The Following s02e07 Episode Script


_ I thought you were dead.
If something happened to you, that would end me.
Now you know how I feel.
So you have a plan? I have an epic plan.
I need you, Em.
I want to make a trade-- your son for Joe Carroll.
I sacrificed too much, Joe.
I'm not willing to give up on you.
Can't have you running off after Ryan Hardy.
Give me my son.
Now! Where's Luke? No! It's too late! Drive! Mike, stop it! What's going on with you? I have Joe.
Where's the airstrip? Tillman Road.
We'll meet you there in 20 minutes.
What? Where is he? I don't know! Joe was here.
Someone inside the FBI is helping him.
You made me give up the FBI.
Please, Jana.
I'm here for you when you need anything.
You've been so good to me.
They killed my son.
You are getting exactly what you deserved.
Aah! I'm done with you, Lily.
We're here.
_ Should we call somebody, let them know we're here? Oh.
They know we're here.
How well do you know this Robert guy? He already told you that.
Am I talking to you? Hey, hey, girls.
We're all tired.
Let's not fight, huh? Robert is an old friend, and he lives here with his friends.
So what is the plan once we get inside? Meet our host, figure out the hierarchy, feel our way, you know? What kind of cult is this? I hear they're quite a peaceful lot.
Roderick identified them as a vulnerable group, easily swayed.
And Robert has paved the way? Yeah.
He seemed very enthusiastic.
Tell you the truth, I don't know Robert all that well.
He visited me a couple of times in prison, but he was very much Roderick's recruit.
Then ultimately, he never made it to Havenport, so we're kind of winging it here.
Somebody's coming.
Hey, Robert.
I'm sorry we're so late.
Sorry, Joe.
I wanted to bring you in a different way.
Whoa! All of you, on your knees! I-- I'm sorry? It's ok.
You can trust us.
Shut up, Robert.
If you want to enter, you must humble yourselves.
On your knees, hands behind your back now.
Let's, uh-- let's do as the nice people ask.
Joe Carroll.
So it really is you.
Oh, yes, it's me.
Are you in charge here? Can I have a word-- Joe! There's-- there's really no need for that.
I know out in the world you're a big deal with a killer cult and a bunch of followers, but in here, you are the follower.
No! Joe! Go.
Get in the van! Mr.
Hardy, Mr.
Hardy, Mr.
Hardy! Will you confirm your involvement in the search for Lily Gray? Do you have anything to say? People want to know what's going on.
Thanks for coming in, Mr.
How's your wound? I'll heal.
What can I do for you? Well, I'm inclined to believe you.
About what? That you saw Joe Carroll and that he is, in fact, alive and that he knew we were on to him.
Someone warned him not to get on that plane.
According to the pilot, he received a phone call just prior.
I went to the evidence warehouse in Virginia where Carroll's physical DNA was being stored, and it's possible that his DNA had been swapped.
That means that he would have someone inside the Bureau this entire time.
Any ideas on who that may be? I need to know.
I cannot trust anyone.
Well, by your own logic, how can I trust you? You're facing federal charges.
The only reason you're not in jail is because Director Franklin wanted to minimize the fallout.
However, there will be repercussions.
Gina, right? Feel free to arrest me whenever you like, but till then You know, I actually like you.
I even respect your need to do this without the Bureau's help, but you put the people that you care about in danger, and I don't understand or respect that.
Mike, did you get my message? They interview Luke yet? He's not talking.
Everyone thinks Lily left the country.
DC found several different properties in various countries all linked to her.
Yeah, but she prepared for this.
Not gonna find her through the records.
Can you get me in to see Luke? Maybe I can get him to talk.
Uh, I'm leaving.
What? I'm going home, Ryan.
I'm done.
Mike, wait.
Get out! Move! Joe, are you still there? Still here, mouse.
It's gonna be fine.
Divest yourself of all your clothing and possessions and place them in a barrel.
What? She wants us to take off our clothes.
It's all good.
Go ahead.
It's time for you to lose what you learned outside these walls.
Cleanse yourself.
I asked to go.
I want to go.
Why? I lost control.
I almost killed Luke.
He was trying to kill you.
You weren't there, Ryan.
I did a lot more than that.
I lost it.
I thought I was ready for this.
I thought coming back would somehow help me.
A lot's happened in the past year-- Havenport Debra.
And, um, I've had some problems with my friends, my family.
I don't respond to normal situations appropriately.
I can fake it most of the time.
Then I cloud over.
My dad won't talk to me.
He-- he doesn't get it.
Can you talk to somebody else? I have.
I've talked to therapists, I've talked to counselors.
I need to go, Ryan.
My flight's in the morning.
It's for the best.
For how long? For 6 months or until this case is over, but I'm not going back to the Intel Division.
I'm so sorry, Max.
I didn't lose my career yet.
I got suspended.
- What if I call somebody at the Bureau? - Don't, ok? I knew the deal.
I'm ok with this.
What are you gonna do? I'm more worried about what you're gonna do.
It's time to rethink this, what you've been doing, what we've all been doing.
I'm fine.
You're obsessed, but go ahead and dodge the issue.
I'm not dodging anything, but I'm not gonna stop.
I can't.
Sure you can.
You make the decision right this moment.
You go back to teaching, you-- you forget about all of this.
I withdrew of the semester.
I'm not gonna lie to you, Max.
I can't, not after everything you've done for me, but I have to be the one to find him.
You mean to kill him.
I mean to kill him.
I stopped drinking so I could get clear-headed enough to find him, so I could get healthy enough to hunt him.
I started teaching because I knew it would anger him.
So this life you see, it's all for him.
So am I obsessed? Yeah, I am, and I'm ok with it.
Maybe this new life was for Carroll, but it doesn't have to be anymore.
This is your life, Ryan, and it's very real.
You have a family-- me-- who loves you.
Just think about it, please.
Korban-- love, unity, peace.
We are one.
Korban is family, Korban is love.
Korban forever.
You can call me Julia for now.
We have beds set up for you in the main dorm.
And what is your role here, Julia? I assist Micah in all areas of operation, I'm his wife and lead deacon.
Why do we have to wear these masks? Because you haven't earned an identity yet.
I don't see much identity here.
I see conformity.
What you see is unity.
You see community and spirit.
It's sad that you don't recognize that, Emma.
Micah wants to see Joe.
It appears Micah has requested your presence.
Robert will take you.
Don't fear me, girls.
I'm not your enemy, I'm your champion.
Come on.
I'll show you around.
Let's go.
What did I tell you, huh? What did I tell you? You told me not to drink in the car.
That's right, and look what you did.
You're gonna clean it up! Ok.
I'll do it.
Aah! I've had it with you.
Look what you did! You are such a spoiled brat! Come on! Aah! Aah! Aah! Ow! That hurts! Hey! Is there a problem here? This is family business.
Stay out of it! Shut up! NYPD! Step away from the boy.
Step away! - Police? - Stay back.
Are you all right, son? Smile, Miss Hardy.
Did I do good? You did great, son.
Hello, Ryan.
I'm sorry it's come to this, but I don't know any other way to express what my loss feels like.
You take from me, I take from you.
You wanted to see us? Oh, yes.
Thank you, girls.
Beautiful work.
We'll continue tomorrow.
Blessed be the children.
I'm Micah.
It's nice to meet you.
Robert, you wait outside.
I want to do some private bonding with our new friend.
You guys, too.
I'll scream if our guest gets all alpha on me.
Take off the mask.
That's really you.
It's good to meet you, Micah.
You may not sit at my table.
Of course not.
How presumptuous of me.
So, Joe Carroll, you're a dead man.
How'd you pull that off? Oh, it's-- it's all in the details.
So you faked it.
As opposed to? So cool what you did last year with your-- with your cult.
Mad props.
I was impressed the way you organized and gathered all your followers.
Dude, how did you get them to kill for you? I've always had an innate ability to-- to connect with people.
So I'm guessing you're looking for a place to hide out, Korban is your crib of choice.
I'm interested in more than just refuge.
What can you offer me, Joe? You're, like, the world's most deadly killer.
Why would I welcome you into my kingdom? $30,000 in a bag in my car.
Got it.
Thank you for your donation.
What else? I think, given the chance, I could be of great help to both you and your cause.
How so? You tell me.
Surely you must have something in mind.
Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.
Heh heh! I could find some use for you, but the question is your commitment and can I trust you? This is the Micah show here, and you need to be down with that, but are you? I need your help, Micah.
I offer you my humble service in exchange for-- for your hospitality.
Ryan, I'm sorry about Max.
Anything? Lily Gray's e-mail was tracked to a coffee shop just outside Boston.
Open wi-fi.
Whoever sent it didn't even have to get out of their car.
Any witnesses to Max's abduction? It happened right outside her apartment.
Garage was already processed.
Security cameras were disabled.
No eye witnesses.
We know the abductor was using an SUV, late seventies model, male on camera wearing a brown work jacket, flannel shirt.
All right, everybody.
Eyes up.
We're looking for two suspects.
We got camera footage from both corners near her apartment.
I thought you left.
Mendez called me.
I'm here, Ryan.
Thank you.
Ryan, what time did she leave your place? Uh, it was around 2:00.
She said she was heading home.
That puts her home near just after 2:30.
Let's go.
There! Work jacket, flannel shirt.
What about the license plate? It's been taped over.
That's the best I can do.
Well, put it through facial recognition.
Come on.
There's a person that could help us-- Luke.
Lily sent this guy to punish me for Luke.
He would know who he is, where Lily is.
Luke would know.
Well, he's recovering because he was almost killed, and he's refusing to talk.
Let me try.
Max is not dead, or it would be on that tape, and it's not.
We are wasting time.
Please, Gina.
Nice to meet you, Max.
Is that a tattoo? Well, isn't that something? Do you have any more? Where-- where am I? Look at this.
Heh heh.
It's a butterfly.
I've got lots of tattoos.
I really like this one.
It's pretty, right? Come on.
Tell me.
Do you have any more tattoos? _ Hey! I came to see you, but first, they have to secure me.
They don't trust me.
Anger issues.
So how you feeling? Listen.
I'm sorry about Giselle, but she was trying to kill me.
I mean, you can't hold that against me.
I mean, what would you do in my situation, huh? What do you want? I need your help, Luke, and I know you have no reason to help me, but I really hope that you will.
I'm not gonna help you find my mother.
This is not about your mother.
She really liked you, you know? Aw.
That's so nice to hear, but I need your help finding this guy.
Ooh, ooh.
You don't want find that guy.
He's bad news.
If you're looking for him, you must be in real trouble.
Why is that? A little too gory for my mom's taste.
So your mom knows him? My mom knows lots of people, Ryan.
She's been looking for the right guy for a really, really long time, and they're not all princes.
There's a lot of toads out there.
So your mom was auditioning killers? Ha! No, no, no, no.
No, not killers, Ryan.
She just wants to be loved like everybody else.
She just wants someone to understand her and accept her for who she is.
I mean, no one wants to be alone.
So where can I find this guy? You already know him.
Everybody does.
What's his name? Why do you need to know his-- I know what's happening.
Ha! Mom got clever.
Tit for tat.
This guy, he's hot for my mom.
He'll do anything for her.
What did he do? Ooh! Who is he? His name's Kurt something or other.
I don't know his last name, but you know him as The Huntsman.
The Huntsman is a known serial killer of women, all prostitutes.
He's believed to be in the Northeast Coast region of the country.
He's been evading Quantico for years-- no eye witnesses, no survivors.
Now the victim's time of death is roughly They're all killed with a high-velocity bow.
I see a lot of superficial cuts on their faces, arms, legs.
Yeah, we believe those were sustained while they ran for their lives through the woods.
He hunted them like prey.
He's a mission killer.
He's ridding the world of sin.
He hunts them, he guts them, he skins them.
We know what he looks like.
And we've got a first name.
Come on, guys.
We've only got 12 hours if he sticks to this MO.
I need those DMV records.
Max is not his typical victim.
He may be following different methods.
I have a match.
Kurt Bolen of Trenton, New Jersey.
That's him.
Let's go! What is this? The reckoning.
It's perfectly safe.
All community members have been through the reckoning many times.
This works better if you remain still.
May I? Of course.
I'm gonna ask you a series of questions.
These electrodes will measure your blood pressure, breathing rate, and body temp.
So it's a glorified lie detector.
I should warn you that these machines tend not to work terribly well on people with my psychological profile.
You mean sociopaths? Psychopaths? Oh.
Who wants to be reduced to a label, hmm? People of your ilk may respond differently, but they do respond.
A response that allows you to determine truthfulness? I'm very good at this.
Let me just get a level.
Your name is Joe Carroll? Yes.
Did you like the view of my breasts when I leaned over? No.
See? It works.
Shall we begin? By all means.
Move in, move in! Ohh! Don't move! Hands up! Is Kurt Bolen your husband? Where is he? Where is he?! He w-went away for a few days.
Mom! Come here.
We don't have time for this.
I know that this is difficult to accept, but we need your help.
I told you.
He's traveling for work.
He sells office supplies.
We checked.
There's no business trip.
What? No.
This is impossible.
Come on, Shannon.
Don't be that wife.
You know it's true.
Hey! Shut up! You don't know my dad.
Chris! You don't know him.
Look at that camera angle.
Max is about 5'8".
That camera's shooting up at her from below.
You think whoever shot this was shorter than her.
By about a foot.
You can't just come in here.
This is my room.
Where's your father, Chris? What? Where is your father? Why are you asking me? Because I think you shot that.
No, I didn't.
You see that girl? That's my niece.
That's my family, and I'm not gonna let your sick, twisted father kill my niece.
Is she a whore? Heh.
My dad hates whores.
He, uh, gives them what they deserve.
Mom, help! Help! Stop! Ryan, Mike? Open the door! Stop! Mom, help! Open up! I said open up! Kurt has a cabin near Black River.
We have an address.
We need a search team at the following location.
Take that kid in for questioning.
Why do you murder? I thought these machines only worked with yes or no questions.
I have a need that cannot be denied.
Have you reformed? I don't believe I need to reform.
Have you murdered anyone in the last week? Oh, yes.
Describe to me the feeling you get when you take a life.
It's phew-- very hard to describe.
Is it sexual? Very.
How so? I'll have to show you sometime.
Why are you here? What do you want? I want to become part of Micah's flock.
Is that true? Yes.
That's your only motive for being here? Yes.
I wish to start anew, become something new.
I I want a new life.
We're done.
You can release him.
You gonna tell me how I did? You know what the truth is, Joe.
How did you do? Hmm.
Love, unity, peace.
We are one.
Korban is family, Korban is love.
And? He's all truth, Micah.
Love, unity, peace.
We are one.
Korban is family.
Korban is love So where's your son? He has school tomorrow.
I know who you are.
I would expect you to.
So how's this work, huh? I'm not much of a hunt tied up.
I'm doing a favor for a friend, so we are going to skip the hunt and move immediately to the after party.
A friend? Is her-- is her name Lily? Ah.
Look at you, Miss Smarty Pants.
You-- you don't want to skip the hunt.
No more talking.
You could do her a favor, but don't be less than you are.
What do you mean? Hunt me.
Come on! I'm a challenge! You hunt hookers and drug addicts.
How hard is that? I run a mile in under 6 minutes, I'm a trained paramilitary officer.
Hunt me! I am being paid to kill you here like this.
Yeah, but if you're as good as you claim, what difference does it make? You're just gonna kill me anyway.
I could be a prize trophy to brag to your son about.
Hmm? No deal.
All right, bitch.
You asked for it.
Check that door! Are we too late? No.
There's nothing on the camera.
There was a struggle.
Get the K-9 unit moving! Move out, move out! Sit here.
Please explain, Robert.
What exactly is this? It's for you.
We're going to celebrate our new recruits.
You'll enjoy it.
It's fun.
Are we ok here? Yes, very.
I think.
All right, man.
Find her, find her! What is it? This way.
He has the scent now.
This way.
Come on.
Mike! Max! Thank God.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You ok? Yeah.
I knew you'd come.
I knew you'd come.
Tonight, we rejoice, family.
We cleanse ourselves of sin.
With the blood of one, we may wash away the sins of many, and we will be one step closer to going home.
Ohh Let me, Micah! Where's home? Hell if I know.
Who among you is ready to make the sacrifice? Choose me! Choose me! Through God's will, the choice will be made.
Joe! Joe! Bless you, child, for God has chosen you today! The Lord has spoken! His will must be done.
No, Micah, please! We must trust each other.
No! Joe! Joe! Joe! No! No.
No! Joe! Joe! Joe! Help me! Ahh! Joe! Joe, what are they doing? No! No! No! For our sins! Oh, my God! No! Micah! Through her blood, we are saved.
No, no! You wanted to see me? Why did you do it? I only did what I was compelled to do.
The Spirit spoke through me, Joe.
Emma is alive.
You'll see her soon.
No, no, no.
You targeted Emma on purpose to weaken me.
You've never used a little subterfuge in the name of truth? I think it was a necessary introduction to our ways.
You're scared of me.
What happened? I fail your little lie detector test, or did I pass it? You're here because my husband wants you here, but don't think for a second I trust you.
Anything on Bolen's phone? No.
Are you staying? I'm leaving in the morning.
- How's Max? - She's good.
Lily just sent me a text.
It's another link to a video.
All right.
Let's get it up on the big screen.
Hey, Hopkins.
Hello, Ryan.
Is this live? No.
It's time-stamped a few hours ago.
Where is she? House, dining room, where? I'm sorry about your niece.
She must be a terrible loss in your life.
She doesn't realize you saved her.
I have one more surprise.
You weren't the only one to hurt me, Ryan.
Another was involved, and he must pay for what he I know that place.
That's my dad's house.
did to Luke.
She's in his living room.
Oh, my God.
Say hello to your son, Richard.
Go to hell.
All right.
Somebody, help.
Hampton, Virginia, now! Such a hard man.
All right.
- Now! - Go ahead, Mark.
Stop the video.
Stop it! Mike, Mike.
Get off me, get off me! I have many more surprises for you, Ryan.
Get ready.
Oh, Mike.
He's gone.
He's gone.
Oh, my God.
No, no, no, no.

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