The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e06 Episode Script

The Great Spirit Mother and the Demon King's Right-Hand Man

If we don't hurry,
they'll take the Law Destroyer too.
We just need to find Avos Dilhevia, right?
-But how do we find Misa
Don't let your guard down.
There's a chance that
they've already infiltrated.
Yes, sir!
Nothing there. Next.
Revest and Menou?
The misfit symbol?
-It may be a trap.
-It's okay.
They're angry.
I see.
What's the matter?
Nothing. Please allow me
to search this area once more.
I searched it. No one's there.
However, they may have
left traces of being here.
Lady Luche, footprints
may remain on these floors.
It may be worth further investigation.
Then you two do that.
The rest of you will search below.
Yes sir!
I thought you would notice it.
I'm glad you're safe, Anos.
As am I for you.
Most of the royalty
have been affected by Demera.
Even Lord Meleheyth.
The white-uniformed students were
imprisoned and are being drained of mana.
We need to do something
about Avos Dilhevia quickly.
There are two things we must do first.
I want to know where the masked demon
who calls himself the Spirit King
Nous Galia in the body of Erdomaid,
and Avos Dilhevia are at the moment.
Do you know?
We'll find out now.
What's the other thing?
I will use the highest time spell,
Revalon, in the vault beyond this hall.
There is something I would like to know.
What are you trying
to find out with time magic?
First, about the Great Spirit Leno.
Why did she die?
The second is about the Spirit King.
He is most likely Shin.
I want to know what happened to him.
And finally, about Misa. How was she born?
When half-spirit, half-demons are born,
a newborn rumor or legend
is half of their source.
Misa's source is Avos Dilhevia's
rumors and legends,
that were born 2,000 years ago.
After I reincarnated,
the Hero Kanon spread them.
That means Misa was born 2,000 years ago.
But she only has 15 years of memories.
She doesn't know anything
about the Mythical Age.
There must be a reason for it.
The same goes for Shin.
Why did he become the Spirit King
and oppose me?
He's trying to protect Misa?
That is possible.
If rumors and legends
of the Violent Demon King disappear,
Misa will experience Spirit Disease
and eventually vanish.
That is why
he appeared at the
Magic Sword Tournament as Avos Dilhevia
to hide Lay's plot.
Shin and Misa are closely
associated with the Great Spirit Leno.
Her death must be
the beginning of all of this.
I will go back 2,000 years
to find the truth.
I don't think you can go back 2,000 years
even with Evansmana's mana added to yours.
That is why we will go to the vault.
When I defeated the Guardian
God of Time, I acquired his scythe.
Combining that with our mana, we may be
able to reach 2,000 years into the past.
However, because Revalon
requires a great deal of mana,
it cannot be hidden completely
with Nadila.
The demons will need to be drawn away
so they do not notice.
Is there a way to do that?
There is.
Attack me with a spell.
Make it as flashy as possible,
something which can't heal.
I see.
But you have never
experienced pain as great as this.
I can't let you do that to a student
We won't fool them unless we do this.
Very well.
Don't let his resolve go to waste.
Well said.
Are you prepared?
I will hold back. You will not die.
What happened!
Anos Voldigoad!
He headed upwards with his subordinates!
A curse that can't be healed with magic!
The misfit has appeared.
Head to the upper levels.
Yes sir!
You come with us. He can be revived later.
Very well.
I cannot alleviate your wounds
until I return.
You believed in the Violent Demon King,
but you were not affected by Demera.
That is precisely why.
The Violent Demon King that I believed in
gained power in order to protect the weak.
Avos Dilhevia
Someone who would do things this heinous
can't possibly be our great Ancestor!
This Avos Dilhevia is worth nothing
even before a misfit.
I will prove that.
We go.
Demon King
My group
My classmates
Leave them to me.
I will grant your wish.
There are no demons near here.
-This is your chance.
If you go back 2,000 years with Revalon,
maybe you can change the past?
Unfortunately, that is not an easy feat.
If the existing past and the present
contradict one another too greatly,
the past will not be changed.
You're only going to look?
Yes. I will see what happened
to Shin and Leno.
That is all I can do.
Shin, what's wrong?
Wow! It's Gairadite!
It's different from usual.
From the looks of it,
it's 2,000 years ago, but when is it?
Soon after I reincarnated.
Why did you bring us here?
The rumor for Aharthern in this age was,
"On the night of a hazy moon, a mist rises
on the banks of the holy light lake.
Toss a water-colored candy into it,
and the path to the forest will open".
Then it should be around here.
Leno should arrive shortly.
Shin will accompany her
following my orders.
Can't you find out
where they are right away?
If I use mana recklessly,
people in this age may discover us.
But no matter what we do in the past,
history won't change, right?
More accurately, once Revalon has ended,
the gods of time
will restore it to the way it was,
but small changes will be left alone.
But we do not know what will happen
if we do something reckless.
Then wouldn't the biggest problem
be you being here, Anos?
You were supposed to have reincarnated.
For now,
use your magic to cloak my source.
All right.
Now, hiding ourselves
with Rainel should be enough.
The moon is hazy tonight.
We can test the rumor.
I'm glad we didn't have to
make fairies laugh again.
Would the water-colored candy be
a holy light candy?
I love them.
There should be stalls
selling them in town.
We can go and buy them.
So many people.
I went straight back to Azeshion
after all.
A celebration to welcome the Victorious
Hero after defeating the Demon King.
And you're happy seeing all these
people celebrating your defeat?
-Do you mean me?
-You were smiling.
Perhaps not happy,
but it was worth being slain for.
Really? I don't really like it.
Oh, there we go. Holy light candy.
Is there enough for me to eat too?
-I brought these from the vault. Use them.
We can have a whole feast!
Hey, mister,
we'd like some holy light candy.
How many?
Let's see Do you have 10?
Got you!
And this is the last one.
I'll give it to you extra.
Thanks mister!
Thank you, mister.
Look, over there!
There's some holy light candy.
Please don't stray too far.
It may be difficult to handle
any issues should they occur.
It's your fault if they're sold out.
The more you run,
the greater the distraction.
Don't take off the mask!
It'll be a problem
if they find out you're a demon.
Killing will resolve that.
As you wish.
Can I have some holy light candy?
Sorry miss, but I'm all sold out.
What? No way
Sorry! Come back again tomorrow.
They do not have what they do not have.
We may go now.
Maybe I could've got some if you had ran.
My sincere apologies.
I prioritized my mission to guard you.
Tithi are waiting for souvenirs too!
My sincere apologies.
I prioritized my mission to guard you.
Jerk! Shin, you jerk!
My sincere apologies.
I prioritized my mission to guard you.
My sincere apologies.
I prioritized my mission to guard you.
It seems that they have grown
quite close while traveling.
They did?
For you.
Huh? But aren't they yours?
It's okay. They gave them as extras.
We can't eat all of them.
Thank you!
Then I'll give you cookies in return!
Thank you very much.
You're welcome!
-You won't fight anymore?
The two of us get along very well.
Do we?
Huh? Shin, you and I get along.
That's an order, okay?
If you're going to guard me,
then you'd better protect me.
I get along with her.
I'm glad.
Well, bye now. Thanks for the candy.
Zeshia, good job. You're a good girl.
I did my best.
Those two are Leno and Shin.
Now that you mention it, that mask
Follow them. But do not get too close.
Shin will cut off your head.
Are all your subordinates like that?
What do you mean by "that"?
It's like he doesn't really understand?
Shin is somewhat unusual,
but he is not a bad fellow.
He is a little inflexible.
A little, sure.
Lena, the masked man
is supposedly the Spirit King.
Have you remembered anything?
I'm not really sure.
But I feel like something is
going to happen soon.
Something bad.
We're back.
-I just toss it in?
I'm home!
Tithi, I have gifts for you!
-What's wrong?
The spirits are going to be eaten!
The forest is going to die!
Gwen? Heavenly beasts?
How did they get here?
Did they go through the wall?
They are hunting dogs of the gods,
but they should not be able to
perform such a trick.
Anos, they're watching us.
I'm scared! We're surrounded!
They're going to eat us!
Please stand back.
They are fodder
that Shin will easily dismiss.
Secretly eliminating them
should pose no problem.
I don't know any spells that convenient.
I will teach you.
Who's there?
This is the Great Spirit Forest.
You can't fool my eyes.
Wh-What now? We'll change the past!
No, well done.
Showing ourselves
will be best for learning the truth.
Showing ourselves?
They'll know it's you for sure!
My source is disguised.
I can pretend to be a passerby.
A passerby
I do not intend harm.
I will show myself now.
My name is Anoshu.
Anoshu Polticoal.
Are you Anos's subordinates?
No, we are traveling performers.
Traveling performers?
Oh, the girls!
Yes. Show them, Sasha.
Show what?
You do have a lot of tricks.
It is only natural to ask,
but you know, the usual.
O-Okay, fine! I'll show them!
An impression!
The Violent Demon King's eyes!
Sh-She got it!
That was good! They're just like
the Demon King Anos's eyes!
But Anosh, you kind of look like
Demon King Anos.
Well noted. This is how the Violent
Demon King appeared as a young child.
Did you think I would not be
the Demon King just because I was a child?
That was just like him!
I can really hear him saying that!
But what are you doing here?
And no normal demon
should be able to pass through that wall.
She helped us pass through the wall.
You need to have some skills to survive
as a traveling performer in these times.
I'm a traveling performer
even stronger than the four dark royals.
What do you think, Shin?
They don't seem suspicious to me.
I am Anoshu Polticoal,
a normal traveling performer.
He is Anoshu Polticoal,
a normal traveling performer.
Huh? You've met him before?
Demons and humans
and spirits in a single troupe?
That's an unusual combination.
There are no borders in comedy.
Differences between races
are mere trifles.
Oh, I see.
I like that. I'd like a world
where that's normal.
So what business do you have in Aharthern?
We would like to know
some things about spirits.
She is a member of our troupe, but she is
experiencing an unusual kind of amnesia.
I heard that the Great Spirit Leno
is the mother of all spirits.
Do you know anything about her?
I've never seen her before.
You don't have any memories?
-I don't know.
-Even you do not?
Even the mother of all spirits
doesn't know about all spirits.
I see.
But Lena remembers something
of this place.
Would you mind if we
remained here for some time?
Of course, you can stay
as long as you'd like.
But can I talk to you
a little before that?
The Lena girl just now
is the Love Fairy Flan.
The spirit that gives form to unfulfilled
loves and binds them together?
You know about her
even though you're a demon?
I studied under a spirit before.
But why did you pretend
not to know earlier?
The Love Fairy Flan wanders
seeking her lost memories.
If she discovers that she's
the Love Fairy, she'll disappear.
You can't tell her no matter what.
You need her to remember love first or
Where was that hiding?
Anos, I can't draw my sword!
I forgot to mention this, but you
cannot bring magical items into the past.
Well, that's a problem.
No, we have a sword.
Draw the Unique Sword Sigshesta.
That is not a sword that can be lent
to a simple traveling performer.
We don't have time for that!
Draw that Unique Sword thing!
I do not know of anyone
but my liege and myself who could use it.
Then that man is the third man.
Come to me, Sigshesta!
You saved me. Thank you.
Considering your skill with the blade,
why did you not fight in the war?
I like swords, but I hate war.
I will lend that sword to you
while you are here.
The price will be to give me one scar.
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