The Legacy (2014) s02e07 Episode Script

Afsnit 7

Walders in Hamburg agreed to
a Veronika retrospective.
I showed them 'The Body',
and they were flabbergasted.
That work won't be included
in a retrospective.
- Why not?
- I'll have to document it.
- I don't have any sketches.
- But isn't it fantastic?
Yes, but that work can't be included.
- Why not?
- Because I made it.
Frederik went berserk in Thailand.
He tried to strangle Gro.
- Hey, champ.
- You go on ahead.
I'll be there in a minute.
It's over.
You can't prevent me
from seeing the kids.
Oh yes, I can. I have to!
Stop talking to me!
Take it easy!
Duck, for fuck's sake!
What is it?
I can't move my arms.
What do you mean?
I woke up and couldn't move my legs.
We'll operate immediately to relieve
the pressure on the spinal cord.
Will he be able to move?
We hope for the best.
She'll never be able to
take care of her child.
She's been hospitalised several times.
I have to try.
No, Isa.
You can't take her now.
- You can't
- She's my daughter!
But you can't take care of her.
You're not well.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hey there.
- Hi.
How is he?
I don't know.
- There giving him a new IV.
- OK.
Shouldn't you go and get some sleep?
- Yes.
- Gro?
I've tried to explain your father's condition
to him after the operation.
But it's hard to communicate
with him at the moment, so
Maybe he just needs some time.
Yes. But he won't let us
examine him or treat him.
And that's dangerous in his condition.
- I'll talk to him.
- Thanks.
- Hey, you.
- Hi, Emil. Holy shit.
Hi, Thomas.
Hi, you stupid bastard.
- You're looking good.
- I'm looking great.
- Like a million dollars.
- Never looked better.
I brought you some things.
I can't see it.
Oh. Thanks.
You idiot!
It can't go completely wrong now.
Look who else is here.
- Look.
- Well. Hi, you little urchin.
Hey there.
Hi, sweetie.
What's up?
Have you talked to the doctors?
I told them that I wanted to go home.
Hold her.
They say that you're a troublemaker.
Is that true?
- No, that's just a rumour.
- Is it?
- So it isn't true?
- I don't know what they're on about.
But you're not well enough
to come home.
You have to do
what the doctors say, Dad.
But the doctors are wrong!
- They're wrong all the time.
- They know what they're talking about.
Do what they say!
We'll figure something out.
There are plenty of good
programmes and rehabilitation.
But I can't
take care of Melody.
We'll take care of her.
We'll all take care of her, Thomas.
Would you please leave now?
I'd like you to leave.
Good morning.
I didn't sleep well.
Do you need a hand?
Hannah and Villads
are coming over later.
I wondered if we could hang out here.
It's just for a few hours.
Thank you.
- Hello there?
- Hi.
Hi, Kim.
- Well, if it isn't Frederik.
- Hi.
- Is Gro here?
- No.
I've been trying to get hold of her.
It's impossible.
You do know that Thomas
is in hospital?
Yes, I have heard.
It's terrible.
- Yes.
- It is.
- I don't think so.
- I need the sketches for 'The Body'.
- 'The Body'?
- Your piece.
Take a look at this.
Wait till you see it.
This will interest you.
- What do you think?
- There's a whole
My goodness!
Read it. Let me know
if you want to change anything.
I have to work in the field right now,
so it'll have to wait.
If you can manage it
by tomorrow afternoon
- It'll be printed tomorrow evening.
- That's fine.
- Will Gro be back before then?
- I have no idea.
It's because I need to
include the sketches.
I don't know.
This isn't going anywhere.
That's what I call a tractor, Melody.
Are you going to sow?
Yes, but just grass.
Signe, can you take her?
I need to take my coat off.
- Have you got her?
- Yes.
- Have you seen Frederik?
- He's in the basement with Kim.
He said that Hannah and Villads
were coming for a visit.
I thought he wasn't allowed
to see them.
I convinced Solveig
that he could see them.
- OK.
- As long as I'm present.
OK. That's excellent.
Yes, it's time for your nap.
Come here, sweetie.
That's right. Sleep tight.
What are you going to do about her?
Thomas can't take care
of her for a while.
Gro will take her when we know
more about Thomas,
and we'll help her.
We'll have to see
when Isa gets back.
Does it sound like
too much of a mess for her?
I don't know.
Every family has some kind of mess,
don't they?
In all kinds of messy ways.
I'll get some oil.
I'll come by tomorrow,
we'll look for it then.
I'm sorry. It must be
somewhere around here.
- See you. Bye.
- Right. Bye.
- Hi, Kim.
- Hi.
How is Thomas doing?
I should never have let Isa
drive that car.
What are you doing?
Kim wants the sketches
for Signe's work,
but it doesn't seem to be
registered anywhere.
It must be. It's just been sold.
- Did you look here?
- Yes, I did.
It must be here somewhere. Otherwise
Gro couldn't have put it together.
I'll take a look,
so you can get ready for their arrival.
I don't know
Do you think a tree house
is a good idea?
Yes, it's a really good idea.
It sounds like fun.
Signe, did Gro give you a sketch?
- What?
- A sketch, did you get one?
No, Kim asked me about it.
But I don't really know what it is.
It's a sketch of how to assemble the work.
Like assembly instructions.
I haven't seen any papers.
Gro ruined the prototype,
so maybe she threw it out.
You don't throw out a sketch.
- Then he'll have to ask Gro.
- We just wanted to help her.
Couldn't it be in the barn?
Everything for storage is out there.
I'm sure it is.
I think I found the prototype.
Is this one of her works?
Yes, and the sketches are in there too.
Isn't this supposed to be you, Signe?
It says 2007.
Let me see.
Perhaps she made Signe later.
Yes, but the work is from '89,
so that doesn't make any sense.
Maybe she reconstructed it in 2007.
It's possible.
Oh dear. It says 1999 on this.
- And that's part of it?
- Yes. It's the head.
- Emil?
- Gro can explain.
The kids will be here soon,
You need to get ready.
Can he take a shower upstairs, Signe?
- What?
- Can he take a shower?
Veronika often put different things
together, didn't she?
Yes, she did.
But it's hard to put things
from the future together.
We don't know if she did that.
We'll have to ask Gro.
But Thomas remembered her making it.
Fuck! They're early!
Let's not talk any more about it.
- We'll talk to Gro.
- But
We'll talk to Gro. Let Frederik
spend some time with his kids.
I'm sorry about
what happened to Thomas.
- Thank you.
- I'll go get his player.
How are you?
We'd like to talk to you.
Why does it say 2007
on the baby, Gro?
- I don't know. Does it?
- Yes.
The wrong year is right here.
I'll have to check it out.
Don't bother.
Just give us the sketch.
I'm not sure where it is.
Probably in Copenhagen.
We're only asking
because you put it together recently.
We've been through everything.
Why isn't there a sketch?
How did you know
what it was supposed to look like?
- Because what?
- Because I just knew.
You just knew?
Did you make it yourself?
That isn't true, is it?
- Gro? Gro say it isn't true.
- Holy shit!
Mum made all the parts.
I just put them together.
I helped her do that
when she was alive.
Yes, but now she's dead, Gro!
That's art forgery!
You told me that it was a work of art
that my mother had made of me.
Actually, you made it in my basement
and then sold it to me?
Did you?
I was going to take it apart again.
But then you saw it, and
And you helped her, Frederik.
You forced me to sell it.
So now it's my fault?
I thought that art meant
so fucking much to you.
Do you realise how much it cost
to get you out of prison in Thailand?
The two things have nothing to do
with each other.
Look, I couldn't sell
Mum's own works, could I?
No one is interested in this!
What the hell
did you want me to do?
What about our plans?
We've all agreed
to take care of Melody.
This doesn't have anything to do
with us and Melody.
The hell it does!
You've deceived us!
- If this gets out
- It won't. We're the only ones who know.
There's nothing that can give it away.
It's been cast in bronze.
- But we just exposed you.
- Yes.
- The prototype makes us vulnerable.
- The kids are here.
- The kids are here.
- Kim will find out, as there isn't a sketch.
- Kim?
- He's coming back to get it.
You turned me into
a handler of a forgery!
- I signed the bill of sale.
- We'll talk about it later. OK?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hi, sweetie. Hi.
So you're all here.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Good to see you.
Do you have any plans today?
- What are you going to do?
- We're going to build a tree house.
- Right, Frederik?
- Yes.
- Yes.
- A tree house. Sounds good.
Great. That'll be fun.
What do you think? Too boring?
Would you rather do
something else, champ?
No, it sounds like a lot of fun.
We'd love to.
- Great. Then we'll do that.
- Right.
Would you like to join us, Signe?
No, I have to work.
- So I take this?
- Yes.
- Are you coming?
- I'll come and see the tree.
It'll be fun, sweetie.
Isn't it cool?
The world's greatest tree house.
- It's really nice.
- Here we go.
- Is it in place?
- I think so.
Now we just need
the branches and leaves.
Will you get the boards,
I'll help you.
- OK.
- Would you like some gloves?
Yes, please.
- Do you want me to hold it?
- Please.
- This is heavy.
- Yes, but I'll go like this.
- Ding, ding! You've got mail.
- Mail?
OK. I'll hoist it up.
Hoist, hoist.
We have a problem.
I can't do this on my own.
I need someone to hold the boards
while I hammer the nails in.
- I'm sorry, but I have to watch Melody.
- Yes, you do.
- I'm afraid I can't do it on my own.
- I'll help.
Really, Villads? Terrific.
Have you moved in here?
I've only been here a couple of days.
It must be nice
when you're all together.
I think I would like to live here.
Now we need some more shrubbery.
- Perfect.
- Throw the rope down.
Here it comes.
We have a problem.
This is the world's highest tree house.
It says so in the Guinness Book
of World Records.
Your grandfather built it.
- Bye, Villads.
- Bye.
We need some more leaves
Just throw all the little bits out.
See you later.
Have fun.
Just pull hard.
- Can you manage?
- Yes.
- Do you need help?
- Super.
I just need to get this
- Now let's untie the rope.
- Great.
More branches.
- Where are you going?
- I just want to talk to Signe.
What's up?
I've asked Lone
to buy the work back.
You can't do that!
Oh yes, I can.
Lone will keep bidding till Kim gives in.
And you're paying for it.
Signe, if you start doing that now,
Kim will start to get suspicious.
That's your problem, Gro.
I'm not going to sell a forgery
and endorse it with my name
in some art catalogue.
- Can't you wait a little?
- She's calling him now.
- What was that about?
- Now she's calling Kim.
- Did she tell him?
- No, but she wants to buy the work back.
If Solveig starts talking about art forgery
at the State Administration
It's not going to happen.
Hannah, come here for a minute.
- Gro
- It's not going to happen.
I just got a chance to see them.
I'll work it out with Kim.
Now relax and enjoy your time
with the kids.
Hannah, will you give me a hand?
- Did you make others?
- No! Of course not.
- Just put this on that end.
- OK.
Now what?
Now Signe is calling Kim
to buy the work back.
And then there's this.
- Yes.
- You put the trays on down here.
- Here and here, right?
- Right.
You can see When I turn this,
it comes out there.
When the tray is underneath,
it collects everything.
And it should weigh 22 kilos
when you're done.
If it doesn't weigh 22,
then you adjust this.
- OK.
- Do you understand?
Yes, I think so.
- Do you?
- I think so.
- Trays and 14 and 22.
- Right.
- I have to go to Jan's now.
- Yes. Of course.
- Yes, go ahead.
- I'm sorry.
Don't apologise, Signe.
See you.
I'll be with you shortly.
What are you doing?
I just have a few things to sort out.
Go on ahead.
I'll be there in a minute.
Gro, do you think Dad is OK?
Yes, of course. He's just nervous
because you were coming.
He seems a bit
No, he's fine.
I'll just bring this with me.
Is it true that Thomas can't move?
We don't really know yet.
Maybe he can
Maybe he can be rehabilitated.
- Where have you been?
- Down at Gro's.
- In the basement?
- Yes.
- What were you doing there?
- Nothing.
What are you doing?
- Just relaxing.
- Tree housewarming.
- So, should we clean the place up?
- Yes.
- Be careful.
- I will.
- Cool, man.
- Hi!
- Hi.
- Hi.
Mum, watch me climb down.
Easy does it. He's Spider-Man.
Villads, let's go over
and say goodbye to Melody.
It's looks like they've had fun.
Yes. Lots of fun.
We'll do it again some day.
I'll talk to Emil about it.
Or you could come too.
It's not like
Frederik, I have
I found a cheap flat
that I can rent for six months.
So you don't have to be in a rush
with the loan and all that.
Just take your time, all right?
Let's go before we're soaked
to the skin.
Say goodbye to Dad.
- We had such a nice time.
- Bye.
It was fun, Hannah.
- See you.
- See you.
Bye, Villads.
- See you.
- See you.
Hey, champ.
See you soon.
Thanks for coming.
OK, see you. Bye.
- What were you doing in the basement?
- Nothing.
Where is the thing
that was hanging here, Gro?
Something was hanging here.
You tried to hide it.
Let's see the sketch of that.
- You've been working on it.
- Yes, I made it.
OK, fine.
That doesn't have a thing to do
with me or Thailand, does it?
It has nothing to do with the other piece.
I made that one for myself.
- It isn't meant to leave the room.
- OK.
Show me everything you've made.
All of it.
'The Beak'.
There are three of them.
Sold to Russians and a Chinese.
All the money was sent to Thailand.
OK. Fine. What else?
Then there's Signe's piece and the fish.
- Hello?
- That's it.
I see you're all down here. OK.
- Lone, what did Kim say?
- He won't sell it.
- I offered him 2,000,000.
- Shit!
What did he say?
He was surprised. So am I.
Yes. But thank you.
Thank you for trying.
I'm on my way to see Thomas.
Give him our best.
Four forgeries spread out
all over the world.
I have to report it.
- No.
- Otherwise I'm an accomplice.
If you do that, then Frederik
might loose his kids.
She'll just keep on doing it.
She lies and cheats.
She's a fucking criminal!
I won't be a part of it anymore!
It was made in your house, Signe.
You paid for it.
You have a big part in this.
If we turn ourselves in,
they'll believe us.
I can't be a part of this anymore.
I refuse to.
What the hell is wrong with you?
I'm sorry.
- Can I come in?
- Yes.
Christ, this really sucks,
doesn't it?
Signe, I understand why you're worried.
We all are.
- She's out of her mind.
- No.
For fuck's sake.
I think it's important that you
think about yourself too.
Your business is based on this.
I couldn't care less, Emil.
- I won't be a part of this.
- OK, fine.
Then think about Thomas and Melody.
It just won't work
Do you think Gro is a responsible person?
If you think about it?
Yes, as far as Melody goes,
I think so.
- What if she gets sent to prison?
- She won't if we keep our mouths shut.
How do you know?
Other people could find out.
Not if we destroy the evidence.
You have no idea how many people
could figure it out.
- Not if we destroy the evidence.
- What about Kim?
Gro can handle Kim. It'll be fine.
And if someone does find out,
we'll have to take care of Melody.
- We?
- Yes, I want to help raise her.
And I'm sure Frederik does too.
In our family,
we take care of each other.
Frederik isn't even allowed
to see his own children, is he?
- No.
- No.
Then tell me
what the alternative is.
Tell me what we should do.
Isa is gone, and Thomas
Maybe Henrik is the best option.
You can't be serious.
I am. He can give her
a stable childhood.
He's a loving person.
He's Isa's father.
So you're ready to just give her up?
That's not what I'm saying.
What I'm saying is that we have to
think of what's best for Melody.
OK. Fine!
I hope you feel good about yourself
when you give up our sister,
ruin our brother's life and give
our little sister away to a stranger!
Stop it!
I won't have it! Let me go!
He bit me.
Go away! Let me go!
Let the fuck go!
Thomas, you have to eat.
- No!
- Dad!
- I'm sorry.
- It's OK.
- Tell them to go away.
- They're gone.
- They have to do what I say.
- They're gone now.
They want to put me in a nursing home.
I'd rather die.
You're not going to a nursing home.
Then you'd have to turn up
the morphine drip. Promise?
- What?
- Promise?
You're not going to a nursing home.
I promise.
They're off their rocker.
Everything will work out fine.
Not a bloody thing will work out fine.
Then we'll put this on.
What are you looking at?
- Hi.
- Hey.
Do you think Signe will report her?
I don't know.
Good morning.
I won't report you to the police.
But I want you out of my basement.
I don't want you to be here.
It's probably for the best.
Considering the evidence and everything.
That's fine.
- I'll move it all into storage in Copenhagen.
- Don't bother.
I'll take care of it.
What do you mean?
You can't have anything
to do with Mum's art.
I'll take charge of sales and copyright
from now on.
You can't.
You know nothing about it.
What else can we do?
I don't know. Can't we?
What were you expecting?
You have swindled our inheritance.
We can't trust you.
As if we can trust you!
Aren't you the one
who shagged his brother's wife?
I think you should be quiet now.
You should have killed me
while you had the chance.
- Shut the fuck up.
- Stop it. All of you.
You've deceived us, Gro.
How can a piece
that was so important to you
suddenly be worthless to you?
Because it's a lie.
- A lie?
- Yes.
Our mother made all the parts.
- AII I did was put them together.
- But it's a lie, Gro.
- Isn't it?
- So what's the truth?
That I want nothing more
to do with you.
You're a part of this, Signe.
Whether you like it or not.
It's all about you.
Mum's tragedy.
She couldn't handle the boys because
she was devastated over losing you.
All three of us have lived
in your shadow.
I'm terribly sorry, but it isn't my fault.
Why are you talking about whose fault it is.
What does that mean?
Don't you think I know that
I've risked my future by doing this?
Don't you think I'm sorry
that I put you in this situation?
Not really.
I was the one who took care of you
back then.
And I was the one who called John
and told him to come.
Was that wrong of me too?
Maybe I should have taken
better care of you two
when your father died.
Or better care of Mum
when she tried to drink herself to death.
I'll pack my things so I don't have to
listen to your hypocrisy.
Hi. It's just me.
Hi, pumpkin.
Can I lie down next to you?
Aw of course you can.
Has someone been mean to you?
Just give them a good hiding,
you know?
What's up, cry-baby?
I'm sorry.
Oh, for Christ's sake stop it.
- And then the baby.
- Yes.
- And something on top of the baby.
- And then a head.
Yes. And a rope through it.
Yes! Brilliant.
Was it like this or like this?
It's impossible to see.
I think it's like that.
There's so little that you can't tell.
Baby and mat.
Yes, that way.
What about this?
No, that's Melody's duvet.
Move it closer to you.
It's a bit crooked.
- Like this?
- Yes. That's fine.
And then it crosses over
in the grooves.
There are two grooves here.
- Two grooves?
- Yes.
You go over that way,
and I go this way.
Do we tie it like this?
Can you see the back?
No, that's the problem.
You can only see it from this angle.
Let's just not photograph it
from behind.
I'm tying a knot.
- There.
- And the whole thing flops over.
It's because it isn't tight enough here.
- There. Let go.
- I just have to get it in.
- Camera.
- Not bad. Yes.
We have to find some paper
from the '80s to draw on.
We could use the back of
one of her old sketches.
Yes. Good idea.
- This is from '88.
- OK.
Can you see through it?
Yes, it's fine.
Look at all her pencils.
She chewed them all to pieces.
Do you want to do it or should I?
You do it.
I can't draw to save my life.
- Right. So I'm going to do it now.
- Yes.
What are you doing?
Well, Kim needs the sketches today,
doesn't he?
Where is Melody?
With Signe.
What's wrong?
She was talking about Henrik
I hope she doesn't do anything stupid.
Thomas is her father.
He decides where she's going to be.
Right? And you're the next of kin.
Perhaps it's better for Melody
to be at Henrik's.
You can't be serious.
She's our little sister.
- I know, but just look at me.
- What about you?
All of this stuff.
Well, I can't even have
custody of my own kids.
Stop it, both of you!
But you will soon enough.
We had a great day yesterday.
Come on.
We'll help each other.
Let's get this over with.
Has Gro taken over or have you?
No, it's mostly Gro, but she
I don't really know what to say.
You don't have to sit here
and say a lot of things.
I've seen what a mess that family is.
I think Gro is a very damaged person.
But it isn't her fault.
It sounds like their childhood
was really messed up.
I don't know if it's that simple.
I think it is.
Even if you care for them.
Hi, sweetie.
Are you looking at us?
Come to Grandpa. There.
So now what?
We contact the authorities.
And together we explain
the whole situation to them.
She has to see her father
and sister and brothers.
We have to focus on
what's best for Melody.
Yes, but
Isn't that right, sweetie?
We have to focus on you.
Yes, come here.
Come here.
This, and whatever is part of
'The Beaks'.
- Like that?
- Yes.
Do we send it to the disposal plant?
No way. It can't leave the place.
We'll burn it ourselves.
It'll take months.
It's plaster and fiberglass.
- Hi.
- Hi, Signe.
Can I help?
- Hi, Kim.
- Hi.
Is Gro here?
- Hi, Signe.
- Hi.
I'll go get her.
Hi, Kim. Hi.
I heard that you wanted to
buy the piece back.
It meant more to me than I realised.
- I must admit that I won't give it up.
- OK.
But remember that it will bring joy
to a lot of people.
It will travel the world,
so that's a consolation.
Yes, yes
Did you get a chance to look at the text
in the catalogue?
- I think it's really good.
- Good. Wonderful.
- There you are, Gro. Hi.
- Hi.
- How are you?
- I've been better.
I'm sorry to hear about Thomas.
Thank you.
Frederik said that you'd been
asking for the sketches.
I'm sorry that I'm so officious.
It's going to the printer's tonight.
- I have it for you.
- Really?
Good. Then let's
I'll go and get it. I'm a bit busy right now.
I'll just go and get it.
Have you start working on
the exhibition in Hamburg?
No, not at all.
It will take a long time.
Now what?
- No!
- Careful.
- Damn!
- That doesn't go there.
This goes on the top.
Don't they have to be
in a particular order?
This is fine.
Thank you!
We've got the green light,
so the whole process starts.
- It can easily take a couple of years.
- Here.
Super. Good.
This looks just fine.
There isn't a lot of work behind it.
Here are the technical drawings
and supplementary sketches.
Yes, yes, yes
It's perfect.
Good. So I'll see you
in Copenhagen?
Yes. I thought we could talk about
the other works.
Let's save that for another day.
I'm very tired.
I haven't slept for days.
You do look a bit tired.
OK, we'll save it for another day.
- Give Thomas my best.
- I will.
- See you. Safe journey home.
- Thanks.
- Bye, Signe.
- Bye, Kim.
- What did he say?
- He was pleased.
I'll give Melody something to eat.
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