1000-lb Sisters (2020) s02e07 Episode Script

Jerry Bites Back

AMY (VOICEOVER): Previously
on "1,000-Lb Sisters."
So what inspired this video?
Shut stop now.
Damn. [chuckles]
[imitating tammy] Her face.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
You shut up too.
[music playing]
[tractor banging]
Right now, I'm
seven months pregnant.
Sometimes I still don't
believe that I'm pregnant.
I don't think I'll
feel like it's real
until I have him in my arms.
I know.
I want to enjoy my
time being pregnant,
so me and Michael are going
to do a maternity photo shoot.
This is a dream to
have a baby, and I
want to have pictures of
me being pregnant while I
was with my child.
AMY: Right now, I'm
just glad that we're
doing a photo shoot because
I ain't got to worry
about Tammy or any other thing.
I can just get it out
of my head for a while.
[music playing]
We're here.
How are you?
You look beautiful.
WOMAN: You look awesome.
If you just, kind of,
stand and hold your belly.
Look down at your belly for me.
WOMAN: Looking good, mama.
WOMAN: I love what the wind
is doing with your dress.
AMY YATES: Beautiful.
[shutter clicks]
AMY: I farted though.
[laughs] Blame it on the baby.
AMY YATES: This is my first
maternity shoot with a costume.
Amy and Michael are
such a cute couple,
and Amy just loves
to joke and carry on.
And Michael is so sweet.
He's been holding her hand and
making sure she don't fall.
Can you come forward
a little bit, dad?
There you go.
Can you give mom a kiss?
[shutter clicks]
Awesome, you two.
This day was the most fun
since I've been pregnant.
And dad, can you give her a kiss
on the side of the neck there?
WOMAN: Good, mom.
You just fell right in.
AMY YATES: [chuckles]
WOMAN: You go girl.
AMY YATES: I think that's it.
Y'all did an awesome job.
AMY: Thank you so much.
[music playing]
Oh, OK.
[tammy winces]
JERRY: Mm-hmm.
JERRY: Really?
TAMMY: [laughs]
JERRY: I know Amy.
She worries about Tammy's diet
because that's her sister.
I do feel bad when I eat
certain things in front of Tammy
because I know she ain't
supposed to have it.
I still do it.
I enjoy myself here too.
JERRY: I'll be back.
I'll be back.
[somber music]
[upbeat music]
[mower roaring]
while I'm at the dentist,
Jerry's just going to
hang out at my house.
TAMMY: Right.
Oh, no.
Oh, my god.
TAMMY: Yeah.
I don't think I can.
What's the deal with Tammy?
She was having a heck of
a time getting in the van.
CHRIS: Jerry's here munching
on a bag of cheese puffs.
I want to talk to him, man to
man, to see what's going on.
[music playing]
Welcome. TAMMY: Hello.
CHRIS: Hello.
Can I get a name?
TAMMY: Tammy Slaton.
All right.
We've got you there.
If you want to take
a seat, someone
will be out to get you soon.
Ms. Tammy, you ready?
TAMMY: Yeah.
How are you guys doing today?
TAMMY: Good.
And you?
CHRIS: Tammy has to get
up and be more physical.
So when I see an opportunity
for something like that,
I try to motivate her and
push her to her limits,
that way she gets in as
much exercise as possible.
[heavy breathing]
Hello, Tammy.
How are you?
I'm Dr. Adam.
Nice to meet you.
Tell me, what are you
wanting help with?
And before you
There's no reason
to feel embarrassed about that.
Let me ask you this.
Are you having pain anywhere?
How often do you brush?
DR. ADAM: Oh, yeah.
And to be honest, we should
be doing it twice every day.
So we're going to work on that.
No pressure.
No judgment or anything.
We're just going to
say, you know what?
We're trying to get things
on a better track, OK?
So let's get into it, and
let's just take a look.
Why don't we get you
situated back here.
Lean back here, and I can
help you however we need.
If I need to help is that?
Hold on.
We might be blocked in here.
Let me check. Nice and tight.
There we go.
So we won't rotate on you.
There you go.
Are you comfortable there?
I'm going to put adjust your
headrest so that your head's
in a better position there.
How is that right there?
TAMMY: Good.
DR. ADAM: Is that OK?
Do you feel stable
and comfortable?
In my 11 years as
a dentist, I can't
say that I've had a lot
of bariatric patients
that are dealing with the kinds
of things Tammy's dealing with.
We have checked out the
specifications of the chairs
to make sure that everything
is safe and stable for her,
but also that we can accommodate
the things that we need to do
without compromising things.
All right, Tammy.
So what we're going
start with, I'mma have
you just smile for me.
We definitely are
due for a cleaning,
so you basically
have two front teeth
missing that we're looking
at replacing, I would assume.
DR. ADAM: The good
news is this, Tammy.
For being 10 years and
brushing, you know,
twice a week, you
have a lot of buildup,
but your teeth are
in decent shape.
So we're starting off with a
good foundation, hopefully.
I would like to start off
with a temporary option.
It'd, kind of, be
like a retainer,
but would give you that
tooth that matches the color
and shape of everything
and fits in that space
to have in the meantime while
we make the other one, OK?
The next step is going to
be taking some impressions
and to get the
shape of your teeth
so we can have
those things made.
Are you ready for that?
- Mm-hmm.
DR. ADAM: Great.
Put your head just like that.
Let's take this out.
There you go.
DR. ADAM: So when it comes
to everything we did today,
do you have any questions?
DR. ADAM: Sure.
You know, what you would notice
is when we lose weight, a lot
of times, if we lose weight
around the head and neck area
and in the jaw area, you might
find that you have a little bit
easier access to get back to
the back portion your teeth
and clean your teeth
and things like that.
But overall, you do
everything the same.
You know, as you
lose the weight,
we want you to just continue
to brush your teeth two times
a day.
DR. ADAM: And try to get
in to see me, you know,
twice a year, OK?
Well, come on.
Let's dance out of here.
TAMMY: [chuckles] This is Jerry
and my official first date.
Oh, [bleep].
I'm feeling nervous about
telling Jerry about my secret.
I need to get in there
and get it over with.
Rip the band-aid off.
So, Jerry, I got some stuff
that we need to talk about.
[upbeat music]
Well, you know I got to go back.
CHRIS: The other day, I
gave Tammy a talking to.
I want to make damn sure
Jerry is good for Tammy.
So I want to talk to him, man
to man, to see what's going on.
[tammy burps]
TAMMY: Excuse me.
What are you doing?
What's going on?
Jerry, this my brother Chris.
Chris, Jerry.
JERRY: What's up, Chris?
Nice meeting you.
This is for you because
it's about to whip your ass.
TAMMY: Oh, god.
CHRIS: Low-impact exercise.
That's what you
got to have, right?
I'm coming over here.
Perfect spot on the couch.
Jerry's on the couch munching
on a bag of cheese puffs.
What brought you to the
cornfields of Kentucky?
You might want a refund.
JERRY: Well, um, I'm about
to head out to the store.
I'll see y'all later.
TAMMY: Lord Jesus, help us.
Oh, Jesus.
What's up?
Well, I want the best for Tammy.
- OK.
- A'ight.
JERRY: A'ight.
I think it's going
to be, kind of,
hard for me because
I love junk food.
So I gotta see how
it's gonna play out.
I'm back.
I didn't pull a gun or nothing.
We're cool.
CHRIS: Nothing he
eats is healthy.
CHRIS: If Jerry
sticks around, he's
going to have to change
his ways because Tammy
has a food addiction.
Today, I thought it
would be good to bring
over this pedal bike I got.
Take the bike for a spin, Tammy.
We got the doctor's
appointment coming up,
so we want to put a
good, strong effort
in, and show up with some
good positive results.
It's not too horrible
on you is it?
TAMMY: I understand
why Chris is worried.
I know I messed up, and
I'm trying to lose weight,
but I can't quit it cold turkey.
I mean, some people
can, but I'm human.
Three minutes a day on top
and bottom, arms and legs.
[music playing]
TAMMY: Don't forget your masks.
AMY: This visit with Jerry
has been really stressful.
And since he's going
back home soon,
Tammy wanted to go
on a date with him.
TAMMY: [bleep].
MICHAEL: A little bump there.
TAMMY: Don't you love
it how we match almost?
We're not even close.
We're not even close.
WAITRESS: Can I get y'all
started off with anything?
AMY: I want fiesta pineapple.
AMY: He wants a taco
bowl with steak in it.
WAITRESS: Just steak?
Yeah, just steak.
Steak and cheese, yeah.
TAMMY: Thank you.
WAITRESS: You're welcome.
WAITRESS: Yes, ma'am.
You sure you don't
want the tortillas?
And what's that?
You can tell me anything.
AMY: Tammy wants to tell Jerry
this big secret because she
wants him to know the real her.
Tammy needs to tell him because
they're in a relationship,
and he needs to know.
[suspense music]
And what's that?
You can tell me anything.
What is it?
JERRY: So what you're
saying is that you
would date a transgender guy?
Or girl.
I mean, it is what it is, Tammy.
I still love you though.
I'm still trying to
figure out what it means,
but I'm OK with it.
I love Tammy the way she is.
[clears throat]
Shut up.
TAMMY: I'm happy that
he took it pretty well.
[music playing]
JERRY: With you.
JERRY: Tammy told
me that Michael
and Amy was moving soon,
and Tammy going to be alone.
That's going to be
a lot of pressure
on me staying or wanting
to stay to help Tammy.
I'm not ready to take
on that responsibility.
So you gonna stick
to this weight loss?
You sure?
JERRY: For real, Tammy.
Man, I'm serious.
- Yes, Jerry.
JERRY: It's serious.
JERRY: I want Tammy to lose
about, like, 200 pounds.
Get this surgery so she
can live a normal life.
[laughs] I got to go though.
JERRY: A'ight.
JERRY: A'ight.
I will.
[somber music]
[engine starts]
[somber music]
CHRIS: We're pretty close
to the end of the rope
because everybody's helped
as much as they can.
Maybe we can have an
intervention first.
I think Tammy worries that
she'll never see Jerry again.
I'm hoping she don't give up.
Part of me died
that day he left.
[somber music]
Hey, y'all.
Um, Jerry has been gone
for two, three days.
Three days.
I miss him.
I can't sleep very good
because he's not there.
I miss him holding me at night.
I don't feel like the
same person I was.
A part of me died
that day he left.
And everybody's telling
me, you're going to be OK.
He'll be back. He'll be back.
He'll be back.
But until then, I'm lost.
I don't know what to do.
I got used to him being here.
Having Jerry here in
Kentucky helped cheer
me up and get me motivated.
[upbeat music]
CHRIS: Would be a
windy day, wouldn't it?
Today, we're having
Amy's baby shower,
and I volunteered
to come help out.
Tammy's idea was to set
this up, but she needed help
actually physically doing it.
Hey, what are y'all doing?
Y'all going to stay
a while, or are you
just going to stay in the van?
TAMMY: That's a little ass ramp.
CHRIS: We'll make it work.
You ready, Tammy?
[chris grunting]
All right.
You ready to go now?
TAMMY: Yeah?
CHRIS: I tried.
CHRIS: Come on.
[tammy grunting]
CHRIS: Now the
There you go.
TAMMY: Jerry's not here.
He left, and he had to
go back to his house.
I miss him, but I'm looking
forward to the baby shower.
I never threw a baby shower
before, so this might be fun.
Can you put gifts on
that table, please?
That's our sister, Misty.
And then that's Britney,
Chris' wife, our sister-in-law.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
TAMMY: Little.
CHRIS: Oh, here we go.
They're showing up.
AMY: But I'm really
worried about Tammy.
I know she ain't sticking to
her diet since Jerry left.
I'm hoping now that
the family's here,
we have a chance to
talk about her weight.
This is so beautiful.
Thank you guys.
TAMMY: You're welcome.
CHRIS: We're all
still on a diet,
so I did get some
healthier options.
I got some veggie
trays, some chicken
wings, chicken salad sandwich.
MISTY: Chicken salad's healthy?
Well, it's healthier than ribs.
Compared to my barbecues
and us pigging out
till we can't walk to
the cars, you know,
this is a whole lot better.
A lot healthier.
It is compared to my ribs, you
know, 3,000 calories a plate.
TAMMY: Thank you.
You're trying to eat healthy,
so I did give you a chicken
wing and a 1/4 of a sandwich.
Wipe your face.
Oh, stop it!
Stop it.
I think it's peanut butter.
ALL: No.
CHRIS: She is the ugh!
MISTY: You guys want to
play a game of bocce?
CHRIS: Where we gonna
play, like out here
on the side around the green?
MISTY: Yeah.
AMY: Come on, Little.
CHRIS: You know, Misty's kids
love the game of bocce ball,
so she did bring it.
As kids growing up, we played
volleyball, and football,
and everything in the yard.
CHRIS: So what do you do,
just, like, throw the ball out
there in the middle somewhere?
MISTY: Yeah.
Kind of like
marbles then, right?
MISTY: Yeah.
But do you really
want to get down
on the ground to play marbles?
CHRIS: All right, Amy.
[laughter] Thank you.
Thank you.
You're not supposed to help him.
I'm sorry.
So what's the deal with Tammy?
She was having a heck of a time
this morning getting in the van
and all of that.
Yeah, it would.
The doctor told us
when we was in Atlanta
if she'd become
immobile, that she pretty
much lost the battle then.
What she's doing
is just not working.
So how do we hinder
her calorie intake?
MISTY: Oh, my Lord.
32 in two days?
Come on now.
Maybe we can have an
intervention first.
AMY: With Tammy, she does
tend to eat her feelings.
I think Tammy worries that
she'll never see Jerry again,
so I'm scared that she'll
gain a lot more weight.
I'm hoping she don't give up.
She's running out of options.
If we have an
intervention, she's
going to go off like a volcano.
And I didn't say it
was going to be easy.
Maybe it's better for
her to go off as a volcano
because we love her, and
we're trying to help her.
Next time on
"1,000-Lb Sisters."
Am I going to have an OK birth?
I don't think
it'll be completely
smooth as far as labor goes.
I don't want to hear that
giving birth to my baby,
I'm going to have some issues.
TRAINER: Oh, you're doing great.
TAMMY: Amy having
this baby gives
me a reason to reset my life.
TRAINER: Apparently,
you want to work, right?
You want to work.
Hey, no resting for me.
PRODUCER: How do you
feel seeing her try hard?
It's kind of like shocking, ha.
My thigh.
PRODUCER: She's in pain.
MAN: We had to go.
[intense music]
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