Gokusen (2002) s02e07 Episode Script

Think seriously about your life

Good morning.
What is this?
It's the model of the school campus
that will be built next year.
We're demolishing the building
used by Class 3D
and building a new one.
Demolishing it?
Yes. Everything unwanted
will be thrown away.
Our school will be reborn in April.
From April, our school
will be coeducational,
it will be refreshed inside and out
together with the new campus.
Of course, there will be
bidets in the bathrooms.
It's a welcome change.
We will build a stylish powder room
for our female teachers,
so that they can relax when
they're reapplying their makeup.
Thank you!
Thank you for being so considerate.
That's lovely! From now on,
when we have matchmaking parties,
we can take our time
doing our makeup.
This doesn't concern you, though,
Miss Yamaguchi.
You are on temporary employment
terms until March.
I forgot.
What? Miss Yamaguchi is leaving?
Mr Kurokawa, can you do
something about it?
No, I can't.
Instead of worrying about
your students' futures,
I think you should
worry about your own.
Yes, perhaps
We haven't decided
what to do either.
Well, you can find a part-time job
very easily.
Oh, why don't you go
and be a private tutor?
Or a tutor at a cram school?
You can just take over your family
business. You're the 4th generation.
Family business
No, I
If you're the 4th generation, that
means it's been around a long time.
What business is it?
What is it, actually?
A business that you can tell us?
Oh, shut up, guys.
It's a soba noodle restaurant.
Soba noodle restaurant
Where is it?
Where is it
It's right next to that
Oh, is that so?
You have to find a job by April?
But Missy, you don't need to
look for a job.
But if I don't work hard,
I can't hold my head up again.
No, I mean,
Missy, you can be the Oedo Family's
4th generation boss.
Sorry, Missy.
Kumiko, just walk your own path.
Thank you, Grandpa.
Missy, how about this?
Let's see.
- Looking for hot-blooded teachers!
- Yes.
Training school for pets?
Big Bro
I do love dogs, but
I don't think I can do this.
Sorry, Missy!
How about this? Bar hostess.
What are you thinking?
But it sounds cool.
The hourly pay is 3,000 yen.
- 3,000 yen?
- What?
"Free working hours, free rental
of expensive dresses"?
Isn't this amazing?
"Good looking,
18 to 23 years old"
You can't do it.
- You jerk! Say that again!
- Missy
I won't see Mr Kujo either
after April?
Mr Kujo!
Sorry Excuse me.
Oh! Good morning.
Miss Yamaguchi? Good morning.
We're meeting on the bus.
What a coincidence!
Yes, it is. But why are you
taking the bus today?
I take the bus sometimes.
- You do?
- Yes.
But you just got on, and
your stop is the next one.
What a waste!
Hey, guys, will you offer your seat
to the lady here?
Hey, can you hear me?
Will someone offer her a seat?
Shut up!
The three of you! I'm telling you
to offer her a seat!
You are all young and healthy,
but you're all sitting down,
yet the old lady is standing here.
Don't you think that's wrong?
You are high school students now,
can't you be considerate to others?
Please have a seat.
Thank you very much.
- Good morning.
- Good morning
- Miss Yamaguchi.
- Yes?
Joyful Industries called.
They agreed to interview
your students.
- Really?
- Yes!
That's right. This is not the time
to worry about myself.
I will do my best for
my lovely students!
Okay. Let's do our
Good morning!
Tsuchiya, Omori, Kojima, Hamaguchi,
be delighted.
Joyful Industries has agreed
to interview you guys!
We did it!
Joyful Industries is the company
that runs amusement arcades, right?
That means they can play
as many games as they want?
I did it!
Of course you can't.
But a job interview?
I'm not confident that I can do it.
We will now practice
how to do a job interview.
Okay, Mr Tsuchiya, Mr Omori,
Mr Kojima and Mr Hamaguchi,
please come in.
Tsuchiya! Don't fan yourself.
Kojima, take off your hat.
Omori, the last one to enter
the room should close the door.
Good lord! You are so fussy!
Hamaguchi, take off your sunglasses.
His eyes are surprisingly round.
Mr Tsuchiya, why would you like
to work at our company?
Because Yankumi recommended it.
No, you can't say that!
You can say, you're good at
playing video games,
or you dream about working at
an amusement arcade.
Well, I do like going to
game arcades.
No, don't call it a game arcade.
Good lord!
Okay, next.
Mr Omori, please tell me
some words you like.
Some words I like?
Well, I have none.
No, not that.
Say some proverbs
or four character idioms.
What four character idioms?
Oh! "Fight? Bring it on!"
No, that's not what I mean!
"Fortune at a stroke"?
Or "grilled meat set meal"?
You jerks! Are you
making a fool of me?
Do you actually want to do this?
Show them an example first, then.
Yeah, we've never had
job interviews.
Why do I have to do it?
Yankumi, are you not confident that
you can do it, by any chance?
She's acting fishy.
Of course I can do it.
Okay, fine. I will show you guys
how to do a job interview.
Watch carefully!
Excuse me.
Have a seat.
Okay, just bring it on.
We're not conducting a fight.
Why do you want to work at
Kurogin Gakuin High School?
Kurogin Gakuin's motto is
simplicity and fortitude,
and accomplishment in
literature and sports.
You also aim to enrich the students'
minds and knowledge,
and I agree with your
educational goals.
Idiot, what language
are you speaking in?
Okay, who is the person
that you most respect?
My grandfather, who raised me
in place of my parents.
Well, I'll first ask you
your body measurements.
From top to bottom,
95cm, 58cm and 88cm.
Why did you ask?
- Don't tell lies.
- Okay
Well Do you have a boyfriend?
Well, there is someone that I like,
but things aren't going very well.
Nobody asked you about details.
Then you shouldn't ask
questions like that!
Darn! They dared use their teacher
for their own amusement.
Miss Yamaguchi, would you come
somewhere with me?
Where do you want to go?
Tetsu's Takoyaki stall.
WellTetsu's Takoyaki stall
is a bit
I think you had better
stop thinking about him.
I won't! He is the man for me.
You were on my side before!
Well, I
That's because I didn't know
the guy was Tetsu!
You won't come with me?
Well, I am not saying no,
butyou see, we're busy worrying
about our students' futures,
and I think teachers should think
well about their students' futures.
But this concerns my own future!
Your future?
If things go smoothly
between me and Tetsu,
we might get married, right?
If they get married
No. Impossible.
Also, if I get married
and retire from my job here,
there will be a vacancy
in the school.
Miss Yamaguchi, you might be able
to stay on here after April!
Right! That's what will happen!
No, I don't think so.
Miss Shiratori teaches English,
but you teach mathematics.
Why didn't I study English?
I am such an idiot!
Okay, so if we all agree,
let's go to the Takoyaki stall.
Takoyaki has octopus in it. Octopus.
He is so eager.
Why did you eyeball the camera?
Because I don't want people
to look down on me.
I know, but you can't
use this photo.
I know how you feel, though.
You know?
Use this. The one we took together
the other day.
Wow! Thank you.
No. You can't use this one either.
What should we do, Big Bro?
How do I know?
The hand that turns
the Takoyaki around,
the fingers that sprinkle
the seaweed,
and his best feature is
his sorrowful profile.
You're not eating yours?
I'll have them
Tetsu, let's go to karaoke together!
Oh I am not good at
singing karaoke.
Please come and have
a meal with me then!
Oh Meals I've got
religious reasons, so
Maybe I can go with you?
I am good at eating.
Tetsu, do you have a girlfriend,
by any chance?
Big Bro is in love with someone.
Aren't you, Big Bro?
Idiot! How dare you say that
in front of Missy!
No, I mean
I miss seeing you Right, Minoru?
Miss seeing you?
Oh, come on! You miss seeing me?
I'm so happy.
Okay, I've got my photos,
now my resume is perfect!
Let's celebrate Tsucchi's
job interview beforehand.
Nobody celebrates beforehand.
It'll be fine, you don't have
anything to worry about.
Yes Let's go do karaoke!
- Yes, let's go!
- Thank you!
Okay, let's go for karaoke.
We'll split the cost.
Other way
- Thank you!
- That's great.
Thank you!
Hey, Kurogin's guys.
Todoroki's Tanabe.
You guys are going to work too?
Got a problem?
You're going to get serious jobs
after you graduate?
That's none of your business!
Going to work? This is stupid!
Cut it out, you jerk!
Don't. Ignore these jerks.
"These jerks"? How dare you!
Are you looking down on us?
That would be you.
Guys, stop! Hayato!
Good lord! High school kids lately
are horrible. Let's go.
(Joyful Industries)
(Job Interview Venue for Graduates)
Students from Kurogin Gakuin,
please come in.
Thank you
Excuse me.
Excuse me
You are last night's
Did Joyful Industries call?
Yes, they called
All of them failed.
All of them failed?
To be precise, they did not even
have the job interview.
What happened?
It is Tsuchiya's fault.
It's his fault!
Tsuchiya's fault?
Who'd have thought the interviewee
saw us fighting last night?
We're so unlucky.
That's not the point, right?
I'm sorry.
Don't just apologize!
You brought this important
job interview to naught!
Don't make light of the world!
But why is it our fault?
It's the Todoroki guys' fault.
They picked a fight with us!
Perhaps you guys think it's okay,
but what about them?
Just because of your stupid fight,
they didn't even get a chance
to have the interview.
I am not telling you not to fight,
but there are moments that
matter in your life.
You just have to bear it
with clenched teeth.
Okay, we get it.
We couldn't hold ourselves back.
Don't get defiant.
Don't get so angry.
We wouldn't have gotten the job
even if we had the interview.
It's okay. Forget it.
It is not okay! This is your life!
How can you say that
it doesn't matter?
You have to take your own lives
more seriously!
Until now, no matter how stupid
anything you do is,
if your parents clean up the mess
for you, then it's settled.
But it is different now.
You mean that we have to
clean our own mess, right?
Not only that.
Be responsible for what you do.
It is easy to say this,
but you still don't understand
how difficult it is.
If you do something thoughtless,
you might drag people into trouble,
or make people sad.
Sometimes it might be irremediable.
Please remember that well.
Mr Kurokawa?
All of you
From now on,
you don't have to go
job hunting any more.
What do you mean?
When things like this happen,
they publically disgrace
our whole school.
What the heck
Be quiet
I will make myself clear.
If you cause any more problems,
I will give you a strict punishment.
Strict punishment?
You'd expel them from school?
Dealing with problematic actions
with a strict attitude
will improve our school's image.
You jerk! Improve your image?
Don't be ridiculous!
I told you to be quiet!
No matter what happens, I will not
let you expel these students.
Miss Yamaguchi
I'll make sure the whole of Class 3D
graduates, every single boy.
She's dreaming.
Can't they do this?
It's not just getting
a graduation certificate,
but the students will find the
next path that they will walk on
and hold their heads high when
they do. That's what I want to see.
Because this is my dream.
Even if you dream this about them
It's no use expecting it
from them.
If you want to expel us,
do whatever you want!
Wait a moment, guys!
Don't worry,
you trusted the students, right?
Yes, but
18-year-olds are still children.
Regardless of merit, they don't
calculate loss and gain,
they just do whatever
their hearts tell them to.
Don't admit defeat.
Finding a job or receiving
a higher education,
to the students, is the so-called
beginning of their lives.
Face them till the end,
so that there won't be any regrets.
You're right.
I am not going to give up!
Let's do our best!
Good morning!
I got some information on vocational
schools you can still apply to
and recruitment information here,
so have a look.
Feel free to tell me if there is
a company or school you like.
I told you, I will be a freeter.
Fine, be a freeter.
But you will still be working,
won't you?
So you have to think seriously
about what kind of job
you want to work as a freeter.
Even if you say so
Okay, let me ask you this.
What are you most interested in?
Cars and motorbikes.
In that case, why don't you work at
a car maintenance shop?
Well, I am interested in fashion.
You can work at a boutique.
But I can only fight.
Why don't you be a pro fighter?
That's popular now.
How can I possibly be one?
I'm telling you, don't give up
right from the beginning.
You never know if you don't try.
I think I'll work at
a pachinko parlor!
Are cinemas recruiting
part-time workers?
I think I want to work at a family
restaurant or a fast food shop.
Then I can eat a lot every day.
You see? You can come up with many
possibilities if you think a bit.
You don't have to overthink it.
There is only one important thing.
No matter if you're a part-time
worker or a regular employee,
whatever you do, you have to be
responsible when you work.
Do not slack off.
What should I choose?
I am Yamaguchi,
a teacher at Kurogin Gakuin.
Actually, a student would like to
apply for a job,
would you interview him?
Miss Yamaguchi is a headache too.
I told her that the students
don't have to look for jobs.
What is she thinking?
Mr Sawatari, you have brought
someone absurd here.
I am very sorry!
Please! Please help us!
Please! Just give him an interview.
Would you just give them
a job interview?
Sorry, we are not going to
employ anyone this year.
Butwe Just one student
is okay.
Sorry for calling abruptly.
I am Kumiko Yamaguchi,
a teacher at Kurogin Gakuin.
- Missy, how about this?
- Let's see.
Missy, how about this one?
This one is the same as this?
This student is good at basketball,
he is strong too, so I think that
he'd work hard here.
I'm thinking about
applying for a job here.
I don't think it's possible.
Here? You're never going to
Please let him work here!
Business has been dropping off,
I don't even earn enough for myself.
Would you let him work here,
just on weekdays?
Thanks for coming here,
but sorry, we can't.
(Recruitment guide)
- I rejected you on the phone.
- Please hire him.
He's a determined person.
Sorry, we don't have the money
to employ another person.
Sorry, we can't.
Please, just meet him once. Please!
She said this, didn't she
The students will find the
next path that they will walk on
and hold their heads high when
they do. That's what I want to see.
Because this is my dream.
Please let him work here!
She keeps bowing to the guy.
Why does she do so much for us?
What dream?
What's the point of
having a dream about us?
Please Please let him work here!
Congratulations, Takayama!
I'm so happy for you!
Thank you!
- Good morning!
- Morning.
Takayama got a job offer!
You're the first one!
Tsuchiya, you failed the
Joyful Industries' interview,
but they're willing to interview you
again tomorrow.
You will have it with Omori,
Kojima and Hamaguchi.
Did you ask them to, Yankumi?
I am your class teacher, after all.
Of course I did.
Thank you.
Don't mention it!
What's the matter?
We will pay you back
what we owe you.
Owe me?
We are going to graduate.
Our whole class will.
We're not going to let Mr Kurokawa
have his own way.
Just you wait and see.
Until we graduate
We won't fight again.
We promise you.
The boys made me cry.
She seems a bit down.
Did something happen?
A student in her class failed
the entrance exam
of the college he wants to attend,
but the student told her
that it was her fault.
Is that so?
It must be tough for you too.
He failed the entrance exam,
but he said it was my fault
I am thinking about quitting my job.
You'll quit?
I just feel that
I am not cut out for it.
I think I'll quit my job
and get married to you, Tetsu.
Big Bro, she's confessing
her love for you!
There is someone that
I have loved for a long time.
She is proud of her job and she
never thinks about loss and gain.
She always has a positive attitude,
and she always does everything
with all her might.
Miss Shiratori, don't think
anything unnecessary
and just do your job
with all your might.
None of them is good.
Isn't this one nice?
It says, "university graduate."
Hi, students of Kurogin.
Thanks for the other day.
Sorry, but we are not going
to fight with you.
Wow, you do say funny things.
Well, anyway.
That's what we'll do.
Do you think you can just say "bye"?
You jerk!
What the heck? Bring it on!
We told you,
we're not going to fight.
Don't be ridiculous!
What are you doing?
Miss Shiratori?
Where are they?
Out of my way.
You guys
Why don't you fight me?
Miss Shiratori!
Miss Yamaguchi, there they are!
They are not fighting back at all!
They're not hitting back,
not even once!
Don't tell me
Until we graduate
We will not fight again.
We promise.
What the heck is wrong
with you guys?
Don't you dare hurt
my precious students!
You should be satisfied
after punching them for so long.
Who are you?
I am their class teacher.
She says she is their class teacher.
I will not let you
lay another finger on them!
What? The class teacher is here to
get revenge for her students?
Don't be ridiculous!
Are you picking a fight, jerk?
Darn you!
Why do none of you run away?
Bring it on!
The reason they're not
fighting back
isn't something
you would understand.
They aren't bearing it
with clenched teeth
just so you can amuse yourselves!
They are all beaten up
and they are making
desperate efforts to endure it.
I can't bring it to naught.
Punch me if you want to!
But you have to do it with caution.
I have braced myself for it!
Let's go.
You guys
Are you idiots?
Why did you let them beat you up?
We are idiots, anyway
What else could we do?
We made you a promise.
We are going to graduate.
All of us together.
You guys really are
students that I am proud of.
Good! Well done, boys!
Stop it.
- You too!
- Ow
And you guys too!
You did very well!
- Stop it!
- You did very well!
That hurts!
Guys, go and sell yourselves
to them.
Good luck!
Good luck
I don't think I am going to
the interview today.
What are you talking about?
Look at my face
This is different from last time.
You did not attack anyone, did you?
If someone asks you about
your injuries, just answer honestly.
Hold your head up high and go!
Okay, guys. Formation F.
Okay, let's go!
Let's go
We're going now!
Miss Yamaguchi,
what were you thinking?
You let them go on a job interview
with bruises on their faces?
This is too absurd!
You have damaged our
school's reputation too.
Tsuchiya did not do anything
that he should be ashamed of.
Well, we can cut our connection
completely in March.
With Class 3D's students
and you.
Excuse me, our trustee,
Mrs Matsubara, is here.
Mrs Matsubara?
I heard that the trustee,
Mrs Matsubara, is very rich.
I heard that she has given our
school a large amount of funding.
I heard that her grandson will
study in our school from April.
Glad to see you, Mrs Matsubara!
Thank you for coming
a long way here.
Old lady!
Oh, it's you!
You are a teacher here?
Miss Yamaguchi,
you know Mrs Matsubara?
Well, we don't really know
each other, but
Mr Kurokawa, she will be teaching
here in April, won't she?
Well, about that
I do hope that Miss Yamaguchi will
be my grandson's class teacher.
Well, actually, I
Is there a problem?
No! We can do that, of course,
Mrs Matsubara.
Mr Kurokawa!
Miss Yamaguchi, please continue
to do your best here after April.
I will! Thank you!
Congratulations, Miss Yamaguchi!
Thank you!
- Congratulations!
- Thank you!
- You get to stay!
- Yes!
I'll do my best! Let's do our
I am really touched.
When I saw you
and the students of 3D, I thought
Perhaps I have not been facing
my students the way I should.
If I do that properly, I think
they will understand me too.
Yes, they surely will.
I will do my best!
I will do my best too!
Guys, how did the interview go?
Well, we have done what we can.
I see.
I miss you!
Me too.
How did it go?
All right.
Good job.
Okay, guys, you know
what to do, right?
You have to graduate together!
Once more!
While you're at it
Not enough!
A, I, U, E
Tears are the heart's sweat!
What are you guys doing?
It's none of your business!
Why don't you get it?
Shouldn't you know it best?
I won't leave you on your own, even
if you think I'm a nuisance, Kuma!
Cut it out, both of you!
Thank you
Wedding ceremony?
When did Mr Kujo
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