The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers (2021) s02e06 Episode Script


Previously on
The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers
Going down at this camp.
I can break down the stats
on all the kids here.
Jace Cole.
Thank you. For picking my son.
Evan Morrow.
Thank you for picking Evan.
Means a lot to him.
I think you should
give this team a chance.
It's a really great group of kids.
I'm sure that's why your son was so
excited to get moved to my dad's team.
I'm like you.
So, you too?
That's my older brother. He's
the main course in our family.
That's how I got my nickname, Fries.
I rarely play with other kids.
Picking from the bottom of the board up?
Drafting some of the worst players here?
I picked them because
they are the best team.
We are going to win,
because we're a team.
We are The Mighty Ducks.
Hello, EPIC!
Tomorrow, as you know, is the
start of tournament play. Oh, yes!
That empty spot right there
is not just reserved for
this year's champion.
No, no, that is an opportunity.
An opportunity
for this year's winning squad
to get their names recorded
in the history books
of this great institution.
An opportunity to show future players
that you were the real deal.
Coaches, let's pass out
those official team jerseys.
Visualize it.
Dream it.
Imagine it.
Don't all those words
mean the same thing?
Then you get out there, and you do it.
Oh, he brought it home.
You ready, guys?
Gonna get our names up on that banner.
You're asking me if I'm ready?
I'm a permanently coiled snake.
We do a round-robin format,
which means the top two
teams will be facing off
in a final showdown for a chance
to compete in the summer showcase.
This, right here, is when
rubber hits the road, people.
Okay? Let's get it going!
You think we have a chance?
Yes! Of course we have a chance.
We're the Mighty Ducks,
I wouldn't count us out.
I wouldn't exactly count us in, either.
Come on, guys. We got our Assistant GM
Nick's scouting binder.
I organized every player by their team,
so we can ID our strategy
based on who we're playing.
Let's see. Common theme,
well, they're all very
strong, very fast,
and one of the girls' legal
first name is "Rambo".
Guys, I know this camp
has been a struggle,
but we have something none
of the other teams have. Heart.
- You're breathing on me.
- Sorry.
Oh, hey, Morrow!
You see the schedule? We play
you guys in a couple of days.
Oh, I saw. Bring it
Bring it on. Bring it on.
Push it up the ice!
Let's go, Dominate!
Push it up the ice!
Hey, Rich Eisen again.
My agent swore to me that
it would not be weird to come back
and call the action
of a summer camp tournament.
So, here we go.
My notes say Evan Morrow's
on the bench this game
because he ditched practice
for a birthday party.
It was for his best friend.
This does not feel like
the end of my career.
Nice pass to A.J. Lawrence.
- Yes!
- Yeah!
Team Dominate living up to their name.
You all right?
All right, all right, all right!
More of that!
Yes, people! This is why we live.
This is why we get after it.
Is it? It's why we get after it?
Hey, wanna sub in?
Haven't you heard? I'm damaged goods.
All right. You asked for it.
Jace Cole, a top-ranked prospect
in his age group last year.
Just cannot seem to get
on top of his shot these days.
Feels like these Ducks should
probably figure out how to swim
'cause hockey's not going so great.
Okay, turns out skill level
of hand-selected talent
from across the country
is incredibly high.
Yeah, those teams at States were good,
but this is a whole other level.
It's like regular pizza versus
Chicago deep dish.
Can we order pizza to this camp?
Right, yeah, stay on topic.
There's gotta be something we can do.
I talked such a big game to Coach Cole.
Look, when you're in trouble,
which we clearly are,
you gotta stick to the numbers.
Go back to the analytics.
Let's see.
Next team we're playing, Team Hustle.
Oh, that's good. I've studied each
and every single one of their players.
Not in a weird way or anything, yeah.
Best thing we can do is adjust.
And we just have to adjust
- Everything?
- Yeah.
Look ahead! Go to where
the puck's gonna be.
There you go, Morrow! There you go!
The little Morrow kid
taking a puck to the skate.
Sacrificing his body as only
one can in children's hockey.
Hey, Coach, wanted to see me?
Yeah, yeah, come on in.
So, Evan,
look, I know that you had
a rocky start with this team.
But I gotta say you have
really turned it around, my friend.
You were great out there today,
and I am always okay with
somebody who gives 150%.
You're a grinder, and you
really, really want this, don't you?
I really do. I mean, thank
you, thank you so much.
I love everything about
this place. I mean,
the shampoo in the locker room,
it gives me great volume.
Anyway, how's your skate?
Looks like you cracked a toe
when you went to block that shot.
Uh, yeah, you know, I just
gotta tape it up, that's all.
Sometimes I get stuff
from sponsors, you know,
some of the latest and
greatest twigs, mitts, skates.
You should try those. What are you, 8.5?
So what we'll do is we'll bake 'em
and they'll mold right to your foot.
Thank you. I mean, thank you so much.
This is much better than that time
I got a mold for my retainer.
They're nothin'! They're nobody.
I want you to go out there
and make 'em eat ice. Let's go.
Don't worry about them.
Remember everything we
learned in our first game.
And we're gonna be fine.
What happened?
What about the breakdown of Hustle's
strengths and weaknesses?
And all the adjustments we made?
Yeah, I think we got it really wrong.
At ease!
Oh, hey, hey.
Dominate, jog in place.
Ducks, breathe. In and out. Deeply.
Hey, what's up?
So, how's that picking from the bottom
of the board working out for you?
Good, really good. Really pleased.
- Yeah? Really?
- Mmm-hmm.
Aren't you 0-2?
- Yeah, what are you?
- 2-0.
It's the same numbers,
in a different order.
If we're gonna be here
any longer, can we sit?
No, no. Stand, stand, we're standing.
So, I guess we play you guys tomorrow.
Yeah! You're just getting in
an extra run, tryin' to get ready?
No, no, no, no. We actually won today,
so I promised the guys
a celebratory run around the lake.
You're welcome to join us.
Oh, no, that's okay. We're celebrating
with some jumping jacks later.
- Okay, well. Dominate
- Roll out!
Ducks, come with me, be careful.
Cover! Cover!
I know we said we were a bad fit
but it still hurts to see it.
Yeah, I tried to warn you guys.
I'm trying to think about it
like it's so bad, it's hilarious.
But I think the hot tears
are starting to come out.
Oh, I am never gonna hear
the end of this from Lawrence,
or our other brother, Duke,
who does gymnastics.
Sorry we let you down.
What? No!
Koob, you didn't let me down.
We did. I mean,
we tried our best, but I think
this camp finally broke us.
Okay, guys. I have an idea.
I know there are a lot of
negative emotions going around,
and we are out here because
I wanted to share
an old camp tradition of mine.
Everybody, find a stick
on the ground, pick it up.
Should it be sharp?
No, we're not gonna spear each other,
but, um, okay, good.
Now, I'd like us to go around
and everyone say a negative emotion
they're feeling and why,
and then pass me your stick.
Gertie, do you wanna start?
Okay, uh, well,
in Alaska it doesn't really
matter what I wear
or how I act, but here,
it's kinda hard to know
if I come off as sort of odd.
Like, I'm the only one who's ever
fostered a walrus pup, right?
Never have. But I'd be all over that.
Yeah, well, that's my emotion.
Great. Sam?
I basically feel like we suck.
I'm not here to point fingers.
It's not any one person's fault.
Speaking of fingers,
I dislocated mine in the last game.
Oh, okay, we'll take you right to
the medic as soon as we're done.
I'm just tired of feeling invisible.
It's like at home, every weekend,
my family always travels
for my brother's games.
I'm on the team too, but they always
call it "my brother's games".
And at the hotel, he makes
me sleep on the wheel-in cot.
I guess I was just hoping something
would be different here,
but it's exactly the same.
It's not right.
It's my turn, I guess.
Honestly, I'm lost.
I've been finding this whole
other side of myself, like
the ripped jeans, the dyed hair,
it's just
And I'm, you know,
reaching an exploratory phase
where I might even consider
getting a tattoo someday,
but I don't know.
Is that the real me?
You're very real to us.
My turn?
I'm just exhausted.
I mean, between hockey, my boyfriend,
looking this great, being a feminist,
and trying to get the knots
out of Gertie's hair every day,
it's just too much.
At home, I just cut 'em out.
You want me to start doing that?
No, no. I'll brush 'em later.
I'm just bummed that we're all bummed.
That's all I got.
A man of few words. Respect.
I'm feeling that this is pointless.
Okay. So, your twig is
that it's pointless.
- Here, take it.
- No, I'm gonna keep it.
I don't think that going around
a fire and sharing our feelings
is gonna make us any better.
Maybe not, but this is about you.
Just trying to help.
You're part of this team.
Why do you wanna fix me?
Like, do you wanna fix my shot
so that tomorrow we'll beat my dad?
No, that's not what it's about at all.
If you don't wanna play
tomorrow, don't play.
If you don't wanna be part
of this team, don't be.
I'm trying to help you
find a little happiness.
It's summer camp.
Why do you keep saying that?
What's so great about summer camp?
My parents got divorced when I was nine,
and I spent years going back and forth,
and summer camp was the one place
where I could leave my toothbrush
somewhere for longer than a week.
I made great friends there.
I mean, look around.
This is your family,
this is your team, your community.
This is summer.
Yeah, well, not for me.
I'm from LA. It's summer all year round.
So, yeah, uh, my twig was just
about not loving doing laundry.
But, yeah, I think we're past that.
Well, the point I'm just trying to make,
is that it's a lot to carry
all these feelings by yourself,
and one stick on its own,
it's kind of easy to break.
But we're in this together,
and together,
we're unbreakable.
That's what it is to be a team.
That's what it is to be together.
She just lands it with a stick metaphor.
Good morning, Coach.
Back at ya!
Jace isn't coming.
Hey, uh, guys, listen up.
Remember, we can do this. Okay?
Together we are unbreakable.
Go out there and get 'em.
Ducks on three. One, two, three.
Yes! Yes!
Yeah! Yes!
This Morrow kid is playing
against his own mom.
I wouldn't want to be
at that family's Thanksgiving.
Check her!
And that's the end
of the second period. 2-2.
The Ducks have come to play.
Yeah, great job!
You were fantastic. You were terrific.
- You were wonderful. The best.
- One more period, one more period.
It's 2-2. All right? Let's go.
I don't know. Looks like we
got ourselves a game here.
You're playing well.
Can't argue with you.
You guys should be proud.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Give me some!
Let's go! We're doing it, guys!
All right!
Team, we are in a tie game
with Team Dominate.
Yes, we are!
Now all we have to do is
keep it up and bring it home
when we get back out there.
I'm so excited!
Me too! And a little parched.
I'mma go get hydrated.
Go! Go get that water!
Hey! Look who it is? Lawrence. 88. Yeah.
Looks like we're just two athletes
meetin' at the fridge,
gettin' our electrolytes up, you know?
If I'm being honest, I don't
know what electrolytes are,
but sounds like they're gonna
make me electric. Huh?
Looks like we're in for
a pretty tight third period, huh?
Guess we're unexpectedly
holding our own.
I mean, you guys all doubted us.
But, hey, we had a very
emotional bonding session.
It's something you can't
quantify analytically.
It came from the heart.
Our coach motivated us.
And I guess you guys
are very talented
The whole team is playing
with our off-hands.
Sorry, what now?
The righties are playing lefty,
and the lefties, righty.
That's the only reason we're tied.
Everybody we're Ducks we're Ducks ♪
- And we know that we're Ducks
- Guys, guys!
Cut that out.
It's all a lie. They're playing
with their opposite hands.
- What?
- I just had a little chat with Lawrence.
Their righties are playing as lefties,
and lefties as righties.
Cole thought it was the only way
they wouldn't humiliate us.
And they'd get their workout in.
So, I'm not hockey's
new Alaskan superstar?
No, I'm sorry.
This is so wrong.
No. No! No, no, no.
- Come on, guys.
- Let's go.
Hey! What's the deal with you
playing opposite-handed?
Ah, you noticed.
I sorta let it slip.
You "sorta let it slip"?
We're not charity cases.
Wait, I'm sorry, okay?
You guys were not supposed to find out.
Oh, is that supposed to
make us feel better?
Playing off-handed is a viable
hockey training exercise.
Please, stop, no.
Look, in the third period, I want
you to play normally, okay?
Full strength. We wanna
win fair and square, right?
Maybe we'll start playing with
opposite hands in the last period.
No, we're not gonna do that.
We are not gonna do that.
Okay. You know what? Fine. Fine.
Have it your way. See
you in the third period.
Look, I'm sorry.
Coach Cole just gave us
a bunch of different sticks
and told us to go and do it.
We couldn't say anything.
It's not cool, man.
The Evan I used to know
would never have done that.
Come on, I'm still the Evan
you used to know.
Really? Then where'd you get
your brand-new skates?
Coach Cole got 'em for me,
but they're just all right.
Let's go, guys.
Dominate has come out firing
for this last period.
Don't know what happened
in that locker room,
but momentum sure has shifted.
Let's go!
Maybe we should've just let them
keep playing with the wrong hands.
At least it felt better than this.
Come on, no.
It's better to lose fairly
than to be humiliated.
I think they still, uh,
humiliated us, unfortunately.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. You know what? As our GM,
I've taken this team as far as I can.
0-3. Not very far.
I wish the trash can was big,
make it more of a thing, you know?
'Cause now it's just sittin' there.
And it looks stupid. Yeah.
Well, I guess it's over.
I did the math, and we need
to win out this tournament
just to get to the semis.
The semis?
Forget that.
I want our name on that banner.
Look, what happened today was not okay.
And I know since I've
been here, I've been
trying to act like I don't care,
but I do care.
And next time we play,
I wanna kick some Dominate butt.
I know you think I'm some big rebel,
but the dyed hair and
the "I don't care" attitude
isn't really all of me.
You know, I like this
version of you, too.
Good. 'Cause I'm a great hockey
player, and it's payback time.
Might even like this
version a little better.
Look, guys.
I heard what my dad and his team did.
And that's messed up.
I don't think we're
gonna stand for that.
I wanna be a part of this team.
I wanna be a Duck.
Welcome to the team.
Although, I'm still not really
sure how I can help.
I still can't shoot or anything, so
Well, what's our next move, Coach?
You've reached the front
office of the Anaheim Ducks.
Please leave a message.
Hi, um
I got your number from Gordon Bombay,
and I'm calling because
I need some help.
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