Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy (2021) s02e06 Episode Script

Becoming a Three-Star Chef

It's been two weeks since
Makoto became a lecturer.
A new store outside Tsige is now open.
The Kuzunoha Company of Rotsgard is
now open for business.
A personnel change.
Are you kidding me?
Young Master, this is unreasonable!
We are terribly sorry.
The others have their hands full
at the Tsige store.
Please! I beg of you!
If you fire us so suddenly,
who knows what Lady Tomoe
and Lady Mio will do to us?
Wah wah!
This is for external injury.
This counters poisoning.
Those are fever medicine and painkillers.
That is an energy drink.
Write it down.
Why can't you do it?
This pharmacy and grocery store is
going to be open until late at night.
That should slowly build our reputation.
We are open until midnight.
This is a sweatshop.
You work in shifts and get to take breaks.
There is also a food allowance.
You don't have a nagging manager around.
Given it's a new store,
I doubt it'll get too busy.
In other words, it's much easier here
compared to the store in Tsige.
A lot easier
Than Tsige
I'm already feeling
a bit concerned on the first day.
What should I do?
My business and classes are going well.
Or so I thought
Mr. Kuzunoha, please marry me!
Make me your third wife.
I never thought polygamy
was common in this world.
-Please marry me!
-They want to overlook my face.
-Please marry me!
-And be a third wife free from any duty.
Is this even a marriage?
From what I know, a marriage means
the husband and wife should
Excuse me,
who are those two?
They are the kind people
who had taken great care of me.
That's one way to put it.
They were very close.
Knowing them makes me think
the students here
have a weird concept about marriage.
Many students here are children
of famous aristocrats and merchants.
Some people simply don't see
how love can develop into a marriage.
Like a marriage of convenience?
Aren't they too young
to even have these ideas?
Mr. Kuzunoha, how childish of you.
Nope, you're utterly ignorant.
I suddenly feel like
those two are leagues better
since they didn't befriend me
for my money.
are there any findings
after investigating the great forest?
Before the great battle at Stellar Fort,
someone was engaged in combat
with Waterfall Lyca.
It was probably a dragon slayer
known as Sophia Bulga.
What about you, Boss?
Have you found any leads about the ring
that seals the goddess' power away?
No. I couldn't find anything.
But I found out who created the Star Lake.
The answer is pretty obvious.
The Young Master is the only one
I think you've been tailed.
Who is it?
We are a group of humble travelers.
I was told I could procure
rare and fine weapons here.
It's the reason we came here.
Are they after this as well?
Come in.
Excuse me.
A samurai? Or is this cosplay?
I am Tomoe.
This man is Lime.
We work as guards for
the Kuzunoha Company at the border.
I see.
Now I know why you have
such a fine inventory.
The way you speak is very old-fashioned.
I bet you are very strong.
How old are you?
I failed to catch your meaning.
Asking a woman about her age
before even introducing yourself?
Where are your manners?
This is Master Tomoki Iwahashi.
The girl is his servant, Mora.
I am Lily.
The Second Princess of Gritonia?
The guy next to her
must be a legendary hero.
You look like knights or
aristocrats from another kingdom.
What brings you here?
We are here to check on the lake
-that appeared out of nowhere.
That's a katana you're carrying.
Let me have a look.
Sure. What makes this katana special
I'm not interested in its story.
I can't draw it. Darn it.
A spell was cast on it.
Only I can draw that katana.
I have the power to command
any weapons in this world!
This weapon is my partner.
Please be gentle with it.
If you want to see the edge so badly,
this should be enough.
The name is Shirafuji.
Take a good look.
This is
Are you satisfied now?
My friend and I are busy.
You may leave now.
About that weapon,
we'd like to purchase it
if you'd name a price.
Will you sell it to us?
Did you not hear me? Only I can wield it.
I didn't want to announce myself,
but you've left me with no choice.
I am Princess Lily of the Gritonia Empire.
Master Tomoki is a hero sent
to our nation by the goddess herself.
For the sake of the humans
No, for the future of this world,
will you lend us your strength?
That sounds intimidating.
From what I see,
you need the katana
for a different agenda.
Perhaps you need it
as a reference to develop
your own arsenals.
Please, you're overreacting.
I'm never selling it,
no matter how much you pay.
That's the end of our conversation.
the hero party needs our assistance.
Our company has nothing to lose
by helping them.
I think the hero can wield mine just fine.
He can have
Sorry, my subordinate has been
acting strange today.
Forget about the katana.
Big Brother?
I am the hero.
My goal is to vanquish all demons
and bring peace to the world.
Lady Tomoe,
I need your help to realize that goal.
Devote yourself to my cause.
I see.
But first,
can you please stop giving me
the disgusting stare?
I was told the heroes were
summoned from another world.
But this man is such a let-down.
Not to mention, he kept staring
at my body in a disgusting manner.
I'd love for the Young Master to try that.
You haven't let us know
if you're accepting my invitation or not.
The answer is a firm no.
I'm already devoting
my heart and soul to my master.
I couldn't charm her with my Devil Eye.
Tomoe, aren't you a dragon?
And not just any ordinary dragon.
You're a powerful dragon
with pure aura and strength.
Speaking of
the strongest dragon in this area,
could she be Waterfall Lyca?
I am not Lyca.
S-She read my mind.
join me and assist
my Big Brother in his cause!
The ability to command dragons.
Are you what they call a dragon summoner?
Cast your foolish thoughts away,
little girl!
Why was I handing him my katana?
She negated the effect of my Devil Eye
Why would I hand
my katana to someone like him?
Watch your mouth,
you piece of trash!
Oh my.
You're acting like a kid
who's throwing a tantrum.
Shut up!
I'm the hero here!
Hero from the Gritonia Empire,
you are a hopeless scoundrel.
Don't look at me like that!
Princess Lily,
let's pretend
this meeting never took place.
If you can't read between the lines
and brew some silly plans,
the hero from the Empire will soon perish.
Remember my warning.
A dragon who can use mist and illusion,
not to mention read my thoughts.
Tomoe is the rare character
of the highest level imaginable.
I want her.
I must make her mine!
How did that happen?
I was handing over the precious katana
you and the Young Master gave me
to that pretentious brat!
Will you become my servant?
Not even a bit of hesitation?
I'm happy to become stronger
at my own pace,
but I lack strength
when time calls for it.
I don't want that to become my regret.
Well then, let's begin.
Don't worry. This won't hurt.
It will be over in a moment.
So, this is seaweed.
I can't tell what species this is.
The dried part tastes savory.
It's not too hard,
so even a human can chew it.
And seaweed isn't poisonous.
Hold on! Stop!
Oh my, what a nuisance.
You drenched my kimono.
Die, you cursed mutt.
Are you the owner?
Very well. You will both die.
Are you all right? Did you get hurt?
It lunged at you.
I can understand if you're angry.
I'm so terribly sorry!
A human who puts a stranger's life
before her own?
And the black hair
I will take full responsibility
and make sure it reflects on the mistake.
-Reflect on the mistake?
-Cut it out, Howl!
Get back here!
Oh, is that a spirit of some sort?
It's like a guardian beast.
I'm not very sure either.
she reminds me of the Young Master.
My name is Hibiki.
Allow me to treat your injury
and fix the kimono for you.
I'm Mio.
I wasn't injured.
There are only some minor marks
on my kimono.
Let me make it up to you.
Well, in that case
Can you help me pick
the good seaweed out from the bunch?
You mean kombu and wakame?
Are you wakame?
No, I'm Hibiki!
You just told me that.
Can you tell kombu and wakame apart?
I think this is kombu,
and that is wakame.
This is wakame?
I thought the green would be more vibrant.
It will have a pretty green shine
after you cook it.
It makes a miso soup No
It can make your soup taste better.
-Miso soup!
-The stench!
You must know how to cook.
I met you, thanks to the Young Master!
Who is that? Ouch!
Ouch! Your hold is too strong!
Ms. Mio, let me go!
are you and your party
going to Tsige to get better weapons?
Yeah. We ran into some setbacks.
But that's of little importance now.
Now, about the dish that requires cover
I think you mean the pot lid.
It's a cooking method.
She looks perfectly normal,
but the trauma has left
a bigger scar than expected.
We are only traveling
with our identity hidden
to help her cope with the grief.
Tell me,
are you guys very strong?
I think we can hold our own in combat.
Is that so?
Can I trust you
to take care of the rare creature
coming this way?
I can deal with it myself if you can't.
What is that?
The wind is strong.
Chiya, deploy the shields.
Mr. Woody, cast the support spells.
Leave it to me!
Oh my, pretty impressive.
the equipment is too weak.
We didn't expect
to run into a powerful foe
before we could resupply in Tsige.
I have to assist her like Naval used to.
For Hibiki's sake
Fool! Dodge!
We must regroup. Hibiki, what's the order?
Ms. Mio, we need your help.
You don't even know your own limits.
How disappointing.
The job is done.
Is the one on the ground all right?
Yes. No fatal injuries.
In that case, there's no need for my help.
I need to collect the materials.
Please dissect the beast
Ms. Mio, behind you!
It looks great on you.
How dare you ruin the kimono
the Young Master praised?
Die, you cursed bug!
Is there a way to fix the kimono?
Now is not the time
to take a leisurely stroll.
We should press on.
I see.
You've seen me before.
That must be why it lunged at me.
But I am different now.
I did save your master just now.
Rest assured, I won't harm them.
So, don't tell them my true identity,
little mutt.
Oh my, aren't you a smart one?
I brought you to Tsige.
Head for the Kuzunoha Company
after you get out of bed.
The Kuzunoha Company?
Oh, you're finally here.
Thank you for saving us.
How was your kimono?
I will get it fixed.
I feel like this kimono will be
a bit overwhelming for the Young Master.
Do you want to talk about the attack?
I asked for your help in the end.
It's only natural that you're mad at me.
Why would I be?
You're alive. Isn't that a good thing?
So, why did you ask me to come here?
To make food, of course.
As a way of repaying me,
stay here for a little while.
You haven't told me
how to make a soup with seaweed.
Y-You want to make a soup? Is that all?
Yes, that's all.
L-Lady Mio.
We traveled to Tsige
to acquire new weapons
and hone our skills in the wild.
We are in a hurry.
It's an utter waste of time for a party
that can't even handle
a beast of that level.
You'll become the beasts' snack.
No way
That won't waver
our resolve to become stronger.
I don't know your reason
for being so determined.
What should I do now?
I have a proposition.
I'll craft some equipment
suitable for combat in the wild.
You can pay me later.
During the three days
while I craft your equipment
and until the night
when the training ends,
please teach Lady Mio
how to become a proper cook.
There's no guarantee their new equipment
can keep them from dying.
Ms. Mio
What makes you think I can master
the soup recipe in just three days?
That's her true concern!
If you're concerned,
let Toa's party go to the wild with them.
How does that sound?
I get it now.
With them around,
the chance of survival is higher.
Excellent idea, Beren.
I'm flattered.
what do you think?
Y-You have our thanks.
She got better
at picking the right ingredients.
Her cutting skills have improved.
But her control of strength
I'm cracking it!
At least you got it done
once out of three tries.
Are you using these for a dessert?
Let me try one.
It's spicy, but also very tasty.
The broth is more important.
It does taste better
when I don't overcook it.
I have learned something
about your palate, Ms. Mio.
My conclusion is that
you have an extraordinarily
high tolerance for awful food,
but you have a sharp sense for good food.
In other words, I am talented.
There's hope to improve if you can tell
the good flavors from the bad.
What is considered tasty?
What is considered gross?
Start by working on that!
A meeting the master is unaware of.
The servant and the hero
become kindred spirits.
Now, back to Rotsgard.
She seems to have a lot of
reports to make.
She wants us back at the Subspace.
Speaking of that,
I've only talked to her through telepathy.
We haven't gone back in a while.
The Forest Ogre sisters are
in charge of the Rotsgard store now.
I'm a bit concerned,
but since the manager trusts them
I should trust them too.
What is
going on?
The seventh night.
"The Audition."
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