Hit-Monkey (2021) s02e07 Episode Script

The Last Supper

[intense orchestral music playing]
[bottle clinks]
[Slyke] Did we not just get
the last of the weapons?
-We need to destroy
[Slyke] Well, it didn't just get up
and walk out of here, did it?
-[glass shattering]
-So, someone goddamn took it!
What the hell happened?
[Monkey whines]
-You're not gonna believe this shit.
-[Amara] It was Haruka.
We got it on the security feed.
-I knew it.
-[Monkey grunts]
Yes, Monkey.
It was definitely her.
Were you in on it?
Are you her little buddy, fucker?
-No, he wouldn't!
Go ahead. Give me a reason.
Okay, enough!
We need to find that sword and fast.
Or everything we've worked towards
will be for nothing.
Haruka's gone. Eunice is gone.
That idiot Bryce is gone.
They could be anywhere.
[Dot] I don't like this.
Bad things are gonna happen.
[Monkey chitters]
I can't understand what he's saying.
What's he saying?
Do you know where they are?
-[Monkey grunts]
-Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Monkey, slow down, okay?
Let me see.
[dramatic music playing]
-[glass clinking]
-[Eunice] Excuse me?
You look in my eyes when I scold you,
you hairy little wrecking ball.
You can forget about coming
to Montauk this summer,
'cause that's my sanctuary.
[flashback whooshing]
Monkey has a lead.
-[Monkey whimpers]
-[Double-Tap] Let's go get 'em, then.
No, no, no. Hold up.
This is Monkey's mission.
-Oh, come on.
You are not seriously trusting him.
Prove you're truly one of us
and clean up this mess.
Because if you can't
I will.
With extreme prejudice.
[Monkey grunts]
I cannot believe you are
letting him just walk away.
[Boone] They're his friends.
His battle to fight.
If he wants to be one of us,
he's gonna have to kill them.
[dramatic music swelling]
[seagull squawking]
Nothing yet.
Guys, this is crazy, all right?
I say we keep movin'.
Co-Op won't hesitate
to kill for that bad boy, you know?
Which is why this has to end here.
I've already been chased
across the world once.
Well, at least use the sword
against them, then, okay?
And maybe it'll give us
a fighting chance. Maybe.
No way.
I'm never wielding that sword again.
It made me enjoy killing.
I'd rather be dead than evil.
[Eunice] I heard that.
Eunice, you don't have to stay.
I chose this fight. You didn't.
Man, I hate those assholes
as much as anybody.
They stole my quarterback.
Monkey could have been
my "fuck you" money.
Besides, I guess you gotta work with a cop
once in your life.
Mm-hmm. Yeah, no, it sounds pretty sound.
Pretty sound.
Hey, Eunice, you got a shovel
stashed anywhere around here?
I'm just gonna get a head start
digging your graves.
-[Haruka] Oh, boy.
Monkey's on the other side, all right?
He's more deadly than Eunice's
entire roster combined.
No, no, no, no.
Monkey is still in play.
We haven't even talked to him yet.
There's a chance we can turn him.
And we'll have help.
I put the call out to the team,
and they should be here any minute.
Wait, hold on.
What do you mean, the team?
-The rest of my assassins.
-Those shit sticks?
Okay. [chuckles]
I don't know how to tell you this,
but unless there's something
in it for them,
the cavalry ain't coming.
You don't quit, do you?
-[knocking on door]
-You were saying?
Oh, Jesus.
What the hell? I-Iris?
I tried to buy a gun,
but apparently you need a license
in New York state or something?
-I dunno.
-You asked my daughter to help?
Uh, not me.
Well, I saw the message on Danke's phone.
At 3 a.m.? Consider my eyebrow raised.
Hey, she can't be here, okay?
You guys need backup. I'm backup.
-Uh, is Danke coming?
-[Iris] I don't think so,
but, hey, I'm here
because friends don't let friends
fight psychos alone.
Y-yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.
Enough with the bumper stickers.
Look, we shouldn't try
to fight the Co-Op at all.
We're running, okay? Now.
You've run from your problems
all your life.
Maybe try something different.
Do you want me to take
the next hour to explain
the various ways
we will be killed and murdered?
[scoffs] Where are we gonna run, Bryce?
We have the home field
advantage right here.
Okay. Eunice, all due respect,
some kitchen knives aren't
gonna stop the Co-Op, okay?
I mean, they have superpowers,
for fuck's sake.
And you think all I have
is some knives?
That really hurts.
[door creaks]
-Goddamn, Eunice.
Where'd you get all this shit?
Putin's Etsy?
["What Is This" by B Team playing]
I don't know what you call it,
let's call it a day ♪
I don't know what you call it,
let's call it a day ♪
Okay ♪
What is this ♪
What is this ♪
[song ends]
[seagull squawking]
-Well, I could eat.
-Oh, yes.
-Oh, my God, yes.
-I'm starving.
Oh, finally.
All right. Sorry, kids.
It's breakfast for dinner.
-It's all we've got.
-No, no, no. I love American breakfast.
It's so over the top.
Yeah, at my last bistro,
we had a dish called, um, Egg Mountain.
It was a mountain of egg.
That sounds awesome.
If I get out of this alive,
I'm making some major life changes.
-No more handling.
-[Haruka] Really?
I kept those assholes employed for years,
and this is how they repay me?
Going AWOL when my life is in danger?
You can't depend on nobody
in this business.
It's like they was only
in it for the money.
Is that how you feel, Bryce, after a date?
[Iris and Haruka laugh]
-[Haruka] Woof.
Eunice, you're not gonna quit.
You're too good at your job.
And the murder business needs more women
in management positions.
Girl, I am done.
This shit here? It ain't worth it.
If I survive this,
I'm going back to Japan.
Just a peaceful existence
in my little fishing village.
Hm. Seaside, baby.
This girl knows what's up.
My parents passed away last year,
so it's just me now.
Their home is right near the dock.
I could roll out of bed
and catch herring in my pajamas.
It's beautiful.
-You a little quiet, Bryce.
-What'd you say?
Oh, I, you know, I'm just gonna,
well, try to enjoy the time I've got left.
No way to know how much longer
I'm gonna be around, right?
I was thinking of going to Vail.
You know, learning to ski
with rich people.
-Oh, I like that.
-You should travel as much as you can.
[Eunice] Ooh, there's
some nice skiin' up there.
[gentle piano music playing]
[seagulls squawking]
[tense music playing]
Okay, here we go.
I got this.
[huffs, growls]
Hey, Judas. Isn't there
a supper you're late for?
[Monkey grunting]
So you came alone, huh?
Why is that?
You afraid your traitor friends
are gonna traitor kill your other friends?
That's messed up. Traitor.
Oh, hey, by the way,
you look like a fucking dipshit
without your sunglasses.
There he is.
[tense music continues]
[oven door creaks]
[guns cock]
-[wire snaps, whooshes]
-[knives swish]
Stop. Monkey! Are you with us?
Of course, he's with us.
He knows who his real friends are.
Right, Monkey?
Mm. I wouldn't be too sure.
Looks a little cagey.
-Piece of shit backstabber.
-[gun cocks]
You bring your crap-ass friends?
-Nah, he claims he came alone.
[Monkey hooting]
Oh, he's trying
to deescalate the situation.
-[chuckles sarcastically]
-[Monkey grunting]
And apparently, if we give up
the sword voluntarily,
he'll convince them
to spare all of our lives.
-How sweet of him.
-[Monkey grunts]
Oh, he doesn't wanna see anyone get hurt.
-Oh, this is good!
-[Monkey grunting]
Except for me.
He doesn't give a shit about me.
Oh, Monkey.
Listen, I saw Double-Tap's
heat vision goggles.
They're the same ones that were in Tokyo
during the massacre.
-[Monkey groans]
-Monkey, they killed my friends.
The Co-Op are gonna do horrible things
with the Alderman's weapons.
Hey, I told you, pal.
They're bullshit.
Like, a thousand times, I said it.
-[Monkey grunting sadly]
-[Iris] Hey, I am on your side.
Okay? I know firsthand
how fucking annoying Bryce can be,
but unfortunately,
he's actually right this time.
There's always a first time
for everything. [chuckles]
Thanks a lot, guys.
[Monkey grunts softly]
[tense music playing]
Don't do this, pal. Goddamn it!
[intense music playing]
-[Monkey screeches]
-Come on, Monkey!
[Monkey hooting]
-[shotgun blasts]
-[Eunice cries out]
[Haruka panting]
[Monkey whimpering]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Monkey yelps in pain]
Oh, you need some help, huh?
Why don't you go call Marky Mark
and the Flunky Bunch?
-[gun fires]
-[chuckles] Imagine that.
Monkey can't see
what's right in front of him.
You're so blind
thinking they're your family.
[Monkey grunting softly]
How about we take class outside, shall we?
-[window shatters]
- [dramatic music playing]
Come on, Monkey. Don't make us kill you.
Or do make us kill you.
Makes no difference to me.
-[Monkey growls]
-Fight like a man?
Oh, that's a super unevolved thing to say.
-[Monkey shrieking]
-[Bryce grunting]
Ah, that was really satisfying.
[gun fires]
Fuck, dude, you shot me?
[gun firing]
[Monkey grunting]
-[gun clicks]
-[Monkey grunts]
I don't care if I'm already dead.
It still hurts like fuckin' hell.
[glass shattering]
-[Monkey shrieks]
You monkey motherfucker.
[Monkey grunting]
Jealous? No, I'm not jealous
of those Co-Op douchebags.
They're just a bunch
of smug pricks with shitty taste.
Probably why they like you.
[Monkey growls]
[Monkey grunts angrily]
Oh, oh, they're great people, huh?
With great morals?
The Assassin's Cooperative. Right.
[Monkey shrieking]
You are so sanctimonious, you know that?
Guess what? All these hits, your career?
You know who that's been for?
-The fucking devil.
-[Monkey grunts]
Oh, shit. O-okay, uh, hold on.
I can explain, okay?
-Here, just let me
-[Monkey shrieks]
Yes, I betrayed you, okay?
Yeah, I lied to you, but come on.
Man, come
-[Monkey hooting]
-[punches thud]
You had to know.
What, do you think the man upstairs
is really gonna burn a clock into my hand?
[Monkey grunting]
I made a deal with the devil.
If I kept you killing
and feeding him souls,
he'd let me come back here.
But I did it so I could
make things right with Iris.
-[Monkey grunts]
-And for you too!
-[Bryce groans]
-[Monkey huffing]
Ahh! [groaning]
[explosion booms]
Oh, look at this shit.
For the guy who hates killing,
you sure seem to be into fucking killing.
Hey, you know what? I'm done.
I-it doesn't matter why I did it.
I did it, okay?
And you know what else?
I'm glad I did it.
[chuckles angrily]
-[box crashes]
-[Monkey grunts]
-[Monkey hooting]
-Damn it.
[machine gun firing]
[Bryce and Monkey screaming in pain]
[tense music playing]
Stop. Stop it, you two!
What the hell?
I am not going to let you kill
your only friend.
Wow. You know, I never thought
I'd get a chance to say this,
but Iris, you you are grounded!
Oh, goddamn it!
Did you just boathouse me?
Goddamn it, let me out!
This is bullshit.
[tense music playing]
-[knuckles crack]
-Bring it, fucko.
[Monkey grunting, shrieking]
[thunder rumbling]
You're sure they're here?
[Lady Bullseye]
Bryce is responsible for my death.
I can feel that bastard from miles away.
And where Bryce is, Monkey follows.
Okay, here we go.
[thunder rumbling]
[tense music playing]
[Eunice grunts]
Payback's a bitch.
She's only knocked out.
Next time, let's just slice her throat.
Nobody's asking you.
[scoffs sarcastically] Okay.
I just hope you're not choking again
like you did with Monkey.
Fuck off.
[door clangs]
Am I seeing a ghost?
Or am I looking at my old friend
pretending to be something she isn't?
Oh, was I? Oh, that's right.
We were friends once, but a lot's changed.
And you're a long way from home.
How'd you find us?
I've been hunting Monkey
ever since I got to New York.
Please, Akiko, this isn't you.
You're a good person,
kind and loving and
Am I?
[chuckles] Where's Monkey?
What are you planning to do?
[chuckles] Oh, I'm going to kill him.
And anyone who stands in my way.
[sighs] If Monkey
didn't shoot your uncle,
then Shinji was going to kill me.
Oh, then I'll just have
to finish the job, won't I?
-[Haruka grunts]
-[gun fires]
[Monkey grunting]
[Bryce] Okay. Goddamn it.
[Monkey screeching angrily]
Jesus. Have you tried meditation?
Akiko, you're consumed by grief.
You don't hate Monkey!
We can stop this right now.
Oh, right. Haruka always gets it
before everyone else.
[Lady Bullseye]
What are you doing? Feint left!
-[Haruka grunts]
-Well, you fucked up this time.
You stick with Monkey,
he'll destroy your life.
[Haruka cries out]
If I'd never met Monkey,
I'd be living in
the Prime Minister's house.
My uncle would still be alive.
[Lady Bullseye]
Are you trying to talk her to death?
Yeah. But in a corrupt government.
-Who cares?
-You do.
Or at least you used to.
Have you never heard of a cunt punch?
Shut up!
[tense music playing]
What is with you?
I have one life
and I only had one uncle,
one goddamn person in my corner,
and Monkey ripped that away from me.
Akiko, I've lost my parents.
I-I've lost my friends. I get it.
I don't give a shit!
Monkey destroyed my life.
He's cursed.
What is this, brunch?
Stop complaining and just kill her.
Damn it, leave me alone. I got this.
[Haruka and Akiko grunting]
Who are you talking to?
Oh, I'm nobody, am I?
[intense music playing]
Hey, don't intervene.
It's my fight!
Oh, now she gets it.
[Haruka groans]
[tense music playing]
-[Monkey grunting]
-[explosion booms]
[Akiko grunting]
Prepare to meet your end!
[dramatic music playing]
Oh, shit.
Hey, you and I aren't done yet.
[Akiko and Haruka grunting]
Well, well, well.
[Monkey growls]
Lady Bullseye's ghost?
-Hello, Bryce.
-What is happening?
[chuckles] Ready for round two?
[Bryce groans]
How did you learn to do that so quickly?
Better in life, better in the afterlife.
[Monkey chittering, screeching]
[Akiko and Haruka grunting]
Monkey! You have a clear shot
at Akiko, take it!
[tense music playing]
-[Monkey screeching]
-[Akiko grunts]
Ow, son of a bitch!
So what'd you think of hell?
Not so bad, right?
Did you try the chili?
You held my arms
and allowed me to get gunned down
like some amateur.
Yeah, well, if it walks like a duck,
gets shot like a duck
A true warrior knows
when she is outmatched.
[Monkey grunts]
[tense music swelling]
-[Monkey screeching]
-[Haruka yells]
[radar screen beeps]
Monkey's screwing this up.
We're gonna lose the sword.
We need to help him.
Negative. This is Monkey's mess.
We wait for it to play out.
Hey, this is super fun.
But can we take it
somewhere less salty?
[Lady Bullseye] Oh, no
I want you to burn!
You could stay physical and drown,
or you could ghost
and feel your skin charred to ash.
[Bryce groaning]
[skin sizzling]
You're a ghost too.
How is this not affecting you?
[muffled scream]
What do you want?
Pain's my thing.
It's confusing.
I'm getting a boner.
[Akiko laughs weakly]
Look at you.
Isn't this what we were
just talking about?
Killing is the solution.
It took two seconds for you
to show your real nature.
And look how powerful you are now.
[dramatic music playing]
That's not who I am.
Well, that's who I am.
-[dramatic music swells]
-[Haruka cries out]
No! No!
[body thuds]
[dramatic music continues]
[chuckles] One down,
one to go.
[muffled screaming]
[melancholy music playing]
Nicely done.
[aircraft engine roaring]
[Lady Bullseye]
Oh, shit.
Okay, that's our cue. Time to go.
Who the hell are these guys?
-[Lady Bullseye] It doesn't matter!
-[gun firing]
Come on, we need to move!
-[Monkey whines]
-we're not done yet.
-Oh, what?
Not this time, Kiki.
I can take him!
You're outclassed, kid. Time to go!
[Akiko] Goddamn it!
[dramatic music playing]
[high-pitched ringing]
[Monkey hooting]
[mournful music playing]
[Monkey whimpering]
[Monkey screeching]
What a waste of a beautiful life.
[dramatic music playing]
[aircraft engine thrumming]
["Ohayou" by Yuuki playing]
[waves lapping]
Ugh, fuckin' finally.
Eunice, what happened?
[gasps] No!
Oh, Lord, have mercy.
Help that child.
-Is that Bryce?
-Oh, my God.
-[Eunice] Is he moving?
[Iris grunting]
-[Bryce groans]
[Iris gasps]
[melancholy music continues]
[woman singing in Japanese]
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