Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s02e07 Episode Script


[Ana] This is strange.
Juan Carlos is always early.
Maybe something came up.
If that's the case,
why is he constantly checking his phone?
[Víctor] She'll think something's up.
Text her back.
Tell her you're sick or something.
I doubt she cares
if something's wrong with me.
[Ana] He always does this.
Whenever he can't deal with something,
he magically comes down with something.
[inhales deeply] Oh, Ana. [sighs]
[sighs loudly]
[Juan Carlos] Why go?
To hear her talk about her new beau?
Sometimes, the surpriser
becomes the surprisee.
It was your idea to serenade her.
[Víctor] No, Juan Carlos. No, no.
I told you to do something
to win her over,
not to go stalking her in her own home.
It's my house too.
I'll never forgive Juan Carlos
for standing me up.
That's one more thing you won't forgive.
One more thing to add to the list.
Ana, my next patient is waiting outside.
I'm sorry.
I'll pencil you in for next week.
I'll call to confirm on Monday.
- All right.
- See you.
[opening theme music playing]
[babies cooing]
[baby crying]
[baby crying]
[birds chirping]
[babies cooing]
[babies giggling]
[bell tinkling]
[Pablo] What if I changed
the background color?
- [Cynthia chuckles]
- What are you looking at?
Your eyes shine
when you talk about stuff you like.
[gentle music playing]
- [Pablo] What's wrong? Is she sick?
- No, she's fine.
Why isn't she at daycare?
Ferrán wants to open a daycare
for all the moms here.
So, I obviously signed Regina up
for the pilot program, starting today.
This means we can have her
really close to us.
You didn't think to ask me first?
Pablo, you're right. I'm sorry.
- It just slipped my mind.
- Ah, slipped your mind? Right.
Don't get angry.
Why don't you get involved?
Help us iron out
the details of the pilot program.
Will Ferrán agree,
or will it slip your mind?
Come on, Pablo.
Why wouldn't he agree?
Just relax.
[Regina cooing]
[Lucía] I'm sensing a really bad vibe.
It's coming from you.
There's something up with you.
What's going on?
I slept with Víctor on our trip!
Ah. I knew something was up.
What am I going to do, Mom?
I don't want to lose my business.
I don't want to let Mariana down again.
We should know.
Mixing business
and pleasure is very difficult.
But listen,
just don't tell Mariana
and she won't be disappointed.
- Is that your advice?
- Yes.
- [chuckles]
- [Tere] Oh, Mom.
I didn't need all your magic
to figure that out, but thanks.
I mean, unbelievable!
[sensual music playing]
[Ceci groans]
What's wrong?
It's just
I'm just not sure I'm ready yet.
Ceci, your parents aren't home
and Alta is watching soaps.
I've never done it.
Are you sure you want
your first time to be with me?
- Yes!
- [Darío] Yeah?
Yes, of course.
Though, I don't know,
I pictured my first time
a bit more romantic and special,
not sneaking around in my room. [chuckles]
All right. Good point.
I also want it to be special.
I'll find us a nice hotel and
A hotel? What's special about a hotel?
So, what do you suggest?
Just let me take care of it. Hmm?
I promise I'll find the perfect place.
[grunts softly]
[shower running]
[Víctor] Surprise!
Coffee and tiramisu
from Piccolo Forno. Hmm?
Thanks, I'll save it for later.
I'm already behind schedule.
Mmm, is there anything I can do to help?
No, thanks, I've got it.
I'm getting into a rhythm.
I'll manage. You know what, Víctor?
What happened on the trip was a mistake.
It was the heat of the moment,
and we shouldn't mix things up.
I feel nothing for you, nor you for me.
So, there's really no point.
Okay, let's forget it.
Will this affect the business?
[Víctor] Not really.
See you tomorrow at the gym
for the face mask activation?
Sure, I'll take the tiramisu.
- We don't want it to go to waste.
- Yes, great.
- Yeah, can't mess with my diet.
- Okay.
[Ferrán] These toys rock.
If I'm this fascinated,
the babies will be so distracted.
It's not about distracting them.
You need to hire professionals
who'll stimulate and engage them.
Of course, Pablo.
We'll set up TV sets, play cartoons.
Don't worry about the budget,
I'll take care of it.
Sorry, but I don't want my baby
to watch cartoons all day.
Her emotional needs must be met
effectively and affectively.
It's important we hire people
trained in early development.
Maybe we moms could volunteer
to keep the service free.
That's a good idea.
I'll cancel the TV order.
Excuse me.
- Goodbye, Koala.
- [Cynthia chuckles]
You mean Penguin.
Thanks for having my back.
That's why I wanted your input
because you're a great dad.
You're also a brilliant man,
though you sometimes forget.
You don't need to be that brilliant
to know that screens
don't make good babysitters.
Isn't that right, Penguin?
"I don't like screens."
I better run, I have a big meeting
with an investor for my video game.
Ooh. [chuckles]
I just need to tweak the design.
If everything goes well,
I'll start making real money
instead of always being broke.
[Cynthia] Congrats.
Are you ready to deal with investors?
I've never been more ready.
Fingers crossed!
- Fingers crossed!
- [Mariana] That's right.
Ma'am, I'm glad you're here.
If this is about the gardener,
save your gripes for later.
It's not a gripe, it's a problem.
I found these in Ms. Ceci's trousers.
Ceci, can you explain these?
- Those aren't mine.
- [Ana] They were in your trousers.
Honey, we haven't had the talk.
That's a little concerning.
Sex is natural.
- And if you're
- Mom.
I found them in Dad's apartment,
and I'm using them for a school project.
[Ana] You didn't go to therapy.
I wasn't feeling well, Ana.
I'm sure it was serious.
Why do you have condoms in your apartment?
I don't know, those aren't mine.
At least be discreet.
Don't leave them lying around
where your kids can find them.
I'm telling you they're not mine.
I mean it.
I'd never buy that brand.
Now he's a condom expert. Good for you.
At least I hope you used one
when you asked Ferrán over
to frolic in our bed.
Talk about being discreet.
- What are you talking about?
- I saw you with him.
Are you spying on me?
- No, I was here because
- We laid down boundaries.
You have no right to come here.
What do I have to do
for you to leave me alone?
Wasn't it enough to encroach
on my workspace?
Now you're spying on me in my own home.
- It's our house.
- It's mine because I live here.
You can't come back whenever you please.
We should get a divorce
so you get it through your head.
You're giving me no choice.
[Ceci] I can't talk to my mom
about that stuff.
It must be hard for her to realize
her little girl is growing up.
I think you should talk to her.
I'm not asking my mom to help me
find a place to lose my virginity.
All right, fair enough. [chuckles]
Do you remember our first time?
Yes, at the aquarium.
There was this huge fish tank
and multi-colored lights. It was amazing.
Isn't that too risky?
Mmm, only if you jump into the shark tank.
The aquarium's night guard
is my dad's driver's brother.
For a small fee,
he lets horny teens
set up their dates there.
If you're completely sure you're ready,
that's the perfect spot.
Will you guys help me?
- Of course!
- [Ceci squeals]
- [laughs]
- But you have to tell your mom first.
Promise me.
I promise.
[Víctor] I saw it coming.
You and Ana should've gotten divorced
a long time ago.
It's been a while
since I've seen you happy.
You were scared to take that step,
I'm glad Ana finally did.
I just want my family back.
- I don't know how to live like this.
- Can I finish that?
Juanqui, your family
will always be your family.
What you need right now
is to find a good lawyer.
Stop by the gym later,
and we'll talk to him.
[Pablo] I'm overwhelmed.
The designer is sending
the changes I asked for,
but Manolo is hounding me
over a task he needs done.
- Need me to help?
- Yes.
Help me crunch some numbers.
Thanks. I'll pop over to see Regis
and meet you back in my office.
- Okay?
- Yeah.
Where is Regina?
Mr. Ferrán picked her up.
[Regina cooing]
Where's Mariana?
I don't know.
She asked me to watch the koala.
It's Penguin.
Koalas are cuter.
- No way, hand her over.
- [Ferrán] No.
She asked me to watch her, so
- Isn't that right, Mariana?
- What?
Where were you?
Why'd you leave my daughter
with this guy, huh?
You were busy with your video game,
so I didn't want to bother you.
- Aren't those toys wrong for her age?
- The koala loves them.
Stop calling her Koala!
Pablo, koalas are cute.
What's wrong with him calling her that?
[Juan Carlos]
I can ask Rodrigo if they're his.
I can't believe you're blaming him.
He's a little boy.
Haven't you noticed his voice changed?
We all grow up eventually.
Except for you.
The condoms are irrelevant.
The issue here is us.
- Just go. I don't want to talk.
- Ana, I'm trying to help.
If you really want to help,
just leave me alone.
It's your fault our family
is breaking apart.
My kids hide stuff from me.
I don't know who they are anymore.
We should talk. Divorce isn't
We have nothing to talk about.
It's over between us.
[Lorena] This sucks!
Would you be interested in trying out
See? No one's stopping.
Víctor was supposed to help us.
He was supposed to.
Everything okay between you?
I told him I didn't want us
to mix things up. And now, look.
You did what?
I didn't want to risk our business
if he and I didn't work out.
- Out of respect for you, my partner.
- More than partners, friends.
There's no reason for things to go wrong.
And if they do,
we'll figure something out.
Check it out, girlfriend.
Double trouble.
- How are you, Juan Carlos?
- [Juan Carlos] Hi.
- This is a nice surprise.
- Víctor told me about your venture.
- How's it going?
- Not great.
No one's stepping up.
We need to get our first customer,
and maybe others will follow.
I'm early to meet with someone.
- May I?
- [Tere] Yes, of course! Sit.
Make yourself comfortable.
- Just relax.
- [Juan Carlos] Oh! That feels nice.
It's probably a little cool,
but you'll be so moisturized.
[Juan Carlos] It's so nice.
- Close your eyes.
- [Juan Carlos] Sure.
[Mariana] What's with him?
It even bothers him
Ferrán calls her Koala.
Koala is so cute.
Right? I said the same thing.
At least he's not spying on you.
Is Juan Carlos doing that?
He came by the house the other day
when you and Ferrán were there.
I'm sick of him invading my spaces.
I'm sick of this too.
Frankly, I really like Ferrán,
I'd like us to try a serious relationship.
But if Pablo keeps acting like this,
it'll be a nightmare.
I think Pablo feels threatened.
He must hate Ferrán
spending so much time with Regina.
Ferrán isn't trying to take his place.
We've talked about it.
What Pablo needs to do
is spend time with Ferrán.
Get to know him.
[chuckles] They might
just end up becoming friends.
[both chuckling]
- Hey, guys.
- Hi, you made it.
I can't believe it.
You're a Diablos fan?
Don't tell me you're a Tigres fan. No!
I can lend you my hat
if you're embarrassed.
My dad gave me this hat,
and I'm giving it to Regina.
It'll be our little family tradition.
[laughs] You're making a family tradition
out of mediocrity?
Cheers to that.
Guys, let's watch
- [Ferrán] Do you like surfing?
- No.
I really like the sea,
though with a healthy dose of respect.
- Respect? It terrifies you.
- Oh, come on.
Remember the pool in Valle de Bravo?
That was so embarrassing.
I had to confess I can't swim.
- [both laugh]
- [Mariana] It wasn't that bad.
That's my house in Tulum.
We could take Regina during spring break.
I'd love to take Regis to the beach,
but between work and being broke,
I haven't been able to.
- Let's do it.
- [Mariana] Ah.
[inhales deeply]
What's wrong?
I'd have to talk to Pablo first.
I'm sure he'll be fine with it.
[Pablo] Are you nuts?
A few days ago, you weren't sure
about Ferrán meeting Regina,
now you want to take her
on vacation with him?
You're being illogical, Mariana.
Pablo, what's the matter?
You don't like me dating Ferrán?
No, we already talked about that.
You can date anyone you want.
Well, I want to go away with him
to get to know him better.
Fine, but the penguin doesn't have to go.
Go away with him if you want,
but I won't let you take Regina.
[Juan Carlos] It's not easy.
I don't know what to do.
I tried to talk to her.
She shut me down completely.
What's up with you?
Why didn't you come to the gym?
You left me alone with the lawyer.
I was there,
but I saw you enjoying your face mask.
Did you get a treatment
just to flirt with Tere?
[laughing] Oh, that's right!
You're trying to win Ana back.
Víctor, what are you talking about?
- I'm not interested in Tere.
- Well, neither am I.
- Actually, I have to go.
- [chopsticks clatter]
Víctor, come on!
I've never needed you more.
Look at all I'm going through.
Juan Carlos, I have important stuff to do.
[Ana] He's just jealous.
Jealousy clouds the mind.
How dare he say he won't allow it?
Who died and made him king
of allowing things?
You've both moved on.
He can't stop you
just because he's jealous.
You must stand your ground.
That's how I got Juan Carlos to let me be.
Are you really getting divorced?
I feel he's the reason
my kids are pulling away from me.
Trusting him again won't be easy.
It'll take some time, but
[inhales deeply]
One day at a time. [sighs]
I wish I had your clarity.
I have no idea what to do.
You have to go to Tulum with Ferrán.
Besides, you have two months
to change Pablo's mind.
[man] You can't let your guard down.
You have to focus on the details
to mount a precise attack.
Laura, Ana's attorney,
is my ex-wife.
If I'm a royal eagle,
she's a sharp-taloned vulture
whose beak will devour you.
This isn't reassuring at all.
Don't worry, Juan Carlos.
This is a war, but we'll win it.
We need to find out what Laura has done,
so we can be ready.
- Now, that's a nice house! Look at that.
- [Conrado] Mm-hmm.
Who cares?
That big house doesn't mean
Mariana can take the penguin.
Have you seen it?
I mean, it's pretty cool.
I don't even care.
- Yeah, right.
- You wish.
- [all laugh]
- [doorbell rings]
- Not it.
- Not it.
What's wrong?
My brother is being a jerk,
and I need someone to talk to.
All right, guys, the adults need to talk.
Can you clear out?
[Juan Carlos] Ana wants a divorce.
No way.
Why? What happened?
She's moved on.
She doesn't want a life with me.
I'm not sure, but I know Ferrán
had to do with her decision.
I saw him the other night at my doorstep.
But Ferrán is dating Mariana.
Are you sure about that?
I saw them myself, holding hands.
[scoffs] You got it wrong.
He wants to take Mariana
and Regina to Tulum.
What's this nonsense about
him taking them to Tulum?
He has a huge house in Tulum,
and Mariana is always taking his side.
I don't want to miss
Regina's first trip to the beach.
- That's a father-daughter thing.
- [Juan Carlos] Exactly!
You can't let that guy walk all over you.
Will he also take her to Disney
and skiing for the first time?
Will he pay for a Europe trip
when she takes a gap year?
No shit. If you let this go on,
he'll give her away at the altar.
Pablo, you need to make things
really clear to Mariana.
I had to hire a lawyer
because Ana is ruthless,
and you have to do the same.
You have to get a court ruling
to assert your rights as a dad.
Let me offer my services.
I offer divorces that guarantee
your manhood, self-esteem, and dignity
will stay intact.
Thank you, but I already hired
the services of an attorney,
Igor Santamarina.
Professor Laura's ex-husband?
That guy lost his dog in the divorce!
Conrado, Igor is the best family lawyer.
I can help you, right?
Please, you can't afford Igor.
Maybe Igor can handle both of our cases.
It may be for the best.
- I don't know.
- Just think about it.
I want what's best for you
and for everyone.
As soon as Juan Carlos
got his facial treatment [snaps fingers]
Boom! A ton of guys lined up,
and we made bank.
You and Juan Carlos can't seem
to stop talking about each other.
Since when is your brother
a touchy subject?
Ever since you broke it off with me
to clear the way for him.
What are you talking about? Clear the way?
I saw you flirting at the gym.
I'm not an idiot.
You know what? Yes, you are an idiot.
For your information,
if it hadn't been for him,
our product activation would've failed.
I wanted to see you today
to apologize for how I acted.
Sleeping with you wasn't a mistake,
but maybe I was wrong to think
we could have something serious.
I'd rather stay out of it,
but you're worrying me.
It's not about Mariana, Cynthia.
I don't mind her dating Ferrán,
but I don't like Regina
being around him so much.
This must be hard for you as a dad,
but I can tell you're spiraling.
Your energy should be focused
on your video game presentation,
not arguing with Ferrán.
- But Mariana
- She's your baby's mom. She knows best.
Pablo, I want your opinion.
It's also available in yellow.
I'm not sure which one
Regina would like better.
I should go check if Ana needs anything.
[Ferrán] It's for the trip to Tulum.
Thanks for letting us take her.
Hell no. I'm taking Regina
on spring break.
You're not ruining my plan with my kid.
Well, I'm not letting you
ruin my plans with Mariana.
Why are you so spiteful?
Security! Security!
I don't know what to say to her
or why I'm having these feelings.
All I know is I thought I saw her
flirting with Juan Carlos.
My mind kept picturing them together
like when they had their affair.
- I just lost it.
- [Lorena] It's not easy.
- [Víctor] No, it's not.
- But that's over now.
It's long over.
Find a way to get past it.
It takes a lot of
You have that in droves.
You think?
I'm sure.
Kids, I don't want us
to get into an argument.
To show how serious I am,
I'll toss these in the trash
and never bring it up again.
I know things have been difficult
since your dad and I separated,
but I want you to know
you can trust me with anything.
Do any of you have anything to share?
[whimsical music playing]
[Pablo] I can't trust you.
You were going to take her
without my permission!
Pablo, that's not true.
We had a deal.
[Mariana] No, we didn't.
We didn't even finish talking about it
because you went crazy.
Only because Ferrán
is a bad example for Regina.
Look who's talking!
The guy who almost knifed him.
It wasn't a knife. It was a pen.
Who do you take me for?
I don't know. Seriously,
it's like I don't even know you.
I don't get why you don't want Regina
to have cool experiences.
Why would you do that to your daughter?
Her new experiences
should be with me, not with that jerk.
I want her first beach trip
to be with her dad.
Wait, Pablo.
It took me by surprise.
Sorry, I didn't know I was so jealous.
I mean, it's not exactly easy
considering your history.
Forget about all that. It was stupid.
I want to apologize
and thank you for trying out
the facial treatment.
- You're serious about Tere, right?
- Well, yeah.
But I messed up.
I'm afraid I lost her forever.
If you're sure about your feelings,
you shouldn't give up.
- Is that right? Then what should I do?
- Mm-hmm.
Someone once told me
to use my dorky, old-fashioned charms.
[Víctor] Mmm.
Uh, it didn't help one bit,
but at least you'll know.
- Good morning, Mr. Monroy.
- [Monroy] Morning.
Hi, can I have your IDs?
- They're with me. They need badges.
- [man] Sure.
- [scanner beeps]
- Sorry, sir. You've been banned.
There must be some mistake.
- Can you check again?
- [man] Of course.
Go tell him.
Pablo, I'm sorry,
but after your violent outburst,
Ferrán banned you from the premises.
Those are his orders.
I'll show you a violent outburst
if I can't get to my office.
Pablo, let's reschedule
once you settle all this.
- I'll clear it up in a minute.
- Pablo, call my office.
You can't go in!
That's a violent outburst, asshole!
[Dora] What's wrong with you?
Call a doctor.
[Conrado] No fucking way.
That's messed up.
First, he tries to steal your kid.
Now, he ruins your business.
Mariana doesn't even realize
what a jerk he is.
Maybe Juan Carlos is right,
and your only option
is to file for shared custody.
She could try to keep you
from seeing her, man.
What happened, Ferrán?
You banned Pablo from the co-work space?
I'm sick and tired of him
and his outbursts.
You can't do that to him.
He's my baby's dad.
What else could I do?
He attacked me with a pen!
And now, he punched me.
I can't let him in.
You just ruined his chance to succeed.
He had a big meeting with some investors.
He didn't attack you with a pen,
he just deflated the whale.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know that meeting
was so important to him.
Who are the investors?
I'll call and explain it was a mix-up.
No, I don't think that's a good idea.
What can I do to fix this?
- Nothing. Just leave it.
- [Ferrán] Wait, Mariana.
I'm sorry.
Why don't we go to Valle de Bravo
for the weekend?
We'll forget about Tulum
and the stupid inflatable whale.
I just want us to be together.
I'll think about it, okay?
[Ana] Pablo shouldn't have attacked him.
I know.
I just never imagined
things would escalate like this.
I guess Pablo
is scared of losing his daughter.
I don't know if I should go with Ferrán.
I have Regina this weekend.
So, I don't need Pablo's blessing.
- But
- I think you know what to do.
Give it a try. If it doesn't work,
you'll deal with it then.
You deserve to be happy.
[phone chimes]
At least someone is happy today.
I hope Ceci really enjoys
her night with Darío.
Enjoy what? With whom?
Ceci promised she'd talk to you.
About what?
She's ready for her first time,
and she needed help finding a place.
That's what the condoms were for.
- What condoms?
- That little brat!
Take me to Ceci. Let's go!
[Igor] Be ready for the worst scenario.
Ana hasn't retained Laura yet.
But we must be ready.
Where are you living?
- I had to find an apartment.
- [Igor] Mmm.
That was a mistake, Juan Carlos.
Now, we have to get ahead
of Laura's arguments.
You have to follow my instructions
to the letter.
[romantic music playing]
[phone chiming]
[Ana] An aquarium?
How could you send her there?
Ana, please. We can't just show up.
But she's not picking up!
There's probably a reason for that.
[sighs] You're not helping.
Ramón, please drive faster.
[engine accelerating]
[Juan Carlos] Thanks!
Pablo, you took my advice.
Yeah, I thought about it a lot,
and I think you're right.
It's best to let the court sort this out.
[Conrado] I'm just tagging along.
- Working pro bro-no, obviously.
- Pro bono.
No, pro bro-no.
Because I'm doing it to help my bro!
It'll be fine, Pablo.
You're doing the right thing.
Good evening!
This way.
- May I help you?
- Hello, I'm Elena's friend.
The hall is occupied right now,
but they won't be long.
Hey! You can't go in, ma'am.
[gasps] Mom? What are you doing here?
You weren't answering your phone!
I'm with Darío.
Ceci, let's not piss her off.
Excuse me, ma'am.
[Ceci] What's wrong with you?
Are you crazy?
Why won't you let me live my life?
You told her, didn't you? I trusted you.
You promised you'd talk to her.
I'm your mother, not Mariana.
Why didn't you tell me?
I asked you to.
You're the one who should trust me.
You should be grateful
I have a friend like Mariana.
It's like having two moms.
Just like Regina and Valentina.
Ana, please forgive me.
I never meant to push you out.
I'm the one who's sorry.
I'm acting just like Pablo.
I was jealous
as a mom.
Lately, with all this stuff
between your dad and I
You'll always be my mother. Hmm?
If I'd told my mom something like this,
she would've sent me to a convent.
[Ana] I want things to be different
between us.
I want you to trust me.
I want us to be able to talk.
Mom, I don't think I'm ready
to hear about your sexual history.
I didn't tell my mom either
when I lost my virginity,
- but she did tell me all about hers.
- [gasps]
I want you to know something.
If being with him makes you happy,
that's all that matters. Hmm?
[man] One, two, three, and
We're here to deliver
A message of love ♪
For a woman who's stolen a heart ♪
- This is the story of a brother ♪
- [mouthing]
Who fell in love with a black sheep ♪
Can you sing it again? It's for her.
We're here to deliver
A message of love ♪
For a woman who's stolen a heart ♪
The sheep has taken a liking
To my heart ♪
If she promises to take care of it
I'll gladly let her have it ♪
- [laughing]
- Keep singing, guys!
We're here to deliver
A message of love ♪
For a woman who's stolen a heart ♪
[Mariana] Hi. [chuckles]
I know it's going to be a while
before things settle with Pablo,
and I know you've tried your best
to make me happy.
So, let's go to Valle de Bravo.
The three of us.
[gentle music playing]
What's this?
[Ana] Juan Carlos.
Good night, both of you.
What are you doing here?
Ana, this is my house too.
I'm not falling for your tricks.
- What are you talking about?
- My lawyer explained everything.
You want me out so you can claim
I abandoned the marital home.
I'm here to stay.
["Guerra Perdida" by Ale Aguirre playing]
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