School Spirits (2023) s02e07 Episode Script

Anatomy of a Fallout Shelter

[SIMON] Previously on School Spirits
I don't think Maddie
slept in her bed last night
- and I don't know where she is.
- I'll look for her.
Oh, you're bleeding.
I'd sooner die again than
set foot in that school.
Didn't Simon tell you
that Dawn crossed over?
- I promised I'd give her proof.
- What?
If you want Janet back here,
you're gonna have to dig up something.
Maybe they're all connected.
It's a path.
This is the way into Dawn's scar.
[WALLY] I wish you would be
stuck with me here forever.
Found ya.
[SIMON] Janet?
[SIMON] Janet!
- What's going on?
- I can't find her.
- Oh no! Janet!
- Janet!
- Where the hell is she?
- If I knew that,
I wouldn't be yelling
to the fucking dark.
- Janet!
- Janet!
[SIMON] Janet!
How did they know your name?
[SIMON] Janet!
What have you told them?
[NICOLE] Janet!
You know you can't trust them, Janet.
You wouldn't have gotten in
this boat with me if you did.
Wait, so Maddie didn't run
away. It was just her body?
- Yeah.
- [DIEGO] Claire, what you're telling me is insane.
Okay, we do not have
time for this, please.
I held up my end of the
deal. Now I need you to drive.
I'll drive, but I got some
questions for the road.
Smile, Janet.
We did it.
I know that this isn't exactly
the version of getting
out that we had imagined,
but, but we now have a
second chance at life.
The future you always wanted.
But this isn't my, my body.
This isn't my life.
But, but it can be. It will be.
You should go.
You don't need me to escape.
It's been you and me for 66 years,
trying to figure out how to cross over.
We couldn't.
But this? This.
Maybe this is even better.
Look, you know, I always said
we need more time.
Well, now we have it.
In a way it counts.
You know, think of the
difference we could make!
We deserve this!
Dawn crossed over.
She figured it out.
It's not about that anymore,
and, and even if it were,
do you even know where
you'd be crossing over to?
Don't say that.
I saved you from making
bad decisions in the past
and I'm gonna keep helping you do that.
- You're leaving.
- No!
You don't forget, Janet! You owe me!
No, no!
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm long gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't you forget me ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
There were so many flowers.
You wouldn't have believed it.
It really was that beautiful, huh?
Yeah. It wasn't scary.
It was I don't know. Peaceful.
Could it really be that simple?
You just walk through a door
with an exit sign above it?
I mean, I haven't seen a door like that
in any of the other scars. Have you?
I definitely didn't see one in mine.
But maybe there's a way to make it,
I don't know, appear.
I'm sorry that I missed your reunion.
Oh, it's fine. If I'm
gonna take you on a date,
I definitely want it to be at a spot
that's much nicer than that, so
Like this.
So that's what this was all about?
Taking me on a date?
I just figured it couldn't hurt for you
to get away for a
couple hours, you know,
take your mind off everything.
Did you ever go to any of
these places in real life?
I did go to Minnesota
one time for an away game.
It makes me sad
that we couldn't have gone to
any of these places together.
What do you mean?
We're here right now.
It wasn't slow ♪
It happened fast ♪
And suddenly the only
thing I saw was you ♪
Mm, mm, mm ♪
Mm, mm, mm, mm ♪
I didn't know what happened then ♪
And suddenly I had
everything to lose ♪
Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm ♪
Can we stay like this forever? ♪
Can we be here in
this room 'til we die? ♪
- It's all right.
That wasn't smart. That wasn't smart.
I hope that I run ♪
Okay, wait, sorry, one, one thing. Um
It's just I'm really happy right now.
Watching people pretend to sleep
is considered socially
unacceptable behavior, you know.
What's wrong?
Why are you looking at me like that?
I found something.
It's bad.
It's really bad.
What, what, what happened?
When, when my mellophone
didn't get me into my scar,
I thought it was worth it to
keep trying to find my key.
You found it?
It's my field marker.
I completely forgot about it.
I had left it in my uniform jacket.
Quinn, did you go inside?
Are you okay?
It was
It was predictably horrible.
I guess I don't know what
I was expecting, but
not that.
Do you wanna talk about it?
The thing is, it wasn't just the scar.
I found this inside the bus.
Forgot where I'm going ♪
Forgot where I've been ♪
What are you thinking about?
Just everything waiting
for me back at home.
Your mom?
And it's also kind of
hard not to think of
everything waiting for me here.
Don't need a career ♪
Don't need a computer ♪
You know
I can make pancakes for
you when the sun comes up.
- You like pancakes?
- Yeah.
Well, I do too. I'm a big fan.
I can make you pancakes every morning.
I can make pancakes for you forever.
- Wally.
- I know.
I know.
I know this is probably selfish, but
I just wanna say it one time, please.
Can I just say it one time, Maddie?
I want you to stay.
I really wish you would stay.
In this world, can I have
blueberries in my pancakes too?
I'm more of a banana guy myself, but
you're the boss.
Oh, God!
I'm gonna need you to peel
yourselves off each other
and come down to the library stat.
What are we looking at?
Remember the missing
page from Janet's journal?
Turns out our sweet old
Janet had a sadistic streak.
She was gonna lock us up, torture us
as an experiment.
That was their endgame.
So, what? You found this
in the bus stop scar?
Inside the bus, yeah.
Uh, they must've hid
it in there thinking
me and the band would
never get in, never find it.
She wanted to use us to
get her and Mr. Martin out.
But we stayed here, caged inside a cage.
- For her own gain.
- And Mr. Martin's.
- She's a monster.
- Yeah.
And if you two swap
bodies, then that means that
we're gonna be stuck here
with that monster for eternity.
"Let's give her a last
few moments to be alive."
Simon, I swear to God
I don't need you making
me feel any worse, okay?
I don't know, I was trying
to be a decent human being.
Yeah, let's keep yelling!
We haven't done that enough!
Whoa, okay, chill out, aggro!
Yeah, chill, Xavier, thank you, Nicole.
I'm not on your side either.
And I bet you're glad I
brought my taser now, right?
Take me to the school.
This is insane, right?
Which part?
Maddie might get her body back.
That's a sentence I
never thought I'd hear.
You know, I
kind of wish I could
still write to Shredhead99
and tell him well, you
everything that's happened.
Me too.
What was that fisherman thing about?
In your last message,
you said you saw
- I saw Maddie's dad.
- What?
At the hospital when I flatlined.
I didn't put it together until
I saw his picture at Maddie's house,
but, I mean, it was definitely him.
I messaged you 'cause
I, I didn't really
You can't tell Maddie about this.
Well, if we want her to come back to us,
you'll just be giving her more
of a reason to wanna stay there,
wherever she is.
Nicole, I don't think it's that simple.
No, please don't bring it up.
You'll just freak her out.
Did he ask about Maddie?
He just asked me if I was staying.
What did you say? Did you want to?
For the record
I'm glad it was you too.
No way I'm taking out the trash.
The bugs out there are
the size of my head.
What were you doing
out there on the water?
Is that blood?
Are you hurt?
I'm not just gonna leave you guys here
with someone who wants
to lock you all up.
Isn't the whole point
of getting her back here
so that we can get you
back into your body?
Yeah, we don't even know how that works.
We don't even know if we can do it.
We're going to figure it out.
Okay? We will deal with Janet.
If the opportunity presents itself
for you to get back into your body,
you have to take it.
Right, Wally?
[SIMON] Hello? Hey, uh, Maddie,
you're gonna wanna
come to the cafeteria.
Welcome back.
You're all here.
How can she see us?
I guess technically she's still a ghost.
She can also hear you.
You can speak to me directly.
What happened to her?
Why is there blood on her hand?
She won't say.
You have some explaining to do.
Let's start with this.
I was hoping you'd never find that.
[RHONDA] God, I can't believe
I actually ever defended you.
It turns out you've been
lying to us all along.
Hell, you even lied about how you died.
Why did you lie about your death, Janet?
We didn't want anyone to know.
Know what?
That it was me.
I started the fire.
The fire that burned
down the chemistry room?
I'm the reason why we
are both trapped here.
I killed Mr. Martin.
Maybe twice.
an accident, the fire.
At first, I was overwhelmed with guilt.
But Mr. Martin was kind and forgiving.
So we tried to make the
best of all the new time
we had in our afterlives.
Mr. Martin was the first to
discover our hidden space.
He was hesitant to show me,
but he took me in,
and it was terrifying.
We wanted to understand what
it meant, why it was there.
We wanted answers.
But for five years,
we couldn't make sense of any of it.
- Everything all right?
- Fine.
[JANET] So we just kept ourselves busy
the best we could.
Oh, jeez, Janet, will you
get the lights, please?
[JANET] And the feeling
of contentment and safety,
it all ended that day.
Did you feel that?
[JANET] We suddenly
weren't alone anymore.
[JANET] It was you, Rhonda.
And you looked so scared.
And I just, I wanted to help.
Are you okay?
[SHAKILY] Who are you?
What's happening?
To the
Split River High afterlife.
I'm, uh
I'm, I'm afraid you've died.
[JANET] I'm sure this
is quite overwhelming.
But it does get easier.
We're dead, too.
I am Everett Martin, a teacher here.
- And this is Janet.
- Hi.
You see, I arrived here first.
And Janet joined me,
uh, a couple years later.
What happened to you?
S-she she had a bad fall
down a flight of stairs.
Didn't you, Janet?
He lied to protect me. And I allowed it
because a weight had been lifted.
You're not alone.
We take care of each other here.
You don't need to see this. Let's go.
I'm certain it feels
like everything's changed.
But as you'll see, part of
the comfort and the curse
is that nothing's changed.
Here, come along this way.
It's, it's only natural that
you'll need some adjusting time.
[WALLY] So then you just
started stealing our keys
from under our dead bodies?
We didn't know they were
keys until that moment.
When we stumbled upon our personal hell,
we had no idea what triggered it.
And then we saw Rhonda's letter,
and something just snapped into place.
We came to the conclusion
that Mr. Martin and I
must have a shared key.
His wristwatch. He was
holding it when he died.
So, like our shared key,
we kept sharing the lie about our death.
He was protecting me.
So all those years, in
that circle together,
you, you couldn't trust us
with all of this, with, with the truth?
Mr. Martin convinced me
to keep it all a secret.
The keys, how we died, everything.
What other secrets are you keeping?
What the hell?
Where is everyone?
This is bad.
I'll try calling her again.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Xavier? Simon?
[WHISPERS] Come on
Nicole? Simon?
- Jesus!
Oh, Nicole!
I can't find him.
Who, Simon?
No, no, Simon went to take
Janet back to the school.
And then Xavier went
to take out the trash
- and now he's gone.
- Shit.
Nicole, I, I saw Anderson
in the parking lot
- when we stopped for beer.
- What?
- He had to be heading up here.
- Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Freaking out is not
gonna help anyone, okay?
We just need to find
Xavier and get out of here.
What if something's
already happened to him?
Like, what if he's out there
There's no way that
Anderson beat us here, okay?
I'm sure Xavier's fine.
We've just gotta find him first.
We're good. Let's go.
Okay, what about group?
Was there even a point of
sharing all our personal shit?
It was never a support group.
It was a control group.
That was just part
of the experiment too?
As the years went on, more students died
and more rooms appeared,
but there were variables.
[JANET] Things we couldn't control.
[DAWN] You okay?
Of course, I'm fine. Dawn, thank you.
[DAWN] Was it really bad?
I saw you go in.
I've seen you go in a bunch of times.
I finally went into my room, too.
Pretty freaky how it
gets everything so right.
Even down to the smell of the coffee.
How did you
People never think I'm paying attention,
but I really am.
I saw the lights going bonzo
and wanted to figure out why.
Why is that, you think?
The electricity?
Why does it go bonzo
whenever someone's inside
one of those creepy rooms?
- You really went in it?
- Mm-hmm.
Weren't you scared?
I guess.
But high school is pretty scary too.
So I always think about
what my mom used to tell me
whenever I had to do
something scary in school,
like public speaking
or badminton.
She said,
"Just close your eyes and pretend
you're in a field of flowers."
I always picture marigolds, personally.
That conversation led
me to this, this theory,
as well as mistakes.
What, what mistakes?
Pain is power.
What she said about
electricity, the lights.
I realized that the rooms, the scars,
they were fueled by trauma.
That's what makes them exist.
That's what makes those
objects stay and not reset.
How the hell did you go from
flashing lights and clay pots
to locking up all of your friends
in a Nightmare on Elm Street?
[DIEGO] Xavier!
[NICOLE] Xavier!
[NICOLE] Xavier!
- [DIEGO] Xavier!
- [NICOLE] Xavier!
[CLAIRE] Xavier!
[NICOLE] Xavier!
Guys, I, I fucked up. I
should've gone with him.
I'm sure he's fine.
What was that?
I think it's coming from out there!
How the fuck did he get out there?
- Me?
- You're on the swim team!
When do we get to the part
where she says something
even remotely meaningful?
Chill out, Rhonda, okay?
We're all trying to get to the truth.
Don't snap at me. I'm not the
reason we're sitting around,
listening to a bunch
of half-hearted excuses.
[WALLY] Okay, what have you done
[CHARLEY] Guys! Would you shut up?!
You said earlier you wanted
to find a way out for everyone.
If that's true, then why
did you keep it a secret?
[YURI] She had to.
Whose side are you on?
Once a subject knows
it's being observed,
it changes its behavior.
Is that a real thing?
It's the Hawthorne effect.
How do you know that?
I've read about it, and honestly,
it sounds like Mr.
Martin was using it on her
as much as she was using it on you.
[RHONDA] But none of this
explains your evil plan.
How did it go sour so fast?
Another variable.
Ding-dong, dong, dong ♪
Ding-dong, ding-dong ♪
Ding-dong, ding ♪
So, who wants to share first?
Sure! I will.
Well, uh, usually we would go
to church for Christmas Eve,
and then we would go to my grandmother's
for oyster stew.
- It's an acquired taste.
- What a lovely memory.
Do we really have to do this, Mr. M?
I mean, it's the same
song and dance every year.
We just talk about traditions
and then we steal stale cookies
from the teacher's lounge
and then we just go off
and we feel miserable about ourselves.
Why miserable?
Isn't it nice being able
to celebrate together?
All it does is remind us
where we aren't tonight.
Home, with our families.
If our families are even still around.
Well, stale though they may
be, I am off to get the cookies.
Janet, would you like to help me?
- Sure.
- Okay.
Oh, and uh, merry
Christmas to you, Charley.
He gave me the hat.
They're right, you know.
This tradition does make everyone sad.
Feelings are useful, Janet.
Even the negative ones.
You should know that more than anyone.
You read it? Does it make sense?
It's a fascinating hypothesis.
Trauma is energy.
It's a bit oversimplified,
but it does have a nice ring to it.
Good tidings we bring ♪
To you and your kin ♪
We know that going into these rooms
creates an energetic surge.
And we've been hypothesizing for years
that the fence around this school
that keeps us from leaving
is a sort of electromagnetic barrier.
So, if one enters these strange spaces,
aggravates that energy,
maybe if one activates all of
those spaces all at the same time,
creating an unbelievable
amount of power
We could overwhelm the
hypothetical system,
get beyond the barrier, past the fence.
Maybe even make it disappear.
This is brilliant work, Janet.
It's truly very clever.
So, now all we have to do is figure out
how to get them all in there at once.
- What do you mean?
- Your plan.
Oh no, Mr. Martin, it's not a plan.
It's purely theoretical.
Well, it is now.
But isn't that how
all experiments begin?
We can't just lock them in there.
That would be torture.
We're scientists, Janet.
Do you think Jonas Salk
would've eradicated polio
if he stopped and considered
the costs of discovery?
But we live with these people.
We celebrate holidays with them.
You just told them that you,
you are grateful to them
Controlled experiments
lead to greater good.
And maybe the answer to crossing
over is outside this building.
If we could get beyond
the school grounds,
we, we could
we could go back to our families.
We could sit at their
holiday gatherings.
They wouldn't see us.
But we could see them.
And, and maybe find the clues to resolve
whatever's holding us from
moving on to the next plane,
from crossing over.
Mr. Martin
Didn't I promise you
I'd get you out of here?
Good tidings we bring ♪
To you and your kin ♪
[MR. MARTIN] Ho, ho, ho!
Time for refreshments, merry travelers!
and a happy new year ♪
What did you think was going
to happen when you wrote it?
I don't know what I thought. I just
I stopped trusting myself.
I lost myself in my
partnership with Mr. Martin.
Our shared loss, our shared secret?
I never thought I could lose myself
in a person like that.
But I did.
Well, where he is going?
Wait, where did Quinn go?
Stop it! Stop ignoring me!
You're not even looping!
So what?
I'm so confused. What are you doing?
Everything's a mess now,
and it's because of me.
Quinn, this has nothing to do with you.
It does! I found that page.
I brought it to you.
Now you're turning on each other.
I basically blew you all up.
I've done this before, you know.
I joined the marching band
so that I could feel
like I was part of something
and not feel so alone.
But pretty soon,
I was causing tension
in the brass section.
And before you knew it,
the woodwinds hated me,
uh, because I pointed out
that they were
overpowering the xylophone.
But I had to say something
because the xylophone
And then we all died.
And I died knowing that
everybody was mad at me.
Quinn, you didn't blow up anything.
I just wanted to connect.
I didn't have that in life.
And it feels like
I'm not gonna have it in death either.
That's why I went back
to the marching band.
You don't feel anything
when you're looping.
Listen to me.
You aren't alone, Quinn.
Okay? You never have to be alone again.
Look, I know that feeling
of never quite connecting?
But somehow
I've let you in.
So you can't just leave me now.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
I brought her here, just like you asked.
We're just sitting around, talking.
What's the hold-up?
- I need to protect my friends.
- Excuse me?
Your actual friends,
your living, breathing ones,
are out there trying to help you.
And they might be in danger,
and there's no way for me
to communicate with them
because I'm stuck here
trying to help you.
Do you not
Do you not wanna come back?
It's not that simple.
Is this because of Wally?
Is this about Wally?
[SCOFFS] Unbelievable. Look, Maddie.
I'm happy you found
someone. I really am, but
I miss you.
I miss our normal life.
Stupid fucking simple real life.
You don't think I miss you too?
I know how hard it's been on you,
on all of you.
But these people,
they don't have anyone else, you know?
I have to think about their futures.
Okay, what about my future?
Hartman's about to suspend me,
and I basically gave up any shot
at getting into Northwestern
when I tanked that interview
because I was trying to help you.
I didn't ask you to
mess up the interview.
I was there trying to stop
you. You just couldn't hear me.
I would never ask you to
throw away your future, Simon.
And I can't believe you'd think I would.
You know what? If you
wanna go, fine. Leave.
My best friend needs ♪
Something more than I can give ♪
Uh-huh ♪
Something more than I can give ♪
Okay ♪
Something more than I can give ♪
And I see the pain ♪
While he's dancin' ♪
[WOMAN] You've reached the
office of university admissions.
Our office is currently closed.
Please leave a message after the beep.
Hi, this Simon Elroy.
Uh, we met a couple weeks back.
I'm sorry that I'm
calling you this late.
Hoping you get this first
thing Monday morning.
Look, I wanted to call you because
I'd like to redo my interview.
Uh, I lost a friend recently
and it's been very hard.
So if you could call me back
at your earliest convenience
I don't wanna lose this opportunity
because it means a lot to me.
So, uh, please call me back. Thank you.
My best friend needs ♪
Oh my God, Xavier, are you okay?
Help me.
Come on.
He's here! Anderson's here!
Yeah, we figured. We need to leave.
Don't move.
Not a single world,
or this goes straight into his jugular.
No, don't!
I don't wanna hurt anyone.
Just give me your car keys.
That's it.
Do not follow me.
[CHARLEY] So, were you just
waiting to take all of our keys
the second we died?
And were you were you just waiting
for another person to die?
How many people are you gonna let die
so that you could
figure out your research
before even letting us
help you? Tell us the truth.
You good?
Yeah, man. I'm fine.
How do you think you
were protecting us by
You know she's doing
this for you, right?
She's considering being here
for eternity because of you.
You really okay with that?
Come on.
[CHARLEY] Was it me or was
it something that I said or did
that made you unable to trust all of us?
[JANET] Charley, it had
nothing to do with you.
Okay. You said you wanted
to stop Mr. Martin, right?
Is that what happened the
night of your birthday?
Rhonda heard you guys arguing.
You were upset when you opened his gift.
That wasn't a gift. That was a threat.
He was trying to remind
me of what was at stake,
of all the years of hard work.
That night, I knew that
I couldn't convince him
to abandon the plan.
But I was hoping that
he would settle for
a slight change of course.
I convinced him we could start small.
Rather than put everyone
in their scars at once,
what if I just went into mine
for greater periods of time
more often?
We told you I'd crossed over
to avoid outside exposure.
Anything that could impact our results.
I'm not sure I can do this.
[JANET] But after a while,
I didn't feel like
part of the experiment.
I felt like a prisoner.
- I don't wanna go! Please!
- I know. I know.
[JANET] It seemed like the entire thing
was gonna be a failure
until one moment.
Mr. Martin was certain that
my stoking of the energy
hadn't impacted the
fence around the school,
but it had very briefly thinned the veil
between the living and the
dead inside the school.
[JANET] And there was no
stopping him after that.
Are you telling us you
volunteered to go in there?
I did.
At first.
But then everything changed.
Once Mr. Martin realized
that it was kind of working,
I felt like there was no way out.
The only thing that was [SNIFFS]
allowing me to get through it
was knowing that it was happening to me
and not to any of you.
It was my burden. It was my idea.
And if I was in there,
it meant that you guys were safe.
And then
And then you showed
up, Maddie, and I, I
I needed to get out.
Okay, I wasn't trying to hurt anyone!
I just needed to get out!
Give her the key, Maddie.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
I know you can't take it now,
but it's here when you're ready.
So you can get into your
scar once we do the swap.
You still think I have a
chance at crossing over?
The only way out is through.
I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted
to go back in there again.
I was there. I know how bad it is.
The charred walls, the chaos.
And that woman, who is she?
- What woman?
- [MADDIE] I don't know.
She was definitely from your time.
And she kept trying
to tell me something,
pointing out the watch.
No, there was never any
woman, nor charred walls.
Nothing you're describing
sounds familiar.
I was haunted by my father.
But your scar is in the
fallout shelter, right?
It's where the old
chemistry lab burned down?
[RHONDA] Where you died.
That's where Mr. Martin died too.
Wait, you you don't
I didn't go into Janet's scar.
It was Mr. Martin's.
No way.
- You have to go.
Maybe he didn't have his wristwatch on
when he was dragging me inside.
The subject needs to
have their key on them
in order for the door to open.
So if that's not your key
- It's Mr. Martin's.
- Oh my God.
So what's Janet's key?
Can it be a person?
Yes! Yes, I got bars!
- Hello? Hey.
- [XAVIER] Oh, thank God!
- [XAVIER] Hey, it's me!
- Xavier, are you okay?
I've been trying to call you all night.
Simon! Yeah, yeah, we're fine, sorta.
But listen, Anderson was here.
Are you okay?
[XAVIER] He threatened
us, and it's a long story,
but we lost him and he took Diego's car.
[XAVIER] Yeah, shit.
Now we're stranded in
dead freakin' nowhere.
Okay, I don't think I can get you guys.
What if he comes back here?
Fuck, fuck, wait, what do you mean
- you can't come get us?
- Simon!
Is Maddie back? Did it work?
No, no, not yet. Long story.
Look, I need you guys to get here
as soon as possible, okay?
I gotta tell Maddie that we lost him.
You've gotta find a way to get here.
Maddie, we need to talk.
Listen, I'm sorry.
I'm so, so sorry.
The truth is, yes, it is about Wally.
But it's also not just about Wally.
It's about everything
that's happened here.
Everything I we've been through.
I know I've asked too much of you.
I know that.
But I need you to bring
Mr. Martin back here.
He's Janet's key.
She needs him to cross over.
If we can get him back here,
she'll give me my body back.
It may be too late.
It's all about the devil ♪
And I've learned to hate him so ♪
They said he causes trouble ♪
When you let him in the room ♪
He will never, ever leave ya ♪
If your heart is filled with gloom ♪
So let the sun shine in,
face it with a grin ♪
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