Sleeper Cell s02e07 Episode Script


Previously, on Sleeper Cell Agent Serxner I'm going overseas for a few weeks, maybe T.
with the joint terrorism taskforce in the Sudan.
Something happened.
It's gonna be over CNN You will no longer be taking order from brother Al-Hakim.
Because from now on, you'll be taking them from me.
Where's Mina ? She has her own mission.
There are other women just like you.
They come together in a group, to discuss things.
Well, my boyfriend isn't asking me to convert Islam.
Well, neither am I.
I'm just asking you to listen, and bring an open mind.
Come on in honey, we're muslims, not aliens.
Hi, Gayle.
If I do what you ask, if I give you the fuel rods, and you use them, you've just opened the door for the West to drop a nuclear bomb on Mecca.
It seems Salim caused quite a scandal in the London Iraqi community over a little love affair that he got into.
afraid your-- your buddies from the the mosk would catch us and report you to Allah? You don't know anything about my religion, about me! Salim managed to get the SA-18 working again.
Who are you? Answer me! I missed you my brother.
The Cause has missed you.
Karrah's got a man in the inside.
He's gonna smuggling nuclear fuel rods into the country.
This, my brothers is the next September 11.
Do you have eyes on the asset and - the target? - Check.
Darwyn, where the hell are you? Russell made me go to this meeting with Mina and I've been stuck with the psycho for hours.
Transcript : Troudair Episode 2x07 : Fitna Bishop and Van der Holz have been in here forever.
I wish we have another team here.
This case has too many damn subjects.
Yeah well.
At least we have an agent inside.
You scared me.
Sorry-- I-- I guess I shouldn't be cursing in a mosque.
Asallahum Ailikum, sister.
I saw you at the meeting tonight.
You're-- new to the group.
Why didn't you introduce yourself ? No.
I was just curious.
I'm not really a Muslim.
You know that's how I started my journey, honey.
I never imagined I'd actually one day embrace Islam.
But Allah guides whom He will to the straight path.
You know.
The book store's still open.
They've got a whole collection of materials, written specificly for non-Muslims, to introduce them to the faith.
- Well, I think I - Come on.
It will just take a minute.
Just for a minute.
Who were you talking to ? I was just calling my babysitter, to check up on Marcus.
He's-- sleeping like an angel.
So you're babysitter knows you went to the Islamic Center tonight ? Yeah, yeah.
I-- I was just telling her what a great time I had at the women's-- group.
Thanks for taking me.
We should go again sometime.
I'm affraid that's not gonna happen.
Don't scream.
I don't wan't to use this, especially in a sacred place.
What do you want ? We go for a drive.
I'm not going anywhere with you.
If we don't walk out of here in the next five minutes together, my brothers will be paying a visit to Marcus.
Please, Mina, Jesus.
Don't do this.
Get movin'.
This way.
At the backdoor.
What do we do now, agent Russell ? We wait for the call.
This is D.
We got the green light.
Yes, sir.
Got it.
Ok, reach H.
and S.
Tell them to get ready to move.
Where are we going ? Get on the 10 East.
I'll tell you where to get off.
Mash'Allah, brothers.
Excellent work.
Isn't it the time you tell us the plan ? You're right.
It's time.
Darwyn and Benito will drive to L.
with the suitcase.
You will give the suitcase to little Lorenzo.
Benito's friend.
He will put it on the flight 365 to London which departe at 8:10 PM.
By that time you two will be at Vista Del Mar Beach with the SA-18.
Where the planes are flying overhead.
Missile locks into the jet engines and BOOM.
Killing everyone onboard.
Turning the nuclear fuel rods in a radioactive dust.
To be scattered by the windover Santa Monica Venice Beach The Palissades West L.
What's about me ? You and I will be at the Hollywood Bowl.
At exact 8:17, when our brothers dispend God's justice from the West, we will detonate the cooler.
The dirty bomb will dispense God's justice from the East.
Simultaneous coordinated attacks, blanket the city in a nuclear fall out.
The immediate dead toll will be in the thousands, but that number will rise with radiation poisoning.
C ancer, birth effect.
And the economic damages will be catastrophic.
The real estate and losses in loan will be tens of billions of dollars.
This four of July will be our Independance Day.
Today is the day we have long prepare for, my friend.
The Great Fitna.
The Chaos that will consume the West.
A nuclear attack on Los Angeles will not go unanswered.
However they response, they're only stregthing our cause.
I shall miss the children.
I have been their wali for many years.
They are like my own flesh and blood.
If the Americans are stupid enough to attack a building full of orphans, these children become martyrs, and we will have a grave beyond victory to rally the more beleivers to the worldwide Jihad.
We've identified a series of underground tunnels that lead directly to the main facility.
Alpha team will enter via the subterranean passage way, while Bravo team will be airlifted onto the roof, and Field Team ill engage the perimeter.
All teams will converge on the main chamber where the targets are located.
Our first and formose priority is to secure the nuclear material.
Once our team has disabled the targets, the Hazardous Material Response Unit will supervise containement and disposal of the fuel rods.
Our targets are presumed to be armed and dangerous.
You're authorized to use all necessary force.
But take a good look at our UC, next to secure the nuclear material, his safety is top priority.
He has to walk out of this raid without a scratch, is that understood ? Excuse me sir, but what to prevent the target from detonating the dirty bomb once we're inside perimeter ? Our UC has neutralized the explosive material.
The RDX is inert.
What about the female target ? She's off site and our SOs have a lock on that subject and we'll apprehend her at the minute the raid goes down.
Why are you doing this ? For my husband.
You said he-- he died.
He died in Irak.
We were driving on a smuggling route between Damascus and Bagdhad.
Going to join the mujahidin in Fallujha.
We would fight against the ennemies of God went invaded the Muslim world.
Inch Allah, we would die as martyrs, together.
We were in separate vehicules.
Isham my husband, was in front, driving the main truck that carried more mujahidin.
I was following in a jeep with some local women.
We're just close to border into Irak when-- an american helicopter gunship appeared from over the Sinjar mountains.
We tried to turn back.
They fired on us.
I saw Isham's truck explode.
My jeep turned over, I was thrown from the wreck.
I was bleeding.
Not from a bullet.
From inside.
From between my legs.
When I finally made it to the hospital, the doctor told me I'd lost the child.
I'm sorry that happened to you Mina.
I'm sure you are, Gayle.
Just keep driving.
So this is it, man, the real thing.
Martyr on videos.
I've never been on camera before, I'm a little bit nervous.
Before we die, together, will you tell me your real name ? Korah Bachir Al Hamini.
The Khalifa's communication chief.
Mahdi Sudan in 1890's.
My name doesn't matter Darwyn Al-Hakeem.
All that matters is that we fulfill our destiny.
Ready? This is Field Team 1.
We're closing on the east walls.
Copy that, Field Team 1.
This is Alpha Team.
We're on the move.
Motion sensors ! Fall back ! - Holy shit ! - Alpha Team, come in ! What the fuck was that ? Are they there ? - Do you read, Alpha Team ? - Hold on.
Oh my god.
We have visitors.
Get out with the missile and proceed with the plan.
And if you can't make it, use the missile.
Don't let them take your life.
Salim ! You go back to the contain room and you watch over the bomb.
And if there's any issue, you'll take us all to paradise.
You come with me.
Come on ! Fuck ! I'm FBI, Korah, it's over.
Put your hands on your head.
I said put It's the FBI.
You're surrounded.
Put down your weapon and come out with your hands on your head.
It's the FBI.
You're surrounded.
Put down your weapon.
It's the FBI.
You're surrounded.
It's the FBI.
Put down your weapon.
What the fuck, man ? What the fuck ? What the fuck ? Fuck ! I sabotaged your missile, and your RDX's shit's out of luck, all right ? Did you know Patrice Serxner ? She was FBI too, wasn't she ? Huh ? She was tough.
Not affraid to die, huh ? Shut up.
Are you upset that we cut off the pretty head of your curseted whore ? Come on ! Go ahead, kill me ! Come on ! That's what you wanna do, no ? You're right.
But Allah says in the holy Quran : That's the difference between me and you.
What kind of true Muslim-- works for the Americans ? I don't work for the Americans.
I am American.
Freeze ! Put your hands upon your head ! - Keep away your weapon ! - FBI ! FBI ! Get rid of the containement room door ! Fire in the hole ! Let's go ! Move, move move ! All clear ! Secure ! - Where is Salim ? - He's gotta be somewhere in here.
- Fuck ! - What ? What is it ? The cooler.
He's got the other four fuel rods.
We're going to Vegas ? Just keep your eyes on the road.
Why me ? I don't question my orders.
I just wanna live for my son.
You're affraid, Gayle ? Good.
Fear is all Americans understand.
Especially fear of death.
You think you can force all of mankind to do what you want by making them affraid too.
Affraid of the military might.
Affraid of your laser-guided bombs.
Affraid of your white phosphorus.
But you'll never understand why Muslims refuse to surrender.
It's because we don't fear death.
That's why you'll never truly conquer us.
That was L.
They arrested the bagage handler who's gonna smuggle the suitcase packed with the fuel rods onto the plane.
Lorenzo Revera, former gang member active, criminal ties, apparently thought he's gonna be smuggling cocaine.
Jesus Christ, who can get pass the TSA ? Forgive me Madam Commisioner but this is not the time to be pointing fingers.
The L.
X situation is under control now, and we're agressivly interrogating Abou Hamid Moussa, a.
a Korah, regarding the whereabouts of Mina Van der Holz and Salim Abdelhami.
What have got out of him ? Nothing yet, but as far as we know Van der Holz is unarmed, and the explosives Salim needs to detonate his dirty bomb have been neutralized by our UC.
But you still got a bad guy at large in L.
with a cooler full of spent nuclear fuel rods.
Oh, we've put a nation wide BOLO on Abdelami and Van der Holz.
The second any officer sees anything our phone is the first to ring, but I tell you it would be a hell of a lot easier to locate these guys if everything appears normal.
If the city's not on lock down.
Weither you go public or not, I'm activating a WMD nuclear threat protocol for the greater Los Angeles area.
We're not making an annoucement of any kind.
We quietly deploy radiological sniffers at the city's most likely targets.
You should do a grid search too, Jim.
Start crisscrossing the city with the airborne unit.
So let's do it now.
Is this what Fatima would have done ? What ? The book you showed me.
I read how Mohamed's daughter Fatima, used to go hungry herself in order to feed prisoners of war.
Shut up.
And Mohamed's wife Aicha-- she always told the truth-- even when the whole world was against her.
You know you call yourself a Muslim.
You're nothing like these women in the books.
They were heroes.
You're just a psychotic bitch with a death wish.
I said "shut up".
Help me.
I've been shot.
Would you tell me where you are.
This-- This woman.
There's a woman, she's a terrorist.
She's heading to Vegas.
California licence plate Madam, you're breaking-up, could you repeat that, please ? Madam ? Fuck ! Stop the car ! Get out of the car now ! Get out ! You fuck ! You got any MATs ? Follow me.
- Assallahum ailikum, mon brother.
- Ailikum Assallah.
Brother Farik.
I can't beleive my eyes.
This is a miracle.
It's true.
We were to meet in paradise.
This world will have to do, for now.
So how was Sarajevo ? Not that much of change since the siege.
It has.
You know, of course, you couldn't stay there.
A warrior's place is on the frontline.
Yes, you're right.
I just wanted to see my country again.
One last time.
Look at you.
You look like a surfer from Venice Beach.
I leave you for a moment and you go and change everything.
Nothing is changed on the inside.
I admit when they told me you disappeared I was worried.
My confidence was shaken.
You weren't just another soldier to me Iljia.
And when I knew you're alive, I mourned your loss.
Farik, there was never a need to doubt our friendship or my loyalty.
When I looked at your face I knew I looked at the face of my brother.
I forgive you.
And I welcome you back.
My brothers ! I would like to introduce to you a loyal and dedicated holy warrior a true believer, and my right hand, in all my most difficult battles.
This is Ilija Korjenic, and I proclame him my khalifa, my Lieutenant.
my steward, and my successor on this earth, until we meet again in paradise.
LAPD got a report of a car-jacking earlier today.
- Suspect fits Salim's description.
- Any sign of the car ? Found abandonned in East LA about an hour ago.
And it gets worse.
At the home where they found the car LAPD discovered the body of a man known to be a fireworks dealer in that neighbourhood and his van is missing.
Along with his firworks.
Salim's readying his own bomb.
That's it.
I say we shut down the whole city.
Salim Abdelami's got the fucking explosives to set up a dirty bomb in the middle of Los Angeles.
That's not gonna solve our problem.
The second Salim hears about a shutdown, he's gonna walk into the nearest public place and blow himself up along with the nuclear material.
Shouldn't we at least shut down the Hollywood Bowl ? He doesn't know that we're aware the Hollywood Bowl is a target.
I'll bet that's still where he's heading tonight.
So you wanna set a trap for him, using seventeen thousand people as live bait ? We'll make sure he never gets into the Bowl.
We take him out before he have a chance to.
I mean we still have our UC.
His cover's intact with the target and he can help us to put down Salim.
It's our best option.
It's worth the risk.
Jesus ! There's a capacity crowd tonight ! It's the fourth of July for Christ sakes ! The Mayor is not gonna want to have bullets flying around.
With all due respect the Mayor's office won't approve any of this.
They're gonna blow the whistle on this whole operation in order to cover their asses.
This is bullshit.
I have to tell the Mayor.
Of course, m'am.
Just taking on sweet time doing it.
You look like shit.
Yeah, I know I've been Hum I've been up all night trying to think of something to say that would keep you from slaming the door on me.
Go on.
I was scared, Jason.
And I feel like I'm all wrapped up in something that's completly out of my control.
And I know it's what I want but Now that I'm so closed, I'm so fucking terrified.
Is that supposed to be apology ? No, I'm just trying to explain to you what I've been going through.
Cause I've been hiding who I am for so long.
You know, I lied to everyone.
It's finally time to do what's right.
There's always thoughts come rushing over me.
My family My friends back home I will take us to the Hollywood Bowl tonight.
Now I even have a cooler for a picnic.
It would be great if you came with me.
Hello madam.
Welcome to Las Vegas.
- Hi.
- Have a happy fourth of July.
- Thank you.
- Need help with your bag ? No, thank you, I'm fine.
It's a homemade humas.
It's mom's recipe.
We just set up the satellite ditch outside.
What are you watching ? Don't you remember ? It's Independance Day in United States.
It's gonna be some tremendous fireworks.
I have a wife, Ilija.
And a daughter.
She's gonna be 12 next week.
I want you to know that.
- All staff in place? - Yes, sir.
Ok, team leaders, when I'm calling you, give me a signal - while I get a visual on the monitor.
- Alpha ? - - Check.
- Bravo ? - Check.
- Charlie ? - Check.
- Delta ? - Check.
- Echo ? - Check.
That's everyone.
Let's talk.
The sniper plan, on its own, it's a problem.
Power penetration, how crowd goes in and out, someone here to get shot.
And weither you like it or not more than one.
So what am I gonna do ? This is agent Al-Sayeed.
I'm in position outside the South K.
I'll get it.
Oh no, oh no, I've got it.
Radiological sniffer's got a hit in the parking lot.
Ok, he's here.
Echo team, I've got a visual on the subject.
Is that Salim ? Yeah, he sould, he's beared off.
But someone's with him.
Darwyn, the target's headed up the south-east entrance with the picnic carrier but he's got an unidentified white male in his 20's with him.
You're nervous ? Yeah, I guess.
What for ? You're doing great.
We're doing great.
See ? Look around.
Aren't we happy together ? Nobody gives a fuck.
I guess it's all right.
Come here.
You don't know what it means to me.
- I see Salim.
- What about the unidentified male ? He's not a target.
Repeat, the unidentified male is not a target.
Then who is he ? Just trust me, I'm positive, he doesn't know anything about what's going on here.
Just try hard not to take him out.
It's just gonna be great.
Trust me.
It is Delta Team, I've got a shot.
- Hang on, hold the fire.
- What ? Hold your fire.
He's readied a dead man's switch to go off.
The second he releases his grip from that cooler, if you shoot him or we're all fucked.
Agent Al-Sayeed, engage the subject.
The bomb squade is on stand-by.
Engage the subject.
I'm on it.
Stay cool, man.
Who is he ? We're old friends.
What happend to Korah and Benny ? They didn't make it.
Let me grab that for you.
- Let go ! - Take him out now ! Hey, what do you do ? Take him out ! Take him out ! What happens ? Get the bomb squade here.
Now Now ! The story the media's getting is that Salim was officialy shot by an HRT sniper.
He was carrying conventionnal explosives.
Weak ones, improvised from illegal fireworks.
Nothing about fuel rods.
No reason to set off anymore panic than we've already got.
You know the truth about that is gonna get leak eventually.
Some big shot in Washington's gonna wanna brag about it.
Excuse me.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks buddy.
Thank you very much.
Darwyn, where the hell are you ? Russell made me go to this meeting with Mina.
I've been stuck with the psycho for hours.
This selft-righteous bitch tried to lecture me on morality, can you believe it ? Call me as soon as you get this ok ? I love you.
What's up ? It was the field office.
It's about Gayle.
And Mina.
As far as we can figure out, Mina's mission the one Korah gave her was Gayle Bishop.
She intercepted Gayle at the Islamic Center, By the time S.
's notice, they were gone.
CHP found Gayle near the 15th freeway.
Between Barstow and Vegas.
I'm sorry, Darwyn.
Gayle's dead.
Hey, Darwyn ! What did you do ? She's fucking dead, man ! - Hey, calm down ! - Now, Gayle's dead ! Dale, see if he's ok.
All right, I'm all right ! I'm so sorry.
So sorry.

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