TrollsTopia (2020) s02e06 Episode Script

Hairicane - Piney & Lord Prickles

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
all by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun
To share this one ♪
With someone else ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice ♪
Stand up and sing along! ♪
- All different voices ♪
- Everybody now! ♪
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger
With every Troll singing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Oh, yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
We can't let this
hairicane get away, B.
- Our research depends on it!
- That's right.
And I've got just the soundtrack
to accompany this moment
as together we
overcome the odds.
Almost there.
Almost there.
Ah! Aw, yeah!
Oh, no!
Switching soundtrack to
punctuate our disappointment
Trolly Moley!
Why were you two outside
for that hairicane,
and not with us
in Branch's bunker?
We were testing our hairpothesis about
what lies in the eye of the storm.
We believe it's the one place
in the known funk-iverse
wherein the volume and luster
of hair has no limits.
Unbound by the laws of hairodynamics,
one's luscious locks unlock.
And for one glorious moment, a
Troll's hairstyle perfectly conforms
to their personality
and becomes
A true-you do! ♪
Only problem is, no one can
predict a hairicane early enough
- to get to one in time.
- Ow.
I know one Troll
who can predict a hairicane,
Holly Darlin'.
Well, my work here is done.
It's true.
I do have a predilection
for hairicaine prediction.
- Told ya'!
- If a storm's a'brewin', my hair'll twitch,
tellin' me
right where it's gonna be.
do you know what this means?
You can help us get
into the eye of a hairicaine
and find
Lemme guess.
A true-you do! ♪
I had the same notion once.
In fact, it was my dream to see
it back in my storm chasin' days.
But I don't much tell
that story anymore.
Aw, Holly,
you don't have to tell that s
There I was,
in the awe-inspiring shadow
of the swirling beast,
a category five.
The biggest kinda
hairicaine there is.
But I got trapped
in the vicious outer winds!
So, when that hairicaine
finally let me be
It took seven months
of grueling physical hair-apy
to untangle that hot mess.
Oh, I've been too afraid to go inside
another hairicaine ever since,
so I gave up my dream.
I'm so sorry.
After something like that, we
understand if you don't want to help us
find a hairicaine.
Oh, I'm not going in,
but you best believe
I'm gonna help you find it.
- Say what?
- Two conditions.
Condition the first,
we only chase small storms.
Category twos,
threes tops.
And second,
when you get inside that eye,
with your true-you dos lookin'
all tall and gorgeous,
you say a little woo-hoo
for Holly Darlin'.
Ooh, oh, oh. There she goes!
My hair's already twitchin'!
We're goin' storm
chasin', ya'll!
Hear the howl of the wind ♪
This is how it begins ♪
Won't back down
Till we're inside ♪
We will keep on trying ♪
On and on ♪
We won't stop fighting
Never give up ♪
Never give up ♪
Till we're inside the eye ♪
The winds intensify ♪
They knock us down ♪
But we keep rising
Never give up ♪
Never give up ♪
Till we're inside the eye
Of the hairicaine ♪
How can we get inside a hairicaine
when it won't stop a -movin'?
Not to mention the a-groovin'!
Yup, it's a tough
cupcake to frost.
Here, everyone take a thinkin'
lasso and give it a twirl.
Could you
do something with funk science?
Well, hot dang!
That just might be the biggest
lasso made of pure funk energy
which is perfectly calibrated
to catch a hairicaine
and hold it in place,
giving the user
a window of time to enter
the eye of the storm
that I've ever seen, ya'll!
Top three at least.
Ooh, oh, oh! That way!
Nice one's a'formin'!
- We got it!
- Now, Poppy!
- Here we go!
- We'll hold it in place! You go get 'em, girls!
But, Holly, it doesn't feel
right doing this without you!
Yeah. This is your dream too!
You've gotta come with us!
No, no, I'm sorry, girls,
it's too scary.
If things went sideways
and my hair got tangled up.
Well, I just don't think I could
go through that hair -ache again.
Hair-ache, huh?
Mm, it's hard to argue with a pun that strong.
Yeah, Holly,
if that's what you really want,
we understand.
Hmm! Ooh!
You did it, Holly,
you got them into the storm.
Phew! Nothin' left
to do now, but wait.
Oh, no, no, no.
Another hairicaine!
They're combining into
Uh! A category five!
They're trapped in the outer winds!
It'll tease their hair to kingdom come!
Someone's gotta go in
and get them!
- Go in a category five?
- Ah!
Holly Darlin',
you've got to do it!
That there hairicaine already took
away your storm chasin' dreams,
you can't let it take
your friends too.
And remember, there is nothing
to fear, except fear it!
Actually, there's tons to fear, but
you should still do it! Gotta go!
- Oh! No!
- It's okay, Holly. I'll go!
- No!
- Ah!
- My hair!
- Ah!
My friends!
Poppy, wait!
- Huh?
- You can't go, you don't know the first thing
about the inside of a
hairicaine. But I do.
Holly! Be careful!
Holly's a-comin', girls! Woo-hoo!
R? B?
Where are ya'll?
Yes! I, too, have a
previously unexplored backstory
involving hairicaines.
But here I am overcoming my
fear, in order to save
my sandwich!
- Uh! There!
- Ah! Ooh.
- Holly! You came for us!
- You betcha!
It takes more than the crippling fear
of a past trauma to stop Holly Darlin'
from rescuin' her friends!
Right back atchu, Holly!
Now let's take this little love
fest outside the storm!
No, wait!
Actually, girls, I was thinkin',
let's take it inside the storm.
- Wait, do you mean?
- Hair we go!
- Is this for real? We're
- Inside the eye of the hairicaine!
- Holly!
- Your hair!
Your hair!
A true-you do! ♪
Girls, are you okay?
Better than okay, Poppy.
We made it inside the eye!
- Thanks to Holly.
- It was as magical as it was fleetin'.
And the best part was
getting to see it with you two.
Oh, I wish I could have seen it.
- Huh?
- Oh! You still can.
What do you say, Poppy, wanna
chase the next storm together?
And what do you say,
do you wanna chase
the next storm together?
Just kidding,
I'm gonna eat you!
Huh? Hey, it's Val!
No. No. No.
I can't find it anywhere.
- Val? Did you lose something?
- What? No. No, I didn't.
Really? Then, what are you doing
here, at Troll Village Lost and Found,
and Gift Wrapped?
Fine, yes, I'm
looking for something
C'mon, Val,
friends ask friends for help.
- Ugh.
- And we are friends, right?
- Ugh.
- Val?
- Ugh!
- Val?
Yes, you know we are, ugh!
Fine. I lost
- my snuggle toy.
- Your snuggle toy?
Val, that is so
Sorry, I know sentimentality
makes you uncomfortable,
one moment
Please tell me more.
I found my snuggle toy
a long time ago.
Some might say by accident,
but in my heart I know
it was fate.
I was just a little rocker, walking
home from my first mosh party.
I am mosh prodigy!
But I got lost.
I was all alone, scared
and, then, I saw him.
On the ground,
just as lost as I was.
And I knew right then,
we were meant to be together.
Wait a second,
your snuggle toy is a pinecone?
Not just a pinecone,
a beautiful pinecone,
with an even more
beautiful soul.
And now my life is
empty without
One moment.
It's okay, Val.
You are my friend, so I will
not rest until we find Coney.
- Piney.
- Piney.
Step one: we post these
all over TrollsTopia.
No, no, no, no, no!
No one can know that that sweet
little seed pod is mine!
- It's embarrassing!
- Why? It's adorable.
It's embarrassing because it's adorable.
I'm serious, Popsqueak.
It's up to you and me to find
him, no one else.
Promise me.
Cross my heart
and hope to dye
my hair
I'm pulling out all the stops.
See, Val? These bloodhound bugs are
the most elite tracking critters
in TrollsTopia.
Observe, Piney's hat.
See? just one whiff and absolutely
nothing can stop them from finding
- Puppies!
- Huh?
I love you!
Next idea.
Sometimes the thing you're searching for
is in the last place you'd think to look.
Huh, Piney's not here either.
Thanks anyway, Gristle.
Who the hair is that?
It's hopeless.
I'll never find Piney.
My heart is a bottomless void
of eternal darkness.
But, you know,
not in a cool way.
Well, maybe you
can find a new snuggle toy,
'til we get Piney back.
These are just a few snuggle toys
that got me through some tough times
when I was a little Troll.
- I don't know.
- C'mon.
I've made a personality profile
for each one.
If it's not a good match,
just toss it to the side.
Ooh, this is Fishly!
He enjoys long swims by the beach,
blowing bubbles with friends.
- Growlie McGee, here is
- Toss.
- Okay, well
- Toss, toss, toss, toss
Val, it doesn't feel like
you're giving this a chance.
- Toss, toss, toss.
- Val. Val!
This is the one.
Lord Prickles?
He's not much like Piney.
No, he's not, and yet
they have the same soul.
- So, it's a match?
- Yeah, it is.
Look, Poppy. Asking for
help is really hard for me,
but I'm so glad
you pushed me to do it.
for being such a great friend.
Hey, Poppy,
I'm heading to the Fun Dungeon,
do you wanna, uh!
Poppy? What's wrong with you?
- Lord Prickles is gone.
- What?
Did you look
under Gristle's big toe?
I know exactly where he is, Smidge.
I gave him to a friend in need.
- But, Poppy, Lord Prickles is
- My number one most beloved
snuggle toy, now and forever?
Yes, I know.
He wasn't even supposed
to be one of the choices, but
Well, at least you've still
got Fishly. He's just as good.
I'll pretend you didn't say that.
No, no, you're right.
Then, tell your friend it was a mistake
and ask for Lord Prickles back.
No, I won't do that.
She really needs this.
I'll just have to get by
without him.
I guess it's time
to say goodbye ♪
But I'll turn my head ♪
So you don't have
to see me cry ♪
Oh, I never thought
we'd end this way ♪
I just keep thinking back ♪
To what they always say ♪
If you love someone ♪
Then you let them go ♪
Though it hurts your heart ♪
And destroys your soul ♪
You let them go ♪
Goodbye ♪
Lord Prickles!
Oh, Val must've found Piney!
We'll never be apart again.
Is there something you're not
telling me? You're acting weird.
No I'm fine.
I was just surprised to see
you returned Lord Prickles.
- Poppy, that's not Lord Prickles.
- What? Then, what am I?
Ah! I just came
by for a hang
- Ah!
- Ah!
- Popsqueak, what's going on?
- Nothing. Everything's great!
- Poppy?
- I'm fine, Val! Really!
Look, Popsqueak, you know I'm no
good at talking about my feelings,
but it seems like, if this you
and me thing is gonna work,
you can't always be the one
who is there for me,
you've gotta let me be there
for you too.
Otherwise we lack a relational
foundation of trust and mutual respect.
Wow, did you just think of that or
Friends ask friends for help, Poppy.
And we're friends, right? Poppy?
Yes, you know we are.
I just
really miss Lord Prickles.
Yeah, I figured.
Thank you, Val.
Oh, but now you
don't have a snuggle toy!
Ah, it'll be all right.
Since asking a friend for help
turned out so great
Maybe I should ask
all my friends for help.
- Oh, wait! That pinecone's yours?
- Yeah.
I've been using him
as a drumstick holder!
Oh! Piney! Wee!
Is this seat taken?
Oh, Fishly, pull it together.
We will keep on trying ♪
On and on ♪
We won't stop fighting
Never give up ♪
Never give up ♪
Till we're inside the eye ♪
The winds intensify ♪
They knock us down ♪
But we keep rising
Never give up ♪
Never give up ♪
Till we're inside the eye
Of the hairicaine ♪
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