Where's Wally (2020) s02e06 Episode Script

Shadows of Bali

# Oh wey oh
# Oh wey oh
# Where do you go?
Where do you go, Wally?
# Oh wey oh
I'll search the world for you
# Take a trip all around the world
Catch a ride to the moon
# Take a trip all around the world
Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach
Jump in! Discover something new
# Oh wey oh
# Oh wey oh
# Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Oh oh oh
# Where do you go, where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
OK, Woof. Unfreeze! Ha!
Playing freeze tag is really fun.
(GRUNTS) Watch out, Wally.
I'm still "it!"
(GRUNTS) Watch out, Wally.
I'm still "it!"
And you're frozen!
(GIGGLING) Nice freeze, Wally.
Wonders! She's spotted me!
And you're next, Wizard Whitebeard.
Here I come!
And you're next, Wizard Whitebeard.
Here I come!
(LAUGHING) Thanks, Woof. Unfrozen!
Let's make a run for it, Wumples!
We need to get to home base
where we can't be tagged!
That's right, Wumples,
home base is just up ahead!
That's right, Wumples,
home base is just up ahead!
We're almost(PING)
Ah! So close.
It's the Wander Hand!
Ah! So close.
It's the Wander Hand!
And it has a Wander Post.
Who's it from, Wizard Whitebeard?
Uh can someone
unfreeze me, please?
(CHUCKLES) Oh. Right.
(CHUCKLES) Oh. Right.
Ho-ho. Thank you.
It's from Wizard Shadowbeard!
BOTH: Wizard Shadowbeard?
Yes! The one and only!
BOTH: Wizard Shadowbeard?
Yes! The one and only!
Shadowbeard is a master showman,
and a true wizard
of shadow puppetry.
It appears he's invited
both of you to his puppet theatre
It appears he's invited
both of you to his puppet theatre
for a new show he's put together.
He says he could use
a couple of extra puppeteers!
But where is Wizard Shadowbeard's
puppet theatre, Wizard Whitebeard?
But where is Wizard Shadowbeard's
puppet theatre, Wizard Whitebeard?
Ah. For the answer to that,
young Wanderers,
let us ask the Wander Globe!
By striped staff and white of beard,
I summon magic, wild and weird.
Spin, oh magic globe, to show
Spin, oh magic globe, to show
where these Wanderers will go!
Bali, Indonesia!
Of course!
Bali, Indonesia!
Of course!
Wayang puppet theatre
is a favourite in Indonesia,
where handmade leather puppets
on wooden sticks act out stories.
The puppeteers use lanterns
to shine light on a screen,
The puppeteers use lanterns
to shine light on a screen,
then hold their leather puppets
in front of the light
to create amazing shadow characters!
So, it's off to Bali, Indonesia,
young Wanderers,
So, it's off to Bali, Indonesia,
young Wanderers,
to help Wizard Shadowbeard.
OK, Wenda. Ready?
OK, Wenda. Ready?
BOTH: Wander!
(CHUCKLING) Oh, it's just you guys.
(CHUCKLING) Oh, it's just you guys.
Wenda, say good afternoon,
Wenda, say good afternoon,
or 'wilujeng siang' to Bali!
Busy city streets,
white sandy beaches,
surfers, but
surfers, but
no sign anywhere of Wizard
Shadowbeard's theatre, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda. Meet Darma.
Over here, Wenda. Meet Darma.
I saw his puppets,
and thought he could probably help us
find Wizard Shadowbeard's theatre.
Did you say "Wizard Shadowbeard"?
Did you say "Wizard Shadowbeard"?
Me and my family
are huge fans of his.
We've seen every one of his shows.
So you know where his theatre is,
then?Do I ever?!
When I grow up,
I want to be a dalang just like him!
When I grow up,
I want to be a dalang just like him!
A dalang?That's what a Wayang
shadow puppeteer is called.
My whole family can't wait
to see his new show tonight.
My whole family can't wait
to see his new show tonight.
We've been waiting months for it!
Are you here to see the show, too?
Actually, we're supposed
to help with it.
You're going to help
the great Wizard Shadowbeard?
You're going to help
the great Wizard Shadowbeard?
(STUTTERING) Well, then I need
to get you to him right away,
new friends! Everyone, to my moped!
Next stop,
Wizard Shadowbeard's theatre!
Ladies and gentlemen,
come one, come all
to the greatest show in Bali.
Odlulu's Shadow Puppet Circus.
to the greatest show in Bali.
Odlulu's Shadow Puppet Circus.
Ha! Check that out.
What is it?
Ha! Check that out.
What is it?
What is it? Can't you tell?
It's a cow!
That's not a cow.
Looks more like a ferret.
It's not a ferret, it's a cow!
It's not a ferret, it's a cow!
Wait, maybe that is a ferret.
And speaking of ferrets,
where did Fritz go?
And speaking of ferrets,
where did Fritz go?
Those are very good
shadow puppets, little bat.
How about a terang bulan pancake
How about a terang bulan pancake
with chopped peanuts
and sugar for you?
Uh-huh, uh-huh!
He's not a bat. He's a ferret.
Oh! Bye-bye, terang bulan
Oh! Bye-bye, terang bulan
There's no time for snacks, Fritz.
We have lots of work to do
if our show is gonna be bigger
than Wizard Shadowbeard's.
if our show is gonna be bigger
than Wizard Shadowbeard's.
And I have just the thing to do it.
Lots and lots of practice?
No! Not lots of practice. Pfft.
No! Not lots of practice. Pfft.
Who has time for that?
Even better
A magic key.
With this Shadow Puppet Key, Fritz,
With this Shadow Puppet Key, Fritz,
I'll have the power to control
real shadows, just like puppets.
Then we're guaranteed to be
the new star puppeteers of Indonesia
before Shadowbeard's show
can even start! (ZAP)
OK, Shadows! Let's go.
We have a show to do.
Well, here we are.
BOTH: Whoa!
WALLY: Thanks for the ride, Darma.
You're welcome, Wally and Wenda.
You're welcome, Wally and Wenda.
We'll see you tonight?
Ha! Of course!
Nothing could stop me and my family
from being here tonight.
Wally and Wenda, I presume?
Wally and Wenda, I presume?
Of course it's Wally and Wenda, Owl.
Wizard Shadowbeard sent for them!
Well, then, we should greet
our guests, shouldn't we?
Well, then, we should greet
our guests, shouldn't we?
Well, how do we do that?
Like we always do.
Strike up the band!
Welcome, Wally and Wenda!
BOTH: Wizard Shadowbeard!
BOTH: Wizard Shadowbeard!
Thanks for such a special welcome.
I'll say. But how did you do
all that by yourself?
Follow me to my workshop, Wanderers,
and I will show you.
and I will show you.
Since I was about your age,
Wally and Wenda,
I have studied the art
of Wayang puppetry.
of Wayang puppetry.
These puppets are more than just
pieces of leather and wood to me.
They're old friends. Ha ha!
BOTH: Whoa.
They're old friends. Ha ha!
BOTH: Whoa.
Or beloved pets. Honk!
Goose here was the first puppet
I ever built.
I must've been five or six
when I made her.
I must've been five or six
when I made her.
Now you try, Wanderers.
(GOOFY VOICE) Hello, I'm a goat!
(LAUGHS) So many great puppets.
(LAUGHS) So many great puppets.
And they're all so life-like.
Right, Wenda!
Look at that dog shadow puppet.
It looks so real!
Look at that dog shadow puppet.
It looks so real!
Can you teach us how to do that,
Wizard Shadowbeard?
GOOSE: Honk!
That's not one of my puppets.
GOOSE: Honk!
That's not one of my puppets.
I've never seen it before.
In fact, it's not a puppet at all.
It's an actual shadow!
But how?
It's not attached to anything.
But how?
It's not attached to anything.
Where's its body?
I'm not sure, Wally.
This is very confusing.
The shadow is leaving!Quick, let's
follow it and see what's going on.
Another shadow puppet theatre?
That was never there before.
Uh, Wenda?
I have a bad feeling about this.
Uh, Wenda?
I have a bad feeling about this.
Ladies and gentlemen!
BOTH: Odlulu!
What's an "Odlulu"?
That's an Odlulu.
What's an "Odlulu"?
That's an Odlulu.
And that means trouble.
Welcome to Odlulu's
Shadow Puppet Circus.
The greatest show in all of Bali.
She's incredible.
She's incredible.
She's an even better dalang
than myself!
Wait. Look in her hand!
It's a magic key!
The Shadow Puppet Key!
It's a magic key!
The Shadow Puppet Key!
But I thought that was safely
stored in my key cabinet.
Unfortunately, no magic key is safe
when Odlulu is involved,
Wizard Shadowbeard.
when Odlulu is involved,
Wizard Shadowbeard.
I see. Well, this Odlulu
doesn't know what kind of power
she is toying with, Wanderers.
Shadows are very mischievous.
Shadows are very mischievous.
That's why they're always
attached to bodies.
Without a body, a shadow is bound
to get into all kinds of trouble.
Without a body, a shadow is bound
to get into all kinds of trouble.
Well, then we have to get that key
back from Odlulu right now.
Bravo. Bravo!
Bravo. Bravo!
Oh, uh, right.
I shouldn't encourage this.
We will now have a short interval.
An interval! Maybe that's the break
we need to get the key back.
If only we could
get onstage somehow. (GASPS)
Did you say something, Wally?
Did you say something, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
I'm over here! Look what I found.
I'm over here! Look what I found.
Ha! Blackout puppeteering costumes!
And we're gonna use them
to disguise ourselves as shadows,
so we can sneak onstage.
Good thinking, Wally.
so we can sneak onstage.
Good thinking, Wally.
Great show, everyone!
The crowd is really loving us.
Great stuff!
Great stuff!
Thanks. I needed a touch-up.
Thanks. I needed a touch-up.
I was getting a little shiny.
Uh-uh-uh. No wandering off.
The show's not over yet!
We have a whole other half left.
The show's not over yet!
We have a whole other half left.
Now's our chance to get onstage.
Uh-oh. Here she comes. Freeze!
OK, Bali.
Are you ready to be dazzled again?
OK, Bali.
Are you ready to be dazzled again?
Then hit it, Fritz!
Oh, no! The shadows
are going into the crowd!
Wanderers, we can't let
these mischievous shadows
get loose in Bali. Who knows what
kind of trouble they could cause!
Right. We need
to keep them in the theatre
Right. We need
to keep them in the theatre
until we can get the key
from Odlulu and reverse the magic.
What are you doing, shadows?
Get it under control!
What are you doing, shadows?
Get it under control!
Ugh. Actors.
Wait a second.
Huh. If there's one person
who can help me now, it's
Odlulu! Wait! Don't!
Odlulu! Wait! Don't!
Ta-da! Ladies and gentlemen of Bali,
introducing my very special guest,
introducing my very special guest,
my shadow!
Yeah. All that other stuff
was really bad?
This is worse.
This is worse.
OK, shadow me. Looks like
we've got their attention back.
Now, let's bring it home.
Follow my lead, got it?
Good. Then
Good. Then
A five-six-seven-eight.
Ha! Look at them, shadow me!
They're loving it!
Ha! Look at them, shadow me!
They're loving it!
Just listen to that applause!
And it's all for me, Odlulu!
And it's all for me, Odlulu!
The greatest shadow puppeteer and
performer in the whole wide world.
Hey, shadow me?
I lead. You follow.
That's the way the act goes.
That's the way the act goes.
Um Wally?Right. We need
to get up there and get the key back.
What are you
doing, shadow me?
What are you
doing, shadow me?
I'm the star, here, not you!
I'm the star here, shadow me,
I'm the star here, shadow me,
because I'm the one
with the magic key.
Huh? Where did she go?
Hey, give that back! It's mine!
You're nothing without me,
shadow me!
Good luck going solo!
Good luck going solo!
Oh, hey Wanderers.
Performers, am I right? (CHUCKLES)
Always wanting the spotlight.
Odlulu, do you realise
what you've just done?
Odlulu, do you realise
what you've just done?
Yes. Maybe?
You've just unleashed a bunch of
shadows into the city
You've just unleashed a bunch of
shadows into the city
with a magic key!
I'm guessing that's bad?
A mischievous shadow with the power
of the Shadow Puppet Key
is not just bad it's disastrous!
is not just bad it's disastrous!
I'm really sorry
for making a mess of things.
All I wanted was to have
the best show in Bali!
All I wanted was to have
the best show in Bali!
I never wanted anything
like this to happen.
Well, now we need to work together
and get that key back
from Shadow Odlulu.
Because if we don't, Bali is
in for one really shady situation.
Because if we don't, Bali is
in for one really shady situation.
Oh. This isn't good.
Oh. This isn't good.
Follow me, Wanderers.
I have an idea.
Wally, do you happen to have
a lantern or perhaps a torch
in that special hat of yours?
Take your pick!
in that special hat of yours?
Take your pick!
OK. Everyone, take some puppets.
We're going to use some shadows
to help wrangle some shadows.
It's working!
It's working!
Now, if we could just get the key
away from Shadow Odlulu.
Shadow Odlulu is taking
our puppets' shadows!
Shadow Odlulu is taking
our puppets' shadows!
Oh, no! My friends!
All my friends! They're gone!
Wally and Wenda!
My family's shadows are also gone!
Wally and Wenda!
My family's shadows are also gone!
Don't worry, Darma.
Wizard Shadowbeard.
We'll get your shadows back.
If only there was a way
We'll get your shadows back.
If only there was a way
to return them without the magic key.
There is! But it isn't easy.
We're listening.
If you are able
to touch your shadow
If you are able
to touch your shadow
..then the connection
will be made again.
Body and shadow will
once again become a duo.
Body and shadow will
once again become a duo.
Sounds like a game of tag.
That's it!What's it?
Darma, quick. I need you to gather
everyone who's lost their shadow
to Shadow Odlulu, and get them
to Shadowbeard's theatre.
to Shadow Odlulu, and get them
to Shadowbeard's theatre.
We're putting on a show tonight.
(ON MEGAPHONE) Attention!
People and shadows of Bali!
Come to Wizard Shadowbeard's theatre
tonight to see a show like no other.
Come to Wizard Shadowbeard's theatre
tonight to see a show like no other.
Starring Shadow Odlulu.
We just want to welcome everyone
Shadow or otherwise.
We just want to welcome everyone
Shadow or otherwise.
..to tonight's special performance,
we call
BOTH: ..shadow tag!
OK, everyone.
BOTH: ..shadow tag!
OK, everyone.
Tag your shadows!
OK. Now's our chance. While people
are tagging their shadows,
OK. Now's our chance. While people
are tagging their shadows,
we can get the key
back from Shadow Odlulu.
Hold on to your stripes. I'm on it.
Our shadows!
Tap it!
Ugh. My shadow has all my moves,
and then some!
Oh, right. I forgot to mention.
Shadows are not easy to catch.
Shadows are not easy to catch.
Hmm Aha!
I could really use
a little help here, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda.
And look what I built.
The Wally Bouncing Tag-anator.
The Wally Bouncing Tag-anator.
The perfect contraption
for connecting you
and your shadow. (GRUNTS)
Thanks, Wally. Now, here goes!
Now, hand over the key, shadow me.
You're good, shadow me,
but you've still got a lot to learn.
Stick to following me from now on!
Stick to following me from now on!
Now, to reverse the magic
and put all the shadows
back where they belong.
Welcome back, old friend.
Faced with the threat
of mischievous shadows,
the brave, striped Wanderers,
the brave, striped Wanderers,
with Odlulu and
their noble ferret friend,
were able to return the shadows
to their rightful bodies.
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