The A List (2018) s02e07 Episode Script

Save Them

- [projector clicks]
- ['30s music playing]
You came to me.
I wondered what
you could possibly want from me,
and then I realized.
You want me to take your pain away.
Undo it.
Whatever it is.
I want to go back to how I was.
You mean when you didn't have feelings.
I used to care about things so much.
Mia's in there right now.
She has something I need.
Help me bring her here,
and we have a deal.
I know how to get her to come to us.
She won't be able
to resist trying to save you.
[Mia] No.
Oh, yes.
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
Midge, whatever Amber's doing,
you can stop her. You beat her before.
She's trying to turn us
against each other.
And we've only just made up.
We've fought enough.
We're trying something new.
- Mother will be delighted.
- Where are the others?
Alex left you a very sweet note.
They've all run off
to the evacuation point.
So they're okay? They can leave?
I canceled the evac.
There's nowhere to go.
Even if you could run.
Hard to run when you can't see a way out.
I learned that the hard way.
When Amber possessed you.
She's the one who stole your body.
She trapped you inside her mind.
True but that's where I got the idea.
- What idea?
- Turns out I need a new body.
I'm taking yours.
[Dr. Shaw] Oh!
- I didn't know how long you'd be out.
- [groans softly]
You're probably experiencing
It's a side effect, I'm afraid.
- [machine beeping regularly]
- I knew you were a liar.
We were just lab rats to you, weren't we?
- What did you give me?
- Pure animosine.
Luka escaped before I could study him,
and I needed a test subject.
Is that what you did to Harry, too?
Questionable fashion sense?
- You abducted him in the woods.
- No, I didn't.
I I don't know
what you're talking about.
Look, I understand that you're angry,
but it's the only way to find a cure.
Midge needs a way to fight the animosine
before her body breaks down.
Now, I'm just going to take
a couple of samples,
and this will all be over.
Oh well, in that case
- [Jenna panting]
- [Dr. Shaw coughing]
- Wait! Come back!
- [door slams]
- [gasps]
- [Dr. Shaw] You're her only chance.
What's wrong?
I thought you wanted
to make things up to me.
Now we'll be together forever.
What happens to me?
You'll still be there, watching.
The voice inside my head.
It's not so bad when you get used to it.
You've got her. I don't need to be here
for this. What about our deal?
Not yet, not until I'm done.
Please, Midge. This isn't you.
How would you know?
You never even wanted to be around me.
But I came here to help.
Like you knew I would!
We were friends, like sisters.
That was real.
I betrayed that,
but you never did,
so I am not giving up on you now.
We can find another way.
You don't want to do this.
You have no idea what I want.
[both panting]
[breathing heavily]
I'm not going with you.
You're gonna have to kill me.
Seems kind of dramatic.
- [sighs]
- ["Devillish" by The Phantoms playing]
[both panting]
Why are you helping me?
You wanted me dead.
- What's changed?
- I dunno.
I just
I felt like I couldn't let that happen.
[Midge calling] Mia
I was born to cause trouble ♪
- Do you really think you can hide from me?
- It's just a part of me ♪
- We've played this game before, remember?
- The world made me cold-blooded ♪
I was the Last Dove.
No mercy for the weak
No mercy for the weak ♪
Revenge ♪
My favorite dish ♪
Just sins falling from your lips ♪
Lights out ♪
- Found you.
- Time to make a wish ♪
Oh oh oh ♪
So devillish ♪
So devillish ♪
Oh, so devillish ♪
Revenge ♪
My favorite dish ♪
Oh oh oh ♪
So devillish ♪
[music stops]
Just 'cause I'm tied to a tree,
doesn't mean I wanna talk to you.
I see the charm offensive's really been
working out for you.
What happened?
I don't know. I just woke up here.
Whoever did this
[yanking rope]
Are they coming back?
Oh, come on. Are you seriously this petty?
You're not even gonna cooperate
with your own rescue?
- I don't need you to rescue me.
- No, you're clearly managing on your own.
Right, 'cause you always do
the right thing, don't you, hero?
Except when you and your mates tried
to beat me to death.
I'm sorry, but that wasn't me.
Don't pretend
you don't wanna leave me here.
No, Luka, I do not want to leave you
to die of exposure
just 'cause we like the same girl.
I guess I just don't see you
as that much of a threat.
Well, maybe you should.
Mia seemed pretty into me last night.
But ain't that the way.
You go around playing the hero,
and I'm the guy that she wants after all.
[Sam] Midge. I've been looking for you.
[Midge] You've been looking for me?
We were supposed to be taking
the boat together.
I'm sorry. I didn't want to leave you.
I swear.
Just come with me and let me explain.
Too late. I've got bigger things
on my mind now than you.
I know.
But whatever you think you need to do,
you don't know the truth.
Your mom is lying.
I know what's happening to you, Midge.
No one will tell you, but I will.
Is this an intervention?
Trying to help the others?
You won't change my mind,
and she isn't gonna get away.
I'm here for you. Trust me.
The chopper will be here soon.
You're worried about Mia.
I'm not sure I can leave without her.
- [Zac] Jenna!
- [Kayleigh] Where have you been?
[Jenna exhales] Dr. Shaw.
She snuck up like a creepy ninja
and jabbed me full of animosine.
Oh, my God, are you okay?
I don't know.
She said she was trying to make a cure.
A cure? For Midge?
Then I was wrong.
I thought she was trying
to create more Ambers,
but she's actually just trying to
get rid of the one we have.
I'm not here to hurt you.
It's Midge you need to be afraid of.
You're lying.
Tell us why you're really here.
The evacuation's been canceled.
We need to call again.
[Kayleigh] It's a trick.
It's always a trick.
I'm not lying to you,
but if you don't believe me,
we'll do it the old way.
I can feel her.
She's trying to get into my mind.
- [Kayleigh] Someone stop her.
- Stop.
It's okay.
- She's not strong enough.
- She can't do it.
She's scared.
She's scared of us.
[Luka] Don't beat yourself up.
There was a storm,
the firelight, you know how it is.
You're unbelievable.
So I've heard.
What is it with you?
- What, you want a rematch? Is that it?
- I thought you'd never ask.
All I want is to find the people
I care about, and instead,
I get Midge, Amber, and you.
I'm not gonna fight you.
If you haven't realized we have bigger
problems, you're dumber than I thought.
Look, neither of us
gets to decide who Mia wants.
And none of that matters
if we don't get out of here alive.
We need to find her and escape.
Everything else can wait.
You're right. The odds of our survival
go up if we work together,
and then it's Mia's choice.
All right then. She went this way.
Try to keep up.
- What have you done to Mia?
- Nothing. I saved her.
As if. We were there
when you tried to push her off a cliff!
But we have minds of our own.
And I say you should pay for what you did.
Kayleigh, what are you doing?
This isn't you.
You can't just push her off a cliff.
- Why not? It serves her right.
- [Alex] She'd do the same to us.
She would. She's not human.
[Petal] Wait!
Midge beat her before.
Maybe that broke her.
I'm not broken.
But you've changed.
I can see it.
Since fighting Midge,
my powers have been fading,
but hers have been getting stronger.
The human part of her is disappearing.
She won't let any of us go,
unless we stop her.
- [machine beeping regularly]
- [ventilator breathing]
Hello, again, Mia.
[Jenna] Zac's gone to find signal.
If we can get Mia on the walkie-talkie,
we'll know if she's lying.
I still don't trust Miss Mind Control
as far as I can throw her.
Me neither.
But if the evac has been canceled,
then we need to go back and call them.
- [ghost] Jenna.
- [Petal] What about Midge?
If Amber is telling the truth,
then she's still waiting for us
at the Institute.
Look. Over there!
- Wh What is it?
- He's right there.
[Alex] This is like Luka.
He got sick and started hallucinating.
It's the animosine.
It's playing with her mind.
No. It shows you what's really there.
What can you see?
It's like he wants me to go with him.
We'll all go.
Whatever it is,
we'll figure it out together, okay?
[Alex] You guys go ahead.
One of us needs to go and find the evac.
I'll come with you. If Midge is
in the building, you'll need help.
Uh, no. You can't go with her.
She can't hurt me now,
and she's the last person who saw Mia.
I need to find her, Petal.
She'd do the same for me.
Okay, then I'll go too.
I don't like you being alone with her.
No, you shouldn't have to be with her,
not after everything.
You go with them.
I'll be fine.
- You promise?
- Yeah.
What is this?
Are you experimenting on them?
Course not. I'm a doctor.
Who do you think you're talking to?
You pretended to be my therapist.
You gaslit me.
It had to be secret,
or people would have tried to stop it.
I did what I had to do.
It was all for Midge.
I transferred the coma patients here
because I thought
they might help me find a cure,
but there's nothing I can do.
I'm sending them back to the mainland.
It's over.
No way. You do not get to tap out now.
She's your daughter.
- You're supposed to be running this place!
- I have tried everything!
In the beginning, I was hopeful.
I thought I could fix it because of you.
That's why I kept you separate,
took your blood
Me and Midge were blood sisters.
- Is that why Amber couldn't turn me?
- I don't know exactly.
The connection
between the three of you is powerful,
but Amber and Midge are separate now,
and Midge can't survive on her own.
But if you could stop the animosine,
Midge would be saved.
[whispering] I'm afraid
it's not that easy.
- Why have you brought me here?
- [Sam sighs]
I told you,
I didn't mean to leave you before,
but I can't always control it.
It's easiest here.
Or when we're together.
It makes me stronger somehow,
just being around you.
So strong that for a while,
I forgot what I was.
What do you mean, "what you are"?
Not just me.
We both are.
Midge can't be saved.
She died when she fell off that cliff.
The animosine let her cling on,
let me cling on.
Amber grew out of it
with Midge's spirit trapped inside.
When you forced them apart,
the animosine was strong enough
to give Midge her own body,
but it won't last.
It will keep consuming
everything it touches.
She'll never be at peace.
You're wrong.
I'm not dead.
How can I be dead when I'm right here?
It's this place. The people who die here,
it holds on to us.
Brings us back,
again and again, like the tides.
- Sometimes I'm here, then gone again.
- [sinister whispers echoing]
But you're real.
I want you to be real.
I'm as real as you are.
- [crying]
- We're just stuck.
[Midge crying]
[Sam] You're different.
For some reason,
you can control the animosine.
[Midge sniffles]
Make it let us go.
Let us go?
[sniffs] No.
I am not gonna just fade away.
[Midge sniffles]
That back there with Amber
Pretty intense, huh?
- I don't want to talk about it.
- Okay.
I know you must think I'm a monster,
but I swear that
You were never gonna push her.
I know.
I know you. Kayleigh.
- Zac
- [chuckles]
[Petal] Guys!
Check this out.
- [ghost] Jenna, this way.
- [Jenna softly] Harry!
- No!
- What is it?
It's Harry! I know it sounds crazy,
but it's him, I swear!
I think he's trapped somehow.
He said it was like
the stones wanted him.
- There's tunnels through here.
- [Jenna] But Harry's research.
It talked about this network of tunnels
under the island.
The scientists tried searching them,
but they were like a maze.
They were looking for
the source of the animosine.
- And why would he want us to find that?
- I don't know.
[sighs deeply]
I don't know wh
I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
My head is killing me!
[breathing heavily]
Come on, let's just Let's sit down.
I'm okay.
[breathing heavily]
Last time we were here, me and Fitz,
we saw these figures, loads of them.
What if they're all trapped?
What if Harry's with them?
[gasps loudly]
- [gasps]
- Mia!
I knew Midge was lying.
She said you left. Are you okay?
Just about. [chuckles]
Thank you. You saved me.
For now. She'll come back.
I know. Where are the others?
- Alex?
- Uh, sorry.
I was just distracted by the fact
that we've entered the twilight zone?
- [sighs]
- [Alex] The others are fine, all together.
Except there's still no sign
of Dev or Luka.
Hmm. Luka's fine.
I bumped into him.
- "Bumped into him"? Are you serious?
- [Amber] Who's Luka?
- [Alex] What about Dev?
- I don't know, okay?
I came all this way, we've had 30 seconds
together and then he just vanished!
When I saw him, even after everything,
I just knew we'd be okay, and now,
I don't know what's gonna happen.
[Alex gasps] Who
I don't have much time.
You need to listen. They're in danger.
I I heard you before with Midge.
- How did you
- Look, please, she can't stop herself.
You have to save them,
or there'll be nothing left.
- Fitz!
- Is he alive?
[Midge] Yeah.
He had so much life in him.
I only took what I needed.
But it won't last.
I need more.
All the Polaroids like walnuts ♪
- Forget 'em now, they're stolen ♪
- [inaudible]
Frame me in your colors ♪
I am not your canvas ♪
[Mia] No.
[Alex] Petal, are you okay?
You're okay. Petal.
- No.
- [Alex] Wake up.
[sniffling] Petal, please.
Wake up! Petal!
What the hell have you done? ♪
What the hell have you done? ♪
What the hell have you done? ♪
I told her she couldn't get away.
[ethereal music playing]
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