna be a real genuine person
and be there for me,
or is the Joker right,
and the second something happens,
she's the first to stab me in the back?
Better watch out, Mitchell,
because Chloe
never takes her eyes off the game.
I wonder how many bubbles
are actually in this bath.
-[Chloe gasps]
"Mitchell has invited you
to a private chat."
Oh ♪
And I'm in a bath.
Circle, take me to private chat.
-I want him to flirt with me.
-I'm sorry. I'm just gonna say it.
I want Mitchell to flirt with me! [echoes]
[birds flap away]
-[exhales sensually]
-[Mitchell] Message:
"Hey, Chloe.
Just wanted to get to know you.
I saw you're from Essex.
Hoping you got the bants."
"You look like a little red chili pepper
in your photo.
-Hoping you are as spicy."
-[whimsical music plays]
[muffled scream]
Oh, my God! [inhales]
I'm having a fucking heart attack.
I'm having a heart attack.
Oh, my God.
I love him.
That's gold. That is a golden line, huh?
-[Chloe] Circle, message:
"Mitchell, my babes!
I'm currently cooling down
in a chilled bubble bath,
but you might get to see my spicy side,
all depends.
Cheeky face emoji.
Am I the only girl you're saying this to?
Eyes emoji.
-"I've got all the bants."
Chloe is a red-hot little chili pepper,
Bants is British for playful chat.
Good bants, guys.
Her and Emily could be best friends,
and I just slid
in both their DMs hot and heavy,
but we're gonna have fun with it.
See where we can take this.
I am not gonna tell her
I think another girl's pretty in here.
That's not what any girl wants to hear.
I wouldn't mind
inviting Mitchell in this bath.
[Chloe scraems]
"Mitchell. Room for one more?
Might get hot. #HeatingUp."
[imitates panting]
I didn't need to tell him I was in a bath.
I could've said I'm sitting on the toilet.
That would've definitely put him off.
[whimsical music continues]
-Circle, message:
"I'm not sure.
This tub is a little bit small.
All depends on how big you are."
[laughs] "All depends on how big you are."
Wow. That Chloe, you know what?
I love it. I love the energy.
She's going for it.
Message: "I'm a big dude in general.
Also, my hands are huge,
so you know what that means
Dot, dot, dot."
"So you know what that means."
No, I have no idea.
[whimsical music continues]
What does that mean, Mitchell?
I'm not 100% sure this dude is a virgin.
-[Chloe] He's got banter. I like that.
"Trevor has invited you
to a private chat."
do I stay and talk to Mitchell,
or do I leave and talk to Trevor?
[Michelle] Or you can hang up on both
and count those bubbles.
I need to make sure Trevor is still
in love with me.
I think I'm gonna go
with the private chat with Trevor.
"Need to get out of the bath.
It's freezing.
Can't wait to talk to you again.
Speak soon, handsome."
That's nice.
I'm just gonna kind of close it out.
Oh, she left.
Dang, that's cold.
-[Deleesa] Message: "What's up, beautiful?
How are you feeling today? Question mark."
[Chloe] How have I been feeling?
I can't exactly tell him that.
[inhales sharply] I fancy Mitchell.
[whimsical music plays]
I have to make sure
Chloe still has a heart for Trevor
and don't just switch up sides, please.
Mitchell's probably cool.
He's probably amazing, okay, but Chloe.
-[Chloe] Circle, message:
"What's up, my Trev-Trevs?
Kiss face emoji.
Feeling on top of the world.
How about you?"
-Send message.
Okay, Chloe's still
I mean, Chloe's Chloe. Chloe's a flirt.
But she blew a kissy face, so I mean,
I think she's still into Trevor.
I cannot decide
who I'm leaning more towards.
They're both sexy as fuck.
I want to jump on both of them.
[Deleesa] Message:
"I loved your naughty and nice photos.
I prefer a girl that would eat a sandwich
over a salad any day."
I feel like Trevor's
more genuine
when it comes to the way he flirts.
He's much more respectful.
It's almost like he hasn't
or doesn't actually think with his penis.
-[Deleesa] Message:
"I like to travel."
-"If we could go on a baecation,
where would you pick?"
I love the fact
that he wants to get to know me.
-[Deleesa] "Chloe.
If we were to go on a vacation, Bali.
I'm a sunset kind of girl."
Oh, my God. You might actually
really be like Trevor's type.
Trevor took me to Bali
for our honeymoon. Okay.
-"Bali sounds amazing. Note taken.
#SunsetsAndPornStarMartinis." [gasps]
I absolutely love porn star martinis.
I made the right decision
talking to Trevor.
"I love getting to know you, Trevor.
I hope you feel safe talking to me, too,
my man. Heart. #BeyoncéAndJay"
[grunts triumphantly]
Yes! I'm the man.
Mitchell, I'm not really feeling you
as a threat just yet.
Chloe is loving me still.
I got it, I got it, I got it ♪
-Circle, message:
"Until next time.
Can't wait to start
sipping porn star martinis with you.
-Send message.
Oh, Chlo.
Aw, I feel like she's reassuring Trevor,
like he doesn't have anything
to worry about with Mitchell coming in.
That makes my heart feel special.
I respect you as a woman.
[upbeat pop music plays]
[Michelle] Afternoon, and Chloe,
exhausted from that bath flirting,
is not feeling well, so she's resting up.
And River is constructing
a rainbow-colored metaphor
for the perilous nature
of life in The Circle.
[Lee] We're getting there. We're close.
Ah, man! [gasps] I had two left!
Oh, ferk!
Oo! "Batter Up!"
I wonder what this could be.
"Batter Up." God.
What are we about to do, y'all?
Baseball. Batter up. You're at the plate.
You're about to swing. The batter is up.
[Michelle] Not even close.
Today, y'all are making pancake art.
I'm not good at cooking or art,
so this could be a struggle. [laughs]
He's gonna either swing
and hit a home run.
-[Michelle] No, Mitchell.
-Maybe he hits a pop fly
[Michelle] Let's just do this
in another apartment.
-Using supplies provided by The Circle
-Okay, we have the recipe.
Some eggs.
[Michelle] within a set time, the players
must create the animal in pancake form
they think best represents
their personality.
I think I'll go for a bunny.
I think a peacock.
The animal that best represents
my personality is the Leo.
I'm a fish. I'm a Pisces.
I'm gonna go with a fish.
I'm a great cook,
but there's certain things
that I can't make, like pancakes.
"Don't flip out! Your time starts now."
[Lisa] Two teaspoons of this.
[Lee] Okay, let's try this.
[upbeat dance music plays]
All in the wrist.
Open her up. Come on.
Bet I could do two. Hold up. Hold up.
I'm good with two. Nah, I could do three.
That is very yellow.
This is harder than I thought it would be.
[Deleesa] Damn! I was on a roll, man.
Fun! Look at me! I did it!
[Lee] The nozzle keeps getting
[gasps, exclaims]
All right. So far, so good.
Bears have noses, right?
[Lisa] Oh, my God.
It's like he got lip injections.
Yup. That one's going right in the trash.
This panda is definitely giving me
endangered species.
It's almost kind of abstract.
I think the head going to be burnt.
I think Trevor will do well because
he makes stuff for his daughter.
I feel like making a pancake
should not be this hard.
I don't know how they do it on MasterChef.
This shit is stressful!
[Lisa] And he is a gay fish,
so he's allowed to be really fabulous.
Oh, my God.
This is gonna literally
haunt my nightmares.
[Lee] It looks like a turkey
more than it does a peacock.
[Mitchell] This lion is to be feared.
After players got their basic bitch on
by taking photos of their food,
it's now time
for the others to judge them.
And just in case y'all were wondering
what pancake art should look like.
Circle, open up River's picture.
Oh, man. It's bad.
Is there even a pancake on there?
That is frightening.
[Courtney] It's a peacock.
I mean, shoot,
I couldn't do no damn peacock.
Would I eat it? Probably not.
Circle, can you open up Trevor's?
-Oh, my God.
Is that like a little koala bear?
I did a great job. Love it.
It's a bear
that's also foaming at the mouth.
He tried his best.
That's cute. I like that.
Next up we have Khat's.
Oo, okay.
Honestly looks kind of disgusting.
Oh, she did a fish too!
My shit's trash,
but it's definitely better
than Trevor's, so.
That's a great job, girl.
These actually look like
they're supposed to look.
-Okay, let's open Terilisha's.
Oo, Terilisha!
I don't know what animal that is.
I really don't know what animal that is.
Maybe that's a bear?
My picture and I'm still
looking at it like, "Whoa."
I think that's actually
a perfect representation of Terilisha.
She growled a bit,
but she can also be
like a cuddly Teddy Bear.
-please enlarge Courtney's picture.
Hey! It's mine!
Oh, my God. This panda is everything.
Obviously the others will get it.
-[whimsical music plays]
-What is that?
What animal are you going for?
It looks like a fly or something
with the big-ass eyes.
Circle, open Lance's photo.
What the heck is he?
I have no idea what that is.
Oh! Didn't photograph well.
I'm thinking it's a turtle?
It kind of looks like maybe a frog?
Is he a shark?
It's definitely a frog!
Or a dolphin?
Still not the worst in my opinion.
Circle, open up Mitchell's.
-That's horrible.
[Mitchell laughs]
Holy crap.
Mitchell's looks like
he took a fat shit on his plate.
What is that? I don't know what that is.
That is a good lion.
This is absolutely frightening.
And it has the ears, the teeth. [growls]
What are you saying about being a lion?
That's interesting.
Okay, Emily. Let's open Emily.
[Lisa scoffs]
I don't know what that is.
Not great, but it's not sticking out
like a sore thumb necessarily.
I have no clue what that is either.
Cat-dog doesn't have a mouth.
I honestly think
she should've made a snake.
It would've been more appropriate.
[Michelle] Pancake burning done,
players voted for their favorites.
-Give my like to Trevor's.
-Trevor's pancake.
Give River's photo a like.
-Circle, like Khat's.
-Khat's pancake.
-[Michelle] And the graceful winners are
"Khat and Trevor are today's winners!"
I'mma take that win, sis! [grunts]
Get money! [grunts]
Good job, guys.
Victory [kisses] is sweet.
Look what Mommy did.
You see that? I'm flipping amazing.
Yeah. Yeah.
[upbeat pop plays]
[Chloe sighs]
This is hard work.
What do I do with all of this now?
Push it under the rug? Can I do that?
Get it under the rug, boo-boo.
That's what I do with my problems.
Nothing ever goes wrong.
[upbeat pop continues]
Brand new.
[Michelle] Good job, Chloe.
I think we can all settle down
to a nice relaxing night, right?
Alert! Alert! Here it comes.
Oh, no. No.
What is it, Circle?
-[mysterious music plays]
"Players, there has been
a Joker in the pack"?
What the heck is that?
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit!
"One of you has had access to a secret
anonymous profile called the Joker."
What does that mean?
Like a bad guy? Joker, like a comedian?
Somebody's been playing dirty?
Who is the Joker?
Maybe Lance?
Maybe Lance was given that advantage
since he came in late?
I am very confident
that the players will never figure out
that the Joker is me.
"Joker was the first to speak to new
players before they joined The Circle."
Who could it be, though?
Who could have spoken to the new players?
I'm sure the other players are thinking,
"Well, what did the Joker say
to Khat and Mitchell?"
Oh, God. Hope they didn't say
anything bad about me.
People will be like, "What did they say?"
I'll have to be, "a liar, a backstabber."
[Deleesa] Stop. Stop. What is this power?
I want a special power!
A very special power.
A whole 'nother twist in chain of events
is unfolding as we speak.
"The Joker has chosen
one of the influencers
for the next rating."
Are you joking?
Oh, my God.
Oh, man.
"The influencer the Joker has chosen is"
Come on, be River.
It could be me. I hope it's me.
Me! But if not me,
I'm hoping it's someone
I've made a connection with.
Whoever the Joker chooses
is trusted by the Joker.
Can't stand the suspense.
I'm about to piss my pants.
I'm about to pee myself.
Please, Joker. [kisses]
Please, please, please.
Please tell me who you picked!
[slaps drum roll]
[triumphant music plays]
I got picked! I got picked!
[laughs] Oh, my gosh. Holy crap.
Bam! Bam! Bam!
River! Woo!
Oh, wow.
I don't hate that.
I don't hate that at all.
Holy crap!
We are saved another day! We are We
Oh, my gosh, this is perfect.
That is honestly wild.
So River's the influencer.
What if River doesn't wanna save me?
Thank you, Circle. Thank you.
Oh, my God. Now I'm shaking again.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm not thinking about blocking.
I'm just thinking about,
"I'm an influencer, and I'm safe."
Oh, my gosh! That's so cool!
[Michelle] Come on, you are thinking
a little bit about blocking.
River has banked his place in the Hangout,
but others are still in the running
-for that second influencer spot.
[Jack] "Players, rate each other
to select the other influencer."
Let me get my thoughts in order.
I'm a day in, and they're already
telling me to rate people.
[blows raspberries]
Mitch, you better put me at the top, mate.
-[Courtney] "As influencer,
River can rate, but cannot be rated."
River was probably
gonna be high in my ratings.
So, to me, the fact that he's already
locked in as an influencer, that's dandy.
"As new players, Khat and Mitch
can rate, but cannot be rated."
Y'all can't rate us yet? Period!
I thought that we had to get rated too.
I will take that. I'm happy with that.
-[Deleesa] "The top player will become
an influencer alongside River."
Oh, my God. What am I gonna do?
I could be strategic
in rating people that I like lower.
Uh, that's not nice.
It's show time, y'all.
If you ain't speak to nobody,
that's on you.
We're choosing
the other influencer right now.
[Michelle] Not right now, Courtney.
Right now!
[intense music plays]
This is where the fun's gonna start.
Circle, take me to my ratings.
For number one,
I'm gonna have to go with Emily.
She has so far been the most helpful
out of everybody here.
I can trust Emily and Khat the most.
Circle, in first place, I want Lance.
-I could be wrong, but,
but my heart tells me he's the Joker
and he gave me this power.
So for that reason, I wanna put Lance
in my first position.
God, I love this game so much.
The player I'm gonna rate first is someone
that I have definitely had
a connection with.
I think, for myself, in the long run,
he is someone I would like
to continue to have in The Circle,
so the person I'm ranking
in first place is
I'm the newest one out of the bunch
that could be, um, blocked.
So I need to play this
very carefully and strategically,
and so I'm putting Terilisha first
because I think
that she's not gonna be rated
very high by everybody else.
So yeah, she's my number-one pick.
[Terilisha] Okay, Circle,
in second, I'd like to place Chloe.
to me, is my Circle bestie.
Chloe has saved me. We have connected.
She has said and proved
that she is #GirlGang.
Okay, second place,
I'm gonna go with Terilisha
because she, I feel like, has my back
and I don't think she has
many connections now.
But by putting her at second,
hopefully, it boosts her rating
a little bit amongst the others,
and it's gonna slide everyone else down
and kinda better my shots
at being high in the ratings.
In second position,
I would like to put Courtney.
The bond between me and Courtney
is is huge.
-In third place, Circle,
I'd like to lock in Trevor.
For fourth place,
I'm going to go with Lance.
I'm placing Emily in last place.
You know, she's talking about alliances.
I'mma go with it,
but I can't trust this girl.
She says one thing and does another.
Coming in at fifth,
it's gonna be my man Trevor.
-If he was an influencer,
I wouldn't feel amazing with it.
With that being said, I'd rather
keep him out of that influencer position.
Circle, please submit my ratings.
"Ratings complete."
There's no going back at this point.
I'm glad that, like,
I can't go back and second-guess myself.
I'm like I'm happy with them.
I'm an influencer in The Circle.
[laughs] That's so cool!
Oh, I love it! I love it, I love it.
[menacing music plays]
[Michelle] With the ratings done,
the Circle players are having
a quiet moment of reflection.
Except for Terilisha, who is intent
on solving the Joker's riddle.
I want to know who is the Joker.
Who is the Joker?
And what did they tell Khat and Mitch?
I feel like Khat will be my girl.
I feel she's one of my homegirls,
one of my friends, who'd be like,
"Girl, let me tell you what was said."
please start a private chat with Khat.
Oh, my God. Girl!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Circle, take me to the private chat
with Terilisha.
[Terilisha] I don't wanna beat
around the bush, and that's just me.
I wanna get right to it.
Not sugarcoat anything.
-[clicks tongue] Message:
Exclamation, exclamation, exclamation.
Please All caps. fill me in.
I have to know who the Joker is
and what they said.
Question mark.
Hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil,
see-no-evil monkey emojis."
I'm gonna say the truth
because that lets her know
even though I had some information,
I didn't use that against her.
Okay, so start answering her question.
"I don't have much information.
The Joker came to us anonymously,
and since I just got here,
it's hard to dictate
who it could have been."
-[Terilisha] Okay. So what did they say?
I am on pins and needles right now!
The suspense is killing me. Khat.
"The message consisted of, you don't tell
the truth and Chloe couldn't be trusted.
"You don't tell the truth,
and Chloe couldn't be trusted.
My personality is I don't listen
to he-say, she-say mess.
I like to get to know people
and figure them out for myself."
[menacing music continues]
At the end of the day,
this is what they said.
We don't know who it is.
Wow! I am shooketh!
I think Emily's the Joker!
It has to be Emily
by process of elimination.
[Michelle] Emily loves to play games,
but she ain't the Joker, sweetie.
[Terilisha] Wow!
"Would you like to know who I believe
is the Joker based on that information?"
-Okay. Message:
"Hell yeah, sis.
I'm so behind on all of this.
I feel anyone could have put River up
as an influencer.
Thinking emoji.
He seems so liked by everyone."
"I believe Emily is the Joker!
Exclamation. Looking eyeglass emoji."
-[Khat] "Terilisha.
I believe Emily is the Joker."
So now I know Terilisha's out for Emily.
She's gonna be like, "This bitch." Okay.
Message: "Now that I think about it,
the message didn't mention her name.
"Sis, thank you for keeping it a buck.
I know it was a lot. Have a great night.
Texas hand emoji."
Message: "So good talking to you.
Glad you gave me some clarity.
Stay in touch. #DTownStayDown.
#ItsInOurBlood. Kissy emoji."
Emily, my good sis,
you have officially fucked up.
[Michelle] Nah, good sis,
you officially got the wrong girl.
[chill music plays]
[inhales] Story of my life.
[Michelle] Elsewhere,
a peaceful night in The Circle.
Let's see
what popstar Lance Bass is doing.
Something probably very popstarry,
no doubt.
[music stops]
[mysterious music plays]
And while pop legend Lance
gets his sugar fix,
over at Mitchell's,
it's all about the protein.
And he still hasn't unpacked those shirts.
Wow. I killed this chicken cutlet, man.
It's so crunchy.
[Chloe gasps]
[all] Alert!
I need a wig because
this is about to be something else.
Okay. Here we go.
My heart has just fell out my ass.
[Michelle] We should sweep that
under the rug too.
"The ratings results are in."
Oh, my gosh!
Positive vibes only.
I'm feeling confident.
My first, like, real one,
where I can be rated.
I'm gonna just relax and keep eating
'cause I can't get blocked tonight.
My bum's sweating I'm that nervous.
Sixth place.
Yo, we gotta stand up for this.
Oh, God. Oh, please don't be last.
Please don't be last.
Please don't be me.
Please don't be my face.
This is crunch time, guys. [groans]
[silverware clacks drum roll]
Oh, I can't look. I gotta look.
-[Terilisha] Last place again.
Thank you, God!
Sorry, Terilisha. I'm sorry, but, oh!
Really? I feel bad for her. Damn.
I'm not happy about that,
'cause I feel like
I created this great bond with Terilisha.
I just got to know you, girl.
That cloud has stuck with her.
Everybody's having the same vibe.
Everybody's feeling the same way.
Number-one influencer
to the bottom influencer
two ratings in a row.
Trevor does not want to be fifth either.
Oh, God. I don't wanna be fifth.
This person's got a chance of going home.
I hope it's not me.
I hope I didn't slide down.
I'm shaking. I cannot take this.
Please don't be me.
Anybody but me.
[intense music plays]
Oh, God. I knew it!
But that's okay. We're still not last.
I don't like that.
Thank the Lord.
I'm glad I'm not number five.
I'm not gonna lie.
-Fourth, fourth, fourth.
Who could be fourth?
This is my fourth chicken breast.
Who's keeping track?
I think Chloe. It won't be Emily.
Fourth place.
I think it's gonna be Trevor.
Oo, please let it be Emily.
[music swells]
Oh, it's me in fourth. I don't love that.
Not many people are really feeling Emily.
I'm a bit gutted
that Emily isn't up the top.
-I'm feeling like I planted the seeds,
and maybe they are taking root.
-Third. I would think it's Courtney.
Be Trevor. Be Trevor.
Be Trevor. Be Trevor.
Oh, my God. Okay. Okay.
Trevor's game plan is working perfectly.
In second place
I'd be surprised if Courtney
made the leap to first.
Is this how it feels when people
want their Super Bowl team to win?
'Cause I am hype right now.
This is gonna be bad.
Oh, God. Please be Courtney second.
Imagine if I'm an influencer again.
-Oh, my God.
-[Michelle] River's already an influencer,
so only the player
who gets the top spot will join him.
Who is in second, Circle?
Please tell me something good.
I need Chloe in first.
This means everything. Please be Courtney.
[tense music plays]
Who's gonna have the power?
Okay, second.
I am the influencer!
Damn, damn, damn.
That does make me uneasy.
You go, Courtney!
Come on! Come on, Courtney!
Oo, oo!
I'm very happy
-that Courtney and I are the influencers.
-I feel connected to him.
How do you feel, Terilisha?
Trying to get my ass out.
You too, Emily. How do you feel right now?
Cook it up, omelette faces.
My tactics are working.
Flirt with all the boys.
That's what I say. Love it.
This is craziness unfolding
in front of me, live action.
[intriguing music plays]
-[all] Alert!
There's an alert! [laughs]
"Circle influencers River and Courtney
must decide which player to block."
Please do not be me.
Not as easy as it looks, boys.
I think Courtney and I are playing
a very similar game.
"River and Courtney
must go to the Hangout"
-"to make their"
Let's go.
So, ready or not, here we go.
[intriguing music continues]
Don't be scaring me like that, man.
I'm just gonna be shitting myself.
[Courtney hums]
Oh, my gosh.
Yes, this is iconic.
This is legendary. This is expensive.
Oh, and I have a little wine here.
Mm. Fruity.
[Lee] "Influencer."
[scoffs] For me? Yes.
I hope we're on the exact same page.
We'll see.
I know that this is
not going to be the easiest decision,
but a decision must be made,
and to be honest,
there's no one else I'd rather be doing it
than with my main man River.
[Lee] Oh, wow, here we go. All right.
Message: "Can you believe it?
We made it to the Hangout as influencers.
-Yes. Okay, Circle, message:
"River, I'm shocked All caps.
but to be honest, there's nobody else
I'd rather be doing this with."
-Send message.
I feel the same way, brother.
I am glad you are here.
"I guess we gotta do this, man.
Shall we start with Chloe?
For me, she's our girl.
She's safe, right?"
-Circle, message:
"Absolutely. Chloe is a sweetheart
and has kept us both in the game.
There's no way
I would get rid of our girl."
-Send message.
I love it, Courtney.
This is making me happy.
Circle, message:
"Next up is Lance.
Honestly, I think that he is sweet,
but I haven't made
a personal connection with him.
However, I would be fine if he stayed.
What do you think?
-#Harmless." Send message.
Keeping him around is a smart idea
especially when there are bigger targets
that are detriments to both of our games.
The gameplay of bringing Lance
all the way to the finale
is Nobody's gonna give him
the hundred thousand.
They're not gonna rate him high.
So that's one less person
I have to worry about.
At the end of the day, I've got to win it,
so hey, I'm increasing my odds
by bringing Lance with me.
"I had a one-on-one with him
and felt a real connection."
[Courtney] "I'd like to keep him."
I trust River,
and if Lance trusts River,
then Lance can trust me.
So that's a good decision.
Good job, River.
It's gameplay.
I'm telling myself
it's not the fangirl inside me.
[menacing music plays]
Message: "Let's talk about Trevor."
I do not wanna get rid of Trevor.
We're not getting rid of Trevor.
I really like him a lot.
[Lee] "I've chatted with him a few times,
but I don't have
a deep connection with him.
He's definitely a possibility
to be blocked.
What are your thoughts?" Send.
River, no, we're not doing this.
There are bigger fish to fry.
Stay focused, River.
Okay, how am I gonna get out of this?
[Lee] So for Trevor,
who was my number one on day one,
I have initiated
every single chat we've had,
but he's never engaged River himself.
If he had initiated anything,
it could be a different scenario.
So if Courtney comes back
and doesn't wanna block Trevor,
we may have to figure that out.
-[Courtney] Circle, message:
"I hear you about Trevor.
I feel a bit different though.
I really like him a lot
and it would be a shame to see him go."
-Send message.
Message: "Maybe I need to dig deeper.
It's been all surface so far."
[Courtney] Circle, message:
"River, get that shovel out.
Crying laughing face.
I promise. He's really a great guy.
You need to find out
the #ManBehindTheDaddy.
Can we keep him? Please?
-Shrug." Send message.
[laughs] Uh
"Let's not rule him out right now.
What are your thoughts on Emily?"
My game plan is to find out
how River feels about Emily
before I reveal how I feel about Emily
because I'm not sure how close they are.
Emily is my number-one target.
I don't have an inkling
on him and Emily yet.
I'd like to keep Emily because I feel like
she is an ally of River.
But I am suspicious of her.
I have little doubts
that fly around with her.
-Okay, Circle, message:
"I spoke to Emily.
She told me she wanted to be
in an alliance with you, me and Chloe.
What do you think about this?" Hm
-Send message.
I hate feeling like
I'm in a sticky situation,
and this is bubblegum right now.
I don't wanna shake my relationship
with River,
so as long as it's one of the two ladies,
I'll go with It.
"I haven't really landed
on how I feel about her.
It's been hot and cold, honestly.
What are your thoughts?"
Okay. It's not the perfect response,
but I can kind of work with this.
He seems pretty lukewarm on her,
and he's very strong on Trevor.
And I do have a connection with Trevor,
but it's kind of surfacey.
-Circle, message:
"Even though we spoke earlier today
and things were okay,
I'm not 100% sure
if I can trust her just yet.
Let's put her as a maybe for now."
-Send message.
Yeah, I totally agree.
Circle, message:
"Okay, let's move on to the last player
Dot, dot, dot.
How do you feel about Terilisha?
Question mark."
-Send message.
I have no idea
how River feels about Terilisha,
but Terilisha is a detriment
to my game here.
[intense music plays]
-Okay. Message:
"Hey, man, this is hard.
I think Terilisha saved me
in that first blocking.
I think of her as a big sister,
but the negative vibes are
still hanging over her from you-know-what.
Storm cloud emoji.
I hate to say it,
but she's a possibility for me."
[Courtney] I'm not gonna play
with this right now.
-Circle, message:
"River, comma,
I trust you
so I'm gonna tell you something.
Right after the first blocking,
Savannah told me
how the Influencer Chat went.
Terilisha wanted to block me.
I'm scared if she stays, that I'll go.
-Send message.
[Lee] Oh, my gosh.
I just don't want River to think
that I'm bullshitting him right now.
"Thanks for giving me
the 411 about Terilisha."
"I trust you.
I'm okay with removing Trevor now,
so I guess it's down
to Emily or Terilisha
Dot, dot, dot."
[mysterious music plays]
-[all] Alert.
-Oh, my God. Alert.
"The influencers
have made their decision."
This is the point where, if I wasn't safe,
I'd be crapping my pants right now.
You think you're doing everything right,
and in two seconds,
your life flashes before your eyes.
Oh, fingers crossed. Please not me.
My heart is about to fall
into my fucking ass. [laughs]
This is the first time I'm actually
at risk at the blocking ceremony.
This is the most stressful part
of the game.
"All players must go to Circle Chat."
Circle, please take me to Circle Chat.
I hope I have showed enough of myself
that they wanna keep me around.
I can barely look at the screen.
So nervous.
Oh, I'm so scared.
I got goosebumps.
[tense music playing]
Circle, message: "River,
do you wanna break the news, or shall I?
-Thinking face." Send message.
"I actually would prefer you did it."
-Circle, message:
"I got you, River.
You had my back, and I will deliver this.
-Rainbow heart." Send message.
I'd rather be here than down there,
even with all the weight
that this carries.
Circle, open Circle Chat.
-Okay. Circle, message:
"It was a difficult decision
because we love you all,
but the reason we've decided
to block this player is, we've built
stronger connections with the rest."
-Send message.
This could be anyone.
It could totally be Trevor
being blocked tonight.
Hope River went as hard for me
as I did for him when I was influencer.
Come on, Courtney. Spit it out.
The suspense is killing me.
[tense music continues]
"The player we would like to block is"
[Terilisha] "Dot, dot, dot."
[sighs] Please don't block me.
It could be anyone else. I don't care.
Balls are sweaty. Heart is racing.
Don't know what's gonna happen.
Please do not say my name.
I just wanna know.
[music swells]
[upbeat electronica music plays]
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