The Legacy (2014) s02e06 Episode Script

Afsnit 6

- He's your little brother. Your little brother!
- Stop it.
- You're insane!
- Stop it.
Shut the fuck up!
I'm sorry, Gro.
I'm sorry.
- Did Frederik do that?
- I needled him.
Stop it. I went too far.
He tried to strangle you!
Don't stick your nose
in my family's business!
Come on, Hannah.
We're leaving.
No way I'm leaving with you.
I'm staying with Dad.
Go home to Mum's.
I don't feel well.
Don't follow me!
Go away!
Frederik, please talk to me.
I couldn't care less about you.
I'd like to come home.
- Really?
- Don't get mad.
I don't want to be your girlfriend.
Isa has agreed to take the medicine
the doctor prescribed.
- What kind of medicine?
- Antidepressants.
- She has a fragile mind.
- Yes.
You can't sleep here anymore.
You have to start paying
for electricity and gas.
You haven't so far,
but I'd like you to.
Gro, you have used the basement
for a long time without paying rent.
So we can deduct your rent
from the loan.
I'm shutting this entrance,
so you'll have to use the other one.
You're great.
Hold this here for a while.
It's really thick, isn't it?
- Signe? Excuse me
- Yes?
- Hello?
- Hi.
I just wanted to ask
if I could borrow the drill.
Yes. Isn't it in the barn?
I'm going to borrow a drop of milk.
- I'll buy some more later.
- No, Thomas.
Right. OK. Bye.
I didn't say anything.
- I'll take it.
- Thanks.
I called him back, Signe.
Your father?
- He's coming for coffee tomorrow.
- Great, Isa.
Can you be here when he comes?
- What time?
- Late morning.
Yes, no problem.
She should have had her nap
15 minutes ago.
Should I take her for a walk
or something?
Yes, good idea.
Hi, Blondie.
Hi, Isa.
Is she sleeping?
Come and see your new room.
Shall I take her?
Isa, go and see it.
- Will you take her for a walk?
- I'll get her to fall asleep.
Great. Thanks.
- Wow, it's big.
- Isn't it?
Come and take a look.
A hook, the cradle,
you're in bed.
Rock it with your feet.
It's really nice.
- She's asleep now.
- You've got a lot done.
It's good, isn't it?
We deserve a dip in Finn's Bay.
Finn's Bay?
That's it! We'll take a dip.
Can't you borrow Signe's car?
Borrow it yourself!
Me and Mrs von Larsen's car?
Forget about it.
So I borrow it to drive you
to the beach, is that it?
Tell her that you have to buy nappies
or something.
No, I have to watch Melody.
- She's sleeping.
- Signe can watch her.
I'll get some towels.
Come with us, Isa.
It's so invigorating.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm out of nappies.
Could I borrow the car,
so I can buy some?
I need it back in an hour.
I have to buy grass seed.
- I'll be back by then.
- Good.
She just fell asleep.
Is it OK for her to stay?
- It's a shame to wake her.
- I'll take her.
- It's fine.
- Thanks.
Could you buy me some twine?
- Of course.
- OK.
These two go in the great hall.
And those go in 'the street'.
Right, Hannah. It's time to go.
You're coming back on Friday,
aren't you?
Why can't I stay at Dad's?
Talk to Solveig about
when you can visit him.
All my stuff is at Dad's.
Then we'll get Robert to swing by.
You can do it on the way.
Do you have the key?
- Hi, Kim.
- Hi, Gro.
Hi there.
- I have good news.
- Yeah?
Is it OK to tell her?
We talked to Walders in Hamburg.
They've agreed to
a Veronika retrospective.
You're kidding!
I thought they didn't want to!
And they want you to curate it.
Wow! Fantastic!
I showed them 'The Body',
and they were flabbergasted.
- 'The Body'?
- It's called 'The Body'.
Signe's piece.
Oh, right.
- We'll have to see what to include.
- There's no getting around 'The Body'.
That's why they chose to exhibit her.
But perhaps we'll find more.
I said that you never know
if new works will turn up.
It's too early to say.
Let's wait and see.
- Hannah, why don't you get your bag?
- Yes.
- Gro, this is huge.
- It is.
- Congratulations.
- Did you bribe them?
- 'The Body'? What the hell got into you?
- It had to have a name.
And you told him there was more?
- You've told him the same thing.
- Yes, while I was drunk.
- I said there might be.
- Gro.
The fish is good. I just know it.
Don't we have enough trouble
documenting 'The Body'?
- And I don't have any sketches.
- You'd have to make some anyway.
Aren't you pleased?
This is fantastic for selling her works.
- But that work can't be exhibited.
- Why not?
Because I made it.
- Sign here, please.
- Sure.
- There we go.
- I'll give you your copy.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Are you OK?
Yes, it saved the day.
Do you want some?
- Yes?
- Why don't we make troll's hair?
Yes, of course!
Great idea.
- I have to take a piss.
- What is it?
Roasted seaweed.
- It's delicious.
- Yuck.
- Yuck? Have you tasted it?
- Nope.
It's a delicacy.
Can I borrow that?
It's my favourite dish.
It doesn't take long.
You just have to smoke it.
It goes crispy.
- You're not doing a very good job.
- It's very slippery.
I've got it now.
It changes colour.
- Here.
- Thanks.
- It's really strong.
- Is it?
Christ, what plonk!
It tastes like urine.
No, Isa. We can't.
I like you a lot too,
but it's too complicated.
- We aren't lovers anymore.
- But it's still too complicated.
Did you taste it?
Do you want to try?
It's terrible.
- It tastes like seawater.
- Like old, tough seawater.
I'll just hang this here.
Frederik didn't like it either.
He didn't like a lot of things.
Do you remember
when he was at boarding school
and spent all his money
on designer clothes?
- They were just awful.
- The black suit. That's right.
God, he was so afraid of ruining it.
We could hardly get him to sit down.
We ganged up on him.
In the end, he looked like a black cigar.
He had seaweed under his clothes.
It'll be nice when we take Melody here.
- Can you take
- Fuck! What time is it?
I should have been home
ten minutes ago.
I promised to be home ten minutes ago
and to buy some twine.
Yes, she needed it
for some work with Aksel.
- Yeah, yeah
- I don't know what to tell her.
We'll think of something.
Let's go.
Damn! It's Signe.
Tell her you met an old friend in town.
That's no excuse!
Tell her that you got drug raped
in the bakery.
There was MDMA in your brownie.
- Stop talking to me!
- We'll find some twine in the basement.
- There isn't any.
- Of course there is!
- We'll find some string.
- Shut the fuck up!
Fuck! There she is. Duck!
What the hell is going on?
Are you OK?
Are you OK, Emil?
Isa, are you OK?
Bloody hell!
You're a hell of a driver, Isa.
Signe, I'm so sorry.
Have you been drinking?
Have you?
Have you been drinking?
Just a little bit.
Isa, have you been drunk-driving?
- What the hell is wrong with you?
- I'm sorry!
Have you lost your mind?
Ouch! Fuck, it hurts.
No, no, no
- What's wrong, Thomas?
- My knee.
- Did you hurt your knee?
- Yes, bloody hell.
What else?
Your neck?
- How about your back?
- Does your neck hurt?
- Anywhere else?
- Stop it. I just hurt myself a bit.
If it's his neck, he has to sit still.
That's right. Thomas, sit still.
Don't you think I should?
I'm calling an ambulance.
No, no.
Ask the doctor if we should come in.
If your neck is bothering you,
it'll have to be checked out.
Knock it off.
You're overreacting.
I just hurt myself a bit.
- Thomas, sit still.
- I just hurt myself.
She's not a doctor.
They're going to send an ambulance
and the police.
You're fucking kidding!
That's what they said.
They'll take Melody away from me
if they find out that I've been drinking,
No, of course they won't!
We'll just tell them I was driving.
But you've been drinking too!
Get out of here.
Take her and go in the house.
- Then get him to sit still.
- I will.
Thomas, sit still. Lift your head.
Where is she?
She's here.
She's right here.
How long has she slept?
I asked you how long she has slept!
I don't know. An hour.
Maybe an hour and a half.
Are you guys OK?
When did we leave, Emil?
Do you remember?
Does she look tired to you?
- Isa?
- Does she look tired?
- Isa
- Does she look tired?
- Look at her!
- I don't know if she's tired, OK?
Take it easy. Calm down.
Isa, look at me.
Isa Isa, look at me.
It doesn't matter eh?
It doesn't matter.
She's fine.
Take a deep breath.
Come and sit down.
Sit down on the bed.
She's fine.
I think you need to rest
for a little while, Isa.
I think you're tired.
I'll just stabilise your neck.
Do you have any pain?
- Yes, my knee hurts.
- Your knee?
And it hurts here at the back.
In the back of your neck?
Does this hurt?
- Hello.
- Hello.
What happened here?
- We
- We hit the plane.
Who was driving?
I was.
I got distracted.
- Were you on the phone?
- No.
Your driving licence, please.
Yes, I think I have it here.
I can smell alcohol.
Yes, a bottle broke down here.
- Have you been drinking?
- No.
I'd like to take a breath test.
I haven't been drinking.
- What's your name?
- Thomas Konrad.
And blow, blow, blow
Thank you.
- It's negative.
- Right.
That's fine.
- What was the result?
- Negative.
What happens now?
You get your licence back.
And you got off easy.
Just take deep breaths.
I'm here.
Could you call Gro, please?
- Yes, of course.
- Thanks.
- You can sit up front with my colleague.
- Right.
- Hi, sweetie.
- We thought you were at work.
I'm working from home.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm so sorry about what happened
the other day.
Nothing happened.
All right?
- I had a great time in Copenhagen.
- Hannah
We have to go.
Get your things.
I'll go and get dressed,
so I can take her to Solveig's.
You won't.
She's my daughter.
I'm taking her to Solveig's.
Get in the car, Hannah.
I'll see you later, sweetie.
- Will you?
- Yes.
I'll talk to Mum
and figure something out.
See you.
- Thank you so much.
- We enjoyed having her over.
Come in and have a cup of coffee.
Thanks, I have to be getting on.
Frederik went berserk in Thailand.
He did what?
He tried to strangle Gro.
She had bruises on her neck
when she came home.
I thought you should know.
With the kids and all
- Hi.
- Hi.
What's up?
I haven't heard anything yet,
but Gro is on her way.
Will you give me a hand?
I need to get the car in the barn.
There we go.
Right here is fine.
Where's Isa?
She's in the house resting.
- Can you fix it?
- I hope so.
I'll do my best, all right?
I think she's hungry.
Signe, where is Thomas?
They're still checking him out
at the hospital.
His knee and neck.
Shit, man!
I can do it.
Why won't it come out?
Isa, take her and let me do that.
- This is typical of me.
- Stop it.
Take you daughter and feed her.
She's very hungry.
Sit down and feed her.
Sit down.
- Isa!
- I think that she doesn't like me.
She likes you.
She's just hungry. Sit down.
Now give her some porridge.
That's it. Good.
Just look at her.
I'm sorry, Signe.
That's OK.
- Hi.
- I just picked up the grass seed.
Your car isn't going
anywhere soon, is it?
Oh, Aksel
Isa, I'll be back later.
Hi, Robert.
- Good to see you.
- You too.
No thanks.
I've just talked to Gro.
They'll be here soon.
Isn't she in Copenhagen?
No, she's at the hospital with Thomas.
- We got into an accident with the car.
- OK.
- Hadn't you heard?
- No.
- Is Thomas OK?
- Yes, he's fine.
But the car is a bit worse for wear.
I just came by
to look at some of the works.
I took Hannah back to her mother's.
OK. How
- Is she moving out for real?
- Yes, it looks that way.
I see. Well,
I have to get going on this.
There's coffee upstairs.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I thought we agreed
to meet tomorrow.
I was going to make dinner.
That's right.
- Come in.
- I came because I wanted to talk to you.
About the kids.
They won't be coming over
for a while.
What do you mean?
Why did you bring her?
Frederik, I
I heard what happened in Thailand.
I don't think they should be
alone with you out here.
I would never hurt the kids.
You know that.
- We'll talk about it tomorrow as agreed.
- Frederik
- Here are your clothes.
- Thank you.
- Feel better soon.
- Yes, thank you.
- Hi.
- Hi there.
Thomas, it's important that you
take it easy until the pain is gone.
Of course.
- Are you in pain?
- No. I'm high on Ketogan.
But I want to go home.
Leave the wheelchair in the vestibule,
once he's in the car.
- Feel better soon.
- You too.
Let's do it.
You're good at this.
Let's get some for the house.
Is Robert here?
Yes, in the basement.
Hi, Thomas. How are you?
I've been better.
Where's Signe?
Out in the field.
- Are you high?
- Yes. Are you kidding?
Can you help me?
It's stuck in my hair.
- How irritating.
- Morphine is brilliant.
Christ, will it never end?
- Let me see what she wants.
- Sure.
Thomas has to lie down for a few days.
He can't stay in the caravan.
It'd be more practical
if he were in the house.
Can't he stay in the basement with you?
Yes, but it's so dark.
What about when he has to pee?
- Gro
- I'm not asking you to nurse him.
I'll call Lone.
Emil will help out too.
Sure. We'll all help.
It's just for a few days.
- OK.
- Thank you.
- Now what?
- You'll stay in the house.
- Hi, Thomas.
- Hi. Thank you.
- Can you put any weight on it?
- I'd rather not.
We can put him in Veronika's old room.
Isa is using it.
Isa, can't you stay in the caravan?
Can't I stay in your room with you?
No, I'll take the caravan.
You can have my room.
- Do we all agree?
- Yes.
- So, in here.
- Yes.
Ouch, ouch, ouch
No, put me down.
No, you idiot!
What are you doing?
I'm terribly sorry.
I'm glad that you have the family
under control.
How nice for you.
- What else could I do?
- At least you closed that entrance off.
No one will be coming up
from the basement.
Are there a lot of people down there?
I just came to say thanks.
See you tomorrow.
Excuse me, could you just help me?
It's this way.
Here come my two girls.
- Can I put her down next to you?
- Of course.
Please do.
I'm sorry.
For Christ's sake, don't apologise.
It suits me just fine to laze about here.
Maybe I can get Emil to finish
the work on the caravan.
You're good at getting people
to work for you.
Could you get me a couple of aspirin?
How many do you want?
Two. I don't know
if I'm allowed any more than that.
What are you doing, Dad?
You've just had morphine.
You can't take more painkillers.
But I'm still in pain.
You'll have to wait two hours.
- I didn't know.
- No, because you didn't ask.
You don't have a handle
on anything!
And you didn't know that you
mustn't drink and drive, did you?
That girl is hopeless!
She was about to give him pills.
Isn't that up to Thomas?
Why are you defending her?
She's not up to the task.
Thomas shouldn't have let her drink.
Come here.
That fish is amazing.
- No, it isn't.
- It's at least as good as 'The Body'.
What should we call it?
Knowing you, you'll have
an interesting suggestion.
Everyone loves your work.
You're very good.
- Why can't you enjoy it?
- I can't.
I don't even know what I'm doing.
But I do.
I think your meddling is irritating.
And that you
snoop around in my things.
- Do I meddle?
- Yes. I'll let you know when I'm ready.
What are you actually ready for?
I mustn't interfere
in your art or your family.
Is it too much to ask
to give me some space?
Your brother almost strangled you.
But I mustn't say a word.
Quiet! Shh!
Well, it has nothing to do with you.
I told Solveig.
You what?
I told Solveig.
Have you lost your mind?
Aren't things hard enough
for him already?
Yes, but he's totally wacko.
She has a right to know.
He could take it out on the kids.
I think you should go to Hamburg.
Isn't that where you're heading?
I'm sorry.
- Stay the night.
- No.
And don't call me until you can tell me
what you want.
With us.
- Are you two OK, Isa?
- It's too small for her.
- What?
- It's just too small for her.
You're squashing her.
Isa, you're squashing her.
Stop it.
- I can do this!
- I know. It's back to front.
I know. I'll turn it around!
You're squashing her arm.
Be gentle with her!
This way.
Her hand goes here.
Could you take her, please?
Just for the night.
I'm exhausted.
I'll take her, but I think
you need to talk to a psychologist.
I know you've been to one before,
but not since you've become a mother.
Yes. So you'll take her?
- Yes.
- Thanks.
Then you can get some sleep.
What the hell is going on?
She's had a hard day.
Give her a chance.
- She agreed to see a psychologist.
- She was squashing the baby! She's
I know, but she's just been
in an accident.
Let's give her a chance.
All right.
Isa, come back,
for Christ's sake! Stop!
Isa, stop!
Isa, for fuck's sake. Don't go!
Isa, come back. Isa.
- Stop.
- Leave me alone.
Wait a minute.
- Isa?
- Don't go.
- Isa.
- Don't go, Isa.
- Take it easy, and let's talk about it.
- Isa!
- Stop!
- Isa, what's wrong?
- Stop, for fuck's sake!
- Emil!
Where are you going?
I just need to be alone for a while.
Come back to the house.
Let's do as we agreed.
I need some peace and quiet.
You said so yourself.
- But don't run away like this.
- I can't stay here.
Something happens all the time.
It's going well, and then
And Emil starts staring.
- And you all have opinions about me.
- Isa!
Come back to the house.
I have to try being on my own.
- No. I can't let you take her with you.
- She's my daughter!
But you can't take care of her!
Don't you believe in me either?
No, I don't think you can
take care of Melody on your own.
No, I don't think so.
You squash her
when you're changing her.
You drink and drive.
She senses all of it.
You're not well.
Hi, sweetie.
- Hi, champ.
- You go on ahead.
I'll be there in minute.
What did you tell him?
Solveig, what did you tell him?
I told him that we're getting a divorce.
And I told him
that they'll live with me.
We haven't talked about it.
- You can't just say
- But that's the way it'll be.
Solveig, we have
We've been through a lot over the years,
and we can get through this.
We can!
No, we can't.
It's over, Frederik.
It's over.
You can't prevent me
from seeing my kids.
Oh yes, I can! I have to!
This will never hold up in court.
In court?
Is that really what you want,
Good morning.
Good morning. Hey.
I just looked in on Thomas.
He's asleep.
Isa has left.
She wanted to take Melody,
but we stopped her.
I took her.
I said such harsh things to her.
- I'm sure you didn't.
- I said that she was sick.
She was totally
Even if you'd said that she was
the most amazing mother in world,
she wasn't up for it, Signe.
- I think you did Melody a favour.
- Do you think so?
Hello, sweetie.
I can take her to Copenhagen
for a few days.
But what if Isa comes back?
We'll figure it out, won't we?
I can take care of her too
if Thomas wants her to be nearby.
Let's see. He's on morphine
and needs to rest.
He isn't at his best.
- What is it?
- I can't lift my arms.
What do you mean?
I woke up and couldn't move my legs.
- Can't you feel this?
- No.
- Dad, can't you feel this either?
- No.
No, I can't.
Call an ambulance.
- What's going on?
- Thomas can't feel his arms.
There's a phone in my coat.
- What's going on?
- Thomas is in a bad way.
Where the hell is it?
Take it easy.
- This isn't good.
- It'll be OK.
We need an ambulance.
Any news from Gro?
Not yet.
Could you give me a hand?
- Where do you want it?
- Over there. On the flat area.
- God!
- Who is it?
It's Isa's father!
He's coming over
to have coffee with Isa.
Signe, don't tell him about Thomas
and the accident.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm sorry, but Isa isn't here.
I see.
Where is she?
I don't know.
I think she needed some air.
I'm really sorry.
Hey there, pumpkin.
I brought some clothes.
And she really likes this.
And these.
How nice.
Do you want it, sweetie?
Come here.
Give my love to Isa
when she gets back.
I will.
And call me if you need anything.
Bye, sweetie.
- All right?
- Yes. Thank you.
Take a look. There's a displacement
between the 5th and 6th vertebrae.
The scan showed that the disc
is putting pressure on the spinal cord.
But you already examined him.
Everything was fine.
Yes, there weren't any
neurological indications at the time.
Now what?
We'll operate immediately to relieve
the pressure on the spinal cord.
And then he'll be fine?
There's no guarantee, but we'd like to
relieve the pressure on his spinal cord.
Will he be able to move?
We hope for the best.
She won't let me see the kids.
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