The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e07 Episode Script

Like a Single Stroke of a Sword

According to the lore of the gods
In ancient times, there was a magic sword
forged by the ancient demons
to destroy the gods.
Come here, Cenetero.
How did those heavenly beasts enter?
They were unlikely to have entered.
The walls are
a powerful curse against gods.
Um What does that mean?
They must have been here
before the walls were formed.
Oh, right. The wall
was just formed in this age.
Could it be
that that god named Nous Galia
is still in the forest?
Please be at ease.
My liege ordered me to guard you.
I shall remain by you
until the danger has passed.
Thank you.
You're stubborn, but you can be very kind.
If you think of it as such,
then that is by my liege's grace.
-Grandma's going to disappear!
She's going to end!
Let's see her off.
You've returned, Leno.
It seems that we have
some young visitors today.
What is your name?
Anoshu Polticoal.
I am the Tree of Great Wars, Migueronov.
The spirit which grants humans
the knowledge to survive great wars.
Take one of my leaves.
I grant each of you
knowledge in order to fight.
It seems that you do not need any.
They said you would end.
Has your rumor and legend been lost?
It seems there were things
I could teach beyond how to fight.
There is another
time when a spirit can end.
That is, when it rebels against
its own rumors and legends.
My legend is granting humans
knowledge to fight demons.
But I granted knowledge in order for
humans and demons to coexist.
Your leaves!
Grandma! I'm so sorry!
All because I asked for so much!
A tree of war will be
forgotten when the war ends.
I was destined to end in any case.
Leno, a time will surely come
when you will need to choose.
To defend your rumor and legend,
or rebel against them to
protect that which you love.
All spirits are destined to do so.
When you are uncertain,
listen to your heart.
Spirits are not slaves to their legends.
Your heart will always be your own.
Protect that which you wish to protect.
I am satisfied, because soon,
peace will finally come.
This is troubling.
I wanted to stop your tears,
but I do not know the words to do so.
Hey Shin, did the Demon King
tell you to console me?
Don't worry. I don't cry when I'm sad
because my tears become spirits.
When a child is born,
I want to cry tears of joy!
It's big.
Is this
I found a wonderful rumor.
A school from a time of peace.
The teacher, an old man,
teaches all sorts of things.
The newest member of our family,
the Tree of Education, Aniunien.
All violence is forbidden in this tree,
so there's no need
to fear heavenly beasts.
So you can bring spirits
into existence as you will?
I'm their mother, but I can't
create them whenever I want.
I guess you could say it's when
my emotions overflow?
There are spirits that are born
without me involved.
-Leena, you must be one of them.
Anoshu, are you going to be
in Aharthern for long?
We would like to impose on you
if you don't mind.
That's fine. We don't get many traveling
performers. Everyone will be so happy.
You have my thanks.
Shin, come with me.
Lay, Misha, keep an eye on those two.
There is something I need to see.
-Got it.
Only 100 books? Not many yet.
My apologies.
I am not yet prepared to educate.
Well, let's see if we can find it.
Search for a green book.
The Love Fairy Flan is in it.
This big girl can do it.
Flan? The spirit that gives form to
unfulfilled loves and binds them together?
Right. There was a book
with a ripped page in this forest.
I thought we could see the page
before it was ripped in this age.
I'll look after Zeshias.
I'll let you know if we find anything.
You do that.
Shin, what were you going to do
after you finished guarding me?
There is no point in living in an age
without a master to serve.
I shall follow my liege in
reincarnating 2,000 years in the future.
I see.
Then maybe gods hiding
in this forest isn't all bad.
Why is that?
Because I can play
with you a little longer.
Okay Shin, what are these?
I do not know.
They're called tear lilies.
They're flowers that absorbed my tears.
Your tears became a tree earlier.
Right. When tear
lilies live to bear seeds,
they turn rumors and legends into spirits.
That's why you need to give them
lots of love, so they don't wilt.
Like this.
Okay. And next
Shin, you try doing it too.
-Why me?
I think you should interact more
with life and living things.
I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun.
I have interacted with countless lives.
I don't mean it like that!
Just do it! Here!
I suppose I must.
Wait, wait! Not like that Shin!
Love is really important
for growing tear lilies!
Smile! Start with a smile!
Come on! You need to give them love!
Love! Be serious about it!
I do not know love.
That stubborn attitude isn't good!
Don't you love the Demon King Anos?
So you can water them
with your love for the Demon King!
The Demon King is
a great man who saved me.
I serve him not for love,
but for a debt of gratitude.
My body, then and
now, is naught but a sword.
-Do you mean
-Ah, found him!
-Found the old man!
-Play with us! Play with us!
-Old sword man!
-Let's play together!
You saved them earlier,
so they like you now. See?
Come on, let's play tag
with all the spirits!
Everyone, if you can run
away from Shin for a minute,
he'll do anything you want!
Ready, go!
I shall refrain from doing so.
So the Demon King Anos's right-hand
man doesn't think he can catch a spirit.
-I see.
-I cannot allow this to pass.
Shin, you're almost like a spirit.
What do you mean by that?
The spirit of a swordsman who forgot love.
I thought it might be a thing.
And that's one minute.
I believe I caught all of them.
You didn't. There's still one spirit left.
And it's me.
I can make no excuse.
Then what should I have you do?
-Mother Leno, Shin, a visitor has come.
-Who is it?
He calls himself
the Flaming Death King Erdomaid.
He wishes to speak with you
regarding the gods.
Your business?
Now, now, why the scary face?
I have some news for you.
I know where the Heavenly
Father God Nous Galia is.
He came to me with
a proposal the other day.
His target is
you, mother Great Spirit.
Nous Galia seeks to create
a god child with you as its mother.
In order to destroy the Demon King Anos
2,000 years in the future.
And your answer?
Naturally, I responded with interest
You truly are the Demon King's
right-hand man.
To have a man like you serve him
The Demon King Anos is truly respectable!
However, you must know that
the Demon King has one fatal flaw!
My liege has no flaws.
Yes. Yes, yes! Precisely!
That is precisely his flaw!
The Demon King of Tyranny has no flaws!
He has so few flaws
that none can be his enemy!
He needs an enemy!
In order to make him even more powerful!
To make him the true Demon King!
I want to see that happen!
What is he talking about?
Erdomaid has always been such a child.
I gave him a light pat once, and he
started challenging me at every chance.
With expectations for me
which I can't understand.
-What do you think?
Yeah, same.
But he laughs with such
joy each time he's defeated.
I can't bring myself to end him.
And that is why I am
the Demon King's enemy for all time.
But I am also not allied with the gods.
Will the god child truly become
a worthy enemy for him?
No, no, I have doubts.
I still have doubts.
That is why I have told you
Nous Galia's plot!
You will prevent the god child
from being born at all costs!
If the Demon King's right-hand man and
the Great Spirit cannot prevent its birth,
then it will surely be
an enemy worthy of fighting him!
Until that moment, the Flaming
Death King shall be your ally!
Shin, something's wrong with this man.
No need for distress. He is always so.
If the birth of the god child is
prevented, he will lose interest.
Oh? I knew you would understand!
Take us to Nous Galia.
I cannot sense his presence.
Gods act in accordance with laws.
There are conditions for him to appear.
Now, to the center of the spring.
The Heavenly Father God Nous Galia
is the law of creating gods.
Thus the condition is this.
The Flaming Death Hourglass.
When the sand finishes falling,
the cursed one loses their life.
What is your intent?
The Great Spirit Leno will become
the mother of the god child.
He will appear
if I attempt to eliminate her.
I doubt he will appear for a farce.
Naturally, I do it with
full intent to eliminate her.
If she meets her end,
that is all the plot amounted to!
You are the Demon King's retainer!
She will become
the mother of the god child!
Do you have a duty to protect her
when she will bear a threat to your liege?
The reasoning of the weak.
My liege is not so weak as to require
putting her life in danger
to defend himself.
Powerful, grand, magnificent!
This is the Demon King's right-hand man!
It would not be interesting otherwise!
The power of a god?
I lent my body to the wounded Nous Galia.
I predicted that if the body's owner died,
he would be forced to surface,
and that is precisely what happened!
This was all calculated?
Yes. The god would appear
whether Leno died or you killed me!
There was the chance
that I would meet my end,
but such gambles are what men dream of!
Now come, Heavenly Father God Nous Galia!
Show me the power of a god!
If you do not,
the Flaming Death King
will take your power for his own
God's word is absolute.
Foolish demon, kneel before me.
I only kneel before my liege.
Was your plan foiled by joining
with the Flaming Death King?
All occurs in
accordance with the gods' law.
Honor the gods and fear them.
What do you intend to do
with a borrowed body?
That is disrespect, God-Killing Mad Sword.
So you gained a mind
after the Demon King acquired you.
However, the emptiness
in your chest will never be filled.
It seems you intend to be reincarnated,
but no matter if you are reincarnated,
no matter how much
you wish for it, it is all futile.
In your heart, in your essence,
the emotion of love does not exist.
Don't you say that!
Shin might be blunt and stubborn,
but he's far kinder than you'll ever be!
It seems you are unaware,
Great Spirit Leno.
You are ignorant,
so I grant you the gods' wisdom.
His essence is not one of a demon's.
It is a magic sword's.
The God-Killing Mad Sword, Shinreglia.
Long, long ago, the ancestors of
the demons created it to fight the gods.
Provided mana from its wielder,
the sword gained a demon's body.
But even if it gains a body
and a mind, it will never gain love.
And only naturally.
Love cannot take root
in a magic sword born to fight.
No matter how much it seeks
and wishes for a heart,
its half-baked heart will forever be
ravaged by emptiness.
A magic sword will
always be a magic sword.
My body, then and now,
is naught but a sword.
But give thanks now,
God-Killing Mad Sword.
That which you sought
but could never gain
We who govern over laws
can bestow that upon you.
I grant you love.
Raise the god child born of
the Great Spirit Leno.
The universal law which
destroys the Demon King.
I regret to inform you
that I have no need for love.
My body is but a single sword.
God's word is absolute.
You cannot escape from the law
I shall serve my liege for all eternity.
Together with the emptiness in my chest.
So he escaped.
Let us go.
Shin, thank you for protecting me again.
I'm sorry.
What do you refer to?
I told you to get serious
about the tear lilies
I'm sorry.
Please be at ease. I cannot be hurt.
But you said that you were empty!
It is of no consequence
You said that you were empty!
That's of consequence to me!
I'll teach you love Shin.
I see no reason for that.
Because if you didn't protect me,
you would've gained love!
You have no need for concern.
As that god stated,
love is missing from my essence.
No, I think that you have a heart too.
It's just a little hard
for you to find it.
I'll do my best, so stay with me.
Is that
an order to guard you?
That's fine.
-As long as you'll do as I say.
-As you wish.
"The Demon Realm Without the Demon King".
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