The Family Law (2016) s02e06 Episode Script

Matters of the Heart

Children, you have a city! Their mother loves them! According to science, you can make your dreams come true just by focusing on them.
You're famous now.
It's the same with Dad.
He had his dream of the shop and made it come true.
All he had to do was believe.
Dad, are you watching? I'm going to miss this when we move away.
Oh, babe, we'll be back heaps.
Ai! Mummy's so proud of my baby boy's big climax! Oh, yeah, yeah.
Very good.
That riveting, huh? Your daddy getting not much sleep.
Not even because of me.
Oh, always work, work, work.
Sounds familiar.
Okay, everyone! Announcement.
Now that Mummy is a working girl, I have got us all a surprise.
Pay TV! Premium channels.
[woman moans.]
Mum! Don't touch this button.
Is Mummy's private channel.
Ai, everything's so exciting.
You famous TV star, Mummy's new work.
Ready? This was a cool idea, Mum.
Lots of stars for my big star.
Apparently it's the highest-rating thing on community TV since that naked gardening show.
The station got seven complaints.
That's some kind of record! Children! A miracle has happened.
Not only were our TV ratings off the chart but we are going on tour! No longer will you be mocked for a life confined to Queensland's regional backwaters.
We're officially national, people! And a round of applause for the person who made it all possible, Mr Mallory J Mallory! Please Stop.
Permission forms back by the end of the week.
And please declare any food allergies.
Yes, yes! We don't want another anaphylaxis incident.
Do we? This is huge, Melissa! Danny? Danny? - Danny! - Sorry, what? Sights of Australia.
$5000 per person.
Hey, limited offer.
If not now, when? You promised.
Imagine, me and you, the sunshine, me in a bikini, and my special UV face protector so I don't get a tan.
- Work can wait! - No, it can't.
This is the bullshit! Everything always about business.
What about me? I am a woman.
Woman have needs.
Emotional needs.
Sexual needs.
And if you can't fill them, I will get filled somewhere else.
- Look, Ming-Zhu - Dad, Dad, Dad! Medea's doing a tour of our 13 Lutheran sister colleges.
We're going to Toowoomba and Adelaide! Never get a girlfriend.
I'll keep that in mind.
Hey, can you sign this? - It's only $300.
- Good afternoon, Asian Alley.
- Danny, you said it'd be thru Monday.
- Eddie.
How are you? - Then you'd know - I was just looking at the invoice.
- $300's not that expensive, is it? - It's been 30 days now Sorry, Eddie.
It's just my mobile phone.
Can you hold? Hello, Asian Alley.
Dad, this lady said that our abalone gave her food poisoning.
Huh? Money not arrive? Well could be the bank.
- Sorry, won't be a moment.
- Dad, we can afford it, right? - Dad, refund or exchange? - Can I call you back? Dad - Hello.
Asian Alley, Danny speaking.
- Dad? Dad? - Oh, Eddie, that's - Dad, Dad Dad! Oh, my God! - Call 000! Call someone! Call Mum! - You call Mum! Dad, are you okay? This is all my fault.
Ben, not even you can cause a heart attack.
You see what happens when you work too hard? I'm watching you.
You steal something, I cut you.
Come with me.
I'm coming too.
It's okay.
- Dad! We're here.
- Dad! Dad, how are you feeling? Yes Yes, how are you feeling? Where's my phone? I need to call Eddie.
You're not going anywhere! Good afternoon, everyone.
My name's Dr Lee.
Who here is next of kin? - Me.
I'm the wife.
- Ex-wife.
Now, Danny has suffered a mild myocardial infarction and needs a stent.
He'll have to be in here overnight at least, standard procedure.
I'm obliged to tell you that there is risk associated with any surgery but we're not anticipating any complications.
Any questions? Great.
Danny, I'll be seeing you with the radiologist very soon.
Until then, just sit tight.
Hey, Ben.
Heidi told me about your dad.
Are you okay? Oh, sure.
He's just being cut open as we speak.
Everything's dandy, Klaus.
Hey, your dad's young and fit.
He'll pull through this.
What if he doesn't? Hey It's okay.
Yeah, thanks, Klaus.
I'm fine.
Ah-Jenny Jenny Jenny! Jenny! Aunty, Aunty.
Thanks for coming.
Is he all right? Forever.
Danny's already in surgery and you didn't tell me? Help! Help! - Who the F are you? - Who am I? Who are you? - Help! - Iris, Iris, calm down.
It's me, Aaron.
I wash you every day, okay? You know she has dementia, right? Out.
This isn't part of your job Jenny.
She was sitting in her own shits and asked me to help.
What was I supposed to do? There's protocol.
You ring the buzzer.
You're a cleaner.
Stick to what you know.
I've wiped poo off five babies.
What difference does it make if it's an old lady? - It's not your job.
- Jenny! Aaron's right.
You shouldn't have done it.
Look, you know the rules now.
It was an honest mistake.
It came from a good place and no one was hurt.
Except Iris keeps insisting that Jenny is the only one who can wash her now.
I'm sure Jenny can explain to Iris that you're her carer.
Right, Jenny? That doesn't give you an excuse to be a smug dickhead, Aaron.
Not too fast.
Okay, watch it.
Watch it.
- He's weak, not dying, Gor-Gor.
- Nearly there.
I can take care of myself.
Easy, easy, easy, easy.
I have my own place now.
Shut up and just concentrate on getting better.
Mum! Can you open? If the shop is closed for one day, no one's going to die.
It's fine, Mum.
So you'll be 100% recovered super soon, right, Dad? - It sounds pretty serious.
- Melissa, all he needs is rest.
And then he can get back to work and sort it all out.
I don't know.
When my Uncle Toby had one of his testicles amputated, it took him ages to work again.
Nah, this is nothing.
Even the doctor said it was all standard.
Well, phew! For a second there I thought you were going to say you couldn't come on the tour.
Yeah, of course I'm coming on the tour.
It was pretty full on.
He could barely walk by himself.
- Poor thing.
Sounds awful.
- Yeah.
I'm sorry everything's been so sad.
You've been so vulnerable.
- It's just so hard.
- So hard I found some paperwork at Dad's office.
I don't think the shop's doing great.
What happens if we can't pay? - They take things away.
- Like what? The business, the apartment Everything.
Mt Isa can wait.
This is where we need to be.
Right, babe? With family.
- But you have to come.
- I can't, Melissa.
You were right.
It's serious.
Really serious.
But, Ben, there's no point if Medea only has one head.
She only had one in the original.
You'll be great on your own.
If I left my family now, everything would fall apart.
Hasn't everything already fallen apart, though? - Melissa! - Just saying.
Should I bring you back a souvenir from Albury-Wodonga? You don't have to do this.
Oh, I do if I don't want the room to stink of your BO.
Arms up.
Sorry for this.
All of this.
I feel like a baby.
Hey, don't worry about it.
I know you'd do the same for me.
I'm sorry, the door was open.
- I can take it from here.
- Of course.
No, Ming-Zhu, it's fine.
- Shh, let me do! - No, you don't need to.
Please don't.
I can take care of you.
In our home.
In our room.
In the bed we share.
I need to be here right now, with my family.
But I'm your family.
No, you're not.
Ming-Zhu, if you don't like me being here No, I don't.
I don't like it.
I don't like it very much.
- Ming-Zhu - Goodbye, Danny.
You will never touch my soft meats again.
We were doing okay with the restaurant.
Why did you have to go OTT to show you such a big success? Because I already failed.
We didn't fail.
We get through this.
We've been through worse.
Have we? Actually, no, this is probably the worst.
I just being honest.
Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing? Do you know how much this stuff is worth on eBay? This is money right here.
Hey, you don't need to do this.
We'll be fine.
I promise, hmm? Leave it to Mummy, hmm? We didn't finalise the divorce, so all the money is still together.
If we can't make the business work, then everything God, divorce is such a piece of shit.
After Denis left me, finances were a nightmare.
But then I got a promotion and things got steady.
You know you could consider training to become a carer.
Pays more, and clearly you're a natural.
I have a job now.
If I can get a loan, would that get us out of trouble? Yes.
I have one condition.
Make sure the first thing people see is happy and friendly.
First impressions, most important.
Mum, no one's gonna buy this unless they're Amish.
Hey, plenty of religious cults left on the Sunshine Coast.
Keep all the denim half price.
Everything else full price.
Whatever happened to you being a silent partner? Since when has Mum ever been silent? Hey, why should women stay silent? Hello! Welcome to the 21st century.
Women on top lah! Actually, some women can only orgasm - Ohh, Mum! - Eww! Heidi said the tour bus just left.
Good for them.
You're not going to chuck a tanty about not going? - Are you growing up or something? - Don't want to talk about it.
[car horn.]
What the F? [car horn.]
Ben, you have to come! It won't be the same without you.
Please! - Melissa, you know I can't.
- Can't what? It's nothing, Mum.
'Medea' is going on a tri-state tour.
We all chipped in to cover your fee.
I'm fine with not going, really.
Ben, why didn't you tell us? Because you need me here.
F that shit.
You're getting on that bus.
But I'm not packed yet.
And we're still working.
Yeah, nah.
This denim, good for all weather.
And these are disposable undies, but you can rinse them to get an extra day.
Gargle if you are sick.
Cure everything.
And your favourite 'wah-mui'.
Thanks, Dad.
Are you sure? Go.
You deserve this.
But won't you need me? Ai, shut up and chase your dream.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- See you, guys! - Okay.
People think you can make dreams come true on your own.
After you! That all you need is to want it badly enough and it'll happen.
My baby boy, spreading his flaps for the first time! It's Mummy's proud moment too.
But behind every dream are people you don't always see.
Like family.
It doesn't matter how far away you are, or whether you're even still together.
In the end, family is forever, for better or worse.

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