Thunder in My Heart (2021) s02e06 Episode Script


-Hi, thank you Sigge.
Hi! Thank you.
-I bought some nappies too.
-Hey, sweetie.
Thank you. Hi.
Did you have fun?
Where has he been?
I don't know,
he says he doesn't remember.
He says he thinks he was drugged.
It sounds like he's had
a psychosis or something.
-So where is he now?
-He's with Louise, at home.
I'm sorry, I just
I'm so relieved he's home,
I was so worried.
Yeah, me too Sigge.
I get it.
Do you remember any place
you've been? A street?
Who cut your hair?
I did it myself.
You scared me to death.
I thought you had
Where are you going?
I'm going to work. I'm sure they're
wondering where I've been.
-You're not going to work.
-Yes, I have to.
Do you remember what day it is?
Yes, of course I do.
Where have you been?
No, I've just had a fever
Did Louise get hold of you?
She called here
the day before yesterday and she
She was crying
and it was like she
I've talked to her
My phone died and I was at my
brother's place and
Well, she tends to jump
to the worst conclusion
Oh, okay
I'll take that.
Nice hair cut.
Have you talked to Sigge?
-What do you mean?
-I just thought
maybe she's said something about me?
I tried to call her earlier, I think
she gave me the wrong number,
because some old man picked up.
You know, Sigge is dirty.
She wanted me to pull her hair
and spank her and stuff.
It was fucking nice.
Did she say that?
That she thought it was nice?
She asked for it
and she moaned heaps.
What are you doing?
Are you fighting?
Should I call your parents?
My best friend's dad
recently killed himself.
So that was
And then he disappeared
for two days.
And we thought he maybe had
you know
Then I have another best friend,
who was psychologically abused
during childhood.
So that's been challenging for me,
as a close friend.
And then there's my girlfriend who's
Christian but doesn't want to be.
So yeah there's a lot.
You probably agree it's a lot
for one person to handle.
Antonia, you talk a lot about
all the people in your life.
I would like us to focus on you,
now that you're here.
You are here to work on
your jealousy, right?
I mean,
that's what we're all here for.
Jealousy is often grounded in fear.
You might have had insecure
or unpredictable
-childhood relationships.
You might feel
you don't deserve to be loved.
Yeah well, my dad left
before I popped out.
So that could be it, absolutely.
What a light bulb moment
That's great.
Well, I
I cut up all her shirts that she
looked particularly nice in.
Into to small, really tiny pieces.
Like they were confetti.
So she left me.
And I couldn't do my job.
I didn't have time,
since I was too busy stalking her.
You know you can't
look like that tomorrow.
Is that from your night on drugs?
It's from
-Does it hurt?
Good. It should hurt.
I was thinking
I'd sleep here tonight.
Louise thought
you had killed yourself.
Did you know that?
Did you even think about that?
Look Sam, if you don't want to
be with her, fine, don't be but
You can't be with her
and treat her like this.
It's not okay.
Note the anxiety,
the pain, the grief.
What you're experiencing.
And keep your hand on your hea
Your phone is ringing.
I'm sorry,
I didn't know you were home.
Turn the sound off
if you don't want to pick up.
That's what I do.
-How are you?
-I'm good.
It's so good to see you.
-This is so soft.
-Yeah, it's really comfortable.
I see that.
Can I have your number?
Don't you already have my number?
No, not on my new phone.
You have a new phone?
Have you picked Benjamin up?
You know you can't do that.
Are you serious?
Annika, please open the door.
Benjamin came here by himself.
I didn't know he was coming.
He doesn't want to
see you right now.
I don't know who your mum told you,
but Benjamin lives with me now.
Family court decided that.
So you don't care about
children's rights all of a sudden?
"The will of a child
should be taken seriously,
or taken into account,"
or what was it you said?
And how do I know
you didn't pick him up
and have him locked up
while you're here lying to me.
-Of course I'm not.
-Go away!
You've got a guard dog now?
That's lovely.
Are you too scared to come out
here and talk like adults?
You're using a child for protection.
Okay, I want Benjamin to come out
here, so I can see he's okay.
Open the door now!
Open the door now.
Sweetheart, can you come out
and tell Dad you want to stay over.
I think we could have big problem
otherwise, later on.
And then we can have a cosy evening.
I might have some chips at home,
I think so.
-I don't want to talk to Dad.
-Please, for Mummy's sake.
Benjamin, you have to
He doesn't want to.
-He doesn't want to.
What are we supposed to do?
Benjamin, are you okay?
-Sweetheart? Can you hear me?
Should we do something fun?
Was I under the water
for a long time?
You were under the water
for 3,000 years.
I'm an old lady now.
Are you cold?
Yeah, a little.
-Can you come here a minute?
-Wait here.
But Sweetheart
Have you lost it completely?
Are you gonna keep Benjamin
locked up forever?
Oh, come on
You're completely hysterical.
Do you have a tent?
-Did you bring a tent?
What do you mean?
If you're sleeping here,
you might need a tent.
Sigrid, you're unwell.
-Am I unwell?
-Yes, you need help.
You're out there for hours,
refusing to leave.
They're asleep.
Benjamin doesn't want to talk
to you.
He's been crying in his room
because he's afraid of you, get it?
Do you see how messed up
all this is?
No sane person would
act like this!
You're so sad and creepy,
I'm ashamed that you're my dad.
And I'm ashamed
that you're my daughter.
I'm proud of you.
What did you say?
I'm proud of you.
Can you say it again?
Can I hug you?
Are you hungry?
I'm going to take care of you now.
You don't need to take care of me.
I just want you to let me
take care of you.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I love you.
You know that right?
I love you too.
-Hello, are you Annika Törnkvist?
We're from social services.
We've received a report that a child
is being mistreated here.
Can we come in?
Oh, but I
We were playing
that the kitchen was a cubby.
-How have you been tonight?
-I'm great.
According to the report, you've had
a psychosis tonight, is that right?
No, absolutely not.
We've tried to call you,
but it went straight to voicemail.
My phone was turned off,
but I'll show you.
-Hang on, I'll
-No, there's no need.
Where is Benjamin?
We need to make sure he's okay.
Time of departure.
Doors closing.
If I were you,
I wouldn't get so involved.
You act as if Benjamin
were your child.
He's not yours.
He's mine.
Doors closing.
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