Franklin and Bash (2011) s02e07 Episode Script

Summer Girls

"karpal" tunnel.
Hey, dude.
We'd invite you in, but I think we're at max, And with the fire code, rules are rules.
Can I chat with you for a second? Sure.
What the hell do you think you're doing? Well, your uncle asked us To show the summer associates infeld after dark.
I seriously doubt that my uncle authorized A walking h.
Disaster on firm premises.
My first job was in the crown court.
In fact, it was at the old bailey.
I met the son of jack the ripper.
Ironically, his name was also jack.
That looked like your uncle.
Or your boss.
Or your buncle.
Just try to keep itDown.
See something you like? Stare much, creepy? Who's that? That's elisa farrell.
She's a summer associate from s.
She's a friend of ours.
You want to meet her? No.
I -- I'm going to do someWork.
Yeah? He's shy around girls.
Return your key.
Stand at attention.
Franklin and mr.
Bash? Ah, I am mr.
You can call me jared.
He's mr.
He prefers "mr.
" he's kind of stuffy.
Petty officer first class monica ward.
This is petty officer first class nicole toomin, United states navy.
We're your 6:00.
Uh, why don't we go to the conference room, Get away from all this After you.
Thank you.
Hop to it.
Left, right.
Oops, I'm dyslexic.
The whole thing started at rusty jones.
Rusty is your boyfriend.
It's a bar up by schofield naval base.
All the sailors go there.
Couple of navy guys, they walk up to us, Start giving us a hard time.
Things got heated, and punches were thrown.
Punches? They assaulted you? They wish.
We laid them out.
You -- you laid thout? You hit them.
They didn't leave us much choice.
Squid van was there to pick us up.
Squid van? Yes, sir.
Schofield sends out a van to pick up any troublemakers Before the cops arrive, But when it took us back to base, The military police were waiting to arrest us.
We've put in 10 years of service.
This is our last shot at e.
Well, sure.
You got to take the shot at, uhE.
Take the shot.
Yeah, take the shot.
No clue.
" "explosive ordnance disposal.
" Yeah, that's what it is.
IKnew that.
The closest women get to navy seals.
And we may lose it all.
The military appointed us Two inexperienced defense lawyers for our court-martial.
But, word is you two were the best Barroom-brawl defense lawyers in any court.
This guy.
This guy.
Schofield's just north of malibu.
Supposedly sick surf not open to the public.
Surfed it this morning.
You are badass.
I know.
What do you say we take a ride up there, check it out? It's the least we can do for these brave women, right? d ooh, what a mixture d d such a vivid picture d d ooh, what a mixture d d if I must say so myself d Why are we getting american sausage maker? I enjoy encased meats -- If I know exactly what's in them.
What's this? It's addressed to franklin and bash.
Should we open it? We're not franklin and bash.
Yeah, but we work for franklin and bash.
Don't open it.
Please don't open it.
Too late.
Pop this.
Yeah, if I want to die.
Each one is a tiny, freon death-gas bomb.
No, thank you.
It's a knife.
It's a switchblade.
It's cool.
It is impossible not to feel badass doing this.
Could I, please? I've never held one before.
Can I try it? Ooh! oh, I'm badass.
I cannot believe that you just broke that.
you broke it.
I didn't do anything.
No, you broke it.
You -- Wow.
I think that's everything.
Yeah, no, I'm looking at the proposal now.
Everything looks in place.
I just want to make sure he doesn't have to spend more money Getting the property up to code.
It's a lot to go through.
Can I call you back? I'll talk to you la-- Damien, do you know elisa farrell? I do not.
Well, elisa is very interested in real-estate law, And I know that's one of the areas of your expertise.
I've offered your guidance to her.
I'd be honored, mr.
Well, actually, my docket's pretty full right now.
Well, that's perfect.
She can help share the burden.
I'd be happy to have her on board.
I'll leave you in damien's capable hands.
Thank you.
Thank you for this opportunity.
By the way, do I -- do I know you from somewhere? I would remember.
Actually, you know, I've been told that, Scientifically speaking, I have a very common face.
So, um, why don't we get you started? Our client is the bausman group.
They want to purchase the plaza garden restaurant.
If you can just check the zoning restrictions And commercial requirements, And you just make sure everything's up to code.
I can have them done by morning.
Oh, gosh, take your time.
You know, uh, slow and steady.
Work from home.
Don't feel the need to come in to the office.
All right.
Let's go.
I loosened it for you.
Feel like we're back in weldon hall, Cramming for the ad-law finals.
Didn't you get a c-minus on that? That's how you remember it, let's stick to that.
Did I hear right? You two are headed to military court? Well, we've already rocked appellate court, State, federal, moot Kangaroo.
Now it's time to punch our military card.
Yeah, how different can it be? You know, it's like going from the national league To the american league.
All you got to do is know how to work with a d.
Other than that, it's the same game.
Are you waiving the article 32 hearing? I think our feelings on that are a matter of public record.
How about the panel? You plan to request Or maybe stick strictly with a military judge? I sense a bit of condescension.
Yeah, we're military lawyers now.
Yeah, see, your fancy-firm ways Wouldn't fly on the front lines.
'cause there You got to think fast, or you're dead.
you're going 15 miles outside malibu, NotKandahar.
And -- oh! -- I was rotc And worked for a year as a jag after law school.
Think we're ready for this? One way to find out.
We should have brought my car.
Why? 'cause my car's a truck.
It's a '75 bronco.
It wouldn't even make it here.
This is so cool.
Like "officer and a gentleman.
" Ohh.
Dude I cry every time richard gere picks up debra winger.
And he carries her out, And that joe cocker song comes on? That lifts me up wheie belong.
Nice car, sir.
Have one just like it.
Well, thank you.
Commander steven puckett.
I'm the prosecuting attorney assigned to your case.
Peter bash.
Jared franklin.
Yeah, you can just call us peter and jared.
"steven" okay? "commander's" better.
" okay.
Ah, "puck it.
" I'm gonna call you stevie.
Your clients' court-martial starts at 1100.
As you were, commander.
See you in court, gentlemen.
Well, you must be the lawyers that monica and nicole hired.
I'm captain gina vaughn, the ladies' c.
I was told you'd be here.
I'm peter bash.
Jared frank-- You know, what's happening to the ladies is unfair.
They've always had a target on their back Because they're strong, ambitious women.
You know, it's the armed forces, and it's still a boys' club.
Well, we're hoping to change that.
Put the "naughty" in "nautical.
" Village people did it with a song.
We'll change it in court.
I understand the jag is offering to take the discharge Off the table in exchange for a guilty plea.
I don't think our clients want that.
They want to reapply for e.
If they plead guilty, they're ineligible.
Are you sure you're up for this task? These girls' careers depend on you.
No disrespect intended.
Sounded a little disrespectful.
Intentionally so.
Monica and nicole hired us to fight this.
What's you're defense? Mutual combat.
The girls weren't the aggressors.
Well, good luck with that.
If you need anything from me, just call my office.
There is one thing.
Good shot! Actually, you're not supposed to shoot the civilians.
Shouldn't we be preparing for trial? No, no.
This -- this is how we work.
oh! Did I get him? Nope.
What exactly did those guys say to provoke you? They told us two chicks didn't have a chance to make e.
You ain't bad! Big talk, Since they didn't get their orders to e.
Till later that week.
Zombie! Yeah, too bad e.
Board wasn't there that night.
Ah! See who really fights like a girl.
Keep thinking about the squid van.
Yeah, and the fact that there's so many fights at rusty jones That the base posts a van outside To whisk away troublemakers.
Soccer mom! Oh! Ah, you were late to practice.
Why was there someone waiting back at the base This one time to slap the cuffs on you two? You think it's selective prosecution? Textbook.
Uh, we've got a meeting in a minute.
And -- and you can read anything here online.
I'm old-school.
Uh, here is your report on the zoning regulations.
Bottom line, if they purchase the property, They're on the hook for $75,000 to build a parking lot.
Given the asking price, I'd recommend a pass.
That's very impressive, elisa.
And, uh This time, you don't have to tip me.
I'm sorry? Um, I don't think I know what you're talking about.
Oh, you don't have to pretend, mr.
I remember your name from the amex.
Don't see the black ones often.
I just -- I had some clients in from texas, And they wanted me to show them a good time, And -- and they insisted that I take a spin in the champagne room, Which I promise you is not something that I would normally -- Hey, whoa, whoa.
Slow down.
You have nothing to worry about.
I mean, you think I want people knowing I paid my way Through law school working at the mermaid lounge? I wouldn't have said anything if you weren't acting so awkward.
Um, well, it's funny.
I-I can't even believe that you remember me.
I was only thereOnce.
But the reason I remember you is, um, You kept your friends in line whenever they got grabby, And you were a hell of a lot cooler then than you are now.
Well, it's -- thank you for all of your hard work.
Thank you, mr.
You know, I'm gonna use that amex tonight To take some of the summer associates out On stanton infeld's tab.
You should come, too.
summer associate.
All rise! As you were.
Let the record reflect that the members are not present.
Uh, IThink he means the jury.
Yes, he does.
Thank you, commander"suckett.
" Proceed, counselor.
Your honor, the defense intends to proffer evidence That petty officers first class ward and toomin Were unfairly singled out for prosecution.
How so? Permission to approach? Granted.
We offer as submission for exhibit "a" A collection of the base's blotters Detailing every personnel infraction from the past year.
We're here to discuss the facts of that night, Not the past year.
Your honor, Only two personnel have been prosecuted For assault off-base in 12 months -- Our clients.
Maybe because, unlike your clients, Everyone else knows how to comport themselves.
Then why does this base, Under orders from the base commander, Maintain a "squid van" To shuttle sailors away from trouble? What possible distinction could our clients possess That would separate them from the other fighters? Hmm.
I can think of a couple.
Your honor, if our two female clients Are gonna lose their careers over this, They're entitled to be heard.
I'll allow the argument.
All right.
I comported the hell out of that one.
You want to know why we singled out your clients? Hmm? Prosecution would like to enter a video of the assault On petty officers kelso and thorpe, Obtained from an e-mail on petty officer ward's computer.
Whoa, whoa.
You can't just -- I got this, hermano.
Your honor, going into our client's computer Without a warrant violates their fourth-amendment rights.
Pretty basic, actually.
Pretty basic.
The uniform code of military justice Permits searches without a warrant upon request By a senior naval officer.
It's pretty basic, actually.
A friend at the bar shot it and sent it to us.
I didn't think it was relevant.
Well, it's relevanow.
Your honor, this video is out-of-context.
Let's see the footage.
g Hey, where you going?! We were just about to start round two! Good.
They have banter.
"road house.
" yea-- Not sure how much context you need for that, mr.
This was no half-hearted scuffle.
The defendants were out for blood, And they got it.
I'll allow the footage.
Court is secure till 0900 tomorrow.
All rise! Gentlemen.
He's nothing like the lawyers on "jag.
" They didn't leave you any choice? Maybe we got little carried away.
Maybe we need reinforcements.
Heavens to betsy.
- Oof.
- Hey, where you going?! We were just about to start round two! Whoo! The women say that it was nothing personal With these guys? Yeah, they say they hardly knew, uh -- What are their names? Don kelso and ryan thorpe.
Oh! Flying roundhouse! Well, it certainly looks personal.
Yeah, well, that's why we're starting to wonder If these guys picked a fight with those women for a reason.
We'd subpoena the guys But they would just plead the fifth.
You know, when I was a wing commander And we were formulating our battle plans For the invasion of the falklands You were in the royal air force? I was in love with an argentine woman.
We're gonna sit.
Anyway, we'd exchange squadron files Through classified channels.
What I'm trying to say is That if you can gain legal access To the service files of the guys in that bar that night, It may yield some helpful information.
Their e.
You think there's high marks in there For picking fights with women? Well, those guys were late check-ins to the unit.
That's highly unusual.
I mean, I'd like to know what pushed them over the top.
But you'd need confidential- level security clearance.
I don't suppoyou have confidential-level clearance? Doesn't work like that, but There is one way that we could de-classify it.
She said "we.
" She's in.
Looks like I'll be adding to my "men behaving badly" dossier.
How'd you know? I only went to the club because those guys from texas -- What club? What club? Exactly.
What are you talking about? I'm sitting third chair On "franklin and bash join the navy.
" Oh, yes.
The file on our newest equity partners.
You got enough to get them tossed yet? It's up to 52 pages, But I could use a salacious chapter.
Can I have a look? Uh -- Is that the file? No.
Just come on.
Let me look.
Are you wearing cologne? no.
I'm not wearing cologne.
It's okay.
Okay, great.
Well, you know, when you're ready for me to look at it, I will look at it, and, um, I got to go.
I got a dinner with some Of the summer associates across the street.
Oh, how cute.
You're gonna smell good for them.
How was your first day at schofield? War is hell.
Hey, did a package arrive for us from mil-merch? No.
Were you expecting one? Yeah.
Yeah, we got infeld a little gift For making us equity partners.
General patton's m-2 switchblade.
That sounds so unique andIrreplaceable.
You know, I've always thought general patton Was one of the most overrated generals.
It's very expensive, so keep an eye out for it.
This is not my fault.
That switchblade liberated europe.
You must know something about knife repair from your felonious past.
Carrying a knife in public Kind of goes against my parole, so you're on your own.
I'm on my own.
You know what? The blade trader is just two blocks down the street, Just past alvarado.
Time to take the training wheels off, buddy.
I could be wrong, but it's happened at least once.
Thanks for dinner, mr.
Oh, please.
My pleasure to meet the future of the firm.
I should not have mixed the red And the white and the clear.
Come on, serena.
I'm gonna take you home.
I didn't drink.
Text me.
Make sure she got home okay.
Got it, d.
Oh, I-I'll pay for your valet.
Oh, that's okay.
I'm in the garage.
I'll walk you to your car.
That's all right.
I insist.
After you.
I hear you, uh, used to date hanna linden.
well, before we worked together.
I never date women at work.
It's a huge liability, Especially with the firm's new by-laws.
Yeah, we, uh, had the same policy at the club.
Couldn't get involved with customers.
It's ironic.
What is? Uh, at my last job, I couldn't be with you, And at this one, you can't be with me.
yeah, it's so ironic.
you know, I should be honest.
I don't know if I'm cut out for infeld/daniels.
Why? Real-estate law kind of feels like Doing homework for a living.
Megget and towne has a great family-law department.
It's a good firm.
And then that, uh, Victorian dating policy won't apply, will it? Well, this is me.
I'd invite you in, but Oh, I'm -- oh, man.
These restaurant dinners, they really -- they jack me up.
I'm usually showing a lot more abs.
you're fine.
Well, I'll -- I'll set you up with, um, gavin bean tomorrow.
Hmm? Yeah, gavin.
He's the family-law guy at infeld/daniels, And he knows a lot of people at megget and towne.
Wait, you guys do family law at infeld/daniels? Um, kind -- uh, barely.
We're just getting into it.
Well, that's worth exploring.
Exploring? Yeah.
I'll look at megget and towne And infeld/daniels and see which one I like best.
I mean, just -- that seems fair.
You got to do your due diligence.
Captain, the defense moves for an article 39 session.
Took the words right out of my mouth.
On what grounds? We have reason to believe the e.
Requests For petty officer kelso and thorpe Will shed light on the motives of the combatants that night.
If it's classified, how would she know What's in it to even argue its relevance? I don't.
Why doesn't miss linden just ask for the area 51 documents So long as she's on a fishing expedition? Told you area 51 was real.
It seems a bit attenuated, miss linden.
Which is why I'm simply asking you to review it And judge if it has bearing on our case.
There's no probable cause besides counsel's Vague insinuation that this is relevant.
And that's more than the jag off Icer had when he ordered a search of our clients' computers.
I'll examine the document, then rule on its admissibility.
Thank you, captain.
This better not be a waste of the court's time.
I'm not as patient as some of my colleagues Serving on the bench in l.
Oh, on the contrary.
You seem very zen.
The court is secure until 1100.
All rise! All rise! As you were.
I've examined the classified documents And have ruled them admissible.
The defense must not remove them from this courtroom.
We'll take a recess.
All rise! Look at that.
That is so jack ryan.
Oh, yeah.
Molly ringwald's boyfriend in "sixteen candles.
" That's jake ryan.
Harrison ford.
Harrison ford was in "sixteen candles"? Well Guess we just have to read between the lines.
Well, this is interesting.
Kelso was originally rejected from the e.
Following a psych eval showing a lack of leadership skills.
Same thing happened to thorpe.
How'd they get in after that? Well, thorpe got an additional recommendation Assuring the board that he is "determined and take-charge but" "but fair and beloved by his fellow sailors.
" Kelso got the same exact letter.
Dated after the fight, right? Yeah.
Someone pushed to get them into the e.
After the girls kicked their asses? Yeah, it was requested by 0-6 schofield.
What's 0-6? It's a pay grade.
It means captain.
Vaughn? Well, why would captain vaughn reward them? Well, she's the only one there With enough juice to make that happen, But I thought she was on your side.
She is.
I think.
Maybe she goes both ways.
That'sNot what I meant.
She spent the night in the hospital with me When I fractured my leg during p.
She talked me into re-enlisting.
We wouldn't be this close to e.
Without her.
I can't imagine she'd be behind this.
I hope you're right.
'cause if it's our word against a naval captain's, I don't like our chances.
Roger, yes.
Don't you have an update for us on the bausman deal? The report showed zoning would require bausman To construct a lot for eight parking spaces.
So we passed.
But it didn't take into account the fact That it's in a commercial-revitalization area, So the requirement for parking is waived.
That came from my office.
I'll take care of it.
Well, I hope so.
Can we still move on the property, though? They're already down the road with another buyer.
We'd have to come up with at least, uh, 50 grand more.
You know, I have a feeling this wasn't your error, damien, And as much as I admire you protecting miss farrell, This was an egregious oversight.
You want to get in touch with h.
For termination forms, Or shall I? Oh, come on.
Is that really necessary? It's a summer associate.
Can't we just let her term lapse? and you call me the bleeding heart? All right.
We'll let the room decide.
All those in favor Of the summer associate serving out her term.
And all those for prompt dismissal.
One, two Hmm.
There you are.
Perhaps you could tell her before the end of the day.
No problem.
Tough room.
d move your body to the left, line it up, then stop d d move your body to the right, girl d Turn right.
That is not the route we agreed on.
Traffic ahead.
Turn right.
You know how fast you were going? Well, the posted speed limits Clearly said 35 miles an hour, officer, And I know I set my cruise control I clocked you at seven miles per hour.
License and registration.
This is my boss' car.
My name is pindar singh.
I'm 5'10".
I weigh 10 stone, And I suffer from something called vasovagal syncope, Which sounds like something only women should get, but -- Your license expired five years ago.
Feel like you should be writing this down.
What's making you so jumpy? I haven't driven in five years.
Also, I'm not great at handling stimulus.
S-starting to shut down.
Basically, I had to go get a knife repaired Because it belongs to -- Put your hands in the air, and step out of the car! You can't be serious.
This is insane.
So it's just coincidence that the two petty officers Who provoked our clients were recommended for e.
Right after the fight? So, you're telling me that I sent two enlisted men From my unit to take out two of my best and brightest? Are you trying to trick me into saying, "did you order the code red?" 'cause I'm not falling for it.
You know, the navy has awarded me The distinguished service medal.
I was sent to testify In front of the senate armed services subcommittee, And the president calls me gina.
Can I call you gina? Tell your clients I called in every favor I had to get one more deal.
Forget assault.
Plead guilty to conduct unbecoming, And there'll be no dock in pay and no imprisonment.
And no e.
Take the deal, Or it's two years at leavenworth.
Captain, we'd like to talk to petty officer kelso and thorpe.
Kelso and thorpe are on their way to e.
They're on a c-130 en route to guam as we speak.
We're not in kansas anymore.
Tell nicole and monica That I'm really sorry it came to this.
Why? Is there something you're sorry for? She totally set them up.
Why would she do that to her own personnel? I don't know.
Our only witnesses Are in the middle of the pacific ocean.
And the deeper we dig, The more we're pissing off their c.
Vaughn said she testified before congress.
So? Maybe there's a pattern of behavior we can exploit.
I hope so.
How's it going with elisa? It's fine.
W-w-why do you ask? How do you think a former stripper Got a summer-associate ghere? It just figures.
Better be good to her.
She's super smart.
Yeah, she organized a class-action lawsuit Against the handsy club owner.
Keep your hands to yourself.
Oh, god.
Elisa? Elisa.
Can I talk to you in my office? Wow.
You don't think Wouldn't that be poetic? No! Last night was fun.
We have to let you go.
What? You made a $50,000 mistake on the bausman report.
W-where? I -- I double-checked everything.
You should have triple-checked it.
It turned out the city waived the parking requirements.
No, that's not true.
I -- You just want this inconvenient relationship out of the way.
Are you kidding me? What? You think I seriously want to expose myself To a massive sexual-harassment lawsuit So I can avoid running into you in the lunch room? I fought for you.
And besides, seriously, You would be better off at megget and towne.
How am I gonna get a job at megget and towne When I can't even finish my summer term here? I'll be unemployable.
Good day, gentlemen.
You're all being brought out together Because you're being offered time-served deals.
That means if you plead guilty, you'll be released today.
If not, you'll go back to custody and await trial.
I plead guilty! It's not your turn, sir.
I was in a cell.
Nasty places.
I've been.
The toilet was in the middle of the room.
I saw things.
How did you know I was here? Well, I imagine they've got my phone number.
You know, between athletes and celebrity clients, I'm down here quite often.
Not so much, though, I must admit, for employees.
Pindar singh.
Violation of california penal code section 653k, Possession of a switchblade.
How do you plead? I plead guilty! Good evening, your honor.
Stanton infeld.
On behalf of mr.
Singh, we plead not guilty.
What? No.
There are things moving around in this guy's hair right now.
Your honor, the, uh, knife in question -- I believe it's the m-2 blade, Which, by the way, Brave american paratroopers used -- Just need a guilty or not guilty, mr.
I've got 84 arraignments to get through.
Well, the, uh, switchblade statute Does not apply to knives that can be opened manually.
If you'll just take a look at the knife, your honor, I believe you'll find a failsafe Which is used in case the mechanism jammed.
I would imagine that came in quite handy in normandy.
Knife, please.
Just have to take a little look at this.
It's just a little catch, your honor.
It's quite difficult to find.
All right.
Bailiff, take mr.
Singh back.
Trial to be set for August.
Guilty! If I may approach.
You have 10 seconds to prove There's a manual component to the knife, Or he goes to county.
Certainly, your honor.
Oh, this is nothing.
You try doithis in the moonlight In a driving rain in cambodia in 1968 as I did.
Ah! VoilA! There you are, your honor.
No longer a switchblade.
Uh, and if you see on -- If I dismiss the case, mr.
Infeld, Will you stop talking? Certainly.
Singh is ordered released forthwith.
You can pick up the knife from the clerk's office downstairs.
Are we finished? Have a nice evening, your honor.
May I speak with you a moment? Yes.
Oh, by the way, It's very generous of elisa to finish her workday, Especially after you fired her.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
Elisa got it right.
Roggot it wrong.
Well, what about the c.
Exemption? Doesn't apply to properties In the downtown business district.
In fact, her diligence Will eventually earn this firm thousands in billable hours.
Really? Well, um, why don't we hire her full-time As a first-year associate? Really? Yeah.
Any colleague that you can recommend Is worth their weight in gold.
Anyway, I like the cut of her jib.
Yeah, her jib rocks, But it's just -- I -- you don't have to.
Make her an offer -- You know, it's funny.
I could swear I've seen her somewhere before.
We know captain vaughn got the guys assigned to e.
We also know she's hiding something, Since she wanted them off-base, but we still need a motive.
That, and some evidence would be nice.
Something hard.
I'll give a full salute If you can dig up some dirt on our c.
Unfortunately, she testified before congress in 2002 As an expert in women's roles in the armed forces.
I didn't even know about that.
Is it time to wave the white flag? Not quite yet.
Check this out.
Women are a valuable support asset In every branch of the armed forces.
But for the sake of everyone in uniform, It's essential that we retain the ban On women engaging in front-line combat.
They do not have the strength or the endurance Of their male counterparts And would not only put themselves in harm's way But also their fellow service members.
I don't believe it.
She lied to us? You were right.
She does care about you.
She just cares about the navy more.
Vaughn wanted you disqualified from the e.
By sending in goons to rough you up.
It's a win-win for her.
The guys succeed in beating you up, you learn a lesson, And learn that women don't belong on the front line.
And if you win the brawl, You get court-martialed and booted from the program.
That's why she was pushing the plea deal.
She doesn't want you discharged.
She wants you ineligible.
There's our motive.
We still have nothing concrete, And vaughn is too highly regarded and smart For us to tear her down on the stand.
You guys sure that she stuck up for you before? Positive.
All right.
'cause we're gonna have to risk your freedom to prove it.
How did you feel when you found out that you'd been left off The list for the e.
Unit? Angry, sir.
Well, you thought maybe that they had made a mistake In passing you over? I knew they did.
We consistently tested higher Than almost everyone on the base, man or woman.
It's not petty officer ward's place to question authority.
It's her place to respect it.
What if george washington had never questioned authority? That flag would be a union jack.
I'd be wearing a wig right now, And we'd all have weird monopoly-looking currency.
Save the speech for closing, mr.
Petty officer ward, You understand that fighting is chargeable under the ucmj? Yes, sir.
Did you start that fight? We didn't have a choice.
Because those two men provoked you? Yes, sir.
They provoked us because they didn't think We were tough enough to fight back.
Do you think that women are physically tougher than men? No, sir.
At our level, But there are exceptions.
Am I looking at an exception? Yes, sir.
Hoo-rah! So, did you and petty officer ward Start a fight because you realized that the navy as a whole Needed to re-evaluate its requirements For women serving in combat, And you decided to change it right then and right there? Yes, sir.
Do you understand what you're asking, counselor? I'm asking for the facts, jack.
I'm sorry.
It's from "stripes.
" It's a movie about -- I'll get it for you.
The girls saw an injustice And decided to change it.
We have another word for that in the military.
Your honor, our clients believe in what they're doing.
Petty officer toomin, You're just simply testifying honestly To what you were thinking when you -- Sir, I have to insist that -- Sit down, captain vaughn.
Captain, we ask that the m.
S Place petty officers toomin and ward under arrest For the additional charges of sedition and mutiny.
Gunnery sergeant, detain the defendants.
Aye-aye, sir.
Detail, secure the defendants.
"oops"? She moving? No.
Come on.
Captain, this is my fault.
How's that? I ordered the men to start the fight With petty officers ward and toomin.
You did? Yes, sir.
Petty officers ward and toomin Wanted to fight on the front lines.
Is this true, petty officer ward? Yes, sir.
I sent two male sailors to engage them, Assuming the small beating they'd give the ladies Would prove to them why we leave the front lines to the men.
Instead, as usual, they exceeded my expectations, And I should have come forward then, But the whole thing got away from me.
Captain, you'll be detained at pmo until further notice.
As for the charges against petty officers ward and toomin, The case is hereby dismissed.
Understood, sir.
I'm very sorry.
If anyone's gonna prove me wrong, it will be you two.
Good luck.
All rise! You guys rock! Congratulations.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
You guys gave us another shot at e.
Thank you.
Is there anything we can do you for you while you're still here? Oh, oh.
Do you guys have access to a nuclear sub? No.
No? Can we buzz the tower in an f-14? Yeah.
Uh, that's just a movie.
Well, good luck over there.
Keep your heads down.
Yes, sir.
We will.
All right.
Thank you.
I didn't make a mistake, did I? No.
You can finish out the summer.
Thank you -- Thank you for sticking your neck out for me.
I've been authorized to make you an offer.
$150,000 a year.
What? Wow.
That's vegenerous.
It's certifiably insane, And we'd like you to keep it quiet.
Uh, but I'll have to pass.
Pass? Yes.
I'm going to megget and towne.
You leveraged infeld/daniels for a better deal? No, no.
I -- they offered me less.
Well, I thought you'd be relieved.
I'm not.
You'll -- you'll finish out your -- your term, I hope? Yeah, of course.
Maybe then You'll help me break in my new expense account.
Oh, I'm sure something can be arranged.
What'd we do? Gentlemen Thank you so very much.
For what? The gift.
Where did you get -- The presentation was original.
I mean, you could have had it wrapped.
Oh, by the way, how did you know that I love knives? Well, sir, you Killed a man with one once.
I forgot.
Going to the diner for victory burgers.
You got to come.
Uh, thanks, but I have work From the private sector that I need to, uh, catch up on.
Come on.
We couldn't have done it without you.
Oh, I'd say it was a team effort.
All right, well, here's to working together again.
Huh? That's for you.
I look forward to it.
On the right hand, too.

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