Your Honor (2020) s02e06 Episode Script

Part Sixteen

Previously on Your Honor
So your miraculous escape,
not so miraculous after all.
And then Little Mo hides you
out in Houston with my sister,
of all people, 'cause he knew I
wouldn't go there looking for you.
You should have never
came back, Little Man.
She was gonna kill you
if you took the money.
You're lucky you're blood.
You ain't fam.
Not to me.
Not no more.
There's nothing for me here anymore.
Tomorrow, your ass is on
a bus back to H-Town.
Fentanyl cut with heroin.
You tried that shit?
It's gonna be the hottest shit in NOLA.
You're my guinea pig, Joey.
We were just talking
about the waterfront deal.
[GINA] If this mayor is a problem,
there are ways to get a new one.
[JIMMY] I'm concerned
for Charlie's safety.
If I can't do this deal
the way I wanted to,
then other people are
gonna get involved.
I am part of a federal investigation
into the Baxter organization.
And you're just letting
me in on this now?
I was trying to protect you.
I can't make this deal.
Not without some changes.
- The deal is done.
- [ZEKE] What if she fails?
She'll either bring down the Baxters
or the Baxters will
build up the waterfront.
I need you to bury his confession.
What the hell's the
point of solving crimes
if we're just gonna let
the criminals walk free?
You may be free now
but that's not gonna last forever.
And when your guardian angel vanishes,
I'm gonna be the next thing you see.
Where were you on the
night of your wife's murder?
October 10, the morning
after your wife was murdered,
you gave this statement to the NOPD.
"I came home after work,
around seven o'clock.
We had dinner together as a family.
Robin left around 9:00 or 9:30.
Adam and I were home all night."
Why are you asking me about this now?
She cheated on you.
That must have stung.
We never really cleared that up, did we?
I find it strange, your reluctance
to be forthcoming.
This is you.
This is the man Robin
had an affair with.
This is the night she was murdered.
You look pretty mad, Michael.
You haven't booked me.
Because you don't have enough,
if any, evidence to charge me.
And yet, you have the audacity
to march me through the
station in handcuffs?
- Oops.
- Mm.
You're a person of interest, though.
I find you interesting.
You know what's interesting?
It only took you two years
to come up with the
jealous husband theory?
My opinion of you has evolved
quite a bit since then.
So, now you think I'm
capable of killing my wife?
I have no idea what you're
capable of anymore.
The only question that
I'm interested in
is did you kill her?
[MICHAEL] Fuck you.
[QUIETLY] Goddamn it.
[ELIZABETH] What trouble
have you gotten into now?
I just picked your ass up at
a police station, Michael.
I want some answers.
I was brought in for suspicion
of killing Robin Desiato.
Yeah, I played that one
through in my mind, too.
Many times.
And what was your conclusion?
For a while, I actually
wanted it to be you.
But you couldn't have
killed my daughter.
It's just not who you are.
It's been two years.
Why do they suspect you now?
They found out that I wasn't
home the night she was killed.
I went to confront the man
she was sleeping with.
You knew who he was?
I did.
And he's come forward now?
Well I guess we're
gonna go talk to him then.
Little Mo's gone.
Time for y'all to step your shit up.
Once we're free and clear of
that Roderick motherfucker,
we'll have good product to move.
But until then, we gotta
deal with this shit.
Come on.
This is 30 milligrams of heroin.
Enough to kill a grown man.
But only three milligrams of
fentanyl will do the same thing.
Now, all this shit is cut with fenty,
and not by no motherfuckin' chemist.
Which means the wrong baggie,
the wrong hit, you done.
We just got to figure
out a way to move this
- without dropping bodies.
- Shit, every bag is Russian roulette.
[BIG MO] That's the problem.
- I need a solution.
- [RUSSELL] Cut that shit again.
Baking soda, powdered milk, whatever.
The high will be weak as fuck, but
probably won't kill nobody either.
[CHRIS] You did right to
pull it the first time.
Bodies dropping is bad
for the neighborhood.
[BIG MO] That's why we're
not gonna sell it here.
We send the corner boys into the city.
Spread it out.
That way if anybody drops,
no one knows it's from here.
And you cut the motherfucker so thin
that no bodies will drop.
I got you.
Top of the morning, Little Man.
You make sure his ass
on that bus tonight.
The mayor's stipulations
are going to be costly.
So just in case,
I got us a meeting with
some potential investors.
What investors?
[CARMINE] Old friends.
The Calabri Family is interested.
In what?
A partnership.
I don't want a partner.
You want money, don't you?
Come on, take the meeting.
Let's hear their offer.
This is it?
Stay here if you want.
I'm gonna go get some answers.
Elizabeth, by the way.
I'm Robin's mother.
Robin took this.
[KENNETH] It was my favorite of hers.
I always thought her photos
elevated your articles.
I agree with that.
So, what do you want?
you come forward now?
[KENNETH] Police came to me.
A couple days ago, they arrested
some guy on grand theft auto.
He wanted to exchange
information for a deal.
[MICHAEL] Who is he?
Former gang member who I used
as a source from time to time.
Anyway, since I never told the
police about our relationship
and I gather you hadn't either,
I guess this guy thought
they might want to know.
Apparently, he was right
'cause a Detective Costello
came to see me.
And what did you tell her?
That I was home all night.
She asked me if anyone
could vouch for that.
So I'm your alibi.
And I'm yours.
Can I ? Can I get a balloon?
Man, we out.
What do you mean you're out?
Waiting on the drop.
Come on, man, I got money.
Get the fuck off me.
This guy.
Hey, Carlo.
I've got a meeting right now.
No, I know. Uh, can I join?
Better sit this one out.
I won't say anything, Dad.
I just want to learn, you know?
Next one, son.
Gentlemen, welcome to the Baxter House.
Jimmy, this is Sal Calabri
and his son Phillip.
- Pleasure.
- My son-in-law Jimmy Baxter.
Very nice to meet you.
You, uh you flew in from New York?
This morning.
Why don't we all have a seat, please?
What can I do for you, Mr. Calabri?
We understand that you're in need
of a sizable infusion of capital.
We are considering taking
on another investor.
[PHILLIP] We have an offer for you.
The eight figures that you need,
same terms you've given the others,
with one additional item.
We need access to your ports.
Did I miss the news that
New York Harbor dried up?
Jimmy, it's a good offer.
How long would you want
to use my ports?
[PHILLIP] Through the life of the loan.
After that, we can talk again.
Anyone who knows me,
knows that I don't deal drugs.
That's not the business
I want in my city.
Nothing we bring in
stays in New Orleans.
[CARMINE] Jimmy, let's let
these guys go up to your rooms,
relax, take a dip in the pool.
We will meet up tonight.
We'll eat, we'll drink, we'll talk.
When she told you about our affair,
I hoped that meant she
was ready to leave you.
But she resisted.
She and I had a fight that night.
And then she called you.
That's why I came here.
She didn't call me that night.
I heard her whispering on the phone.
It wasn't me.
[MICHAEL] Well, do you have any
idea who it might have been?
I'm not out here in this swamp
sweating through my favorite blouse
just to watch you refuse
to answer questions.
There had been a string of hits.
Upper-level members of rival gangs.
Eight in under a year.
What's so intriguing about a gang war?
These weren't like gang hits.
They were clean. There was no brutality,
there was no sending of a message.
It was just targeted executions.
Never any witnesses. Never any leads.
- All unsolved.
- So, what was at the corner store?
A witness.
Tried to speak with him days earlier,
but he got spooked.
He must have gotten
in contact with Robin.
- She was following up.
- What's his name?
He was gonna be the first to
confirm our working theory.
Which was what?
It was cops doing these killings.
So, that's why you hide out here?
It's why I quit the story.
And it's why I never revealed
any of this to the detectives.
I couldn't trust who was
clean and who was dirty.
Clearly, whoever was behind it
wanted to make sure
the story died with us.
I came out here because
I couldn't figure out how to
live my life with that pain.
She must have been so unhappy.
- I told her not to marry you.
- Jesus.
I wasn't the worst husband in the world.
It wasn't you. It was Robin.
I was worried she
didn't love you enough.
We had some good times.
I know you did.
Maybe I fought too hard to keep her.
I don't know, maybe I
should have just let her go.
You couldn't have stopped her.
It was Adam that kept her there.
I have to know what
happened to my child.
What if I told you knowing doesn't help?
I'd still want to know.
What's wrong?
- Nothing.
- Carlo.
Dad and Grandpa had a meeting,
and I wanted to join.
And your father said no?
I'm trying to do what he asks,
but for what?
To sit at a fucking desk,
stare at security monitors all day?
I'll talk to him.
Hi. He's sleeping.
- Carlo.
- Yeah.
Um, he'll probably
wake up in a little bit.
So just change him,
feed him, play with him,
and then he'll probably
go back to sleep.
[CARLO] For how long?
That's the fun part. You never know.
[GINA] Look who's up.
[FIA] You sure you're up to this?
[GINA] A little godfather-godson
bonding time will be good for them.
He can handle it.
- You'll call us if you need us.
- I will.
Have fun.
- Hey, little guy.
Your Uncle Carlo is here.
You look cute right now,
but this is gonna be boring as fuck.
I don't like the idea
of giving the Calabris
free rein of my docks.
I need to know everything
that comes and goes.
These docks are how I ran the city.
Nothing came in or out
unless I signed off.
That's how I controlled everything.
You're reluctant to share them
because you don't want to lose control.
Here's the difference between
my control and your control.
Your control is a figment
of your imagination.
I see you in your pressed
suits and your pristine hotels.
It's just an act designed
to fool one person
You trade on my name and my reputation.
And you act like a gangster
when it's convenient,
and then you tell yourself,
"I'm just a businessman."
You, you were very good at what you did.
So am I.
My restaurants, my businesses,
my pristine hotels
have made you a very rich man.
So have some respect for what I do.
When I was a little boy,
I used to run around this French
Quarter with my pal Mark.
We come to this drug store.
Candy, malts, all that kind of stuff.
We're salivating over
chocolates and taffy,
but we didn't have any money.
So when no one was looking
we go outside and I show Mark
two pieces of black licorice.
So we eat, and they were fucking great.
So we go into another store,
and Mark's pointing out
everything he wants.
This, that It's like Christmas.
He's looking out, I'm swiping stuff.
Until, finally, I said to him,
"You steal something this time."
But Mark didn't want to do that.
I asked him why not.
You know what he said?
"I'm not a thief."
You need the Calabris' money.
And through your docks,
they will bring in drugs,
they will bring in crime,
they will bring in women and girls,
human beings sold into servitude
to other human beings.
Through this city will
pass all manner of evil
because of you.
You think you're better than me,
you fucking son of a bitch?
No. No, no, no, Jimmy.
I'm done watching you lie to yourself.
You are nothing but a thug.
Just like me.
Zeus, Zeus, Zeus ♪
Said go and get a bag ♪
Zeus, Zeus, Zeus ♪
- Go, go, go ♪
- if you going softer than a Swisher ♪
Started from the bottom,
had to run it up again ♪
'Bout that money, know a person ♪
Who is it?
You're supposed to be at school.
I'm on lunch. Can I hang out?
Hell no, you can't hang out.
I thought you were the man now?
I've been the man.
But you know Moms would kill my ass.
- She don't have to know.
- You know she would.
Get on now.
My shooters don't miss ♪
Got 'em pretty by my
side, she got one ♪
And put one in your hip ♪
[JOEY] Holy shit.
Uh, we are looking for a guy named KJ.
He works here or at least
he did around two years ago.
Do you know him?
- You cops?
- No.
We're not cops. I-I swear.
You talk like one.
I-I was a judge.
You're the husband.
- So, does KJ still work here?
- No.
All right. Then, do you know
where we can find him?
All right, all right.
Hi. [STAMMERS] What's your name?
I'm Elizabeth. I'm Robin's mother.
Do you have any children?
I got two girls.
I really need to talk to KJ.
- [GINA] Father Jay, so nice to see you.
- You, too.
- This is my daughter Fia.
- Fia.
- Welcome.
- Hi.
[JAY] Let me show you around.
Godparents will stand on either side,
representing not the family
but the Catholic Church.
Parents stand right here.
I'm so sorry.
[QUIETLY] I'm sorry. Uh,
the mother stands here.
And where do we pass through
the Kingdom of Heaven?
I'll say a few words,
um, just a few prayers.
Yada yada God, yada yada Jesus,
splash of holy water,
presto baptized.
We're trying to save
a child's soul here.
This is no laughing matter.
Perhaps I could speak with Sofia alone?
Just for a, just for a minute.
What gave it away?
- Your mother told me.
- Mm-hmm.
I'm doing this for her.
Well, there are worse
reasons to do things.
Can we talk just for a minute
about what this baptism really means?
So, like a jam session
with a cool priest?
Totally. [CHUCKLES]
It is not my job to evaluate
people's qualifications
for admittance into Catholicism.
So you're not like a bouncer at a bar.
[CHUCKLES] I'm afraid not.
My job is
is to invite you to have
a relationship with God,
even if you don't believe He exists.
It doesn't bother you
that I don't believe?
Not at all.
You think it bothers God?
Well, I've never known
Him to be a narcissist.
Here's the truth.
So much of what I deal with
is focused on the end of life,
the struggles, the difficulties
I love baptisms.
I do because they, they present
the promise of a fresh start
and you do not need to share in my faith
for us to have a common
purpose in this ritual, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
Now, one of the reasons that we do this
is to officially bestow
a name upon the child.
My faith tells me
that what we choose to call
someone matters a great deal,
and your set of values
tell you the same thing.
Rocco Adam Baxter.
The memory of an uncle.
And the father who
helped create his life.
And the family to whom he belongs.
Those Those are the things
we'll be honoring on that day.
It's a celebration of a young mother
doing a damn fine job raising her child.
And no one's gonna card
you at the door here.
[BIG MO] Everything all set?
- Good to go.
- [BIG MO] Good.
I'll be at the new club. I want updates.
[CHRIS] Got you.
No strings.
There's always strings.
You earned it.
Take care of yourself, Little Man.
What's gonna happen to Little Mo?
Ain't up to me no more.
[SIGHS] Your sister
She took me in, she treated me good.
She's a nice lady.
Yeah, I know.
So, why don't you talk to her no more?
Ain't up to me either.
I'm just saying
Little Mo, Aunt Sheila
If my family was still alive, I
I'd make sure nothing got in between us.
You done with your sermon?
Now you take your ass back to Houston.
And I hope I never see you again.
You sure we're not gonna wake the baby?
Yeah. He just went down again.
He won't be up for a while.
Let's go to the bedroom.
- Hold on.
- Yeah?
- [JOEY] Hey, Carlo.
It's Joey.
- What the fuck do you want?
- [JOEY] Chill, man.
- I just want to talk.
- [CARLO] So talk.
I'm outside the hotel.
I got something for you.
Don't move.
- What are you doing?
- Something I got to do.
- When are you coming back?
- When I'm done.
You can't just leave me with that baby.
Watch him sleep.
That's all you got to do.
I'm not a fucking babysitter!
I should fucking kill you right now.
[CHOKING] I saw him.
What the fuck are you talking about?
The dude that took a shot at you.
- He's fucking dead.
- I saw him.
You don't know what you saw,
you fucking burnout.
I got a photo.
- When was this?
- A couple hours ago.
In the Lower Ninth.
Is this your car?
How are we looking?
We're moving weight.
About to see if you know
what you're doing.
You mean, about to get this money.
You ready?
I could just ram the shit
out of 'em right now.
Shut the fuck up, Joey.
Just stay close to them.
I'll let you know when
I'm ready to take my shot.
How long are we gonna wait?
As long as it takes.
[KJ] What's up, Clarice?
She's her mother.
KJ, can we talk to you?
- I can't help you.
- Talk to us, please.
Robin came here that
night to interview you.
- Look, man
- No, please.
You were working, right? And so
I told the police I
didn't know anything.
[ELIZABETH] But, but you saw ?
I didn't see shit.
But you know something. Please.
[KJ] What is it you're looking for?
Why? They won't help you.
- You don't know that.
- I do, actually.
Because I know the answers
and my life has been shit
ever since that night.
So let me save you the nightmares.
Just go back to where you came from.
And do your best to not think about it.
- KJ
- I had to bury my daughter!
Not think about it?
I've lost two babies in two years,
and I don't even know
what happened to her.
Ever since I got that call,
my life has been a nightmare.
Playing out dozens of
scenarios in my head,
not having a clue what happened to her.
I have to know.
And I promise you, you will
get no peace until I do.
Yeah, that's good.
Hey, baby.
Thank you so much for
letting us use this space.
I bought that stage for you.
What's wrong?
Nothing for you to worry
your pretty face about.
You want to talk about it?
Don't ask, don't tell. Remember?
You have such a good heart.
You don't have to turn it off, you know?
Only way to do the job.
You do it long enough,
you'll forget how to turn it back on.
How it feel? ♪
I'm with birds in a
coupe, what it do? ♪
I'm the motherfuckin'
man, who is you? ♪
Who is you? ♪
Just stick to the plan,
what's the move? ♪
What's the move? ♪
Know who I am, gotta
choose, got a bird's-eye ♪
Who is you? ♪
Quit playin', what's the move? ♪
What's the move? ♪
Know who I am, gotta choose ♪
Gotta choose, really
I been makin' moves ♪
Had to drop up out of school,
had to leave the job ♪
Had to find a muse ♪
Homie told me that
it's still in the shop ♪
Still see me carry twos ♪
Really he didn't feel me ♪
You stupid fuck.
Fuck you.
You killed Kofi.
You beat my brother to death
for no fucking reason.
Then your daddy blew my mama's house up.
Killed my whole family.
What did we ever do to you, huh?
And after all of this
you are trying to fucking kill me?!
So fuck me?
Nah, man. Nah. Nah.
Nah, fuck you.
A couple years back, there
was a turf war down here.
It got real bad.
Rival crews taking each other out,
but they couldn't get to their top dogs.
It was just corner boys dropping.
Then all of a sudden,
a couple lieutenants
get got, on both sides.
No one knows how, no one knows who.
It was police?
That's why it never got solved.
How do you know this?
One of the cops used to trade
me drugs for information.
Eventually, I ran out of information,
but he still had the drugs, so
he made me pay for it in other ways.
You had a relationship with this cop.
It was a fucked-up situation,
but he trusted me.
Or at least trusted that
he could control me.
So he talked.
Spilled his guts like I was his priest.
He'd tell me about the
shit he did on the job,
like he was bragging.
Stealing drugs, money
Planting things on folks
that pissed him off.
Shit like that.
Then one night,
he tells me that he just shot a guy.
Execution style. Murder for hire.
Not long after that,
I told him I was done.
I was trying to get clean.
Didn't want to see him anymore.
I get a call from this
woman named Robin.
She said she's working on a
story about police brutality,
and asked if I wanted to talk.
I should have just kept
my fucking mouth shut,
but I thought my life was over anyway.
I told her I knew that
cops were killing people
and that I'd talk to her when I got out.
She must've realized I
was getting cold feet
because one night I look
up and there she is.
She didn't call you the
night she came here?
- Before she came here?
- [KJ] No.
Because I wouldn't have
been here if she did.
She walked in and he
was right behind her.
She barely makes it to the register
when he opened fire.
She never saw it coming.
So, you-you you saw this?
I saw a mask and gloves.
But I knew it was him.
- [MICHAEL] You sure?
- I'm positive.
KJ, tell us who he is.
We would never reveal your name.
That's a promise.
Detective Walter Beckwith.
[MICHAEL] Beckwith?
Thank you.
Does it feel weird
seeking spiritual advice
from someone who's half your age?
You need to check your math.
Hi. Uh, I-I don't know what to do.
He he won't stop crying.
Just give him to me.
Where the hell is my brother?
- Um
- Where is Carlo?!
He left. He left.
I'm sorry.
- Hey, Detective.
What in the hell happened?
Driver of the other car
was likely intoxicated.
But this one's Desire.
That's why we called you.
- [RUDY] Was anyone else with him?
- He said he was alone.
You all right?
Anyone else in the car?
I need to talk to him for a minute.
service service to Baton Rouge,
Lafayette, and points west,
is now ready to depart.
All ticketed passengers
should be on board.
Thank you.
I'm gonna go lie down.
[EXHALES] You were
right. It doesn't help.
She's dead. She shouldn't be.
I already knew that.
I just I just didn't
want her to think
I didn't care enough
to ask the questions.
[MICHAEL] Elizabeth.
I should have been there
for you after she died.
You were dealing with your own loss.
Yeah, but I I had Adam.
And I-I just
I just didn't appreciate that
he was your connection
to the child you'd lost.
There is nothing quite like
the wonder of a grandchild.
No, there's not.
Elizabeth, I-I I was
going to wait to tell you.
I don't know when.
But, uh
Fia Baxter has a baby.
A little boy.
You are a great-grandmother.
- Adam's son?
- Yes.
Have you met him?
He's perfect.
- Come here.
- Come here. Come here.
Come here.
- Right in here. 237.
- Oh, my God. There he is.
Carlo, you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine, Mom.
- Oh, my God.
- What happened, son?
- What happened? What happened?
I was in a car accident with Joey.
[FIA] What were you doing leaving Rocco?
Carlo, how could you leave my son
with a fucking stranger?
- Fia, Fia.
- Can we talk about this later?
No, I need an answer right now.
Joey came to the hotel.
He said he was in the
Lower Ninth earlier.
And he saw Eugene Jones.
- I thought he was disposed of.
- So did I.
[CARLO] No, I saw him.
And I had the chance
to take the fucker out.
So, did you?
Did you "take the fucker out"?
He tried to kill me.
What is wrong with this family?
- I'm so fucking done with all of you.
What happened to him?
What happened to the boy?
I was trapped in the car. He got away.
Frankie, I want that boy found. Tonight.
I'll handle this.
You had your chance!
I need a word.
Not right now.
Look at me, James.
Are you so afraid of being
like that drunk daddy of yours,
that you have forgotten what
it takes to be a man, huh?
Hmm? Nut the fuck up!
Cusack has to call me back.
Last I heard, Joey left town,
he was living on the streets.
He should have been dead by now.
Our own cops even said so.
I agree with Gina, Jim.
Let's find Eugene and let's send
a message to the whole city.
[GRUNTS] Jimmy!
Jim, Jim, no Jim
[BIG MO] I'm good, I'm good.
What's up with y'all?
Chris, the fuck is up?
My little brother
He took one of the balloons.
He dead.
[MICHAEL] Nancy, it's Michael.
I think I know why you weren't
able to solve Robin's murder.
The killer was one of your own.
Can you come to the station?
Yeah. On my way.
Thank you.
Bus 58 going up to Houston
in five minutes.
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