Upright (2019) s02e06 Episode Script

Eskimo Jonestown

Hold his arms out.
I am pregnant.
Is that why you want to go
and see your mumma, hey?
Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Fuck!
She came back
and almost killed you.
Mate, I don't understand
why you would want to meet your
Fuck her! Because why shouldn't
she have to meet me?
Her son's dead, and I'm
I'm fucking tired.
I feel so sorry for Billie
that her real dad is such
a pathetic piece of shit.
Lucky, wake up.
You're seeing that too, right?
You OK?
Come on. Let's go.
Where did they go?
Are they trying
to keep people in or out?
You good?
Yeah. Yeah.
Hey! Oi!
How did you get in there?
Come back!
Hey, guys.
Get a grown up for us, will ya?
Ah, fuck.
Yes, mate?
About what I said last night
on the boat,
um, I shouldn't have said it.
No, I was talking shit
and I was trying to
No, it's totally fine.
It's water off a duck's crack.
Oh, shit.
Come on, Lucky. Get up.
This is private property,
I'm sorry.
Oh, yeah, we noticed that,
It's very clear signage.
My uncle's hurt and we really need
My uncle's hurt and we really need
Yeah, I'm actually
in quite a lot of pain.
We don't keep any painkillers here.
There's a doctor in Lyeryong,
just another hour upstream.
Ah, look, it's it's
it's serious.
We don't need painkillers,
just water and antiseptic.
Oh, rank.
What? Is Is it OK?
It's not amazing.
What happened?
Well We were camping
and he fell on a stake.
Yeah, not like a chop.
Like a tent peg.
A peg for your tent and he
tripped on his air mattress pump.
And it just went straight
through his boob.
Straight into my boob,
and then our boat
Oh, yeah, our engine carked it.
We've been drifting for hours.
And then we saw these kids
You were outside the fence?
Oh, not outside.
Oh, no, I'm just probably
seeing things.
Jasmine, Hyacinth, Barley.
Go, before I call The Father.
Do you know what this place is?
Um No.
Um No.
It's like a karate thing?
Artist retreat or a
Nun nunnery, maybe?
Farm-to-table vibe.
I also hit the back of my head
quite hard,
if that makes a difference.
Please, I need to
Why are they all staring at us?
Maybe they want our shoes.
Whatever happens
I'm going to be
Just um
try not to be all
sarcastic and hilarious.
Why would you say that?
Yeah, OK.
Welcome to the Healing
..Healing Centre.
It's a nasty cough you got there,
is it
like a flu or an allergy
We don't have flu.
When his spirit is ready,
the cough will stop.
Right. Well, I hope it stops soon.
Very annoying
for you.
What's your name?
You can address her
as, 'Sister'.
I'm Meg and this is
You're not Meg.
I'm pretty sure I'm Meg.
We leave our
shadow names at the gate.
It is the first step in
our journey to Welfullness.
Welfullness. Nice. Ow!
I like that. Could I, uh
Could I get a name for here?
When Sister is finished,
you will be leaving.
But he really He needs to rest.
I'd like to leave my name.
You know, get a, um
Get a plant name.
It is a plant, right?
Yeah. Reckon I'd be 'Lantana'.
Why would you want to be 'Lantana'?
Ah, you get to go wherever
the fuck you want.
You can be 'Pansy'. Or 'Creeper'.
Get fucked.
Oh, hey
I don't suppose you'd have
a charger for this?
Oh, can I just
No, sorry.
Thank you.
I need that.
It's an Entrapment.
- It's an iPhone.
- Thank you, sister.
OK, no, I get it.
I really do.
It's just that I
It's actually quite urgent
that I call my brother.
It's actually quite urgent
that I call my brother.
So, if we could just tick that off
then I'd happily leave my phone.
You cannot heal,
if you are tethered to technology.
Surely you can see
what it's doing to you.
My phone didn't do this.
I'm a functional alcoholic
and I don't sleep.
My liver's working very hard to
break down some horse tranquiliser.
Wow, that's beautiful.
Who made it?
Sister Willow.
So clever. Yeah?
People love them.
How long's she been here?
Well, the council has conferred
and decided because of your
you should stay the night and rest.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
finish up and prepare them
for Excoriation.
What's excoriation?
What's that mean?
I think excoriating is like
Do you enjoy this?
Oh, yes.
It's my favourite job, actually.
The dirtier the better.
Stop being such a sook.
Are they using, like
horse brushes on you?
What? No.
You must be more contaminated
than me.
Should bloody well hope so.
Ow, hot.
Don't be such a sooker, mate.
How long has this place
been here?
Eight years.
The Father had a revelation
on his 33rd birthday.
He found this place
and led his followers here.
Will we get to meet him?
Father has just begun
a week's silent reflection.
When he emerges,
you will be long gone.
What about Willow? She sounds cool.
Can we meet Willow?
How do you know Sister Willow?
Oh, no. Just Bapoca was
Oh, no. Just Bapoca was
Copa was saying
Ah, we were talking about how
clever the windy things were.
You got some nasty weeds there.
Nothing a bit of RoundUp won't fix.
Thank god for Monsanto, hey?
Oh, it was just a little joke.
Yes, I've noticed your Moat.
My what, sorry?
The third volume
of 'The Meditations'
defines 'Moat'
as the trenches we dig,
which prevents others
from truly reaching us.
Your moat is jokes.
I like jokes.
I used to like heroin.
Heroin is also nice
so, I hear.
In this, our sacred Un-naming,
we release the Nominal Entrapment
imposed upon us at birth.
We commit to paper,
our shadow names,
so to submit them into flames.
Release us, fire spirit.
Into the way of Welfullness.
As we scorch our shadow,
we signal our commitment
to leave behind our ego,
our obsession with
image and comparison
and the capitalistic structures
that leave behind our
and the capitalistic structures
that leave behind our
The capitalist structures
please clear the temple.
Come in, Father.
What is it?
I'm very sorry, Father.
We appear to have a Code Black.
Ah, well, you know what to do.
Sister, go to the Healing Centre,
and bring me the belongings
of the outsiders, now.
Sage, please come to the temple.
Just having a little piddle.
I'll be there in a jiffy.
Take them.
Oh, hold on.
Hey, hey, hey. Hey!
I'm so sorry
for this inconvenience.
I wish you weren't contaminated.
You seem lovely.
I wish you weren't contaminated.
You seem lovely.
Oh, so this is The Shed.
Ah, we call it The Shed,
because, you know
Well, obviously, it's a shed.
Now, I've done a thorough sweep
for spiders, and they're everywhere.
So, I find that if you just give
them a little compliment,
they seem to be far less bitey.
Look, lady
Ah, Sage.
Surely any conversation
that needs to be had,
can be had out in the fresh air.
Oh, definitely.
Yes, the fresh air is so healing.
You know, in my hut,
I don't even have any doors.
It's lovely in the morning.
In you pop.
Are we really being locked
in a fucking shed right now?
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry, Sister.
The bowl, it just slipped
out of my hands.
Sister Look at me.
Sister Look at me.
Don't do this. You've come so far.
Tell me who they are,
and we can go from there.
We can make this right.
Who is Eskimo Jonestown?
Meg Adams?
I don't know. Some kid.
I have their shadow clothes.
Shall we?
"Liberate yourself from
$350 for two days.
"Esoteric healing breast massage".
Sounds totally legitimate.
Can't think why anyone
would want to offer that service
without peer-reviewed data.
- Hey
- Fuck.
She's alive
and she got clean.
Is that what you call this?
"I hope Matty and Meg
are doing well."
When did you send this?
How could you just stand there?
You invited outsiders into our
Can you imagine what
The Father will say?
Sister, I have a status update.
OK, they've been isolated,
but the man looks a little bit
and the girl's really sad,
which is a real pity,
because it's a lovely day.
Which is a real pity,
because it's a lovely day.
Thank you, Sage.
OK, no worries.
Sister, let's give 'Linda'
some space.
I will go and consult
with The Father.
Your fate is in his hands.
Oh, fuck!
I kinda get it.
I mean, not the creepy
'massaging cancer away' stuff,
and not the bit
where you get locked in a shed.
But, you know
Trees and yoga.
Kids running wild.
Grow your own food.
No phones. None of the
opt out.
I get it.
Especially if you've had
a tough life.
What was so tough
about her life though?
Karingunna's not that bad.
My dad's nice.
There was me and Matty.
She got sick though, darl.
It happens.
It's not Karingunna's fault.
It's not your dad's fault,
and it's certainly not yours.
She got unwell,
and she couldn't get well.
Maybe here she's better.
You saw her face though, right?
She looked completely freaked out.
Also kind of scared.
Like, kinda trapped.
She'll be alright
when she finds out.
She'll be alright
when she finds out.
I mean, you should have told her
years ago, obviously. So
It's going to be a total headfuck.
But, um
Yeah, she's a lucky kid
to have you as her dad.
Come on.
Come on, lift it.
Hi. Hi.
Hey, what are you doing in there?
This is contemplation.
We snuck outside. What did you do?
Oh, we didn't
We just
Um, we locked ourselves in here
by accident.
Um, we locked ourselves in here
by accident.
Accident, yeah.
I came to
Get some pamphlets.
To get a shovel.
And then the wind
A possum.
Blew the door shut it.
The wind just shut us in.
Yeah, so, uh
We're locked in here with you guys.
We're not locked.
Well, that is really lucky,
because we just talking
about how Hangry.
Thirsty we are.
We're super, super thirsty.
I don't suppose you know how to
get us out.
Hey, kid. No, no, no, no.
Don't move. We Hey!
How How did you
I'm sneaky.
Hey, kiddo.
We're playing a game where the
sneakiest sneaker is the winner.
You want to play?
You want to play?
Yeah, well, first I need you
to help me
get to that glass building
without anyone seeing us.
And then we need to find Willow.
Do you know who that is?
Yeah, she's my mum,
but I'm not meant to call her that.
She's your mum?
But we all call her 'Sister'.
My name's Barley, but you're not
supposed to call me that.
I am Meg.
OK. But I have to call you
That's OK. You can call me
You good?
Yeah. Are you?
Yeah, OK, so
find your phone, find some power,
and then we'll meet back here.
What's your plan?
No plan, but, you know
We came this far,
I'm not fucking leaving
without talking to Mum.
Barley, where do we go?
Mum, I can explain.
We were sneaking,
but good sneaking.
Yes, I can see that.
You're supposed to be in
Go back and I'll come and get you
when I think you've done it
Off you go.
It's amazing what games kids play
when there's no TV
It's amazing what games kids play
when there's no TV
or phones.
He just loves that potato.
Hi, Meg.
Hi, Linda.
Let's get out of here
and find somewhere safe to talk.
Connecting earth and sky.
Ah, oh, fuck.
Keys. Where are the fucking keys?
OK, um
OK, um
Ah, yes! You motherfuckin'
Ah Ah, shit! Oh, dude!
Now you stop coughing.
You shouldn't be in here.
Wait, Bapoca, Bacopa.
Please, I have a daughter in Perth
and she's meant to be arriving
in Sydney in two days
but her dad
Her other dad won't let her come
if I don't call.
Brother, we're a long way from
I know.
I'm trying. I just
I just need
I've got your elbows.
We've both got pointy elbows.
I never noticed they were pointy.
They really are.
Is this your place?
Well done, Sister.
We have broken The Father's
Let's not waste his time.
How did you find us?
Does it matter?
No. It doesn't.
But I'm curious.
You too are curious.
You are so much bigger than
the place you're trapped in
and that frustrates you.
Mm. You're stoic too.
You've been through so much.
We tell ourselves
that when we go through pain,
when we run into the fire
that when we go through pain,
when we run into the fire
we come out on the other side
to find hope.
And sometimes when we go through
What's on the other side?
More pain.
Sit down, my child.
I'm not your child.
I like your honesty.
So, let me be honest with you.
We have built a community here
that warrants fierce protection.
We have built a family
that is both strong and fragile.
Who is this?
Father, this is Mr Jonestown.
He is contaminated. He has Moats.
He has an infection.
He needs drugs, you smiley weirdo.
Can someone get him some water
at least?
Fuck sake.
My son
you're a long way from home,
aren't you?
You're a long way from home,
aren't you?
You gotta be shitting me?
Thinking to myself ♪
"How's this gonna end?" ♪
I've been surrounded here by
people ♪
And I wanna see my friends ♪
Search this mangled city ♪
Looking for that break ♪
My faded optimism ♪
Get the hell out of here,
boy, everyday ♪
When you can't find the water ♪
And your heart's in pain ♪
And your soul is stuck there ♪
And you search in vain ♪
And you know they will kill you ♪
When it's up for the sky ♪
When it's up for the sky ♪
Like a fish out of water ♪
When the well runs dry ♪
I'm fading through the night ♪
And I would not be missed ♪
I should save the day
before I fade away ♪
Into the city's deadly kiss ♪
And the fiction
of the dark side ♪
Just what it's done to my life ♪
It's a deal you make ♪
The same mistake ♪
And it's never once or twice ♪
When you can't find the water ♪
And your heart's in pain ♪
And your soul is stuck there ♪
When the well runs dry. ♪
Captions edited by Ai-Media
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