The Circle (2020) s02e07 Episode Script

Friend Zoned....

[mysterious music plays]
[Michelle] Influencers Courtney and River
have worked their way through
possible blocking targets.
And now Courtney's breaking the news
to the group.
"The player we would like to block is"
[music swells]
[Jack] Please don't block me.
Who? Come on!
[exhales intensely]
Courtney, come on.
Please do not enter my name.
Please do not say my name.
"Terilisha!" Woo!
Oh, my God!
Oh, thank God.
[sighing] Oh, my God.
No words.
She's been blocked from The Circle.
It wasn't me.
Wow, just like that too, huh?
See you on the other side.
they low-key just shitted on Terilisha.
I hate to see her go,
but love to watch her leave
because I'm staying in.
Emily, you better watch yourself
'cause, girl, you'll be next.
"Wanted, Terilisha for being a catfish."
[music ends]
Thank you. Oh!
[bell tolls ominously]
But before we say, "Bye, Terilisha,"
y'all know The Circle's not done yet.
"Before you leave,
you can meet one player face to face."
-I'm not sure.
I think I may wanna meet River
to see what bond
that he feels like he didn't meet in me
as he was, you know,
calling me one of his big sisters.
[Lee] Let's do this.
Chloe, I really want the opportunity
to tell her about my suspicions of Emily.
I think it'd be helpful her to know
that she has a dagger in her back.
What do I do with that?
Please be, like, not scary.
"Terilisha is on her way
to meet one of you now." [gasps]
[dramatic music plays]
Oh, Lord.
She could be coming to see me.
don't you come through that door.
Thought these cupboards
were more spacious.
I dunno whether to keep this out.
This is a bit offensive, is it not?
I know she's coming.
[grumbles] She's coming.
Oh, my God! Hi!
-You're real! Oh, my gosh.
-How are you? And you're real.
-You think I'm a catfish?
-I drew a picture of you.
-You're not a catfish.
-No, girl, I'm real!
Oh, my God. My heart is pounding.
I made you a drink.
Oh, thank you.
[Chloe] If you want sweets,
I've also got you some.
-Thank you. Oh, my God.
-I can't believe you're real.
I was convinced you were a catfish.
-[Terilisha] Why?
-[Chloe] I was convinced.
You must be shaking right now.
I called you my Circle bestie,
and you're like,
"No, Terilisha is a catfish."
[Chloe] Literally.
The photo you uploaded,
it had a filter on.
I feel like with those photos,
I couldn't really see you
as a person and your personality
behind the filters,
you know what I mean?
It's kinda scary all the real people
are getting blocked.
Getting blocked. Exactly.
I do have to ask.
Do you think anybody is a catfish?
I've had my suspicions about Trevor.
[Terilisha] You guys've been flirty.
I'm confused. What do you mean?
[Chloe] It's a tiny feeling
in the back of my head,
and I genuinely like him.
-He's really good looking.
-Yeah. He's cute.
But the past couple times
I've spoke to him,
the way he spoke on messages
is just really emotional,
and it's like
I'm talking to one of the girls.
That is nuts.
[chill music plays]
[Deleesa] Terilisha's not coming.
Don't want your water, your banana?
You know what? I'm done being hospitable.
I really thought she was gonna come to me.
That is a relief to be honest.
I tell you what.
This was like the perfect day.
[Chloe] What happened with Savannah?
I'll tell you what happened,
and then I have
to tell you something else.
So she wanted to block you
because she was worried
that because she did not save you
and instead saved Trevor,
-that if the tables turned
-[Chloe] I would get rid of her.
-And what happened?
-Tables turned, I got rid of her.
-[Terilisha] Yeah.
[Chloe] You saved Emily,
and I sat there like,
[blows raspberries]
"Savannah's gonna save me, like, clearly."
All of us as girls have got
to stick together.
Listen, after Savannah done that,
I was like, no.
I was like, I can't trust Terilisha.
I can't trust Emily.
She's the Joker.
How do you know that Emily is the Joker?
[Terilisha] I asked Khat.
I said, "Tell me who is the Joker,
and what did they say?"
She's like, "I don't know."
"I just got here, so I can't really
suss out who it is."
And she said, "Terilisha is a liar,
and Chloe cannot be trusted."
And so once I did the math, I realized,
Lance wasn't in The Circle.
Of course Khat and Mitchell
wasn't in The Circle.
I, at the time,
hadn't talked to Courtney or Trevor,
and River and I'd built a connection.
Only person left was Emily.
I'm finding it hard to digest.
-You sure? It might have been Trevor.
-[Terilisha] I'm 100% sure it's Emily.
-No, it's not Trevor.
-[Chloe] Okay.
[quiet music plays]
[Deleesa] I really thought
Trevor was gonna be blocked tonight.
That is the scariest feeling.
Tomorrow is definitely our time to shine.
Man, that was the most
nerve-racking day so far.
Hopefully, the target on your back
isn't as big as the one on mine.
-Just stay positive, stay focused.
-Yeah. Thank you.
-All right, love. Good luck.
-[Chloe] I'll speak to you soon.
-[Terilisha] All right, bye.
[tense music playing]
Oh, my God. She was real.
[blows raspberries, sighs]
My judgment's fucked.
[crumples paper] She was actually real.
[music fades out]
["Round and Round" by New Order plays]
After The Circle substitute teacher
received a lesson in blocking,
the others are waking up
without Terilisha for the first time.
Not everyone
is feeling blue about it, though.
[all] Good morning, Circle!
Yes, she is gone!
I don't care about
What you do ♪
'Cause if you mess with me
I'll get rid of you ♪
Terilisha, officially gone. Not forgotten.
I just still can't believe she was real.
I got Terilisha out of the game,
but there's still another snake
slithering through the grass,
and that is the serpent queen,
Little Miss Emily.
I feel good about my position.
As it progresses, I wouldn't be surprised
if people start making moves.
I'm planning to do so myself,
but for now, I feel decent.
To build relationships,
I need to start getting at it
a little quicker.
Oh, my little, lovely, little duckies.
River is winning the award
for most crafts done
in one apartment ever,
but his playtime is about to be cut short.
Oh, yeah. I love it.
-"The Newsfeed has been updated."
Oh, my God. Okay, Circle.
Take me to Newsfeed.
"Terilisha has left a message
for The Circle."
Oh, Lord. We're finally gonna hear
what she has to say.
I'm kind of even hoping she's a catfish.
Maybe I'm the only one. I don't know.
Oh, I'm not ready for this.
Circle, open Terilisha's message.
[Terilisha] Hey, players, it is Terilisha.
Yes, I am real.
I came to The Circle, you know,
to show that you can be
beautiful and brainy.
Oh, she's adorable.
The real me is the person
that you guys saw
the very first day into The Circle
that made me the number-one influencer.
I love her.
It's very hard to see myself blocked
as I definitely feel like
I have been having to fight
an uphill battle to defend my character.
Damn, sis. That sucks.
That really, really sucks.
I'm so pissed.
I am so annoyed that it has come to this.
I am not this person.
I am not the person I was made out to be.
I am not a liar.
You did lie. You did lie.
You were trying to get me out,
and Savannah told me.
To the Joker, I know who you are.
I know what you said.
Just know that karma is real
and it will come back.
[intriguing music plays]
Much like The Circle, Joker,
what goes around comes around.
The rest of the players,
please watch your back.
There are some very amazing people
in The Circle.
You know who you are.
I am rooting for you. Goodbye, guys.
[music continues]
See you on the other side. Mm!
That was a very ominous message
from Terilisha,
and I did not like it one bit.
This is the third real person gone.
We need to start doing something right
as a team because, I'm sorry,
we've probably got hundreds of catfish
in The Circle family now.
Hopefully, nobody's like suspicious of me,
but who knows? [chuckles]
Emily and Trevor, you are a catfish.
One of you.
Emily, you,
I think you're in your 30s, if not older.
And, Trevor,
I'm not even sure what it is you said,
but I've gotten
this kind of feminine energy.
So one of you two are the catfish,
if not both.
I'm coming for you.
Sorry. It just has to be.
Circle, take me to Circle Chat.
Circle, message:
"Making that decision was harder than"
"trying to make that pancake animal art."
Yeah, I'm sure.
"Farewell to one of our Southern queens,
but still"
"very grateful
to have the rest of you"
"so we get to know each other."
-Circle, message:
"Looks like the Savannah
and Terilisha drama is over."
"Love to Courtney and River
for keeping the rest of us here."
"Yo, I hate seeing people get blocked,
but I love getting to see
the face behind the pictures."
"Poor Terilisha"
"but big ups to Courtney and River
for saving me."
"Appreciate it."
Yeah, Trevor, you better be thanking us
because if River could have it his way,
your ass would be packing your shit up,
so you're welcome.
So Trevor,
he's probably on Team River in some way,
but I really think you're a catfish.
"Wow. It sucks seeing people
get blocked and go home"
"but I really love these video messages
'cause I feel"
"you learn so much from having"
"a face-to-face conversation"
"and that's the closest thing to it."
I agree with you.
-Circle, message:
"How sad to see another real person go."
"I'm so glad she came across
as genuine as she was in person."
Oh! Chloe's met her.
Oh! Fuck.
I don't wanna ask Chloe
because it seems like,
"She come see you,
since you're saying that?"
-Circle, message: "Chloe, OMG."
"She come see you in person?
Question mark. Exclamation point."
-Circle, message:
"Yes. Capital letters. Party emoji."
[blows raspberries]
[yelps] Chloe!
-"I'm glad she came to see me."
"I wanted to know if she was real or not
after all the drama that went on."
"She was so angry she got sent home,
but I did give her
a massive Chloe cuddle"
"and said
that if you guys knew she was real,
she would've stayed in The Circle family.
Red heart emoji."
[Lee] Okay, so she was mad.
-Me and River right now said, "Oo!"
So Chloe's saying
that the influencers sent Terilisha home
because they thought she was a catfish.
Everybody's gonna start looking
for catfish,
and therefore to protect myself,
this catfish may have to become
a catfish hunter.
"Wow. I actually thought
Terilisha was who she said she was."
-"but that said, I'm dying to know
who the Joker is."
Oh! I'm with you, Trevor.
I'm about to follow you up now.
[Courtney] We not even gonna
pay Trevor no mind, girl.
Circle, message:
"Whoa, that sucks that she was upset,
but I know when this is all over,
we'll get together and"
-"drink and dance up a storm."
"Lance, open up that bar!"
See, Courtney, that's a little suspect.
That, to me, is saying Joker vibe.
You're trying to play this off
as light and fun, distract everybody,
when really,
they wanna know who the Joker is.
The Joker's just the person
who made River influencer.
If I was the Joker, I wouldn't reveal that
'cause it would reveal
I trust River the most.
Message: "#WillTheRealJokerPleaseStandUp?"
[laughs] That's a good hashtag.
"Will the real Joker please stand up?"
But you don't need to know that. [laughs]
[pop music plays]
[Michelle] That is so crazy.
I've just realized Mitchell and I have
the exact same morning workout routine.
And Lance Bass, played by Lisa,
wants to use his Hollywood charm
to make some new friends.
Uh, I really would like
to chat to Mitchell and Khat.
We are the three newest people,
so maybe there's potential
to group together.
Oh, my God! This is Lance from NSYNC.
I really, really need to be careful.
I don't want them to think
that Lance is a catfish,
but I'm not worried that's gonna happen
because I know everything about him.
So I'm really not afraid
that they're gonna catch me in a lie.
-Uh, let's start. Uh, Circle, message:
"Hi, y'all. I'm excited
to chat with you guys."
"How are you both doing?"
What's that say? "How are you both doing?"
-[Khat] Message:
"I'm fangirling just a little bit,
so you'll have to forgive me."
"Ha, ha, ha Dot, dot, dot.
What the hell are you doing here?"
Ah! She knows who I am.
She knows who I am.
No, Lisa. She knows who Lance Bass is.
[Lisa] Circle, message:
"I'm flattered."
And then let's do the embarrassed face
with the little hand covering it.
"You're forgiven, Khat. LOL."
"I'm here because I have some down time,
and I absolutely love
a bit of competition."
-And send.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
I wanna throw in my hook.
I'm ready to throw in my hook.
This is gonna let me know
if he's a catfish or not.
"I saw you as a kid
performing at the AA Center in Dallas."
"I think you wore a black leather jacket
with zippers on top of the shoulders.
Wow. Khat is really a fan.
I mean, Khat's going for it.
Hopefully, maybe May Maybe,
let him feel a little bit threatened?
Because he may think,
"Khat's a fan."
"How much does she know about me?"
That kinda thing.
And if Lance is like,
"I still have the jacket, or blah-blah"
He's lying! He's lying!
Okay. Let me think. Let me do some math.
She probably would have went
to the No Strings Attached
or Celebrity Tours,
but I do not recall Lance wearing
a black leather jacket
with zippers on top.
However, Lance would not remember anyway,
what he was wearing.
Come on, think hard, baby.
You're thinking hard
because them three little dots
aren't there.
Think hard on this.
Oh, you know what I'm gonna say?
"Oh, I love that venue."
[clicks tongue]
"Uh, exclamation point."
"I'm sure my sister has it
with the rest of my tour outfits
in her closet."
-And send.
I'm happy with that message.
I got him.
I got him.
You're not that good!
You're not that good!
I'm sweating.
[Michelle] If everyone who can't remember
what they wore 20 years ago is a catfish,
throw me in that river.
-[Mitchell] Message:
"Great connecting with you guys."
"Happy you reached out, Lance.
Talk soon. Fist pound emoji."
Circle, message: "Agreed.
This chat's been wonderful."
"I'm so happy to have
properly met you guys."
Do the red heart emoji.
-And send.
I'm already reeling you in.
I'm already Hey, gotcha.
[snickers, claps]
That was awesome.
They bought it.
They bought that it was Lance.
It's afternoon, and he may've conquered
the upside-down push-up,
but when it comes to cooking potatoes,
Mitch is way off.
[pop music plays]
It's time for a real game.
What do we have here?
[Lisa] How do you say that?
[Mitchell] "Glam-quins."
What does that even mean?
Like mannequins. Glammequins.
Oh, boy. Looks like it involves makeup.
"Today's challenge"
-"has been set"
-"by a very special guest."
What guest?
Who's this special guest-a-roony?
I'm gonna pass out if it's Rihanna.
[Michelle] As will I.
Hi, everyone. It's Jonathan Van Ness here.
-Oh, my gosh!
-Are you kidding me?
-It's Jonathan Van Ness!
It's Jonathan!
The guy from Queer Eye.
This is such a big deal.
This is a moment!
I'm so excited!
I have a challenge for you,
and it's all about creating
your most fabulous self.
It couldn't get any better.
I say that, and it keeps getting better.
My most fabulous self? Just like this.
At your door,
you'll find a majestic mannequin head
and a whole bunch of accessories.
-[Mitchell] What?
-[Michelle] Don't make him repeat himself.
Wig snatch.
I'm a guy who doesn't know
how to do makeup
that's posing as a woman who should.
So I'm fucked, Jonathan.
[Michelle] This gonna be so good.
Well, what are you waiting for?
Go get that glam kit, honeys.
[yelps] Oh, my God!
[Lee] Oh, my God.
-[Courtney] Oh, my goodness!
-Mannequin head ♪
Look at that gorgeous little thing.
What's in this box, though?
Look at me.
-Oh, I love that.
-Love that.
-A wig.
-[gasps] Oh, my gosh.
Is this supposed to be my hair?
My hair is much better than that.
I'm an Essex girl.
We've got to have our lashes.
This is professional shit.
Watermelon rainbow scrunchie.
No thanks. I'm not five.
A little scrunchie. I love it.
I'm excited about this.
So we are going hot and heavy, Jon.
I'm used to giving makeovers on Queer Eye,
but today, it's your task
to make your mannequin heads
look just like you, but extra.
It won't look like me.
I'll tell you that, Jonathan.
Make it pop.
Lance is pop.
Strong brows, luscious lashes,
a perfectly groomed beard.
Whatever your signature feature is,
make it stand out.
Don't stop, make it pop.
Confidence is key.
Be bold, be extra.
More is more here.
This is your chance
to be your most fabulous self.
Go wild with style.
I'm gonna go wild. I'm gonna make it pop.
I'll be judging the makeovers,
and the most fabulous one will win.
I know I'm known for being extremely kind,
but you all have about, mm,
thirty minutes
to complete your masterpiece.
Oh, my God! 30 minutes?
Your time starts now.
[exclaims] Okay!
Well, let's start with the base.
-[peppy pop music plays]
-We want natural, natural beauty.
Okay, girls.
Today, we are doing a simple
yet sophisticated look.
Yes, I love a Mitch makeup masterclass.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
Maybe I should use the liquid one?
[Michelle] Yes, Emily, girl,
you should be using the liquid one.
Beautiful. Beautiful!
Maybe the Fab Five will make it
the Fab Six after they see this.
I'm happy that this isn't on a real person
'cause I'm like [imitates gagging]
[Lee] River, you have to win this.
Daddy, this look like you, baby.
[Jack] I dunno how to get the blush
to stay.
That's just falls to the floor.
Like powdered sugar.
[peppy music continues]
-Eyeshadow. Okay, here we go.
Yes, look at that.
We got some like purple eyes going there.
[shouts] I got it in my mouth.
Okay, skin is done.
You ready for your eyebrows?
Going in for the brows. Okay.
[Deleesa] This is what I'm talking about.
Ah, why won't it stick?
No. Stay on for me, please.
These might fall off pretty soon.
[Mitchell laughs]
They ain't twins but they're cousins.
We gonna take this right here.
[Courtney] Holy shit.
[funky music plays
[exclaims, laughs]
I feel like I'm a caveman
discovering fire for the first time.
I like that. Now it's all about the hair.
[Lisa] Put this on him
to see what I'm working with.
[funky music continues]
There's one attempt at a space bun.
Holy shit. Hair.
Oh, it was supposed to go like that.
Um, oh, God. Now it's falling off.
The wig's fell off. The wig's fell off.
Oh! Why did I do that?
Actually, we'll take that.
Time for some finishing touches
to these fabulous creations
that will haunt my dreams forever.
That was pretty stressful.
[Lisa] I don't hate it.
I have perfected the art of glitter.
Nailed it. Nailed it.
-"You should now take a photo
of your mannequin makeovers."
It's time for your close up, girl.
I love it.
[Chloe] Getting those angles.
This looks like a real-ass person.
Maybe I should take one close up
so he can appreciate the glitter.
Jon is gonna be like, "Mitch, fabulous!"
I'm gonna be like, "Thank you."
If you're gonna catfish as a girl,
make sure your makeup skills are on point.
[Michelle] Great advice.
Trying to think of someone
that could use it.
[chill music plays]
After properly nailing
the Glammequin challenge,
Mitchell wants to talk to as many men
as physically possible.
Us guys, we got something
that's very important.
We got the bro code,
and I think this is gonna be really good
for all of us to connect and get closer.
So, Circle, open chat with the boys,
and name it "Brotherhood."
[all] "Mitchell has invited you
to the Brotherhood boys chat."
-Group chat!
That is smart of you, Mitchell.
That's exciting. As I put on my makeup.
-Circle, message:
"My brothers,
I wanted to start this chat
with the #CircleGentlemen
to bring us all together and connect
with all you guys."
-"Fist bump. Rocker. Rocket emoji." Send.
This feels like a fraternity.
Bitch, am I about to get branded?
So I'm excited to get
the Brotherhood started in The Circle,
and bring The Circle familia together.
Circle, message:
"Mitch, this was a great idea,
and I'm glad we get the opportunity
to get to know each other."
-Circle, send.
"Mitch, what's poppin'?
Great idea for this chat."
"What's up, bro?
Was thinking the same thing."
"Thank you for the Brotherhood group
where we can all"
-"shoot the shit." Exactly, Trevor.
That's a guy thing, right?
I shouldn't think too much into it.
That's a guy thing.
[Michelle] Yeah, exactly.
Not thinking much. Definitely a guy thing.
-Circle, message:
"Hey, Mitch.
Thanks for starting the guys' chat."
"New boy band anyone?
Laughing crying face emoji."
Yes, Lance. The new boy band
is right here. It's happening.
Circle, message:
"I'm down for a boy band."
"Who gets to be the lead singer?
My vocals are awful, TBH."
-"I'll dance though." [laughs]
"I'm attempting to play the guitar."
[strums out-of-tune chord]
[Michelle] #StoppingTheBandNow.
"I can't sing,
but I could be the rapper of the group."
"Cracking up face emoji with the tears."
"Mitchell, how are you feeling
about the ladies?"
Because Trevor and Chloe
got their little thing going on.
This is kinda like to see
how Mitchell's feeling about the girls.
Trevor's trying to dig.
Oh, this is juicy.
-Circle, message:
"Trevor, a few ladies have caught my eye."
"I was chatting up Emily.
I'm feeling her."
"Chloe's not that bad either.
Red hot chili pepper."
-"What about you guys?" Send.
I love that. So, Mitchell,
I could be your wingman. Mitchell.
-Message: "Me and Chloe have been"
[both] "flirting for a while."
"That's my Beyoncé, but she's so hot,
I expected you to look her way."
"I can definitely be your wingman
with Emily if you need one."
See, this is what I'm talking about.
Even though me and Trevor
were both looking at the same girl,
here we are having a proper talk about it.
"Chloe and Emily are sweethearts and ready
to party."
Give me a cocktail emoji, a heart emoji.
Those-queens-have-my-heart emoji.
-Circle, message:
"Trevor, my man,
I'm gonna take a step back,
and let you be the Jay-Z to your Beyoncé."
Tsk, Mitchell, I love you. [laughs]
He easily could've been on some like,
"I'm not stepping down."
"Yo, I appreciate that, man.
Circle, message:
"Trevor, you and Chloe are iconic."
"So I've been calling you guys #"
-[laughs] "Clevor."
I fucking love that.
"Mitch, I'll call you guys"
-"Memily. I love that."
-Circle, message:
"Grateful we had this chat."
"You all seem like such great people."
"Everybody in here, I get nothing
but genuine and positive energy from."
-Send. This is golden hour right now.
My guys are coming together like
a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich.
This was meant to be.
I'm definitely one of the bros.
What, what
What, what ♪
If Chloe started coming
between me and Trevor,
I think I'd be the first to be like,
"Bro, let's both drop this chick because"
-[Michelle] Don't go there.
-"bros before hoes, man."
Ugh, you went there.
-Circle, message:
"Great chat.
Can't wait to do it again."
-And send.
Yes, Lance. Speaking of
The Brotherhood Tour ♪
[strums out-of-tune chord]
Dun, dun, duh ♪
[Michelle] Brotherhood Tour.
Y'all heard it here first,
and I better get free tickets.
Meanwhile, Chloe is just,
well, being Chloe.
Ready for takeoff.
Be prepared for a little bit
of turbulence. [whistles]
[exclaims] Oh, my God!
[imitates dying holler]
After promising his homeboy Trevor
that he wouldn't flirt with Chloe,
Mitchell's getting ready
for a quiet night.
Enter Chloe. I mean, obviously.
[Chloe] In this game,
you don't know whether you're talking
to Paul or Patricia,
so I might as well flirt with all the guys
and hope that one of them
turn out to be real.
Circle, open private chat
with Michelle.
-[romantic music plays]
"Chloe has invited you to a private chat."
Oh, boy.
-[music continues]
Trevor was just like,
[imitates Trevor]
"I'm talking to Chloe the last few days,
and we've been flirty."
I was like,
"All right. Do your thing."
We can still be friends though.
take me to the private chat with Chloe.
"Hey, Mitch. How's your day been?"
"Gotten any bigger
since the last time we spoke?"
"You sort. Laughing face emoji.
Drooling face emoji." Send message.
Ah, now that's pretty flirty.
If he responds cheeky,
I'm winning.
We gotta shut her down, man.
I can't do that to Trevor
and break my word.
He was offering himself in my bath.
He wanted to get in the bath with me.
Aw, Chloe, don't make me
do this to you, girl.
All right, let's message.
-[gasps, yelps]
[Chloe] "Chloe, glad you reached out.
I'm excited to get to know you better."
"LOL. Just got back from the gym.
Cooking up some chicken alfredo now."
[romantic music ends]
He's not flirting with me. Why?
There's gotta be a reason.
One of the other girls got in there.
I reckon he's speaking to Emily.
[Mitchell] Bro code.
Like my boy, Trevor,
[soft music plays]
if he likes this chick,
I'm not gonna step on his toes.
I don't even know what chicken alfredo is.
So it makes it even worse.
We're gonna follow that up.
-Circle, message:
"Chloe, I think you're an absolute angel."
"For that reason exactly,
is why I want to be
upfront and honest with you,
and get to know you
on more a friendly level."
[soft music continues]
He's just friend-zoned me.
I think he's found out
about me and Trevor.
[chuckles] Could you imagine?
Could you imagine? Oh
-Circle, message: "Oh, God."
"Now I'm confused.
You initiated the flirting, mister."
-I know I did.
"You've done absolutely nothing wrong."
"I don't wanna flirt with you
just to get higher ratings."
"I'd rather take this opportunity
to get to know you better."
I don't want to flirt
just to get higher ratings either
[whimsical music plays]
but it works. [laughs]
Circle, message: "It feels good to know
that I have someone to rely on."
"Whenever I need someone to talk to,
I can talk to you."
"Love heart emoji. #FriendZoned."
-Send message.
[Mitchell laughs]
He definitely fucking spoke to Trevor,
didn't he? [growls]
-[Mitchell] Circle, please leave chat.
I think that actually went really well.
[Michelle] Um, were you even in that chat?
When he sees me at the final,
he's definitely gonna regret his decision
'cause I'm gonna be wearing
a really, really sexy red dress,
and I'm gonna make sure
my boobs look absolutely ginormous.
[pop music plays]
[Michelle] #RevengeBoobs.
Now, back to the game.
Let's go. Come on.
"The results
of the Glammequin challenge are in."
I wanna win this. Jonathan, please.
Hi, everyone.
I hope you all had fun
giving your manny a makeover.
I am really proud of my Glammequin.
But none of them are as special as mine.
Come here.
[whimsical music plays]
God damn! That looks just like you.
He looks a little bit like
a really fit-looking version of Jesus.
That's next level. That's amazing.
But now it's time for me
to offer some honest feedback.
[music continues]
Oh, actual feedback?
I take critique well,
but you better be positive about my shit.
Tell me how much you looove Trevor's.
[upbeat music plays]
-[Jonathan] First, we have River.
Oh, my God.
That is amazing.
Wow. That's good.
That's like a craft store
exploded on his mannequin.
Let's see what you say.
You came to slay.
Wig game on point. Butterfly clips, love.
It's so beautiful.
I'm so happy with that feedback.
Jonathan Van Ness said he was obsessed.
-[Jonathan] Next up, we have Khat.
What? Oh!
Not bad.
Oh, yeah! Oh.
[snickers] Yes. Cash that, girl.
[inhales] Nah, this look like Beyoncé.
You look good, girl. You look good.
-Hair, yes. Skin, absolutely.
The eyelashes? I wanna be her friend.
We're friends. You don't even know.
We're friends anyways.
-[Jonathan] Next up, we have Trevor.
That's really good actually.
Trevor done that?
I did good. We did good.
you have really come to play today.
It's Has sort of a feminine feel to me.
This may be too good.
Let's start off with the eyebrows.
They are perfection.
I feel like I can see
some of your personality in your eyes.
I'm really very impressed
with the makeup application.
I don't know how to do that with mine.
Mine's so splotchy.
Trevor, you've just done really well.
[screams delightfully]
Thank you, Jonathan.
I don't believe a guy has done that.
[laughs triumphantly]
There's something funky going on there.
-[Jonathan] Moving on to Mitchell.
Oh, my God! It's beautiful.
Mitchell, what the hell is that?
[laughs] It's beautiful.
He's even put the eyelashes on right.
I feel like Mitchell's a woman.
You catfishing, sis?
Your eyelash placement game is next level.
Also, you're giving me this, like,
mystical journey.
A little glittery, sparkly moment.
Some things to think about,
maybe workshop on for next time.
Your manny's got a major chinstrap.
I was working on it.
I actually really like it a lot.
I love the chinstrap actually. [chuckles]
-[Jonathan] Next up, we have Lance.
Lance does his hair every day.
He would've chopped this hair way better.
This tells me catfish.
I am a little nervous.
I wonder if Jonathan
texted Lance immediately.
And was like, "I saw a mannequin you did."
Or not you. [laughs]
Lance, you are a doll,
but we need to talk about your doll.
-I've been such a fan for the longest.
-Oh, God.
I know you have sat in many a salon chair
and directed many a stylist
on a proper haircut.
Which is why I'm confused about the top.
It looks like it has survived
a lawnmower attack.
The hair was bad.
I couldn't get it to stand up.
Jonathan told all of us.
The real Lance wouldn't have done this.
-[Jonathan] Which brings us to Chloe.
Why is there a line
of different skin color?
Oh, my God!
Chloe, you did such a great job.
Oh, yeah.
Everyone likes someone
who really goes for it, and that you did.
So good job, girl.
Oh, my God. Did you hear that?
I'mma give it to her.
This is something a girl'd do.
I could see Chloe's personality.
[Jonathan] Next up, we have Courtney.
-[snaps fingers]
-Oh, shit.
Oh, my God.
It looks like a mess.
Courtney, you did an amazing job.
Flower crown, yes.
Extensions, A for effort.
Eye makeup
[all laugh]
I wanna love it, but
It looks like something
out of a scary movie.
I think I did a good job.
-[Jonathan] And finally, Emily.
-[sad piano music plays]
Oh. Ew.
Oh, my God, Emily.
That don't look like a 21-year-old girl
did that, does it?
Now I've got doubts.
I'm just gonna wither up
and die on the floor.
Emily, this was a struggle.
[imitates dying groan]
I sense a lack of time.
Maybe, you know, a sense of anxiety
emanating from your manny.
[Jack] No, Jonathan.
[sad music continues]
Get it off the screen.
I'm now starting to doubt
whether Emily's actually Emily
because only a fucking monster
could create that.
It turned out a little bit salmon, um,
and that happens sometimes.
Maybe there was a sunburn.
[Jack] Is it off the screen yet?
She might be a dude, and that's not good.
Does this manny look like a person?
Close, not all the way, but so close.
Honey. So this just, to me,
confirms that Emily is a whole dude.
[chuckles] You know what? A for effort.
There's an age-old saying that says
your eyebrows should be sisters,
not twins.
These eyebrows are like third cousins.
That shit could actually lose me the game.
Like, that's kinda brutal.
[sad music ends]
[Courtney] If every single player
is not questioning
Emily's identity after this,
then they don't deserve to win $100,000.
I hope you all had fun
giving your mannys a makeover.
That was fun.
And you should all be
so proud of what you've achieved.
We know. We know.
Now sadly, there can only be one winner.
Wonder who it is. I don't know.
I want to win so bad.
I can now announce
I think it's Khat. That's my gut.
that the winner is
I'm ready to take my crown.
Drum roll, please.
-[upbeat pop music plays]
-[both pound drum rolls]
Trevor! Yes!
Are you joking?
Trevor, you slay.
I mean, honestly you did so good.
Did he just say Trevor?
I'm shocked.
Blown away at the magic
and at the application.
Just such precise and gorgeous work.
Trevor, you did that. Congratulations.
Thank you, Jesus.
[cheers gleefully]
I really think that I was a close second.
As long as it wasn't Lance or Emily,
I didn't care who it was.
His was good.
Mine was fabulous.
There's a difference, Jonathan.
"Please collect your prize from the door."
[sighs, laughs]
I love these cute-ass trophies, man.
Trevor's mannequin was scarily perfect.
How did I pull that off? Oh, my God.
Plot twist.
I won, I won, I won.
[inhales excitedly] I won! I won!
Emily and Trevor
are raising red flags right now,
-[solemn piano music plays]
-and they're my besties.
Can it get any fucking worse?
Like, all of the girls and any guy
with half of a brain is gonna be like,
"A girl did not do that makeup."
Everyone's gonna see Emily's mannequin
and think exactly the same thing.
I'm actually like kind of upset.
I think I'm just kind of fucked now.
Fuck, dude.
[solemn music continues]
Emily isn't a woman. Emily is a man.
[voice breaks] I literally like think
I'm just fucked. Fuck, dude.
It's just ridiculous that this is the shit
that's getting me upset,
but I just think like all my work is out,
like, down the drain.
Fuck. [sobs]
I don't know
how I'm gonna get out of this, dude.
Emily, are you a catfish?
We gotta get a catfish out.
Uh! I was doing so well.
Girl, you in danger, girl. For sure.
I literally think my game
is like down the toilet, bro.
[solemn music continues]
[menacing music plays]
After a day heavy on eyeliner and drama,
our players are hitting the sack,
which means The Circle's
about to hit the you-know-what button.
[all] Alert!
[Lee laughs] Okay.
Oh, God. Right before bed.
What are y'all doing?
It's too late for all this.
"Players, the competition is heating up."
"The next ratings
will have huge consequences."
Oh, my God.
"Tomorrow two players
will be blocked
from The Circle."
Good Jesus sweet Christ.
How many have we got now?
That means five will be left.
[music swells]
Six will be left.
How do I survive when two people
are going to be blocked?
I could go home tomorrow.
There's such a big chance that I could be
one of these two players being blocked.
I'd like to think that I'm gonna be okay,
but you never know.
If I was Emily, I'd be shitting myself.
God, I'm really fucked, aren't I?
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing]
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