Panchayat (2020) s02e07 Episode Script

Dost Yaar

Who is that standing
in the middle of the road?
Stop. Stop.
What a stupid driver?
Which village is he from?
What do you expect from the driver,
when you're standing
in the middle of the road?
I am not standing here for fun.
It's important. Come down.
Tell me.
There's going to be a 72-hour
prayer meeting in our village.
I see. I see.
Praise the Lord.
Won't let you off so easy.
Take something out of your pocket.
Are you asking for a donation?
I see.
Here you go.
What is this?
Only 50 rupees.
Such a huge bus.
At least give 101 rupees.
Isn't 100 rupees too much?
Are you listening, Prahlad uncle?
Why are you complaining?
You're not paying from your own pocket.
It's the bus owner's money.
I've to give an account
of the money to the owner.
Give an account.
Let me see.
I can see 100 rupees from here.
-Give it.
I'll need a receipt.
You'll get a receipt.
We're not doing anything illegal here.
Give him a receipt.
What did you say your name was?
Prajesh Mishra?
Is that a V or B?
P for Pan.
-P for Pan.
He's absolutely right.
Hurry up, mister. We've to get to Bibipur.
Here you go.
-Thank you very much.
-Do come to collect the offering?
Of course. I'll bring the
entire bus along with the passengers.
-Then give 1000 rupees more.
-Let's go.
Go on, driver.
Let's go
See you.
So Prahlad uncle, that's 100 rupees.
Look do we take from him as well.
Let him go.
Why take a donation
from rickshaw drivers?
Let him go.
I think he wants to give a donation.
Where is he going?
Seems like the place.
It says Phulera on the signboard.
Does this road head to Phulera, mister?
It does but where are you heading?
I am going to meet my friend Abhishek.
He works at the Panchayat office.
You're the Secretary's friend.
Yes, I am the Secretary's friend.
I am Vikas. Office assistant.
That's Prahlad Pandey, the deputy.
Abhishek always keeps
talking about you guys.
Even the Pradhanji.
I know all about you guys.
-Really. -Actually, I was travelling
from Delhi to Kolkata,
and thought I'll take a day's gap.
Today is Sunday.
We'll have a ball.
Great. Great.
Now that's true friendship.
Let me call Abhishek sir.
He'll make some tea for you.
No, no
I want to surprise him.
Surprise him.
Don't you get it?
He'll suddenly pop up
in front of Abhishek sir,
and say look who's here.
Pop from behind him.
Yes, pop up.
You're on the right path. Go straight.
It will lead you
to the Panchayat office.
Okay, fine.
See you guys later.
Don't pay more than 50 rupees.
Okay, fine.
Let's go then.
This is why I don't
come in this direction.
Tough to say whether the
road leads through the fields,
or the fields are on the road.
Come on, man.
That's the fun in villages.
You should enjoy these things.
Fun for you.
I'll charge 50 rupees extra.
Okay, fine. I'll pay extra.
Let's go.
Here. Keep it. Keep it.
-I don't have change.
-Keep the change, man.
-Keep the change?
-Okay, fine.
Mr. Secretary,
please make my birth certificate.
Buddy, what brings you here?
Giving you a surprise.
Why didn't you call?
What kind of a surprise is this?
If I call then it
wouldn't be a surprise.
Man, you bought a
place on the main road.
Yes, I did.
It's not easy getting
a place on the main road in LA.
Companies spend a fortune on it.
Great. There is a lot of difference.
Come on.
Bro, this place has got the vibe.
Why are you always complaining?
I would take up a job here if I get one.
Except for the power cut all night,
the place has got the vibes.
What happened?
Can't see the mustard seed fields.
Mustard doesn't grow all year.
It's a winter crop.
Only grows in the winter.
You know everything.
Which crop grows in which year?
You've become this
grassroots kind of a guy.
Enough of this rubbish.
Freshen up first.
Are you going to the hand pump?
Man, I'll be drinking from
the hand pump after so long.
The water does taste sweet.
No formalities, please.
Your bro will operate the hand pump.
Fine, go ahead and operate
the hand pump. I am not stopping you.
Take a bucket instead.
I'll fill up the bucket.
-Shall I take a shower too?
-Come on.
Hold it tight.
Push. Push.
Are there no taps in the village?
There is. We'll get one by next year.
Come on.
Get one here as well.
You wanted to work the hand pump,
didn't you? Now, come on.
What's the point of the prayer meeting,
when you're going to sleep all day?
Prahlad and Vikas are
out collecting donations.
What will I do out there?
What will I do?
Go around the village, meet the people.
They would know that even
if the Pradhanji can't fix the roads,
at least he's doing something.
The boys are collecting
donations on the main road.
Once they go into the village,
I'll go with them.
Be quiet.
'Be quiet.' That's all he has to say.
By the way, how much are we donating?
Farmers are giving 500,
those with jobs are giving 2500,
and we'll give 10,000.
I think we should donate 20,000.
What? How much?
20,000 she says.
You never spend where you should be,
and always waste money
on what you shouldn't be.
Yes, papa.
Come here, child.
Yes, papa.
Shall we donate 20,000?
Yes, papa. We should.
Fine, we will.
Your mother is eventually
learning politics.
Keep it over there.
I'm getting bored.
Let's head to the fields.
What will you do in
the fields in this hot sun?
Even farmers don't go
to the fields at this time.
I wonder what you want to see out there?
You had lunch. Take a nap.
I'll have to get some extra mattresses.
We'll get one from the
Pradhanji's home in the evening.
Why wait till evening?
Let's go get one right now.
We'll both lie down comfortably.
Come on.
Let's go, bro. Come on.
If not the mattress,
you want to see the fields.
-Come on.
-Fine, we're going.
Look. Women fetching
water from the well.
What are you doing?
Don't make a video of women.
We'll both get thrashed.
Got it, bro.
These streets look like a maze.
How do you remember these streets?
I used to get confused earlier,
but now I remember them well.
Really. I must admit.
Why are these people staring at us?
Not us. They are staring at you.
You're new around here.
They always stare at the new guy.
I see.
Is this the place?
Yes, this is the place.
I'll address the village
Pradhanji as Pradhanji.
What will I call Manju Devi?
I call her madam,
you can call her madam too.
She's your boss,
why should I call her madam?
Call her whatever you like.
I understood that
your name is Siddharth.
But what's your full name?
Even on the certificate,
my name's mentioned as Siddharth.
Siddharth on the certificate.
What's your father's name?
It's Manoranjan Gupta, Pradhanji.
So you're Mr. Gupta.
See you then, Pradhanji.
We only came to collect the mattress.
-Get some rest.
-Okay, fine.
Since you've collected the mattress,
then you may leave.
I thought you would stay for a while.
Are you leaving?
I was making some tea.
Let it be.
We'll drink tea at the office.
We've some leftover milk.
Otherwise, it will get spoiled.
Yes, aunty. Let the tea be.
Okay, fine.
Listen, take a picture
of me with the buffalo.
Let's go.
Come on, just one picture.
I'll post a story.
Go ahead, take a picture.
It's not every day you come
to the village. Take a picture.
Go stand there.
Just one picture from
different angles, okay.
Take a picture with the buffalo.
One like this
He's a pretty decent buffalo.
Another one playing the
lyre in front of the buffalo.
Don't they have buffaloes in Delhi?
Don't be crazy, mom.
This picture's nice. Put it on Insta.
The place seems abandoned
in the afternoon,
like there's a curfew in place.
You even got kicked by a buffalo,
what more adventure are you looking for?
The village is a boring place.
What else do I keep telling you?
What are you saying, Siddharth?
Come, Prahlad.
You're not in the company
of a fun-loving man.
And calling Phulera boring.
I didn't mean it.
You're not completely wrong, Siddharth.
But we're here now.
What do we do, sir?
What do we do?
We've thought about having
drinks in the evening.
-But for now
-Why wait till evening?
Exactly, why wait till nightfall?
During the day?
Cold beer, Mr. Secretary.
Sooner the better.
We can have a bottle of cold beer.
So do we drink here?
Who wants to drink out here?
I'll take you someplace else.
Ever had a beer under
the cool shade of a tree?
It's amazing.
I had a beer in Goa on
the beach in the afternoon.
Why spend money to drink beer in Goa.
Come with me,
I'll show you double the fun in Phulera.
Let's make this trip memorable.
Enjoy the ambience of
Goa in the fields of Phulera.
Show him the fields, guys.
He's obsessed with fields.
Fine. Let's take a
mattress and also a mat.
-Take this
-Let's get going.
Sir, shall I call the Pradhanji as well?
-Yes. Call him too.
-Let's go. Let's go.
Busy counting the donation money.
First, inform the MLA that
organising a prayer meeting,
and he'll have to come.
I will inform him.
And lookdon't lean too much.
The more you lean before him,
the more he gets on your nerve.
Okay, fine.
Okay, fine.
Yes, Prahlad.
Now? In the afternoon?
Okay, fine. I am coming.
Keep the money safely.
And I've to go to the office.
What happened?
The secretary has
some extra leftover milk.
So he's made some extra tea.
He's called me over.
Yes, of course. Go drink tea
wherever there's extra leftover milk.
You can come along too.
I've better things to do.
Fine, do your work then.
-Come on.
Let's party!
Let's go.
Why are you sitting so close?
Don't push too hard.
Or you'll smash the bottles.
No way I am smashing the bottles.
We're almost there.
Let him steer the bike
Come on make the arrangements.
Open the snacks packets.
Give Mr. Gupta one too.
Chilled beer.
Here you go.
Are you enjoying it?
You'll enjoy it even more.
It's a good thing we came out here.
Rinky's mother was boring me to death.
What was sister-in-law saying?
Nothing much.
She was suggesting that
we invite the MLA on the
first day of the prayer meeting.
But why invite the
MLA to the prayer meeting.
So he can see for himself,
that even I can gather a crowd.
Open it.
Open it. What happened?
Use the glass.
What happened?
What happened? Mr. Secretary.
We're still thinking about it.
But why do we have to invite him?
Why do we have to bow before that man?
Inviting the MLA doesn't
mean we're bowing before him.
We're only inviting him because,
we need funds for the road.
And I'm not going to bow before him.
I will now bow before him.
That's not the point, Pradhanji.
He said such absurd things.
You guys were there.
And yet he's thinking of inviting him.
Remember the things
I did for you, Pradhanji.
Got yelled at by the groom,
the DM, and even Bhushan.
Even Bhushan yelled at me!
The other day I stood
against the MLA for you.
But he abused me.
But you didn't utter a word, Pradhanji.
You couldn't say a single word.
you asked him for the road fund.
You just can't be a good friend,
one has to abide by it.
I am being a good friend,
can't say the same about you.
-Mr. Secretary.
-Who am I to say anything?
-He felt offended.
-Go call the MLA.
Siddharth, you go with him.
-Where is he going?
-Mr. Secretary.
Wait bro, I am coming too.
Abhishek sir.
Mr. Secretary.
-Leave it. Let it be.
-Come on, Pradhanji.
What did I say?
I was just making conversation.
Siddharth, please talk to him.
-Mr. Secretary.
-Invite the MLA.
-Hop on.
Sir, mattress.
Fine, I'll keep it here.
The beer's left.
I'll keep it over here.
You guys can drink it if you like.
Mr. Secretary.
Mr. Secretary.
Don't feel too bad.
These things happen.
See you then.
Siddharth. Sorry.
Okay, Siddarth. I'll be seeing you then.
We're not inviting the
MLA on a personal basis.
We need him to release
funds for the road,
the secretary should
understand that much.
He must have felt bad, mom.
If someone yells at you,
you'll rip his heart out.
Make a cup of tea!
Didn't you go to
the office to drink tea?
Yes, I did. But I couldn't get any tea.
We had an argument before that!
Now make me a cup of tea,
or just tell me if you can't!
I'll make one myself and drink it!
Get lost!
Where's the box of sugar?
Who kept this wok up here?
He's entered the kitchen
with the shoes on.
Misplacing his anger.
We have no say in this matter?
They both are right
in their own opinion.
Abhishek sir's anger is justified,
but we need the MLA to fix the road.
And that makes the Pradhanji right too.
We shouldn't speak in these matters.
If you support one person,
the other one will feel bad.
Yes, that's obvious.
Why are you spoiling your mood?
This is office stress.
These things happen.
Have a couple of beers if you want.
I don't want to.
Go ahead and drink it.
I will if you will.
Okay, fine. I'll have a beer too.
That's more like it.
You got to chill in life.
Otherwise, you'll get stressed.
It's gonna be great fun,
when the three of us get together.
You, me and
Snake! Snake! Snake!
Snake, bro!
-Where did the snake come from?
-It's on the beer bucket.
-Where did the snake come from?
-I don't know.
Close it. It will come after us.
Come after us.
What snake was it?
The local kind.
Local snake.
Still got my phone.
Call some. Call someone here.
This is a dilemma.
Oh! Man.
What's wrong now, Mr. Secretary?
Yes, Mr. Secretary.
There's a snake in the office, Prahlad.
What! Snake?
You're slicing it too think.
Slice it thinner.
Yes, Prahlad.
I see.
Where did it go?
It was near the bucket.
I hope it didn't slip into my room.
He can be in the hall as well.
Mr. Secretary, from the backdoor.
We're here.
Which one was it?
Tell us.
Which snake was it?
I don't know the variety, It was
something like a python. He saw it.
I see
Oh, God.
I mean it looked like
one from the design.
It could be a baby python.
Yes, it's not too big.
The window's open.
Must have entered through the window.
How can the python
get in through the window?
I don't know how it got in.
Doesn't matter how it got in.
We've to get it out.
Come you two.
Hold it
We'll follow you as well.
Fine, we'll wait out here.
You guys check.
-Yes coming
He was coiled up on the beer bottles.
It was cold.
Come on.
Don't be scared. Come no.
Vikas. Come inside.
Go check Mr. Secretary's room.
And Prahlad, you check here.
Check properly.
And you, Pradhanji?
I'll check here in the hall.
He was over there. Careful.
Brave people.
Villagers are used to seeing snakes.
Snake! Snake!
Where is it?
-Where is it?
-Where is it?
Where is it?
Where is it?
On the table.
Which table?
Abhishek sir's room.
Siddharth's belt was lying on the table.
Did you see that?
I was wondering why the
snake's head was made of metal.
He's such a stupid boy.
I just told you he looked like a python.
And you still confused it with a belt.
You see sir,
sometimes one snake follows the other.
Another snake?
No one's coming.
Look properly.
He's got no place to go.
Get down!
You ruined everything.
It's turned hot.
It's so hot out here.
We can't blame the snake.
He saw ice in the bucket and dived in.
I think it's gone.
we would've spotted it by now.
What if it comes back in the night?
It won't. Snakes and scorpions
stay away from human beings.
We'll leave, guys.
You guys continue with your program.
And close all the doors
and windows for safety's sake.
-Do I've to sleep here tonight?
I already got kicked
by the buffalo in the morning,
I don't want to get bitten by a snake.
I got my share of adventure.
Nothing is going to happen. Believe me.
Why don't you guys
come over to my place?
You can have dinner and sleep there too.
There's no trouble at all, Pradhanji.
Come on, we've got lots of space.
And listen, get the mattress as well.
That's great.
Come on, guys.
The Pradhanji has a lot of money.
What good is that big house for?
Okay, goodnight.
Lot of money but only one mattress.
We could've slept here.
What if the snake comes back?
He won't.
I know my luck.
Get the mattress.
-Let's go.
-There's nothing there.
People stay here,
snake won't come here.
Mr. Secretary,
you should've slept on the terrace.
No, we'll sleep out here.
It's only for one night.
Okay. As you wish.
Yes, Pradhanji. This is great.
Yes but
What happened?
Buffalo is fine,
but I don't want any snakes coming here.
No snakes are coming here.
Fine, I'll get you some water.
You were thinking of inviting the MLA.
So go ahead and invite him.
I don't have a problem with him.
I see
Let's see.
He won't be coming anyway if we call.
Oh no!
Don't worry, I'll light the lantern.
Rinky, light this lantern.
Are you sleeping inside?
I was thinking
Come on.
What a clear sky!
Actually, I'll sleep out there.
Who knows if I'll ever get
to sleep under the clear sky again.
Come on.
And now sleep.
Stop pestering me.
Thank you, bro.
You'll feel cold at night.
Even lanterns make it pretty bright.
By the way,
did you find out which snake it was?
Something like a python.
How did a python get in the office?
Don't know but thankfully it got away.
Okay, get some sleep.
Yes, we'll get some sleep.
Nothing, bro. Nothing.
Focus on your studies.
Only five more months for the exam.
Get out of this village.
Yes, I am focusing on that.
Hopefully, I'll clear this time.
What time is your train in the morning?
Stay a couple of more days.
See the place.
No, bro. I am done.
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