The Haunted Hathaways (2013) s02e06 Episode Script

Haunted Mind Games

I just love great literature.
I have a feeling these vampire novels are gonna be huge.
I'm prepping for ghost camp.
This is serious business.
We form a loop, one, two, three the rabbit jumps around the tree down the hole, around the slot, now we have a nice strong knot I hate you! Louie, for the third time, you need to finish your book report if you think you're going to that camp.
Did it ever occur to you, father, that maybe I finished my report? No.
Well, that's just sad, isn't it? I'm going to go finish my report now.
That's just sad! [Gasps.]
Jacob's a werewolf? No way! Mom, huge news.
You know Scott tomlinson, right? Varsity quarterback, b-plus student, never been arrested, this is all in public records, honey.
Yeah, anyway, we've been teamed up to do a project for Spanish class.
This is my chance to get Scott to ask me out.
But the most important thing is to get a good grade.
Of course, mother.
Say it! The most important thing is to get a good grade.
First things first, I need outfit advice.
Oh, well, let's just say you've come to the right Oh, you did not mean me.
I need to call my friends.
Oh no, no, no, no, no, my phone is dead.
Oh, bad luck.
The charger's in Frankie's room and she's not home yet.
And only a fool would risk going Taylor! You can't seriously be thinking of going in there.
I have to, my dating life is at stake.
If I don't return, tell my story.
Whatever happens, I love you.
[Laser blasts.]
Sweetie, are you okay? What was in there? Things, horrible things.
Were you in my room? [Simultaneous screaming.]
Not me! I was in the hallway.
[Spooky rock music.]
If you move into a haunted house you gotta try to work things out so if you're living with a ghost or three you gotta be one big, semi-scary family don't know how we ended up this way but I guess you could call us the haunted hathaways the haunted hathaways the haunted hathaways the haunted hathaways Only twenty-six more hours until the grand opening of the t-Rex exhibit.
Our dinosaur hoodies are gonna be the talk of the museum.
Sure, people won't see us.
But they'll know.
They'll know.
I'm glad we're into the same things.
All my other friends are only into Haunting.
Whoa, Mirabelle, watch the language! Sorry.
Well, I gotta hop, triceratop.
See you anon, iguanodon.
Louie! What are you doing down here? Dad is going to freak if you don't finish that book report.
I'm too excited about ghost camp.
I gotta practice my haunt so I show off for my bunkmates.
Just a little taste of what I'll be doing to other people.
But check this out.
Say hello to a fire-breathing dragon! It's not a dragon, but I'll take it! Dad looks mad.
Oh, good, customers running out in fear again.
Ray, just one time, I would love to read a review of my bakery and not burst into tears.
Don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of this.
Louie! Miles! - You have to say you did it.
- No way! Dad won't let me go to ghost camp.
You're my big brother, promise you'll cover for me? Please, please, please please, please, please.
Fine! I promise.
What's going on? Who haunted the bakery? Uh, sorry, dad.
That would be me.
You? What? You.
What? Well, it couldn't be me, father.
Clearly, I'm in academic mode.
I don't understand.
Miles, you hate to scare.
That was yesterday.
Today's today.
Son, you refuse to go into a boutique because it begins with "boo.
" I've changed.
For some reason, scary now seems Cool.
It's the new Miles, you gotta love the guy.
[Both laugh.]
You mean, big scary guy! [All laugh.]
- So did you handle it? - Huh? Uh, I handled it, all right.
He knows what he did.
So, Scott, how do you feel about the cinema? [Screams.]
Frankie! What do you want? I just wanted to say, I hope nothing horrific happens during your big study date with Scott.
Frankie, put on your jacket, we are going out.
Darn! Looks like you have plans.
What's going on here? Surprise! I arranged an entire afternoon so you guys could have some real quality mom and Frankie time.
Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Your sister got us tickets to pinecone Joe's alligator rescue and wrestling farm.
Funzies! I'm not sure I can go, mom.
I think I may be starting a fever.
Then you won't have a problem putting this under your tongue.
- Uh - That's what I thought.
Come on, let's go! My phone says there's traffic and pinecone Joe's breakfast buffet ends promptly at 10:00.
Check and mate.
- Hey, Taylor.
- Scott! I'd like you to meet my mom and some other person.
Enjoy the gators.
Ya know what I like about alligators? You never hear them coming until it's too late.
By the way, I'm Frankie.
Nice to meet you, haircut.
She is adorable.
Flashlight, bug spray, Mr.
I mean, pillow that I've never named.
Would you just please write your book report? I lied to dad and I don't feel good about it.
Don't worry, I'm sure he's forgotten all about it.
[Portal opens.]
Man, I can't stop thinking about that cobra haunt.
Son, this is your old man's varsity haunting jacket.
I want you to have it.
A jacket with the h-word printed on the back.
I am totally comfortable wearing this.
Oh, look at you.
Your eyes are watering.
Hey, what's with the dinosaur pamphlets.
Oh, I'm planning on hitting the natural history museum tomorrow for the big t-Rex opening.
You're going to haunt the dinosaur opening? That's brilliant! Miles, I am going to be right there in the front row to see you in action.
Are you sure? Maybe you can come to my next one.
Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss this for the world.
My boy.
My dad.
My gosh! I have to say, our Mayan temple is looking incredible, or should I say, increìble? Wow, your accent is like j-lo good.
So why did you choose Spanish as your language? I really want to go to South America someday.
Oh man, me too! Next summer, I want to go to Peru and build community youth centers.
I'd so like to do something like that.
I love building.
You're hilarious.
I'm glad I got you for a partner, Taylor.
Me too.
So, Scott, how do you feel about the cinema? Um, movie? Um, I love movies.
No way.
We have so much in common.
Maybe if you're not busy this Friday, we can, I don't know, go to the - Hey guys! - [Screams.]
I'm back.
Sorry, Scott, back in a sec.
What are you doing here? I had you neutralized.
Mom, what's going on? The strangest thing, just as we got to farm, Frankie had to use the little girl's room.
Moments later, all the alligators escaped from their pens, they had to close down.
I almost didn't get my omelet.
Terrible shame.
Did you have to bring her back here? She's still mad I went in her room and wants to mess up my time with Scott.
What? Taylor, please.
"Forgive and forget," that's my motto.
That's not your motto.
Your motto is "no mercy for the weak.
" It's painted on your bedroom wall.
Well, you would know.
Mom, you think those alligators got out by themselves? Oh, you may have a point.
Frankie, look at me.
I want you to give me your word that you won't get back at Taylor.
I can give you more than my word.
How about a hug? Oh, my precious lamb.
Don't worry, Taylor.
Like I told pinecone Joe when I gave him back his wire-cutters, "stop fretting about the past when the real danger lurks in the future.
" Bye! Guess what.
The guys from my band are coming to your haunt.
I don't know how many times Stan has invited me to one of his daughter's boring scares.
Hey, the more the scarier.
Yeah, I'm glad you said that.
I had a few thousand fliers printed up.
I'm gonna go hand them out.
Hey, Miles, how do you like my super cool camping hammock? I'm practicing relaxing in the wilderness.
I'm sorry, but I can't go through with this.
The true Miles doesn't haunt.
But you also made a promise.
And the true Miles never breaks a promise.
I did give you my word.
And you are my brother.
I'll do the haunt.
Thanks, Miles.
Candle-making, here I come! I mean, uh, rock-climbing, ah, who am I kidding? I can't wait to make candles.
Getting better.
Mirabelle, what are you doing here? Did you see this flier? Some ghost is planning to pull a major haunt at the t-Rex opening.
What? That is brand new information to me.
I don't know about you, but if I see this haunter, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind.
Or, we can protest by not going and not even ask anybody what happened while we weren't there.
No, we're going.
We're gonna stop this guy together.
See you there.
This is so bad.
How do I get out of this? I was just asking myself that same question.
Taylor, what are you doing? Putting a chair in front of the door.
You know, like everyone does.
Wow, our temple's looking great.
Yeah, it is.
I bet we both get an "a.
" Speaking of "a"s, "a," weren't you about to ask me something before my sister interrupted us? Oh, right.
I was just thinking maybe this weekend we could catch a - Hello! - [Screams.]
Hey, miss jumpy, it's just your favorite little sister.
What do you say, kids? Care for some oatmeal cookies? I'd love a cookie.
Oatmeal's nutritious.
Sorry, but in this house, youngest goes first.
Go ahead, Frankie.
Take a bite.
I made these especially for you two.
Enjoy! You really shouldn't block these doors.
What would happen if this room suddenly burst into flames? You wouldn't be able to get out safely and that's one to grow on.
Now, that's the result of good parenting.
Those tips I got off the "mothers with difficult daughters" message board have really paid off.
- [Screams.]
- You okay? Of course.
It's not like I'm scared of some stupid dinosaur bird.
Set me down, please.
Where's Miles? He wanted me to tell you he couldn't make it but he'll be here secretly in a disguise.
Uh, just pretend you only heard the first part.
Miles, what are you doing? Uh, who's Miles? I'm hugsy Von smiles-a-lot.
That's your e-mail address.
Why are you wearing all this? [Groans.]
Hey, Miles, look who came to see your big haunt.
Stan and dizzy.
You know, my daughter once haunted a Shut it, Stan.
Today is my day to brag.
Miles, make this scare a doozy.
Wait a second, you're the one haunting the exhibit? Mirabelle, it's hard to explain but I have to do this.
Why? What could possibly make Miles Preston want to haunt? I made a promise to a very special person.
Giddy up, Mr.
horsey! Away! Well, I don't care what the reason is.
If this is who you are, I don't wanna be around you.
Taylor can you pass me the glue? Do you hear ticking? Because I hear ticking.
I think it's coming from here.
That's just a music box.
How do we know it's just a music box? [Music box breaks.]
Okay, it's just a music box.
Taylor, I consider myself a pretty perceptive guy and I get the sense that something is kind of off with you today.
What? Nothing's off.
Do you smell snakes? Maybe I should go.
You can't, we haven't finished our Oh, wow, it's done.
We did great.
Here I am, just taking out this smelly garbage.
Don't mind me.
So that's your game, tiny genius, throwing garbage.
Look out, Scott.
Okay, Taylor, so we're all done with the project and also, wow.
So, I'm gonna leave.
I can't take it anymore.
You want to get back at me so badly, just do it! Or here, I'll do it for you.
Good enough? Oh, no? Oh, how about this? There, I'm garbage girl.
Happy? Very.
And the best part is I didn't actually do anything.
Just me being here was enough to push you to the brink of madness.
You were only playing mind games? I rubbed this garbage all over myself for nothing? Not for nothing.
You made me smile! Well, at least Scott didn't see me smothered in garbage.
He's standing right behind me, isn't he? All you ghosts, gather around and get ready for the haunt I've been telling you about.
Introducing my son, Miles Preston! Wait! Miles, I can't let you do this.
Dad, I really made a mess of things.
Okay, go in the bathroom, don't touch anything and I'll meet you in there in five minutes.
No, not that.
I was the one who haunted the bakery.
- Louie, what are you doing? - Telling dad the truth.
Mirabelle shouldn't think you're somebody you're not.
Wait, you boys lied to me? I knew if you found out I was goofing off instead of writing my book report, you wouldn't let me go to ghost camp.
So, you did the snake haunt and scared everybody out of the bakery? I told you my boys are very talented.
- So I'm not in trouble? - No.
You're in big trouble.
But I'm also proud of you.
Snake haunt.
But you're grounded.
And Miles, you lied to me too.
You know better.
But you stood up for your brother and I admire that.
But you're grounded too.
Sorry I let you down.
I wish I was the big time haunter you always wanted.
Hey, all I ever want out of you is what you already are, a great son and a great brother.
And a great friend.
I should have known that you'd only haunt for a good reason.
So what do you say we go see the lecture at the stegosaurus exhibit? I hear it's over four hours long! You so get me.
So I gave up my poker night and I'm not gonna see a haunt? Oh! You came for some haunting? Well, check this out.
[T-Rex roars.]
Yes, I did it! I am the man! [Roaring.]
Cower before me, frightened humans.
Hey, everybody! Oh I'm t-Rex look at me everybody thinks I'm so nasty but all I want to do today is meet a friend and go and play Wait, what the That was not me.
Sorry, baby bro.
I gotta be me.
Oh I like hugs and I like smiles This is an outrage! You must be so proud.
So I'm guessing you're wondering why I'm covered in garbage.
Yeah, I'll just get my things and go.
I don't blame you.
Geez, I just wanted to have a little fun not drive your guy away.
Well, it's too late.
He's probably never going to speak to me again.
Hey, Scott, is this your bag? Oh, yeah, thanks.
Oh, man! Oh, fudge, fudge! Double fudge! I feel like a huge idiot right now.
I know the feeling.
Hey, you kids still have tomorrow.
Why don't you build the temple again? At Scott's place.
A fresh start.
A fresh start could be good.
What do you say? Uh, I say that sounds great.
And afterwards, I think we should go see a movie.
We'll, have popcorn, have some fun just the two of us.
Like a date? I'd like that.
Really? I mean, coolio.
Yeah, you keep things interesting.
You're definitely not like other girls at school.
See you tomorrow.
So I guess it all kind of worked out.
See ya.
Wait, I saw what you did with Scott's bag.
I guess, sometimes, you're not quite as evil as you wanna be.
Need I remind you, you have last night's dinner in your hair? That's not gonna stop me from giving you a great big "thank you" hug! Don't you dare! Stay away from me! [Shouting.]
You were so right, Miles.
Ghost camp is the best.
Dad, turn out the lights.
Since we're grounded, Miles brought ghost camp to me.
Well, it wouldn't be ghost camp without a spooky story.
Hey, I've got one.
You ever heard a tale about a boy who got eaten by a bear because he didn't finish his book report? No! But it sounds awesome.
[Bear roaring.]
[Both scream.]

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