Troppo (2022) s02e06 Episode Script

Collateral Damage

The tyre prints
from where he tossed Julian
The right rear tyre is missing
a chunk of tread off the right side.
According to the internet, those tyres are
found on utes and four-wheel drives.
Oi! The fuck you doing?!
Guess what your Super Sleuths found out
Please, be my eyes and ears
at this funeral.
He was a man of vision and compassion.
[Twist] That's enough of that, all right?
Come on. We bury our own in this family.
[Amanda] A hole was dug.
A dead man went in.
Your attention to detail is amazing.
What's my prize?
Any time you want to come collect.
How about I buy you a drink?
Shit! Your computer!
[critter sounds]
[motor humming]
[Elaine] Kill the engine.
[Trent] Are you sure this is smart, Mum?
Being back out on the water so soon?
How else are we gonna pay
for your brother's funeral?
[Trent] Right there.
I see ya, you mongrel.
[rifle shot]
[rifle shot]
Got it!
Quick, don't let it go under.
[ominous music]
Bloody hell.
It's all right. I'm not gonna fall in.
I'm not talking about you, stupid.
[coughing, gagging]
She's alive!
[theme song playing]
[tender music]
[alarm beeping]
Ah, shit.
Something wrong?
Colin Finch.
What's going on?
[Sweeney] Brooke Phelps.
They pulled her out of the river
this morning.
[Milbee] Mind if we have
a look inside your room?
Why? I mean, I guess, yeah.
- Amanda.
- Have you seen my phone?
Hench is a few doors down.
It's that journalist's room.
Which means you need to get out of here.
Preferably not through the front door.
You trying to hide me?
The whole world knows
how you feel about Brooke.
- It's not a good look.
- For who?
By the time we got back here, uh
- [Hench] In your car?
- [Colin] Yeah, yeah, um
Must have been 11:30, um
And then we had a couple more drinks.
I had a couple more drinks.
She wasn't drinking.
And then she left about 12:00.
I was pretty pissed by then.
[Hench] Were you intimate?
Sergeant Hench.
Are you questioning a person of interest
in an attempted murder?
Six calls, straight to voice mail.
And this POI's a transient.
He could've skipped town while I was
waiting for you to answer.
While I appreciate your initiative,
I'll take it from here.
[Hench] The victim's last phone activity
was a text message to Amanda Pharrell.
[dramatic music]
Oh, shit.
You could've woke me up.
Still like them over easy?
- You okay?
- [groans]
It's a lot.
A week ago, I was in Sydney watching
your old mates tear the house apart.
Where's Lil?
She's outside playing.
[ominous music]
- [Lilly] That was a good one.
- [Twist] That was a good one.
What's wrong?
[Twist] Where's that fish gone?
[Kelly] What's she doing?
Who's she talking to?
I'll take care of it.
Go inside.
Even you should know
letting your daughter feed crocs
won't win you father of the year.
Lilly now.
- Bye, Ezra
- Bye.
Go on. Go to your mother. Go.
- Lil, you all right?
- Why?
Go on. Go inside. Go on.
The hell do you want?
Is it true?
Excuse me?
[dramatic music]
Goddammit, Amanda.
If you two are fucking with me
You got what you came for.
Now get off my property.
[Twist] Did he know?
My brother you think he knew?
Well, his wife sure did.
I don't know.
Maybe she told him before she died.
He wanted to protect the boy from me.
You're exactly the same with Lilly.
Whatever it takes to protect her.
Whatever you have to give up.
Because kids change things.
changes everything.
That's why nobody can know
the truth about Raph.
I'm not following.
It's why you came out here with your gun.
You thought I might try and hurt
your kid to get at you.
Someone tried that with me and Raph
imagine the tail of destruction
I'd leave behind.
Are you done?
No one can ever know, Ted.
Not even my boy.
[sighs] Make sure she understands that.
[phone ringing]
- We don't know who that text was from.
- I want to know what she's playing at.
- Is she in there?
- Amanda, you shouldn't
[heart monitor beeping]
[ominous music]
Paramedics recovered her
shortly before sunrise.
[Val] She's 'died'
twice this morning already.
A collapsed oesophagus.
[Ted] Jesus.
[Val distorted] Attempted asphyxiation,
with a cord of some kind.
Bruising on the back
where they put their knee for leverage.
She fought hard.
I took the DNA from under the fingernail.
[normal] Sent it to Brisbane.
Who found her?
The other Marsh boy. Trent.
I heard they interviewed Colin Finch.
She went home with the guy.
Apparently had a change of heart.
Walked home.
[Val distorted] Rape kit's clean.
Hotel CCTV supports his account.
Her ear.
[Val distorted] One of the earrings
was ripped off.
Missing, apparently.
Like a trophy.
Hey, we don't need to be here.
Maybe we should
[Hench] Amanda Pharrell.
Here to finish the job, are ya?
Hey, come on, guys.
We need you to come down to the station,
answer a few questions
about the assault of Brooke Phelps.
[Milbee] You mind stepping away
from the victim?
What took you so long?
[dramatic music]
She in there?
They won't let me wait inside.
Where's Sergeant Hench?
Where were you last night
between midnight and 5 a.m.?
[Amanda] Um, let me think.
Oh, that's right. I can't recall.
Are you sure you want to play it that way?
Whatever. I was at home.
- Can anyone confirm that?
- Yeah. Bryce.
- Who's Bryce?
- My snake.
I wish everyone was this entertaining.
Don't you two have something better to do?
[Milbee] We can't go anywhere.
Got to witness the interview.
[Hench] When was the last time
you spoke with Brooke Phelps?
Um, three days ago.
So Thursday, then?
What did you talk about?
Not your past?
Brooke withheld information
relevant to the death
of Lauren Freeman, didn't she?
Ensured your conviction.
You went to prison because of her.
No. I went to prison
'cause I killed someone.
I'll ask you again
where were you last night
between midnight and 5 a.m.?
[Amanda] Still at home.
Still with my snake.
Why did Brooke Phelps send you
a text message at 12:06 a.m.?
I don't even know
how that bitch got my number.
Maybe it's all the flyers
you put up around town,
begging people to let you play detective.
Are you jealous because
they won't let you play real detective?
Maybe if you didn't spend
half your career with a bent cop.
Twelve years. Down the drain.
Brooke ruined your life.
Damford ruined yours.
So you went to her caravan
and attacked her.
It happened at her home?
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Not good, Sarge.
Where were you last night
- Oh, fuck, you're boring!
- between twelve and five?
- Fine.
- That's enough.
- [Hench] Amanda Pharrell, I'm officially
- You two fuck off. Now.
[Hench] permission to search
your residence and your vehicle.
If you refuse to comply,
I will seek a court order.
Sergeant Hench.
A word.
Don't listen to her.
Do you hear me?
Don't say anything!
I'm only gonna say this once
there's no need for a search.
Amanda Pharrell was with me
from around 11:45 last night
until the time you arrived
at the motel.
Will you put that on record?
If that's what you need from me.
[dramatic music]
Why did you do that?!
I didn't want you to do that!
[Ted] You okay?
Just golden, Conkaffey.

This must be how Icarus felt.
We're gonna need to get a bigger fan.
[dramatic music]
You need protective gear
to be in here right now, Ronnie.
You better wait outside.
[Ted] Nonetheless, Brooke's attack
has got nothing to do with us.
Then why would she be messaging me?
Oh, I don't know.
Maybe she feels terrible
about what she did to you.
Anyhow, it's not our case.
Just let the cops handle it.
An hour ago, they thought I did it.
You really want to
leave it up to them to solve?
[door creaking]
Oh, do you knock?!
Figured you hadn't eaten.
It's veggie.
Is everything all right?
Something wrong with Charlie?
It's about Brooke.
Some stuff I didn't tell the cops.
A while back,
I caught her dealing in the bar.
- Duboisia?
- Just the leaf.
I thought you said
you didn't know who it was.
I know. I lied,
'cause I made a deal with her.
What kind of deal?
Brooke said she was broke.
Only doing it to get by.
So I gave her a job
if she promised to stop.
Is this part of your
hiring policy?
[Ted] And did she?
Deserve it?
[Wayne] I saw her hanging around
with Nathan a few times
but never saw anything else.
But this morning, I got a call
from my cousin, Tegan.
At the servo?
She swore she saw Brooke there last night.
Filling up.
Brooke doesn't have a car.
Tegan sent me this
after she showed the cops.
Brooke doesn't have a car
but he does.
It all leads back to Twist
every single fucking time.
Is that why you gave him his tattoo?
He came at me. I struck back.
By giving him Raph?
Supposed to be helping the kid.
He didn't tell Raph, did he?
No. And Twist wants to keep it that way.
Yeah. He paid me
a little visit this morning.
Had Lilly give him a tour.
I didn't think kids were on the table.
That's low even for him.
So maybe you don't go off half-cocked,
accusing him of killing Brooke, huh?
- I won't!
- You just remember your obsession
could have serious
I won't go off half-cocked.
First, I'm gonna prove he did it.
Do you think we could
work one case at a time?
Starting with the one
we're hired to solve?
It's all the same case.
Duboisia has everything to do
with Julian's murder.
Nathan was high on it,
Julian sacked him for it,
Brooke was dealing it,
and Twist met up with her
right before she was attacked.
Paper thin.
Ah, fine, you can stay here!
I don't need you to come, anyway.
All right, all right.
Get in.
Now where are we getting this proof?
What's grimy, lives on the water,
and has a brother
who fell off the flagpole?
[tyres squealing]
He and his mum pulled Brooke
out of the river alive.
Makes no sense Trent put her in there.
Obviously, Ted.
[grunting, groaning]
- Ah, what the hell?!
- Drop it!
- Drop it.
- [groans]
Still a threat to
the native fauna, I see.
What? What do you want?
To see where you fished
Brooke Phelps out the river.
Piss off. I'm not doing shit.
- [crunching sound]
- [yelps]
Oh, that's a shame,
'cause I was gonna tell you
who sold that gear to your brother.
What? You know who?
You're not gonna like it.
But I will tell you after you show us
where you found Brooke.
Yes. Good boy.
After you, big guy.
[Ted] Make this quick.
I hate boats.
[dramatic music]
Yeah. Don't know what you think
you're gonna find.
Cops have already been all over it.
There. That's where we found her.
Not the first person
we fished out of this river.
First one still alive, but.
You didn't happen to see anyone last night
while you were breaking dozens of laws
and hunting protected species, did you?
Like who?
I don't know anything about Twist.
- Can we go?
- Well, it didn't happen here.
There's no roads, no walking trails.
Just a bunch of paper trees and bush.
Well, my guess is she went in upriver.
Well, go on then. Show us.
[motor starting]
Most that go in are suicides.
But sometimes citysiders come out here
to dump their rubbish.
That's a euphemism.
Yeah, we caught that.
And, no, I haven't seen
Twist out here, either.
Where does this road go?
Down the coast.
you gonna tell me
who sold that shit to my brother?
You saved her life this morning.
Oh. Shit.
She wakes up,
I'll fucking kill her myself.
This must've been where she went over.
She really was dumped like rubbish.
- Good.
- You don't mean that.
Piss off, Ted.
What would you know?
You can hate her
and feel bad she got hurt.
- They're not mutually exclusive.
- [phone ringing]
They are to me.
Hey, Val.
I'll tell her.
[sorrowful music]

Told you I'd never forgive you.
[dramatic music]
[Devi] Whatever you want, talk to Raph.
Family Tree's his business now,
not that he deserves it.
I'm done.
I said I quit.
- Did you kill Julian?
- No, I didn't.
- Did you kill Brooke?
- Who?
Then I don't give a fuck
what you do, Devi.
Fuck you! Fuck all of you!
What did you do to Brooke?!
I thought the lost little lamb
was your sworn enemy.
Why did you kill her?
Ah. So she gave up the fight.
It wasn't an apology you needed from her.
It was the power to keep her suffering.
Now she's taken that from you as well.
I know she was in your car last night.
You jealous?
What did you do to Brooke?
I took her home and then I went to bed.
Like I said to your friend,
Detective Sweeney,
Brooke was a fighter.
There'll be DNA left on her,
and it won't be mine.
Frankly, I'm a little hurt
that you didn't know that already.
No one's ever found someone
I've tried to kill still breathing.
Is that all?
You want to add to your
little artwork from the other night?
Fuck you!
Fuck you and your bloody snake.
You could've let yourself in.
It wasn't Twist.
I know. We do stupid shit together.
But I'm still here, aren't I?
What now?
You remember those days in prison?
Where you never think
you'll make it through?
When someone's gunning for you,
but then it gets to lights out
and you're still there?
And you look down at your pillow like
Like it's the most beautiful thing
you've ever seen.
Brooke didn't know
how to live with herself.
And she needed me to forgive her, but
I just I couldn't.
Now I'll never get the chance.
I'll never get the fucking chance, Ted.
Are you sure it's her you need to forgive?
[pensive music]
We'll start over in the morning.

[sizzling sound]
[dramatic music]

[bird squawking]
[phone chimes]
Were you just whistling?
So I was thinking.
Claire's attacker.
What if he got the pup from a shelter?
They have records.
I mean, there's a lot of animal shelters
in the Greater Sydney region.
Hold on.
All right.
Here's a few from within 30 minutes
of where Claire was attacked.
Not bad, Conkaffey.
We can start there.
Now, why'd you call me in
before my second cup of coffee?
Because we've been missing someone.
Two someones, actually.
Meet Sharon and Linda.
The heavies who were
harassing Brooke the other night.
The same dudes we saw at Tayla's.
Ah, with the "coffee trader."
So Tayla admitted
that one of them was family.
So I did a little social media stalking,
and meet Ronnie's cousin, Reggie,
also known as Linda,
and his mate, George,
also known as
Sharon. Got it.
So we know there's a duboisia link
to Family tree
and, therefore, to Julian.
We know that Brooke was dealing the shit
and that those guys
have an issue with her.
So whatever the duboisia link
to Crimson Lake,
you best believe our mates,
Sharon and Linda, are involved.
You got an address?
What do you think?
Brooke was selling leaf for me, Raph.
I know. And I'm sorry that she's dead.
But it makes no sense
for Ezra to have done it.
He needs all of this to work.
It's a dumb move
to go around knocking people off.
Yeah. Unless Brooke got in the way.
What's gonna happen
if me and Mum piss him off?
It wasn't him.
Okay? Just do what he says
until we can figure it out.
What happened to
you not wanting any part of it?
Well, which is it?
You want in? You want out?
Just helping my girlfriend out.
So what?
I don't mind,
but you've got to stick
to the decisions you made.
I told you, I'm out.
That's good.
That's cool.
Why don't you go celebrate
getting Devi out of your hair?
Tayla and I, we've got a run to make.
Family will help the medicine
go down, don't you think?
No. You don't need Tayla for this.
Okay. That's cool.
I'll take your mum instead.
All right, listen. All right, all right.
I will go with you, okay?
Go home, Raph. You're out.
[dramatic music]
I love the creepy pirate vibes.
What do you think?
I wouldn't count on an invitation.
[engine revving]
[Amanda] Every. Single. Fucking. Thing.
Shut up, dog!
[shouts unintelligibly]
No. How many times, dickhead?
Schweigen. Schweigen! Schweigen!
Why'd you train them in German?
No point in having guard dogs
anyone can give orders to.
No point having guard dogs
that are only under your control.
It's been ages, mate.
Time to suck it up.
Start sprechen zie Deutsch.
You're doing my head in.
Who the fuck is that?
The hell you doing here?
Ronnie didn't give you the heads up?
We're not only in the agricultural
business anymore.
From now on, your bananas
will be delivered with this.
Since when were you part of any of it?
Don't think our buyer's gonna like it.
You fail to see the possibilities,
which to be fair,
is a problem for people
with limited imagination.
The fuck you say?
[laughing] Relax.
We just made your buyer, Khalid
We just made Khalid's business
a whole lot more lucrative,
more profitable, easier
by doing the refining ourselves.
Schweigen, you dumb dogs!
Sich beruhigen.
[dramatic music]
You cool with this, bub?
It was her idea.
Wasn't it, Tayla?
Yeah, it's cool, Linda.
Uh, it's what we're doing now,
you know.
You can tell Khalid.
[Ted] She doesn't look
too happy to be here.
Check out the tyres on the ute.
Check out the tyres on the ute!
If those tyres were new,
I bet it's all four.
Could be a coincidence.
But if it is the ute we're looking for
Then Twist's in business
with his brother's killers.
Come on.
Oi, where are you going?
This place is crawling with evidence.
And dime balls.
Let's get out of here.
No. I'm done asking questions
that no one will answer.
That's your plan, right?
More talking?
Actually, I was thinking we come back,
break in when it gets darker.
[engine revving]
What were you thinking?
You ever pull a stunt like that
with my daughter again
Hands off, Ronnie now.
Maybe I'll tell someone
about that tattoo of yours.
You're seeing things, Ronnie.
It's gonna be all right.
You're gonna be out of debt.
Tayla will get her inheritance.
Your cousin will be rich.
All is forgiven.
As long as you don't do anything stupid.
No forgiveness for that.
Mum. Mum. It's okay.
[phone chimes]
[vehicle approaching]
[tender music]
[phone chimes]
[Kelly] Just like the good ol' days.
You rushing off to be a hero,
while I sit and wait and hope
that the phone doesn't ring.
Just like the old days.
[sighs] The difference is Lilly is older.
She picks up on everything.
- Mm-hmm.
- I mean everything.
If we're gonna do this, Ted,
things have to change.
She has to come first.
She will.
I just
I gotta finish this.
[suspenseful music]
Yeah. Hi, my name's Amanda Pharrell.
I'm just calling in regards to an email
I sent you about a Maltese puppy.
Yeah. You texted me a photo
of a Bichon Frise.
Got it. Got it.
And, um and what was the name?
Yeah. Yeah, I see her, um
And just to confirm, that was June
of that year, correct?
As much as I enjoy
not having you blabber at me
- Bichon Frise, Ted.
- Huh?
The cops had the wrong breed of dog.
- What are you
- Claire!
Look. Spot the difference.
Maltese terrier, an expensive
walking bathmat.
Bichon Frise, a fucking expensive
walking bathmat.
The day after Claire was attacked,
a Bichon Frise puppy was
dropped off at a shelter
twenty minutes from
where they found Claire.
It all fits if the attacker didn't get
the puppy from the shelter,
but dumped it there afterwards
with a broken leg.
The microchip was
still registered to the breeder,
so the shelter gave it back.
Do they know which breeder?
They can't remember, but
how many Bichon breeders
could there possibly be?
Okay. Well, let's not get
ahead of ourselves.
"Jeez, Amanda, you're fucking awesome."
I think that's what you mean to say.
Yes. That's exactly what I mean to say.
But, uh, it's too late
to start calling breeders tonight.
Meanwhile, let's go solve a murder.
Oi, get out of here.
I taught you how to do that.
And I perfected it.
[snarling, growling]
I got cranky, too,
spending my life in a cage.
Makes the geese seem like church mice.
- Boxes.
- [beeping]
All four, brand spanking new.
Oi, Conkaffey, come check this out.
[vehicle approaching]
What are you doing?
It's a GPS. Hold on, I'll turn the car on.
Let's go!
[music in car playing]
We gotta get out of here!
Turn that off!
What's goin' on here?
Get down.
Show yourselves,
or we'll release the dogs!
[commanding in German]
[shouting in German]
Fucking hate that song!
[shouts German command]
[Amanda] Nein.
Schweigen. Schweigen.
Wo ist die toilette?
(Where is the toilet?)
Ich hätte gerne zwei kaffees.
(I would like two coffees.)
Schweigen. Schweigen.
Where the hell did you learn
to speak German?
Let's get the hell out of here.
[Ted] You almost got us
killed for that thing.
This thing is a GPS.
You sure Redemption Point isn't on there?
It only holds the last eight destinations.
And these coordinates are
in here three times.
So whatever it is, it must be important.
In the middle of a state forest.
Come on. You're sure
we're going the right way?
Yes, I'm sure.
I put the coordinates in my phone.
Let me see that thing.
Can you just fucking trust me for once?
You must drive Kelly insane.
Hey, hey. Don't try to
use my wife against me, okay?
Your wife?
[Amanda] All right, spit it out.
[Ted] I didn't say anything.
[Amanda] No, but you want to.
[scoffs] Look. I mean, the thing is
This might come as a shock
You and Kelly are getting back together.
Mate, you called her your wife.
And you used to call her your wife
when you first got here, too.
And then she was your ex.
And now
Look, we don't know what's gonna happen.
All right?
What's gonna happen is
you're gonna go back to Sydney.
[Ted] Nothing has been decided.
[Amanda] Yeah, but you don't really
have a choice, do you?
You've gotta do it for Lilly.
You and me, Ted we are fucked.
But Lilly has an actual chance
of being normal.
And if you can give her that
by being a family again,
then you go back to Sydney and
never look back.
Yeah, but
- I mean, what about
- We're here.
Where the hell is "here"?
Has to be.
This is not a small-time operation.
How much you reckon all of this is worth?
A lot of bananas.
For that kind of money,
I would murder someone
Whoever's behind this is serious
about protecting their plants.
More cameras.
I count at least four.
We should get out of here.
Turn around.
- Why?
- Just do it.
What are you what?!
What are you
Will you just relax and trust me?
- What are you
- Al most done. There.
What have you done?
Just sending the crop owners
a little invitation they can't refuse.
[dramatic music]
[ominous music]
Got something!
I didn't see it.
How could I have not seen it?
[Ted] Hate to say it,
but Twist was right.
It makes sense that the person with
the skills to run a successful retreat
would also have the skills to run
a successful drug business.
[Tayla] Please, don't do this.
Either you start talking,
or I walk in there and give the police
the biggest bust this town's ever seen.
I gave you an alibi,
and you bit my head off.
I don't need your help.
Either Amanda's got into
your head about something,
or you're actually starting to give a shit
about the people in this town.
Can't it be both?
[end credits music]
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