Frog and Toad (2023) s02e07 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 7

Oh, my, Toad.
Look at all the new things
for sale at Squirrel's shop today.
Like this fine garden chair.
Very fine. Perhaps I should get two,
so we can sit together in your garden.
And look at this plate.
Imagine eating a big dinner on this.
I like that idea.
What is it, Toad?
Something incredible.
It may be the best new thing at the shop.
This lovely umbrella.
Great hats!
Is this not the most marvelous umbrella
you have ever seen?
Yes. It is a very fine umbrella
for someone to have.
Heya. Hiya. Hello, Frog and Toad.
Anything special you're looking for?
Tiny cups? Fuzzy socks? Mustache comb?
We do not have mustaches.
Not yet, you don't. Think about it.
Actually, Squirrel,
we are interested in this fine,
red umbrella.
Okay, I
Sorry, fellas,
that umbrella is not for sale.
But come inside.
I got tons of stuff you
never knew you needed.
I was really hoping for this umbrella.
Why is it not for sale?
Because it is
in the lost and found bucket,
and anything in the lost and found bucket
is not for sale.
Although, come to think of it,
the bucket is for sale.
Are you saying someone
left the umbrella at your shop
and never returned for it?
Exactly. It belongs to the owner
that left it here.
Although it has been here quite a while.
I thought someone
would've come back to for it by now.
This is terrible.
Just think how sad and lonely
this umbrella's owner must be.
If I had lost a fine umbrella like this,
I would miss it terribly.
Toad, we must
find who this umbrella belongs to.
What a wonderful idea, Frog.
Squirrel, is it all right if
we borrow the umbrella,
so we can return it to its owner?
Sure. It'll give me the chance
to clean that bucket while you're gone.
Come along, umbrella.
We will find your owner in no time.
Good luck, you two!
Hello, Mouse.
Hello, Frog and Toad.
Does this umbrella
belong to you by any chance?
Oh, no. I think I would remember
having a large umbrella like that one.
That is a shame.
Someone left it at Squirrel's shop.
Oh, my. Can you imagine
being without your umbrella
and the cold, wet rain
dripping all over you?
What a sad day.
This umbrella doesn't have a home
and and I
I can't reach those juicy,
ripe blueberries.
Do not worry, Mouse.
Toad and I will find
the owner of this umbrella.
And I know just how to pick
those blueberries.
Stupendous. Thank you, Frog.
Oh, don't thank me. Thank this umbrella.
Okay. Thank you, umbrella.
Yes, thank you.
Whoever gets that umbrella
will be very happy indeed.
Look, Toad. Lizard is delivering lunches.
Crumbly crumbs!
Are you okay, Lizard?
Well, not exactly.
I'm trying to deliver lunches
to Snake across the river.
But it's a lot of lunches,
and I keep dropping 'em.
Whoa. See what I mean?
You know, Lizard,
I think this umbrella can help.
Where did you get such a clever umbrella?
Oh, it is not ours. We are trying
to find this umbrella's owner.
Does it belong to you, Lizard?
No, and I wish I could help you.
I've never seen anyone
with an umbrella like that.
I've seen blue umbrellas,
yellow umbrellas,
blue and yellow umbrellas.
Even rainbow polka dot umbrellas.
But no red umbrellas.
Oh, Snake! Food!
Hello, lunch.
Thanks for the help.
No problem. Snake, is this your umbrella?
I don't think so.
Are you sure?
I am certain.
Oh, well. We will keep looking
for this umbrella's owner.
So long.
Oh, okay.
-Hello, Rabbit.
-Hello, Frog and Toad.
You're just in time to see me
test out my new sprinkler.
A sprinkler?
It sprinkles water for the grass
and plants to drink. Watch this.
-Oh, my.
That is a lot of water.
We are getting soaked.
Quick. Everyone behind the umbrella.
I don't think
it's supposed to sprinkle like that.
Got it.
Thanks, Frog.
That's a mighty fine umbrella
you have there.
Actually, we are trying to find
this umbrella's owner.
Is it yours, Rabbit?
Oh, no. My umbrella is blue.
Do not worry, Toad. We will keep looking.
Good luck with your search.
Hiya, Frog!
Hiya, Toad! Whatcha got there?
Hello, Robin! This is an umbrella!
Does it belong to you?
Maybe, but I need a closer look.
Come on up!
Great hats, Robin! You have
so many things inside your nest.
Is that my old new shoe?
Oh, yes. It's the perfect place
to store my buttons.
-Now then, let me see here.
This is not my umbrella,
but I would be happy
to take it off your hands.
Oh, no. That is quite all right.
Are you sure?
Just think of all the things I could
put inside of it.
Sorry, Robin. Toad and I said
we would find this umbrella's owner.
And that is what we must do.
Just as soon
as we figure out how to get down.
I have it, Toad. Our jumping skills
and the umbrella can help.
Wow. That umbrella is amazing!
So long, Robin. We will keep looking.
Good luck.
The day is almost over and we still
have not found this umbrella's owner.
I am sorry, Toad,
but I think we must return it
to the bucket in front of Squirrel's shop.
Yes, I suppose we must.
I am very fond of this umbrella.
So am I, Toad.
Farewell, umbrella.
I am so sorry we
could not find who you belong to.
Any luck out there?
No, Squirrel. We looked everywhere,
but no one was the owner of this umbrella.
I suppose it will have to stay
in the lost and found bucket even longer.
Actually, I've been thinking it over,
and I know exactly who that umbrella
belongs to.
You do?
It belongs to the two of you!
Of course. No one ever came back
for that umbrella
even though it was in the bucket
a long time.
And you two
obviously care about it so much.
Therefore I think you should keep it.
I know you will give this umbrella
a wonderful home.
-Thank you, Squirrel.
No problem. Now, can I interest you
in a bucket to go with it?
I am happy we found this umbrella
a home after all.
Me too.
And I think you should keep it, Frog.
Oh, no, Toad.
I think this umbrella
should stay with you.
We could always share it.
I would like that.
I think the umbrella likes it too.
-Yes, Frog?
I believe it is time.
Time for what?
Hello, Snail.
Hey there, Frog and Toad. Mail's here.
Thank you.
My pleasure. I think you will really like
what I've delivered today.
What is it?
You'll have to look and see.
Look, Toad.
There's some very interesting mail
in here.
Oh, yes. So many colorful pictures.
What is that amazing place?
It says,
"The Sunnysand Beach Hotel and Resort."
It's a place by the beach
where you can go and stay.
I've been delivering these all morning.
Well, enjoy the mail.
Oh, my, these pictures look so inviting.
I would very much like to stay here, Frog.
Can you imagine it?
I most certainly could.
We could build castles made of sand
on the pristine beach.
Splash about in the rejuvenating waters.
Bask in the glow of the setting sun.
And have our meals
amongst delightful wallpaper
in the elegant dining hall.
Toad, I think we could both
use a vacation at this beach.
Then we will leave at once. To the beach!
Toad, wait!
First, we must pack our suitcases.
Yes, Frog. I will go home
and pack right away.
Here is my suitcase.
Now I must pack it for the vacation.
But what should I bring?
Hello, Toad. I am all packed and ready,
how about you?
I am not ready.
Toad, your suitcase is empty.
I've never been
on a vacation before, Frog,
so I do not know what to bring.
Well, I can help you there, Toad.
You can?
Of course.
Do you think I need to bring my bed?
I am pretty sure they already have beds
at the place we will stay near the beach.
But I've never slept
in a different bed before.
I will miss my blanket and pillow.
In that case, why don't you pack them
in your suitcase and bring them with us?
A splendid idea.
I will bring my slippers as well,
just in case.
Frog, this suitcase will not close.
There. Now I am ready.
After all that worrying
about what to bring,
I cannot wait for our vacation.
And I cannot wait to see a new place.
And go for a swim.
What is it, Toad?
I have not packed my bathing suit.
In fact,
I have not packed anything to wear.
Oh, I see.
What sort of clothing should I bring?
Will it be chilly or warm?
I am not certain.
And what if it rains?
Will I need my umbrella and rain boots?
I do not know if it will rain either.
Oh, dear. I had better bring
a second suitcase and keep packing.
And I will need my reading glasses too.
And my fancy dinner jacket.
And my scarf. And my mittens, of course.
-Do you know if there will be badminton?
-I do not know, Toad.
I better pack my badminton racquet,
just in case.
And perhaps a beach ball
in case we want to kick it on the sand.
Is that everything?
Yes. This suitcase is now ready.
This suitcase is more stuffed
than the first.
Keep pushing.
Now we are ready for our vacation.
I am very glad.
What is it, Toad?
I was just thinking, what will we eat
while we are on vacation?
Whatever we like, I suppose.
But will they prepare my toast
the way I like?
That is a good question.
Or the biscuits?
You know I like them with blueberry jam.
There is only one solution.
I must pack another suitcase
full of my favorite foods.
You have another suitcase?
Oh, yes. I always have extra suitcases.
All right.
Just in case.
I will need bread, berries,
my favorite beans
I'd better take everything.
And a few plates and cups.
Forks and spoons.
And, of course, my napkin.
Now I am absolutely ready
for our vacation.
I am so looking forward
to this vacation,
knowing I now have everything I need.
I am very happy for you, my friend.
Greetings and salutations, Frog and Toad.
Salutations and greetings, Mole.
Going on a trip, I see?
Yes, we are going on a vacation
to a beach.
From the colorful brochure
that came in the mail today?
I could use a vacation like that myself.
Do please write me a letter
when you have arrived.
I want to hear all about it. Ta-ta.
What is it, Toad?
Mole said to write him.
I will need paper,
and a pen and an envelope.
And lots of stamps.
And while I am inside,
I might as well get an extra soup ladle.
And my violin. And my back scratcher.
How could I ever go on vacation
without my back scratcher?
Now I am absolutely and most certainly
ready for this vacation.
That is wonderful news. Shall we go now?
Yes, we shall.
-Just a moment, Frog.
Now then, to our vacation!
Toad, are you okay?
Not really, Frog.
I cannot go on vacation with you,
because I cannot take
all of these suitcases with me.
I am sorry.
That is all right, my friend.
We do not need to go on vacation.
I will go put away my suitcase.
Thank you for understanding. Frog?
Yes, Toad?
I am curious,
what did you pack in your suitcase?
Empty? You did not pack a single thing?
Well, I thought
about packing things at first,
but then I realized all I need
for a fun and exciting vacation
is my good friend Toad.
But why bring a suitcase at all?
So I can bring things back
that we find on our trip.
I see.
Well, I should take this suitcase
back home. See you soon.
Wait. I just realized something too.
All I need for a fun and exciting vacation
is my good friend Frog.
Could you help me get my suitcases
back inside my house?
Oh, Toad, of course I will.
One empty suitcase is all I need as well.
I'm so glad we are finally
going on vacation!
Me too. Actually, I will be right back.
I just had to go back
for my back scratcher.
Sand makes me itchy.
Good idea.
We woke up and found a door
Only us kids could explore
So we opened it to see what was behind
I will keep your secrets safe
With mine
We can wish on shooting stars that fade
Sleep inside the orchid shade
I wouldn't change it even if I could
There is magic in the places
We'd least expect to look
We can fill up all the pages
There is no end to our book
Be the wheels to my road
Be the Frog to my Toad
We can be anything that we wanna be
Now the sun is going down
On that other side of town tonight
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