The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s02e07 Episode Script

Straycation Part 2

[grunts in effort]
[screams, grunts]

- Ooh! Ooh! Just remember,
if anything goes wrong,
punch first and ask questions later.
- Grug
- I know. It's just we're leaving,
Bettermans are leaving, Gran is doing
who knows what as usual.
[creature snarls]
[Gran growling]
- Dad, relax. I've got this.
- See? That's why we're putting
Eep in charge while we're gone.
- You're putting Eep in charge?
I don't think so,
because we're putting Dawn in charge.
- Right because she's a Betterman.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- It means we've been teaching Dawn
the rules of the farm
ever since she was born.
- No eating in bed,
no eating between meals,
no eating with your mouth open.
Actually, there's a whole
bunch of eating ones.
- Well, we've been teaching
Eep the rules of survival
ever since she was born. Tell 'em, Eep!
- Don't die?
- Exactly,
and it's the only rule that matters.
- To a wild animal, perhaps.
- You know what this means, right?
- Power struggle?
- No! It means you and I can
run the farm however we want.
- Oh yeah! That's way better.
- Because you are an animal!
- Look, there's no need to
argue about who's in charge.
- Right, because Eep and I
will both be in charge,
so you're all
[intensely]: banished from the farm!
- Uh, she's kidding.
We're not mad with power.
- Or are we?
[evil laughter]
Sorry. I got carried away.
- Let's live wild, the world's our own ♪
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll ♪
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go ♪
Whoa-ho-ho ♪
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together ♪
It's an evolution
for worse or for better ♪
To find some unity ♪
For all humanity ♪
Because we're stuck together ♪
In one big family tree ♪
- Just remember, when in doubt,
ask yourself, "what would Grug do?"
And then do the opposite.
[Grug growls]
- And remember your ABCs.
BOTH: Always Be cleaning.
- No! Always be looking over your shoulder
because a predator could
strike at any time. So, A
Think there might be a T in there
- Wait!
If you're leaving,
wh-who's gonna make me breakfast
a-and toast my toast
and spread my bounceberry jam
and top off my papaynapple juice?
- Ask Eep and Dawn.
They're in charge while we're gone.
- New management, huh?
Okay! Let's give it a whirl.
I'll take my breakfast on the veranda,
I like my chickenseal eggs runny,
and my berry cakes fluffy!
- Huh. I'm surprised
I wasn't put in charge.
You know, because I survived on
my own in the wild all those years.
- Do you wanna be in charge, Guy-boy?
- Me? No. [laughs]
I trust you and Dawn. Plus,
being in charge is a lot of pressure.
This headache's all yours.
- Aw! Thanks for not making it weird.
Mom, Dad, we're gonna miss you so much.
Now, get outta here.
- We'll be back tomorrow night!
- We know.
HOPE: Just remember, fear is your friend.
So is panic. And running and hiding.
They're all your pals!
- And my lab is off limits!
- For everyone but me. Got it.
- No! For everyone!
- At night.
- At all times!
- On it.
- Now, if eelgles attack--
- They won't.
- Oh! Oh! And if you run out of water--
- We won't.
- Of course, the farm is most
vulnerable to air attack.
I could build a protective
dome over everything before we go
EEP/DAWN: Don't!
- No sudden movements!
Sleep with both eyes open!
Use the buddy system!
- Dad! Go!
I thought they'd never leave.

[growling, snarling]
So, what should we do first?
DAWN: Well,
normally, we clean the kitchen first,
then the living room, then the bedrooms
- Dawn! We're in charge now, remember?
- You're right. What was I thinking?
Let's clean the bathroom first.
- Dawn, you're not getting it!
Those are our parents rules.
But, they're not here. Which means
we can do whatever we want.
We can take Chunky Cat out for a joy ride,
or go night diving.
- Or eat a piece of cake
with a dinner fork
instead of a dessert fork!
- Ooh! Or, we can make Thunk breakfast!
That's a fun and cool thing
we could do, right, G-man?
- Don't ask me, T-bone. I'm not in charge.
I'm just along for the ride. [sighs]
[panting, growling]
No weight on my shoulders
and nothing on my mind.
[laughs] Wait, is this
what it's like to be you?
- Pretty much!
- Huh. Now, I get it.
This is nice.
DAWN: This is nice
because if there are no rules,
that means we can do anything?
- Anything.
- [deep voice]: Yes! No rules!
I am totally not putting
that chair back. No rules!
- No rules!

[laughing, cheering]
[laughing, yelling]
- Yeah!
- Woo!
- I know you guys said
there was breakfast in here,
but I'm just I'm not seeing it.
Are you guys sure--
[screaming, grunting]
- Trampoline combo go!
[grunting, yelling]
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
[laughs] You're up, Dawn.
Bounce this baby to the bone!
- [panting] Trampoline combo whoa!
- Trampoline combo no!
[punch monkeys screeching]
- Phil said
[imitating]: the maximum occupancy
for the elevator is four.
- And Phil's way off
because there's room for one more.
But not one more Chunky!
- Chunky, no!
- Phil's lab minus one Phil.

Sash! Sash! Sash! Sash! Sash! Sash! Sash!
[sloths chirping]
- [sighs] No rules.

- No [yawns] rules
- No rules!
- Ah!
[grunts] Eep, what are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- Uh, going to bed?
- Why?
- Because it's bedtime?
- Dawn! No rules means no bedtime!
- Whoa. This is uncharted territory.
What do we do?
- We stay up all night.
- Yes! Because this is our time!
Our moment!
Sorry. I drank way too much
bitter bean juice at dinner,
and now I can't close my eyes,
and I'm just gonna go run in circles
until the sun comes up. Woohoo!
- Hm. No sleep.
- No sleep!
BOTH: Awake boom!
- Ah! Ah. Dawn? You awake?
- [gasps] Wide awake!
- Me, too!
This is the best!
- The best!
- But, maybe
we should get a little sleep.
Just so we're fresh for tomorrow.
Not because we have to.
- No, because we want to. It's our choice.
[both sigh]
[soft snoring]

[Eep yawns]
- You ready for another
rule-free day of fun?
I was thinking we could do
a cart race down the hill.
- Definitely against the rules,
so we're doing it.
THUNK: And I was thinking
we could make me breakfast
because I am starving.
- Thunk, if you want breakfast,
make it yourself.
- But that's not how this works.
Someone else makes me breakfast,
and I eat it.
- Not anymore.
Grab yourself some breakfast pie, T-bone.
- It's not scrambled eggs, but it is pie,
so yes.
[Sandy snarls]
Hey! That's my pie!
[gasp] And that's my spot!
Do you know how long it took me
to mold that spot to my body?
- No rules, Thunk. Couch is fair game,
[Sandy giggles]
just like Phil's lab equipment,
which I'm totally using.
Ah! [laughs]
[Eep laughs]
- No rules!
- No rules!
- [gasps] Hey! Why are you wasting pie?
- Because we can!
We can do whatever we want!
Parents are so wrong! We don't need rules!
[monkeys shrieking]
- What was that?
- It sounds like punch monkeys,
but where is it coming from?
- Let's take a look on mirror window.

[monkeys chattering]
Got 'em!
GUY: Are they knocking on the gate?
Why are they knocking?
They're punch monkeys, not knock monkeys.
- And I think they wanna come in.
- Punch monkeys aren't
allowed inside the wall.
- Is what our parents would say
because they have rules,
but we don't.
- Maybe the punch monkeys aren't all bad.
In fact, I bet if we give them a chance--
GUY: Ah!
I should really stop making
these coco-booms.
- Well, Dawn, what do you say?
- I say "Let. Them. In."
BOTH: Let them in! Let them in!
- Who's gonna clean up this mess?
Usually, I make the mess,
and then someone else cleans it up.
EEP: Not anymore!
You want that mess cleaned up?
You can clean it up yourself.
[monkeys chattering]
- Clean it up myself
Huh. Never tried that before. Interesting.

- What'd he say?
- He said they heard us having fun.
Ow. And they want in.
- See? Our parents are
totally wrong about this!
Fun brings everyone together,
even punch monkeys.
- Guy, ask them if they want a cart race.
[monkeys screeching]
Oh, and tell them it used
to be totally against the rules,
just like them being here. But,
things have changed around here.
- Yeah. Tell 'em we're running
a brave new farm.
Except for the treehouse
because if our parents find out
we let the punch monkeys go in there,
none of us will be safe.
[Guy yelling]
GUY: Teeth! Why would you do that?!
They said yes!
And everything's going dark.
Okay, guys. First one to the bottom wins.
- Other than that, no rules.
- Ow! They wanna know
if you really mean that.
- Of course we mean it!
- Ready, set Hey, no fair!
- We did say no rules.
GUY: Go, go, go!

- There goes your head start!
Hey! Who's throwing papaynapples?
- Well, we are in a no rules race
against the punch monkeys, so
- No problem!
We can not play by the rules, too!
Yes! Chew on that!
[all grunt]
What-- They can't do that!
[all grunt]
- Actually, they can!
That's the thing about not having rules.
I thought we covered that. Ah!
[all grunt]
- So, what can we do?
- We can do anything!
We can use a vine to pull
them outta their cart!
- Do we have a vine?
- No!
- Oh! We can use bounceberries
to make their wheels sticky
and slow them down!
- Do we have bounceberries?
- No!
Maybe we should just
ram our cart into theirs!
- Good idea. No rules!
GUY: Ah!
No good!
EEP: No kidding!
- And no brakes!
[all screaming]
I guess we lost the race!
GUY: Yeah! But it's worth it!
This view is sublime!
- Yeah, it's great, but we should
probably get out of this cart
before it crashes!
- Good call! Crashing is the worst!
- Okay! Everybody jump on three!
[Eep growls]
- What'd he say?
- "Chew on that."
- I'm starting to rethink
rethinking the rules.
Our parents are not going
to be happy about this.
I know, especially my dad.
The outhouse is his
favorite place on the farm!
But, it's a small price
to pay for freedom.
- True, and at least
the damage is out here
and not in the treehouse.
- Oh no. They're headed for the treehouse!
- Oh no, they're not. [whistles]
Sandy, you can outrun
a punch monkey, right?
Translate for me, Guy-boy.
GUY: Whoa!
- Good race, punch monkeys!
You're pretty fast.
But, are you fast enough to catch Sandy?
[monkeys shrieking]
Okay, bought us some time.
Let's get to work.
- What on flat Earth happened?
I just finished cleaning up
the other mess! [gasps]
EEP: We let the punch monkeys
come inside the wall,
but we can't let them
come inside the treehouse.
- Right. So, how do we keep them out?
- Well, if I was in charge, which I'm not,
I'd draw up a blueprint
of the entire treehouse
to identify possible entry points. Hm?
And then, if I was in charge,
which I'm not, I'd set up
a bunch of booby traps at said
entry points, so they couldn't get in.
- Guy-boy, how would you like to be in
charge of keeping the punch monkeys out?
- Yes! Don't get me wrong,
going along for the ride
has its perks,
but nothing beats
calling the shots.
- I'm all for whatever it is you guys
are cooking up here,
but do me a favor? Keep it clean.
- Are you okay?
- I'm not sure.
I just put something where it belongs!
And instead of leaving crumbs,
I'm sweeping brooms.
I used to watch window.
Now, I'm cleaning it!
I don't know who I am anymore! Ah!

BOTH: Yeah!
- Okay, we're ready.
Where are the punch monkeys?
- Let's check mirror window.
- Ah-ah! I'll do it.
Don't want you leaving smudges.
[Sandy panting]
- Looks like Sandy ran too fast
and lost the punch monkeys.
- Ah, and now the punch monkeys
are trying to get into the treehouse!
- [laughs] Not on our watch!
Let's show these punch monkeys
we can punch back.
DAWN: Whoa!
- Let's shake it till we make it.
[both grunting]
BOTH: Boom!
- Now! Ha ha!
- Coco-boom!
Monkey see,
monkey don't.
- Uh, can I interest you in a banana?
- Spin it to win it! [laughs] Yeah!

- Well, they're gone.
But the mess isn't. And would it
kill any of you to use a coaster?!
[bang, gasping]
- What was that? An earthquake?
- Worse. It's a punch-quake.
[monkeys chattering]
I think they're trying
to punch their way in.
- Or punch us out!
- Either way,
we have a punch problem. Guy,
you think you can punch
some sense into them?
- Into punch monkeys?
No. [sighs] But I'll try.

You make a great point. Oh! Ah!
I feel the same way. No hard feelings.
- How's it going out here?
GUY: Not to punch my own horn,
but I think I punched them into leaving.
- That's great! I can't handle
one more mess today. [laughs]
You know what?
We should all celebrate together.
Come on in, punch monkeys!
[growl, shrieking]
- No-- Thunk!
- Oh. I'll get the broom.
[monkeys chattering]
[monkeys chattering]
[objects clattering]

- I was so wrong about rules.
- Yeah because without rules,
this happens.
[chattering, screaming]
- The good news is our parents
aren't here to see this.
- Yet! But, we need
to stop the punch monkeys
before they get back.
- Maybe we don't stop them.
Maybe we join them.
- What are you talking about?
- The punch monkeys love to break rules.
Let's see how much rule-breaking
they can handle, hm?
- But, I thought we agreed we need rules.
- We do, right after we break
every single one of them.
- Makes perfect sense.
Fruit fight!
[monkeys chatter]
- [sighs] No point in
cleaning until this is all over.
- Tree surfing!
[monkeys shrieking]
EEP/DAWN: Woohoo!

Cart jousting!
EEP: Yeah!
[both laughing]
One more, and we'll set
a new new elevator record!
Come on, Chunky!
[monkeys yelling]
Monkey bounce!
[all grunt]
- I think they're running out of steam!
- So, let's turn up the heat!
[all panting]
[monkeys chattering]
Come on, punch monkeys!
Roll with the punches!
[all panting]
And the boulders!
loud dance music playing ♪
[drumming, laughter]
- Oh! What's the matter, punch monkeys?
You can't handle a good time?
- Yeah! The night's young!
We're just getting started!
- We did it! And with plenty of time
before our parents get back!
muffled music ♪
- What is that noise? Is that drumming?
Where's it coming from?
- I'm guessing the treehouse.
- And I'm guessing
the kids are breaking most,
if not all, the rules.
- Well, they're certainly breaking
the "no percussion instruments
after dark" rule!
- And those lights are like
a big flashing sign that says,
"Hey, predators!
Delicious kids here! Come eat us!"
- When I'm done with those kids,
they will never break another rule.
- No. When we're done with those kids,
[knuckles crack]
they'll never break another rule.
- [whispering]:
This is the last of them, right?
- [whispering]: Yup.
You wanna do the honors?
- Feels good to get these
monkeys off our backs. [grunts]
EEP: You know,
they're kinda cute when they're sleeping.
- They sure are, Eep. They sure are.
- Well, we did it.
And we've learned a valuable lesson.
- Rules are there for a reason.
But, if you get in trouble
because you broke the rules,
you can fix things by breaking more rules.
Good lesson.
That takes care of one mess,
but what are you gonna do
when your parents see this mess?
[chickenseals clucking]
- Well, I know what
I'm gonna do. [grunting]
Eep, let me rip!
- Sorry, Dawn. I don't think
we can launch our way out of this.
- Well, whatever you do,
you'd better do it quick.
I clocked your parents
headed home on my way back.
- "Way back"? From where?
- What's with all the questions?!
- I-it was just the one question.
- One too many. Now,
I'll go slow 'em down.
That'll buy you some
time to figure this out.
- You're gonna help us? Why?
- Because I was young once, too,
before the moon was born.
And stop asking so many questions!
- Okay, we don't have much time.
What are we gonna do?
- ABC. Always Be Cleaning.
- Did someone say clean?
- Seriously, who are you?
I just hope they didn't touch my lab
because that's my place.
- Or the outhouse because that's my place.
[all grunt]
- Mom! What are you--
- Shh!
I'm saving your lives.
There's a pack
of angry scorpulions on the prowl.
- What? Scorpulions are jungle dwellers.
They prefer a balmy climate.
Why would scorpulions
be prowling around here?
- Oh no! Scorpulions!
Too many questions.

- Hyah!
- The kitchen is spotless.
- The branches outside
are perfectly pie-free.
- The outhouse is an outhouse again.

- Ah, ha! We caught you!
- Oh. Hey, Dad.
I'm just writing in my bark journal.
- Mm-hmm. I'm making a scented candle.
[sniff, sighs] Lavender. Mm-mmm.
- I'm, uh [nervous laugh]
sitting on this chair that I never left
because nothing happened
and everything is normal.
- I'm painting a portrait of all of you.
And Sandy's sharpening an ax.
- Wait Everything looks fine.
- Better than fine.
It's cleaner than we left it.
No crumbs, no dirt, no fires.
- And no one's been eaten.
- Yep. We were just enjoying a quiet night
of cleaning and following the rules.
- I see. But what about the drumming?
- Just a little cleaning music.
- And those lights?
- You need light to see dirt.
Ooh! I missed a spot.
- Well, now I know something's wrong.
Thunk, give me that broom!
- [whispering]: I don't know if I can.
- Is it so hard to believe
we could take care of ourselves?
- Yes, because you're kids,
and kids don't follow the rules.
- These kids do.
- I guess so.
Looks like everything's fine.
You guys did a great job.
- Oh, Dawn! I knew
you could do it.
I'm so proud of you!
And I'm so tired.
- That's probably just
the scorpulion venom.
We all got stung on our way back.
- Fortunately for us,
Gran was there to chase them off.
Never got to thank her though.
She was gone when she woke.
Probably still out there,
exacting vengeance.

- Anyway, it was a long day,
and I'm seeing double.
So, good night.
[overlapping good nights]
- Phew! That was close!
But we pulled it off.
- Yep,
and our parents will never
know what really happened.
No rules.
- No rules.
- No rules.
[Sandy howling]
I'm starving!
What? I am.

- What's this?

[all yell]
- I might have missed a coco-boom.
- So, we need to find a new place to live.

theme music playing ♪
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