Reasonable Doubt (2022) s02e07 Episode Script

Venus vs. Mars

Previously on Reasonable Doubt
[REPORTER] It is day one
of the Shanelle Tucker trial.
It will be up to a jury
of her peers to decide her fate.
We can't put our house up for her bail.
We now owe the full bail amount.
I'm calling to get the status
of Peter Thompson.
[OFFICER] [ON PHONE] Still incarcerated.
[JAX STEWART] I'm happy you're here.
I think we make a great team.
- [JAX] Me too.
You wanted a show,
so I gave you a fuckin' show.
[LEWIS] Then stop acting
like this is the first time
I've ever watched you like that.
I looked into it and I have
a right to demand paternity.
Well, I've never not trusted Lewis.
He's always been honest with me.
Hey, what you up to?
[OVER PHONE] Tied up at work.
[KRYSTAL WALTERS] TZT just got a picture
of Toni's ass at the hospital
getting a DNA test.
There's somethin' I need to tell you.
It's your baby, isn't it?
Jax I I can explain.
Please, do.
Uh, may-may-maybe we should,
um, talk in the car, so the kids
Spenser's at Layna's,
Naima's at Kanika's.
Floor is all yours, my nigga.
Uh, first of all,
I-I was about to tell you.
[JAX] Mm-hm.
I-I just don't have confirmation
that it's my baby.
So, I was, I was just trying
to wait until I, I got
Okay, hold up. [SCOFFS]
So, were you about to tell me
or were you gon' wait?
'Cause right now, it feels like
you were about to waltz
your triflin' ass up in here
and smile in my face like you didn't
just get another bitch pregnant.
Jax, please.
I'm-I'm try I am tryin'
to explain this to you, so
[JAX] I already know.
I saw you.
I saw you that day at the hospital.
You answered the phone,
you said you were at work.
That was a lie.
Before that, I asked you straight up
if it was someone I knew.
You said no. That was a lie.
And then just the other day,
I asked you if everything was okay.
You said, "Yeah, everything is okay."
Lies, lies, lies!
How the fuck you expect me
to believe anything you say now?
You are the one who
said no more secrets.
That you needed to have trust
in this relationship.
You don't think I need that too, Lewis?
Jax, I didn't want you
to find out from anyone but me.
But what was I gonna say?
[STAMMERS] That, that the baby
might be mine, but I'm not sure?
- Yes.
- Jax, uh, play that out for me.
Let's say the baby's not mine.
Now I've told you something
that doesn't even matter.
I don't, I don't even talk to Toni.
How did this start?
I ran into her at JT's party.
- What, you go on a date?
- No.
- Oh, so you was just fucking?
- Yeah.
How many times you fuck her?
Four times.
When was the first time?
When I saw you with Damon.
A revenge side baby?
- Oh, that's petty.
- Jax.
- That's real so fuckin' petty.
- Jax. Jax.
Okay, so then what happened
after that, huh? Condom broke?
We got high and drunk one night and
I didn't wear a condom.
You didn't wear a condom?
- [LEWIS] Jax, she said
- Wow!
she said she couldn't get pregnant
Wow, and you fell for that bullshit?
She obviously fucking can, Lewis!
Oh, my God.
I think I'm gonna be sick.
- [LEWIS] Jax.
- I think I'm gonna be sick.
Just get outta my face, Lewis.
Get outta my fuckin' face.
Just leave. Leave.
Where, where, where am I
Where-Where else am I gonna go, Jax?
You think I give a fuck?
From La Brea to Slauson ♪
It's all us ♪
The Sun, Central Ave Jazz ♪
It's all us ♪
Where we at? ♪
Hit the Maverick Flats ♪
Leimert and right back to the ark ♪
It's all us ♪
We coastin' on the west
between sets and wealth ♪
We toast the sunset in the Dons ♪
Take flight into the night
under Cali stars ♪
In a world on wheels ♪
It's all us ♪
It's the world we feel ♪
It's all us ♪
From the hills to Hollywood ♪
It's all us ♪
It's all us ♪
Hey, are you okay?
Whoa, don't worry I got you.
I'm Lewis.
Hey, hey. It's, uh, it's Lewis. Stewart.
Lewis Stewart?
[OVER PHONE] Oh, that's right.
The only person in California
who comes to a full stop at a stop sign,
which is why I had
no choice but to hit you.
[CHUCKLES] Oh, for real?
'Cause I talked to Larry H. Parker
and he promised me $2.1 million.
Uh, but anyway,
I just wanted to call and see
how you're doin' before Mr. H. Parker
and his clan got down to business.
Well, that is very sweet of you,
but I'm okay.
Actually, I, I was, I was calling
to see if I could, uh, take you out,
like, um, like on a date.
Um yeah. Yeah, okay.
When did you wanna go?
I just have church on Sunday.
Me too.
Maybe after?
Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good.
Mm ♪
It's just a fly love song, what? ♪
Mm-mm-mm ♪
Come close to me, baby ♪
Let your love hold you ♪
I know this world is crazy ♪
What's it without you? ♪
Nothin', nothin' ♪
[COREY] Krystal, have you seen Jax?
Uh, no. She'll be in shortly.
Oh, what are you working on?
Sorry. Client confidentiality.
[CHUCKLES] Wow. Well, you know
I haven't known you that long,
but if I had to describe you,
"confidential" would not be
the first word that comes to mind.
That's fair Okay, fine.
I'm studying to take the LSAT exam.
- That's great. Yeah. Okay.
- Yeah. Yes.
I'm I've been takin'
LSAT classes after work.
Uh, uh, please, please
don't say anything to anybody.
- Jax doesn't know.
- Okay. Well, she'd probably like to know.
- What don't I know?
- [KRYSTAL] Uh, you d
Uh, you, you don't know how much work
we have to do today.
So, you know, we should,
we should probably get started.
Right. I'm gonna need some coffee.
Oh, comin' right up.
Hey, everything okay?
Yeah, I just I did not
get much sleep last night.
Nothing a little coffee can't fix.
Oh, you know,
we lost our DV expert on Monday
due to a family emergency.
I'll see if Dr. Brandy Michaels,
who did our IG Live, is available.
- If so, she'll just need to be prepped.
- Great.
Oh, and we should
probably talk about Toni.
What about Toni?
Lucy's calling her as a witness.
Right. Right, because of the
Um okay, well, Shanelle
didn't know Toni was pregnant,
so we can use her texts to prove that.
Sounds good. You need anything?
You know what? I will meet you
in the conference room in a bit.
- Okay. Cool.
- Mm-hm.
- Yeah?
You had a delivery.
[LUCY WARGO] Oh, really? From who?
[DA RECEPTIONIST] Uh, Peter Thompson.
It's good to see you, Lucy.
How did you find me?
What do you mean? You're famous.
- I wanna be a family again, Lucy.
- No.
I will make things right.
- [LUCY] No, no. Security!
- I promise.
This man is harassing me.
He needs to be removed
from the premises.
- [PETER] Lucy, I've changed.
- [GUARD] Come on now.
You ain't supposed to be here.
[PETER] I wanna be a better father,
a better husband.
[GUARD] Let's go. You heard me.
[PETER] Please. Just talk to me.
- Keep walking.
- [PETER] Please.
The Tucker trial heats up
and the defense
has their work cut out for them.
The prosecution has us all
no longer believing
Shanelle is this timid,
little housewife.
She appears to have ripped the page
straight outta Snapped
and straight-up snapped.
[COREY] When we start
our defense this week,
first up is Dr. Culver, psychologist,
then we have Dr. Chen,
the ER physician
that examined her at the hospital.
Dr. Culver interviewed
Shanelle right after as well.
- [RECEPTIONIST] Your lunch is here.
- Oh, cool.
- Thank you.
You ordered lunch?
Well, I figured you didn't
get a chance to eat yet.
That's nice of you.
Chinese good?
Um you know what?
I really appreciate this, Corey,
but I I need to get out early
if you don't mind.
I have some personal things
I need to tend to.
Everything okay?
Yeah. Kinda.
It's a long story, but, um,
thanks for asking.
See you on Monday?
That's quite a turn of events.
Lewis, why did you keep this from Jax?
Like I said, I still don't have
confirmation that it's mine.
I thought I was bein' kind.
So, you did plan to tell Jax
if the paternity test
came back and the baby is yours?
I was plannin' on
tellin' her that night.
I hated keepin' all of this from her.
But the truth is,
none of it would matter
if it came back in a couple of days
that the baby wasn't mine.
Jax, how do you feel?
You've been pretty silent so far.
You know, I pride myself
on being able to compartmentalize.
I couldn't stop thinkin' about this
the entire day.
Then I started thinking about
how I have to look at Toni
on that stand with her knowing
something about my husband
that I didn't know.
It's just it's just
so fucking unoriginal.
I mean, havin' a side baby
with a bitch I know.
I mean, wh-what is this,
the fuckin' Real Housewives
of Love and Hip-Hop?
I thought you were a Black man
I could be proud of.
A king I could brag about.
Nah, man, you just
another nigga to complain about.
- You know what?
The audacity of you to just
reduce me to just another nigga
like you wasn't out
here passin' out pussy
to fresh ex-con clients
like it's Christmas.
And I got over that.
Then after he tried to kill you
you woke up for months
in the middle of the night
screamin' his name,
and I am the one who held you
'til you fell fuckin' asleep,
and I got over that.
I'm the one that has to forgive,
not you.
I'm the reason why
we are married, not you,
but you can treat me
however the fuck you want,
and I'm the nigga?
Now if that ain't crazy,
I don't know what the hell is.
I wanna set up individual sessions
with each of you
to talk about how to make this work.
Where you can accept
the worst versions of each other,
but still be able to love, respect,
and vouch for the other.
Or we can talk about how to uncouple.
Damn, Lewis, I was rooting for you
because what was he thinking?
So, what are you gonna do?
We Truthfully,
we are at a breaking point.
You know, we have to decide
if we can accept
the worst versions of each other
or if we should uncouple.
And, of course, I'm just in the middle
of trying to save
one of my best friend's life.
If Lewis is gonna
affect my cousin's case,
he and I are really
gonna have a problem.
Okay, Sally,
I didn't say I couldn't do it.
- She didn't mean it like that.
- I'm just
Actually, I did.
I need you to be good, Jax.
Okay. Thank you, Sally.
The added pressure is much appreciated.
Hey, got a question for you.
Yo, what these bitches
want from a nigga? ♪
Man, but what do these bitches want?
Hey, man, that's the age-old question.
Why didn't you just
tell Jax about the baby?
I mean, granted, I know it
wouldn't've been easy, but so what?
I don't know, man. I
guess I just wasn't trying
to hear it 'til I had to.
- Cocoa Puff sweet bitches ♪
Looks like you are
gonna be a nigga for life.
Good night, Chris.
Good night.
Uh, I'm gonna regurgitate
some of your own advice to you.
Couple's therapy.
Sally's not who I thought she was.
What about your family?
I mean, that-that's the part
that's fuckin' me up the most.
Like, I don't want to lose Jax,
but leavin' my kids too?
It makes me sad, bro.
Bein' sad to make
everyone else happy doesn't work.
Trust me.
Spenser's fever finally broke
and he stopped throwin' up.
[JAX] Ohh.
He is asleep now.
Thank you, Jesus! Whew.
I swear, I do not know how
a 3-year-old produces that much vomit.
- Look at you. Aw.
- Me neither. I know.
Good job, Dad.
Thank you.
Hmm. You almost done?
Oh, um, being milked
like a cow to feed your daughter?
- Just about.
- Okay. Great.
Well, uh, if it's just about.
I mean, this almost
about that time, time, time.
Oh, come on, baby. I am not in the mood.
You know, since I made partner,
I barely take 200 steps a day,
and now I'm pumping all day.
I just, I'm not feeling very sexual.
You know [SIGHS]
I was talkin' to JT the other night
at Shanelle's birthday party,
and he said somethin' about,
he said somethin' about some sex club.
JT would know about a sex club,
and he's probably cheatin'
on Shanelle, again.
Well, at any rate said it might be
a way to get the spice back.
And, listen, if it's weird
or if we get there
and you wanna bounce, you say the word.
Okay, yeah.
Just as long as it's dark.
You know, I don't need everybody
seein' all this stretch marks
- and fat, and everything
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- just hangin' out.
- We're not doin' that.
We're not doin' that thing.
[KISSES] We're not doin' that.
All I see is a reminder that you gave
birth to my beautiful children
- Aww.
- and I am so grateful
that you're my wife.
Come in.
Hey, baby.
Where's Dad?
Oh, he had to leave early.
He had to, he had to go into work.
On a Saturday?
- [JAX] Mm-hm.
Alright. That's Lana's mom.
She's picking me up to go
to Nate's birthday party.
Tell Nate I said happy birthday.
- Love you, Mom.
- Oh. Mm.
Thank you, baby.
I'll see you later. I love you too.
[SPENSER] Alright. See ya.
[COREY] Based on Lucy's discovery,
we know that Shanelle knew
that Toni slept with JT.
However, as of now,
Lucy hasn't submitted anything
related to the idea that Shanelle knew
that Toni was pregnant.
Well, it doesn't mean
she's not still looking.
Krystal said Toni went to the hospital
for a possible paternity test.
Yeah, but Lucy had
to have orchestrated that.
I mean, why else would she need proof
of something she already knows?
Unless she doesn't
know whose baby it is.
That's interesting.
You know, Toni asking J
to pay for an abortion
that she didn't get is one thing.
Toni asking JT to pay
for an abortion for a baby
- she's not even sure is his
- [COREY] That's deceitful.
And it's enough to
discredit the witness.
- Exactly.
- You should do the cross.
No. Why?
Because it's never a good look
for a male lawyer
to slut-shame a witness.
Right. Right.
I can understand why you're angry.
It's certainly a betrayal.
But is it enough to end the marriage?
I'm trying to figure that out.
Well, when you get married,
you take vows for better or worse.
That makes an assumption
that both parties
are agreeing to unconditional love.
Okay, no. [SCOFFS]
I don't believe in unconditional love.
You can't just love someone
no matter what they do.
I mean, damn, they [SCOFFS]
There have to be conditions, right?
Of course, no one should allow
anyone to treat them badly
or accept abuse of any kind.
But that's not what
unconditional love is about.
It's about having empathy while
erasing judgments. No strings attached.
It's selfless. It's reciprocal and real.
It's not a myth.
And based on what you just shared
with me about your upbringing,
it sounds like something
that you didn't receive as a child.
I mean, your mother didn't choose you
when it came to your stepfather.
Your father chose addiction over you,
at least in your eyes.
Has anyone ever said to you,
"I love you,
I'm here for you,
and I'm not leaving no matter what"?
No one.
Maybe that's why
you don't believe it exists,
because for you, it never has.
Ah, oh, ah ♪
No, right there ♪
I was having fun ♪
I hope you're having fun too ♪
I said it ♪
My body is your party, baby ♪
[MAN] Hey.
Is this your wife?
She's stunnin'.
I know.
May I?
Tell me what you want ♪
Baby, put your phone down,
you should turn it off ♪
'Cause tonight it's going down,
tell your boys it's going down ♪
We in the zone now, don't stop ♪
- Ooh ♪
Boy, you should know that your love ♪
Is always on my mind ♪
And I can't deny it ♪
I want you, I'm on you ♪
The things I wanna do to you ♪
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
My body's calling you ♪
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
I'm having so much fun with you ♪
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
Rock my body ♪
I can't keep my hands off you ♪
Your body is my party ♪
I'm doing this little dance for you ♪
Now it's just me and you ♪
Your body's my party ♪
Let's get it started, oh ♪
Ms. Holley,
when did Mrs. Tucker learn
that you were sleeping with her husband?
A few months ago, she sent me
some angry texts when she found out.
Your Honor, exhibit 27.
Holley, can you tell us what this is?
Those are the texts she sent me.
Ms. Holley, will you please
read them for the jury?
[TONI HOLLEY] "Wow, Toni,
I expected that shit from him, but you?
"Thought we were friends.
"But, honestly, thank you.
You made it that much easier for me
to do what I know I have to do next."
What do you think she meant by that?
Objection, speculation.
Overruled. The witness may answer.
Well, I assume she meant leave him,
but she didn't do that.
What did she do?
She started ignoring me at the school.
She wouldn't allow her daughter
to play with mine.
I was, I was iced out.
Was that a side
of Mrs. Tucker you have ever seen?
No. Not at all. It
it was like she was a different person.
No further questions, Your Honor.
Ms. Holley, did Mrs. Tucker
mention your pregnancy
in any of those texts?
No, she did not.
Didn't she tell you she had gotten
used to Mr. Tucker's adultery?
Ms. Holley, you testified
that you considered
Mrs. Tucker a close friend,
is that correct?
[JAX] You helped plan a birthday party
for her daughter, is that right?
And you started
sleeping with her husband
around the time of that birthday party.
- Is that correct?
Now, Mrs. Tucker didn't find out
about the affair from you, did she?
No. JT told her.
In fact, you lied
to Mrs. Tucker for months
and pretended that you weren't
sleeping with her husband.
Is that correct?
So, could some people argue
that that makes you a liar, Ms. Holley?
Objection. Argumentative.
I'll withdraw.
Ms. Holley, when you told Mr. Tucker
that the child was his,
were you certain that was the case?
What do you mean?
What I mean is,
was Mr. Tucker the only person
you were sleeping with at that time
that could've impregnated you?
Ms. Holley, please answer the question.
No, he was not.
How many men were you
sleeping with at that time?
Was the other man you were
sleeping with married as well?
So, to recap, you lied
to Mr. Tucker about the possibility
of the child being his,
you lied to Mrs. Tucker,
your so-called close friend,
about sleeping with her husband,
and for some reason,
we're all supposed
to believe you here today.
Ms. Holley, please answer
this next question
with complete certainty, under oath.
Do you know who the father
of your unborn child is?
No, I do not.
No further questions.
Ms. Wargo?
Nothing further, Your Honor.
The prosecution rests.
Ms. Holley, you are dismissed.
[SIGHS] I need your help.
I am trying to find the best time
to talk to Jax about something,
but I'm, you know,
I'm afraid she might get mad.
Wait, are-are you talkin' to me?
Oh, you are. Wh Uh
tell Jax what?
Uh um
that I wanna go to law school.
Really? That's, that's amazing!
Wait, wait, why would
Jax be mad about that?
Because she depends on me.
I-I feel like she depends on me more.
Don't be weird.
Or, you know, she'll,
she'll be sad and then I won't do it.
Well, she will be sad or mad
or whatever, but who cares?
She'll get over it
until she has to face you in court
and you can show her
who the real badass lawyer is.
Wow, Daniel.
Wow, I mean thank you.
I love you too, Krystal.
- I literally said don't be weird.
- Hm.
- Just
- You're so pretty.
Shut up!
- God. Ugh.
- Buh-bye.
Dr. Culver, your interview concluded
that Mrs.
Tucker's behavior was consistent
with survivors of domestic violence.
Would you tell us
what those consistencies were?
Well, it is commonly seen
within the arc of domestic violence.
There are four ways
to respond to trauma,
fight, flight, freeze, or fawn.
When talking about her marriage,
Mrs. Tucker
seemed disassociated from reality,
which means her response during
her marriage was the freeze state.
And what was the response category
during the incident?
Her state of mind when talking about
the incident
was still the freeze state.
It was almost like she came out of
herself to fight against Mr. Tucker.
Almost as if she came out of herself.
You mean sort of like an,
like an out-of-body experience?
Yes, exactly. Still,
she's living with a level of guilt.
She hasn't fully processed
the idea
that she's the victim in all of this.
In addition, there's a level
of fear for her safety,
as if Mr. Tucker
still has the power to hurt her.
She feared for her safety,
even though he's deceased.
- That's correct.
- Thank you.
No further questions.
[LUCY] Remind the court.
Was that your first time
seeing the defendant?
So, you were able
to assess the progression
of the defendant's
mental state over a decade
in a two-, three-hour sit-down?
Once I understood the gravity of
the abuse the defendant experienced,
I concluded she had
become detached from reality.
Extremely paranoid,
highly insecure, amongst other things.
I see. Well
that is a lot to ascertain
in one session, but, okay.
Can you tell me about her psyche?
Were there any
physical manifestations from this?
Yes, actually,
she spoke of having panic attacks,
not wanting to be alone.
She described them
as recurring nightmares,
variations of her
in a dingy, filthy house.
But outside was beautiful,
she just couldn't reach it.
[MUFFLED] She would try to get outside,
but Mr. Tucker would hold her back.
She fought, but she couldn't
I honestly don't know how much more
of this shit I can take.
No, I understand. I understand.
Listen, now that it's
our turn as your defense
to break down Lucy's case,
finish line is in sight.
Uh, do you mind if I talk to Jax, alone?
No problem.
- What's wrong?
Tell me.
Lewis has been lyin' to me.
And JT might not be
the father of Toni's baby.
Lewis might be.
And I think my marriage,
my marriage is fallin' apart.
Wait. What?
- Toni?
And you had to cross-examine her?
Why didn't Corey do it?
'Cause Corey doesn't know about this.
And it's better for your case
if it's a woman.
You know, optics.
Jax, I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
You're fighting for your life
and I'm the one cryin'.
Uh-uh. Come here, come here.
What's that expression?
"Check on your strong friends."
We already failed at that once.
Let's not do that again. Okay?
But Toni though?
Shit, more like Hoe-ni.
If there's one thing I know about you,
no matter what you're goin' through,
you gonna remind people who you are.
And that's Jax Motherfuckin' Stewart.
- Thanks, girl.
- Mm-hm.
- Come here.
- Thank you.
- Hey.
- Hey.
The kids are washin' up.
- [JAX] How's the launch?
- [LEWIS] How's the, uh, trial?
It's good. I think. Um
it's a lot.
I miss you.
You do?
I'm still mad. I'm-I'm confused, but
yeah, I do.
I got the results of the paternity test.
The baby is mine.
Mom, Dad, y'all ready to eat?
Oh, my God, I'm so hungry.
- Hi, baby. You look so pretty.
- Hi. Thank you.
- Hey, you.
- [SPENSER] Alright.
Never had to work for love ♪
Don't need you to show me how ♪
Don't wanna be fallin' in ♪
When I'm fallin' out ♪
Didn't think I'd give for love ♪
Every time I hold it back ♪
Now there's lust in my head ♪
I'm tryna find who I am ♪
There's choosers, there's takers ♪
There's beggin', heartbreakers ♪
I don't wanna be that way ♪
You will never hear me say ♪
I don't wanna feel this way ♪
When I ♪
Meet someone ♪
I don't want to need no one ♪
I'm not tryna let you in ♪
- Even if I've found the one ♪
Jax, are you okay?
Lewis, just leave me alone, please.
- Meet someone ♪
- I don't want to need no one ♪
- Okay.
I'm not tryna let you in ♪
Leave me alone.
- Even if I've found the one ♪
- [LEWIS] Good night.
[COREY] These records from the FBI
show the big dollar transfers
date back a year and a half.
And Evan was definitely in the mix.
Offshore accounts, I'm assuming.
You have the Cayman Islands,
Nevis, Belize.
They weren't fuckin' around.
Shanelle's name was
all across these accounts.
You know, even if she
did know about the money,
which we've established she did not,
I mean, accessing it,
that would've set off a firestorm
with all the wrong types of people.
Yeah, JT was clever with it.
You know, we could argue that J
planned on having Shanelle killed
because he could benefit from her
takin' the posthumous fall.
That's a hell of an argument,
but you know we can't say that, right?
Yeah, I know.
But it was impressive though, right?
Well, we should definitely
present this properly to the jury.
You know, at the very least,
it'll debunk her being connected.
- [COREY] Agreed.
- Ugh. This is the last one.
Whew. When the feds are
on that ass, they are on that ass.
Girl. Indeed.
I think we gonna be here late tonight.
Krystal, you think
you can stay a bit later?
Oh. Um, yeah, okay, yeah.
Don't you have somethin' to do?
I do not.
Are you sure you do not?
Okay, wait.
What, what, what's goin' on, y'all?
Yes, Krystal. What's goin' on?
Look, I-I-I've, [SIGHS] I've learned
a lot here and I admire you
and, and, you know, m-maybe I can be
like, you know, Kim Kardashian.
You know, not, not the,
not the "sex tape" Kim K,
but, you know,
the "I wanna become a lawyer
and help wrongfully accused
Black people" Kim K.
Okay, Krystal, what?
I'm studying for the LSAT.
- That's amazing!
- Real
- Really? Yes!
- [JAX] Yes! Yes!
Please go home and study.
Okay. Thank you.
- Thanks, Jax.
- [JAX] Yes.
Listen, I know you gotta
get home to your family.
How 'bout I just put a dent
in all this stuff for us?
- Uh no, I can, I can stay.
- You sure?
Yeah. I just
I need to make a quick call.
Hey, is everything okay?
Hey, I need to work late.
Can you stay with the kids?
I-I actually, I'm, [SIGHS]
I'm on crunch time at work too,
and I have therapy later, so I
Okay, well, look, you don't need to lie
if you have other plans, Lewis.
And I guess it's easier to believe
to think my job is actually important.
Well, it's gonna be even more important
after your side baby is born.
Okay. Don't worry about it,
Lewis, alright?
I'll ask my mom. Enjoy your night.
[LEWIS] I gotta start over.
Something's not workin'.
Um, let's see.
Solar Dogs will position us
at the forefront
of the competition in a single shooter.
Uh, excuse me, Mrs. Stewart
of the now Binder Hurwitz and
Can I run this presentation by you?
- Yeah, yeah, of course, baby.
- [LEWIS] Thanks.
- Thank you. Thank you.
- Okay. I am all ears.
Let's go. Okay.
Uh okay.
Uh, th-this is our first
competitive FPS game,
and we think it's going to be a hit
amongst teens and pre-teens.
- [JAX] Okay.
- Um
Maybe you should start
with the analytics of the genre,
then you can immediately see
the game's growth potential.
Okay. Uh, but I have to lay out
the parameters of the game,
or you might not
understand the universe.
Okay, if you think that's more
important, then, yeah, start with that.
Okay, right. Um
Oh, oh. And, um,
given the rise of social media,
we've added an interactive component
that allows players to, um
I'm sorry. I just, I
You don't feel confident.
I'm confident. I-I-I mean,
I've been workin' on
I've been doin' this a pretty long time.
Well, I know that, but that's not
how you're saying it right now.
You gotta say it with your chest.
Yeah, I-I'm You know, I'm just kinda,
I'm-I'm not performin' it, but
You know, I think,
I think I'm good, Jax.
Lewis, I'm just tryin'
to help you get this promotion.
I can get the promotion on my own, Jax.
You just don't have
to be so hard all the time.
Sorry, tough crowd.
So, the baby is yours?
Wow. I see.
Have you told Jax
that it's been confirmed?
Yeah, but, uh, we really haven't
had a chance to talk about it.
And I, I don't know
how we get through this.
What would you like to happen?
I don't want my marriage to end.
I want my wife back.
Have you said that to her?
Why is it always me
having to say something?
I have to take a backseat to her job.
I've gotta be forgiving of an affair.
I have to be understanding
of her trauma.
Like, how is that fair to me?
Do you feel like you have to do
everything to save this relationship?
Because, as I recall,
you're in couples therapy
because this is something that
Jax wanted to do and not you, right?
I mean, you may not
have the same approach,
but I think she is trying,
just like you are.
It doesn't really feel that way.
Maybe focus less on feelings
and more on intention.
After all, isn't that
what you want Jax to do?
Focus on your intention to not hurt her
rather than how all
of this made her feel.
But, um, it's still me having
to do somethin'. Make the first move.
Do you wanna be right
or do you wanna be married?
Brandy Michaels is ready to testify.
She just needs to be prepped.
Oh, great. Could use some good news.
Remember when you asked me
how I got my California license?
[JAX] Mm-hm.
Well, I, uh,
had a domestic violence case.
It was s-similar to this one.
I represented a woman
who killed her abuser.
An abuser I [SCOFFS]
I first represented.
Oh, wow. That's a lot.
Yeah. Yep, yep, yep.
I worked hard on that case.
Northern University was the client.
The lead surgeon did all these risky
and dangerous
cosmetic procedures on his wife.
She sues for malpractice, abuse,
the whole nine.
Right? He claims that she's lyin'.
She's some money-grabbin' you-know-what,
and, um,
I believed him and won the case.
She moves far away from him.
Comes here to LA to be with her parents.
- And I'm thinkin', "Okay, the end."
- Yeah.
But this
this motherfucker could not let go.
He fuckin' follows her
all the way from Chicago here to LA,
attacks her, tries to kill her.
She ends up
defending herself and killin' him.
And she got this shitty-ass lawyer
who couldn't save her
from a shitty system.
Now she's in prison
for the rest of her life because of me.
No, Corey, you cannot
blame yourself for that.
[COREY] No. No, I-I can.
on top of the world.
I was livin' the vision
that I had strived for.
But it was the wrong side.
I helped the devil win,
and I told myself never again.
[JAX] Hmm.
That's why Shanelle's case
is so important to me.
I'm trying to save two lives.
[SIGHS] Not just one.
I should go.
Do you wanna go?
[COREY] Good.
Somebody give me, uh ♪
Somebody tell me the answers ♪
Me and you isn't the answer ♪
Me and you isn't ♪
Because I don't want you to go.
But there ain't nothin'
that'll change that ♪
What good would it be
if I knew how you felt about me? ♪
We don't dream about,
don't think about ♪
- What we could've been ♪
- Oh, yeah ♪
- We shouldn't do this.
- What are we doin'?
You dream about, I think about ♪
Tell me to stop
We could've been, we could've been ♪
- and I'll stop.
We could've been ♪
We could've been, we could've been ♪
- [LEWIS] You hurt me, I hurt you.
Then you hurt me more,
and I hurt you more.
Yeah, I would've been ♪
[SOFTLY] I should I should
I should stop.
Damn, damn ♪
Good night.
Yeah ♪
We could've been ♪
Oh, no ♪
[SPEAKER] Hey, Lucy.
Lucy Wargo?
You've been served.
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo ♪
Doo, doo, doo, doo,
doo, doo, doo, doo, doo ♪
Oh ♪
A chair is still a chair ♪
Even when there's
no one sittin' there ♪
But a chair is not a house ♪
And a house is not a home ♪
When there's no one there ♪
To hold you tight ♪
And no one there ♪
You can kiss ♪
Good night ♪
Whoa, oh ♪
I'm not meant to live alone ♪
Turn this house into a home ♪
- When I climb the stairs ♪
And turn the key ♪
- Oh, please be there ♪
Sayin' that you're still in love ♪
With me ♪
Yeah ♪
I'm not meant to live alone ♪
Turn this house into a home ♪
When I climb the stairs ♪
- And turn the key ♪
[LEWIS] Hey, it's me, can we talk?
Still in love ♪
I have something to say.
- Uh, are the kid
[JAX] Uh, they're at my mom's.
There's no version
there's no scenarios
where I don't love you.
I watch you fight for people every day.
You leave this house,
you put on your big girl pants.
And with grace, grit, and genius,
you fight for people that deserve it.
And with the same brilliance,
you fight for those that don't.
Your job gets your love
despite conditions.
Well, I love you
without any conditions.
You-You know what I do every day?
I fight for us,
for this family, for your heart.
Jax, I pray that I'm worthy enough
to be your husband.
I know, you know, you may not be able
to brag about me like I brag about you,
but I need you to know that I love you.
My love for you is unwavering.
But you were right.
I was a nigga.
I was a nigga who made a mistake.
A nigga who got a bitch pregnant
and a nigga that didn't know
what the fuck to do about it.
'Cause I'm not that nigga.
I don't know how to be that nigga.
That's why this shit
is all so fucked up so badly.
What I am is a loving father,
a devoted husband
who loves his family and his woman hard.
And I am here.
I'm here.
Even, even if I leave
because I'm hurt or angry.
Like, I don't ever want you
to doubt that I love you.
And if I have ever made
you feel that way, I am
I am so sorry.
Jax, I exist to love you.
I cannot function without you.
I I belong to you.
If you don't wanna be
with me anymore, that's fine.
I can live with that.
But you can't stop me from lovin' you.
All of you.
Because that's the only thing
I know how to fuckin' do.

I know it's late, so I'll just
Say that you're gonna be ♪
Still in love ♪
[JAX] Wait.
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