The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s02e06 Episode Script

Straycation Part 1

[grunts in effort]
[screams, grunts]

[Grug chomping noisily]
[wheel squeaking]
[both grunt in annoyance]
- Phil!
Ugh, Phil!
[squeaking stops]
[squeaking continues]
[Grug grunts angrily]
[chomping noisily]
- Grug!
- Hope!
- Ugga!
- Phil! [grunts]
- Grug!
- Hope!
- Ugga!
UGGA: Phil!
PHIL: Grug!
UGGA: Hope!
[all scream in frustration]
[Eep clears throat]
- Yeah, you guys should
really stop eating together.
I'm just gonna grab
one of these berry cakes.
- Let's live wild, the world's our own ♪
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll ♪
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go ♪
Whoa-ho-ho ♪
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together ♪
It's an evolution
for worse or for better ♪
To find some unity ♪
For all humanity ♪
Because we're stuck together ♪
In one big family tree ♪
You wanna know what the problem is?
I'll tell you what the problem is, Hope.
You and Phil are picky
and demanding and pushy,
and bossy and snobby and--
- Di-did you say pushy?
- Yes.
- How about snobby?
- Yes!
Were you not listening?
- Well, of course I was listening.
Did you say pushy?
- And you're always criticizing us.
- Ugga, we don't throw cups away.
We wash them and reuse them.
- See?
- Well, since we're
airing our dirty laundry,
which you two should actually do
because your pelts are rather
[sniffs] musky.
It's no picnic living with you two either.
- What's that?
- It's our list of grievances.
I've been keeping track
of all the annoying things
you and Grug do.
[inhales deeply]
You're loud, sloppy, wild,
reckless, impulsive, inconsiderate--
- Huh. That's it?
I'm surprised.
I thought you'd have more.
- Not done. Just lost my place.
You eat with your mouth open,
you put your feet on the table,
you haven't taken a shower
since you got here,
those last few were Grug specific, you--
- We get it.
So, clearly, we've all
had enough of each other.
- Agreed.
- More than enough.
- I've had too much.
Which is more than more than enough.
- Well, I've had it up to here,
which is even more than that.
- Wait, is it?
- Phil?
- Uh, carry the seven, divide by four--
Yes, it is. I've done the math.
- Right. So we need
a break from each other.
Grug, we're taking a trip.
Just the two of us.
Let's go pack.
- Great! We can use this basket.
- That's my basket!
- Well, that couldn't
have gone any better.
Grug and Ugga are taking a trip
which means we have the farm to ourselves.
- Wrong. Because if the Croods
are going on a trip, we are too.
So get me my basket!
- Huh. The kids will be okay
on their own, right?
- Of course. They're Croods.
- I'm gonna miss them so much!
- [groans] Me too.
But we can't miss 'em
if we don't leave. So, let's go.
- Maybe we should stay.
I'm worried about Dawn
being here without us.
- Not to worry, dear. She's a Betterman.
How many baskets are we taking?
- As many as you can carry.
Just remember, if anything goes wrong,
punch first and ask questions later.
- Grug.
- I know.
It's just, we're leaving,
the Bettermans are leaving,
Gran is doing who knows what as usual.

Dad, relax.
I've got this.
- See? That's why we're putting
Eep in charge while we're gone.
- You're putting Eep in charge?
I don't think so.
Because we're putting Dawn in charge.
- Right. Because she's a Betterman.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- It means we've been teaching Dawn
the rules of the farm
ever since she was born.
- No eating in bed,
no eating between meals,
no eating with your mouth open--
Actually there's
a whole bunch of eating ones.
- Well, we've been teaching Eep
the rules of survival
ever since she was born.
Tell 'em, Eep.
- Don't die?
- Exactly.
And it's the only rule that matters.
- To a wild animal, perhaps.
- Phil, are you calling us wild animals?
- If the pelt fits.
- If the pelt fits what?
Wh-what's the end of that story?
- You wear it!
Because you are an animal!
- Look, there's no need to argue
about who's in charge.
- Right. Because Eep and I
will both be in charge.
So you're all--
banished from the farm!
- Uh, she's kidding.
We're not mad with power.
- [normal voice]:
Or are we?
[evil laughter]
Sorry. I got carried away.
- If it means we can go on our trip,
works for me.
- Me too.
- I suppose two heads
are better than one.
Especially if one head
is a Betterman head.
- [crying] Oh, I'm gonna miss you so much!
- I'll miss you too.
[Eep groans]
[Grug sighs deeply]
- We're not leaving forever.
We'll all be back tomorrow night.
- Don't worry. We'll follow the rules.
- [crying] I'm gonna miss you so much!
- Grug! What are you doing?
- Sorry. Got caught up in the hugs.

So, where are we going? Give me a hint.
- It's got a beautiful view.
- [gasps] Oh, a cave.
- Caves don't have views.
Okay, here's another hint.
There's lots of sand.
- I got it. A cave.
- Maybe guess anything but cave.
Um Oh! You'll hear lots of seagulls.
- Cave with seagulls stuck inside?
- Okay, last hint.
We're going to the beach.
- [sighs] Well, that doesn't help.
[bird squawks]
- Going on a trip was such a great idea,
I don't even mind that it was Ugga's.
You can tinker with your inventions
and I can relax.
And the best part is: no Croods.
We should really do this more often, Phil.
Phil? What's taking you so long?
[grunting in effort]
- Just enjoying the scenery, dear.
[grunts sharply]
- Hey! The beach!
You really need to work on your hints.
[both pant]
- This really is the perfect beach.
[Ugga inhales and exhales deeply]
What should we do first?
We can go fishing, wind rafting--
- Ooh! Ooh! We can play beach ball!
[sighs] Yeah, I already forgot about, uh--
Oh, what are their names again?
- Phil and Hope.
- Aah! I was trying to forget about them.
Either way, we're here and they're not.
So let's set up camp and get to the fun.
[Grug and Ugga grunting]

Yeah, still got my lean-to chops.
Camp finished, time to play.
Hey, you look different.
[gasps] Were you poisoned?
- No! I'm at the beach.
This is Beach Ugga.
- Well, Beach Grug likes Beach Ugga.
Yeah, everything is better
without the Bettermans.
It's like they say,
outta sight, can't see 'em.
Phil! Look at the ocean. It's beautiful!
- But I can still hear 'em.
- Yeah, me too.
It's like they're right here.
- It's almost as beautiful as you.
- And now I can see 'em again. Ugh!
This is the worst mirage ever.
- It's not a mirage.
- Grug?
- No.
[screams] No-o-o!
What are you doing here?
- What are you doing here?
- It's our favorite beach.
Why wouldn't we be here?
- You wouldn't be here
because we're here.
- Right. And since we're here,
I guess you'll have to go somewhere else.
- Uh, wrong.
I love this beach.
We're not going anywhere.
- But if you're not leaving
and we're not leaving,
that means no one is leaving.
- Astute observation, Grug.
I suppose we'll just
have to share the beach.
- Well, we've already
set up our camp here, so--
- Not a problem.
We can set up anywhere,
thanks to my BRB,
or Betterman Recreational Basket.
It has everything you need.
- Ooh! Does it have pies?
I'll take a bounceberry pie,
a dragumberry pie, and--
Eh, you know what?
Just give me one of each.
And then do I just pull this stick?
- No! Don't touch that--

- Nope. Phil, move our camp.
- I'd love to.
But the camp is out of the basket.
- [sighs] It's fine. We're adults.
We can find a way to make this work.
- Right.
We'll just do our own thing.
- So, how long on those pies?

- Well, I had my doubts about this.
And I still have them.
- Shh!
- Right. Sorry.
meditation music plays, fades ♪
It's just that the Croods
are so utterly uncouth.
- Shh!
- Yes, of course.
music resumes, fades ♪
But you know
as well as I do they'll just ruin--
- No talking, Phil. We're meditating!
music resumes ♪
I'm proud of us.
This situation could have been a disaster.
But here we are, stuck together,
trying to make it work.
- I'll tell you what is working,
this bait.
[grunts] Got one!
I got one!
- You're right, Hope.
I'm so relaxed, all I hear is the ocean
and the howls of a great sea beast.
[Grug grunting]
- That's not a sea beast.
That's Grug.
- Ooh, it's a big one.
[grunts in effort]
Ugga, help me out.
Yeah, it's working! Keep pulling!
[both grunting]
- Ugh! What are you doing?
- We're catching a big one, Hope.
A big one!
[grunting continues]
- [gasps] Ooh!
- Stop stepping on me.
[grunting continues]
Okay, when I say pull,
give it everything you got.
[both grunt sharply]
[both groan]
- Oh-oh.
- Hey, Phil. Wanna hear about
how we almost caught a big one?
- Get off of me!
GRUG: I love wind rafting.
- Me too. It's too bad
there isn't more wind.
- Ahh, sunshine.
Nothing like the warming rays
of that giant ball of fire in the sky
to soothe the mind and body.
What could be better?
- A breeze? I feel like I'm being roasted.
- I can fix that, my dear.
I'll just turn on
the Betterman Beach Breezer.

- Uh, Phil!
Too much breeze!
- Right, dear. Just need
to make a few adjustments!
[wind gusting]
- Whoa!
- Ooh, here we go. The wind's picking up!
- You're making it worse!
- Yes, dear.
Thank you for pointing that out.
I'm working on it.
GRUG: Lot of wind!
Too much wind!
- It's not wind!
It's Phil's invention!
- Phil, slow it down!
- I'm trying to! Do you want to do it?
- No, I want you to do it.
- I will do it if you just let me do it!
[Grug and Ugga screaming]
I'm [grunts] doing it.
There. I did it.
- Perfect.
[Grug and Ugga screaming]
[both groan]
Oh. Hello, Croods. How was wind rafting?
You ready for a beach ball beatdown?
Because I'm gonna make you eat sand.
- I don't think so.
Because I'm the beach ball king.
And I already ate.
- Oh, look, dear.
The Croods are making a mess on the beach,
just as they do on the farm.
- It's nice to know nothing changes.
- Including your constant criticism.
- Hey. We're trying to play beach ball.
A game you know nothing about.
- What? I played beach ball
all the time when I was a kid.
- And I'm a natural athlete.
Just gaze upon my musculature.
triumphant music plays, fades ♪
[grunting in effort]
- Okay. Care to put this beach ball
where your mouth is?
- Ew. I'm not putting
that anywhere near my mouth.
But let's play.

[bones cracking]

- Hey! Are we gonna play or what?
- We're waiting for you.
- Ugga has the ball.
- Oh. Yeah. I knew that.
Don't blink or you'll miss this serve.
Serving is harder than I remember.
- Not to us. Our serve.

- Aw!
[screams, groans]
- Yes! Point Croods.
- What? That wasn't a point.
- Yes it was! The ball went over the net.
- Yes. But it was out. Our serve!
- It was in. Our serve!
[both grunting]
[ball bursts]
- Great. Phil broke the ball.
- Phil's not strong enough
to break anything.
It was Grug.
- Exactly.
- Maybe this was a bad idea.
- Not maybe. Definitely.
Come on, Phil,
we're going back to our camp.
- Oh, yeah? Well, we're going
back to our camp.
[all grunting angrily]

[all sigh]
Well, they ruined everything.
Even beach ball.
- I thought we could make this work,
but we can't.
Can you believe those two?
- I can't believe those two!
- I can. They're deeply flawed
and devoid of decorum.
- They're ruining our trip.
I wish they would just leave.
- Ideally, the Croods would simply
depart of their own volition.
- You know what can
make them leave? Us.
- We can't wait for them to leave.
We have to make them leave.
- You know we can hear you, right?
- Yes. And we can hear you too.
Because we're right next to each other.

[bees buzzing]
[Phil and Hope screaming]

- The tunnel is complete.
It leads right to Grug.

[lobstingray crunches]
- Ow!
A lobstingray lobstung me!

- I may have a sand rash.
- Eh.
[Phil and Hope screaming]
- [exhales] It's so hot.
- Yeah, too hot.
It's like we're being cooked.
[yelps] We're being cooked!
- We're not here.
- Okay, Grug,
they're leaving the camp now.
[Grug grunts]
- I can't wait to see
the look on their faces
after we demolish their campsite
with a runaway boulder.
That'll show 'em who's reckless.
[Grug grunts]
- Wait, stop.
- Why? Did they come back?
- No. It's just--
They're right about us.
This is reckless, and it's wrong.
- Well, sure, but it'll make 'em leave.
- No, no, no-- And then what?
We all go back to the tree house mad
and things will get even worse?
We need to fix it.
- [sighs] Why do we have to fix it?
- Because they're not all wrong about us.
We can be loud, sloppy, wild, reckless--
- Did you say loud?
- Yes.
- Ah. What about sloppy?
- Yes!
Are you listening to me?
The point is, we live together,
so we have to get along.
Even if we don't get along.
- You're right.
I'll just put the boulder back--
[boulder crunching]
[gasps] The boulder!

[both gasp, scream]
[both grunting]
- Phil, walk faster. You're too slow.
- Hope, are we pushy?
- What? No, we just keep trying
to get what we want until we get it.
- That's true. What about bossy?
- We're not bossy.
We just tell everyone what to do
and how to do it the right way.
- Good point. But are we too critical?
- No, Phil. We just point out
what everyone is doing wrong
all the time and--
[gasps] Oh, no.
- Yes. The Croods' complaints
about us have merit,
which means we owe them an apology.
- And we need to find a way
to make peace with them.
- I really don't want to do this.
- Neither do I. That's why we have to.
[Phil groans]
- Grug, you have to be careful
or the boulder's gonna roll.
- [grunts sharply] Do you think
I don't know how to move boulders?
How did this boulder get here?
Oh, that's right, me.
So I think I know how to keep
a boulder from rolling--
Oh no, the boulder rolled.

[both grunt]
- So, we'll invite the Croods
to join us for dinner and make nice.
- And, when Grug eats
with his mouth open, I won't say a word.
- Look at us. The portrait
of benevolence and tolerance.
[boulder thudding]
I'm not even bothered by all that noise
I assume they're making.
[Hope gasps]
- That's not the Croods. That's a boulder!
My RB!
No. Stop! Change direction! Anything!

[both grunt]
[gasps in fear]
Your magnificent heroics saved my RB!
Lucky you were there.
- Yes. Luck. That is what it was.
Good luck.
- Where did that boulder even come from?
- Forget about the boulder.
Grug and I were talking
and you're right.
The Croods need to make some changes.
- I couldn't agree more.
- Phil.
- Sorry. Hope and I also want to change
in the interest of peace.
- Starting tonight.
I'll make us a special dinner
and we'll eat it on the sandbar.
- Are you sure? We don't want you
to go to all that trouble.
- No trouble. Phil, make us a raft.
- Now?
- Don't worry about it, buddy.
We got you covered.
Hey, are you sure
we need all this stuff to eat dinner?
- I know it's a lot,
but it's a special dinner
and I just want everything to be perfect.
- What are those?
- Yeah. They're super aggressive.
But only if they smell food.
Oh, by the way, Hope,
the dinner you made smells delicious.
Especially the pies.
dramatic music playing ♪
- We should row faster.
[both grunting]
GRUG: Ah, this looks amazing.
I can't wait to dig in.
- But, before we do,
I'd like to make a toast.
- [mouthful] Sorry.
- Ugh.
It's all right. Change takes time.
- To a fresh start and a happy ending.
- To Phil and Hope.
[both gulp]
Oh, Hope. I'm so sorry. Old habit.
I'll go get 'em.
- It's fine.
After all, it's harder
to take the cave out of the woman
than the woman out of the cave.
- Oh, yeah.
- And it's nearly impossible
to take the cave out of Grug.
- Oh, yeah? Well, it's impossible
to take the Phil out of you.
- What does that even mean?
- It means dinner hasn't even started
and you're already criticizing us again.
- Dinner hasn't started?
You might wanna tell that to Grug.
- Uh, Grug, would you
pass the mangotatoes?
Or did you eat all of them?
- Oh, you want mangotatoes?
Oops. Must be the cave in me.
And I was wrong. This was a mistake.
You haven't changed at all.
- And you haven't changed either.
You just threw my bowl in the ocean.
- Come on, Grug,
we're leaving the sandbar.
And then we're leaving the beach.
And then we're leaving the farm.
- Yeah, we're out of mangotatoes, anyway.
[stomach growling]
[burps loudly] Yeah.
- You can't leave.
There's only one poorly built raft.
We'll be stranded.
- Well, you're a smart guy, Phil.
You'll figure something out.
- I'm the smartest.
And I've already figured something out.
Hope run for the raft!
[Phil and Hope panting]
[all panting]
[aardsharks growl]
[all gasp]
[all gasp]
No! The raft!
- Why are they attacking the raft?
- I don't know.
We took all the food off of it.
- All the food except those pies
I hid for the ride back.
Raft pies. Huh?
- Great.
Now we're all stranded thanks to Grug.
- Hey, it's not all Grug's fault.
Hope's the one who made us
come to this sandbar.
- Oh, yeah? Well--
Ugh. You're right.
And the truth is, we wouldn't be here
if we could get along.
- And you're right.
We're all to blame for this mess.
So we need to work together
to get out of it.
- First thing we need is a raft.
- And it needs to be big enough
for my table and chairs.
Because I am not leaving those behind.
- You don't have to.
Because I have an idea.
- Does your idea include pie?
[Phil groans]
- I can't believe you turned
my table and chairs into a raft.
- You said you didn't want
to leave them behind.
Unfortunately, we don't have oars.
We'll just have to paddle with our hands
through aardshark-infested waters.
Grug, how attached are you to your hands?
- We're not paddling,
because I have an idea.
- Whoo!
[laughs] Yeah!
[Phil and Hope screaming]
[Phil yelps]
Turn the raft!
We're going to hit that rock!
- We're not gonna hit it,
we're gonna jump off it!

[screaming continues]

- You know, we actually
make a pretty good team.
- Yes. When we have absolutely no choice
but to cooperate due to an urgent crisis,
we work together quite well.
- Hey, maybe we should
jump into a volcano together.
- Or we could just be
a little more patient with each other.
Ugga, could you please
stop cracking your knuckles?
- Yes, Hope. And thank you for asking
instead of telling me what to do.
- You're welcome.
And let's hope the kids
had a less eventful day than we did.
[drumming in distance]
- What is that noise? Is that drumming?
Where is it coming from?
I'm guessing the tree house.
- And I'm guessing the kids
are breaking, most if not all, the rules.
- Well, they're certainly breaking
the no percussion instruments
after dark rule.
- And those lights are like
a big, flashing sign that says,
"Hey, predators, delicious kids here.
Come eat us!"
- When I'm done with those kids,
they will never break another rule.
- No. When we're done with those kids,
they'll never break another rule.
- So that's a "no"
on jumping into a volcano?
vocalizing ♪
closing theme playing ♪

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