Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s02e07 Episode Script

Prey of the Black Panther

Something tore up this whole area.
Maybe those rumors about
monsters in the Wakanda jungle
weren't just old wives' tales.
Whatever made these tracks
was enormous.
Our bullets just ricochet back at us!
It it just disappeared!
It was a giant, fearsome gorilla,
mighty chieftain,
whose fur
was the unnatural color of red.
The beast was impervious to our spears.
Such a thing has never been seen
in the jungle before.
So, at long last it begins.
What's the matter, junior?
Can't sleep?
Here, have some milk.
Couple of gallons of moo juice
always does the trick for me.
It's that Crystal dame, ain't it?
I don't know, Ben.
I just can't seem
to get her outta my mind.
I guess there's nothin' to do
but hope and pray
that Reed finds a way to break
the Negative Barrier
that holds her
and the other Inhumans prisoner
and keeps her away from me.
Yeah, well, don't worry, kid.
The big brain'll think of somethin'.
He always does.
I was right.
Stretcho's been burnin' the midnight oil
tryin' to crack
that stinkin' Negative Barrier.
Well, it ain't Christmas,
so that can't be ol' Saint Nick
and his boys up on the roof.
No need to spoil your beauty rest,
Clobberin' a prowler or two's
just the nightcap needed
to help this blue-eyed
Thing sleep like a baby.
Okay, Mr. Lucky, it's clob
What the?
No one's here.
[Thing groans]
So you wanna play tag, eh? My turn!
What? Fire alarm in the hangar.
What are you,
A.W.O.L. from the cast of Cats?
Not so fast! I ain't said "Uncle" yet!
- Ben! What's going on?
- Ah, sorry, Stretcho.
- Didn't wanna wake you!
- We're all awake now, Ben.
Well, c'mon. Or is it our new policy
to just let anyone
break into our new headquarters
and get away with it?
Ha, ha, ha. You're a girl
after my own heart, Susie.
Scooch over, let me drive.
Hang on, kiddies!
Magnetic waves seem to power
that craft we're pursuing.
[Sue] Better make that the craft
we were pursuing, dear.
- Oh.
- It's long gone.
Figure out why
after a good night's sleep.
You're right, darling.
May as well take us home, Ben.
I would if I could, pally, but
The ol' Fantasticar here
seems to have other ideas.
Hmm. That craft has locked
a highly magnetic tractor beam
onto us,
causing the Fantasticar to follow it.
- Follow it where?
- I don't know where.
But I'm sure we're going
to find out soon enough.
[Thing] Fine with me.
I'm lookin' forward to a rematch.
[Reed] Equatorial Africa.
My instruments show us over
an unexplored region
known as Wakanda.
The ship is approaching,
just as our chieftain said it would.
Now the Black Panther
will stalk once more.
Looks like the "over" part's about done.
This crate's fixin' to land.
- Fasten your seatbelts, class.
- There's nothing down there.
Except jungle.
The real foliage is concealing
a man-made jungle of steel and wire.
Even the boulders
hum like computer dynamos.
Who could have created
this electronic nightmare?
Why don't we just ask him?
Huh? Aw, nuts.
At last. The Black Panther's
prey has arrived.
Oh, yeah? Puss-in-Boots' prey!
Well, you better start
prayin' I don't catch you!
Thanks, Susie!
Why are you attacking us?
It's so difficult for a warrior
such as I to find challenging prey.
And now let the hunt begin!
He's gotta be kiddin'!
Flashlight beams ain't gonna stop
the orange heart-throb of millions!
They're not light beams, Ben!
Don't you feel that vibration?
We're being bombarded
by magnetic anti-polarity beams!
Auntie who?
They make us repel each other,
forcing us apart!
Until they wear off!
Reed! He's trying to separate us!
Maybe I can't stay with the others.
But I can still flame on!
- You!
- Come
Match your flame power
against my feline agility.
You reacted just as I knew you would.
In your honor,
I've designed my trap to be flameproof
and escape-proof.
Vacuum blasts puttin' out my flame!
Your sister is next.
Finally slowing down!
The polarity must weaken the further
I am from the others.
Your assumption is correct,
Susan Richards.
But the others cannot help you now!
My every sense is as sharp
as any jungle cat's.
I hear even the softest foot-fall.
My only chance is to stand stock still
and hope this generator drowns
out my breathing.
I applaud your cleverness,
Mrs. Richards.
But even when a Panther
cannot hear his victim,
he can always detect the scent!
No! How did you?
I have studied your powers well.
My speed allowed me inside
your force field
before you could seal it!
And now sleep gas will end
your futile struggling.
By the time you awaken,
the hunt will be over
and the Black Panther shall have
won his greatest victory.
Must've landed pretty far
from Reed and Susie,
'cause I ain't doin'
that nutty vibration any more.
[Thing] Sure am hot.
But even I ain't dumb enough
to drink this here jungle water.
You don't have to. Merely touching
my devitalizing fluid is enough.
The liquid has sapped your strength,
allowing me to fight you as an equal.
Well, goody for you, Tabby.
Need a breather.
That phony water of yours really
Fooled you!
Your strength has far exceeded
my expectations,
but I am ever prepared!
You will thaw out eventually,
but not before I defeat
the most dangerous foe of all.
Once I have bested Reed Richards,
the hunt will be ended.
Let's end it right now, Panther!
If you've harmed my wife,
so help me I'll
She's safe enough for now.
You, however
We jungle cats can see in the dark.
Unfortunately, mere humans can't!
Nor can they escape
from my titanium shackles.
I don't understand your motives,
Black Panther.
But you'll soon learn the hard way
that nobody attacks the Fantastic Four.
Hmm. Empty words.
The hunt is over.
The Black Panther is victorious!
- Think so, masked man?
- Who said that?
Here's a little hint.
It rhymes with scorch!
Sorry I'm late, brother-in-law. I had
to defrost the big orange Thing-cicle.
- But how?
- Remember me, Felix?
- Sue, are you all right?
- Not a scratch, dear.
I am your prisoner, Fantastic Four.
- How did the Torch manage to
- Free myself? I couldn't.
While you were hunting Ben and Sue,
I was tracking Johnny and freeing him.
I overestimated myself
and underestimated my quarry.
Perhaps I do not yet have
the skill necessary to save my people.
Save your But who are you?
Remove your force field, Mrs. Richards.
You have my word I shall not
attack any of you again.
And T'Challa, hereditary chieftain
of the Wakandas,
does not give his word lightly.
- Yes, but
- It's all right, dear.
Chief? You mean I've been
clobberin' the Lion King?
- Hey. Over here.
- Hi there, junior.
Looks like you can start a Wakanda
branch of your fan club, Benjy.
It ain't every day a kid sees
an ever-lovin' blue-eyed Thing.
[Johnny] I hear that.
So we've gone
from prey to honored guests.
whatever did you think you'd accomplish
- by fighting the Fantastic Four?
- Ah, please, Susan.
Your wife is right.
I have much explaining to do.
It all began ten years ago,
when a scientist
made his way to Wakanda.
He called himself Ulysses Klaw,
the Master of Sound,
and demanded our sacred mound
of the precious eternal rock
from my father, T'Chaka, who refused.
Begone! This land is ours!
For years,
the worid called me mad to hunt
for what that mound of yours contains.
Pure vibranium!
The one element necessary
to power my sound transformer!
Don't you see? With the vibranium,
I can transform pure sound
into any living form I desire!
Oh, how the worid
will grovel before Klaw!
I command you to leave Wakanda!
So speaks T'Chaka the Chieftain.
Then why bother speaking at all?
- That's when I heard a sound
- [gunshot]
I would remember all my life.
- Father!
- They have slain T'Chaka!
But his death shall not go unpunished!
It was not to be.
My father's warriors were no match
for Klaw's strange weapon
which converted sound into pure energy.
From this moment, Father,
I live only to avenge this evil deed.
I shall be as strong and as fearless
as the sacred Black Panther.
Drive them out!
The vibranium must be mine! All mine!
[crazed laughter]
You have slain my father!
Oh, and I can arrange
for you to join him.
My hand!
I had not the strength
to control Klaw's evil device.
Otherwise, he never would have
escaped our village that day.
I'll be back! Do you hear me?
Do you pathetic savages
think you can stop Klaw?
The vibranium will yet be mine!
Ha, ha, ha!
As the new chief of the Wakanda,
I realized I must prepare
for his eventual return.
Selling off small amounts
of our vibranium allowed me
to amass a fortune
and attend the finest schools.
Using my knowledge
of advanced physics,
I designed complex inventions
to test and hone my skill,
all the while training myself
for my supreme test.
To hunt the Fantastic Four.
You sound a bit confused, pal.
Why take us on
when it's that Klaw clown you're after?
Ah, it's simple, Ben.
T'Challa felt that he needed a challenge
in order to test his fighting skill.
If he could defeat the Fantastic Four,
he'd know he was ready for Klaw.
Not only are you intelligent,
Reed Richards, but wise as well.
You realize we all could have
been killed in your little hunt.
- Including you.
- Yes, I was wrong.
Revenge blinded me.
I pray your forgiveness.
They're They're beautiful.
They are sculpted from our sacred rock.
Pure vibranium.
The Sensa-scope.
Something approaches Wakanda.
Klaw has returned!
- My flames don't faze him!
- Johnny!
Stand back, Sis!
Gotta use Nova Heat
to escape this crimson Kong.
Johnny, no!
[Johnny screams]
- Quick thinking, Mrs. Richards.
- Johnny! Is he all right?
He'll be all right. He was just caught
in the shock wave
when his own Nova Flame
rebounded against him.
Klaw boasted he could turn
sonic energy into living matter.
Creating monsters like that gorilla
requires complex machinery.
There's only one place
it could be hidden.
Panther! Klaw is too dangerous
to face alone. Wait up!
[Sue] Darling!
Be careful.
Oh, Johnny.
My sonic creations
will trample Wakanda to dust!
Then the vibranium will be mine.
My father gave his life
to stop you, Klaw.
Now his son is prepared to do the same.
You were smart enough
to find me, little prince,
but too stupid to realize
you strolled right into a trap!
[crazed laughter]
Fool! You cannot stop Klaw.
Hope you don't mind
if I use some of your soundproofing!
Klaw's own force glove
is shorting out the converter.
- A sonic explosión is imminent!
- Then we must be faster.
[Klaw cackles]
This day has my father,
T'Chaka, been avenged.
Thanks to you, my noble friends,
the Black Panther need stalk no more.
Klaw has been
- [squawking]
- [Klaw] Reborn.
Reborn as the most powerful
being on Earth.
I am living, solidified sound.
Nothing can stand before me.
Flame on!
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, you sonic sleazeball!
Here's one Thing
that's standin' before you.
Fools! My sonic power is limitless!
Behold the monsters
I can create at will.
The armbands! Of course! Vibranium!
Mind if I borrow this, dear?
You want me, Klaw? Here I am.
No! My sonic beams are
Useless against pure vibranium, Klaw.
[Reed] The one element
that can absorb sonic energy.
Klaw will not be defeated so easily.
You wanted all our vibranium, Klaw.
Enjoy it.
No! No!
Klaw's sonic energy
is being totally absorbed.
Well, you gotta say one thing
for that super-villain.
He gave big bang for the buck. Ha!
And you guys did a pretty
bang-up job on my new bracelets.
It will be my honor to replace them,
but first
The mantle of Black Panther
can now be laid to rest.
His missión is done.
T'Challa, the worid has many dangers.
For your people's sake,
and the entire worid's,
a man with your powers can never rest.
So what do you say?
Then let the monument of the Panther
stand tall.
The Black Panther
is ready to stalk again.
Now you're talkin', Shere Khan.
Man, what a sight!
And I bet the pigeons are gonna do
a little stalkin' of their own
on this baby!
[Ben laughs]
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