Vinland Saga (2019) s02e06 Episode Script

I Want a Horse

This is ridiculous!
Einar! Wait, Einar.
Let's dig deeper and cut the roots.
It won't come out like this.
Damn you
It still won't budge.
Darn it!
A horse
It's impossible
without a horse, after all.
They let us borrow one
to transport the timber,
so why don't we get a horse
for grading the land?
It makes no sense.
That horse wasn't lent to us.
We were just forced to do
the work meant for the farmhands.
What should we do, Einar?
Should we hold off on making a field
and just cut the trees?
No, I'll ask them one more time.
Although it may be pointless.
You don't know when to give up, do you?
No means no!
Yeah, but we got permission from Pater.
Darn that ex-slave
Anyway, it's a no.
We're using all the horses for other jobs.
We don't have enough to lend to you.
It's no use, slaves.
Stop skipping work
and go back to the forest.
Oh? I only heard one greeting.
The big one doesn't have
any manners, as usual.
Hey, I'm going to borrow a horse.
First of all,
you slaves are no different from
cows and horses.
The fact that a horse like you
is leasing land and managing a field
is annoying in itself.
Use your own bodies!
At this rate,
we have to ask the master himself.
We need a horse no matter what.
Not just for the tree stumps,
but to plow as well.
I'm not going to
let their bullying stop me!
But even if we're able to borrow a horse
with the masters help,
it will upset the farmhands.
We'll be targeted even more.
Then what will we do?
Do everything by manpower?
Who knows how many years
it will take to prepare the field.
The forest is still huge.
Maybe we can clear up more land
before we start on the field?
Growing crops simultaneously
would be impossible.
Why are you so unmotivated?
Don't you want freedom?
Even if it's impossible,
we have to grow crops!
Then we'll sell them to the master
and buy our freedom.
To do that we need a horse!
Einar, you are so energetic for someone
who doesn't get decent meals.
Your lack of energy is more abnormal.
- I got the gist of it.
- Huh?
Up we go Ouch
What are you doing? Come over here.
We can't talk if you're so far away.
Don't step on the ridges.
Hello. Um, what can we do for you?
- What's your name?
- Oh yes
- I'm Einar.
- I'm Thorfinn.
- Want to borrow one?
- Huh?
A horse. You need one, right?
- What?
- What?
Yes! We need one!
No way! Are you serious?
That would be so helpful! Wow!
More like
Sorry, um
Who are you?
This hurts your back.
Um, grandpa?
Call me Sverkel.
Don't forget to add a "Mr."
Mr. Sverkel,
for how long should we pick these rocks?
Until there are no rocks.
Hey, your hands aren't moving.
Oh, sorry.
So, Mr. Sverkel,
about the horse you are going to lend us
Bring the basket.
Once you're done chopping the firewood,
go draw some water.
- Hurry now.
- Yes!
He's totally taking advantage of us.
We don't have time for this.
More like, I wonder if that old man
is living in this house alone?
I don't know.
I've never met him before either.
Will he really lend it to us?
What if he's just using us
and making us work for free?
Even if that's true, that's normal.
We're slaves, after all.
But we belong to the master.
I don't care about your status.
This is a contract.
I will lend you a horse and in exchange
you will do my chores
both when you borrow it
and when you bring it back.
Got that?
All right! Onto the next one!
There we go!
This is so easy! Very nice!
I can't believe he actually lent us one.
That old man is such a nice person!
You can do it! That's it!
You're so cute!
All right!
Next one!
If we keep this up,
we may actually be able to sow in fall.
I wonder if that old man
would lend us a plow too?
Preferably a heavy one with wheels.
What seeds do you sow in fall?
Wheat, of course.
Interesting. Wheat is sown in fall, huh?
What Wait a second!
Have you worked in a field before?
In my country, no one had fields.
And I was working on the battlefield
since I was a kid.
A country with no fields
Man, it's hard to believe.
My mom and little sister
would be baffled if they heard that.
Well, anyway!
When it comes to the fields, count on me!
- After all, I'm a professional!
- Okay.
Hey, you slaves!
Who gave you permission
to take that horse, huh?
- Here comes the jerk.
- Hello.
We didn't take this without permission.
Mr. Sverkel lent it to us.
Huh? Who?
I said Mr. Sverkel.
His place is all the way down this path.
Stop lying!
There's nobody named Sverkel here.
So you resorted to stealing, huh?
Oh? Did we have
a horse like this on our farm?
Hey, who did you say
you borrowed this horse from?
Like I said
Mr. Sverkel! You don't know him?
He's a bald, short old man.
Bald, short, old man?
Is it the old master?
Oh, now that you mention it,
his name was something like that.
The old master?
You must be lying after all.
He's such a grumpy man.
He would never lend you a horse.
He's Master Ketil's father.
He's the most
important person on this farm.
Looks like it's going to rain.
Thorfinn, after we're done with this row,
let's call it a day.
It's a root again.
We removed the stumps,
but there are still roots
deep underground.
Oh well
This year we'll only plow a thin layer.
I don't want to take a chance
and break the plow we're borrowing.
That wilderness turned into
this in just one day.
Look, over there,
over there,
and there. They're using two.
They bought four more this year,
so there are a total of ten heavy plows.
The master must be extremely wealthy.
Are these that expensive?
They sure are!
In my village,
one was shared by eight families.
I'm so glad the old master
had one at his house.
There is no way the farmhands
would let us borrow one.
I imagine it's difficult to
cultivate the land by hand
using a hoe.
Of course it is.
Having this and a horse
makes a world of difference.
What an amazing invention.
This must have been invented by a farmer.
You must know the hardships of farming
in order to make
something like this.
You really are a newbie
at farming, aren't you?
Everything is a new discovery for you.
You're like a big baby.
It's starting to rain!
Let's hurry, Thorfinn!
Are you prepared for the rain?
Don't change the subject.
I'm worried about your health, Dad.
You're too old to be overworking yourself.
When you collapsed on the field last time,
you were lucky
that Snake happened to be there.
If I can die on the field,
I will have no complaints.
First of all, it's reckless
for you to live on your own at that age.
You can't do physical labor.
You don't need to worry about that.
I am managing.
Dad, don't be difficult.
you and I don't think the same way.
If we are together,
we'll start fighting again.
You're just stubborn!
This is kind of awkward.
About what we talked about
Give it some thought.
Hm? What are you two doing here?
Dad, don't just use them as you please.
They're my slaves.
You're wet.
Might as well
wash your clothes while you're here.
I guess those two don't get along.
All right, where's the washpot
- Whoa!
- What's wrong?
- Snake! It's Snake!
- A snake?
- Why is he here?
- Uh
More like, he was dead asleep
through that fight?
He must have thick skin.
What a messy sleeper.
Gramps, you're making food, aren't you!
- Don't think you can eat without me!
- Darn. You woke up.
Why are you two here?
Were you trying to sneak into bed with me?
Good morning.
You are hopeless
You only wake up when it's mealtime.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
How could a grown man like you
shamelessly eat a meal
without doing any work.
That's nonsense, Gramps.
Thieves come at night.
Peace is maintained on the farm
because we patrol every night.
And so I will eat.
You just hang out with girls
in their houses. How is that "guard duty"?
I'm on guard to make sure
the girls aren't taken by thieves.
You always have a cheeky comeback.
You always have something to nag about.
What are you guys doing?
Come over here and eat.
Aren't you hungry?
Is it okay?
Eat up! You don't have to feel bad,
it's nothing special.
It's not for you to say!
Sit down. People who work deserve to eat.
Um, is it true that thieves come here?
Yes, they come all the time.
They target the wheat that's ready
for harvesting and pigs.
I see
Some of them are armed.
Beating them up and detaining them
is part of our job.
We are actually working, you see.
The amount we would potentially lose
to thieves is basically the same amount
it costs to feed you guys.
Old man
Must you be so annoying?
We can chase away thieves
without your help.
We are Nordic men.
We know how to use a sword and spear.
Really? You can have
a swordfight at your age?
Don't flatter yourself, Snake.
There are countless people
who are more skilled than you.
I'm just worried about you
because you're old.
I'm not frail enough
to need you to worry about me.
Don't get so worked up.
You'll collapse again, Grandpa.
Say what you will, but the truth is
that the force on this farm
doesn't match up to its size.
I have 13 subordinates
and our hands are full with thieves.
Let's say, 50 to 60 soldiers attack us,
this farm won't stand a chance.
- Right, Thorfinn?
- Huh?
Right Well, I wouldn't know.
We won't have to face anything worse
than thieves here.
You never know!
When that happens,
it'll be too late to panic.
Don't worry.
Whatever happens,
I will not beg for your help.
Why won't anything
worse than thieves come here?
S Sorry
Because of King Harald's authority.
Ketil sends an exorbitant amount
of tribute to the king twice a year.
As long as the king accepts it,
he has an obligation to protect Ketil.
It is foolish
to buy peace with money.
What is the point of owning a farm
that is too big for a farmer
to protect?
Do you know how many days
it takes to get here from Jelling?
We are the ones
who are actually protecting the farm.
Too much wealth brings forth disaster.
Did you just ignore me?
When you increase your wealth
you fear losing it.
To deal with that fear you use money.
Then you try to earn more.
My stupid son
doesn't realize how futile that is.
My goodness,
old men love to lecture people.
Oh! It stopped raining!
All right!
I guess I'll go do some guard duty.
Don't come back!
I know you get lonely when I don't visit.
Get out already!
What a strange duo.
They seem to get along better than
the real father and son.
I feel like
I learned a lot of things today.
Good for you, big baby.
Don't call me that.
Too much wealth, huh?
You can sow them more thoroughly.
But this is all we have, right?
It's fine!
Don't hold back.
Trust what your friend tells you.
- Friend?
- What?
No way.
What's with that reaction?
We're friends, right?
Am I wrong?
No, you're right
we're friends.
"Iron Fist Ketil."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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