Dr. Romantic (2016) s02e07 Episode Script


Why do you choose
to go down the difficult path?
Many trauma patients
are still visiting Doldam Hospital.
And the staff there
take pride in what they do.
What does that have to do with us?
If you decide to demolish Doldam Hospital
to build a hospital only for the rich,
you'll face internal opposition
and lose the local community's support.
At first, there will be opposition.
But once we give them some benefits,
they'll calm down soon enough.
That's how you work, Professor Park.
That's how you failed three years ago.
And I remember
that you had to step down in the end.
Like I said,
Bu Yong-ju isn't such an easy opponent.
I know.
I've noticed his strong presence
there at Doldam Hospital.
I'll show him the truth.
The age of distortion.
That the so-called
Doctor Kim's convictions
are dogmatic and dangerously nonsensical.
It locks up even righteous convictions
in black-and-white logic.
That the belief system he holds to
and deems as righteous
is completely unrealistic and impractical.
This strange world
even judges universal values
to be right or wrong
according to one's self-interests.
They think their power gives them rights.
They claim their privilege is justified.
So what?
Do you think you can get rid
of Bu Yong-ju by doing that?
They put basic civility behind them.
I believe the truth always has power.
I'll make sure
to prove that I'm right,
and he's wrong.
The world became a place for people
who believe they must crush another
to prove that they are right.
Nurse Park.
Did you know
that President Yeo was resigning?
No, I didn't know.
Must we keep it from everyone
even in this situation?
You promised that you would.
Nurse Um said that
he just left a letter and nothing else.
Ms. Oh seems quite upset because of that.
Now that all of this has happened,
it's pointless to keep it a secret.
Wouldn't it be better
to just tell them the truth?
About what?
What are you talking about?
Nurse Park.
Dr. Jeong!
Hey, what's going on?
What happened to Eun-jae?
-A guardian hurt her with a box cutter.
-Hurry up and call Doctor Kim!
One, two, three.
Take the gurney out.
Hold yourself together, Eun-jae.
Hey, Eun-jae!
-Give me more gauze to stop her bleeding!
-Right here, Dr. Jeong.
More gauze!
-And a D-set and EB!
-Got it.
And a hemostat.
I heard President Yeo was…
diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer.
When did you find out?
It's been about a month.
I was concerned about
the sound of his cough,
so I found out while examining him.
That's why
he suddenly went away on vacation.
He didn't want to cause a fuss.
Everyone dies,
so he wanted
to go down that path quietly
as if nothing had happened.
You're right.
Everyone goes down that path.
But it's President Yeo.
This all feels too sudden and strange.
Tell me your plan now, Doctor Kim.
I'm talking about Professor Park.
Your office is larger than I thought.
It's quite run-down, though.
President Yeo was a man
who liked simple things.
He used the furniture that was handed down
from former presidents.
Replace everything over the weekend,
especially the desk and that chair.
Those are too rough for Professor Park.
It's President Park, Dr. Yang.
Right, yes.
If you tell us the brand you'd like,
I'll replace those right away.
I'll let you know later.
Right, and he needs
a new coffee machine too.
-Professor Park--
-President Park.
President Park
likes to drink freshly brewed coffee.
Okay, a coffee machine.
-Is there a particular brand you use?
-I'll tell you that later too.
All right.
Oh, and if you need anything else,
just let me know.
I'll prepare it in a flash.
Right, anyway, it's a huge honor
to welcome such a great doctor
as Doldam Hospital's president.
I'm very grateful, and…
Excuse me.
Yes, I'm in the president's office.
If it's not urgent…
What? Who got hurt?
Dr. Jeong.
Eun-jae got hurt?
Where? How bad is it? What happened?
She was gashed on the neck
by a guardian who had a box cutter.
Dr. Seo is suturing the wound.
She would've been in grave danger
if it had gone in two millimeters deeper.
Are you sure you're doing a good job?
You must be back to yourself again.
I should've just asked Doctor Kim.
Isn't that part a little too tricky
for a mere fellow to mess with?
Your head.
I hope it doesn't scar.
Why did you step in to begin with?
The kid's mom was beaten up so badly.
How could I just stand around?
It's their family's business.
The violence broke out in the hospital.
Were you traumatized by domestic abuse?
I just stood up to him
along with the victim.
I'm sure it must be frightening
as a woman living in a foreign country.
That's called being nosy.
It's called human nature, Dr. Seo.
If you call that being nosy,
don't you think it makes the world
seem even colder and drier than it is?
But you shouldn't get hurt!
Doctor Kim.
How is she?
She bled a lot in the beginning,
but the major blood vessels
weren't damaged.
I injected TD and antibiotics.
Don't worry, Doctor Kim.
It's just a scratch.
You wouldn't have needed
seven stitches if it were a scratch.
It won't affect my ability
to see my patients.
And there's not a lot of pain.
It'll hurt once the anesthesia wears off.
Prescribe some painkillers for her.
Yes, sir.
Doctor Kim!
Doctor Kim!
Goodness, Dr. Cha.
Are you all right?
Yes. I'm fine, Mr. Jang.
That's good news in this unfortunate time.
What's going on?
May I see you out there?
I wonder what's going on.
They're discussing the incident right now.
What? Okay.
Doctor Kim!
What are you all doing here?
I'm glad you're here.
I was asking him about the accident.
If you want to talk about the accident,
do it at a police station.
Why are you doing that here?
An injury case broke out in the hospital.
We should call the police immediately.
The offender's husband
keeps asserting
that he's been unfairly accused.
What's so unfair?
That lady doctor messed with me first.
I was waiting in front of the ICU
all night, then I took a short nap.
That's when she suddenly came,
yelled at me, told me to leave,
and pushed me around.
It seemed like she was completely insane.
Although you didn't do anything wrong?
I came because my kid is sick.
What can I do wrong around here?
His life is in the doctors' hands.
We're the underdogs at the hospital.
The doctors have all the power.
Hey, man.
You acted violently,
then your wife hurt one of our doctors.
Stop disregarding the situation
while you play the powerless victim.
What you're doing now
is overusing your underdog status, okay?
Listen to him!
He just completely denounced me.
He's been like that with me
ever since I walked into the ER.
He told me off to my face
and kicked me out!
Did you do that?
No one is allowed to speak
or act violently in the ER!
And it only makes sense
to kick you out if you break that rule!
My gosh, this is driving me insane.
It's because I am ignorant.
My son was on the brink of death,
and I'm bad with words.
So it's true I got a little worked up.
But you can't call that violence.
That's an unfair and false accusation.
And what happened in front of the ICU
was just self-defense.
My wife was shocked
when that lady doctor attacked me,
so she was trying to protect me.
That's why, isn't it?
You were trying to protect me.
It was a mistake, wasn't it?
Do you agree with what he's saying?
My gosh, this is frustrating!
There's no need to be frustrated.
We can just check the security footage.
Don't you have any surveillance cameras?
Yes, we do.
We do have them.
Could we check the footage?
Mr. Lee, what do you think
is happening here?
It looks like
Dr. Cha picked a fight first
no matter how many times I watch it.
You can't run from this one.
Goodness. What should I do?
I'm all right.
Are you sure you're okay?
Yes, of course. I'm fine.
Don't worry about me.
Just seven stitches?
We've all done this as a kid.
You must've been shocked because of me.
The box cutter barely touched me.
See that? It's completely clean.
I was shocked because I bled so much,
but I ended up getting stitches
for a tiny wound.
Don't worry.
My gosh. I'm telling you, I'm fine.
But still, it could've been worse.
Of all places, it was…
That's true,
but don't you think I was totally lucky?
It grazed by major blood vessels
by just two millimeters.
Our job is pretty extreme, isn't it?
People swear to our faces all the time,
then we often get beaten up, sued,
and now, we get cut with a box cutter?
It's not like we can choose
the patients we take on.
It wasn't the lady's fault.
Her husband caused everything.
Are you the Mother Teresa of Doldam?
You shouldn't defend them.
I'm not defending them.
I'm defending myself.
We should be sorry for what happened.
If you keep saying it could've been worse
and that it was dangerous,
I'll be too frightened
to see more patients.
Don't you think so?
Come on.
I said that as a joke.
Just laugh, will you?
I'm totally fine. My gosh.
Man, I'm suddenly craving caffeine.
I'll get some coffee.
I need some coffee.
That means she's totally not all right.
I think so.
What can you do about it?
You should go home if that was too much.
Don't strain yourself.
No. I'm fine.
Don't pretend to be strong.
If I don't do that,
how will I last in this world?
You got hurt.
And you're living under a threat.
Why would you suddenly bring that up?
Just as you don't want
your weakness to be exposed,
I don't want people to see
my weak side either.
If I say I was distressed,
they'll say I'm way too weak.
If I say I was scared,
they'll say it's because I'm a woman.
If I can't be cool about it,
they'll call me a nuisance.
Who would say that in this situation?
People who say that are weird.
You were like that too.
You said I shouldn't have stepped in.
It was out of worry. Don't you get it?
What is this?
When I do it, I'm just stepping in,
but when you do it, it's out of worry?
Where's the line?
Where does stepping in begin,
and how do I do it out of worry?
Forget it. We're done here.
Hey, take the coffee.
I pressed the wrong button.
You can have it.
Hey, Dr. Seo.
Why didn't you keep your promise?
And why aren't you taking my calls?
Do you want to die?
-Let's talk outside.
I won't cut you slack anymore.
Today is your day of humiliation.
Ms. Oh.
What are you doing here?
I'm sorry
I couldn't tell you about
President Yeo when I found out.
You shouldn't have to be sorry.
You kept your promise with President Yeo
when he asked you not to tell anyone.
You don't have to apologize to me.
I never fathomed he would
leave like that.
He's always
neat and simple with everything he does.
Ms. Oh,
are you all right?
I'll have to be okay.
That's the last assignment
that he left for us.
We'll keep the Doldam spirit
and be ourselves.
I heard Dr. Cha got hurt. How is she?
Thankfully, her wound wasn't too deep.
I heard the new president is investigating
the details of the incident.
He must be awfully motivated already.
Anything else?
No, nothing so far.
That's not right.
Jessie, what happened?
Which one is the right one…
Man, unbelievable.
What are you doing here?
You don't have to mind me.
Just go do your job.
I'm here to talk to Seo Woo-jin.
Dr. Seo, do you know him?
Why can't you tell them?
You can't ignore me completely like that.
Do you know how much you borrowed from me?
Did Dr. Seo take out a private loan?
A private loan?
I don't care what it is.
You cannot do this here.
This is a hospital. It's a public space!
Put on your shirt and leave
before I call the police!
My gosh, you're so scary.
But I have bad news for you.
My pants are undone too.
-My gosh.
-What's with him?
-Oh, gosh!
-That's awful!
Oh, no.
It's so cold.
People of this hospital!
I couldn't get my money back
from some darned jerk,
so I have no clothes to put on
and no food to put in my mouth!
My goodness, Pal-sik, you poor thing.
You can't even eat anything!
He was on night duty yesterday,
so he's probably not at work.
-Then please hurry up and call the police.
-Yes, ma'am.
Stop doing this and go, okay?
Are you embarrassed because everyone
knows you took out a private loan?
Then pay me back, you jerk.
I gave you ten million won.
When will you pay back the rest?
Doing this won't help you get your money!
Then bring me a signed agreement!
I need to get something out of this
after I put on this absurd strip show
to save face.
Bring the money
or the signed paper.
I'm not moving an inch before you do so.
Gosh, this is great.
This is good.
Goodness. Wow.
What are you going to do?
It definitely looks like
you picked a fight first, Dr. Cha.
That was after the so-called husband
assaulted his wife first.
Where can I see that?
I don't see him
assaulting anyone in this video.
Of course, it's not on this video, but…
That means you have no evidence. Right?
You should go ask his wife.
I got hurt trying to stop her
from attacking her husband.
You can ask her--
We already did.
But their story is a little different.
How is it different?
She was really shocked to see you
suddenly attack her husband,
so in trying to protect her husband,
she ended up using
that box cutter without realizing it.
That can't be right.
She definitely…
What is it now?
Can you prove it?
Can you prove what you just said?
Why do I have to prove this to you?
You have nothing to do with this.
This happened in Doldam Hospital,
and it's Doldam's problem.
And it's now my problem too.
Professor Park Min-gook became
the president of Doldam as of today.
Thanks to him,
I'm stuck in this hospital too.
What do you mean?
It happened as of today, Dr. Cha.
So make sure you choose
the right side, Eun-jae.
And stop showing your hatred for me.
You're making me feel uncomfortable.
Make her apologize to him.
And we'll cover all the expenses
for their son who's in the ICU,
including all his treatment fees
and hospital bills.
Let us settle this case quietly in peace.
A doctor was hurt in the hospital,
and it could've been
a huge emergency if it went wrong.
"Quietly in peace"?
What are you talking about?
We all saw the security footage.
Dr. Cha suddenly grabbed
the guardian's neck for no reason.
You need to call her in and check
if she had a reason or not.
I'm guessing you want
to blow up this case,
but only Dr. Cha will suffer if you do so.
You'll never see a good ending
if you keep arguing
with such uneducated and ignorant people.
We'll only end up with a bad image.
For the hospital and Dr. Cha's sake,
it's best to cover it up quietly.
What if I can't do that?
It's simple.
If you refuse to do your job
as the chief of general surgery,
you can leave your job.
So, what's your plan?
What will you do
about Professor Park?
From now on,
no matter what we do, he will…
keep demanding us
to choose one or the other.
So, what will you choose?
Your livelihood
or pride?
What do you want to do?
Will you make her apologize
and cover this up quietly,
will you leave your job?
we can only do
either one or the other.
You're right.
Either we'll end up persuading them,
Doldam Hospital will shut down.
Yes, Doctor Kim?
Is Dr. Cha there?
Yes, and Dr. Yang Ho-jun
is in the staff room too.
He's putting a lot of pressure on Dr. Cha.
Tell her to wait.
I'll head over right now,
so tell her to not do anything
like giving an apology or whatnot.
Tell her to stay still.
What's with him?
-Goodness, Dr. Seo!
-Dr. Seo!
My gosh. Goodness.
-Get out.
-My back!
Goodness, man. You beat people up too?
Get out of here!
-My gosh!
Get out of here, you jerk!
Did you just hit me?
Okay, fine.
Let me take a tour of your hospital rooms
and get some settlement money too.
Hit me.
Hit me again!
Hold yourself back, Dr. Seo.
Let me go.
You don't have to step on some dung
and pay for the damages.
That's enough.
Did you just call me dung?
Yes, I did.
What you're doing right now
makes you look like dung, sir.
You jerk!
Dr. Bae!
-Are you okay?
-Dr. Seo!
Stop him!
Hey! You!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let go of me!
That hurts!
Let me go!
-I said I'll do it myself.
-Hold still.
Why butt in out of the blue
just to get beaten up?
All you do is fiddle with bones.
Why get involved?
Because he stepped in and got punched,
the situation didn't escalate.
My gosh.
Did you save Dr. Seo then?
Gosh, don't make it sound so grand.
My gosh, you're so awesome.
Dr. Yoon.
Don't you think you say that
to too many people?
Yes, I know.
There are so many awesome people here.
That's why I love this place.
Gosh, I don't need this. Let go.
Darn it.
How does it feel to wear the white coat?
You should've told me sooner.
This is a hospital. Keep it down.
By the way, why do you think Dr. Seo
borrowed money from a man like that?
He could've gone to a bank.
Banks can be mean.
Gosh, forget it.
They never offer umbrellas
to those soaking in the rain.
He needed money urgently,
but had no one to turn to.
A loan shark must've been his only option.
I see. That's what happened.
I don't know the details,
but his situation seems pretty nasty.
Gosh, enough of that.
Just call the cops.
I'll tell the cops
how much this punk owes me
and show them my injury.
I'll report it all, so call…
Gosh, that hurts.
I must have a broken rib.
So you're saying
you must press charges?
Yes, of course.
I must put that punk behind bars.
All right, then.
Nurse Park.
-Did you call the police?
-They're probably on their way now.
Escort them to him as soon as they arrive.
we'll be pressing charges too,
so consider yourself informed.
Me? Why? What for?
You punched one of our doctors.
You threw the first punch, didn't you?
There's more.
You barged into our hospital,
hindered our staff,
unlawfully tried to collect,
and threatened Dr. Seo.
And who told you
that you could take your top off
anywhere you please?
This is a public place.
Goodness, look at this squirmy worm.
What the heck? This is a dragon.
Dragon, my foot.
You look like a dried-up anchovy.
What? "A dried-up anchovy"?
Did you just insult me?
You'd need to be respected first
to be disrespected.
-You thugs
are like leeches that lend money
to those who are in desperate need of cash
just to take an unreasonable amount
of interest from them.
Gosh. "Leeches"?
Unbelievable. Who are you again?
Are you really a doctor?
I'm a doctor to those
who need medical assistance.
But when dealing with thugs like you,
I can turn into a mad dog.
I tend to go back and forth.
So don't come back here
unless you're ill or injured.
And one more thing.
Don't put on a strip show like this
anywhere you please.
Have some shame, okay?
Yes, sir.
Gosh, there's a crazy doctor here.
I'll tell you more when I get there.
Follow me.
There are two fellows at Doldam.
One of them is being chased
by loan sharks because of his debt,
and the other one is a CS
who's a troublemaker that can't even enter
the OR due to her anxiety issues.
He's been running this hospital
with good-for-nothings.
That man, Doctor Kim,
is obviously not all there.
Good point. How on earth did he save
all those patients
with such good-for-nothings?
He's obviously not an average man.
How about you replace the fellows first?
Those two I mentioned
lack in so many ways.
Seo Woo-jin, right?
Yes, sir.
He's the one who stabbed Hyun-jun
in the back at Samjin Hospital.
He's got decent hands, though.
But you let him go yourself
at the main hospital.
That was before I saw him operate.
We'll keep him on the team until we have
someone else who wishes to work here.
These days, it's rare to find surgeons
who are that skilled.
If we must get rid of someone,
it should be Cha Eun-jae.
I mean, there's no need to keep
a surgeon who can't even enter the OR.
Understood, sir.
Are you anxious, Dr. Yang?
Are you worried
that Dr. Seo might replace you?
Come on. He's no match for me.
He's several years my junior, Professor.
Right, so ease up.
Considering him your competition makes it
look like you're intimidated by him.
How long have they been harassing you?
How much do you owe them in total?
What is it? You don't want to tell me?
Because of your pride?
I'm just not used to things like this.
I never tell others about myself.
You can get going then.
Just like that?
Yes, just like that.
-What, then?
-I thought you'd hold me responsible
for what happened today.
What can you do, then?
"You could get fired."
I'm prepared for that.
If I fire you, then what about my money?
You promised to pay me back
over the course of ten months.
I will not let you leave
until you pay me back in full.
Don't even dream of it.
What? Got something else to say?
Why are you…
so nice to me?
When was I nice to you?
I always yell at you and scold you.
Don't think about anything else.
Just focus on your patients.
That's all I ask.
I have to say,
Doctor Kim is really awesome.
You said that to Dr. Bae earlier too.
I guess you like all kinds of men.
You've worked me out?
Actually, I fall in love very quickly.
Having crushes is like my hobby.
I understand that you tend
to fall in love quickly,
but how can having a crush be your hobby?
Can that be a hobby?
Of course, it can.
I fall for someone without his knowledge,
wallow in my own emotions,
and just break it off.
It's incredibly cost-effective.
It doesn't cost any money,
and you'll never be dumped.
I see.
I have to say, she has a point.
Who do you have a crush on these days?
One of our doctors?
Gosh, I can't tell you that.
Why not?
Is it because your crush
is someone who's in the ER at the moment?
My gosh! Who in the ER?
Is it…
Dr. Seo?
is it Dr. Bae?
Don't tell me it's Nurse Park.
Gosh, of course not.
Why not? What's wrong with Nurse Park?
He's the face of our department.
Come on.
Take your time and think about it.
I actually think you two
would have great chemistry.
Nurse Um.
That being said, why don't we ask him?
Nurse Park.
What do you think of Dr. Yoon?
Get back to work already.
See? He has no interest in her.
Chemistry, my foot. No way.
You don't even know anything.
Nurse Park.
Are you busy?
What's up?
Well, I was wondering how Ms. Oh is doing.
Is she all right?
Yes, she's fine.
I'm glad to hear that.
I was worried about her.
I'll be off, then.
Why not me?
Sorry? What do you mean?
You said it's just a hobby anyway.
It doesn't cost a thing
and you never get dumped.
But then, you said
you don't even consider me an option.
Am I that unattractive?
Well, I just didn't want
to put you on the spot.
Nurse Um and Nurse Joo were there.
But there's no one else here now.
You're right.
How about some beer after work?
At the pub, at 7 p.m.
Wait, Dr. Cha.
Where are you going?
I'm on my way to apologize.
But Doctor Kim gave you orders
not to do anything.
I should just go apologize
and sort out the situation.
Please let me through, Mr. Jang.
But… Wait.
Don't. There is no need.
What would you even say?
You sided with the victim
and even got hurt.
Still, things got out of hand
because of me.
So, what are you saying?
You'll apologize
when you don't even mean it?
Why would you waste your time
and energy like that?
Because I don't want things to get worse.
Have you ever thought
that choices that you've made
just to put your mind at ease
could actually be making things worse?
I feel so uncomfortable knowing
that I put the hospital in such a bind.
It's okay to be uncomfortable.
Just suck it up.
Doctor Kim.
People kneel down, bow, and stay silent
to make themselves feel better
and avoid problems,
thinking it's not worth the fight.
If you make excuses and get used to that,
you'll end up becoming
a worthless person who deserves
to be mistreated all the time.
-Do you understand?
-You've gone a little too far, sir.
Then go apologize on your knees.
The experience will teach you a lesson.
Doctor Kim is just worried about you.
He can be blunt and harsh,
but he's rarely wrong, you know.
I just wanted to do a good job.
I'm sorry.
I didn't want to cause trouble.
What a rude, annoying brat.
If setting aside my pride
could sort things out,
I believed I should go ahead and do so.
I thought I should just let things slide.
I thought that was the right thing to do.
But the thing is…
why am I so upset?
Good job.
He's telling me that I did a good job.
You know when to swallow your pride.
It sounds like he's complimenting me
for dealing with it
in a mature manner, but…
I heard you're having a hard time
because of your anxiety issues.
It's much better now.
Since I started to take the medication
Doctor Kim prescribed me,
I've operated on two patients already.
I see.
When do you plan to get married?
Pardon me?
Why do you ask?
I want to know when you're going to quit.
Why would I quit?
Frankly, only a handful…
of female surgeons last in this field.
All those smart women study very hard
to get their medical license.
But many of them get married
after a year or two of hard work.
Or when they become handy enough,
they get pregnant
and go on maternity leave.
Why is it that I constantly feel
so uneasy?
If you leave for a few years
because of your baby,
who do you think will fill your spot?
Those who are left behind, obviously.
Don't you think it's so unfair?
Well, I--
That's why I rarely hire female doctors.
If it's someone
who has OR-phobia on top of that,
I certainly don't need her.
May I ask what you're trying to say?
I'm sure you've gotten the message by now.
Find a job at another hospital.
Dr. Yang.
Take responsibility
for the trouble you caused.
That's why I went to them
and apologized in person.
What about the damage you've done to us?
Don't you know that we agreed
to pay for all their medical expenses?
You caused all this trouble
on President Park's first day,
so you have to take responsibility.
Right then and there, I learned my lesson.
It's okay to be uncomfortable.
Just suck it up.
People kneel down, bow, and stay silent
to make themselves feel better
and avoid problems,
thinking it's not worth the fight.
If you make excuses and get used to that,
you'll end up becoming
a worthless person who deserves
to be mistreated all the time.
Do you understand?
We'll give you a month.
Leave quietly before the month is over.
I've basically turned myself
into someone who deserves
to be treated that way.
It looks like Dr. Cha went to apologize.
However, I don't think it went well.
Good. Open up a little wider.
He was eating a cutlassfish.
He was enjoying it,
but a bone suddenly got stuck.
Oh, there it is.
-Forceps, please.
Wait! Just a second.
What's wrong, ma'am?
I read that you shouldn't pluck out
fish bones stuck in the throat.
-Says who?
-I read it on the Internet.
Then why did you even come here?
Sorry, you're right.
-Go on, please.
-Open your mouth.
The Internet is the problem.
It's full of misleading information.
Some people even come with diagnoses.
Why don't they just have
the Internet treat them, then?
Thank you, doctor.
No problem.
Be careful so it doesn't happen again.
Bye. Make sure you always chew well.
Will do. Goodbye, doctor.
I miss my dear Byeol now.
This is Doldam Hospital's ER.
Yes, go on.
I see.
What's wrong?
What now?
-What's wrong?
-The saturation suddenly dropped.
The saturation?
The lungs don't sound good.
The chest wall is retracting too.
Should we intubate him?
How much does this kid weigh?
He weighs 20 kg.
We have Broselow tape, right?
-Get it now.
It's blue.
Get a 5.5 mm endo tube now.
Ms. Oh.
A patient with terminal renal failure
is coming in.
But the thing is…
Do you think it's pulmonary edema?
What's the urine output?
The input and output is 150 ml, positive.
Then I don't think it's edema.
It's more likely pneumonia with ARDS.
Run a full lab, from CBC and CRP to ESR.
Also, put him on
a third-generation cephalosporin.
Okay, will do.
And carefully explain
his condition to his parents.
What's wrong? Is something bothering you?
No, sir. It's all good.
I'll do it.
-Doctor Kim.
You need to go to the ER now.
The ER?
Where? Who called?
We got a call from a prison.
One of the inmates got hurt.
He's on dialysis
for terminal renal failure.
But the thing is…
What is it?
He's serving a life sentence for murder.
Dr. Seo, were you called to the ER?
I'll drop this off
at Doctor Kim's office and join you.
Thank you for earlier.
You stopped me from hitting back.
When dealing with people like that,
you only lose if you get angry.
Do you know a lot about such people?
Just a little.
Get going. I'll join you shortly.
Have you seen the boy's parents?
Well, let me think.
I think they were here earlier.
Mr. Jang.
You're here, Dr. Nam.
What happened?
I heard a lifer is coming in.
He'll be here in 20 minutes.
Doctor Kim and Professor Park
are actually having
a heated argument about it right now.
A heated argument?
Call the ambulance right now.
Tell them we won't accept that patient.
Wait, hang on.
It's not like the ER is packed.
We have empty rooms as well.
And we have available ORs too, so why?
Why can't we take this patient in?
He could be a threat to other patients!
Ms. Oh, what are his vitals at the moment?
He's at 80 over 40, 110 BPM.
And he's bleeding heavily.
Did you hear that?
A terminal renal failure patient
is in shock due to excessive bleeding.
How could he be a threat to anyone?
He's a lifer who killed two people!
He's in shock due to excessive bleeding!
Look, Dr. Bu Yong-ju.
I guess you enjoy the thrill,
but I don't.
I want this hospital to be a safer place.
Who told you that being selective
about which patient to accept
will make this hospital a safer place?
In any case, he's a lifer
who committed murder.
It's not like we're well-equipped enough
to be able to accept such a patient.
We must avoid the possible risks.
That's my principle as a doctor.
Shouldn't we also think about
the safety of our patients and staff?
Do you realize
that you're contradicting yourself?
If you're that concerned
about the safety of our staff,
why didn't you do anything
when our fellow got attacked
and tried to cover it up?
They're two different cases.
That was clearly an accident,
and Dr. Cha apologized
because she felt partially responsible
for what happened!
It was clearly an accident?
Darn you.
My goodness.
Doctor, please help me.
-Hurry. Quick.
Get me some gauze. Quick!
Unbutton his shirt.
Hurry. Hurry up.
I'll check for rhythm first.
I'll take over.
Take a good look.
Domestic violence is never an accident.
Eun-jae got hurt while trying to help.
And you,
as the president of this hospital,
you should've tried to stop
this vicious cycle if anything,
but you swept it under the rug.
Had we called the police that day,
this would've never happened.
Give me a break.
You don't want to risk
ruining your reputation,
so you're just trying to avoid problems.
Doctor Kim, the paramedics just called.
Take him to the hybrid room immediately.
Got it.
What? Got objections?
Checking for rhythm.
Still nothing.
What do we do,
It looks like a brain issue, right?
Could surgery treat it?
I'm sorry, ma'am.
Shouldn't the hospital be restructured
so that it centers around you, sir?
Tell everyone to be well prepared.
Who'd donate their kidney
to a murderer like me?
A transplant for a patient
who's not even next in line?
The paramedic who's about
to be declared brain-dead…
-I can't agree to this.
-Not because he's a lifer?
Is it wrong to want to save him
while we can?
We must pay our respects.
Don't treat him as just an organ donor.
Treat him like a person.
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