The Traitors UK (2022) s02e06 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 6

This programme
contains some strong language.
Previously on The Traitors,
22 players arrived
at this Scottish castle
to play the ultimate
murder mystery game,
in the hope of winning
up to £120,000.
But concealed amongst them
are the Traitors,
whose job is to secretly murder
the others without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
As the prize pot increased
You are protected from
tonight's murder.
..another Faithful was banished
from the game
I am a Faithful.
He still loves you.
Don't get upset.
..leaving even the Traitors rocked.
That Round Table was hard.
I hope he would've done
the same to me.
Suspicions were shared
If I'm not here tomorrow,
remember this conversation.
Jas was like, "If I get murdered,
you've got to go at Paul."
..and the Traitors planned
their next murder.
It's between Diane,
Charlotte and Tracey.
This is The Traitors.
MUSIC: Bittersweet Symphony
by Damned Anthem
# Cause it's a bittersweet
symphony, this life #
# Cause it's a bittersweet
symphony, this life #
This murder's perfect.
It's a good move. Mm.
Everyone's going to be like,
"What is happening?"
Let's do it. OK.
I love this game.
# Cause it's a bittersweet
symphony, this life #
# Cause it's a bittersweet
symphony, this life #
Last night the Traitors
committed their fourth murder.
So which of the Faithful
won't be pulling up a chair
at this morning's breakfast?
Oh, we're first. OK, then!
No way!
Haven't been first in a while.
No, I know.
How did everyone sleep?
It was a grim sleep.
Oh, really, with the shield?
It was No, genuinely,
after yesterday that was stress.
I just feel guilty, man.
We just keep getting
rid of Faithfuls.
I definitely feel like I've got
a target on my back for being vocal
I definitely feel like I've got
a target on my back for being vocal
about who I think is a Traitor.
At the Round Table I think that Ross
controls the narrative quite a bit.
It's difficult because
I really like him.
I do really like him.
But at the same time I've got
a question mark over Ross.
I think he could be a Traitor.
Something's got to change.
The Faithfuls are getting swayed,
and it can't happen.
Oh, come in. Come in!
Hello! Hello, hello. Hey!
So good to see your faces.
Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh.
Morning, mate.
Last night was STRESS. Intense.
Last night wasn't very nice at all.
I think we're at the stage
now where, like,
relationships are real.
You can't not here, though.
Everyone's just You get
so close to people.
It's impossible.
You get sucked in massively.
Oh, you're looking very smart.
You know they've got an eye on you?
Mate, this is fashion!
You wouldn't know about it.
Guys, how are you feeling?
It's death row every night, innit?
Yeah. I didn't expect it to sting
as much as it did,
do you know what I mean?
I was dead cert
I was getting killed.
So who else haven't we got, then?
I hope it's not Diane because
actually I'm really
getting to know her, and
Yeah, she's great.
She's like a motherly figure. Yeah.
At first I thought she was really
stern and a bit horrible but
the more you get to know her,
the more you're like,
"All right, she's quite funny."
Obviously, I want Mum to come
through that door.
Seeing that familiar face
in quite an intense scenario
is lovely to have.
It kind of feels like home.
Who would you kill out
of those four?
Who's the biggest threat to you
as the Traitors?
Diane would be
That's a huge loss.
She's like my auntie in here.
Well, she is my mum.
What happened to Tracey?
Is that the last person?
Is that everyone?
It's everyone but Tracey.
Tracey, yeah. Tracey's gone.
Surely not. It's Tracey, yeah.
That's not good.
Everyone's happy with
the final decision?
Tracey can't come back to any of us.
Anyone else can kind of
raise suspicions
slightly, can't they?
OK. Are you ready? Happy.
Tracey. Let's do it.
"Dear Tracey, by the order
of the Traitors,
"you have been murdered.
"Signed, the Traitors."
Because my gift of seeing people's
auras and being quite psychic,
Because my gift of seeing people's
auras and being quite psychic,
I was going to be such an asset
to the Faithfuls,
which is probably why
they murdered me.
I don't know who the Traitors are
but they're playing a very
good game.
That makes no sense.
Who did she upset?
Are you OK?
Yeah, but I'm not OK
about that. Yeah.
Struggling with why Tracey's been
murdered and I keep being saved.
Struggling with why Tracey's been
murdered and I keep being saved.
What do you think, Diane?
That's just annoying.
There is a little tiny part of me
wonders if something's saving me,
and I don't quite know what that is,
because I think Ross would make
an amazing Traitor.
Is he there saving me?
I don't know.
I think they're trying to pin
Tracey's death on you.
On me? Yeah, because the Traitors
have tried to pin the death of
someone who's been gunning for you.
Tracey? When did Tracey
nominate me?
Tracey's been very vocal in
thinking it was you.
That in itself reeks to me.
I've actually survived
a very long night.
Then I realised, "Oh, that was
just a stay of execution
Then I realised, "Oh, that was
just a stay of execution
"so that I could be pushed
off the board with this narrative
"that Tracey's murder
has to do with me."
Very convenient!
Well played, indeed.
Thank you.
Do you want some jam?
Is there jam?
Morning, everyone.
ALL:Good morning.
Congratulations to all those
who survived the night.
I'll tell you who didn't survive.
Tracey was murdered.
And I'm going to tell
you something else.
I loved Tracey.
Mm So did I.
We did.
So I'm going to keep this.
I'm going to give you a tally.
We're halfway through.
You have lost seven Faithful
and you've caught one Traitor.
That's not a good look.
I'd say that's a bit embarrassing.
Stop worrying about who's got
the jam,
about how you take your coffee,
and start paying attention.
Normally, I say, "It's mission time.
I'll meet you outside."
But today's mission is
actually tonight,
and I really hope you're not
scared of the dark.
Petrified. Don't want to do it.
I'm actually petrified of the dark.
I hate the dark so much.
We need to find one today.
I'm motivated. I'm going
to change it up. Yeah.
Yes, Jazzy.
How amazing we're still here?
What do you think, Anthony?
What do I think?
I think it was either so that we had
nothing to go on
and there was no clues and
we're still scrambling around. Mm.
Or it's a plot to make it look like
it was you OK.
..because Tracey had wrote
your name on the board.
Let me ask you guys a question.
How many times did Tracey
vote for me?
Zack basically said it.
Like, getting rid of Tracey
points to Anthony.
That's a smart move
from the very player believe.
Right, you think it's Zack?
Lots of people do think it's Zack.
Right, I'm telling you, 100%.
I'm sat there like,
"Mate, you lot are so silly."
But I'm one of the people
stirring the pot and it feels
so good because I'm not getting
in trouble for it.
While everyone else is sleeping
you're out here murdering people.
Do you know what I mean?
Miles, what are you thinking, man?
Cos I've not really spoke to you.
On my radar at the moment,
I feel like Andrew had had
quite an influence.
And then my other one is Anthony.
He was like, he'd never heard
Tracey put his name in her mouth.
He's on everyone's radar and it just
kind of feels He deflects and
makes you rethink as well,
which is not helpful
for a united front.
I genuinely think we're overthinking
what these Traitors are doing.
Yeah. I think it's actually
way more black and white,
and we're trying to think three
steps ahead and it's only
one step or maybe two. Yeah.
I've got to get fresh air.
I've lost all confidence in kind
of what I think. Yeah, I'm the same.
This game is designed to break you.
Nothing has ever broken me in my
life, nothing physical, mental.
This is challenging, big time.
Ash said we're not looking
in the right direction,
and obviously we're not because
yesterday wouldn't have
happened if we were.
So I'm going for Andrew now.
Andrew has escaped
all public attention.
Andrew, take a seat. I'm going
to go make a cup of tea.
I need to take my water bottle.
So I wanted to avoid that awkward
situation. Yeah, I know.
DIANE:Why do you think
Tracey's gone?
I don't know. No idea?
It's going to be somebody that's
not in the spotlight.
Jonny mentioned some names
Like, why did he say Ross?
He said Ross from the start.
What did Jonny see in Ross?
I wish I could've spoken
to Jonny and said,
"What have you seen in him?"
If he had any evidence
he would've said.
It is worrying me when people
mentioned Ross's name,
and that's just mostly been his mum,
really, rather than anything else.
But of course, nobody,
I don't think, knows.
But there is 1% of me
that's not 100% certain
that he isn't a Traitor.
As darkness falls, the players
prepare for their first ever
night-time mission in the hope
of adding to their current
prize pot of £42,300.
A night-time mission,
how exciting is that?
We've not done a night-time
mission before.
A lot of people are scared of
the dark so I'm not sure
how this one's going to go!
How are you feeling
about being in the dark?
I hate the dark. Me too.
I really hate the dark.
What is that?
Oh, my God. Oh, my God,
what is that?!
Oh, that looks so haunted!
MUSIC: Gods Will Rise
by Tribal Blood
MUSIC: Gods Will Rise
by Tribal Blood
Oh, no! No, no, no. It's like
a graveyard It's a graveyard.
I literally can't do this.
I'm going to be sick.
I'm going to be sick.
I rebuke it.
Whatever it is, I rebuke it.
What the hell? Oh, God.
This is not good.
Arrived at the mission in
the dead of night.
And I'm telling you,
it is pitch-black.
And we're all just looking
and wondering, "What is going on?"
Welcome to the mission.
I asked you earlier if you were
scared of the dark.
This is the Traitors' Cemetery.
It was so creepy.
We were in a graveyard.
There was smoke and fog.
And I was a bit scared because,
like, I'm a bit scared of the dark.
In this mission, you could win
up to £10,000 for the prize pot.
In this mission, you could win
up to £10,000 for the prize pot.
All you have to do is find the gold
that is hidden within the graves,
All you have to do is find the gold
that is hidden within the graves,
crypts and tombs.
You will need tools to smash
into these
and find the gold that is hidden.
But the tools are scattered about.
Only the gold you bring to me
and put in this wheelbarrow
will be banked.
Is that clear?
A word of warning.
Some of the deceased
were richer than others.
In fact, in some of these burial
plots, you will find nothing.
In fact, in some of these burial
plots, you will find nothing.
One last thing.
In one of the graves,
there is a shield.
Whoever finds it and manages to
bank it will be protected
from tonight's murder.
All sounds quite
straightforward, yeah?
Yeah. I'm clear on all that,
yeah. There's a twist.
Where's the twist?
There's always a twist.
You know me.
There's one more thing.
Security searchlights.
Oh, God. Holy Moley.
Please do not be caught in the beam.
If you are, you'll be expelled
from the game
and the gold you're carrying
will be void.
And I'm thinking, "I can do this."
This is a bit more on my level.
There's not a lot of running
going on here.
And then she says that there's
two spotlights.
"Oh, Claudia, that was a bit
OK, are you ready to rob
some graves?
Yeah. Yeah. Please put your glasses
and your gloves on.
You will have 15 minutes.
Good luck.
Three, two, one
Go, guys! Go, go, go!
Just run!
So obviously the game involved
Some you had to dig for money.
There were some we had to smash
with a mallet.
But at the same time you obviously
had, like, these two search lamps
and if they hit you, you'd be out.
Oh, yeah. Ah!
Charlie, you've been caught.
You must leave the cemetery.
Oh, God.
OK, so it wasn't enough humiliation
that I was out within three seconds.
To have a spotlight on you as well,
it's like, "Oh, look at me,
guys. Yeah, representing Bristol!"
it's like, "Oh, look at me,
guys. Yeah, representing Bristol!"
Oh! Andrew, you've been caught.
It took us way too long
to get into it.
People were just scatter-gun,
running out, not seeing
if the lights were in
any sort of pattern.
So we lost a lot of people
very early.
Mollie, I'm sorry.
It was a very tough mission.
So we've got no money in the pot,
and the only way we can succeed
is to work as a team.
Do not get caught!
Thanks, Zack.
Yeah, cheers, Zack.
Wait for the light.
This bloody light's following me!
Well done, guys!
You've got a bit of time.
Dig, dig, guys! Dig, dig, dig!
All right, guys, I'm going
to climb on here.
I kind of jumped on, like, a wall.
I was just, like, kind of shouting
to everybody where the lights were,
where they were situating and where
they were kind of going towards.
Right, Diane, be careful, please!
I've just got a big gob, basically.
Move, move!
Yeah, OK, go, go, go,
go, go, go, go!
OK, I've got it, I've got it.
Where does this one go?
Well done, Anthony! Gold!
Yes, Anthony! £250 banked.
We got into a rhythm,
understood the game
and everyone started doing
a better job.
Got one.
Got any lights anywhere?
Well done, Diane!
Another £500 banked.
Go on, Charlotte.
Good girl. Another £500 banked.
The light's coming.
Charlotte, watch!
Stay here, stay here, Charlotte.
I am.
I got one bag of 500 in
and then I was caught
behind the smallest
little headstone.
Keep going, keep going, keep going.
Ready, and
You in? You in?
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you OK?
Lights are coming, lights are
coming. It's coming, it's coming.
Lights are coming. Be careful!
Move, move, move, move!
Watch out!
You're going to get caught!
Whoa! OK, there's one coming
towards you guys.
One coming towards you!
Back this way, this way, this way!
Oh, no, Ross!
You've only banked just over £1,000.
That's terrible.
There's only eight of you left.
OK, get in, get in, get in, get in!
I'm watching, I'm watching,
I'm watching.
I go into these missions
with a plan always.
As a Traitor I'm going to go in to
win all the money I can win,
at the same time proving
I'm faithful
with the idea that it's all going
to be mine at the end -
it's a good motivation.
Well done! Two bags.
Well done. £2,000 just got banked.
You guys keep watching on
the right-hand side!
Miles standing on the wall
didn't help anyone.
Everyone's in different directions
so if you're trying to shout
where the spotlight is
it's different for where
everyone is.
I just think he really couldn't be
arsed to get his hands dirty.
Right, eyes up!
I don't know how he's helping.
We can see where it comes so
we all run out the way
and then we all go back. OK, yeah.
Listen, guys, because you're too
busy doing what you're doing
you need to make sure you're
listening out.
No we've got a plan.
We're good. OK.
It's a million miles away.
Miles, the way he's behaving
at the moment
There's a respect that you've got
to have for the game.
There's a respect that you've got
to have at being a Traitor.
And how comfortable do you have
to be that you're not going to
be murdered to just sit back and
just and tell the entire group,
you know, I'm pretty much not
going to get involved in this game?
Traitor or not, like,
that's not being a team player.
Come on.
Is there anything in here?
It was honestly the most technically
hard mission we've ever done.
It was really difficult, actually.
But I found myself a shield,
so I picked that one up and
put it in the wheelbarrow.
Well done.
Wait, wait, wait!
Out the way, out the way,
out the way!
Shit, shit, shit Oh!
Paul, come and join your
fellow players.
Paul, well done.
Back, back!
Work to the right. Quick.
Well done, well done!
It's coming - run, run!
Come back to the gate!
Reset. Well done.
Miles, what you doing, Miles?
Miles? Miles, get involved, mate.
Just Why don't you get in
and we tell you about lights?
Go on, mate. You can do it.
Let's go. Let's go.
We need the body. Yeah.
Half your time has gone!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Miles, right on the way,
right the way!
Eight of you have been
caught by the light.
Six of you remain.
You still have time, though.
Diane, well done.
Guys, watch the light!
Run, run, run, run, run!
Diane is a superstar.
Good girl, Diane!
That was £1,000 banked.
Yeah, Diane, move, move!
Go around the other way!
The other way.
Come on! Run, run, run, run!
Well done!
That was close.
You see that woman moving
through the night?
She's like a bank robber
with her bags of gold.
Diane, to the gate, to the gate!
Watch out.
Mum absolutely smashed that mission.
When you're out and you're standing
at the side, all you can see
is people's silhouettes, and
the only reason I knew it was Mum
is because she has that little
gazelle run, where her hair
kind of flicks up,
up and down, like this.
Diane, you're our Pink Panther!
You've still got five minutes.
The light's coming.
Look out now!
The light's coming!
Watch out - Diane, Diane!
What's always very funny is the look
of absolute shock, maybe,
because now I am most definitely
the oldest,
and I think they're all like,
because they obviously think
people of my age can't do
anything like that.
OK, Zack, watch out!
OK, go, go, go.
OK, you're good - go for that tomb
in the middle!
Careful! Guys, watch the light -
spread out!
Evie.Oh, no.
Stay there! Careful.
The light, Harry. No, Harry.
Aw, Harry! Really?
There is two of you left
in the game,
Anthony and Zack.
Go on, guys. Come on, Ant.
Come on, Zack.
Time's running out.
Anthony! Move, move, move, move!
Go, go, go!
People are looking at me
through a lens of suspicion.
So it's very important that when
my name is thrown into the mix
that ultimately they can say,
"When it comes to missions,
he brings something to the table."
Where the hell is this gold, man?
I can't find nothing!
Just under a minute left. Dig!
All right, keep going!
Zack, Zack, Zack, Zack, Zack!
OK, but you can go back.
You can go back.
Time's running out!
Come on, come on!
Dig, dig, dig!
Ten, nine
Zack, bring it, bring it!
You've got seconds!
Well done, Zack!
Go for it. Go, go, go!
Five, four, three
..two, one.
Very, very well done.
Well done, guys.
Players, congratulations.
It was a really hard mission,
wasn't it?
Yeah! Really hard.
Out of a possible £10,000,
you managed to bank £7,250.
Well done.
Special mentions have to go
to Anthony and Zack.
You were the last two standing.
And also Diane.
Diane, you're a rock star.
Yeah, she was. Absolutely.
For your information,
a shield was found.
Congratulations to Jasmine.Yeah!
Well done, Jas.
Jasmine, please come over here.
That is yours.
You are protected from murder.
Well done!
Nobody is protected from banishment.
So I'll see you back at the castle,
at the Round Table.
Off you go.Well done, guys.
Well done. Well done.
Well done, Jasmine.
Yeah, you grafted.
You got a lot of money and so,
yeah, you should
You deserved the shield.
But Miles was stood on
the wall, just shouting
He was a bit of a write-off.
I said, "Miles, get off the wall
and get involved." I don't think
But I don't think he wanted to. No.
It's like, "Mate, I'm here to win
the money for our team and then
"get the Traitors out, mate."
He's not making an effort,
not trying, is he?
I don't know about you but
I'm pretty bloody knackered.
That was a hard challenge.
Look, I need to see Diane.
Lickety-split. Yeah, me too.
Well done, mate, yeah.
You both put in
an absolute shift, to be fair.
Is there anybody out - is there
anybody who's saying things to you?
Cos nobody's really saying to me
about, you know, dropping names
in the hat, saying random names to
people, trying to stir the pot?
I don't think I would spew
names out, unwarranted.
I think I've been usually quite open
with who I think it might be,
based on logical process.
You think so? Well, yeah,
I do something that is, you know,
unseen. I've been open about it.
That's not the problem.
That's coincidental because
I think it's you, mate. I think it's
you, 100. I saw this coming.
The long and short of it is if I'm
going to come down with a name
then I'm going to come
down with a name,
and as far as I'm concerned
that's you.
I feel the walls closing in again,
and if other people have you
in their mouths
it kind of makes you a target
for the Traitors.
I'm going to go make a coffee.
I'll get me some water.
I'm just sort of at the stage right
now, it's like, if he's a Traitor
He's either a Traitor or
he's just a shit Faithful.
I want to find out now. Yeah.
I feel like when I'm speaking
to you Yeah?
I could have egg on my face when
I see it, but I think 100% Faithful.
And you. Well, you'll find out.
It seems that they've sort of just
pushed me into the Faithful
category, which obviously
I'm happy about.
I'm wearing that Harry Potter cloak.
You know, the invisible one?
Outside is all good,
just there for people.
But underneath you have to come
to this game and be able to
play every part.
What I think is I think it ends
up being a battle between
me and Zack somehow.
It's like I always feel like every
night I'm walking into a lion's den.
We just need to make, like,
basically, like a hit squad now.
That's what I'm saying.
The removal men, where
That's what I'm saying. The people
that we're not looking at,
for me, right now, it's like
I just want Zack out either way.
We either get a Traitor or
it's just a bad Faithful
so at the end of the day
We're not losing.'s not losing.
I definitely agree with that. Like,
it's making the strongest team.
Yeah. It's making the strongest
team. 100%, yeah.
Sorry, Jas?
Jasmine? Huh?
It's stressing me out.
The thing is Zack is one of
my favourite people in here,
but I think people are suspicious
of Zack because he is just
but I think people are suspicious
of Zack because he is just
Just has such abstract theories.
So who were you thinking, then?
Well, I'm just going to stick with
my guns and go for Ant,
because I've got to get him
out of here.
He's just so problematic.
Do you think you're going to get
brought up again, though, tonight?
Oh, yeah. I think I'm going
to get it from Harry, Ant
and if I don't get it from Andrew
I'll be really surprised.
What if you don't get it from
Andrew? That's suspicious, isn't it?
Yeah, if I don't get it from Andrew
then it's very clearly
a Traitor move, I think, anyway.
Hi, guys. You OK?
MUSIC: I'd Love To Change The World
by Jetta
The players may have just avoided
the spotlight,
but at the Round Table,
there is nowhere to hide.
Three Traitors remain.
So who will be banished tonight?
At the halfway mark,
it's very important to find
a Traitor,
ultimately, because that's
what we're here for.
I think I've been running
my mouth way too much.
I can just feel, like,
the eyes are on me
and I'm an easy target.
The Round Table,
people are starting to hold on
to the information
they're going to present, and that
makes it next level nerve-racking.
Welcome back to the Round Table.
And what an evening
it's already been.
The prize fund currently stands
at £49,550.
at £49,550.
You work so well as a team.
So can you do the same here?
Have you worked out who's lying?
Who would like to start?
I've got to get this out because
I just feel awful about it,
but the only thing that I can go
back to is the day that Jonny went,
and I feel awful about this, Ross.
You mentioned Jonny to me.
And then you just said just
a sentence, right?
This is all it is, just a sentence.
You went, "Please don't tell Jonny."
Now, for me, it was like you planted
the seed and then told me
not to say anything.
So I'm sorry that I've got to say
it, but that's my only truth.
I was 100% convinced in Jonny,
and I'm gutted.
Not only is he a Faithful,
but he would've been, and was,
a good one.
But I'd convinced myself that,
absolutely convinced myself,
hat he was 100% a Traitor.
So, yeah, that's all that was.
I mean, I've already
I've already approached the person
I think it is, so just for everyone
else around the Round Table,
I've gone to Zack because I've gone
from the process of, like,
elimination where I've put everyone
up as who I think's Faithful.
And I find it really hard because
with Zack I go,
"One minute he's a Traitor and
the next minute he's a Faithful."
I'll switch and look at someone
else and then you'll come in
and you'll do something.
And I think, "Well, that's such
"a Traitorish thing to do."
So I'm finding it really hard.
Yeah, to be fair, Zack,
I feel exactly the same, mate.
You're confusing me.
You know, I've told you before,
like, you're just
You're just throwing stuff
out there.
It's all been logic, though.
It's all grounded in
I don't know if it is.
But, I mean, who here hasn't
had a thought one day
and then immediately had
a different thought the next?
You are confusing.
I think I think, yes,
I can be confusing,
but I do genuinely try
and understand logic,
explain it to people as to why
I think someone is a Traitor.
Can I just say, cos obviously you've
been on my board quite a few times.
Yeah, yeah.
I know that you have loads of ideas,
you have loads of thoughts
and you say lots of things.
It comes across like you are trying
to throw a bit of distraction,
kind of stir They've been
the same number of names, though.
Not really. They have been.
I've I've stood by
for the last three Round Tables.
And Jasmine.
Well, yeah. No, I had the
conversation with her about that
Yeah, but that's another name,
isn't it? Can I just say?
He actually
He did put forward my name,
but I actually believe Zack is
a Faithful Me too, at the minute.
I did say that he's trying
to process
why somebody would do something,
and that's the
That's my understanding
when I'm talking to Zack.
And this is from somebody
he voted against.
I'm going to go back to
and suggest this to the group,
one of the first people I considered
might be a Traitor -
and that's you, Andrew. OK. Well,
you've put forward Zack's name.
When? You put forward Ash's name.
I've got to second with Diane.
For us, generally,
if we're discussing something,
you sit down and you talk it out
and you hear the outcomes.
That's not really happening
necessarily with yourself.
And so, therefore, it just
looks like you're doing names.
And if we apply If we go with
that logic of what we did with Ash,
it's exactly the same
as what she was doing.
But I haven't gone in, underhand,
giving names to people and things.
Like, genuinely,
I don't think you are a Traitor.
I think you're a bad Faithful,
to be honest.
You're just, like, bumbling
and talking and things.
That's why I never, ever
voted for you.
I've said your name to people
cos everybody's talking about you.
I don't know why you wouldn't come
to me and discuss those concerns
with me,
cos I would afford you
the same luxury. OK.
And your name's been nowhere near
my thought process, until I heard
that my name was in your mouth.
If I thought it was you,
I'd put your name on the card.
I'm not a shy person.
If I genuinely thought it was you,
I'd have put your name on the card.
But I've got no idea
who the Traitors are
I don't think any of us have.
Could I just interject?
Every time sort of I'm around you,
I feel as though there's sort of
a lack of contribution
in terms ofputting names forward.
So you're saying I lack,
I don't contribute with anybody
in the group?
It's a lack of contribution
to discussions.
So there's sort of Yeah, the
names drops, but there's no chaff.
Exactly. Exactly, yeah. I don't want
to chuck names out there.
Like, I don't want to be one
shit-stirrer and drop people under
and chuck people under buses
when I haven't got no evidence.
We need to be constructive in order
to have some form of direction.
And, you know, I just wanted to sort
of say that I'm not quite settled
And, you know, I just wanted to sort
of say that I'm not quite settled
with yourself, Paul.
You know, if I was a Traitor,
I think You know,
you've been considered
the most popular amongst the group,
and if I was a Traitor, I'd be like,
"That's such an obvious choice."
And you're still here.
I think I'm in your head,
and I don't know why. OK.
We had an apology.
I said to you
After the Ash situation,
we drew a line underneath it.
After the Ash situation,
we drew a line underneath it.
But then I also heard that
the next morning,
saying the opposite about me,
so, like, a little lie
maybe in the morning?
I personally don't think
that happened.
Sadly, Tracey's not here
to back me up. But,
like I'm trying to say, I'm not
100% settled that you are a Traitor.
like I'm trying to say, I'm not
100% settled that you are a Traitor.
I've just got those concerns
at this point in time.
I just want to say for the record
that I just don't think
Paul is a Traitor.
But, like, yeah.
I want to bring up someone else,
and who I want to bring up
is you, Anthony.
I think that you have a very clever
way of diverting questions.
I think that you have a very clever
way of diverting questions.
I also met you on the platform
on the first day
and you are just so
completely different, mate.
Like, you were so bubbly.
You were really, really, like,
wanting to get to know everyone.
And then, yeah,
at these Round Tables,
you don't really contribute, and
I just think it's a bit suspicious.
You finished?
Sorry? Oh, don't be rude!
I'm just asking, are you finished?
I'm just asking her,
is she finished? I know, I know,
but there's a nicer way.
No, hold on, that's not meant
in any rude way,
so if you've taken it a rude way,
it's not in a rude way.
I just want to make sure that
you're finished, OK? I'm finished.
Cos I don't want to interject you,
cos that's what happens a lot,
and then a lot of diversion happens.
So this notion that, basically,
when I was on the platform,
I was one way and now
I've changed and all of that,
you can see that You know,
if you've been around me, especially
those people who have spent time,
who've actually spent time with me,
one thing they'll see is that who
I am has shone through consistently.
A lot of diversion is going on, OK?
And it's very interesting to me
that there's a lot of talk about
people not bringing things
to the Round Table, but there's
a lot of people that haven't even
spoke at this Round Table yet. You
want to call me out and say to me
that I'm not bringing something
to the table?
I'm bringing something to the table,
cos I'm telling you,
I believe Zack's a Traitor.
I'm telling you that straight.
If you decide to put my name
down there,
you're going to be 8-1 down.
Simple as that.
Think about that.
Let that one sink in -
you're going to be 8-1 down.
I don't know. I find you
so confusing, Anthony.
And I do also second
what Jasmine said.
When I met you on the platform, you
WERE a completely different person.
And I know first day vibes,
everybody's buzzing,
but I just feel like your
behaviour's changed a bit. I do.
You might not like my personality,
but is this a game about personality
and who we like No-one's said
that ..or is it about facts?
One thing about me - when you see
the game,
when you see it's game time,
my same personality exudes itself,
which is basically I go for it.
So at the end of the day,
look, I have shown
that I'm down for the team,
I'm a Faithful.
And as I said, if you really want
to try and vote me off,
you'll be 8-1 down.
See, I support Anthony just because
I feel like he's
verya hard person to understand,
but when people say he's changed
and stuff,
I think he opens up
to the people he trust.
I genuinely don't believe it.
And if we lose Anthony and he stands
up there and says he's a Faithful,
that's, again, a massive loss.
..the time for talk is over.
Please write down
the name of the person
you believe is a Traitor
on your slate now.
Are the names all locked in?
Anthony, we're going to start
with you.
Please tell me who you believe
is a Traitor and why.
I believe Zack's a Traitor.
I've said it from the get-go.
There's things I just cannot shake.
Your actions do not match
your words.
I believe that you are a Traitor.
Evie, who have you voted for
and why?
Tonight, I voted for you, Anthony.
I think it's going to be difficult
to vote for anybody at this stage,
but you are the person
I am most suspicious of.
Charlotte, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I came in here on a 50-50 between
Andrew and Anthony, if I'm honest.
However, I have more conviction
for you, Ant.
I think you were the first person
I voted on the first day.
So, to be clear,
I have voted you, Ant.
Paul, who have you voted for
and why?
I'm voting for Jaz.
I think you're saying one story
to me
and then other stories about me
to people close to me,
and I just think that looks dodgy,
so I'm voting for you.
Charlie, who have you voted for?
Ross, if I'm wrong,
I sincerely apologise,
but I'm voting for you.
Jaz, who do you believe is a Traitor
and why?
The person I voted for is Andrew
..mainly just down to
the lack of contribution
during group discussions.
So a vote tally so far -
we have two for Anthony,
one for Zack, one for Jaz,
one for Ross and one for Andrew.
Diane, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
As I said earlier,
I'm voting for you, Andrew.
I think you're playing
a blinding game.
So I'm voting for you, Zack.
I mean, I came here with
a truth to myself
that I just can't seem to shake,
so I'm just sticking with my guns.
And I voted for you.
Zack, who have you voted for?
I voted for Ant, obviously, again.
I think even if you're not
a Traitor,
you're an incredibly
detrimental Faithful.
I voted for you, Ant.
I feel like there has been
a lot of deflection
and I just can't really get past it.
So, vote-wise, four for Anthony,
two for Zack, two for Andrew,
one for Jaz and one for Ross.
I voted for Ant.
8-1 down.
Andrew, who do you believe
is a Traitor?
Sorry, son.
Just up and down,
up and down for days and days.
I think, actually, personality -
just like Harry said - this is you.
Jasmine, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I voted for Anthony.
I just don't think your actions
match the words that you say.
That eyeroll was very mature.
And for the final vote, Ross.
Tonight, I wanted to observe
rather than talk,
and I've gone with some people
that I think are truly Faithful.
And sometimes there's no smoke
without fire,
so, Anthony,
I've gone with you, mate.
No surprise, my friend.
Let that sink in. Anthony,
you have received the most votes.
Please come up here and join me.
# Fate is upon us #
Anthony, before you leave
the castle forever, please reveal.
Are you a Traitor?
Or are you a Faithful?
Are you a Traitor?
Or are you a Faithful?
# Can't escape the fallout #
..this is indeed a wonderful game
to play.
# Feel the fire rain down #
Those of you that remain, I really
hope that you take this opportunity
to really look around you.
Try and see through the fog.
In this game, I am
and have always been
..100% Faithful.
# Can't escape the fallout
# Feel the fire rain down #
That's 8-1 down.
Let that sink in.
# Can't escape the fallout
# Can't escape the fallout
Fallout #
# Can't escape the fallout
Fallout #
You have banished another Faithful.
And it is 8-1.
I tell you this - the Traitors,
they're laughing.
I tell you this - the Traitors,
they're laughing.
Sweet dreams.
I just want to say, I don't feel
part of the team right now, like.
Like I'm the only one just sat here
and then just lost someone else
again. Sorry.
I just act like every other Faithful
and I get into the role.
Like, I'm literally like,
"Oh, my gosh!"
But they're getting out
the strong people.
Like, Anthony was
a strong Faithful.
He was a good Faithful.
And I'm just sat there like,
"None of you have a scooby
"what's going on behind the scenes,"
do you know what I mean?
We've literally got them in the palm
of our hands and I'm there for it.
It's easy to be sad about
him being Faithful.
Obviously, I'm I'm pissed off.
That's another one the Traitors
have got.
He offered absolutely nothing.
That's where I come from.
That's where you confuse me.
So, you saying he's a bad Faithful,
to me, I would look at you as a bad
Faithful if you wasn't a Traitor,
cos you confuse me so much.
I want to get a Traitor!
I'm so fed up of banishing people
that are Faithfuls!
It's angering people now,
and you're starting to see
frustration and anger.
Somebody's playing
a very clever game
It's a joke, man! ..basically.
When he revealed himself as
a Faithful, I did feel dead guilty.
But what the fuck is going on?
He was bloody great at missions.
He's not someone we wanted
to lose in that sense.
But we need to change our approach.
This is not good enough.
To be halfway through the game
with only one Traitor gone, it is
It's quite a disappointment.
Mate, do you want to go have
a conversation?
What about these two
at the end here?
So, Jaz brought up my name.
We just need to keep an eye on Jaz.
He's the only clever one that can
find a Traitor, by the sounds of it.
Not sure when this happened.
All right.
Are you saying you didn't say that
to Harry?
No, I did.
So, this is what I mean, right?
Are you a Faithful or are you
a Traitor? I'm a Faithful, 100%.
And I think we've gone past
the point of battles
and saying that shit to each other.
Right. I hear you.
I want us to be tight.
And I want you to think
that I'm a Faithful.
And I want to think
you're a Faithful. Mm-hm.
But if I'm always looking at you
and you've always got me
in your brain It's not working.
..then we're fucked.
Are we good? Come on.
Yeah? Let's do it.
Let's do it. Mate, if you say
my name tomorrow night
I get such a dodgy vibe from Paul.
If I said to Harry, "Don't tell
anyone that I've told you,"
why would Harry do that?
And why would Paul tell me
that Harry's done that?
And why would Paul not share
that information at the Round Table?
And why would Paul not share
that information at the Round Table?
It just sounded so suspicious.
It's almost like this nonsense
going on,
you two need to get this sorted.
It's ridiculous.
Do you still feel like
Jaz is a Traitor? No.
No. And do you think
Paul's a Traitor?
Well, then, don't be voting
for each other again, OK?
That's it, now done, sorted.
No-one wants to step up to Paul.
It's incredible how much power
he has.
But I've still got my eyes on him.
For me, I think he's a Traitor.
Never take, you know,
kindness for weakness -
because I've been through
so much in my life,
after having quite
a rocky upbringing.
I know what it's like to be lied to.
So I don't trust anyone
in this place. I never have.
So, Jaz, what would you do?
What I would do with the money?
I would rebuild my family.
You'd rebuild the family?
I've been through something quite
recently that changed everything.
Like, literally going upside down.
I feel like maybe this is
the right time to just tell yous,
like, my personal story.
Tell us, lad! If I'm not here
tomorrow, at least I've told yous,
do you know I mean?
Growing up, my dad was
my absolute idol.
Everyone respects him,
he's considered quite influential,
powerful. That's the man
I want to be. And then
..we found out that he had
a whole second family
that we didn't know anything about.
Oh, my God!
And he had, like
You know, he was a grandad.
You know, he was
Itjust hit us hard.
And was he still having
a relationship with the?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So that level of betrayal is, like,
difficult to experience
at a young age. And then
So then you start to think,
"Can you trust people?"
Like, that's my dad.
What I suffered,
and I hope nobody else in the world
actually goes through that,
because that is painful.
When your dad is your idol,
you don't want to be told
that he's not what
he was supposed to be.
My father was that central piece
of the jigsaw.
So when you sort of take
that central piece out,
it's almost like a Jenga block
that just comes crashing down.
And slowly but surely,
I'm in the process of now
re-building up my family -
because that was
absolutely devastating.
We've got so many people
in this group
that have had something
significant happen to them.
We all relate in some way
or another.
Don't get me wrong, we're all going
crazy and losing our minds and not
getting much sleep because we're
so nervous about being murdered.
But at the same time,
every minute you are here,
it's the best feeling ever.
We know each other so well,
but I think that was the final piece
in getting to know you.
And I think it takes great courage
to say what you did.
That's major courage.
I know what it's like
to be betrayed.
I've had first-hand experience
with my father, so
It's a difficult pill to swallow,
but when it comes to a Traitor,
I know exactly what a Traitor
is all about.
With Anthony banished, the Faithful
are now discussing their next move.
With Anthony banished, the Faithful
are now discussing their next move.
What none of the players know
is I'm about to give the Traitors
a secret mission.
And this, nobody is expecting.
What is that?
What on earth is going on?
"Traitors, tonight, there will be
no secret meeting in the Turret."
"Instead, you must murder
in plain sight."
Oh, my diddly days!
"Before the night is through,
"you must decide with your fellow
Traitors which Faithful to murder
"and give them
the poisoned chalice."
"In the library, you will find a set
of three Shakespeare tragedies -
"Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth."
"Inside these books,
the poisoned chalice can be found."
"Whichever Faithful's lips touch
the poisoned chalice first
"will be murdered."
This is a stitch-up, innit?
How am I going to do that
without being found?
Oh, my God!
This is chaos!
# Take a deep breath
# Watch where you stand
# This world isn't quite
what you expect #
# This world isn't quite
what you expect #
I think we need to have
a conversation, for sure.
How easy that's going to be,
I don't know.
Three of us together
would look suspicious, I feel.
But not impossible.
# It's dangerous #
It's too stuffy in here.
Yeah, I might go get a beer.
Does anyone want drinky poos?
There's no wine left.
Is there not? No.
But it's good for me
that there isn't, to be fair.
# Something wicked this way comes
Something wicked this way comes
# Something wicked this way comes
Something wicked this way comes
# Something wicked this way comes
# Something wicked,
something wicked. #
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Getting down to the fire pit
was one thing,
but then people not seeing us.
Mate, what? Should we just sit
and pretend like we're chilling?
Pretend, yeah. We're friends.
But then they might be like,
"Oh, wait, Miles was behind the bar
"and gave out the chalices."
"Surely one of them was poison,"
so it links it to you.
But that might happen to me anyway.
Cos I've already poured out
people's drinks today. Have you?
This is what I'm saying.
You've got to think about the people
who will take the chalice
and drink it.
There was pressure building
every minute that was passing.
We didn't even know
who we was going to go for.
You can tell there's so few of us,
cos I just walked around the castle
trying to find people,
went through, like, four rooms
and no-one was there.
Where's Paul and Harry? Yeah!
Don't know.
HARRY:I think we go for someone
who everyone's adamant is Faithful.
That's the way we need to go.
Everyone's happy
with the final decision?
Walk up. Walk up.
No-one's in the library now.
HARRY:Yeah, go and chat.
PAUL:And you go in here.
WHISPERS:Fucking Macbeth.
What does a chalice look like?
Our hearts are racing.
I've got this big jumper on,
so I'm sweating.
And we haven't even got to the point
yet of finding the book.
And we haven't even got to the point
yet of finding the book.
It's tough work being a Traitor!
I was stressing. I was, like,
looking through all these books,
trying to see Macbeth and that.
I was, like, "Someone, give me
the phone so I can ring my mum,"
cos I was like,
"If she can't find it,
"then you know
it's definitely lost."
With every minute that passed,
if we've not got a chalice
to begin with, how is someone
going to drink from it?
I don't know. I don't know where
it is.
Like, we've called Paul in
to have a look as well.
There was so much pressure
and stuff, cos time's ticking.
Paul, if you want my seat,
go for it.
I'm getting my water bottle.
I don't know where it is.
Oh, God! Is he all right?
Took three of us because
we could not find those books
for love nor money.
This is the library, isn't it?
I think, because we were
all panicking,
it was so difficult.
I'm looking at
..the names of the books,
but nothing's computing.
It's on the right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't know. I can't find it.
It's on the right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't know. I can't find it.
That was stressful,
because I'm trying to make sure
I'm, like, casually just
looking through some books -
and everybody knows I don't read.
I would walk out the room,
just so I could clock people.
Then if no-one walked out,
I would quickly turn around
and walk back.
Oh! Off the clock.
Look there.
Oh, yeah.
It felt so good to find the chalice.
And obviously I handed it to Miles.
So I had done my bit, and it was
just Miles to seal the deal.
Oh, God! I feel like I need a beer!
I need something!
I felt so evil.
But it feels good because, like,
I've got an excuse to be naughty.
I'm not getting in trouble for this.
This is the game.
How am I the one who's ended up
taking the poisoned chalice?
Definitely got
a sweaty pit moment
# Girl, I must warn you #
Erm, there's alcohol
back in the thing
Let's go there. Oh, dear!
Capitalise on the moment!
Like, it's mad.
I know I'm good under pressure,
and I think that the other two
are good under pressure as well.
But the difference was
we had a time limit.
# It's driving me out of my mind
# It's driving me out of my mind
# That's why it's hard for me
to find #
# That's why it's hard for me
to find #
It's a bit mental now. No, I know.
The sort of words flying around
here It's just
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
# That girl is poison #
# That girl is poison #
I thought it looked way too suspect
for us all to be there
and all just kind of
hovering over it, just looking.
So I don't know how he's done it!
God, this job is justcrazy.
Diane, there's rose. Are you
wanting one? Oh, yes, please.
The person
we murdered tonight
was the person I was going to
bring up in the Turret anyway.
It was someone that's actually
a really big character,
someone that people love, and
it's another spanner in the works.
There you go, honey.
I think you're right.
This is fizzy rose Is it?!
It's hard work trying to make
something that's quite calculated
seem quite casual.
I'd rather have the flat stuff.
Come on.
Oh, my God!
It's crazy, isn't it?
Hmm? Do you want the fizzy, or?
I would take fizzy.
Don't miss me too much. I'll be back
in the morning, hopefully.
Coming soon on The Traitors
I hope the Traitors felt awful
in that moment.
Really dark.
It's just like a minefield.
Come for me, I'll put you
six feet under.
Sleep well, if you can.
Oh, my head is fried, man!
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