Sullivan's Crossing (2023) s02e07 Episode Script



EDNA: I can't believe Walter
would do something like that to Maggie.
How's she taking it?
Won't talk to me about it.
Well, I guess it's a
good thing Andrew's here.
We should get going, Frank.
I don't want to keep Glenn waiting.
How are things going
between you and Andrew?
I can't believe that guy
is gonna be the father
of my grandchild.
Oh, Maggie is gonna kill me.
Frank, did you hear
that? Maggie's pregnant?!
Yes, I did.
C'est bonne nouvelle!
Sully, you must be so happy.
I am, but I'm not loving
the part where Andrew's
gonna be a permanent
fixture in Maggie's life.
I seem to recall Phoebe's father
feeling the same way about you.
He punched Cal in the face
last time he was here, remember?
He's not the only one that
punched somebody in the face.
Isn't that right, Sully?
You're gonna need to find
a way to get along with him,
for Maggie's sake and the baby's.
Come on, Frank.
My little M'chi's going to be a mother.

Is this as good as it's gonna get? ♪
I've given all I can give ♪
But the rivers still
get wider, wider ♪
We've been here all along ♪
Through the valleys, we carry on ♪
The journey takes us higher, higher ♪
This could be your home,
if we try to build it ♪
This could be your life
that's one in a million ♪
All the hard times,
yeah, they were worth it ♪
Time and time and time again ♪
Time and time and time again ♪

- Morning.
- Morning.
I put some juice out for you and
there's a fresh pot of coffee,
if Andrew wants some.
Oh, he's still sleeping.
Where'd you find those?
Oh. Kitchen cabinet.
I can't believe that this was me.
So young and naive.
- You naive?
- Oh, yeah.
My father was a very strict man.
So, I was surprised when he
agreed to let me go backpacking.
Is that when you came to the Crossing?
Mm. My father was wrong,
though; I loved it.
It was my first taste of real freedom.
And that's when I met Sully.
He was, um
generous and and so patient,
different from the
other men that I'd met.
I think that's why I fell for him.
But my father didn't
like him. (CHUCKLING)
He warned me that I
wouldn't be happy here.
And were you?
At first.
But I started to miss
my life in the city.
We started arguing.
He started drinking
And I started to think that
maybe my father was right.
Everything that's going on with Walter,
I'm starting to wonder if
I made the right choice.
I know how you feel.
I always thought that
I became a neurosurgeon
because that's what I wanted,
but I'm starting to wonder
if maybe I was just
looking for Walter's approval.
You are a talented surgeon, Maggie.
Don't let what Walter's done
ever make you question that.
Hey, Mrs. Sullivan.
Oh, it's Lancaster now.
SYDNEY: I didn't know
we were expecting guests.
Mom, that's Sydney.
Sydney Shandon?
Is Mr. Lancaster with you?
I'm going to (CLEARING THROAT)
get dressed.
It's just lovely to see you again.
You, too.
What did I say?
(SIGHING) MAGGIE: I'll fill you in.
Hey. Uh
Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.
No, I'm glad you did. I
had a good time last night.
Yeah, so did I.
It's still early.
My son won't be home for a few hours.
We have time for an instant replay.
My sister's heading to New York today.
I told her I'd get her to the airport.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Of course.
Did you, uh
you want to get the boys
together later for dinner?
Yeah, uh
No. I got to work tonight, so
I'll just let myself out.
I can't believe Andrew just decided
to announce to your
parents you were pregnant
without asking you first.
He was excited.
He didn't think about it.
So, it sounds like things are
going okay between you two.
I mean, to be honest, I don't really
I don't really know how I feel about it.
- What do you mean?
- Andrew tried to kiss me yesterday.
I don't know. It just
it just felt different.
It's probably just
all this Walter stuff.
You know, it's really
thrown me, just has me
second-guessing everything.
Including Cal?
What? You heard his message.
He wants a chance to
explain what he meant.
Shouldn't you let him?
It's only because he doesn't
know I'm pregnant yet.
Hi, Mama.
How's our baby doing?
Maggie tell you the good news?
Well, if she didn't, you just did.
You're not drinking coffee, are you?
It's juice.
That's my girl.
Well, um, I'm gonna go home
and finish packing for my trip.
I'm gonna miss you.
Just remember, I'm only a
phone call away if you need me.
- How was your night?
- Okay.
I had a few drinks at
one of the local bars.
I was a little surprised
you went out by yourself.
Well, I mean, your father didn't exactly
make me feel welcome
here, so I needed a drink.
Yeah. What happened between you two?
- Doesn't matter.
- We should probably talk about it.
No, it's fine, really.
Really. I'm gonna go grab a shower,
check in with the hospital,
and then I'm gonna head to the pharmacy
and pick up a few things.

I wanted to discuss
expanding your footprint.
As in?
Well, more housing means more customers
and more profits for the golf
course and the campground.
Sully's not interested
in developing the land.
That's right.
Protecting this land has always
been important to my family.
We made a promise to
the Mi'kmaq community
and I intend to continue
to honour that promise.
Of course.
I'm not suggesting anything too drastic.
Just a few minor additions
that would fit nicely within
your existing footprint
that would offer your customers a
a five-star experience.
It might help attract
a higher-end clientele.
Not too different than the VIP
cabins that you already have.
What do you think, Frank?
As long as it's not developing,
just upgrading what we got.
Absolutely. And everything
eco-friendly, too.
Sounds good.
Then, there is only one
last thing to discuss.
- What's that?
- The ownership split.
What are you thinking?
How does 30-70 sound?
To be honest, uh,
I was thinking 20 to you would be fair.
Well, I would be covering
the cost of the upgrades, too.
I guess I could live with 30.
So, we have a deal?
- Yeah, I think so.
I will have the paperwork
sent over for your review.
I look forward to
doing business with you.
You know, I would have
bought some groceries
if I had known you were coming.
Well, you know, you shouldn't
leave the door unlocked
because it's not safe;
anyone could just walk in.
This isn't the city,
Sedona. It's safe here.
Where were you last night anyway?
I was blowing off a
little steam with the guys.
So, what's with the surprise visit?
What? Can't a girl just
miss her big brother?
It's not like you to
just show up unannounced.
What about your patients?
Who's looking after them?
Just another one of the therapists.
You know, we have all been
very worried about you.
Dad thinks you were abducted by aliens.
- I was joking.
- Yeah.
Anyways, I just you
know, I needed a break,
and so I thought I would come
and make sure you're okay.
You okay?
I just, um
I heard there were
there were ticks here.
I would have thought you'd have
grown out of that phobia by now.
It's not a phobia.
Listen. Okay, get up.
You're going to show me around.
All right. (SIGHING)
Sully told us about what's
going on with Walter.
I'm so sorry, M'chi.
I spent my whole childhood
looking up to him.
I thought he was a good person. I
just can't believe I
was so wrong about him.
Well, maybe
it's time you focus on the
good things in your life.
Don't get mad. Sully
may have let it slip.
Frank and I are over the
moon for you, my girl.
It's just a little unexpected.
The best things in life usually are.
So, what about Andrew?
He must be excited.
Maybe a little too excited.
That's not a good thing?
It's a little
overwhelming at the moment.
And how does Cal feel about it?
Well, I couldn't help noticing
how close you two have gotten.
Don't you think it's time
that you listen to your heart
and not that head of yours?
I can't let myself fall
in love with someone
when I I know that
there's no future together.
Well, some risks are worth taking.

ROB: Hey, Connie.
- Hi.
- ROB: What can I get you?
Um, coffee and a
breakfast sandwich to go.
- Coming right up.
- Thanks.
It looks like you're feeling better.
Yeah. I'm just about
to head to the station.
I'm just wondering if I said something
to upset you last night
'cause I know that,
sometimes, I can be too direct.
And if I was, I just want
to say that I'm sorry.
No, it wasn't you.
So, why did you leave early?
Some guy at the bar was harassing me.
Harassing you? About what?
About my affair with another woman.
He just made me feel
really uncomfortable
and I had to get out of there.
Well, I'm sorry that
that happened to you.
It also made me realize I
I just don't think I'm
ready to do this right now.
Connie, you are a
beautiful, strong woman.
Do you really want to
let some small-minded man
take that away from you?
I know you're probably right.
It was really good to see you.
I should probably go.

PHOEBE: Come in.
EDNA: Hey.
If you're here to make
me feel bad, don't.
There's no way I could feel
any worse than I already do.
Actually, I'm I'm here to apologize.
Can I come in?
Peace offering.
(SIGHING) Sully told
us all about Walter.
I just wanted to see how you're doing.
I don't think it's fully hit me yet.
What are you gonna do?
I don't know.
I always loved your baking, Edna.
This takes me back.
You were
right about what you said earlier.
I I should have stayed in touch.
I knew how much Maggie meant to you.
She is
the closest thing I'll
ever have to a daughter.
But it wasn't only her I missed.
You were like a sister to me, Phoebe.
(CHUCKLING) I missed our talks, Edna.
You know, my friends in Boston, um
it's just not the same.
I let Walter convince me
that staying away from here
would be less confusing for Maggie.
I should never have listened to him.
Well, you're here now,
and I think you could use a friend.
I missed you, Edna.
Me too.
- Where's Edna?
- Uh, she went to run an errand.
Sully told us the good news.
I know.
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
- How did the meeting with Glenn go?
- SULLY: Really good.
- I think we got a deal.
- MAGGIE: That's great.
- SULLY: It is.
- I wouldn't get too excited yet.
I've heard plenty of empty promises
from people who are
interested in this land.
You heard what he said about
being eco-friendly, Frank.
He sounded pretty genuine to me.
Well, I'm going to go and see
if anything needs
fixing up from the storm.
Well, looks like you and the baby
will be able to spend summers
at the Crossing after all.
You know, I can still remember
when you taught me how to fish here.
Ah. And you were barely
tall enough to hold the pole.
You know, I was hoping to talk to you.
What about?
I know you're upset with
Andrew, but I think you should
give him a chance to show
you how much he's changed.
Does this mean that you
accepted his proposal?
No. But he is the father of my child.
You could be at least
a little nicer to him.
Okay. I'll try.
Thank you.
ANDREW: Hey there.
Hey. What's all that?
I thought I'd pick
some things up for you.
Blood pressure monitor, thermometer.
You do know that I'm a
doctor, right, Andrew?
I'm perfectly capable
of taking care of myself
without all of this.
I know, I know.
I just you're just carrying
my precious cargo here.
I just want to make
sure you're both healthy.
By the way, I think your
mother needs something to do
while she's here.
What makes you say that?
Well, when I was leaving,
she was pretty busy
rearranging all of
Sully's kitchen cabinets.
She was doing what?
You know, it's funny.
Sully was just saying that
we should go fishing together.
- Isn't that right?
- What?
That's right, I did.
You know, give us a chance
to get to know each other
a little better, Andrew, you know.
Well, I don't know how to fish.
Great. I can teach you.
- I don't know.
- Maggie learned how to fish
when she was five.
I'm sure you'll pick
it up just fine, Andrew.
Come on. It'll be fun.
- Thank you.
- There you go.
- Phoebe.
- Oh, thank you.
MAGGIE: Here you go.
You're not coming?
MAGGIE: No, you go ahead.
I'll, uh, sit here for a bit.
- You'll be fine.
- PHOEBE: Oh, yeah.
Looks like it's just the two of us.
I forgot how beautiful it is here.
It's a lot more peaceful
than Boston, isn't it?
Oh, you know, Edna
came by the house today.
She brought me a basket
of her baked goods.
- That's nice of her.
- Mm-hmm.
I'd forgotten just how
wonderful she and Frank are.
I'm really glad that you've had
a chance to reconnect with them.
I don't think I'd realized
how much I'd miss it here.
I'm sorry, Maggie.
For what?
I never considered what taking
you away would mean to you.
It's okay, Mom.
No, it isn't.
You were young, but I should
have talked to you first.
I've made a lot of mistakes, Maggie.
But I need you to know
that everything I did,
I did because I thought
it was best for you.
You're gonna be a mother soon.
I just hope, one day, you'll
be able to understand that.
Why don't you grab a
seat? I'll get some menus.
Sounds good.
Hey, buddy.
Oh, Rafe told me the news about Maggie.
Oh, yeah. It caught me by surprise.
Looks like you've decided to move on.
No, that's my sister Sedona.
How about you? How'd it go with Jane.
Yeah, I think I messed that up.
Well, I kind of left
in a hurry this morning.
I don't think that went over too well.
Why did you do that?
I thought you said you liked her.
Yeah, I do. I
I don't know. It was stupid.
It's the first time I've
been with someone since Sarah passed.
I felt the same way when Lynn died.
But I gotta tell you,
I know she wanted me to be happy,
and I'm pretty sure Sarah wanted
the same thing for you, too.
Thanks, Cal.
You got it, buddy.
No thanks. I already ate.
It's for your line, not your stomach.
Do you know how many bacteria
live on these things, Sully?
SULLY: You're joking, right?
There you go.
Yeah, that's good. All
right, so, what you want to do
is unhook the veil.
The veil right here.
Put your hand on it.
Put your hand on it,
on the line. There you go. Okay.
You just want to do it
like a sidearm cast
Okay, okay. Yeah.
I perform open-heart surgery, Sully.
I think I can handle fishing.
Look, about last night, I I
I shouldn't have said that to you.
No, you shouldn't have.
I think we should probably
figure out a way to get along.
I'd say that's gonna be
up to you, don't you think?
CAL: Yeah.
- You know you should.
- Hey, Rob.
- ROB: Hey.
Can I get a Caesar salad to go, please?
ROB: Sure thing.
Who's that woman over there with Cal?
That's his sister.
Oh. Let me know when my salad's ready.
Hey, Cal.
- Hey, how you doing?
- LOLA: Good.
SEDONA: Hi. I'm Sedona.
I'm Cal's sister.
- Lola.
- How do you know my brother?
Cal was helping look in on my
granddad before he passed away.
Mm. That sounds like Cal.
I was wondering if you'd had a chance
to look at my case files yet.
I thought you'd given up being a lawyer.
Lola asked me to take a look
at an old hit-and-run case.
I was hit by a car when I was a kid
and never found the person responsible.
CAL: I had a look.
Unfortunately, there's
just nothing to go on.
I mean there's no
evidence, no witnesses.
I just don't know how
I could really help.
The doctors always told me
that my memory would
come back, but never did.
Have you ever been back
to where it happened?
Well, sometimes, that can help
trigger repressed memories.
Uh, Sedona's a therapist.
ROB: Hey, Lola, order's ready.
Uh, it looks like my order's up.
It was really nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
- Thanks, Rob.
- Yeah.
ANDREW: You gotta be kidding me.
MAGGIE: Everything okay?
I gotta head back, check my emails.
We just got here, Andrew.
I think I'll, uh I'll
go see how Phoebe's doing.
I told you I'd have to work, remember?
I was really hoping you'd,
um, spend the day with Sully.
Do you want me to pretend
like I'm having a good time?
No, I guess not.
I just can't wait for
us to get back to Boston,
where we have some things in common.
I called Dr. Callaghan.
I passed on the job.
And I get it.
- You do?
- ANDREW: Sure.
Staying home, focus on the
baby, I think it's a great idea.
I always respected my mother
for giving up her career.
I think you're making
the right decision.
And now, that you're gonna stay
home to look after our baby,
I think you should
reconsider my proposal.
My new job, it pays really well.
There's plenty of room in
the house for a nursery
or two
I think we'll be really happy there.

Yeah. Bye.
Flower beds are looking a little better.
That was your cousin, Lorne.
What did he want?
To tell me how badly he feels
about his family giving
away your mother's regalia.
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't see the point
in you being upset, too.
First Sully with the
finances and now you?
What's with all the secrets around here?
I think you should hear him out.
I already told you, I'm not interested.
It's not Lorne's fault.
He had nothing to do with
what happened to you there.
This is my business, not yours.
You could at least
hear what he has to say.
I need to deal with this in my way.
(SIGHING) You're a stubborn old goat,
Frank Cranebear. You know that?
You two have a good time?
Looks like I'm the
fish out of water here.
I see you brought better
footwear this time.
But you do know those are
not fishing boots, right?
You got any hand sanitizer?
Yeah, at the end of the counter there.
So, how did Phoebe and Sully get on?
Actually pretty good. They're,
uh they're still out there.
EDNA: Really?
Yeah. Sully's really making an effort.
Wish I could say the same for Andrew.
I'll go check with Edna,
see if there's a cabin
available near me.
You okay?
Oh, yeah. My head's just killing me.
You want me to go grab you some aspirin?
No, it's just been
happening a lot lately.
I just need to go lie down.
CAL: Okay.
Hey, Andrew.
Is that your girlfriend?
Uh, sister.
Sorry. I-I would have
introduced you, but she's actually
not feeling very well right now.
I really wanted to tell you
how happy I am for you, Maggie.
Ha happy about what?
Andrew, he told me about the baby.
You're going to make a great mom.
When did you tell Cal?
Uh, I ran into Cal
and some of his friends
at the bar last night.
We threw a few back to celebrate.
I'm gonna get going, but, uh
I really am happy for you.
How could you do that?

SEDONA: Ugh! Ow.
- Can't sleep?
Oh How can I with all that yelling?
I don't hear any yelling.
Those kids are screaming outside.
Can you please tell them
to keep it down? Ah
- Well
- Ah
I didn't see any kids.
Can you please just tell them to stop?
Oh! Make it stop.
Oh, it hurts. It hurts.
How could you just announce
my pregnancy like that
in front of everybody at the bar?
Honestly, I didn't
think it was a big deal.
Not a big deal.
Andrew, I didn't say anything
when you decided to tell my
parents without asking me.
At least I was there.
But those are my friends.
You hardly know them.
How could you think
that that would be okay?
I'm sorry.
I didn't think you'd mind.
And the vitamins? The
blood pressure cuff?
I just want my baby to be healthy.
It is our baby.
What is so wrong with me
wanting to take care of you?
That's just it! Okay? I
don't need looking after.
Okay, I get it.
But don't you think maybe
you're overreacting a little bit,
you know, because of the hormones?
This is not about hormones, Andrew.
This is about us.
I can't remember the last
time I had this much fun.
I tell you, we caught
enough fish for a week.
Huh? Hey.
Everything go okay while we were gone?
Ask Frank.
FRANK: Don't be like that, Edna.
What's up with you two?
I don't want to talk about it.
Right, because your
family isn't my business.
That's not what I meant.
You know, I'm going to
head back to the house
and get cleaned up, I think.
I don't think I've ever seen
you two like this before.
What's going on?
My cousin called about
my mother's regalia
and Edna thinks I should hear him out.
And you don't want to?
Not after what his family did.
Maybe you can talk some sense into him.
What's the harm in listening
to what he has to say?
You talk to Lola yet?
Where'd you go?
I just wanted to let you sleep.
- You feeling better?
- Yeah, my headache's almost gone.
What's going on, Sedona?
- What do you mean?
- I talked to Chris.
You called my husband?
Why would you do that, Cal?
He was texting and he
was obviously worried.
Well, um, what did he tell you?
Just that you left in
the middle of the night
without a word to him or the kids.
Why would you do that?
- Did something happen between you two?
- I don't want to talk about it.
You can't just run away
from your problem, Sedona.
I'm not the one who gave up my practice
and moved to a campground.
I'm not the one who's married with kids.
You're a mother, Sedona.
I don't need my big brother
looking out for me anymore.
I'm just trying to
make sure you're okay.
There is nothing that you
need to worry about, okay?
Come on in.
- Hi.
- Hey, thanks thanks for coming.
I have to admit, I wasn't
expecting to hear from you.
Yeah, um
I I felt like I
owed you an explanation.
I was thinking about
what you said earlier
about not letting
that guy under my skin,
and you're right, I shouldn't
have let him do that.
I grew up in a house
where I was made to feel
a great deal of shame
for who I am.
I mean, when I told my
parents I was marrying Tom,
they weren't happy for me;
they were relieved
that their daughter wasn't gay.
But then, I look at my son, Jackson,
he's so self-assured.
And I want to feel that freedom.
I'm just not ready yet.
I get it.
And you know what they say,
you gotta walk before you can run.
Thank you for understanding.
Of course.
I know how hard this can be.
Thank you.
PHOEBE: Thank you for today.
I really needed that.
I'm glad at least you
and Sully had a good time.
Don't be too hard on Andrew.
I'll leave you two to it.
Look, I'm sorry. I I've
been thinking about it.
I can see how my telling your friends
could have come across as
a little bit insensitive.
And in retrospect,
I might have went a little bit
overboard with the purchases.
But I just I
I just want you and the baby
to be happy and to be healthy
and to have everything that you need.
That's one of the reasons that I
I think I need to go back to
work after the baby's born.
I didn't realize that's how you felt.
It's because you've never
asked me what I wanted.
I just want you to be happy, Maggie.
And helping people makes me happy.
I think that's important, if
I'm going to be a good mother.
We don't
seem to be on the same
page anymore, do we?
No, we don't.
What happened? I mean
we were so happy together,
we wanted the same things.
Is this because of Cal?
This is about me.
I think, deep down, I've always known
that there was something missing
in my life, and coming back here
to the Crossing, it's
it's helped me connect with that
part of myself that I'd forgotten.
Andrew, I care about you
and I'd never want to hurt you.
I've always
kind of known that something's missing,
that it wouldn't work out.
Then, I heard about the baby
I've always wanted to be a father.
And I thought, you know, it
would bring us closer together.
I know.
I'm sorry.
(SNIFFLING) I've only ever
wanted to make you happy.
You'll always be a
part of our baby's life.
But I really think I
need to do this by myself.
Then I should head back to Boston.
We'll work out the details later.
Can I, um
can I at least drive you to the airport?
That'd be nice.
'Til I know it's over ♪

- 'Til I know it's over ♪
I know it's over ♪
How long you two gonna keep this up?
I guess that's up to Frank.
I'll be in the car.
EDNA: That man is so stubborn.
How about I close up tonight?
Goodnight, Sully.
MAGGIE: 'Night, Edna.
Andrew out celebrating again?
Actually, he's, uh
heading back to Boston.
We both decided it
wasn't gonna work out.
Oh, I'm sorry, Maggie.
No, I'm okay.
Uh, is Edna around?
Uh, she went home.
Oh, but she left you the key to cabin 5.
Perfect. This is Sully
Sullivan. He owns the campground.
- Sedona, Cal's sister.
- Nice to meet you.
And this is Maggie.
Sorry I didn't get to say hi earlier.
Yeah. I don't feel so good, Cal.
CAL: Oh! Oh! Sedona?!
Help me get her on her side.
CAL: Sedona! Hey!
MAGGIE: We're here, Sedona. We're here.
It's all right.

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