InSecurity (2011) s02e07 Episode Script

Spy Bites Dog

- Are you hiding from me? - I lost a nano camera.
It's turned on so I can see what it's seeing, but I don't know what it's looking at.
It looks like it's at table level.
I know.
But I don't remember setting it on a counter.
- Wait.
There's something.
- It's not me.
Or me.
- What is that? - Burt.
The lunch room.
Oh, wow, I just ate the worst hazelnut ever.
- We could wait six hours.
- I think we just write it off.
What's up with you guys? Nothing.
InSecurity SO2EO7 Spy Bites Dog Our mark is Arkady Brautman, one of Uzbekistan's most impressive geologists.
He's on contract with Glitco Mining and suspected of selling intel to foreign interests.
I'm not sure if that means invest in Glitco or get out.
I've been tracking him for six weeks.
He's a loner, no social life to speak of.
But he has one very close friend.
Oh, what a little cutie wutie.
Excuse me.
You're a dog person? I'm a dog-person person.
Brautman takes his dog to the park four times a day.
Wow, the only thing I do four times a day Don't finish that sentence.
I was gonna say brush my teeth.
- After I brush my teeth I always take - So, Oksana, here, is my best way in to make contact, my best fanged, wolf-like way in to make contact.
You just need a dog.
Because it would be weird for me to hang out in a dog park without a dog? Right? Obviously.
So, let's make that happen.
JoJo and I will go find you a NISA dog.
ALEX: Good.
Let's do this.
So, this Svenson, we just have to supply proof he's in the country? Yeah.
MI6 needs positive photo identification.
They'll take care of the rest.
I was right about the rice pudding, eh? It's enveloping my tongue in a soft blanket of of - Rice.
- Exactly.
Oh, thank you.
- You don't have to do that.
- I want to.
Claude, please.
You barely touched the appetizer.
I went quail cheeks crazy.
I've been at NISA for 26 years.
You've been here for two.
- I get to pay.
- Okay.
Do you mind if we swing by my place? I need my phone charger.
But I'm driving.
This rice pudding has rum in it and you had six helpings.
When did Brautman leave Kazakhstan? Uzbekistan.
I always get my stans confused.
Uzbekistan is beautiful.
Majestic mountains, breathtaking architecture, and the best tandyr samsa you've ever tasted.
I, uh, competed there when I was younger.
- Really? - Yeah.
- Jazz choir? - I wrestled.
What was your stage name? It was, uh, it was Greco-Roman.
I was on the junior national team.
Yeah, I was on the rugby team at Western.
Yeah? Good for you.
Well, you know, I boxed a little, skied, lacrossed like a wild man.
Now did you just do the one sport, then? Yeah.
"The Orange Menace.
" That woulda made a good wrestling name, uh? JOJO: Good boy.
Who's a good dog, Jasper? Yes, you are.
I'll have to take you for a walk with Hillary someday.
Hillary, your niece? Hillary's my terrier.
Mallory's my niece.
- Not really.
One of them's a dog.
- Confusing.
Well, we know who this guy is, don't we, Jasper? Easy, boy.
Okay, Jasper, on with the leash, there.
Settle down.
Boy, he's feisty.
When I picked him up earlier, he was like putty in my hands.
Well, maybe maybe he's just, uh, hungry.
Who wants some chocolate? Dogs can't eat chocolate.
It makes them sick.
Yeah, I know.
It was just a joke between me and Jasper.
I will, um, go get the real treats, while you put on the leash.
Come here.
Wanna go for a walk? Let's go for a walk.
Thanks for doing this.
I'll just be a second.
Nice place.
Glad I bought lunch.
Thanks again.
And paid for parking.
I know.
It's crazy expensive in this neighbourhood.
You play tennis? No.
But I love Andre Agassi.
He used that one at the French Open.
Oh, got it.
Under the first generation, a glorified coaster now.
Hey, you want a quick espresso? I just got a new machine, my one indulgence.
Oh, ho, no thanks.
Can I use your washroom? Please.
But don't pee in the waterfall.
That's decoration.
Um, where, uh - Huh? - Hm? Oh, sacrifice.
Come on.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Whoa, it is a beautiful day, isn't it? I could use a little help here.
Shelter dog.
He's a little crazy.
- I can help you.
- Not you, him.
Oh, I hope you got rabies.
I didn't mean that.
Uh, Peter, do you have a second? Uh, yeah.
I was just in the middle of something, but, uh, go ahead.
Well, you know, um, I'm the veteran agent here and I was just wondering if that is reflected in my salary.
I gotta admire the balls on you for that one.
Yeah, sorry, hands are tied.
Oh, no, no, no.
No, I I just wanted to know if a Level 5, like me, makes more than a Level 3 like, uh, Well, who's Level 3? - Um, N'udu.
- Of course.
- Well, pay rises each clearance level.
- By a lot? Yeah.
Well, I can tell you by how much.
Just tell me how much your Level 5 salary is and I'll subtract it from my Level 12 salary.
Oh, don't don't worry about that.
I got what I came for.
No, no.
Just tell me how much you make.
Nah, I'm just gonna go.
I make this much.
Hm? So, how did it go? Good.
Um, the intel I've got on Brautman is that he throws with his right hand.
Okay? I thought I could see this case through, I really did, but - You're afraid of dogs.
- They just don't like me.
They've talked.
They've made their decision.
It's not good to have fear in this line of work.
It can be used against you, which is why I've systematically eliminated all of mine, with the exception of earwigs and guys who call fun things a blast.
I think you should take over this file.
I'm going to help you overcome this.
That's sweet, but I think I'm a lost cause.
Jasper barked at me sarcastically.
You just need to spend some time with my dog.
- She's calm, precise, reliable.
- Just like you.
That's funny.
That's not funny.
That's the way I trained her.
Oh, bad news, N'udu.
My Aunt Adele passed away.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear that.
She left me 500 bucks.
Nice lady.
Say, that ever happen to you? No.
How old was your aunt? Doesn't matter.
You know what I did with that $500? Went to the casino.
I was feeling lucky.
After your aunt died? Uh, oh, she also left me a rabbit's foot.
Anyway, I went to the casino and I tripled my money.
That's great when that happens.
Right? - I guess.
I try not to gamble.
- Oh.
We should really get going.
Mm, sweet.
Wrist candy.
It's just a watch.
It's big.
It's a Morenz.
Somebody's swingin' for the fences.
Probably a knockoff.
- What's that cost, like 2K? - Go north, young man.
A piece like that is for serious watch wearers only.
It's not some consolation prize in a peewee wrasslin' contest.
We weren't peewees, we were juniors.
There was a guy nicknamed Peewee, but he was well, never mind.
N'udu, you gotta let me hold that thing.
Oh, okay, that's it.
Break time's over.
Not according to my Morenz.
Okay, good.
Now call her over.
- Commit to it.
- Hillary! - Better.
- Hillary, come! Eeuw, it's not gonna lick me, is it? It's a she.
And, no, she only licks her mommy.
Don't you? It's just that a dog licked my toes once at a cottage.
I accidentally kicked it in the face and it fell in the lake.
Well, try and stay calm and don't kick Hillary in the face.
- Okay.
- Good girl.
- Yeah, good girl.
- I was talking to you.
Hillary knows she's a good girl.
Burt Wilson.
Golden Boy.
Goldie Wilson.
Uh, hi, Peter.
Makes me wonder, though, what a junior wrestler could do against a multi-sport all-star.
Ah, I've I've hung up my wrestling shoes.
Yeah, right.
I'm not buyin' it.
All right, come on.
Let the tiger out for some grapplin' time.
Gimme your best hold, I'll squirt out of it.
Let's go, Burt! I'm gonna go print these phone lists using the printer on the second floor.
Come on, buddy, let's do this.
Come on.
Burt! Burt! Is Svenson ever going to show up? N'udu, many years ago I liberated a beautiful set of golf clubs from the evidence room.
But no matter how much I played, I couldn't get my handicap down.
Guilt is a powerful sand trap.
So I turned myself in.
I was suspended and docked pay.
Why are you telling me this? It's just a cautionary tale.
Are you accusing me of something? I think the story speaks for itself.
I think the story should mind its own business.
I make more than you.
How can you afford such fancy things? - Why did you order gravy on the side? - Sorry? At lunch.
You ordered gravy on the side.
The sandwich came with gravy, - but you paid to have it on the side.
- I like to dip.
Maybe you don't have money because you blow it on gravy.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need some air.
It was just a story.
- Hello, again.
- Hello.
- We met yesterday.
- Yes.
Your dog has changed.
This is my other dog, Hillary.
I left Jasper, my crazy dog, at home.
I see.
Hello, Hillary.
This is Oksana.
Go! They seem to be getting along nicely.
Oksana, stop chasing her! Ah, that's fine.
Just let them play.
Oksana! She's not coming back.
Oh, she'll she'll turn around, in a second.
Any sec.
Hillary! Well well, at least I still have Jasper.
Hillary! Hillary! So, how did my girl do? Well, she was great, everything you said she would be, - Until she wasn't.
- What do you mean? Oksana spooked her a little.
- Did she refuse to sit? - You could say that.
Sometimes she takes an instant dislike to a dog.
- She's quick to judge.
- She is quick in general.
Are you trying to tell me something? Oksana ran.
Hillary ran.
- Why didn't you run too? - I did, but Hillary ran faster.
I really thought she'd come back.
She's a dog, not a boomerang! I'm so sorry.
I've called the city, the police.
Oh, my baby.
- My poor baby! - She looked happy.
I told you before, this isn't Benjamin N'udu's phone number.
Quit playing games with us, Mr.
N'udu, or we'll have to come down there and find you.
Maybe I'll declare bankruptcy.
Then your agency won't be able to collect a penny.
- Hi, N'udu.
- Hi.
You were right.
I'm pretty frivolous with my money.
But you just bought takeout.
Uh-uh, reusing a paper bag.
Packed my own lunch.
- Good for you, Claude.
- No more dining out.
I'm gonna carpool with Burt to save on gas.
And, you know, Helene and I usually go to Maine in August, but I told her, "Not this year, not until we get these bills paid down.
" You can't deny yourself everything.
That's what Helene said to me, but she was much angrier when she said it.
You shouldn't fight over money.
If we don't fight, how will we ever have nice things, like you? She's small, white, answers to the name of Hillary.
Ah, JoJo must be going through hell.
We're doing everything we can to find her.
I've got Burt cruising around in the van with treats.
I've reminded him to stay away from playgrounds.
I'd be worried sick if my Yorkies got lost.
I mean, can you imagine these guys out there, on the street, alone.
God knows what could happen.
A little more positive, please.
Alex speaking.
Arkady! How are you doing? Any luck finding Hillary? No.
I'm worried sick.
She's out there on the street, alone.
God knows what could happen.
Well, I want to help.
Can I put up posters or something? Sure, yeah.
That'd be great.
How about we meet at the park in about an hour? That sounds good.
I'll I'll see you then.
Okay! Brautman's still a go.
We got a break.
A tough break, a terrible, terrible break.
Looks like Svenson's called in some muscle.
- We should call it in.
- No! We don't know for sure if they made us.
What else could it be? They're just sittin' there.
We're just sitting here.
Try moving ahead.
Thanks for doing this.
I don't mean to take you away from work.
Oh, work is work.
This is important.
Yes, my dogs are everything to me, obviously.
Even leaving Jasper all on his own this morning.
Yeah, it must be tough.
You must find that hard, with Oksana, every day.
I've been working at home lately.
Are you doing that a lot these days? As much as I can.
Next week I have to travel.
Do you take Oksana with you? Not this time.
I have to put her in a kennel.
You know, I'm flying overseas.
- Ah, good to know.
- Why? Um, because I sometimes travel and I could use a good kennel for Jasper and, well, hopefully Hillary.
Haaaaiyaaa! Hey! What are you doing? - I'm doing ya Greek Style.
- Don't you mean Greco-Roman? - Yeah.
How's it taste? - I don't wanna fight you.
Don't want, or can't want? Ow! - Oh, ho, ho, vic-tor-y! - Ow! My wrist.
- I'm not fallin' for that.
- Falling for what? I help you, next thing you know I'm tied up like a pretzel.
- Not gonna happen, Starbuck.
- Okay, whatever.
Boy, you really are milkin' it.
Unless you're oh, man, I am so sorry.
It's fine.
Just don't touch me.
Now I feel like a bit of a jerk.
Well, can I get ya anything, a muffin, a coffee? You better not be fakin'.
Uh, hi.
Why does this person have your dog on her poster? Um, this is Such a coincidence.
I saw your poster and I just fell in love with Hillary.
- So I made my own poster.
- Oh.
I thought whoever owns this special dog must be utterly devastated, maybe filled with rage and revenge fantasies.
I am.
But I also know my friends are working very hard to find her.
I'll get that tree.
He's leaving the country next week.
I think he has the intel at his house.
- What do you need me to do? - Take these.
- Thank you for your help, kind stranger.
- Of course.
Oh, no.
We're out of posters.
Do you live nearby? We can use your printer.
- Thanks.
- Sure.
If you're hungry, I can make you an Uzbeki meat pie.
I am starving.
I could eat a whole one myself.
They're very small.
- Yeah, I'll eat a lot of them.
- This way.
Come, Oksana.
Here we go.
What are you doing? These guys wanna party? Fine.
It's Hammer Time.
You said you gave the clubs back.
I, uh, adapt the story to fit the circumstance.
So, who wants a slice? Claude, wait.
These are collection agents.
I'm a little behind.
What happened to fiscal responsibility? It took a back seat to living large.
- I said I'd pay you Wednesday.
- It's Thursday.
I didn't realize that.
Hey, you made me cancel my holiday.
Dammit! I know, I misled you.
Not that.
Excuse me.
Hey! Get back here! That camera belongs to us.
Actually, it belongs to NISA.
I'll be right back.
I promise.
I'll take your clubs as collateral.
I'll take your face as collateral.
Thanks for printing out more posters.
Oh, you're welcome.
I'm certain she'll turn up sooner or later.
Do you need to check on the meat pies? Oh, ho, I see those little pies have captured your imagination.
They always do.
I'm just gonna use your washroom.
I'll be right back.
Sure, of course.
Hillary! Good doggy.
Hillary, no! Aaa-aah! Mm, aah.
Ah, oh.
Fresh from the oven.
No time for meat pies.
Hillary's outside! What? Wait.
I will have some meat pies.
My baby! You found her! I lured her in with Uzbeki meat pies.
She's on a raw food diet, but we'll let it slide.
She licked my face a little when I found her.
That means she likes you, or you had pieces of meat pie crumbs on your face.
Now all you have to do is hand over those files and we can turn this Thursday into a Friday.
Uh, there was a problem with the download.
Well, I guess it's back to the dog park with Hillary, if JoJo's okay with that.
- Hi, there.
- Oh.
What? This is Zeus and Apollo, my Yorkies.
Jasper's at home taking a nap with Hillary.
Four dogs? You have a big heart.
Sure do.
Zeus and Apollo, right? So which one is which? Let me get back to you on that.
I got to Brautman's computer.
He's been selling intel to Glitco's competitors.
What happened? Oh, yeah, Burt.
What was the, uh, question, again? Why does he have a cast on his wrist? Well, he was, um, he was walkin' down the hallway and - I fell.
- Backwards.
- It was a weird position, you know? - Strange, huh? I've been playing sports my whole life and there I am tripping over my feet in the hall.
I just wanted to wrestle him.
How long is your wrist out of commission for? Six weeks.
You know, it-it's kinda funny when you think about it, me putting out a junior medalist for six weeks.
Yeah, I guess I don't know my own strength.
You shouldn't be proud of that.
- Sorry, again, champ.
- Yeah.
- There is a bright side to all this.
- What is that? My condo is going to look so much bigger when it's empty.
Are you done with the couch? First let me check for change.
Subtitle by: Kiasuseven
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