The Following s02e06 Episode Script

Fly Away

You made me give up the FBI.
Please, Jana.
I'm here for you when you need anything.
You've been so good to me.
Who are you, Lily Gray? I'm a woman who has been waiting for this moment for a very long time.
And how is Ryan? I'm interested in one thing.
I want to kill Joe Carroll.
Something tells me that home, sweet, home is very close by.
I want to spend some time with Joe without interruption.
Why are you being so nice to me? I like you, Emma.
You left me all alone.
Where's Giselle? Where's Joe Carroll? Where is Max? Dead! I killed her.
No! Did you lock us in here? Mother doesn't want to be disturbed.
I'm sorry.
Where have you been? I will not be controlled.
I don't want to control you.
I wouldn't want you if I could.
You're way better in bed.
I mean, you're a way better cuddle buddy than Laura.
I know, I know.
What's up? When'd you get home? Uh, a little while ago.
What-- what's going on? Someone-- someone in there with you? Uh, yeah.
It's, um-- it's Giselle.
Giselle's back.
Awesome! Hey.
Look, Mark.
We're, uh, kind of in the middle of something, you know? No.
I don't know.
Let me in.
Ok, ok.
We didn't want you to find out this way, but, you know, there's always been that unspoken thing between Giselle and I? Well, we've been exploring it.
What are you talking about? What? What-- what happened? Gis-- She-- she's dead.
No, no.
She's just-- she's just sleeping is all.
Luke, what did you do to her? I didn't do anything.
She's just-- Hey, Giselle.
Wake up, wake up.
Come on.
Wake up! Hey.
Wake up.
Come on.
Wake up.
Luke, Luke, she's dead! Don't say that! She's She's not dead.
Who did this? Ryan Hardy.
Ryan Hardy killed her.
Let me get this straight for this to be a photograph of who you say it is, someone would have had to swapped all of the DNA records in Sentinel, both digital and hard copies, know the exact warehouse where the physical DNA was stored, and replace it.
Let me finish.
And replace it with Carroll's illegitimate brother's DNA.
The sheriff in Havenport last year Tim Nelson, AKA Roderick, was Joe Carroll's number two guy.
He infiltrated law enforcement for years.
That was a sheriff's department.
We're the FBI.
There are no killer cult moles in the FBI.
There were several key moments unaccounted for last year where Carroll's cult was ahead of us.
And it had to have been a mole? It had nothing to do with incompetence? I'm sorry.
You're a consultant here, and if this case is getting to be too much for you-- No.
I'm fine.
Are you sure? I was briefed.
I know last year left some scars, your psych eval's still pending.
All I'm saying is that you're free to go home.
Everyone here would understand.
Authorities are continuing to search for former Soho gallery owner Lily Gray, who's now under suspicion of being involved Hey.
It's me.
You ok? You've been gone a long time.
I had to drive a ways to find 24-hour pharmacy.
All right.
We have bandages, we have peroxide, needle and thread.
Did you bring any vodka? Very funny.
Law enforcement officials continue to ask Giselle knew we were here.
If she told someone, they're gonna come for us.
Gave the manager 50 bucks to give us a heads-up if he saw anyone.
I'm gonna stitch you up, we get out of here.
I broke into that woman's home.
I tried to remove the evidence, but I had to make a run for it.
Local police could be processing it now.
I left blood, I left clothes, I left prints.
It's gonna take time for them to tie it to New York unless you want to call the FBI and help it along, hmm? I thought you were dead.
I know, but I wasn't.
Ok, ok, ok.
How about you take the car and head back to New York? No way.
Look at you.
You could be dead.
You still think you can do this alone.
I don't get it.
It's Weston.
Mike it's me.
Ryan, are you all right? Where are you? I'm in Stratford, Connecticut.
I found Lily and the twins.
You called me? Yeah.
I need your help, Mike.
I don't want to screw this up.
Are you ok? Did-- did something happen? Yeah, but there's no time.
I'm in a motel.
I'm at Oak and 6th, room 7.
Call everyone in, ATF, SWAT, police.
Lily Gray doesn't just have twins.
She's got a whole family.
I don't know how many.
Yeah? Is Joe Carroll with them? I'm pretty sure he is.
I'm on my way.
I could stay like this forever.
I wouldn't object to that.
But there's so much to do.
You know we can't stay here.
Sooner or later, they're gonna find this place.
Do you want a drink? Yeah, please.
But I take it you have somewhere in mind, huh? Of course I have a plan, Joe.
I knew once I was exposed to the world everything would change, so I've made provisions.
Oh? I have a plane.
It's at an airstrip near here.
We could fly to Boston tonight and take a private jet to Venezuela.
I own an estate there.
It's on the coast.
It's lovely.
That sounds, uh That sounds very nice, but, um why Venezuela? Well, there's no extradition, for one.
That adds a certain safety.
We could get new identities.
You'd write, and I'd paint.
You'd publish under a pseudonym.
It would be just you and me and the kids, and Emma and Mandy would join us, too.
We'd be a family.
That's a great deal to consider.
What's to consider? It's perfect.
What other options do you have? Oh.
There's always options, Lily.
Go away.
What?! _ _ _ Where were you? What happened to her? Ryan Hardy killed her, killed Jamel, too.
Why didn't you tell me about Ryan? How could you hide this from me? He surprised me! I was-- I was in the moment! I'm gonna-- I'm gonna kill him, mom! I'm gonna kill him! He's not gonna get away with it.
He's-- he's not gonna-- he's not gonna get away with it.
He's not gonna get away with it.
He's not gonna-- he's not gonna get away with it! Luke, stop it! Look at me.
We have to keep ourselves together.
Ryan has to pay for what he did.
Oh he will, but if Ryan's near, we are all in danger, and we have to leave.
He's-- he's with his niece.
No one else.
Giselle told me.
They're staying at some motel in Stratford.
I shot him.
He's hurt.
Let me go finish him off, mom.
Shut up! Go tell everyone we have to leave a soon as possible, but don't mention Ryan Hardy to Joe or Emma or that other-- whatever the hell her name is-- Mandy.
You're worried about Joe finding out.
Giselle is dead, mom.
And as far as I understand it, that is entirely your fault.
Now is not the time to test me, Luke.
We're leaving in the morning.
How do you feel? Great, doc.
Good as new.
So where's the cavalry? Something's wrong.
It should take the FBI by helicopter.
Did you drive? Can I come in? Yeah.
Hello, again.
You two know each other? We met.
So where is everybody? We need manpower.
There isn't anybody else.
It's just me.
What do you mean it's just you? We need roadblocks, aerial searches.
I think the FBI might be compromised.
Have you seen Joe? Is he up yet.
_ In English, please.
Bonjour, Emma.
Have you seen Joe? He's in Lily's room, where he's been all night.
They had sex.
What? It was pretty intense.
The doors around here are thick, and I still heard it.
What's wrong? Nothing.
Really? Because you look like just sucked a lemon.
Why is everyone packing? I don't know.
Why don't you ask? That's Joe.
That is Joe.
The girl is the daughter of one his prison pen pals.
Ryan, I'm sorry I didn't believe you.
So Joe has someone on the inside.
He had to.
He was tipped off at every turn.
You know, Roderick went to the academy in Virginia.
Maybe he crossed paths with a cadet that went on to the Bureau.
And the militia boys in Havenport, they had several ties to the FBI.
Now I want to pursue this, but the minute I open an investigation they're gonna know.
You don't want to tip them off.
You're right not to.
You said Lily and the twins were here.
They're somewhere in Stratford.
Yeah, but we don't have an exact location.
We're pretty sure they know we're here, and I think they're pissed because I killed two of their family.
They'll show up.
That's your plan? Pretty much.
We need a better plan.
We're sitting ducks here.
We need to be smart about this.
Come on.
Let's go.
Oh, now you're the gentleman? Sorry about the other day.
Save it.
Excuse me, sir.
Hey, punk.
What? Emma? There you are.
I'm sorry, but we, uh, we need to talk.
It's quite urgent.
Lily's leaving.
I noticed.
She wants us to go with her to Venezuela.
You're kidding.
She's got it all worked out.
She's got a big house on the ocean, she's offering us money and protection, and Venezuela's got very strong extradition laws.
Sounds awesome.
Guess it does.
And she wants, uh-- She thinks I should write a new novel.
Have you read it? What, this? Yeah.
It's fabricated myth, half facts.
It's, uh, it's wretched.
In other words, the truth.
I suppose it is.
Still horribly written, though.
And yet it's still better than anything I could write.
I'm no writer.
I never was.
It's high time that I-- I stop pretending that I'm something I'm not, and I can't go to Venezuela.
I'll only disappoint a new group of people.
So what are you going to do? Well, I suspect I don't have much time left on this Earth, but whatever time I do have, I know I want it to be better than this.
So you have a plan? Yeah.
Yes, I do.
I have an epic plan.
Will it work? I don't know.
I can't promise you anything But I can promise you my loyalty.
I'll never take you for granted again.
I need you, Em.
Please will you come with me? I'm tired of running, Joe.
I told the manager we were taking him back to New York.
He'd prefer we keep his fine establishment out of it.
That's his car over there.
Looks like he came alone.
Can you run his plates? - Yeah.
- They're fake.
You won't find anything.
Your lips are perfect, you know that? I found this on him.
So any chance you're gonna tell us where that crazy mother of yours is? She's with Joe.
Now doesn't that make you squirm knowing you're so close but not? You know what makes me squirm? The thought of killing you and then doing things to you.
One more, please.
You got it.
Mike! Mike, Mike.
Really? Hey.
You ok? Yeah, I'm fine.
You sure you're up for this? We got to keep our heads straight.
Coming from you, Ryan, that carries a lot of weight.
- Really.
- No.
All I'm saying is-- Hey.
I got it.
I'm good.
Hi, sweetie.
Are you all done packing? I don't have much.
You excited to go to Venezuela? I don't even know where that is.
You're gonna love it.
My house there is much nicer than this one, and it's on the ocean, and you'll have lots of things to do.
I've never been on an airplane before.
Well, you're in for a treat.
I hope.
We really have to hurry.
Are you sure Joe wants to go? Have you heard something else? Not really.
I'd really like to come with you.
I like being here with your family.
Sweetheart this is your family, too, now.
Maybe you should talk to Joe.
Um, just Excuse me.
Luke got held up by me.
Where's my son? He's in my backseat bleeding.
Ryan, where are you? Close enough that I could have the FBI on you in a matter of minutes, but I think you know all I really want is Joe Carroll.
If anything happens to my son, there will be no end to your suffering.
Don't be so melodramatic.
I want to make a trade-- your son for Joe Carroll.
So listen close.
There's a dam off Route 22.
The road's closed.
I'll be waiting.
You cross me, and I will kill Luke just I killed your other two sick psycho kids.
I'll be there.
All packed? Yeah.
Any problems? No problems.
I brought you lunch.
The truth.
Hmm? Everything's not all right.
What's wrong? Ryan Hardy's in town.
And you know this how? Because he followed Giselle to a nearby town and he killed her.
He killed her? Yes.
He stabbed her in the chest.
She was very dear to me.
So Ryan Hardy is nearby.
Yes, and he's taken Luke captive.
He's offered a deal, a trade really.
You for my son.
Let me know where he is, and I'll-- I'll take care of him.
I'm afraid I can't allow that.
I've sacrificed too much, Joe.
I'm not willing to give up on you.
Did you, um-- did you just Oh, you-- you-- you-- ohh-- ohh! Shh, shh, shh, shh.
It's all right, it's all right.
I understand you might be a little upset about this.
Sami, Radmila.
You're clear on what needs to be done? Yes.
We'll see you at the airstrip once I have Luke.
If Emma and Mandy give you problems, kill them.
You at the dam? Where are you? I'm almost there.
Have you seen Joe? No.
Did he leave with Lily and Mark? Mark and Lily left? We're supposed to go with Sami and Radmila to the airport.
It's a small plane that's gonna take us to the jet! How do you know this? I ask questions, Emma.
I think something is wrong.
Help me find Joe.
You're so uptight.
Joe? Joe? Joe! Joe! Joe! What's wrong with him? I think he's drugged.
Joe, come on.
Come on.
Wake up! Joe! Ok.
Time to see mommy.
That's not Joe Carroll! And you're not Ryan Hardy! Where is he? Drop your gun, little girl.
Not till he drops his.
Where's Joe Carroll? I realized I was at a disadvantage.
Luke's well-being is important to me, whereas you couldn't care less whether Joe Carroll lives or dies, so I needed leverage.
The kind gentleman here was, uh, sweet enough to give us a ride.
I know how you law people revere the innocent, so tell Ryan to get out from wherever he is hiding.
Ryan's not here.
Luke shot him, remember? He can't even walk.
I know you didn't come here on your own.
I'm right here! Don't hurt him.
Max drop your gun.
Mark, lose your gun.
Throw your gun over the railing! Now! Oops.
I guess I throw like a girl.
Give me my brother! Hey.
Come and get him.
I dare you.
That's it.
Go ahead.
Grab it.
Bet Max has got better reflexes than you.
Come on! This game of chicken is getting old.
Someone's got to make a move.
I'll make a move.
The choice is simple.
This man's life for my son's freedom.
No! Aah! Mike! Try that again, bitch! Give me my son.
Now! Let him go! Let him go! Must be awful being the good guys.
So many rules.
I need an ambulance at the Dover dam.
Stab wound to the back.
Go, Mike, go! Mandy, grab me that perfume.
Come on, Joe.
Come on.
All right.
It's ok.
I think Lily drugged you.
We got to-- we got to go.
Come on.
Come on.
Where you go? Uh, there's been a change of plan.
All right.
Turning around.
Russian's got a gun.
You stay here until Lily calls.
You're not gonna shoot me.
I'm Lily's pet.
Ohh! Get your stuff.
Come on.
We got to go.
You really scared me.
Trust, mouse.
Trust! Aah! Any word from Mike Weston? None, but we just got word of a B&E in a home in Stratford, Connecticut.
Woman was held hostage.
Turned into a shootout between two men.
Stratford? That's on the New Haven line.
Stratford police pulled prints at the house.
We got a match on one of the twins and the female Hardy was tailing.
Alert the local police.
I want intel on every bus and train station, airfield, and interstate out of Stratford.
Call Phillips, fill him in, get me a chopper.
On it.
Help! Where's Joe Carroll? Hey.
Hey, hey.
Where are they going? Where are they going? Listen to me.
Joe turned on you.
He betrayed Lily.
Where is he? Airfield.
Tillman Road.
Hit redial.
Emma! Mark, where are you? We're at the bridge.
It all went to hell, Emma.
We got Luke, but the FBI, they're after us.
Ryan came to the house.
He killed Sami and Radmila.
I have Joe.
Where is the airstrip? It's on Tillman Road.
We'll-- we'll meet you there in 20 minutes.
Just wait for us.
The pilot will be ready.
I think we can beat-- Emma? Emma? We need to get to that plane before they do.
We have to go! We have to go! Where's Luke? Where's Luke?! No! No, no! No! Come back! I got to get Luke.
It's too late.
Drive! Aah! Mike, stop! Unh! Mike, stop it! Are you the pickup? Yeah.
We got to leave right away.
I thought there'd be more of you.
They're not coming.
Watch your step.
Yeah? What? - Where is he? - I don't know.
Where is he? I don't know! Where did he go? The man got a call.
He told the girls to get off.
I was going home.
I haven't been paid.
This man.
Did you recognize him? No.
It was Joe Carroll.
Joe Carroll? The killer guy? He's dead, isn't he? All right, guys.
Let's hold him for questioning, please.
Hey, hey.
I saw Joe.
He's got to be close.
You need to set up roadblocks now! If Joe Carroll is alive, I will deal with it, not you! I guess destroying your own career wasn't enough.
Congratulations, Ryan.
They are both done.
You ok? I'm sorry.
I'm good.
You? Yes.
I'm just not so sure about your friend Weston.
It's not my blood.
It's Luke's.
He nearly killed him.
They transported him to a secure hospital in New York.
He might not survive.
What's going on with you? Joe was here.
You saw him? I nearly had him.
He got away.
He could be anywhere now.
Somebody tipped him off.
You're right, Mike.
Somebody inside the FBI is helping him.
We can't trust anybody now.
Thank you, Jana.
You saved us.
I'm in debt to you, and I'll be in touch.
Good-bye, sweetheart.
Who's Jana? She's Joe's friend.
Her daughter gave me this ring.
Jana is an old friend with many useful resources.
She FBI? No.
She's more of a stay-at-home mom these days, but she still consults occasionally.
She said to head west on the back roads.
The local police have started blocking the major interstate.
No need to worry.
We have plenty of time.
It's Lily.
Well, put her on speaker.
Hello, Lily.
You got away? The FBI's all over the airstrip.
We couldn't get close.
We're fine.
They killed Luke.
They killed my son.
I know that means something to you, Lily, but frankly, I was never fond of the boy.
What? Yeah.
You drugged me.
You tried to control me.
As far as I'm concerned, you are getting exactly what you deserved.
You ungrateful bastard.
I gave up everything for you.
I lost my son.
I'm done with you, Lily, you and your international house of psychos.
You don't mean that.
Oh, yes.
Yes, I do, and I also mean this.
You know, she's a bit of a drama queen.
You all right, mother? You-- look.
Let me-- let me-- Aah! Shh.

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