Spartacus: Blood and Sand s02e07 Episode Script


My father dissolves our marriage in favor of more promising opportunity.
- Is there nothing left between us? - Memories only.
The arena has burned to fucking ground with many Romans among the ashes! Can he be healed? This man beyond what should warrant life.
His name is Oenomaus and he is more than common man.
pulled from the arena.
This was found in the wreckage.
The gods have punished me by striking down my father.
- It is not enough.
- Gaius.
The only reason you have not joined your father is the child that grows within you.
House slaves will never be gladiators.
We need fighting men.
Perhaps it is time to revisit plans towards Neapolis and slaver ships from foreign wars.
You would attack the port? I do not care for the fucking rain, nor disturbance at unreasonable hour.
I would have you quickly removed from such concerns and well compensated for allowing eyes upon your latest offering in advance of auction.
You must have pressing needs, to venture out on such a night.
I fear the rising sun would dash hopes of them being met.
Short of time, long of coin what form of slave narrows your purpose? I have a desire towards fighting men.
Ah, gladiators.
I've supplied Rome with many of its finest champions.
Sadly, with the arena in Capua gone, there is less interest in base men of such talents.
Fortunate for my cause then.
Come, let us see how you can further aid it.
Thick of the stench, savages east of the Rhine tend to favor their own shit.
I intended to have them scrubbed and oiled before auction, but I fear that would do little to improve their natural odor.
And how do you find the women? As unpleasant as their men.
I would not recommend lustful Finish quickly.
Release them.
You're not from our lands.
Yet I was once bound in chains by the Romans, as you were a grievance I would see them pay dearly for.
This says they are with us.
A fortunate thing that we liberate a ship filled with your people.
The gods favor us.
No longer will we have to listen to those fucking Gauls again.
Good Mercato spoke highly of you.
A grave misfortune that his tongue has forever been silenced.
His passing cause for my presence before you.
Passing? Too gentle a word for how he was ushered from this life, blood and brains staining the pulvinus as he thought to flee Spartacus's wrath.
A thing that threatens to consume many innocent lives.
We have thought you but mangled corpse and the sundered beams of the arena your tomb.
The events of the day caused me absent proper mind.
It has since returned.
And you to our streets.
Mercato my purpose, as I said.
There is the matter of coin for services tendered upon the sands.
You were secured to execute those shits that follow Spartacus.
I do not recall any falling to your sword.
It would have happened, had Spartacus not appeared.
And coin would have materialized the same.
But the past cannot be altered.
I am without coin, Magistrate.
I would not have returned otherwise.
For your years of pleasing the crowd in the arena.
Now follow once noble monument, and collapse from sight.
Magistrate, apologies.
My rudis was lost when the arena fell.
- Without it - You press beyond reason.
I'll wind has blown Capua from once-steady course.
Take further matter to Praetor Glaber.
Perhaps you can entice coin from him as well, if caught upon proper mood.
And misfortune.
We have all suffered loss of those closest to us.
Even a senator of our great Republic, a man my wife called father, has been ripped from this world by Spartacus and his mongrel hordes! And now beloved Seppius has fallen to this festering disease of rebellion, murdered by his own slaves, who even now spirit themselves away to join Spartacus against us! What? We must be ever vigilant in these dark times.
We must bring to light even dimmest shadow of betrayal, if it is revealed to us.
From this day forward, any slave who dares to whisper the name Spartacus shall be put to death even those owned by a praetor of Rome.
Seize her.
Dominus, I did nothing.
Do not speak against him.
Listen how she begs, pleading with the very tongue that only yesterday held praise for Spartacus upon it, praise for the slaves that murdered Seppius, praise most fortunate to be overheard by loyal wife.
Domina? It is true.
I heard her speak it.
Would that she had more than one life to take.
Let this serve as warning to any slave who would conspire against us.
None deserved.
It was a foolish attempt.
You seek to part head from shoulders.
There are blows that kill with less effort.
Then I shall learn them.
He is never from her side.
Spartacus wanted him towards Neapolis, but he would not leave her.
Though perhaps it's best to keep him and Agron parted.
Naevia's blessed to be loved so deeply.
As are you, by Spartacus.
I taught you never to lower guard.
Now see Naevia to same instruction.
I thought you for the afterlife.
As I you.
Yet we did not escape deep wounds.
A thing to be visited upon the Romans a thousandfold, now that Oenomaus stands with us once again.
He was a fool - to be gone so long from your side.
Such things are of the past.
Let us turn thought towards future and what joys it may hold.
You have done the impossible.
HEY - Our ranks swell.
- We will need more weapons a concern that must be addressed.
I sense a deeper one.
These are all fucking Agron's people.
Our forces have doubled in a single day with people that are no stranger to battle and blood.
And whom will they follow? I detected a hint of movement in your hips this time a subtle thrust as I bore down.
You begin to enjoy my cock inside of you? I would have answer.
Yes what? Yes, Dominus.
Has a man ever heard so sweet a sound? Your voice, your touch the warmth of your thighs little wonder Quintus fell beneath your spell, lavishing you with affection and gifts.
You call me Dominus now in his place.
It is only just that I present you with something in return.
How did you come by such bounty? They were freely given by the dead who no longer have need for them.
When this chest is full, its worth shall see Ashur to even greater heights.
Yet for one such as you something purchased with coin.
I know how fond Quintus was of the color.
I would have you wear it so that I may look up to you upon the balcony and know that you're mine.
Heart has been deeply wounded.
If there is anything to offer as balm, you need but voice it.
Did you take command of his men? I did.
Would that he had given them freely in life, Spartacus would be a distant memory and my brother yet by my side.
If only it had been so, my father would yet grace this world and my slave would have had no cause to be crucified.
Your brother's men arrive.
- Come.
- Open the gate! Let us review them and bind them to cause with oath of loyalty.
Fall to attention! Hold tongue.
Give attention.
Who stands forth as your voice? Octavius Tarsus.
I stand for them.
Your benefactor has been ripped from this world by the villain Spartacus.
Towards his end, I conscript you and your men into the army of Gaius Claudius Glaber.
Recite the sacramentum and commit loyalty.
I, Octavius Tarsus, swear by Jupiter Optimus Maximus that I shall uphold and defend the Republic.
I swear to have her enemies as my enemies and her friends as my friends.
You've taken to your old color.
I pledge to defend the Republic I fear it no longer suits me.
And her honor with all my thoughts, my words and actions.
I pledge my body and life to the Republic and to its army under the leadership of Praetor Gaius Claudius Glaber.
Will they be enough? Added to my own troops, yes.
They will be enough to bring Spartacus to justice.
I do not seek justice.
I seek vengeance.
The man who took the life of my brother must die the same, in blood and slaughter.
Have all those held close to heart.
By Jupiter Optimus Maximus, I so swear.
By Jupiter Optimus Maximus, we SO swear.
Set camp outside these walls.
Salvius will see you to orders and the death of Spartacus.
You are Glaber's men now.
Gratitude for your kindness.
Fall to attention.
Know that I have treasured it.
Move out.
Perhaps it would be best if you made home here beneath our roof.
I leave in the morning for my uncle's villa in Pompeii.
I would not have you upon the road while the threat of Spartacus still remains.
I'll send word to you uncle, if you find solace in the thought.
Your presence offers great comfort.
I am blessed to find myself among you.
Come, let us make arrangements.
Was it so recent that I thought him weak? I know gaze into his eyes and tremble at what lurks behind them.
Do not work yourself into an unfortunate state.
Your child ls the only reason I yet live.
Nothing I do pleases him.
He tortures me for what I have done Decila crucified, Seppia invited into our house, the way he looks at her.
I would see myself over cliff if this is all fate now holds.
My heart would follow to the rocks below.
I cannot live like this.
Nor I.
The last of our meat.
I forgot how much my kind devour upon a sitting.
Much seems to have slipped mind of late.
You sent me to scout Neapolis and report on opportunity.
That ship provided it.
Were there any others that may have afforded the same? Two one from Damascus, the other Gallia.
News I would have cared to know.
Would it have made difference? Men from Damascus are of low quality and even lower trust.
And Gallia? I would not have these ranks filled with Gauls.
Crixus ls an honorable man.
I will take your brothers to hunt when day breaks to replenish supply, gauge how we might come together.
And tell those who are able to speak in common tongue so that all among us may know their thoughts.
They will prove great asset.
I give you my word.
You fucking cunt.
Nothing is free.
I heard you were dead, carried to the afterlife with all the others that fell beneath the arena.
I yet breathe.
My purse, however, has suffered fatal blow.
I have no coin to pry open thighs.
They may yet widen of their own accord.
A miracle lacking profit for you and your master.
Do you recall what it was like to have one before you gained your freedom? No man is ever truly free.
Except for Spartacus and those who follow him.
Did you see him when he attacked the arena? What form of man was he? You speak of dangerous things.
I'm not the only one.
There's talk among many of us toward joining his cause.
There is no cause, only the leading of innocent fools to their deaths.
You have no coin then? A few denarii for passage away from this fucking city.
Strike Spartacus from your thoughts and come with me.
The mighty Gannicus.
It is joyous occasion to find you yet alive, with ripe offering perched upon lap.
It is unforgivable to come between man and cunt, yet I must have words with my brother.
An enticing creature.
Of course you never lack the attention of fine women.
If you seek words, break them and be done.
The years have not seen you to better manners.
Nor you to better company.
I would advise caution.
These men are the hand of Praetor Gaius Claudius Glaber.
Oh, and what are you? His cock or his ass? Lam his will bound by duty to restore order.
By nailing little girls to the cross? Any slaves who whisper of Spartacus and his rebellion shall find place beside her.
I have no interest in whispers, nor the will of your praetor.
Old words from a slave.
You mistake me.
I am a free man.
I was there upon the sands when you became a god of the arena.
It was a sight never to be forgotten, Gannicus besting 20 gladiators in the primus of the opening day.
And his reward the rudis, a wooden sword carved with the legend of his victories, proof of freedom demanded by adoring crowd.
Show them.
I am sure they would be eager to lay eyes upon such rare marvel.
No? You do not have it upon you? You know I do not.
As I know the praetor will be most pleased with the presence of your company.
I find it surprising that you are still of this world, more so that you did not think it wise to present yourself at sooner convenience.
Gannicus has always been a man of few words.
Yet he favors the magistrate with whole sentences, I'm told.
I sought only to conclude business.
You aim too low.
Spartacus brings the arena down upon you, and yet here you stand, a phoenix risen from its ashes.
The gods have truly blessed him.
As they now bless me with his presence.
I was moved by the reaction of the crowd when you stepped upon the sands, the swell of their voices heralding your name, filling the air with hope.
Even tarnished by blood and calamity, such a thing yet can hold value.
Your rudis.
And its price? A simple oath pledging yourself to my command.
Lucretia was also once thought victim of Spartacus yet now stands a powerful symbol used to calm swelling concern.
I would add you as such a former slave of the House of Batiatus now sworn to bring errant brothers to justice.
It appears you already have one of those.
Ashur's talents are of the shadows.
I would present you in glorious light, at the front of my troops to the roar of the crowd once again.
And if I no longer crave for such clamor? You're a free man.
Your fate is your own.
I will send for you again in a few days and expect reasonable decision to accompany you.
Forgive me, Praetor.
Gannicus cannot be trusted.
Same once said of you, yet here you stand.
See one of your men to follow.
If Gannicus attempts to leave Capua, crucify him.
Perhaps Gannicus was right.
Those closest are of greater concern than the Romans.
Agron has aided cause many times.
His sport of simple truth less common.
"An angry young boy, pissing on all those about him" were those not your words? You know I hold Agron in affection.
Yet we must always be cautious.
Chadara is a lesson not to be forgotten.
You did what you had to.
She left you absent choice.
I pray Agron presents you better option.
Is there no other way? You were right about Gaius.
The man he was no longer peers from behind his eyes.
He will not be swayed by words or gentle touch.
Only blood can set us free now.
It will hurt but for a moment.
Lift your dress.
Neapolis? A slaver ship was set upon, carrying prisoners captured east of the Rhine.
Warriors to aid Spartacus's cause.
An obvious conclusion.
Dispatch men to Neapolis.
Question anyone who may have seen where they were headed after liberation.
Fetch the medicus, quickly! Ilithyia? What has happened to her? It is a sign from the gods, one carried by the child yet to breathe life.
And its meaning? Your heir will die if it remains in a city cursed with blood and fear.
I will have her carried to Rome as soon as she's able, with trusted guard to watch over her at all times till my return.
I shall accompany her and tend to her needs.
Apologies, Praetor.
Lucretia's a dear friend to your wife yet offers greater comfort to Capua.
I fear the people will fall to despair absent her divine presence.
Wise counsel.
Have your presence known tomorrow in the market.
Ease mind of our city and continue to assure them the gods favor my efforts.
We have been training those freed of bond, yet none among us ever held title of Doctore.
I have no knowledge of soldiers and the war.
I know only the ways of a gladiator.
I can think of no fiercer army so instructed.
Open their eyes to what a man can do given cause.
As you have opened mine.
I hunt with Agron and his people to better gauge them.
I will lend aid when I return.
I fear you hunt alone.
Agron left with the others before light broke.
You hunt without me when you knew my intention.
They woke before the sun and were eager to take advantage of freedom.
We hunt, catch meat.
And Roman drink! I did not know this forest was stocked with such.
Where did you come by this? A wagon along the road.
You attack the road so close to our position, absent proper weapons? No one see.
All dead.
I'm glad I risked my life for this lot.
They see us to proper force.
They see us to nothing but discovery.
Let the Romans come.
I tire of hiding like fucking rabbits.
We are not ready for a direct assault.
Something even a child could see.
This child helped save you from the arena and filled our numbers with warriors.
The pup has found himself nothing but a pack of wild dogs.
Ones that will never follow a fucking Gaul.
Apologies for leaving without you.
I question the boy's sincerity.
Let us break meal with our new brothers and attempt to settle this.
May the gods bless you.
May the gods bless you.
May the gods bless you.
Hold the crowd back.
I would have words with Gannicus towards your praetor's desire.
There's talk among many of us toward joining his cause.
You knew her? A foolish girl.
She spoke too loudly of things she should not have.
The city is filled with ears straining for whispers of betrayal.
It's filled with eyes as well.
Attempt to leave the city and share a cross beside your friend.
I am not your slave.
And I will not bow to your threats.
Nor would I see you.
The oracle of fucking riddles.
Come to plain words.
I saw something in your eyes when you stood before Glaber.
I saw something beyond a man weighing decision.
The gods bless you with the gift to see into my thoughts now, do they? More like her will die.
The guilty, the innocent there will stand no difference when caught between Glaber's wrath and Spartacus's vengeance.
And what would you have me do? Take up offer and turn on those that I once called brother? No.
I would have you end the life of Gaius Claudius Glaber.
He is desperate to claim Spartacus's life, so consumed that he now stands more a threat than the Thracian himself.
And what difference would it make? Rome would only send another to take his place.
Spartacus blames Glaber for part in his wife's death.
Remove him from the world and the scales of blood will be balanced.
Spartacus will drift from Rome.
No one's life will be lost on either side.
Glaber's own wife this very night leaves for Rome, taking with her half his personal guard to see her safely from the city.
I could distract any that remain posted to the villa entry, giving opportunity for a single man to take Glaber's life while he sleeps and Spartacus to receive the blame.
You have lost mind.
The whole world has slipped from reason.
I seek only to restore it.
Move aside.
Rid yourself of Ashur's man.
When moon stands highest, I will see path cleared.
Choose to set upon it or see legions fall to pointless suffering.
Yeah! Your people they lift spirits.
Not all are so moved.
Perhaps they'll kill each other and give proper cause for celebration.
You are an impossible man.
Something you've always known.
And chose to ignore to better see the man beneath his faults.
What if you had found nothing of worth when the veil was pierced? Sing with me, my dark brother, and share my women.
I know not your words.
Ah, Lugo will teach.
Oenomaus finds himself assaulted.
They are a boisterous people.
Sometimes wine and foolishness are needed to forger stronger bond.
Sing with me.
Now is not the time for such things.
Is it ever? No.
I'll try and wrest a drink from Lugo.
For us to share and in the act aid Oenomaus in escape.
I tried to convince him to let you come.
He would not be moved.
It's a thing of no matter.
What you have done for me.
Would that we were never parted.
You shall find me again to your arms sooner than expected.
I sway Gannicus to forever remove Gaius from concern.
When it is done, I will raise clamor and see Gannicus follow to the afterlife.
Ilithyia, it's time.
Gaius you shall be missed.
Wine, we share.
Gratitude, but Crixus awaits.
Ah, the Gaul.
Yes, I see his eyes at me no love.
He needs time.
And drink.
I will tell him.
Tell him his eyes I not like.
Your eyes better.
Let me pass.
Sedullus! Yeah! Calm yourselves.
Spartacus! Enough! Is this what you are animals demanding slaughter? We give you freedom and you repay it with blood and dishonor.
If you cannot stand among us as trusted brother, if you cannot follow my orders take leave now or join Sedullus in death.
I follow Spartacus.
I call no man my kin that does not stand so.
The man that killed Sedullus is great warrior.
And Lugo follow.
Praetor, pressing concerns.
Has made his decision.

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