The Machinery (2020) s02e06 Episode Script

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No, no, no. Wait here.
I'll be right back.
Palle has hidden
the money with his mother.
- And we're here now.
- Okay. I'll be right there.
Where is she?
Where's Josefin?
Let her go.
Let her go, Olle.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I have Jimmy.
I need to talk to Josefin.
I kept my word.
You have the money now.
But you don't fucking hurt him.
Should have known.
That you'd run home to Mum.
Right, give me the bag.
Palle. The bag.
It's incredible
how fucking stubborn you can be.
- Palle. Come on.
- Okay.
Right. You fucking little rat!
- No!
- Mum!
Fuck Mothers, right?
Is he?
Is he? Is he dead?
Let go of the knife.
Drop the knife, Mum.
Let go of the knife!
- Okay
- Who is he?
You're bleeding. Here.
- What's that?
- You need to get to a hospital.
What's this? What money is this?
This is the money from Sandefjord.
But you said
you'd left all that behind.
- I have. Soon.
- No
- Now we're done with one another.
- Mum
I think you'd better take
that bag and just go.
Just go.
Do it now.
What the hell have you done?
Why didn't you warn me?
Didn't you see the guy who went in?
What could I do?
He pointed a gun at my head.
I got sca
It's okay. Shit. He's
I've really tried
to keep it all together. The family.
They've taken Lilly away from me.
You get that?
They have taken Lilly away from me!
It was my fault.
I don't give a shit
whose fault it is.
I shot Monica and Jimmy, not you.
It's too late
to make things right now.
With Palle's millions, we can
start over, build something new.
- You've thought this through.
- Yes.
Josefin, what about Monica?
We need her.
She has contacts in Copenhagen
who can give us new identities,
and then we just split the money.
- You know you can't trust her?
- I know.
She saved my life.
- When's Dad coming?
- In just a while.
Why are you with Dad anyway?
You're a cop.
You don't say "cop."
Besides, we're not together.
Not in that way.
Good. Because I don't need
any more mothers.
Have you found each other again?
You two are sweet.
I won't share the money with him.
No. You and I share equally.
- Jimmy?
- Find the money.
Yeah. Sure.
- You didn't see who it was either?
- No.
- I didn't see anything. It was dark.
I was on my way up to the house,
and all of a sudden, it went black.
- Josefin didn't come home all night?
- No.
Are you sure about that?
Don't answer. No.
- Hello?
- Hi, it's Daniel.
There was a break-in
at your house last night.
- Did they take anything?
- Well, not that I can see.
It's weird, though.
The patio door
doesn't seem to be broken into.
I put a key under a pot
in the back. See if it
Yeah, that doesn't seem to be there.
Can you come by later?
No, I stayed with a friend
in Gothenburg.
You don't know where Palle is?
- No, why?
- Well, there's a warrant out.
What? What's he done now?
He seems to be involved
in some car thefts.
If he gets in touch with you,
please call me.
Absolutely, I'll do that.
Daniel, you haven't heard
anything else about Monica Hansen?
No, she hasn't been seen.
- And you haven't heard from Olle?
- No.
- Thanks for calling.
- Thanks.
- No. They're looking for Palle.
- Okay. Yeah. Let's get a move on.
- Okay.
- The car.
Kenny. There's a shoe print
out on the patio.
- Can you take a picture of it?
- Sure.
Yes, I'm coming.
Jimmy. I need you to do
something important for me.
I want you to pick up Lilly at school
and meet us
at the harbour in two hours.
Can you do that?
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to get some money.
From Palle?
You have to be careful,
because they're looking for you.
What happens now?
What are you looking for?
- Is someone following us?
- No.
Everything I do, I do for us.
Are you with me? It's like
My parents, they never thought
I was good for anything.
And I won't treat my kids that way.
I know.
- So do you still want to marry me?
- Of course.
What kind of question is that?
Can we stop the car?
You have to promise not to laugh.
I need to pee when I'm happy.
- You promised you wouldn't laugh!
- I wasn't laughing.
Yes, you did.
- I love you.
- I love you.
Hey, what
What are you doing here?
What's up?
I want to show you something.
Come with me.
- What?
- Just come.
Palle, wait.
What are we doing here?
"Love is so wonderfully strong,
enslaved by naught in this realm.
Roses bloom in the hardest ground,
as sun on dark fields.
My heart is yours,
your heart is mine,
and never will I leave it again."
What are you talking about?
Nils Ferlin.
I'd intended to recite it
to you at our wedding.
Get married.
Buy a house. Have children.
How could I have been so stupid?
Palle, it's not what you think.
- Did you sleep with him?
- No.
- Axel, he
- Axel is dead.
This is Axel.
Get it?
Please, Palle, if
If Axel is dead, I'm free.
- But Hang on.
- It's too late.
He threatened to kill my parents!
Why didn't you come to me with that?
- I would have done anything for you!
- This isn't you, Palle. This isn't
You can bet
your fucking life this is me!
But who the fuck are you?
You'll come in with us later,
after you've talked with the police.
How are you? Are you okay?
It It all
went so fast.
I thought he was going to kill me.
Did you know Axel Wessberg?
- Who?
- The guy lying dead in your kitchen.
He and Palle had some
business together.
Was Palle here last night?
We have to find him.
- What's he done?
- Daniel?
Hang on.
If you want to help Palle,
you have to tell me where he is.
Do I need a lawyer?
- Daniel?
- What?
A fisherman has found two corpses
out at the Busten shoal.
Contact Uddevalla.
We'll need more people.
- Oops!
- I'll be right back.
- Why aren't you in hospital?
- Come on. Mum and Dad are waiting.
What do you mean?
Come on.
Eva-Lena died.
She died.
We're having
a memorial event for her now.
Come on.
So you've been walking around
thinking that I killed Josefin?
I don't understand
why you always think the worst of me.
- I don't think about you that much.
- Right, thank you.
Do you think Jimmy will need help?
Yeah, I think so.
I read a bit about
attachment theory in prison.
It's hard to grow up without a dad.
You have to deal with traumas.
- So you read a book?
- Yes, I did. Several, actually.
It's not easy to have you
as a mum either.
- You might be right.
- Jimmy is stronger than you think.
It's actually strange
that he hasn't been
What? More fucked up?
Everything's going to be
all right now, isn't it?
Now we're like a big hippie family
heading out into the world together.
We'll probably end up
in the same bed.
Hi, Kenny.
The body on the left
He's in our records.
You know who that is?
This is Daniel.
Yes, hello.
- When will I get paid?
- Not now!
Can you just fucking wait a bit?
So fucking pissed off
- Palle.
- It's Liam.
We're a little early. Are you there?
- Yes, I'm here. Is Reine with you?
- We'll be there soon.
God, it's been a while! What the fuck
is it with you and your temper?
- What's all this?
- Open it.
- Are you going to rob me?
- Yes. We are.
You've ruined my life.
He's ruined your life!
I want to help you.
Open it!
I swear. I swear, I've put money away
for you and the children.
Open the safe now.
Open it.
Put that down. You won't shoot me,
you know that.
- I won't?
- No.
What the fuck! Are you nuts?
Josefin, can you please tell me
before you shoot!
What the fuck?
Give us the code.
No way.
I found an old colleague
down in the corridor.
Give us the code.
Palle. I know Monica.
Give them the code.
- Will I get paid?
- But of course you will.
- Good.
Shit, Elvis!
Lilly's birthday?
Sit down, Palle.
Sit down on the chair!
I've put money aside for you.
Okay, we'll split it.
Yeah, we get a hundred percent
and you get zero.
Palle! Where are you?
Someone's coming.
Come on, this way.
Josefin, we have to go now.
Please. Come on.
Come on! Here they are!
Come on!
They took the money!
They went that way!
They took everything.
Come on.
- I'll handle this.
- Elvis!
Jossan. What the
Looks like Elvis
has left the building.
It was just your bodyguard.
Did you see anyone else?
It's fucking dark out there.
Didn't see anything.
They were here!
I don't know how they found me
or how the hell they got in here,
but they were here.
They took everything. They shot me.
- You're trying to rip us off.
- No, I'm not trying to rip
Look at this.
It's totally fucking empty.
They took everything!
We have to be paid.
Yes, I get that, but I have
to talk to Reine, you understand?
I need to clear it up with him.
He knows I keep my word.
Reine is dead.
Police found him drowned
this morning.
And you were the last person
seen with him.
No, no, no. Damn it, I didn't
I didn't touch him.
Just give me some time.
Just give me two days.
Two, that's all I need.
Then we'll figure this out.
That thing with Reine is
fucking insane, but it wasn't me.
Police! Halt! Stop!
Put your hands up!
Come on, hands up! Get your hands up!
Get your hands up! Put the gun down!
Come on, put the gun down!
Put it down, or I'll shoot.
No, Olle! No!
Bring the car here! Hurry up!
Come on! Bring it here!
- Come, come, come!
- No!
- What are you waiting for?
- Get in!
Olle, hurry.
Jesus Christ, how did that
fucking cunt know we were there?
- How the hell should I know?
- Well, I don't know!
Maybe she followed Palle.
I don't know.
Are you okay?
Hi, Jimmy! Hi!
Hey, Jimmy
- Sweetheart.
- Let's have a look at you.
- We have to go. The boat's over here.
- We're not going.
- We're not going!
- What's happening right now?
- Let's go!
- We're not going!
- Hey! Stop it! What's going on?
- I called Daniel.
- He'll be here soon.
- Why did you do that?
- Why did you do that, Jimmy?
- This has to end sometime.
We don't want to live like you.
Oh, God
What is it?
Dad, I can't do this anymore.
- I understand, but we have to go.
- Eva-Lena.
She was in a coma.
But now she's dead.
It's my fault.
No, no, no. Please, Jimmy.
Let's get in the boat now,
and we'll leave together.
But I want to be with Jimmy
and go to school and meet friends.
I understand that.
But you can't. You can't, sweetheart.
If you love us, then stay.
- Come on, Jimmy. Come.
- Monica
Jimmy, come here.
- Come on, Jimmy. Come to Mummy.
- What the hell are you doing?
What are you doing?
Can we just calm down now?
Are you leaving with the money?
This isn't our money.
We have to hand it back.
- Hey, half of it is mine!
- Come on, Jimmy.
Please, Monica,
not in front of the children.
Come on, Jimmy.
We've got a new plan now.
- I have to go.
- You're exactly right.
It's not our money.
You just do what Mum says.
- Monica, drop the gun!
- Hi, Daniel!
Please, Monica, drop the gun.
Do you want to see a child die?
No, nobody here wants that.
And neither do you.
While it's good to see you again,
I think we're going to leave.
But, hey, next time
Hey! Give me your boat! Get back!
Monica. Please don't get on the boat.
- Let's talk about this.
- Stay away!
It's not too late. I'm begging you.
Think about Jimmy now.
Monica Hansen is heading
out towards the canal.
She has the hostage on board.
Shit, shit, shit!
Mum! Stop!
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Right. Up, up, up. Jimmy, up!
Get out of the boat.
Hurry! Up the stairs, come on!
Up, up, up!
Mummy and Daddy have to go away.
Otherwise the police will get us.
Give this map to Daniel.
It's important.
- Look at me. You know we love you.
- I love you too.
Never forget it.
It's going to be fine, sweetheart.
Sorry. Sorry, I didn't mean to.
I had to do it.
So we could get away.
Right? I'm sorry.
We can go somewhere.
We'll go We can go to
Hey, you know what? You decide.
We'll go anywhere you want.
What is it?
What is it?
Goodbye, Mum.
Come on! Bring the car here!
Could you please wait
a little bit more?
No problem.
Your share.
- Well, good luck.
- Likewise.
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