My Adventures with Superman (2023) s02e07 Episode Script

Olsen's Eleven

[Waller] Citizens of Metropolis,
we have just witnessed the true
magnitude of the alien threat to Earth.
Superman isn't a hero.
He's an invader.
The vanguard
of a hostile military force.
Superman and his kind
have declared war on humanity.
But our alien problem
has a human solution.
The Human Defense Corps.
For the protection of Metropolis,
martial law is now in effect.
- So when Superman returns
- [grunts]
and he will return,
we'll be ready for him.
[opening music playing]
General Waller, you claimed
Superman attacked Metropolis.
But witnesses say Superman
was fighting the alien to save the city.
Metropolis would not have
needed saving
if Superman wasn't here
in the first place.
The alien came for him.
We've all seen the footage.
Footage your agency seized just
minutes after the event last night.
But this station has
obtained its own footage,
- which we're going to play
- That's classified.
But thank you for bringing it
to my attention.
Uh, hey, you can't
[static interference buzzes]
Ugh, this can't be happening.
Clark's been kidnapped,
Waller's trying to destroy him
[Lois] And I broke up with him.
It doesn't matter. We are going to find Clark
and bring him home with this.
Amazo Tech jump-drive ship.
It's still at S.T.A.R. Labs.
We steal the ship, go to space,
get Clark back
[sighs] And
- make it right.
- And how exactly are the two of us
going to steal the spaceship?
- By hiring someone to help us.
- Livewire?
Stealing stuff is her thing.
Plus, she knows us.
'Cause we helped Superman
stop her.
Do you have a better idea?
Because I don't, Jimmy,
and I [sighs]
I need to make things right.
So, how do we find Livewire?
I burned through every favor
I had with my contacts,
and I got her last known address.
Huh. Not what
I expected, but [sighs]
here we go.
- You!
- Wait, wait. Don't hang up.
We need your skills and you're
- Isn't that Superman's
- Yeah.
- What could she possibly
- No idea.
[beeps]and I don't regret
helping Superman stop you. But now
Shut up and get to the point.
We need you to help us break into
S.T.A.R. Labs to steal a spaceship.
[both laughing]
Oh, you're serious. Oh.
We're willing to pay.
[cash register dings]
- No.
- I'm gonna need to see more zeros.
Whatever it takes.
[cash register dings]
- [Lois gasps]
- Whoa! Is this mahogany?
Is that the stolen Ming vase
from the Metrop
I mean, uh, mahogany, huh?
I love mahogany. [chuckles]
- Leslie, seriously?
- Babe, with this money,
we could do anything.
Okay? We could retire and,
I don't know, buy a farm.
We could have chickens.
[Heat Wave] I don't want chickens!
You always do this.
You take impossible jobs
and get in way over your head.
You never know
when to walk away.
- I know when to walk away.
- No, you don't.
But I do.
Good luck.
You're gonna need it.
Enjoy your stupid spaceship.
[door slams]
So, uh
- you and Heat Wave are
- Are no longer splitting the money.
Now shut up and listen.
You hired me,
which means I call the shots.
S.T.A.R. Labs is tough,
but not impossible.
I can get us in,
but we need a crew
who knows their way around a spaceship.
And there aren't too many of those,
especially with Waller locking down
every scientist in the city.
So, I might know some people
who can help us.
What? Who?
- Jimmy!
- Jimmy!
Mallah? Brain?
I thought you went
to another dimension.
- Huh
- Ah, for the past six months,
mon amour and I have explored
the wonders of the multiverse.
But it turns out, every dimension
has already its own Mallah and Brain,
which is plenty.
[Brain] Also, we may have
been chased out of the last dimension
for creating another
unstable black hole. [laughs]
- [Mallah] Thus we returned.
- [cheering]
We do brunch with Jimmy
on the weekends,
and now we are here
to help our friends.
[Brain] And work on a machine
that can open portals
without destroying everything.
Which, we now understand,
is a drawback.
Okay, we're on the clock,
people. [sighs]
Curfew means we have to move
during daylight.
Luckily, that also means
we're dealing with
S.T.A.R. Labs's
state-of-the-art security system.
How is that lucky for us?
Because systems are only as
good as the people behind them,
and people have weaknesses.
So, entry is a two-step process.
Only those accompanied by a guard
can enter the facility.
However, my sources say that the
back entrance guard visits his
grandma at her nursing home on
47th Street every Thursday.
That's when we grab his prints.
When his shift ends at 5:00,
we'll have a 30-second window
before his replacement arrives.
[Mallah] And this is where
we come in.
[Brain] I will access
the security system and loop the cameras.
[Mallah] While my incredible
husband is in the system,
we'll also hack
and download blueprints and manifests,
which will show us
the exact location of the spaceship.
[Brain] As well as what equipment they have,
so we can make modifications.
[Lois] What?!
Hold on.
We never said anything
about modifications.
[Brain] You also never said
anything against them.
No! The longer we're in, the
greater our chance of getting caught.
Once we find the ship,
and only the ship
[Brain grumbles]
we fly it out,
and we go our separate ways.
If something goes wrong,
we do Plan B.
[Lois] And what's Plan B?
We're not hurting people.
We do this peacefully,
or the deal's off.
You don't get it.
Superman isn't here to save you.
You're gonna have
to get your hands dirty.
- There's always another way.
- It's your funeral. Now
We'll stay in communication
with these earpieces.
- And this microcomputer.
- No, put that back.
Oh, and this laser gun.
Pew, pew, pew. [laughs]
Stop touching everything.
- [Brain mockingly] Stop touching everything.
- [Livewire grunts]
Lois, it's not just the ship.
Mallah and Brain think
they can pinpoint Clark,
- but when we find him
- We also find his evil cousin.
Which is why I brought
Why is everyone so trigger happy?
- We're not going to hurt Kara.
- Kara?
Um, I'm sorry, you're on a first
name basis with Clark's kidnapper?
Well, it's
It's more complicated than that.
She took Clark.
I'd say it's pretty simple.
I just think
before we resort to Kryptonite,
- we should talk to her.
- This is our only weapon against her.
Livewire's right.
We don't have Superman.
It's up to us to save Clark,
and this is how we do it.
Is it? Because you're
starting to sound a lot like
What are you doing in here?
- Nothing!
- Arguing!
Whatever, wrap it up.
It's time to move.
Stick to the plan and we might
just pull this off,
as long as there are no surprises.
General, uh,
we weren't expecting you.
Well, that's kind of the point
of a surprise inspection, Alex.
I've been hearing a lot about how
Project M will be operational soon,
but no timelines.
I'm here to see
what progress has been made.
- Unless that's a problem for you.
- Not at all.
This way, General.
Let me give you the full tour.
Shift ends in three
two one.
- [Jimmy] Why isn't he leaving?
- [Lois] Ah, he must have a double shift.
- [Livewire shushes]
- Hmm?
Hello? Is someone there?
[whispers] Hey, get back here.
- Hi there.
- Hello.
Henshaw was supposed to
let you know I was coming in.
I'm the new hire, starting today.
- I'm, uh
- Don't say your real name. Don't say your real name.
- Jimmy.
- [groans]
Hey [chuckles]
You You look familiar. Uh
This is a weird question,
but is your grandma
at the nursing home on 47th Street?
- Uh, yeah.
- [laughs] I knew I recognized you.
- Uh, my nana lives there too.
- Huh. Small world.
[Jimmy] Ah, I visit her
every week,
- but I wish I could see her more often.
- [guard] Yeah, tell me about it.
I was supposed to visit
my gran today,
but I got pulled into a double
with no warning.
What? That's the worst.
I wouldn't usually do this,
but if you want to
go see her, right now,
- I can cover this shift.
- Seriously?
Oh, that'd be great, man.
I owe you one, Jimmy.
[beeping and buzzing]
- Very impressive, Jimmy.
- Thank you.
See how I used talking
to solve the problem?
- Because sometimes talking
- Yeah, you're a real hero. Cameras?
Looped in this room.
Then let's go.
- [Brain] Uh-oh.
- Problem?
[Brain grunts] They've increased
their security encryptions.
Uh, just a moment, Fraeulein.
[Alex] As you can see,
security has never been tighter.
We've converted two of our hangars
to store the Project M prototypes.
- I can show you the feed
- Or you could show us the main event.
Unless "operational soon"
meant not operational at all.
Look, I'm back-engineering an alien
substance into a new type of power source.
We need time.
The new cores
are at ten percent capacity
[Wilson] Are you going to
shoot excuses at it?
[Alex] Okay, I didn't come to
this organization
to be middle managed
by a wannabe ninja.
Got it.
We have a security breach.
Sweep the facility.
- Let me assemble a team.
- No. Wilson will handle it.
With extreme prejudice.
I have the ship's location.
There it is. Vehicle Hangar 3.
Let's go.
[gasps] Mon amour.
Do you see what I see?
They have Europium.
It's the last component we need
for our portal machine.
We shall make a detour.
[Lois] Okay, can we please
focus on stealing one thing at a time?
[footsteps approaching rapidly]
- [sighs] Black ops.
- Leslie.
[electricity crackling]
They're running.
Activate lockdown.
- [Waller] What is Wilson doing?
- [Alex] This is it.
You want to see what Project M
can do, General? Let me show you.
All right, Luthor.
Bring them online.
Mallah, Brain, come in.
- [panting]
- I'm just getting static.
Isn't it obvious?
They ditched us.
No, they wouldn't do that.
Would they?
[electricity crackling]
- Livewire, hold the door.
- Sorry, kids. But Rory's wrong.
I do know when to walk away.
- Livewire!
- What do we do now?
[footsteps approaching]
[growls] Keep up the sweep.
- I hate tight spaces.
- When I get my hands on Kara,
she is gonna wish she stayed in space.
This is all her fault.
- Lois, it's not that simple.
- Of course it's simple.
She's an enemy.
You take out the enemy.
Take out the enemy?
You know, you're sounding
an awful lot like your dad.
I am nothing like my father.
I know you're not.
Because you gave Clark a chance.
The only difference between
Clark and Kara
is that Clark had us
and Kara had no one.
She's not a lost cause, Lois.
[gasps] We made it.
We're getting out of
There's no way that thing can fly.
No. This was my chance
to make things right.
I'm never gonna see him again,
and it's all my fault. [crying]
I don't even know why I
broke up with him. I was
I was just so afraid
he was going to leave.
So why not cut to the chase?
I love him. But I
I got scared he wouldn't
love me back the same way.
That is so beautiful and sad.
- Mallah, Brain, you didn't abandon us.
- Bien sur, we would never.
We were just gathering supplies
for the portal machine.
Plus, we needed to get
the shuttle running.
Give us a minute, and we'll
compensate for the missing thruster.
Then [chuckles]
to space!
[both gasp]
[Brain] Everyone, to the ship!
[siren blaring]
[laughs] Fire the engines.
[engine starting]
- Mallah!
- Ugh. Zut alors.
Um Guys?
Again, mon amour.
[engine starting]
Any time now, mein liebchen.
[speaking French]
[engine starts]
[all cheering]
- We did it!
- Yeah!
[all gasping]
[Lois] No.
We're not gonna make it.
No Superman to save us.
[electricity crackling]
- Livewire?
- Livewire?
- Heat Wave?
- Heat Wave?
- You came back?
- I never left.
That was the plan.
The real one.
After I let you in, Rory left
to put together the actual crew.
I knew that once Waller realized
you were after the ship,
the armory would be unguarded.
So while she was occupied
with you dummies,
we stole everything that wasn't
bolted down, and then some.
The plan was for us to get away scot-free,
while you took the fall.
[Lois over the earpiece] I'm never gonna see him again.
It's all my fault. [crying]
[Livewire] But then
we kept hearing you two whine on and on.
You got scared.
But love is not for cowards.
Sometimes you have to put it all on the line
to be with the person you love.
Working together
to rob the woman who kidnapped you.
Aw, babe.
- Love is not for cowards.
- [Livewire] That's right.
Now get out of here.
[driver] Whoo-hoo!
Told you. You never know
when to walk away.
Oh, Alex. This must hurt.
You gave it a good shot,
but they still got away.
[Waller] This was a success.
At only ten percent capacity,
it stood up to
alien tech weapons and superpowers.
Whatever resources you need,
they're yours.
Project M is now top priority.
Wilson, clean up.
What was it
you so eloquently said to Lane?
Oh, right.
"Mommy doesn't need you anymore."
- We did it.
- We did it.
Thanks, Jimmy.
[sighs] I promise
I will try to talk to Kara
- before punching her with Kryptonite.
- That's all I ask.
I know we can get through to her.
I saw a different side to Kara
when we got ice cream,
and went to the gardens, and watched
the sunset together. Ooh, and
Wait. You're describing a date.
- Did you go on a date with Kara
- [Brain] The machine is complete.
Portal opens in three, two
The repairs are not holding.
[Mallah] Mais non.
[closing music playing]
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