Thunderbirds (1965) s02e06 Episode Script

Give or Take a Million

'Thunderbirds are go! ' Gee, it's like a dream, Mr Tracy - me at your rescue headquarters.
- Can I have my wish now? - Sure, but you must call me Santa.
OK, Mr Tracy.
I mean Santa.
This is fantastic! We're sitting in the snow and over there it's summer.
Sun and palm trees and all.
Yeah, well, it is pretty unusual.
- It sure is.
Can I have my wish now? - Why not? I wish I could see all the Thunderbirds launched.
ALL the Thunderbirds? That's not possible.
You can see one.
One? Now, which one? Gee, it's so hard.
All right - Thunderbird 3.
Now, that's a good choice.
This is Christmas control to Thunderbird 3.
Immediate launch.
- Repeat.
Immediate launch.
- 'FAB.
' What's happening, Mr Tracy? Alan's down under the house, Nicky, on his way to Thunderbird 3.
- Mr Tracy - Yes, Nicky? I still can't see Thunderbird 3.
Be patient, Nicky.
You won't miss it, it's 287 feet high.
OK, Nicky.
Here she comes.
Where? Where? There it is! Wow! Gee, thanks.
That was the greatest thrill of my life! I keep thinking I'm dreaming.
It CAN'T be for real.
It's real enough, Nicky.
Mind you, it took a lot of people a lot of time and trouble arranging it.
It began with a nice, quiet meeting with the Coralville Children's Hospital Committee.
You're all talk, Saunders.
All talk? Since when have you been the great man of action? - If you take that attitude - MY attitude? Gentlemen, gentlemen, please We're supposed to be discussing ways of raising money for a new solar therapy wing for a children's hospital.
- Now, let's be constructive.
- I repeat And MINE will fill it with toys - on one condition.
What's that? That it's launched from my New York store.
Very generous! Nationwide publicity for a sack of toys.
All right! I'm also willing to start the fund by putting down a cheque for $10,000 now.
Well, if the project is successful, that'll just be the start.
The scheme has exciting possibilities.
It now depends on International Rescue.
- Shouldn't we go outside? - Be patient, Dr Lang.
The rocket will take ten minutes to get here.
(Siren blares) - 9:58, Dr Pringle.
- Thank you, Dr Lang.
You're a minute fast.
The timing's very important.
- Are the windows screened? - No one will see a thing.
The whole staff is intrigued.
Secrecy is essential.
If this trial fails Don't worry, Saunders Automations haven't missed yet.
(Faint rumbling) Here she comes! Here it is.
Bang on schedule.
- How about that! - Let's take a look inside.
- Go ahead, Nurse.
It won't blow up.
- Yes, Doctor.
Wow! I do declare! Still in one piece.
The trial has proved satisfactory.
Forgive me, Mr Harman, for being a bit incredulous.
- What do you think, Nurse Nimmo? - I think it's a marvellous idea.
I'm convinced.
The operation goes ahead as suggested.
I'll go to New York and arrange the assembly and launch of the rocket, while you contact you-know-who.
- Dr Lang, call International Rescue.
- Yes, Doc.
But how do I find them? 'Where is their base? ' Just put out the call.
They use any frequency.
(Radio) 'Calling International Rescue.
Calling International Rescue.
'This is Coralville Hospital calling International Rescue.
' Loud and clear.
Go ahead, Coralville! - The trial flight was a success.
- 'Fine! ' The operation will proceed on Christmas Day.
' - What is the rocket's ETA? - '0900 hours.
' Right - we'll be ready at 0915 to pick up the lucky winner.
Thank you.
0ver and out.
Now, perhaps, you'll explain how International Rescue are involved.
Wait and see, Nurse.
Just wait and see.
(Beeps) Go ahead, John.
'Coralville Hospital has given the go-ahead.
' So we'll have a guest at Christmas, besides Penelope.
Virgil - this means a trip for you and Thunderbird 2.
- Yes, Father.
- Now, listen everyone.
There's no danger involved, but I want this operation taken seriously.
Security still has top priority.
But supposing there's a distress call? Oh, Gordon, don't spoil it! Tin Tin's right.
If we make someone happy, it's worthwhile.
This is all very well, but do any of you realise how near Christmas is? We couldn't plan it till we knew for sure, Grandma.
Now we can make this something to remember.
- Tin Tin - Yes? You and Scott are in charge of the shopping.
Hop over to the mainland.
- Did you get the list? - Yes, and we mustn't waste time.
- Is there much to get? - THAT much.
I must congratulate you all.
The place looks wonderful.
- Can we open our presents? - Not yet, Gordon.
We'll wait for our guest tomorrow.
Why don't we see how things are going in New York? 'I'm speaking on the roof of Harman's store in New York, 'where the rocket is being assembled for its flight to Coralville.
Doesn't the snow look wonderful! I wish WE could have a white Christmas, like the old days.
Here comes the final section.
Are those kids gonna be surprised! Hey, what's happened to Brains? - He wanted to see this.
- I'll get him.
Why not use the nuclear-powered cooker? It's faster.
Well, I'll tell you, Kyrano.
I never did get the hang of those rods.
Besides, they'll taste better this way.
- Have you seen Brains, Grandma? - Said something about an experiment.
Ah well, better leave him alone if he's busy.
Now Let's see Wind East-southeast.
Speed normal.
Ah-hah Yeah.
That should just about do it.
Cut the snow.
- What a day! - Yeah, I'm glad it's over.
Felt like a million kids in there today.
Let's go.
We're meeting Tanner.
I hope he's finished those parcels for the rocket.
(Thump) Hey, what was that? Probably just some kids.
(Loud squeak) - Don't move! - Is this some sort of game? Shut up! The pair of you - into that room! I hate to spoil your Christmas, but - What's going on? - Save it, Leo.
Play it cool and you won't get hurt.
- How's it going, Tanner? - I'll be an hour.
The rocket is ready to go.
The publicity for the store has been tremendous.
It's doubled the Christmas proceeds.
All safely stashed away, I hope? As safe as the Second National Bank next door.
Yes, sir, we're just about to close the door Thank you.
And a merry Christmas to you, sir.
OK, Preston.
Check it out.
(Alarm bell) Alarm check positive.
Close the door.
You know, that's some alarm system.
Those tiles could register a pin drop.
That should do it.
Come on, Scobie, hurry it up.
Get the equipment from the jack-in-the-box.
The strong room's here, so we cut through about there.
- All right? - Yeah.
Let's get started.
How much do you think we'll get, Scobie? (Sirens wailing) - Here it comes.
- Yeah.
Some lucky kid will get a surprise.
Oh well, there it goes.
Easy! - Nearly there! - Yeah.
That's it.
Anybody home? Look at that! (Intercom buzzes) - Packaging.
- 'How's it going? ' Almost finished.
I've just wrapped the lucky number.
We're all ready up here.
OK, I'll send the canister up in the elevator.
Then come to my office.
- All set? - Right.
Give me the gun.
Make sure the cables don't snag.
- You stupid - It came right out of my hand! Remember - if the cable touches the floor - All right, all right! - I'll fix the line.
Take it easy.
- Hold it.
- What's wrong? Leave it, Scobie.
Forget that.
Get to the gold.
OK, 0K.
It was just a thought.
I'd better go.
Thanks for the coffee.
- You're welcome.
- See you later.
(Thumping) Listen.
(Silence) I thought everyone was asleep.
It's coming from the roof.
Who can it be? (Footsteps) Brains! What are you doing at this hour? L-I was seeing what the weather was like.
The weather? Brains, come and have a cup of coffee.
And then back to bed.
All right, Virgil.
Don't look so worried.
I'll look after him.
You'd better go.
Take it easy.
- And watch the floor.
- Don't worry! - Not too much, Scobie.
- Just a few more.
Scobie - the floor! Mind your feet! It's 0K.
I've got a few inches.
Right - pull me back.
I don't like it.
That gold's too heavy.
Just get me out of here! Steady, Scobie! For Pete's sake, keep your feet up! Yeah, yeah! It's no picnic! The pencil! Get me out! Welcome to Harman's store.
The final preparations of the Christmas rocket are under way.
Soon it'll be speeding on its way to the children at Coralville.
- 'The canister's ready.
' - Right.
Send it up in five minutes.
We made it, Straker! (Alarm) The strong room! What shall we do? We've gotta get out before they seal the exits! - Hold it! Maybe we could - Yeah, it's worth a try.
Pan the monitor! Holy mackerel! Let's get down there! - What's through there? - An elevator, stupid! What are we waiting for? - Is everything set? - Yes.
Get the canister up to the roof.
We're going up! We'll just have to bluff our way out.
- Has anyone been through here? - No.
Anything wrong? - Plenty! - 0ver there, Joe! Are you thinking what I'm thinking? They can't be in the canister! - Can I use a phone? - Sure.
(Rocket roars) (Rings) (Rings) She's off! - Let us out! Hey! Let us out! - 0pen up! It's too late.
The rocket's taken off! It happened last night, in the vaults of the Second National Bank.
The amount taken is about six million dollars.
- Six million dollars! - Shush! The bank's president has offered a reward for the thieves' capture.
Stay tuned for further news.
How did they get in? We'll talk later.
The rocket will soon be off.
Come in Thunderbird 2.
- Receiving you loud and clear.
- Lift-off was A-0K.
The rocket's en route to Coralville.
I'll be there soon.
Coralville Hospital to International Rescue.
This is Thunderbird 2.
I'm overhead.
There he goes.
- It will be here in two minutes.
- Check.
- We'll see it any second.
- Where's the Thunderbird now? It will cruise around until the winner is ready.
It's here.
It's about to drop the canister.
Gee, I'm so excited! - Right, Nurse.
0pen it up.
- Yes, Doctor.
- Keep back! I'll do it.
- What's the meaning of this? What? Sorry, the Police Department warned me about this.
Are they dead? No.
Knocked out by the gravity force.
The canister landed safely, but two crooks were inside.
They must be the bank robbers.
We saw the telecast.
- The hospital turned them in.
- They'll get the reward.
- That's great.
- Yes.
- How's it going your end? - I'm waiting for the winner.
- It should only be a few minutes.
- We're ready here.
- Calling International Rescue.
- Go ahead, Coralville.
- Your Christmas guest is ready.
- I'm on my way.
(Faintly) # Good King Wenceslas looked out on the Feast of Stephen # When the snow lay round about, deep and crisp and even # Brightly shone the moon that night # This has certainly been a Christmas to remember.
I'm sure we made it happier for those kids at Coralville Hospital, and the publicity did the store a lot of good.
(Laughter) So I give you a toast.
Merry Christmas to one and all, especially the children at Coralville.
This Christmas won't be forgotten - a rocket full of gifts, plus two crooks.
The reward will build the new wing.
And a patient is meeting International Rescue.
Some day! I wonder how Nicky's enjoying Christmas? # Good King Wenceslas looked out, on the Feast of Stephen # When the snow lay round about, deep and crisp and even # Brightly shone the moon that night, though the frost was cruel # When a poor man came in sight # Gathering winter fuel # Well done.
Glad you could make it, Penny.
So am I, Jeff.
I'm having a wonderful time.
- How was that, Nicky? - A smash.
What's next? We can have one carol before more refreshments.
- Not more food! - I couldn't eat another thing.
I've got a party piece I'd like to do.
You have? Gee, that's great.
But first of all I must ask for a little help from the audience.
Will you all please close your eyes.
- I don't like the sound of this.
- 0h, come on, Virgil.
Thank you.
Can we open our eyes? Not yet.
You can open your eyes - now.
Tin Tin, look! (Tin Tin) It's snowing! So that's what you were up to! It's beautiful.
Gee! Snow! And palm trees! Brains, you old devil, you've given us a real, old-fashioned Christmas.

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