Four More Shots Please (2019) s02e07 Episode Script

Step Into The Light

Don't be afraid.
Stop hiding.
Take a chance on yourself.
Put an end to this fight
and step into the light.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
our firm's newest senior partner.
The illustrious, Anjana Menon.
Round of applause for her.
Thank you, everyone.
The only Indian lawyer
I consider my equal
even though she hasn't been to
Harvard Law like me.
You must then be hurting from
losing to a lawyer from NLS.
Maybe I let you win.
It's called chivalry.
Ain't dead yet.
If only I could encounter such
chivalry every day.
But you have to admit,
nothing beats Harvard Law.
How many times did you
appear for LSAT?
I passed the second time.
I topped CLAT in the first go.
Harvard Square, nightlife at Cambridge,
the best thinking minds in the world
giving lectures in law.
Beat that, Miss Menon.
Bangalore pubs, Cubbon Park,
the best Indian law minds
giving guest lectures
and our Indie rock scene.
Beat that.
Indie rock scene!
I was there watching U2 perform live
and The Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd.
There's no coming back from that.
A minute of silence.
I just realized how old you are!
Grab a seat, Miss Menon.
Umang, be natural. Relax.
-Look at this.
-Have a look at this, bro.
-It's not it's not looking good.
-She's looking too stiff.
-Like just befriend her.
-Tell her to calm down.
Umang, forget the camera.
Just workout like you do every day.
Grab some dumbbells.
It's looking too masculine.
Grab something lighter.
Aren't these too light?
It doesn't matter, Umang.
It's about looking hot.
It's about looking sexy.
Umang, show a little more power.
This is all the power
I can show with such light weights.
You just need to act.
And not like you're constipated!
You guys don't get it. I'm on a
high-protein diet since morning!
I've eaten eight egg whites!
I'll obviously be constipated if
I use such light weights!
Get a laxative brand to sponsor this!
Umang, take off the jacket.
Excuse me.
And the sneakers.
Ma'am, those belong to the sponsors.
Place them at the side.
They will be seen more prominently
at the edge of the frame.
Who is the
-You're the hairdresser?
-What's your name?
Justine, I want a simple ponytail
and natural makeup.
Samara, won't it look boring on camera?
Come here.
We're gonna frame here.
So low angle.
We want that elongation.
-Get details.
Details of her body.
It's lovely. It's going to look lovely!
So fucking good!
You see what we were doing?
With you in that frame?
Hello, baby. Your sister Arya loves you.
And baby loves you!
-You look great.
-Thank you!
In my second trimester, I was as big
as an inflated balloon!
And I was working every single day.
-Really? That must have been so hectic.
And I'm sure Varun never helped.
He's such an ass.
-Who's an ass?
-No nobody.
Turmeric milk!
Come, come.
Thank you.
Foot stool?
Not bad, Varun.
It's an Ottoman.
Thank you.
You should be a full-time nurse
or a caregiver.
You'll make a fortune.
Anjana, please don't ruin
things for me.
I adore Varun 2.0!
I mean breakfast in bed
and foot massages at night.
It's awesome!
you've changed.
Men can do that?
Is that humanly possible?
Sometimes. Like when
Neanderthals became Sapiens.
Evolution and such rare occasions.
What can I say? I'm a
rare evolved butterfly.
How exotic!
Keep fluttering around.
I'm leaving.
Bye, guys. See you!
-Bye, Mom.
-Bye. You take care.
-You, too.
Arya, come on!
Come, let me show you
what I got you.
Come, come, come!
Listen, we need to talk.
I'm feeling very guilty
about what happened.
Guilt is good.
It means that
you won't screw up again.
If I remember correctly
you k.i.s.s.e.d. me back.
It was a reflex action.
Like for a millisecond. And then
I pushed you away, remember?
Pookie aunty, come catch me!
Wait! Where are you going?
We can't let Kavs know.
Of course not, Varun.
It was a big mistake.
This will never happen again.
Best to just forget about it.
Sam, I'm home.
How was the fitness video rehearsal?
Producers' happy?
It was weird. I don't know
it felt fake.
When I train you, it feels natural.
It feels real.
Actually, why can't I train you
in my videos?
Just imagine how hot
that will look!
In a web video, with my ass
up in the air?
Come on, baby, that would be
crossing the line!
What line?
Because I'm a star! I
I don't need this.
It will be humiliating.
People will think that it will
be the last nail in my coffin.
-You know
I don't know what I say sometimes.
I'm sorry.
Can you can you turn
down the blender?
I said I'm sorry.
I should know better.
Why would a superstar want to feature in
my desperate fitness video?
It's not desperate.
It's your video.
It will be amazing.
But it will be the last
nail in your coffin, right?
I want to do this.
For you.
For me?
For us.
Umang, you got me fit again.
You pulled me out of the black hole.
I I want to show the world
exactly what you're capable of.
Please! I'm sorry.
Make a video with me, baby.
Come closer.
It's my special solo
performance tonight, Papa.
Will you come with Mummy?
Papa, I've tried so many things in life.
But, this might be something
I'm actually good at.
Please, Papa. I need you there.
Papa, I need my best friend.
No matter how ridiculous the fancy dress,
parents still love their kids!
They'll love your show, Sids.
I don't even know if they're
both coming.
-Maybe Papa
I'm so excited! I'm so excited!
Thank you for coming, Papa.
How long is the show?
My set will run for ten minutes.
We have dinner with the Mehrotras
and I do not want to be late.
Hi, Uncle. Good evening.
I'm Amit, Siddhi's friend.
Hi, Sumit. How lovely to finally meet you.
-Likewise, ma'am.
-He is very cute.
He's much better looking
than I expected!
I'm paying him a compliment.
He likes it!
-It's Amit first of all.
-Okay, yes.
So, sir.
All good in the hood?
Your daughter stole my heart.
What the fuck was that?
Hi, guys, sorry I'm a little
nervous today
because my parents are here
in the audience.
Watching me perform
for the very first time.
Although, I have performed
quite a few times
for strangers like you.
Except back then
I used to strip on the internet.
No, seriously. Don't laugh.
It's not a joke.
Hashtag, true story!
For the half of you who are
googling me at this point,
let me just save you some time
and data and tell you
that I never did the full Monty.
Although, there was this one guy
who used to barbecue wearing
nothing but an apron.
And I was panicked that
he would end up barbecuing
something else instead!
So, what was a cultured, south of the
Sea Link girl like me doing
standing in her lingerie in front of
half a million subscribers?
Guys, you know, the road to self-love
is through self-hate.
All I wanted was some
love and validation.
It sounds fucked up, right?
But, do you know what's
more fucked up?
An eight-year-old girl on a diet.
And then, when I was fourteen years
old, the fuck up became bigger.
My friends started telling me
that your boobs are so big,
you should name them.
I said fine.
And I named them.
Karan one, Karan two.
But the mother of all fuck ups was
when I met a NRI boy for marriage.
And he had the balls to tell me
that my ass is so big,
it needed a pin code of its own.
-Oh, my God!
I've made a separate hit list
of the NRI grooms.
And I will thrash each one myself!
Correct. Correct!
So much attitude. What for?
I mean, they live in some tiny corner
of Silicon Valley
and behave like the Taj Mahal
is their outhouse.
Like an assembly line
mini golf every Tuesday,
Mexican food every Wednesday,
home food all day and
sex on Sundays.
Please spare me.
I hate home food
and I want sex every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.
And Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays.
She is rocking it!
So, you know there are these
filters that give you abs, right?
I tried one of those fat-free filters.
But I still couldn't find
my knight in shining armor.
Instead, what did I get?
Manish from Surat.
Who actually messaged me and said…
"Babes! Hot cleavage.
Tell me bobz size."
So, when I asked him if he
was a bra salesman,
he actually tells me, "Fuck off, whore.
Get your stomach stapled."
You know, when I used to go
onto Sexybod site,
not one person called me fat.
Not one person called me busty,
buffalo, fatso
or whatever it is that you all thought
when I first walked up on stage.
On that semi-pornographic site,
is where I learnt how
to accept myself.
How to accept myself in this size ten,
God gifted, fully functioning body.
And that's when I realized that the
biggest fuck up in the whole world
is the idea of flawless beauty.
You know, even when the most
gorgeous girl in the world
looks at herself in the mirror,
she only sees her flaws.
She's either too dark or too short
or too skinny or whatever.
Man-made notions of ideal, perfect
beauty upheld by society.
So, now when people ask me,
"Hey, Siddhi! What's up?"
I just tell them
my self-esteem.
Well-done, Siddhi. Well-done!
So proud of you!
Really, Papa?
You were born to do this.
You smashed it!
Thank you, Papa!
Sorry darling, I couldn't
protect you from the world.
And this guilt was eating me alive.
No, Papa.
You've loved me so much that
I learnt to protect myself.
I'm sorry, Papa.
I love you.
I love you too, darling.
Group hug?
Hey! Where did you come from?
Just joking! Come on! Come!
1.3 million views?
In three days!
We've gone viral!
Oh, my God. Forget the views.
Let's read the comments.
They love me again!
So awesome!
That was a fabulous meeting
with Titus Corp.
Thank you so much for bringing
them to our firm, Miss Menon.
You're welcome, Mr. Bose.
Cheers to you.
And also
thank God nothing happened between us.
You know, you were absolutely right.
It would've complicated everything.
Yes. I told you.
I mean it's better like this, right?
We're professionals.
We work together.
It's better, right?
And now I've made you think about
what if we had?
Reverse psychology, Anjana.
Works every time.
Shashank, aren't we a little old
to play these games?
I'm not playing a game, Anjana.
Should we leave?
Thank you for the lift, Mr. Bose.
You hesitated back there
at the restaurant.
I was being polite.
I thought that you--
There's nothing to think about.
The famous false denial all over again.
You know everything about me?
I know that it bothers you.
Bothers me?
Because I'm getting under your skin.
And you're scared.
Of what?
Are you holding back, Miss Menon?
Can't always give in to temptation, right?
You want to go somewhere else?
I I got to go.
Guys, I'm sorry! I'm
he's married.
Anj, I saw the two of you.
In the car.
Making out like horny teenagers.
Shashank is exciting,
he's smart, he
-challenges me.
-Once again
he's married.
It's an open marriage.
Open or not, I don't give a fuck!
I'm worried about you because
you might get hurt!
You and Shashank have no future.
And what if I don't want a future?
Anj you really think you
can carry on with this
without getting emotionally invested?
Remember what happened
with you and Arjun?
Arjun was an entirely
different matter, Sids!
Really? How?
He wanted a future, marriage, kids!
None of that is going to
happen with Shashank!
Okay, fine.
If you've already
rationalized all of this, then
why the hesitation?
Not hesitation.
Don't do it, Anj.
Open marriage or not,
they are still married.
I agree. It's just going to get
really messy.
Hear everyone out.
Do what you want.
It's your life.
Do what you think is best for you.
Thank God.
At least one of you is on my side.
No, Anj. Don't misunderstand.
I am not on your side.
But as your friend,
I support your decision.
There's a difference.
Give it to me straight, please?
I just think this relationship
will run on fifth gear.
And then, it will head for a crash.
Whether you have your
seat belt on or not,
there will be some damage.
Bye, Dee.
Let's go.
Just relax.
The doctor will be here any minute.
She'll run some final checks and
then we'll move you to the OT.
And don't worry.
A couple of days of rest and
you'll be fine.
Done so soon?
How are you feeling?
Why didn't they give you a wheelchair?
Dee, what happened?
What's wrong?
Are you in pain?
I couldn't do it.
I couldn't go through it I
I I couldn't do it!
I couldn't do it!
-It's okay.
-It's okay.
It's okay.
-It's okay.
-It's fine.
It's okay.
You know ever since
I was eleven years old,
I had five year plans.
Like government plans?
It was called
Damini Planning Commission.
I had a slogan.
India's growth is Damini's growth.
At eleven, I was just trying
to figure out
how I could hide from Sneha and
eat Julie's cupcakes.
And I was trying to figure
out what will be better
a sports bra or like a t-shirt bra.
You know, to reduce
the movement in my bosom!
Who says that anymore!
Do you know, I've never
played with dolls.
Never got them married.
This marriage, settling down
was never part of the plan!
Dee, how often does life
fall in line with our plans?
But I want to control everything!
And for the first time, I feel like
life's taking a whole different turn
and I'm just following through blindly!
Let's go.
Two one-way tickets on this
new, crazy, unplanned
journey, I guess?
-Five one-way tickets?
Correction. Six.
-What about Arya, guys?
You forgot about her, didn't you?
What's wrong with all of you?
She's dying to be an elder sister,
by the way.
So sweet.
Okay. Cheers!
To the six of us!
Papa helped get me a stall
and a panel discussion
at the Fort Lit-Fest.
His newspaper is the main sponsor.
In India, nepotism is wrong
only when others do it.
I have a headache, I'll
I'll stick to water.
Do you want a pill?
No, no. I'm fine now.
I'll just sleep it off.
Don't be so stressed about
tomorrow's panel discussion.
You'll be great.
So, chow mein
Kung Pao prawns.
I think, this place uses a lot of
flavor enhancers.
No, they don't.
It's all about the umami.
Not feeling experimental or hungry.
But you go ahead.
I'll serve you?
What's going on, Damini?
Jeh, I
I need to tell you something.
Okay, what is it?
I hate Indian Chinese.
Did you seriously think I'd
choose chow mein over you?
Okay, look. I promise I will never
order any Chindian food again.
No chow mein, no kung pao
and especially none of that chilly
garlic whatever that is, okay?
I promise.
Can we go back to sleep?
Or do you want to eat some more?
You'll eat some more?
Thank you.
Bloody February.
Oh, man.
Great. My book's come in handy
for squatting flies!
Can you stop with the pessimism?
It's just ten in the morning, okay?
So, relax.
They've stuck us in a corner.
No one's going to notice us.
Look. They're all walking past us.
Come here people!
I think we need a fire-eater.
Or a cool, good looking bartender?
How's the baby doing?
How many copies have you sold?
Guys, I have a panel discussion.
I must go.
She's been acting strange
since last night.
Why is she avoiding me?
-She's just nervous.
-Low-carb diet.
She has the loosies.
-Hi, Damini.
I'm Nidhi, one of the organizers.
Nice to meet you, Nidhi.
How are you?
-Yogita is moderating the panel, right?
Yes. Didn't you get Alwin's email?
Actually, there's no network
on my phone since the morning.
I think there's a reception
problem here.
I'm sorry, Damini but the
topic has changed.
Oh! Really? That's not what
the schedule says.
Topic is the same. But it has
a different angle now.
Bloody February won't fit in.
Okay, no problem.
Can I then just talk about my book
for five minutes
if that's okay with you?
I'm sorry, Damini,
that's not possible.
Only panelists are allowed to talk.
And we have a new author
on the panel so
No, no. I get it. I get it.
Political pressure.
No, no. We don't bow
down to political pressure!
-Dee! What happened?
-What's wrong?
They dropped me from the panel.
How can they even do that?
They really think they can
shut me up so easily?
Judge Damodar gave his life
for the truth.
I owe it to him.
I owe it to him to
not keep quiet, right?
-Yeah, what can we do?
Anj, I need your help.
Why do you think there's a conspiracy
behind Judge Damodar's death?
Judge Damodar was about to deliver
a verdict on the bombings of 2012.
And just a day before the verdict,
he is found dead.
Rumors claim suicide.
Why would a happy, successful and
committed man commit suicide?
So, you believe it was a conspiracy,
not suicide.
When his son decided to
probe his death,
the entire family suddenly
died in an accident.
people like you
should be shot dead.
Hey! Back off all right!
No, no. It's fine.
It's fine.
Sir, why do you feel
I should be shot dead?
Because you're anti-national.
I'm not an anti-national, sir.
I love my country so much
that I can question the
government without fear.
Isn't that the difference between
a democracy and a dictatorship?
Loving your country doesn't necessarily
mean loving your government.
Go write your feminazi bullshit!
Why this sudden interest in politics?
Damodar was bought over by
the urban Naxals.
And he committed suicide
out of shame.
And, how do you know this, sir?
Were you there?
Everyone knows.
Courtesy WhatsApp University?
Fuck off! You worthless prostitute!
-One second.
If you have so many problems
with the Indian Government,
then go to Pakistan!
-This man's absolutely right!
-Just shut up!
Why? Why should I go to Pakistan?
This is my home
as much as it's yours.
And I have the right to
voice my opinion!
Even prostitutes are better than
prostitutes who sell their own country!
-Hey, man!
-That is not right!
-Be civilized!
-You are talking to a woman.
Which political party's
payroll are you on, sir?
What gets you this angry?
Bloody whore!
Hold it! Jeh!
Jeh, don't get into this!
You go from here!
-You okay?
-I'm okay. You okay?
Moron! Go get an education first
and then a bloody job!
Stop being a political stooge!
And ever heard of
freedom of expression?
This is a democracy.
We can say whatever we want to!
-Back off!
I was alone today.
Tomorrow, it will be you!
Look out for yourself, sir.
I have plenty of people who have my back!
Go, Damini!
Thank you!
-All right!
To Damini
whose mind is without fear
and head is held high.
-To Damini!
-To Damini!
That's good.
All right, ladies
-Oh, God!
Jeh, are you okay?
I'm deliriously happy! My girlfriend
is a best-selling author!
Jeh, we sold only
ninety-two copies. Please.
It'll be ninety-two thousand tomorrow.
-Heights of optimism that is!
All right, ladies! Drink up! Drink up!
Come on, Dee.
Dee, I love you!
This is going to be amazing!
So good. So good!
Have some lime.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm great!
-It's the best day ever, right?
-Drink up, guys!
-All right!
Thank you!
What do you think?
You'll stop smoking, drinking,
eating Chinese food
and he won't figure it out?
I don't want to lose him again.
But if he finds out from someone else,
you will actually lose him!
I know. I know.
Have you told Warsi?
Why should I tell Warsi?
I'm going to raise
the baby myself. Alone.
Dee. He's the father of the child.
He has the right to know.
Darkness and pain
had become a part of my life.
And then one day you suddenly
walked into my life
and since then my life has
been full of light.
I just I don't want to go
back to that darkness.
And you won't have to.
I know.
Because now you're with me.
Which is why
I want to make sure that
we spend our lives together.
Umang Singh.
Will you marry me?
You're the Pranayam to
my Surya Namaskar.
-The bicep curl to my lunge.
You you're the warm-up
to my marathon.
Okay, half marathon.
Because I can run the
full marathon with you.
All I want every day is to
go to bed with you,
wake up next to you,
hit the gym together,
meditate in the most beautiful aromas.
And make Kale smoothies with you.
Marry me because I can't wait
to spend the rest of my life with you.
Marry me so that we can
step only in light together.
Marry me
so that we can show the whole world
how much we love each other.
So much enthusiasm?
-Yes! Yes! Yes!
-Yes? Yes!
Of course, yes!
Are you kidding me?
-Oh, my God!
-Oh God, I love you, baby.
I love you so much.
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