Taxi Driver (2021) s02e07 Episode Script

The SunBaek Cult

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes
of a criminal nature)
(could make you feel uncomfortable.)
Take about seven customers today.
Yes, sir.
- Is he here?
- Yes, he's waiting inside.
Hello, Mr. On.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Don't be, I didn't mind at all.
I had a nice tea break.
The view here is fantastic.
- And our contract?
- Yes.
As soon as the city council
clears the reconstruction,
we can get started on the interior.
It'll take about four weeks
until we're ready to reopen.
Sounds good.
I'm handing over management rights
because I trust you, Mr. On.
Since when did you ever trust me?
We overbid, didn't we?
All that's left for us to do
is make lots of money.
- It's all
- I sent the down-payment.
It just came in.
Mr. On, you slipped up just then.
I did?
You should've wired the money
after I stamped my seal.
What if you'd wired the money
and I refused to do that?
You'd have ended up
losing a massive amount of money.
(Park Chang Bum)
That's the contract taken care of.
How about we meet up one day to
Hang on, what's wrong?
I went over the contract thoroughly,
and I make the biggest profit
when the contract
is defaulted due to
the other party's personal reasons.
Hey, you.
Mr. On, you
With you out of the way,
I become
the hotel's priority creditor.
You slipped up.
That's why this is happening to you.
Weren't we friends? We were, right?
You're not even on my level.
I'll run the place well,
now that it's mine.
(Famous Property Consultant)
(Apartment Arson,
Male in 40s Caught at Scene)
(Park Jin Eon)
(20s Porn Victim Commits Suicide)
(An Go Eun)
(Choi Kyung Gu)
(Kim Do Ki)
(Kim Hyung Sub)
(Blue Bird Foundation)
(Jang Sung Chul)
(Found Dead on Mount Yangmun)
(Rainbow Transport,
Jang Sung Chul, Kim Do Ki)
A body was found yesterday,
halfway up Mount Yangmun.
It was Mr. Kang.
Kang Pil Seung.
(Police Suspect Suicide)
First, it was Cotaya, and now this.
I think they're trying to
cover something up.
I think it's the opposite.
"The opposite?"
Kang Pil Seung was
a homeless subway station vagrant.
Someone took him halfway up
Mount Yangmun and staged a suicide.
This isn't a cover-up.
It's a display.
This person enjoys amusement.
Someone who enjoys amusement
They might already know about us.
They could already be watching us.
They might be much closer
than we think.
(Taxi Driver 2)
(Episode 7)
- Get over here.
- What is it?
Come and see for yourself.
Can't you just tell me?
I'm a bit busy.
- Get in.
- What?
Get in already.
My gosh.
Fasten your seat belt.
Can't you just tell me?
I really am busy.
I can't tell until
you fasten your seat belt.
This had better be something.
- Are you done?
- Yes.
How's that?
It's usually a seat belt,
but in case of an emergency,
it turns into
a restraining belt that keeps
bad guys tied down.
You can't undo it.
The passenger seat flips back too
as soon as the button's pressed.
How's that? Isn't it awesome?
It's just fantastic.
What do you think, Go Eun?
Get me out while I'm asking nicely.
- I need to pee.
- What?
It's just that
I wanted your approval for
I said get me out of this.
Will you hit me if I do?
Five, four, one, zero.
Wait for me!
This is why I said we shouldn't do it!
Mr. Park. Where are you going
in such a hurry?
I have something to tell you.
Mr. Park!
Mr. On, you're back early.
I'm going right back out again.
Do Ki, I had seven customers today.
What are they up to now?
I'll ask nicely. Open the door.
You're only speaking nicely.
I'm not stupid.
Jin Eon did all the work.
You can't say that. That hurt!
It shouldn't. You made it.
- I just did what you said.
- What's going on?
- It was your idea.
- Don't you mind.
Go Eun!
I have lots of experience.
- I'll break this door.
- Don't!
- You'll ruin the car!
- You'll hurt yourself.
- You don't know what to do!
- I'm coming for you.
- Don't do that.
- Open the door!
- No.
- I'll break in
and break everything up!
- You'll ruin the car!
- Get out.
- Don't do that!
- Stop this.
- Why
- You'll ruin the car!
Open the door, then!
- No!
- It worked.
I'll show you I can break in.
Get out of the way.
I'll just take my sister!
Everything is their choice.
We do not detain anyone.
I beg you.
Let my sister go.
Just let me take my sister!
Take her.
What are you anyway?
She is
my only remaining family.
She's my sister!
You're calling yourself her family,
but you're stalking her.
By talking down
your sister's religion.
Help me. My sister's in there.
They won't let her go!
You can't do this out here.
We got a complaint.
Don't just stand there.
Take her off my private property.
- Come with us.
- No, I can't.
No! My sister's in there!
Lee Jin Sun! Come outside! Let's go!
Let go.
Get her in the car.
I'm not leaving
until my sister's free.
Jin Sun!
Lee Jin Sun!
I'm not leaving!
Jin Sun! Get out here!
This could become obstruction.
Will you stop it?
Let's go already.
(Deluxe Taxi Service,
Tell us your stories of injustice.)
Will you tell me
what happened to you?
I don't know what to do.
Please help my sister.
Let's see.
(Admission Announcement)
What if I didn't get in?
Don't say that.
You're a smart girl.
Let's take a look.
Even so. What if I failed?
If you failed? Then
Jin Sun! No
You got in!
You got in!
from Seongui University.)
(Lee Jin Hee, Business Management)
Good for you. Well done.
Don't just study at university.
Make lots of friends too.
No. I'll just study.
Don't worry about tuition.
- Get yourself a boyfriend too.
- No, thanks.
"No, thanks?"
You'll find one right away!
How'd you know?
Good for you. I'm so proud.
Well done.
(Nothing's more important
than study.)
My sister
was an older sister,
a mom, and a dad to me.
- Are you ready?
- Yes.
One, two
Oh, dear. Miss?
What's wrong? Gosh, Jin Sun.
Do you not feel well?
I must be a bit tired.
It's acute myeloid leukemia.
We need to run more tests
to be sure,
but it seems pretty advanced.
We realized too late
that my sister's illness
was a terrible one.
Jin Sun.
Are you allowed
to leave work like this?
I took a half day.
Are you done with today's treatment?
When's the next appointment?
I'm thinking of
quitting the treatment.
It's a waste of money.
I don't think I'm getting better.
You don't have to worry about money.
We still have a lot of the money
Mom and Dad left us.
As if we do.
Oh, did I not tell you?
I got a nice raise this year.
Guess what?
Two years ago today,
you started your treatment.
I think we fought
well and hard for two years.
So don't you get any bad thoughts.
Wait here
while I get the prescription.
Father put his hand on me
and said
I don't know exactly when,
but my sister started to act weird.
"How did you get better?
How were you healed?"
They tried to
give me a shot
and put the evil back into me.
What are you watching?
Jin Sun.
Yes? What?
Are you done using the bathroom?
She began to keep
more and more secrets.
(Joseon Credit, Final Agreement)
(Registration of Delinquent Credit)
A loan?
You can't go through
someone else's mail.
Jin Sun. What happened to your face?
It's nothing.
I fell.
(Recently viewed)
(Lee Jin Sun's Testimony)
For the past two years,
I endured
a dreadful weekly treatment
and took a handful of pills
each day.
But my health still went downhill.
But after Father touched me once,
I felt a miraculous healing.
What are you doing?
Jin Sun.
You're not in your right mind.
You can't stop your treatments!
What do you know about it?
Did you give these people
all the money for your treatments?
They can treat me, not the hospital.
Is that why you took out a loan too?
To give it to some strange people?
We don't see eye to eye.
It's just as he said.
Father's word heals.
Father's word heals.
Father's word heals.
Father's word heals.
Father's word heals.
Father's word heals.
Sporadic treatments
won't do any good.
Considering her condition,
if she doesn't
resume treatment soon,
things could get much worse.
Talk to her
and get her to come back.
Jin Sun.
(To my dear sister Jin Hee)
Jin Hee, I was in such a bad way,
and there was no getting better.
Until I met him.
Whatever the doctor says,
don't believe her.
I feel like I saw a light
at the end of a long tunnel.
You'll understand in time
just how powerful Sunbaek is.
If I'm with him,
I will slowly get better.
Wait for me until then.
Jin Sun.
Jin Sun!
That's my sister.
Non-believers can't enter.
My sister needs a doctor.
Ms. Lee is healing in body and mind.
Jin Sun!
- Let me in!
- Sir.
Are you Lee Jin Hee?
Yes, I'm Lee Jin Hee.
Ms. Lee says she doesn't want to see you,
and that you should leave.
There's no way she'd say that.
Why wouldn't she want to see me?
We passed you her message.
No, wait.
Let me talk to my sister!
It won't take long!
We can't intervene
with any religion.
We shouldn't.
What religion kidnaps people
and keeps them away from family?
Please help me.
I have to get my sister out.
If she said she doesn't want to see you,
there's nothing we can do.
You should meet
and persuade her yourself.
Those people won't let me see her!
No one will help.
I just don't know what to do.
Do you want a coffee?
How did you know I'd be here?
I thought you'd be with your sister.
I think I'm fine,
but then I find myself wondering.
"Maybe my sister will come home."
I think about her opening
my room door in the morning
telling me off
for sleeping in again
and announcing
that breakfast is ready.
I wish her to be back
as if nothing had happened.
That's silly of me, right?
If you're silly,
Mr. Jang, Mr. Choi,
Mr. Park, and I
will also be silly.
I want us to help the client
get her sister back.
I mean it.
I'll head to the facility tomorrow.
What did you do with my daughter?
- I know she's here.
- Get out here!
- You!
- Darn you!
- You darn rats!
- What did you do with her?
- Come out here!
- Darn you all.
- Get out here!
- Let my daughter go!
- Honey!
- Where's my daughter?
- I know she's in here.
- Where is she?
- Get him.
- Look who it is!
- Don't you move!
- Hey!
Did you call the police?
It's not like anyone
entered the property.
A liberal nation deserves more
than those vulgar beings.
- Let's go.
- Get out here!
- You!
- Don't go!
- Get back here.
- Where's my daughter?
- My daughter!
- Where do you think you're going?
- Come back here!
- Where's my daughter?
Honey, please get out here.
Security is tight.
The windows have been blocked,
and I can't see anything.
Just a second. We'll soon have eyes.
Are you still not done?
What's taking you so long
when this is pretty straightforward?
You get up here, then.
Your mind will go blank.
Hold on. Why am I up here?
All right. Check your bag.
- Something's in there.
- My bag?
- I found it.
- Good job.
Connect that to the middle socket.
Right. That's what
I came up here to do.
Good. Mr. Kim, you now have eyes.
Hear me!
The end is near.
What they call a vaccine?
When you go to a hospital
with an illness,
they give you shots
and make you take medicine.
By doing so,
they're creating evil spirits.
They are creating
what is utterly horrendous.
- Father!
- Father!
- Father.
- Father.
Who are you to each other?
- Father.
- Father.
I am her mother.
I am her daughter.
No, you're not!
You must sever ties
with those closest to you.
How many times have I said that?
That is how you purify yourself
and get a seat on the train
to Sunbaek Hill.
I told you that numerous times!
- Father.
- Father.
Do you wish to remain
as an evil spirit?
- I am sorry.
- I am sorry!
- Father, I am sorry.
- Father, I am sorry.
- Please
- I am sorry.
- Does it hurt?
- No.
- Are you in pain?
- I'm not.
Remember this pain.
And whenever you're in pain,
you will remember this moment
while longing
for the land of purity.
Be enlightened!
- Father!
- Father!
Help one another.
Sever your earthly ties.
I must be the only being
that connects you to each other.
- I am your one and only father!
- Father!
Help her too.
When death was near,
the Deity spoke to me.
- "You, Ok Ju Man."
- Father!
- "Be the light"
- Father!
"and save those from the inferno"
"that live in torment."
That is why I will never give up.
- Father!
- I will not leave anyone behind
when I make my way to Sunbaek Hill.
- Father.
- Father.
- I will not leave you.
- Father!
And I will not give up on you!
- Father.
- Father.
- Father.
- Father!
Let us go!
- Father!
- Father!
Catholic churches have priests,
churches have pastors,
and Sunbaek Church has Father.
What's the deal with the crybaby?
Father Ok "Crybaby" Ju Man
was in the fabric business
for quite a while.
After tanking his business in China,
he came to Korea
and started a new one.
There's nothing abnormal about it.
Right? It's pretty run-of-the-mill.
But underneath
what seems like an average man
is a man with 14 convictions.
Pyramid scheme, embezzlement,
spreading false rumors,
fraud, and more.
How does one commit all those crimes
while running a fabric business?
No way.
What on earth is that?
A space station?
It's the image of Sunbaek Chapel,
the project he's been
passionately pursuing.
You can tell that
it'll cost a lot of money.
He wishes to be King
in his own castle.
Anyone can tell it's a cult,
so why did Jin Sun join it
and cut ties with her sister?
I don't get it.
No one believes
that they're a member of a cult.
Taking advantage of their belief
to fulfill one's selfish desire
is the real crime here.
What's worse though
is that it's almost impossible
to get the devotees to see
that they're victims of a crime.
Their belief is that strong.
Death, evil spirits, and inferno.
He terrorizes them with threats.
That's how he controls them.
The weaker the body and mind,
the more susceptible
and dependent they get.
To maximize that fear,
he makes them sever contact
with their families.
Jin Sun only has a sister left,
but she's not allowed to see her.
You lose the right
to be called a religion
the second you force people
to ostracize their families.
They're a pseudoreligious
criminal organization.
What should we do
with that wicked father?
Mr. Park.
Punch me five times.
- What?
- Actually, it can be ten times.
I won't.
Kyung Gu, go ahead.
You always wanted to punch him.
When did I ever say that?
I said no such thing.
- You
- Kyung Gu.
What the
Wake up.
(Jang Sung Chul)
(Kim Do Ki)
And the real estate?
They've all been liquidated.
(Park Hyun Jo,
Geumsa Society executive)
Did you confirm the bank account
that the money was wired to?
- No.
- No?
It was wired through
institutions in China
and then donated.
Is the money being managed
through a non-profit corporation?
No, it's as I just said.
The money was donated.
The manager in charge
of our real estate fund
was also taken out by them.
This is partially your fault.
If you hadn't dawdled,
this wouldn't have happened.
What exactly
are you doing over there?
Playing house?
Are you kidding me?
It seems to me
that you have tunnel-vision.
Hyun Jo,
do you understand our situation?
What situation?
Our pathetic situation
where we lost all our money?
Please stop being a moron
and see what's going on.
Don't be bothered by chump change.
The operation I had set up
in Cotaya was perfect.
I even had a police captain
on our payroll just in case
to keep our back door secure.
It couldn't be easily infiltrated.
But they managed to do it.
Where is this young man?
But some random taxi driver
infiltrated my organization
through its weakest point
and uprooted it.
Funny, right?
But that wasn't the only time.
He approached our man
while in search of a house,
brought down our orphanage,
and took all our real estate.
He even freed all the children.
Can you understand all that?
Because I can't.
A geezer who runs a taxi company,
two useless auto mechanics
who used to be lab rats,
a former police officer
who's now a bookkeeper,
and a taxi driver
who used to serve in the military.
(Rainbow Transport)
Two of our operations
were brought down
by these worthless punks.
Aren't you curious?
Don't you want to know
why they're doing this?
There has to be a reason.
(Rainbow Transport)
(Taxi Driver)
(Taxi Driver)
(Harmless videos create
a better atmosphere.)
Children of the past
feared tiger attacks, smallpox,
and war.
However, children of the present
are at risk
of watching harmful videos
that turn them into delinquents.
thank you for choosing
our Rainbow Deluxe Taxi.
For your safety and convenience,
I'll explain a few rules.
While the deal is in place,
the cab's meter will
keep on running.
The fees will be dealt with
once the whole deal is done.
There may be some extra charges
depending on the deal,
and once you use our service,
you must not breach our work
to anyone.
Thank you for complying
with the rules.
Now, if you'd like to get revenge
on those who made you suffer,
press the blue button on the left.
If you don't want to get revenge,
press the red button on the right.
Please make your choice.
You have made your choice.
(We Buy Gold at the Lowest Price)
It's perfect.
Now, no one will approach the van.
Let's get on the road.
Off we go.
(We Buy Gold at the Lowest Price)
The 5283 beginning service.
Don't worry, Mr. Park.
You can do a good job.
Repeat after me. "I can do it."
Stop it, will you?
As if you know how I feel right now.
Of course, I know how you feel.
Here you go. Eat one and focus.
Let's focus.
(We Buy Gold at the Lowest Price)
Why am I always chosen
for these kinds of roles?
Because sincerity
is written all over your face.
Everything you do seems believable.
Mr. Park, do you have makeup on?
You really look sick.
Good job on that.
What are you talking about?
I don't have any makeup on.
See? That's what I meant
by your sincerity.
But I'm terrified.
Someone's approaching you.
I'm doomed.
Thank you.
Good luck.
(Sunbaek Church)
What did your doctor say?
My doctor said I had no hope.
My doctors also said
that I didn't have any hope,
but I'm now free of my illness.
You were fully cured?
After being diagnosed with cancer,
I spent two years
receiving treatments and surgeries.
But what I heard
after spending
tens of thousands of dollars
was that I couldn't be cured.
When I was in despair
after losing everything,
I met Father Ok Ju Man.
Then, Father spoke.
"Be healed."
"Be healed."
"Be healed!"
At that moment, I felt my body
being miraculously cured.
I wasn't saved
by a doctor or medicine.
It was Father Ok Ju Man
who saved me!
- Father.
- Father.
- Father!
- Father.
- Father.
- Father
Be healed
and follow me
to the land of eternal life.
I will prepare the train
that will take us to Sunbaek Hill.
Let us be one.
- Father.
- Father.
- Father!
- Father.
- Father!
- Father!
I know you still suffer
from your illness,
but you must not see a doctor.
Evil spirits within you
are fighting your pure energy.
That is the reason you are sick.
Rejoice over your pain
and let the pain purify you.
I sense that one of you
is still lacking faith.
Distrust in the smallest amount?
Do you know what that is?
This is distrust
in the smallest amount.
Let me now display
the Power of Sunbaek.
- What the
- What more should I show you
to make you believe me?
What more should I do?
Excuse me.
Are you all right? You seem ill.
I'm fine.
I've been getting better.
I see.
The pain I'm feeling
is me battling
the evil spirits within me.
Your sister has been asking for you.
Do you know what I dream of?
To hop on the train
to Sunbaek Hill
along with my sister.
Your illness can't be cured here.
You must receive treatment
outside this facility.
Once my illness is cured,
my sister will believe
in the Power of Sunbaek.
It's why
I will
I will be cured.
(Yeongram Silk and Satin)
(Our Clothes,
Yeongram Silk and Satin)
(We buy gold tooth crowns.)
I tried to bring her out like
Mr. Kim said, but she won't budge.
How could one have full faith
in someone?
(Porcelain Village)
At this point, what's the point
of bringing her out?
She'll go back in there
with her own feet.
Yes, unless Ok Ju Man
orders her to leave.
The cult leader would kick
his followers out on his own?
That's highly unlikely.
He'd never do that.
He worked so hard to gather them.
He'd never tell them to leave.
Are you saying you'll make him?
No, I can't do it either.
There's not much I can do.
If you can't do it, who else?
The success of this request is
solely up to Mr. Park and Mr. Choi.
Up to us?
Up to us.
Make everything in here possible.
No matter what.
All this?
Yes, make all of it possible
and send it to me.
Okay. Leave it to me.
Can we do all this?
Didn't you hear Mr. Kim?
The success is solely up to us.
Don't worry. This is as easy as pie.
(8 p.m.)
Oh, right.
Oh, gosh.
I'm scared to go there every time.
You can do it.
You're sincere.
But I can't keep calm.
Follow Father and let's go
- Father.
- Father.
The Power of Sunbaek.
- Father.
- Father.
There aren't many seats left
on the train to Sunbaek Hill.
Leave all your filthy sins to me.
Let's all become pure white!
- The Power of Sunbaek.
- I believe in the Power of Sunbaek.
They're offering like crazy.
The Power of Sunbaek.
I only believe in
the Power of Sunbaek.
The Power of Sunbaek.
I believe in the Power of Sunbaek.
Believe in the Power of Sunbaek.
Let's go to Sunbaek Hill together
Let's get on the train
to Sunbaek Hill together
The Power of Sunbaek.
I only believe
in the Power of Sunbaek.
It's time to train your belief.
Memorize the doctrine.
Memorize it?
The more you memorize,
the more you'll believe it
and see the miracle.
(10 Principles
to Go to Sunbaek Hill)
(10 Principles
to Go to Sunbaek Hill)
"I will serve and follow
my only father Ok Ju Man."
"My only family is
Father Ok Ju Man."
I have to memorize all this?
If you memorize it enough
to recite it anywhere at anytime,
knock on the door.
Then I'll open the door for you.
Does that mean I can't get out
until I memorize all this?
(We buy gold
for the cheapest price.)
(We buy gold tooth crowns.)
I thought something happened.
What took you so long?
How do I look?
Mr. Kim is waiting. Let's go.
- Kyung Gu.
- Yes?
- You know what?
- What?
Sunbaek Hill.
It might be real.
Where were you?
In the room of faith.
This isn't good.
Let's rush to another room of faith.
Put your seatbelt on.
Put your seatbelt on.
Let's get going.
- Do you like it?
- Yes.
Are they for me?
They're the price for your tears.
I'm giving them, so you'd work hard.
They're so pretty.
By the way, I noticed
your recent followers
are pretty old.
Even if they're close to death,
all humans want to live
for at least a minute longer.
If you were them,
would you frequent the hospital
and wait for your death?
Or hear that you can live longer.
What would you prefer?
What if they end up dying?
They were meant to die.
What about it?
I'm innocent by law.
I guess you do have something
to make people trust you.
What's wrong?
What's the matter?
don't believe in my words.
comes from here.
What? You scared me.
So you better cry so much.
It's hard to make one trust,
but once you make one trust you,
it's game over.
I bet you'll end up in purgatory.
Purgatory my foot.
Do you believe in that stuff?
How immature.
(Kim Do Ki)
What's this?
The gentleman over there sent it.
- The gentleman?
- Who's he?
Oh, that looks delicious.
Are you telling me to pay
for your meal?
Are you kidding me?
What on earth are you doing
in an expensive restaurant?
It's a pretty cheap price
for your life.
Where are your manners?
You must always watch your head.
The ground is in the sky.
You're meant to die young.
You prick! Get a hold of yourself!
Please forgive me, Monk.
I will make sure to remove
the bone this time
Sure. Eat.
I will make sure
that there is no bone
My goodness.
Why did you come back?
I thought you went to argue with them.
I was going to, but I couldn't.
They're total lunatics.
- Gosh.
- I can tell.
What on earth! My goodness!
Ju Man.
- Are you okay?
- That scared me so much.
- What's this?
- Always watch your head.
The ground is in the sky.
You're meant to die young.
How unlucky!
- Are you okay?
- You drive.
Mr. Choi. You can eat now.
Right. He left.
I focused too much.
I'm going to eat everything here.
Mr. Kim.
You know the white liquid
Sunbaek Church calls
the Power of Sunbaek or something
and fed Mr. Park?
Meperidine hydrochloride was
detected in that liquid.
Meperidine hydrochloride.
That's opioid analgesic.
It's often used to treat patients
with severe cancer.
Isn't that disgusting?
He was feeding
his followers analgesics
and stopped them
from going to the hospital.
That will only worsen
their condition.
I think that was enough
for my introduction.
Let's stop the construction first.
The two big men
already planted a lot.
So, a relic was found? Where?
I already sent
all the workers home
and stopped the construction.
Where is the relic?
It's still on site.
Is that it?
Come on.
A relic?
A relic.
A relic?
Now, there are no more relics.
There are no longer relics.
That's just soil and rocks.
I dare you to report
the cultural asset again like last time.
Do you know how much time we lost
because of that?
We didn't do that on purpose.
We're supposed to report it
- if we find any
- Darn you.
If you die,
your underwear and socks
become relics.
What's the point of that?
Sunbaek Chapel
that will be built right here
is worth hundreds, thousands,
and a million times more.
Could you please think?
I dare you to call me again
for the same reason.
I'd just
How unlucky.
It's almost time to give a sermon.
Where are you doing your mission?
Mostly in the hospital ICU
you told us
and the cancer center.
Visit nursing homes
from time to time.
You have a very important role.
I don't know about everyone else,
but I treat you like my real son.
You got the first class
in the first car of the train.
First class.
Thank you, Father.
Where are you?
Let's go to Sunbaek Hill together
What on earth am I singing?
Get a hold of yourself!
- You haven't had dinner yet, right?
- No.
- Have some fried chicken.
- Fried chicken?
You're the best.
- Did you get the sauce?
- What?
- Oh, gosh.
- Oh, what's wrong?
Oh, gosh. You scared me.
You scared me so much.
Why are you all surprised?
Oh, Kyung Gu. Why would you turn
the light on inside all of a sudden?
Because I couldn't see anything.
What kind of fried chicken is it?
What is wrong with you?
What did I do?
Just starve to death.
Go Eun.
He didn't do that on purpose.
I'm eating it alone.
Go Eun.
My fried chicken
This is all your fault.
You little
Fried chicken is not the point!
Of course, it is.
Still, keep it in mind.
This request is solely up to us.
Let's get back to work.
What a waste of fried chicken.
Is there a folk village nearby?
That scared me.
Wait. What's this?
What on earth is wrong with this?
Oh, no.
Why did the engine suddenly die?
Look at that. The phone is
No reception in the 21st century?
Those little pricks, seriously
Where on earth am I?
What is that?
Hey. If you have a phone,
let me borrow it.
My car broke down.
You're still alive.
Hang on. You're from
Haven't you ever learned
your manners?
How dare you!
Get lost!
The wicked being ran away for now.
But it'll soon come back.
For your life.
(You may make calls now.)
What a crazy cult prick.
That is so lame.
You think you can make money
like that?
He's calling you a cult.
I think he lacks faith.
If he lacks faith,
I shall make it full.
(Taxi Driver 2)
Your sister's going to come back.
Are you sure?
I have to prove
the cult leader is
just another man blinded
by his selfish interest.
The being that is following you.
Is it wearing a gat?
It would never give up
until you die.
Conceal yourself immediately!
Please help me, Monk.
I think he's requesting exorcism.
Do you even know what that means?
Mr. Kim. Jin Sun collapsed.
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