The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s02e07 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 7

I miss you.
I'm so glad that Manuel is back.
That he's alive.
Me too.
We're such pieces of shit.
Do you regret it?
Well, no.
This is the correct list.
They're the students for tomorrow.
Is that Darío's voice?
We shouldn't go for a chemical reaction.
At this point, at this phase,
the students are far too conscious.
Very good.
Esteban Martín, OK, Cris Figueroa,
Gabriel Cuenca, Raúl Corpas
Elena Galdiz, Gonzalo Sanz
Eric Guerrero.
Eric, yes.
Maybe we should leave out Eric, Darío.
He's had an altered state
of consciousness and amnesia.
We'll take the risk.
- It's dangerous.
- I know that.
OK then.
Tomorrow we have to make a list for Q27.
Q27, that's
That's the experiment
my mother was sentenced for.
That son of a bitch.
Loads of people died.
It's why she went to prison.
At ease.
One, two Turn.
At ease.
Let's see, the windowsill,
the medicated students,
and now I'm on that list.
It's always me, why me?
Why me?
I was wondering that.
Why me?
They kept me like a guinea pig.
Tied to a bed with wires going everywhere.
Did they hurt you?
The worst was when they took me to Room 3.
The gas knocked me out.
I thought that if I stayed awake
and looked them in the eyes,
maybe I could convince them to let me go.
I wish I'd met those fucking bastards.
I'd have ripped their heads off.
I tried to hold my breath so many times.
And finally, I managed it.
My lungs nearly exploded.
But I did it.
Let's go, Eric.
See you later.
Where were you?
I have to tell you something.
I've discovered the secret
of the Crow's Nest.
The dragonfly in the witch's grave.
León, that's the key.
That insect is still alive,
even centuries later.
It's proof of a discovery
that science today hasn't yet found.
And that those people
They knew
They knew how to stop aging.
Don't you realise what this means?
I have something important to tell you.
Students are reminded that punctuality
is a mark of respect for yourself
and those around you.
I'll take the milk out.
What are you doing?
I'm so sorry.
What's all this mess?
- It was me, I'm sorry.
- Clean it up now.
Stay here.
- What are you doing?
- Don't eat or drink anything.
The names I heard Darío say last night,
they're all on duty today.
- What?
- Be careful.
- It's this shift.
- But
Watch out Sorry again.
What is it, Miss Uribe?
Lacking inspiration?
Paul smells amazing.
He's a great kisser too.
Look, he's my brother,
so spare me the details.
You're jealous!
No way.
But Paul is into Amaia.
He'll ditch you soon.
I don't know what he sees in her.
She's rude and trashy, and always angry.
And you?
When Paul realises you're off your trolley
and up to your eyeballs on pills,
he'll ditch you for sure.
You're so bitter.
Your girlfriends keep dying,
so no one will go near you.
Your mother was really cool
when she was young.
I thought it best that you have this.
I don't know if I want it.
She escaped from prison
and came all the way here.
Just for this.
Do you think they've caught her yet?
I don't know, Adèle.
Mama, I'm coming to help you now.
Don't get up, please.
I remember your mum, she was very strict.
She's very old now.
And after what happened to my girl
she hasn't been the same.
None of us have.
Celia, it's awful what happened to you.
My Alba was brave, like you.
Nothing frightened her.
Until the day she met that monster.
What did the police say?
To be patient.
But then another girl died
in the same way.
Thank you for hiding me.
You need to rest now.
- You're weak.
- I don't have time.
I need you to help me.
I don't get it.
- Maybe something in your juice?
- Notice anything strange?
I'm getting paranoid.
This is where you're hiding?
I've been looking for you.
- Eva
- Who's the blonde? Are they a thing?
Thought it was weird.
She's too pretty.
When are we going to finish
what we started?
With the bottle and everything?
Eva, this was fun, but
It's never going to happen.
Why not?
I'm off.
- Be careful, Eric.
- Yes.
Just no.
If I were Eric, I wouldn't eat anything.
Amaia, what's wrong?
Did you see it again?
Don't leave me.
I won't leave you, babe.
I'm scared.
What is it?
Is it true?
Is it really true?
During the Civil War
I fought for the Republic.
I was destined to die.
Like many others.
The Crow's Nest saved my life.
- They stopped time for me.
- Like the dragonfly.
I've been frozen in my 30s.
When the Nazis took Paris
I was in a café in Montmartre.
I survived that too.
I've seen walls built
and later destroyed.
I've seen people born,
then die of old age.
Was it worth it?
I had someone to share it with.
"War, war, wounded in war"
What are you doing?
You're always sticking your nose in.
This guy.
Shit, it's him!
Are you sure?
"Anselmo Buendía.
Surgeon at the Peaks Sanatorium."
Anselmo Buendía? I know him.
I'll introduce you if you like.
Anselmo Buendía.
"Beatified by Pope John XXIII
as a soldier and martyr to the faith."
So the girl-killer is a saint.
That mummy has always
given me such a bad feeling.
Maybe you're having nightmares
because you've seen it before?
You're having nightmares about this mummy?
OK, why don't you go sniff some glue?
Piss off, Goldilocks.
I like that one.
Maybe I'll get a tattoo of it.
The students in the choir
may attend the ceremony.
But have the rest watch from the windows.
- Yes, they could easily get loose.
- Yes, but it would be a shame.
The path to the shrine
to set down the virgin is very impressive.
These friars are off their faces.
- There's none left
- What are you doing?
Over there.
Leave the wine, always with the wine.
I'm going to look,
maybe there's some here.
Go, go, go.
Eva, come on.
They're coming. Get in there.
I'm surprised
you convinced the headteacher
to bring back
part of the school's traditions.
A secret cupboard, that's so cool.
No one's been here for centuries.
What is that?
Of course.
These must be things the Inquisition
seized from the Crow's Nest.
Paul and I read about it
in one of the old archives.
My, my
I think he had a better time with me
in the broom cupboard.
These are the lanterns they send up.
Then the girls turn up dead.
- We have to destroy them!
- No!
You guys are in pretty deep, aren't you?
Be quiet.
Let's go.
They've gone.
Let's go.
Where were you? What happened?
Did we really live through everything,
like you said, after all this time?
How is it possible?
Why don't we age?
You always said it wasn't magic.
That it was science.
And now you
You're forgetting too.
I'm sorry.
León, if all this is true,
I don't want to spend another minute here.
What are we doing here?
Why am I in this uniform?
Let's go right now.
- We can't.
- Why not?
Because I made a deal with him.
I don't want to pretend
I'm that psycho's daughter.
Why is he living in our house?
He stopped you
from forgetting your past lives.
But he's lying.
He's gone mad.
I have a plan.
Just hold on a little longer.
Trust me.
All right.
How's my girl?
See you later, Dad. I've got class.
Sergeant Zamora,
I've got something that may interest you.
Hey! The door!
Open up!
So much shouting.
Open the door.
Where were you, man?
Luis sent me to clean the freezers.
- See anything strange?
- No.
I'm losing it.
We've got a break now.
OK, lock the doors so no one can get in.
Yeah, yeah.
- I'm so tired.
- I'm knackered.
The bathrooms are the worst.
The bathrooms and the dining room.
They're the worst.
- You.
- What?
Did you really kiss Eva?
OK, good.
Better you go your way and I go mine.
It's better that way.
I'm drooling, mate.
But I don't know.
She's being weird, right?
Something's going on with her.
But who am I to talk?
I suppose I'm different now.
Manu, before you disappeared,
there wasn't a satanic lodge at school.
Or anything else.
Wait until we get out of here.
Imagine the beach,
with that little freak of yours.
Beer and book in hand.
Reading all night by moonlight.
While Amaia and I
Mate, hey.
Get over here.
Here, let me.
Eric, are you in there?
Open the door!
- Fuck.
- No one's here.
What do we do now?
- Look at me. Have you seen Eric?
- He isn't with us.
No one's seen him?
Did you see Eric in there before?
I don't understand.
Cavila, what's up?
- Something wrong?
- We're looking for a fugitive.
Can you open the boot, Celia?
Why are you bothering residents
instead of finding my daughter's killer?
It's a disgrace. You're wasting your time.
OK, listen. Move on.
That was close.
You're so bitter.
Your girlfriends keep dying,
so no one will go near you.
This is Darío Mendoza's house?
When I used to skip school, I'd come here.
Sure you want to go in?
Inés, are you still angry?
You know the best thing for you
is to stay home and rest.
Right, Inés?
I'm not mad, Dad.
I have to go back.
Inés? Darling?
I have to go back. Do you need anything?
Who are you? How do you know me?
You've lost your memory.
That man's not your father.
I'm sorry, Alicia. It's all my fault.
For my wife. Her name's Frédérique.
Thank you.
You finally achieved your dream
and became a scientist.
I've followed your career
very closely, Patricia
I remember you thought I was a witch.
A witch who never grows old.
Unfortunately, I pay a very high price.
What's the price?
Which is like being dead.
This is a present for you.
It's something I want you to have.
This book is
One of the volumes of the Draco Musca.
So it does exist.
It's real.
According to the legend
this level of knowledge
was never achieved again.
And the other two volumes?
Patricia, the Draco Musca is a treasure.
But it's also extremely dangerous.
I've seen many misuse it.
It corrupts them, turns them mad.
Why give it to me?
I want to ask you something important.
I've been searching
for a cure for amnesia.
I know this book has the answer,
but I can't figure it out.
Can you help me?
I'm in partnership with a neuroscientist.
One of the best in the world.
If there's a cure for you, we'll find it.
You were right.
The book drives people mad.
My partner, Darío Mendoza
stole the Draco Musca from me.
And found a way to get rid of me.
And now, he has the book.
And you too.
You're back for the book?
I just want my kids back.
To do that,
I have to prove Darío is a criminal.
I know he has a record of the Q27 project.
They were illegal medical tests
that caused several people's deaths.
He blamed me and I was sentenced for it.
I need to find that report.
But it's not here.
I'm sure he hasn't destroyed it.
He must have it with him.
Did you find a way to cure me?
The science as it is right now
can't give you back your memories.
Listen to me, Alicia.
You have to find the Crow's Nest.
Only they can cure you.
- Eric!
- He's not here.
Is he back in the hole?
- Bastards!
- Are you stupid? Be quiet!
We have to help him!
- Don't mess with me, Paz.
- What's wrong with you?
Enough! Paz, calm down.
What's that?
The list of students in Q27.
Eric's on it.
They've taken Eric to Room 3.
Can we talk for a moment?
What did you do before you came here?
I told you, I'm a music teacher.
Very strange.
We haven't found
any other schools you taught at.
You can keep looking.
The truth is, you're like a ghost.
You leave no trace of your past.
And is that a crime?
It depends.
Have you been to Lisbon?
Are you the person in this photograph?
A source told us it could be you.
Europol has issued an arrest warrant.
What source?
Is it you, or not?
Are you getting drunk without me?
You weren't here.
Where were you?
Why does everyone leave me?
OK, let's go.
You've been spared the freezers
because the music teacher isn't here.
We still have a little while,
let's have some fun, OK?
Now I understand why
my father liked whiskey so much.
He drank a lot?
When my mother was in prison.
He took pills as well.
This is all my mum's fault.
Your brother ditched me.
I told you so.
The photo's blurred. It could be anyone.
You're wasting your time.
Indulge me.
Nothing ever happens here.
Until one day, two girls are kidnapped
and killed in the woods.
And someone executes
my sergeant at point-blank range.
I'm just village police officer,
but it's odd, isn't it?
That all this happens once you arrive.
What do you want? Should I call a lawyer?
Where exactly were you on the nights
when Alba and Rita were murdered?
- You're wrong.
- What was your relationship with Rita?
I was her music and singing teacher.
Did you spend time alone with her?
And Alba Gonzalez?
Have you had any relationships
with girls or teenagers in the area?
How dare you?
Some teachers say
you're friendly with Inés Mendoza.
Look, officer
If you had any evidence at all against me,
we'd be having this talk at the station.
So arrest me and take me with you.
Or get going and leave me alone.
Thank you.
By the way
what happened to your forehead?
An accident.
Be careful.
And don't go anywhere.
Don't move.
Why are the police here?
There's some news about the girl's murder.
What news?
I don't know,
but Sergeant Zamora is questioning León.
Celia, stay calm.
You can't get out just now,
the police are here.
Wait until they leave.
Lights will go out in five minutes.
Rest is essential
for good academic performance.
What are you doing?
Bringing a bit of happiness
to this school.
No, don't light anymore!
Get down!
- Where did you get them?
- The old Inquisition room.
You should have seen Amaia,
she was shitting herself.
Do you know what you're doing?
Someone's going to die because of you!
They're candles, Adèle.
I just wanted to scare her!
Everybody to the station.
Yes, now.
Come on, man!
Let's go.
We have to find a room full of arches.
We get to Room 3 through there.
Even if the killer is a decomposed mummy,
I saw him there.
I swear.
What? Who did you see?
They were there.
The killer's clothes were hanging there.
There's nothing here.
This looks like an old operating theatre.
He puts this on them to kill them.
That son of a bitch.
- Do you hear that?
- What the fuck is that?
It's the killer! Shit!
Paz, wait!
- Paz!
- Don't go alone, Paz!
Paz, stop!
Where were you, man?
We were looking for you for ages.
Are you OK?
- Are you OK?
- I'm fine. Why?
Have you seen Paz?
- I haven't seen her, why?
- Are you sure you're OK?
- I'm going to look for her.
- OK.
Let's go.
Have you seen Paz?
My best friend, with the shaved head?
She was here,
they took her to the freezer.
Mara's gone nuts.
There was a fight
and she's locked everyone up.
Adaptation: Tilly O'Neill
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