The New Scooby-Doo Movies (1972) s02e06 Episode Script

The Weird Winds on Winona

Today we meet
the famous Speed Buggy.
Wow, what beautiful scenery.
Yeah, it's food for the eyes.
How about some food
for the stomach?
l'm starving.
Oh, relax, Shaggy.
We're almost to Winona.
We'll stop there for the night.
Then on to the Oceanside Auto Rally,
with special guest, Speed Buggy.
-l can't wait to see that car in action.
-Yeah, l hear he's something else.
-Knock off the horseplay, Tinker.
-We're going off the road.
l'm not doing it, Debbie,
it's Speed Buggy.
He heard we're gonna be in an
off-the-road race, and he's practicing.
Yeah, yeah. Right, right.
Look, Fred, there's a sign.
''Welcome to Winona. Population: 1 0. ''
Golly, it looks like Winona is deserted.
Dessert? Did somebody say dessert?
Oh, Shaggy. Can't you think
of anything except dessert?
Sure. Meat, potatoes, salad.
''Closed. Out of business. ''
Looks like the whole town
is out of business.
-l wonder what's with this village.
-No restaurants open?
Oh, no.
Lucky thing we brought
our emergency rations, right?
Emergency? What emergency?
Like, we might have
a worldwide food shortage.
lf we do, l'll know who caused it.
Good night, all.
See you in the morning.
-Good night, girls.
-And, like, sleep tight.
-And pleasant dreams.
-Yeah, pleasant dreams.
What's that?
Hey, what's going on?
You mean in there?
That's Scooby shaking.
-What are those weird noises?
-l'm afraid to find out.
-Now, don't anybody panic.
Like, why not?
-l'm scared.
-So am l.
-Oh, what a night.
-l didn't sleep a wink.
Let's go. Let's go.
l'd hate to spend another sleepless night
in this creepy spook trap.
. . .nice in the daytime,
but a monster at night.
Come on, guys, let's get out
of this ghost town.
Where's Scooby?
There he is.
Come on, Scooby, we're ready to roll.
Ready to roll.
Tinker, look out! That van.
Quick thinking, Speedy.
Aw, shucks.
Only one car in the world
could've done that.
Speed Buggy.
Wow. Aren't you Velma, Daphne,
Fred and Shaggy?
And Scooby-Doo too.
And you're the Speed Bugs.
-l'm Debbie.
-l'm Mark.
-And l'm Tinker.
-This must be the famous Speed Buggy.
That's me. How are you, Scooby-Doo?
Tinker, is it true you can operate
Speed Buggy by remote control?
Sure can, Velma.
You want a demonstration?
Come on, Scooby, climb in.
-No way.
-Go on, Scoob. lt's only a car.
That talks?
That's a strange question
from a dog that talks.
Relax, Scooby, and leave the driving
to Speed Buggy.
Oh, wow, super.
Yeah, l know.
-You sure were in a hurry. What was up?
-We were anxious to get out of town.
Real anxious. l think they had
a ghost convention here last night.
Yeah, ghosts.
-Where are you headed?
-The Oceanside Car Rally, same as you.
-Hey, why don't we go together?
After last night, l can understand
why this place is deserted.
Me too. Can't we desert it
a little faster?
Yeah, faster.
Look out, Fred!
-Here we go again.
-Hang on, everybody.
That was close.
Golly, a real fender-bender.
Let's see if everyone is okay.
Oh, wow.
l'm sorry l backed out in front
of you kids. Are you all right?
-Yeah, we're okay.
-But look at our van.
Yeah, like, disaster-ville.
You can't get out of town in that.
You mean we got to spend
another night in weirds-ville?
Maybe we can get the van
repaired before nightfall.
Not in Winona, miss.
The last mechanic sold his garage
and left town two weeks ago.
-Smart mechanic.
-Yeah, smart mechanic.
-What'll we do?
-You're looking for a mechanic, right?
-l think l know what she has in mind.
-l know l know what she has in mind.
Well, you're looking at the world's
best mechanic in person.
That's right, my buddy Tinker.
Can you fix our Mystery Machine,
Golly. lt'll take a couple of days,
and l'll need a place to work.
There's plenty of room in my barn.
But we'll miss the race.
Now, Tinker, what's more important,
an automobile race or the human race?
Oh, boy.
Well. . . .
We'll do it, we'll do it. We'll do it.
You're welcome to stay
till you get your van fixed.
Gee, thanks, Mr. Duncan.
lt's the least l can do,
since l'm to blame for your predicament.
So many strange things happening
ever since those midnight winds began.
-How long have they been going on?
-About two months now.
There must be some explanation.
lf there is, we haven't been
able to figure it out yet.
l have room in the house for you girls,
and the boys can bed down in the barn.
-At night?
You two will be right at home
with all the other chickens.
-Ratchet wrench.
-Ratchet wrench.
-Torsion bar.
-Torsion bar.
Everybody wants out of Winona, and
we're the only ones that can't get out.
Relax, Shaggy,
a little wind never hurt anyone.
There's only one thing that'll get
Shaggy and Scooby's mind. . .
-. . .off spending another night here.
-Right. Food.
Hey, Tink, if you can spare Speed Buggy
for a few minutes. . .
. . .we'll go hunt for some hamburgers.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Let's go. Let's go.
Food! Food!
Oh, l've been so scared, the only thing
l've had in my stomach is butterflies.
Poor Mr. Duncan,
he's about to lose his farm.
There must be some explanation
to this mystery.
lt would sure help if we could solve it.
Velma, are you thinking
what l'm thinking?
l think so, Debbie.
lf you're thinking what l think you're
thinking, l wish you'd both stop thinking.
Sure was nice of Mr. Duncan
to prepare this snack.
Yeah, every store in town is shut up
tight. There was no food to be bought.
But now there's plenty to eat,
thanks to Mr. Duncan.
Wait, wait. Hey, what about me?
There you are, Speedy,
a nice, cool quart of oil.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Debbie and l have come up
with a really far-out idea.
lf it's to hitchhike out of here,
my thumb can't wait to get started.
-Mine too.
-The idea is. . .
. . .since we have to spend the night--
Let's try to find out
where those winds come from.
-Okay by me.
-Me too.
-We won't be able to sleep anyway.
-Out of sight.
We'll sneak out of the house
and meet here at midnight.
-What's wrong with you, Shaggy?
-l think l just lost my appetite.
-You did?
You just lost your hamburger.
lt's almost midnight.
Where are the girls?
Here we are. ls everybody ready?
-l reckon we're as ready as we'll ever be.
-ls it midnight yet?
Does that answer your question,
-Let's get going.
-You go. We'll stay here. . .
-. . .and guard the barn.
-Yeah, we'll guard the barn.
On second thought, wait for us.
Where'd he go? Where'd he go?
Scooby-Doo, where are you?
-What's wrong, Scooby?
-Where's Shaggy?
There. There.
What were you looking for
down there, Shaggy?
A way out, what else?
Let's go back to the barn
and ''hide-bernate. ''
The word is ''hibernate. ''
ln my case, it's hide-bernate.
Believe me.
Let's see who's ringing
the old church bell.
-You mean, go through that cemetery?
-No way.
lt's kind of scary.
Yeah, yeah, scary.
Why, Speedy, a big, brave car like you?
Why, you're not afraid to go anywhere.
l'm not? ln that case, let's go.
Where do we go from here?
-Let's try to find the bell tower.
-And see who's pulling the rope.
Shaggy, wait. Let's stick together.
Now what?
Golly, it's ringing all by itself.
-Maybe the wind's blowing it.
-Are you kidding?
That bell must weigh
a thousand pounds.
Now what?
This place is for the birds,
but not this bird.
Help! Help!
Scooby-Doo, where are you?
Where are you?
-Hang on. Hang on.
-Wait, Shaggy.
Come on, Tink.
Thanks, Speed.
We're not exactly setting the world
on fire solving this mystery.
-Anybody have a suggestion?
-Yeah, let's all go back to the barn. . .
. . .where l'll hold a light while Tinker
finishes fixing the mystery machine.
-And then we can split this weirds-ville.
-l'm with you.
We can't leave yet, not without solving
the mystery of the winds.
-Hey, there's somebody in there.
-Let's go after him.
l know just how you feel.
Let's split up and go down
different aisles.
Let's stay near the door
and guard the escape route.
Scooby, count my arms for me.
One, two, three, four.
Thank heavens, they're all here.
-Look, something's got Shaggy.
-Help! Help!
-Hang on, Shaggy!
-We're coming to help.
-Shaggy again?
-Golly. Let's go, Speedy.
-Help! Help!
-Over this way.
-Double back, Shaggy.
l'm doubling! l'm doubling!
-Don't let him get away.
-Don't worry, l've got his arm.
-l've got his leg.
-l reckon l've got the rest of him.
-lt's a dummy.
-Just like me.
What's going on?
You sure believe in getting an early start,
don't you?
l want to be sure
we get out of here today.
Like, l'm with you.
-Hey, what's all the noise about?
-Man at work, Velma. Don't distract him.
Breakfast is served. Come and get it.
-Now, that's one banging sound l dig.
-Me too.
Far out. Pancakes.
l figured you kids would be hungry
after a good night's sleep.
-We were up all night.
This town must have more ghosts
per square foot than Transylvania.
Speed Buggy, you want to get
indigestion in your carburetor?
You'd better stick to no-fat oil.
You can't win them all.
Like, is everybody through eating?
-l hope.
-l'm stuffed.
Me too, but l never let that stop me.
Yeah, l win.
Come on, girls. While the boys are busy,
let's go poke around the village.
Without the Mystery Machine,
we can't poke anywhere.
Just leave that to me.
How are you gonna get into the village?
-Why, Speed Buggy wants to take us.
-l do? l mean, l don't.
But, Speedy, we girls were depending
on you to look after us.
You were? Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Sure. Sure.
What do you think, Mark?
Well, we'll get more work done
if they're gone.
Just be careful with the gearbox,
l can shift for myself, Tink.
-Wanna come along, Shaggy?
-Like, where to?
The village, where else?
That spooky place?
Are you out of your mind?
Oh, for heaven's sake, there's nothing
spooky about Winona in the daytime.
l still wish we could solve the mystery
of the miserable midnight.
Same here. l feel sorry for Mr. Duncan.
l feel sorry for anybody
who has to live here.
There's someone who's not afraid.
The bank is still open.
Maybe the bank president
can give us some clues.
l'm sorry l can't be of any help, kids.
l'm as baffled as everyone else
by what's happening.
-What was that?
-What was what?
-That's what.
-That's strange.
lt sounds as if
it's coming from the vault.
Ghost bank robbers.
lt's getting worse. Never happened
in the daytime before.
You better get out of Winona
while you can.
-That's good advice, sir.
-The best.
Well, thanks anyway, Mr. Peabody.
Not a single clue.
Well, no clues is good clues.
Velma, do you see what l see?
''Winona Hall of Records. ''
Hey, can you dig it?
Let's go in and listen to a few albums.
Not those kind of records, silly,
city records.
-And some possible clues.
-Why don't we wait out here?
Oh, come on.
l sure hope we don't find anything
that'll keep us here.
Me too.
Wow, what a musty-looking place.
l wouldn't know where
to start looking for clues.
-Or what to start looking for.
-Old maps, records, stuff like that.
What a dull collection,
not a comic book in the place.
Scooby, did you close the door
when we came in here?
-What door?
-That door.
lt's locked. Scooby, there's only
one thing left to do.
l hate to admit l'm licked,
but l'm licked.
Me too, Velma. No clues here.
-We might as well give up.
-Where's Shaggy and Scooby?
Shaggy. Scooby.
They didn't come out this way.
There's no other exit.
Where could they have gone?
Let's face it, we'd better get help.
You two wait here in case
they show up. l'll get help.
Come on, Speedy,
we gotta get the boys, fast.
Just watch my smoke.
Well, Fred, l reckon that does it.
Doggone, Tinker,
she looks as good as new.
How can we ever thank you?
We were glad to do it,
weren't you, Tinker?
lt's Speed Buggy.
-Mark, Tinker, come quick.
-Hey, calm down. What's the matter?
Shaggy and Scooby are missing.
What do you mean, missing?
We were in the hall of records,
and they just disappeared into thin air.
Golly. Let's go.
We're trapped, Scooby.
Give me a hand.
l mean help me push.
Sure they're still in there?
l was near the door,
and they didn't pass me.
Did you check
the nearest hamburger stand?
l tell you, they just vanished.
Let's get something to hammer with.
l can't see. l can't see.
Yikes, a ghost!
Where? Where? Where?
lt was only dust.
You say they didn't leave,
so they've got to be here somewhere.
Let's look for secret panels.
Golly, you mean like
in a haunted house?
Oh, come on, Tinker,
one Shaggy in this outfit is enough.
Stand back, Scoob.
-Somebody's pounding behind the books.
-Let's see.
-Jinkies, a hidden door.
-Let's answer.
Oh, it's no use, Scoob.
We're, like, trapped forever.
An echo?
That's no echo, somebody's out there. ln
which case, there's only one thing to do.
We hear you, Shag.
Help's on the way.
-This looks like a job for Speed Buggy.
-Yeah, yeah. Let me at it. Give me room.
Wow, you're really hot stuff, Speedy.
l know. l know.
Okay, Shag, come on out.
Like, thank you. l thought
we'd never get out of there.
Where's Scooby-Doo?
Scooby looks like a hot dog in a bun.
We'll give you a hand, Scooby.
Gee, thanks.
Hey, look. This is an old parchment map
of the whole area.
That tickles. That tickles.
This map might be a clue
to the weird winds.
Let's take a cue from
the weird winds and blow.
Oh, Shaggy,
where's your spirit of adventure?
lt's gone with the winds.
Hey, look, there's a cave system
under the mountain.
Yeah. Maybe the winds come
through the caves.
Let's explore them.
Hold on, now. Caves are spooky.
-l'm with Tinker. Count me out.
-Me too.
-Let's be democratic and take a vote.
-Right, Fred.
All in favor of exploring
the caves, say ''aye. ''
All opposed, say ''no. ''
No. No. No.
Well, the ayes have it.
Aw, shucks.
We can't even get to the caves.
There's no road over the mountain.
Oh, Tinker, you know Speed Buggy
can find a way.
l can?
Of course you can, Speedy.
Golly, sure l can.
Let's go. Let's go.
-Hang in there, Speedy.
-You can make it.
-No way we'll make it up this mountain.
-Oh, goody.
-Need a little help?
-We sure do.
-l'll hook this tow cable on.
-Okay, Speed Buggy, do your thing.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
This is tough. This is tough.
-Attaboy, Speedy!
-You're doing great, old buddy.
-We made it.
-Look out, Fred!
-Slow down!
-Hit the brakes!
Hey, stop pushing.
First, we can't go,
and now we can't stop.
-Tinker, do something.
-And fast.
Good work, Speed.
-Speed Buggy, you're terrific.
-Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Look, there's a cave entrance.
l wonder where it leads to.
-No wind.
-No wind. See?
There's no wind blowing through here,
so let's split.
Oh, Shaggy, you've got
a one-track mind.
Right, and my mind thinks
we're on the wrong track.
Stick close to me, Scooby.
Not that close.
-Ghost shadows.
-Ghost shadows?
Let's get out of here. Help!
Wow, you look like
you've just seen a ghost.
-We have, two of them.
-Yeah, two.
-They're in there.
-Let's take a look.
-Good idea.
-Don't leave us.
No wonder.
-You were running from your shadows.
-No kidding?
Look, a bunny.
Look, two bunnies.
Wow, like, that's pretty good, Scoob.
-What is it, an alligator?
-Beats me.
Then you're not doing it?
Let's go this way.
Wait. Wait for me.
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
l think l'm lost.
-Where is everybody?
-l don't know.
l'd better call them.
-Shaggy? Scooby?
-Speed Buggy?
Like. . .
-. . .are we glad to see you.
-Likewise. Likewise.
-Find any clues?
We can't even find Speed Buggy.
Now, boss?
Let them have it.
We might as well find the others
and blow.
-Speaking of blowing. . . .
-Golly, here we go again.
Let's see where it's coming from.
-The wind.
-l know, l know.
Wow, an underground hurricane.
We're not getting anywhere this way.
No, but we sure are this way.
-There must be an easier way to fly.
-And a better time for jokes.
Try to grab on to something.
Hey, don't forget me.
We're going faster and faster.
Grab something.
Like what?
Speed Buggy, help!
-l always wanted to take up skydiving.
-But under a mountain?
Low bridge.
-Look out!
Don't break formation.
You can stop swimming, Shag,
there's no wind in here.
Now he tells us.
-Where are we?
-Looks like some sort of office.
lt looks like prison-ville to me.
Should've split while we had the chance.
-Let's get out of here and tell the sheriff.
-Like, what sheriff?
Get out of here?
Have you got a bulldozer?
We've got a small one,
haven't we, Speedy?
With your power and determination,
you're just as good as any old bulldozer.
Yeah, yeah. That's right.
That's right, l am.
Right on. Show them, Speedy.
-Now, you be careful, you hear?
-Okay. Okay.
Attaboy, Speedy, chew it up.
Wow, a mechanical mole.
-l think he's broken through.
-You okay, Speedy?
The coast is clear. Coast is clear.
Come on out. Come out.
Let's head for daylight.
-Yeah, l'm getting stir-crazy.
-Hey, look.
Hey, there's the answer
to one part of the mystery.
What's that contraption, Tinker?
Golly, l never seen anything like that.
Looks like an airplane without wings.
-Hey, maybe we could taxi out of here.
-Shaggy, wait. Don't touch that.
-lt's a wind machine.
l was trying to tell you that.
Shut that thing off.
Now we know how they can turn on
a hurricane any time they want to.
Yes, but we still don't know
who ''they'' are.
-l'll take three cards.
-Give me two.
Scooby must smell a way out.
-Yes. Otherwise, he'd never be in front.
-Oh, boy, look.
-Beautiful daylight.
Like, here we come, world.
-We've got company.
-Let's part company with our company.
-Hey, boss, look.
-The kids have escaped.
-Let's get them.
You two go for the sheriff.
l'm going back in and help the others.
-So am l.
-Me too.
We got two of them.
Where'd they go?
There's no other way out.
There they are.
Where did everybody go?
Step on the gas, Speedy.
-Let's chase them in this.
-Let it roll.
Oh, yeah?
Faster! Faster!
Golly, we're about to
strip our gears now.
-They're gaining on us.
-Keep running.
Thanks, Speedy. You're just super.
Let's get out of here before
that guy doubles back.
Okay, in a minute.
Good thinking, Speedy.
Are you comfortable?
-Hey, get me out of here.
-Don't lose your cool.
We'll be back for you.
-Faster! Faster!
-Will you knock it off, Scoob?
l never drove a mine tractor before.
-Help! Help!
-How do you stop this thing?
Speed Buggy, do something!
-Speedy, like, you're a hero.
-Yeah, a hero.
Like, l know.
-l wonder where the others are.
-Me too.
Look out!
Golly, a runaway wind machine.
-Run, Velma! Run!
Give me a hand, Tinker.
We'll chase them in this skip loader.
Good idea.
-We've got him, Tink.
-Hit the brakes, Debbie.
-We did it!
-Help. Let me out of here.
-Wow, that was great thinking, Deb.
-Thanks a mil.
Well, at least one of them
is out of circulation.
-There's another one trapped in a hole.
-And that only leaves two.
l wonder where they are.
l don't know, but we've got
something else to worry about now.
-Faster! Faster!
-Oh, he's gaining on us.
-He got us.
-That's what he thinks.
-Hang on.
-Ready, Mark?
-All set, Fred.
Nice work, Mark. You got him trapped.
That wraps it up. Now that we've
captured all of them. . .
-. . .let's head for the sheriff.
-l hope we can find our way out.
l don't know if it's out,
but we'd better go this way. Look.
-Faster! Faster!
Duck around that corner.
l'll meet you in the village.
l've got an idea.
What in tarnation is going on, sheriff?
l don't know, Clem. First time this
has ever happened in the daytime.
Gangway! Look out!
What was that contraption?
Well, Clem, your midnight winds
are at the bottom of the ocean.
And here are your little
old windmakers, sheriff.
Hey, where are Shaggy and Scoob?
Here they come now, l think.
-ls it safe to come out?
-lt's safe.
That's a load off our minds.
Hey, that looks like
a scale model of Winona.
There's a hotel right smack-dab
in the middle of my farm.
What's going on?
Well, it seems like someone was trying
to scare everybody out of town. . .
-. . .and get their property dirt-cheap.
-After everybody sold out and left. . .
. . .they were gonna change Winona
into that.
l'll have to take this for evidence.
Hey, look at the back of this map.
''P.J. Peabody
Development Corporation. ''
The bank president?
So he was trying to scare
everybody out of Winona.
And l'd have succeeded if it weren't
for those meddling kids.
-You'll never get me!
-He's making a break for it.
Don't worry, sheriff,
Speed Buggy will get him.
l will?
Yeah, yeah, l will.
Let go, you little mechanical monster.
We always get our man, sheriff.
Yeah. Yeah.
Now that it'll be peaceful
around here at night. . .
. . .l wish you kids could stay
for a spell.
We can't, Mr. Duncan.
We were on our way to a race
when we got sidetracked here.
We've got to get rolling
to get there in time.
Well, thanks for solving
the mystery for us, kids.
You'll always be welcome here.
-Like, we're ready to roll.
-But where's Scooby and Speed Buggy?
Oh, no. Look.
Sit up.
Roll over.
Play dead.
Good boy.
Who says you can't teach
a new car old tricks?
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