Rescue Me s02e07 Episode Script


Oh, God.
What? - Waffles again today? - Are you hearing this? I don't know if it's the pipes, the radiator-- It's like being in a goddamn steel mill.
Oh, you're right, that's really annoying.
Good night.
How can you sleep through this? Listen.
Ching chang, ting tong-- it's like being in a goddamn Chinese graduation ceremony.
After a while, you get used to it.
- There's no way I'm getting used to this.
I'm going downstairs in the lounge.
No, Tommy, don't.
Perolli sees we're sleeping here off-duty, we're screwed.
- Well, you're not helping things.
- What did I do? Shh! You've been sawing wood over there, like Paul goddamn Bunyan.
You know, you got a real rosy glow about you tonight, you know that? It's not my fault we're all cooped up in here.
If it bothers you, go to a hotel.
Me in a hotel with a minibar-- now, how does that story end? What do you want me to do, read youGoodnight Moon? For God sakes, why don't you go to your father's house and crash with the kids? Oh, yeah, like that's not a sobriety test.
Guy's drinking triple martinis at 11:00 in the morning.
I need this.
I need peace and quiet.
I need some time to think, you know? I got to figure out my situation on all possible angles.
I gotta-- I got to really, you know, figure out what it is I want to do, and how I want to do it before I go about doing it, you know? It's kind of a, you know, important juncture in-- in my life right now, so-- You ready to go home, kiddo? Good.
Hey, uh, Laura, thanks for hanging with me for the last couple of days.
You know, I know you had other things to do.
Oh, of course, I'm glad she's okay.
Yeah, me too.
Come on, champ.
No problem.
Okay, Keela, good night.
So, it's getting kind of late, so I think I'll just, uh-- Why don't you come home with us? No, that's okay, come on.
Wanna borrow my cross? You can carry it around for a while, see how that feels.
Not in the mood.
Your stash is getting kind of low.
Looks like you'll be seeing a lot more of me.
Not tonight pal, okay? Not tonight.
She's sleeping.
I don't know why I keep doing it to myself.
To my family, to all my friends-- Most of them don't even talk to me anymore.
They know I'm trying.
I tell them myself I'm trying.
But I guess I have long since passed the point of forgiveness.
You remember this guy? Yeah.
That's him.
That's who? Perolli's mole.
I don't think so.
Will you relax? No.
That's it.
What's your problem, asshole? Huh? Jesus Christ! What the hell is the matter with you, man? Give Perolli this message.
Kiss my ass, okay! - What? - You heard what I said.
By the way.
A good spy doesn't make himself known, jerk-off.
I was telling you to take off your sunglasses, it's disrespectful, you douche.
Oh, sorry everybody.
- How about a hand, man? - Yeah, like I was born yesterday.
Give Perolli the message, asshole.
On another day C'mon, c'mon With these ropes I tied can we do no wrong Now we grieve 'cause now is gone Things were good when we were young With my teeth locked down I can see the blood Of a thousand men who have come and gone Now we grieve 'cause now is gone Things were good when we were young Is it safe to say C'mon, c'mon Was it right to leave C'mon, c'mon Will I ever learn C'mon, c'mon C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon Hey, Pete, need a hand? - Hey, who the hell are you? - Oh, um, Steve Bowden.
What the hell are you doing with my tools? Sink was backed up.
I kind of took the liberty.
Maybe you could show me the courtesy of telling me exactly what the hell you're doing in my kitchen.
Jeannie let me in, because Peter was in the shower.
She told me just to wait downstairs while she got dressed.
- You're a friend of Peter's? - He's my partner.
He didn't tell you I was coming? No, he never mentioned it.
Geez, I'm sorry.
It's all right.
Things have been a little bit upside down here lately.
You're not the first stranger that I've stumbled across in my own house.
Completely understandable, Mr.
- Jerry.
- Jerry.
How's it going? I think she's done.
Let's, uh, check it out.
Home run.
Coffee? Already brewed.
Already brewed.
Not wastin' much time, huh? Well, we only have so much of it, Jer.
You know, that's exactly the attitude you guys should bring into your business.
Business? The business that you're in with my son Peter.
I was telling him, you know, "If you're going to be a firefighter, "you need to get something going on the outside, because you're never gonna make enough money eating smoke.
" So, what kind of business are you guys goin' into? - Restaurant, bar, disco? - Well, um-- I know, top secret.
Hey, you.
You got grease on your nails.
Thank you, Ann.
- Kenny? - Sondra.
Hey, wow.
I can't believe I'm running into you like this.
Yeah, what are the odds, huh? Pretty slim, I'd say.
Obviously, not that slim.
So, how's it going? Uh, uh, it's going okay.
Uh, you know, I'm actually, uh, a little late for work.
But, uh-- uh, how are you? Pretty good.
I'm kind of comin' out of this subpar relationship.
He was a soap opera actor.
Good-looking men are so high maintenance.
Yeah, I've, uh, heard that.
And his wife was a total pain in the tits.
You know? Really possessive.
No shit.
It's kind of hot though, you know? How wrong it was.
She even got this private detective to follow us to this sleazy motel that we always used to go to.
He took some real provocative peep-show-like shots of us in the act.
So, what's your story? Uh, you know, same-old, same-old.
Work is work.
Sold the house.
Waiting to close on another one, but my wife's lawyers got me in kind of a limbo right now.
Trying to get that cleared up-- Wrong story.
What? Are you seeing anyone? Me? Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
No kidding? Why would I kid? I mean, s-she's great.
You know, uh, Linda is great.
Linda's great.
Linda, huh? What does she look like? You know, like a woman.
She's, um-- You know, she's got kind of beautiful long-- you know, kind of dark hair, brown.
She's about 5'8", you know, 115 pounds or so.
She's a-- She's a trader down on Wall Street, you know, the stock exchange.
Happy? Whew! Happy, yeah! I mean Linda's-- She's a wonderful, beautiful, smart, sexy, talented, generous woman.
- A little possessive though.
- Hmm.
Hey! You going deaf? What? Oh, this? I got this from a buddy of mine who runs a surveillance company.
Matter of fact, I got a direct line to your man down at the front desk.
Just in case Janet tries to bum rush this place.
- Connor, could you please knock that off? He just take his pill.
You no yell at him, fat man.
I'm not yelling.
I would just like a little peace and quiet around here.
Why don't you help teach the children instead of waddling around and "compraining?" It's "complaining.
" Com-plain-ing! The stupid computer crashed again, and now I'm never gonna get my report finished, never! I think we got a security breach.
Uh, I gotta get down there.
Hey, how'd you get up here? The guy at the front desk knows me.
I gotta have a chat with him.
Hey, remember I mentioned that thing to you? Right.
W-Was that the hand grenade thing? No, the pill thing.
Right! Right, the Vicodin.
No, no.
Who's looking for hand grenades? Nobody.
I'll make sure Miami Mike gets in touch with you.
All right.
See you.
Hey! Well, don't all jump up at once.
It's just your old man.
- What's that supposed to mean? - Okay, snack time.
Come on.
Up, up, up, up.
What's going on? Now, you know I'm trying to help you out here as much as I can, kiddo.
- You know, I love those kids as much as you do.
- Uh-huh.
L-Let me throw you some scratch, you know, help get you started someplace.
Dad, I told you, I just need a couple of more weeks.
I'm making some moves.
Ten days, that's all I need, all right? I suppose a little while longer won't kill me.
But if it does, it's your ass! It looks like it's going pretty good though, right? It's okay.
That Jenny's a whiz at math, you know.
You know what I mean.
Let's see what happens when they get to the grammar.
Make sure that Teddy's got this place completely locked down, because if Janet finds out the kids are here, we're gonna have big problems.
Oh, yeah.
What, are you drinking all day now? I'm 82, I'm retired.
And I'm married to a new and much younger woman who's not only rich, but likes to bang my brains out at least three times a week.
So I'm not drinking, kid.
I'm in a perpetual toast.
- Isn't that nice? - It is for me.
She brush her teeth? All right, good, good.
Hey, listen, Ma, I gotta run, okay? Yeah.
Yeah, I love you too.
And tell her I love her.
All right.
Everything okay? Yeah.
Yeah, she's, uh, she's good.
- You didn't sleep much last night.
- I was worried about her.
I'm worried about you.
Can we talk about this later, please? No.
Later we're gonna be sitting across the dinner table from each other, pretending we dodged a bullet because Keela's okay.
But it's not just about Keela.
You haven't said one word about the other situation, and don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.
Listen, there's not one pill left in that apartment, okay? Not even Keela's Flintstones.
I'm glad.
But you got to talk to somebody about this.
And if it's not me, that's fine, I totally understand, but somebody.
I was caught totally off-guard.
She asked me if I was seeing anybody.
- And? - I tried to channel you.
Goddamn it.
What do I tell you guys about channeling me? Huh? What? What? Pretend you got to take a piss, and do what? Call your cell.
I know, I know.
That's right.
It's not something I learned.
It's a gift.
I know.
- Christ! So? - I tap-danced through this lie with the grace of an ox.
- Did she buy it? - I set the bar way too high.
What did you say? I described this imaginary girlfriend, who's the most amazing woman on the planet.
You know? The type of woman I'd never get.
Oh, come on, you got Sondra.
Yeah, well, the expression, "once in a lifetime," mean anything to you? All right, well, did she buy it? Oh, it's hard to say.
She enjoyed watching me squirm.
Now, of course, the problem is, she wants to see me out with my imaginary girlfriend.
I'm done for.
Not necessarily.
Situations like this, this is why God invented whores.
I never thought of whores.
I know you didn't.
Black Tony from 69 Truck, he knows a site where you go on, you pick a girl, you click the mouse, and voilàà, she shows up at your house It costs a little cabbage, but-- You know, it really is a gift.
Yeah, from God or Satan.
That's the problem with gifts.
No cards, no credit.
Come on.
We gotta go.
Grab your radio.
I'm up here! Up here! - Bust it out! - Let's go! Look at me! Stay right there! Here you go! - Is he breathing? - I gave him mouth to mouth.
I thought I felt a pulse, you know? - Where's the nearest hospital? - St.
Ann's, I think.
That's pretty close by.
He should be all right.
Uh, Tommy.
What? Uh-- What? The kid's lips, they're, uh, they're stuck to yours.
On the bottom too.
Oh, you're good now.
Step on up.
Let's go.
What's up? What's going on? That was pretty messed up, huh? Yeah.
The worst I've ever seen.
Listen, Tommy, I need to talk to you for a second, man.
It's about the pills.
Frankie, look, I-- I don't-- You don't have to say anything.
Things have been really getting away from me lately.
I gotta get clean.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's-- If you really feel like they're gettin' away from you, yeah, you should get clean.
My little girl? She got ahold of one.
That's why she was in the hospital.
They had to pump her stomach, hold her for observation, you know? Shit, is she all right? Yeah, yeah, she's gonna be okay.
I'm not sure about me though.
Shit had its hooks in deep, you know? It's a lot tougher to kick than I thought.
Yeah, well you know what? Best thing we could do, uh, is-- is probably throw away your stash, you know? No, I already tossed it.
Oh, good.
That's-- That's good.
Um, the house, the car, you check those? Yeah, yeah.
It's all gone.
- That's good.
- I-I was actually hoping, maybe you could turn me on to one of those, uh, meetings.
You know, they have N.
meetings a lot of the places I go to A.
They, uh-- Did-Did you check your locker, to make sure-- It's all gone.
It's all gone.
You know, I could really-- I could use a friend to come with.
To N.
? Um, when are you thinking of going? Soon as possible.
Tomorrow morning? Aw, shit, I can't tomorrow.
I promised my new half brother I'd do something with him.
Um, but ask Garrity.
He'd probably, uh, go with you.
Yeah, yeah.
That's-- That's cool.
Maybe I'll do that, thanks.
Hey, uh, you know, if we're gonna do this, and I'm gonna be your sponsor, um, maybe you should-- this is good time for you to learn about the, uh, 13th step.
I thought there was only 12.
Used to be.
But, uh, this guy invented this new step.
It's called the 13th step.
It's the enabler one.
What it is, is you-- like, you give me the phone numbers and contact numbers for your source.
I get ahold of them and make sure that they're, uh, unable to-to get ahold of you in the future if there's any kind of, you know, pill thing that you feel like you-- Just shuts that right down.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, I'm pretty sure she's out of town, but if-- Oh, it's a she? Yeah.
I mean, not cool.
You know what I mean.
Right! If you think it'll help.
That's why they invented it, you know? Here we go.
Road to recovery.
What? Well, it's my cock.
Oh, forget I asked.
No, no.
I'm serious.
I got two dead chicks on my conscience lately, you know? Nez and Heather.
It's like something's wrong with my mojo, you know? Like my dick is some sort of weapon of mass destruction.
First of all, your dick is not a weapon of mass destruction, because if it were, I'd be in complete awe of you, which I am not.
Okay? But there's really two issues here, Sean, and the first issue pertains to the fact that you have a tiny fragment of brain matter lodged somewhere in your skull, no offense.
None taken.
The second is your dating pool, which, in my opinion, should be drained and filled in, and blacktopped over.
Maybe a playground for poor kids built on top of it.
Hey, I'm serious, Lou.
Look, you had a string of bad luck.
I mean, you can't control that.
What's important is you get back on that horse and keep going.
So there's nothing wrong with my cock? No, your cock is fine.
There's nothing wrong with my mojo? It is not your mojo.
Thanks, man.
That-That's just what I needed to hear.
- Now go out there and get 'em.
- Go get 'em.
One thing, though.
What's that? - Stay away from my nieces? - All right, all right.
I wanna know what Jimmy said.
Hey! Get out of my way.
I was his wife, he was my husband.
I have a right to know what he said to you.
You got a right to jack shit! Shut up, scum! You know what? You're lower than scum.
You're below scum.
You're like, um, sub-scum.
You should be ashamed of what you done to me, and Damien, and Jimmy, you know that? You know what? I'm gonna scream my ass off and see everyone come out here so they can see the two of us together-- What do you think about that? I think that nobody gives a shit.
Okay? It's like 9/11.
They've all moved on.
For the first time in this relationship, I'm not living a lie, so you could scream all you want, nobody cares.
Yeah? Yeah.
That all you got? Hey, Sheil.
Hi, Sheil.
Time to move on, sweetheart.
Oh, oh! I've moved on.
Greener pastures, my friend.
Greener frickin' pastures.
I wish him luck.
He's gonna need it.
- No, she won't.
- What did you say? Sheil! Have another drink, bitch.
I think I'm gonna go and get a coffee.
- Do you want more coffee, Tom? - Yeah.
That'd be great.
Pretty badly burned, his mouth is-- I know.
I know what you're gonna say.
I don't know why.
That's great.
No answers.
It's all a mystery, right? Same crap I heard from the nuns and priests during my 12-year stretch in Catholic school.
Oh, listen, Tommy-- No, no, you listen to me.
I don't know what you're doing here, if you're haunting me or what you're doin'.
I don't even know if this is real.
But I don't believe in you, and I don't believe in your old man, either.
He took my cousin Jimmy, he took Patty Brown, and Timmy Higgins and the rest of the 343.
I hope your old man's having a good time with them.
I'm sorry.
- You want the kid to live? - What do you think? I'll see what I can do.
- I'd like to have full use of the hands.
- I'll see what I can do.
If I do this, if I get the kid to live, will that make you believe in me, believe in my father? Will you trust that he has a plan? I'll try.
Hey, this bringing back any memories, Mick? Yeah.
Just how hot it gets inside that turned-around collar.
Hey, either one of you guys need a roommate yet, because I can't stay at the firehouse forever.
How about Dad's place, with the kids? Nah, he's got too much on his hands as it is, you know? I'd like to help you out, Tom, but, uh, Donna's kind of planted a flag already.
Don't look at me.
I got the kids this weekend.
Why don't you talk to Murph? See if he can put you up at the rectory.
That's where you want me staying, at a church.
I'll just lay down in the pew and let the walls cave in.
- Time to break some bread, gentlemen.
- Look at that, Father.
- Thanks, Father, I'm starved.
- How many times I got to tell you, it's Liam.
Thanks, Liam.
That's great, thanks.
Hey, can we play ball now, Father Murphy? Just a minute, Rickey.
I want to introduce you to some new friends of mine.
This is Johnny, and this is Tommy, these are my half brothers.
This is Mickey, whom I guess I call my half cousin, if there is such a term, right? - Nice to meet you.
- How you doing? Rickey here is our most devout altar boy.
-Gonna make a fine priest one day.
- Are you coming, Father? Duty calls.
Enjoy those burgers, they're the hit of every picnic.
Thanks, Father.
These burgers are unbelievable! You're gonna try it? No, I lost my appetite.
Oh, yeah? Your loss.
Hey, why do you get the whole thing? I don't know about this, man.
Just doesn't feel right, you know? I'm not an "open up and bare my soul" kind of guy.
What the hell's the matter with you? This is like a smorgasbord of ass.
You haven't so much as blinked.
What are you talking about, Sean? You haven't noticed all the babes crawling around this place? Jesus, bro, you really do need help.
Yeah, sorry, buddy, but pussy's kind of taken a back seat to this little drug addiction I'm trying to cope with.
All the more reason to ride it out, yeah? Yeah.
Look, I'm gonna go mingle, but, uh, stay strong, brother.
How about this Murph guy, huh? Half these kids, they got no place to go, they got no one to look up to-- he does this shit every Saturday, as long as the weather holds up.
Hell of a guy.
If they hadn't picked that old Kraut for Pope, I'd throw my vote behind Murph.
Run, run, run, run, run! Beat it out! Beat it out! All right! They bringing prohibition back? Why, does this bother you? A little.
I'll get rid of it.
Hey, look.
Look at this.
Holy shit! Wow, who's that? I don't know.
Holy shit.
She's smoking.
Maybe I should talk to her.
Come on.
I got dibs.
Dibs? Why do you have dibs? I got a gun.
Oh, yeah? Hi, how are you doing? Hi.
- I'm, uh, Tommy, this is my little brother Johnny.
- Hi, hi.
- Hi, I'm Mariel.
- Hi, Mariel, what's going on? Enjoying this day.
It's great out here, huh? Incredible.
I think it's great what Murph does out here with these kids.
You know, they got nowhere to go, and nobody to look up to, and you know, every Saturday, depending on the weather here he is out here, just making a big difference in these kids' lives.
- I think it's great.
- Yeah, it's remarkable.
It really is.
Did you say your name was Tommy? - Yes, Tommy.
- Oh, good, you've already met our sister.
What? Well, I mean, my sister.
- Your half sister.
- So, we're related? We're related? Yeah.
So what's your vice? Huh? Oh.
I just, um, I'm in N.
I was-- I just stepped out for some air.
You? Same.
Three years now.
Oh, hey, only a year away from your diploma.
- This your first meeting? - Um, no, no.
I've been-- I've been at it for years.
Coke? Uh, no, no thanks.
I'm not thirsty.
Well, what was it that got you here? Oh, oh you meant-- Uh, it was crack.
Really? Yeah.
I smoked a shitload of the stuff.
I remember this one time I was-- I was in this alley, you know, hitting the pipe.
And, um, I just-- Something came over me, and I-I thought to myself, you know what, this is just totally whack, crack.
And I can get better.
And that's exactly what I intend to do.
- Thanks.
- We've got time for one more.
How 'bout you, sir? In the back.
I think we've heard from everyone else.
Uh, I don't think so.
Hey, this is, uh, Franco's friend Tommy again.
I know I've called you a couple of times now, um-- He's in really bad shape.
I really wish you would call me back as soon as you can.
I left my number before, uh, please, thank you.
Yeah? Hi, Daddy.
Hey, sweetie, what's up? Mrs.
Ng took us to the park, but it's more fun with you.
I miss you, Daddy.
Mommy too.
I miss you too, honey.
I'm gonna see you real soon, okay? Will you come tuck me in tonight? Baby, I'd like to more than anything in the world, but I-I-- Daddy's got to work.
Mommy never used to work.
She stayed with us all day long.
I know, I know.
Mommy-- See, mommies and daddies have different jobs, pumpkin.
- That's the way things are.
- I wouldn't miss you so much if Mommy was here.
Kiddo, I gotta go now.
All right? But I-- I'll see you tomorrow, I promise.
- You always promise.
- No, no.
This time, I-I-- It's different.
I mean it.
I'll be there, okay? Katy? Hey.
What's goin' on? Hi.
Not too much.
Can you, uh-- - Can you keep a secret? - Um, not really.
W-- Jesus, why didn't you just say yes? Well, because then I'd be lying and I'm not really good at that either.
Well, Jesus, Mike, now I'm really conflicted.
- I got some juicy shit here.
- Well, come on, just tell me.
Franco's got a drug problem.
He got hooked on the Vicodin he was taking for his shoulder.
Oh, shit.
That is juicy.
I know.
Is he gonna be okay? Well, yeah, he's gonna be fine.
That's not even the juicy part.
He asked me to go with him to this support group.
So I tag along, you know, just to help out.
Well, that was nice of you.
Yeah, I thought so.
Anyway, at the meeting, it's, like, packed to the gills with tail, bro.
No way.
Like, high-grade talent, ex-party girls, models, actresses.
Sweet! And the best part was, they were, like, totally vulnerable, like putty in your hands.
Except the kind of putty that you could, you know, have sex with.
I didn't know they made that kind of putty.
Did you bag one? Yeah, bro, got the digits to prove it.
No way.
You gotta take me with you next time.
Great minds.
Great minds.
There's a meeting on Friday night.
It's gonna be packed with a whole new set of druggies, you down? You know it.
What's going on? You left your glasses at the park.
I did? Thanks.
You came all the way down here to give me a pair of lost sunglasses? Not exactly.
What's going on? Father Murphy.
Great guy, huh? Did you see his sister? Right? Oh, my God.
She's in my top 10.
Hall of fame, all-time.
Oh, yeah.
Your brother already called me.
Wanted to know where the Church stood on half brother, half sister relations.
What a scumbag! Where does the, uh, Church stand, just out of curiosity, on that? Oh, geez, I don't know, Tom.
I'm not your priest anymore.
Why don't you ask your new pal, Father Murphy? What are you, jealous? Now, listen, I've seen shit like this before, okay? That kid attached to his hip, the way he was? Figure it out, Tom.
Jesus, Mick.
Garbage like that's why I left the Church in the first place.
Mick, they were playing baseball.
You gotta relax, man.
I got my gut, and I got my eyes.
You want to walk around in the dark, fine.
Why don't you give me a call when the lights come on, huh? I think you're overreacting.
I never spent enough time with him.
I was always working, socking the extra money away for some rainy day.
Maybe taking him to Disneyland.
Or China.
He made that same face.
You got kids, Tommy? Three.
You spend a lot of time with them? Enough to know that none of them want to go to China.
You gotta spend time with them, Tommy.
Enjoy them while you can.
All right, I'll uh-- I'll see you tomorrow? Oh, yeah.
Shit! Not again, Jeannie.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Oh, God, yeah.
Yeah! Oh, yeah.
You like that? Yeah! Oh, yeah! Yeah! Yeah.
Who's your daddy, bitch? You're my daddy! Do me, daddy! Do me, daddy.
Do me hard! Morning, Jerry.
You're up early.
Uh, can I make some coffee? Hey, Dad.
Mom up yet? You know, Jerry, I got some tickets to the Mets game this afternoon.
I was thinkin', maybe the three of us, you know-- Forty years, I've lived in this home.
Never once thought about selling.
Raised you from the little spud that you were.
Used to play ball out in back.
I thought we were a regular family.
All washed away by the-- the sounds of-- Daddy.
Don't you ever call me Daddy again! Ever! With your mother sleeping right down the hall from you? Hmm? Steve and I are in love.
We express our love like everyone else.
Not everyone.
I can barely stand to look at you.
The feeling is mutual.
Would you look at this, all my boys are up and waiting for their breakfast.
Who wants flapjacks? I gotta go, hon.
Oh, okay, Bud.
Pick up some hats while you're out.
You told me you were the man.
Hey, man, it's Mike.
Miami Mike, man.
Glad to hear from you.
You got what I need? Yeah.
Meet me on the corner, down-- Hang on a second, let me grab a pen, all right? Hang on.
Two secs, man.
All right.
Where's Dad? He'll be here.
Any minute now.
All right, I need the pills, okay? For my hand, for work.
To save people.
And you're a real man, Tommy.
You're a real hero.
Oh, yeah? Yeah! Let's go for a ride.
- What are you doing? - We'll see who's a man, pal.
John Lennon, James Dean-- those guys are pretty obvious.
RFK, JFK, Jimi Hendrix-- I mean, they pretty much explain themselves, you know? Wh-What the hell are you doin', Tommy? I want you to pull over now! Why? God is my copilot.
Well, the next best thing to God.
I want you to let that coma kid live.
It's gut check time, pal.
I'll have the Maryland crab cakes, a dozen blue point oysters, a Caesar with no anchovies, and for entr?e, surf and turf.
The filet, medium rare, and could I see the wine list, please? You know, I'm good with the bread, and I'll just have a little bit more water when you get a chance, thank you.
So I-I gotta-- I gotta tell you, you know, this is all kind of, you know, new for me.
You know? I mean, this isn't-- You know, this isn't really me.
I know the feeling.
And-- And you-- What about me? I don't know.
I gotta be honest with you.
I kind of expected somebody a little bit more, you know whorish.
Don't worry.
We'll get there.
No, I, um, you know, as much as I'd like to-- I really don't think I'm gonna be needing that, uh, particular area of your expertise.
I was actually wondering, you know, if you've ever thought about, uh, prorating.
Not a chance.
So, I guess this is a revenge thing? Uh, no, it's a fake relationship thing.
It turns her on if you're with someone else? Yeah.
That's kind of the idea, yeah.
It's pretty hot.
Is she here? Uh, actually, yes.
She's, uh, across the street.
Good sight line? I can practically see her blinking.
Let's hope she doesn't blink now.
Wow! Whorish enough for you? Oh, yeah.
That was plenty whorish.
Thank you.
Is she waving you over yet? Well, what do you know? I'm gonna go to the rest room.
Give you two a few minutes.
Thank you for that.
You try to beat this check, I'll hunt you down and hack your balls off.
Fair enough.
Listen, I gotta be quick, 'cause she just went into the bathroom-- Call me tomorrow.
Ah, shit.
Is she sleeping? Mmm.
She's asking for you.
Hey, how was your meeting the other day? You haven't said anything about it.
You haven't said much of anything lately.
Yeah, I'm just tired.
I don't feel like talking.
Excuse me.
You know, not talking is what got you into this mess in the first place.
What do you want to hear from me, Laura? That I can't sleep at night, that I find myself staring in the pharmacy windows? I have visions of little white pills dancing circles around my head? I mean, look at me, Laura, you know, all the things that I can do at work, in the ring, in the gym, and this tiny white pill, it's got me-- What's the matter? It's just part of the routine, baby.
It comes on a couple of times a day.
I just don't understand this, man.
I don't understand how almost losing my little girl ain't enough to make this go away.
Daddy! Hi, Daddy.
Hey, sweetie.
Shouldn't you be asleep? Huh? Lay down.
- Lay down, baby.
- Lay down with me.
Daddy can't sleep tonight, honey.
Why not? I'm afraid.
Lay down.
I'll keep you safe.
And what's that, dear Something I don't want to hear Bring your sister out And we'll be leavin' now And the fun stops here And it's buzzing in my ear Bring your sister out Steak and ice cream? It's my latest thing, "beefstachio.
" I called the people at Ben & Jerry's.
I gave them the recipe, but they said no.
Some people have no vision.
See Miami Mike? Nah.
Decided I had more important things to do, you know? So that means you didn't get your stash.
No, I didn't.
You're gonna be in for a long night.
I see it now I see it slower I see it now Cloudland.

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