Yosi, the Regretful Spy (2022) s02e06 Episode Script


Although this story is inspired
by real events,
the characters and events are fictional.
Any similarities are unintentional.
José Pérez, also known as Yosi Peres,
a member of the Federal Police
Intelligence Service,
-is suspected of giving information
-Sons of bitches.
that could've caused both of the bloodiest
attacks our country has suffered.
Monica, listen carefully.
Leave your house and go somewhere
no one knows about, especially Leonardo.
Hi, it's me. It's an emergency.
Claudia, please, I need your help.
It's not for me. It's for Jonás.
-Are you Jonás?
Thank you very much.
That's okay! Enough.
Enough! What are you doing?
Put the gun on the table.
Use your left hand, Garrido.
Like this?
Why don't you sit down
and we can talk quietly?
-Here we can't--
-I'm okay here.
Come on.
Are we going to keep fighting?
-Let's move on.
-I can't do that.
I'm tangled up.
You had it coming.
What did you expect?
For me to do nothing about my demise?
You got yourself into this.
You've complicated things,
but I'm not stopping.
You never learn.
I know your son is in Argentina.
How do we move forward?
Are we still screwing up
each other's lives?
Do I have to kidnap him again?
What are you going to do?
You know Norma's gone, right?
There's no one you could take.
I have nobody.
But you do.
If you keep pushing it
with that story you're dying to tell,
you'll pay with your family's blood.
You'll pay for it
with your kid and his mother
who's coming to pick him up.
So, if I were you, I'd make sure
my son goes back to Israel soon
because he's in danger with you.
I'm not done with you just yet.
Slow down, it'll make you sick.
How did you manage to travel alone?
Tell me the truth.
I knew there was a permit somewhere.
The hardest part was getting
my dad's number.
How did you get it?
I have my ways.
Do you want mine?
My dad must really trust you.
Why do you say that?
He wouldn't have sent you
to get me otherwise.
Why are you here?
How could you escape from your mom?
-I want to talk to you.
-There's nothing to talk about.
Your life is in Israel, mine is here.
I don't have time for you.
-You saved me once.
-If that got your hopes up,
sorry, I'm not that guy.
Go back to your mom and Víctor.
Forget about me.
I want to know about you.
I'm not your father.
Get that tattoo removed. You hear me?
And stop looking for me.
I don't want to see you again.
You are going back home.
Excuse me.
-I'm sorry, Mom.
Jonás, I'm sorry.
I should've told you the truth
a long time ago.
I don't care about him! He's dead to me.
That's not true, Jonás.
The wild and criminal attack
that caused death and destruction
in the center of Jewish
institutional life in Argentina
has made us join forces
and brought us together
in spite of the harsh circumstances
as a brave response
Why is nobody talking about
the local networks?
It's a delicate moment
for the community leaders.
Nobody dares to imply that.
Nothing will be said
that affects the government.
At least for now.
…whatever the source
that created it may be.
What if he's born early?
I don't think it's
the right time for you to go.
It'll be impossible after he's born.
We have five weeks left.
After what happened to AMIA,
I have to do it.
I know you don't want me to go.
But I feel a huge responsibility
to protect everyone.
Especially now with our son on the way.
It's not that I don't want you to go.
I think it's fine. I understand.
We are going to miss you.
I'm going to miss you too.
Promise you'll be back in time.
I promise.
You'll learn things here
you've never learned before.
Things your superiors have never heard of.
Your training wasn't enough for us.
Why are you here?
Shouldn't you be in Buenos Aires?
Moshe and I have to explain ourselves
regarding the AMIA investigation.
Face-to-face explanations?
Sometimes you have to
turn the other cheek.
Do you like Jerusalem?
It's beautiful.
You better do a good job with Fontana.
If our enemies reach the Condor,
one will likely land here soon.
Fontana will fulfill his duty.
He's holding a grudge
against his former system.
He knows he's going to jail
unless he does his job right.
But there isn't much time left.
Claudia won't be suspicious as long as
there's weapons trade with Ecuador.
But that's going to end.
Well, I'll keep in touch. Enjoy the city.
They have what you need.
-How much?
-Nine hundred.
-Give him double.
We're looking for lot 23. It has the part.
Who is he?
He's with me. He's reliable.
Okay. Let me know if you need me.
Thank you.
We're waiting for our contact
in the Casa Rosada.
In a few minutes,
some statements will shed light
I'm pleased with how you handled this.
Thank you, sir.
You made the wiretaps disappear,
planted an engine as evidence,
and circulated false theories.
We're tracking a white traffic van
which was going by Pasteur Street
and could possibly be a bomb car.
This leads us
to some car scrappers
in Buenos Aires Province.
This could in turn lead us to…
What about the scrappers?
We must be careful,
we don't want any trouble.
No, it's all set.
We have a candidate
and he's going to say he sold the van.
-No worries about that.
I have something else for you.
The U.S. is putting pressure
on the government.
Deporting Kadar for arms
trafficking wasn't enough.
They want the local dealer.
Do you see the difficulty?
If Minister Florentin doesn't
want to turn Menajem in,
we'll need a scapegoat.
Someone close to the mission
but who could've acted
without the government's knowledge.
Someone from Intelligence
but with his own agenda.
Do you get it?
I know you and Pérez
have unfinished business.
But it can't become something personal.
Do you know where he is?
He's in Israel.
I told you he was unstable.
It's not my personal problem,
it's Claudia's.
She thought she could control him
but she supported a motherfucking traitor.
Everybody get up. Attention.
Take your luggage and stand in line.
Let's go!
Welcome to the fifth Israel
Defense Forces headquarters.
I am Major Uri Goldberg.
Over the next few days
you'll be trained
in the different security protocols
for Jewish communities around the world.
Follow me, I'll show you your rooms.
-Good morning.
-I'm here to see Dr. Ramos.
-Yes, last door.
-You're welcome.
How are you?
What are you doing here?
A routine check-up.
You look different.
I had to be tamed.
I'm working with my dad.
That's good.
It's been a while. Everyone changes.
Not much longer, right?
It's getting close.
You look amazing.
-Well, I better see the doctor.
-It's good to see that you're doing well.
-Take care.
-You too.
Just in case someday you need something.
This picture with the gun
where he commits jihad
spread immediately after
the terrorist attack.
In Krav Maga everything
happens within seconds.
The key is short distance and speed.
Resolve the situation in seconds.
A bagel, please.
Just a minute.
-No problem.
The Tueller rule is essential
for the anti-terrorist fight.
This rule establishes
that a second and a half
is the most time we have to aim and shoot.
1.5 seconds.
As little time as possible must be used
and only for the mission's purpose.
Yes, love. I miss you too.
No, I told him to come back later
Mr. Menajem is here.
-How are you?
-All good?
I assume you read it. Yes?
The business is over, we can't take
any more weapons out of the barracks.
I never imagined Gutiérrez
would go so far in this business.
He was just crazy.
Yes, but this crazy guy
turned into a headache.
This is going to be a mess
and it will taint you, Menajem.
I don't understand.
You can do greater things.
Can't you stop this?
Yes, but it's been going on for a while.
It's different.
Journalists are against us.
They are mad at the government.
We can't cover up everything.
Who knows what they'll find
if they keep digging.
You're not considering letting
me go again?
No, not at all.
Why do you think I made you come here?
Go ahead, make your move.
I don't understand.
Just say it already.
Turn in that federal agent
who's always by your side.
The one who used to be your son-in-law.
He's also involved in arms trafficking.
Now that he's abroad,
the timing's just right.
I'm off. I've got a busy schedule.
I'm here because I want
to embrace Judaism.
I discovered the truth in it.
You can be a good man without
embracing Judaism.
Yet embracing Judaism
is my strongest desire.
What name do you choose?
I choose
Yosi comes from Joseph,
which means "the son who will come."
So, are you sure you want to be a Jew?
Stand up,
and repeat after me.
-I assume
-I assume
the responsibility
of keeping
and fulfilling
all precepts of the Torah
the written Torah, as well
as the spoken Torah.
the written Torah, as well
as the spoken Torah.
Congratulations, Yosi.
Welcome to the Jewish people.
-Some mashed potatoes for you, Saúl.
-Thank you.
What have you heard from your husband?
He calls every night.
He sounds focused.
You know his desire to feel useful.
I was just thinking about that.
About how Yosi became
an example to the community.
A few years ago he was nobody.
Today, the Zionist Organization
sent him to Israel.
He's an important man.
On the other hand,
I've known you since you were little.
You know you can ask me for anything.
Yes, Yosi told me.
No, I'm telling you.
I'll always be there for you.
With or without Yosi.
Why wouldn't Yosi be here?
You always say something
bad might happen to him,
but never tell me why.
Don't mind me. He'll always be here.
He's the father of your son.
But you're my family.
You'll never find any circumstances
that can affect our bond.
Eat something.
That baby needs strength
to come into this world.
There are so many missing children.
Exactly, flight 425 from Tel Aviv
It's on time? Perfect.
No, that's all. Thank you.
-Honey, I'm here.
-I'm here.
-That's it.
-Very good, breathe.
-Everything's fine.
She's in labor. We need
to go to the delivery room.
Let's go.
You're the only one among us
who managed to make a life for himself.
A fucked up one.
But better than the fucked up life
we already have.
When we met you told me,
"There's only room for the mission."
There's room for more, Claudia.
Didn't you have children?
Which one's yours?
That one over there.
It's a pity he's a Jew.
I deserve to be his godmother.
I have to tell you something important.
The government's pressuring Menajem
on the weapons issue
because the U.S. is exerting pressure.
He didn't tell me anything.
He'll betray you again.
Because he knows there's nowhere to run.
The government advised him to turn you in.
But he won't. I'm like a son to him.
I don't think so.
Not after he found out you were a mole.
How did he find out?
A call from above.
Stop thinking about it.
It's nothing you did.
Or perhaps it's everything you did.
Your friend Garrido is the one
leaking information to the government.
You told me he was out of the picture.
He's back because he's corrupt
and shameless.
He has no honor or boundaries.
Why are you telling me this, Claudia?
I don't know.
I also don't know
what you'll do with this.
How will you manage to get out, José?
You even had a son!
Come with Mama.
Let's go to sleep.
He fell asleep.
I need to talk to you.
What's the matter?
What's wrong?
I have to tell you something
about me no one knows.
I want you to listen carefully.
I used to be somebody else, someone
much different than who I am now.
I was a fool, judgmental,
and my head was full of shit.
My mother left my dad for someone else.
My dad couldn't take it.
He was a drunk, a gambler.
He committed suicide.
When I was a boy, I found him
hanging from the ceiling.
Why did you never say anything?
There's more, Eli.
My mother's new partner was a good guy.
He was the town's doctor. And a Jew.
I didn't understand my mother.
I hated her.
And I hated him.
I hated everyone.
I hated the Jews.
I don't understand, Yosi.
I was so angry, and I lied to you.
I lied to everyone.
My name is José Pérez.
I'm an Intelligence Agent
with the Federal Police.
I was sent to spy on the community.
But then I felt embraced by them.
And I met you.
-I fell in love.
Something changed after
the attack on the embassy.
I felt broken.
I changed.
The embassy?
I had nothing to do with the embassy.
I had a meeting that day.
If they hadn't moved it, I would be dead.
I need you to believe me.
José's in the past. It's all in the past.
I am Yosi. I'm Yosi.
In Israel,
I finished converting to Judaism.
I'm a real Jew.
What I feel for you and Jonás
is the realest thing I've ever felt.
Our thing is real. Our family is real.
All right?
I stopped informing my bosses.
They don't know about it.
I'm working for the Mossad.
Aaron contacted me, so I went to Israel.
Someone told Saúl and turned me in.
They built a case against me.
We have to move somewhere else.
For a while.
What happened to Dafne?
I did all I could to save her.
I need you to believe me, and forgive me.
Do you believe me?
Do you forgive me?
It's going to be all right.
I promise.
We can move to Israel.
You're going to like it there. You'll see.
Nothing bad will happen to us, Eli.
I'll take care of you and Jonás.
What's wrong?
Did you get any sleep?
No. I can't put up with this anymore.
I can't find his pacifier.
Maybe I dropped it when
I changed his diaper.
-Can you go buy one?
-Yeah, sure.
I'll see what I can find. It's early.
-Excellent. Thank you.
-You're welcome.
We have to go.
Saúl sacrificed me. We have to go now!
Jonás is my son.
Open up. I need to talk to her. Please.
Please, Víctor, open up.
Please, open the door.
-You think you can mess with my family?
-No, please.
Let him go!
Let go! Let him go!
Are you all right?
It's okay, it's okay.
I'm sorry.
It's all right.
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