The New Scooby-Doo Movies (1972) s02e07 Episode Script

The Haunted Candy Factory

Scooby meets the famous
Cass Elliot today.
-Where are we, Fred?
-l don't know.
We seem to have wandered off
the main road.
Wow, what a cheesy neighborhood.
Relax, Scooby.
lt's just a figure of speech.
Caramel? Chocolate?
You know, for a run-down neighborhood,
this place sure smells heavenly.
No wonder. Look!
The Sugar Plum Candy Company.
Freddy, if you're planning on having
a flat tire, this is the place to do it.
Goodness! What's that?
''Cass Elliot's Golden Caramel Bar. ''
-My all-time favorite.
-Mine too.
What's the matter, Scoob?
Don't you like caramel?
-There's a key inside.
-With a note attached.
lt says, ''Help. l'm a prisoner
in the candy factory.
Signed, Cass Elliot. ''
Look! Up there!
lt's me, Cass Elliot!
-lt's Cass Elliot herself!
-ln the flesh.
Help! They're holding me prisoner!
-What's going on?
-We better find out.
Must we?
Cass Elliot locked up in a candy factory?
This skeleton key must open
the padlock.
Skeleton key?
lt's just a figure of speech, Shag.
Something tells me this place
isn't as sweet as it smells.
We'll soon find out.
-Even the lock is nervous.
-lt's probably just a broken spring.
Let's go inside.
-l take the Fifth Amendment.
-The Fifth Amendment?
l refuse to enter on grounds
that it might intimidate me.
Have it your way. Come on, gang.
-Wait for me!
-Me too.
The wind must have slammed it shut.
lt also slammed it stuck.
l can't budge it.
Look at this place!
l'm beginning to agree with Shaggy.
lt gives me the creeps.
This is where Cass Elliot was standing
when she yelled to us.
Amazing. She just vanished
into thin air.
Thin air? Cass Elliot?
This is crazy. There's not a trace
of Cass anywhere.
This is a warning!
Depart now while there is still time.
Depart. That's the best idea
l've heard all night.
Right. Let's split.
Let me out!
Those green globs, maybe they'll lead
us to Cass Elliot.
-Hey! What's that?
-Looks like a giant gingerbread man.
l've heard of all-day suckers,
but an all-day gingerbread man?
All day, my foot.
He's an all-month gingerbread man.
Even Shaggy couldn't eat that
in a month.
-Hey! Where's Shaggy?
-Beats me.
Oh, great. Now we've got
two people lost.
Come on. Let's keep looking.
He couldn't have gone through here.
There's no doorknob.
Maybe there's a secret switch
We found a secret switch, all right.
Honest, l didn't feel a thing.
Maybe you didn't, but l sure did.
Hi. l see you kids found the note
l stuck in the candy bar.
-Cass Elliot!
-What are you doing here?
Beats me. l was standing upstairs
and suddenly. . .
. . .l went right through the floor.
l knew l was heavy, but not that heavy.
Who are you kids?
-l'm Daphne.
-l'm Velma.
And l'm Fred.
Shaggy and Scooby are upstairs, l think.
Listen. That's the same sound we heard
when we came in.
lt's been grinding like that every night
since l bought this place.
You own this candy factory?
Right on. l'm thinking of changing
the name to Sugar Plump. . .
. . .but the minute l bought it,
weird things happened.
Like that grinding sound?
Right, Velma, and those
floating green globs.
Yeah. We saw them.
Hey. Maybe we can help find out
what's going on.
-Lots of luck.
-First, let's find a way out of here.
Forget it, Fred. lf l can't budge
that door, nobody can.
lt's too steep for us to climb up here.
Shaggy! Scooby!
Okay, already. You don't have to lick
the plate clean.
Shaggy, help!
That's Freddy. l think it's coming
from that door.
Freddy! Freddy! ls that you?
We found Cass Elliot,
but we're trapped down here!
Look for a secret switch!
-l'm looking. l'm looking.
-Me too!
l'm sandwiched between
two slices of door!
-Forget it!
You've chomped on me enough
for one night, Scoob.
And now give me
a paw with this, Scoob.
Find some rope so we can climb
out of here.
Rope? Right!
Let's see, now. Rope.
What's this? Licorice machine!
Hey, that ought to do it!
lt's licorice rope, but it's rope!
Cool it, Scoob.
This is for emergency purposes.
Okay, Fred. Here it comes!
-Have you got the end yet, Freddy?
You haven't?
-Did you get it yet?
-Not yet!
Man, you must be 1 0 floors below!
Hey, give me that, Scoob.
Okay, Shag, l see it now.
You must have just started feeding it.
Wrong. l just stopped feeding it.
Okay, Cass, you can climb up now.
You've gotta be kidding.
l'm a singer, not a climber.
Well, here goes nothing.
lf l ever get out of here,
it'll be strictly grapefruit. . .
. . .breakfast, lunch, dinner
and in-between snacks.
Cass! What happened?
What happened is too many
Cass Elliot Caramel Bars.
Something tells me we have
a queen-sized problem.
Hook! Hook!
Hey! Scooby's got a great idea.
We can get her out with that hook.
-Only how do we get it to work?
-lt's gotta be one of these.
''Molasses machine, chocolate whipper,
taffy machine, ceiling conveyor. ''
That must be it!
Grab hold of this hook, Cass,
and we'll try to pull you out.
-Got it!
-Okay, Shaggy, hoist away.
Here goes.
Something tells me this contraption
wasn't designed for such a load.
Cass, let go!
You asked for it!
-Butter never spread like this.
Thanks for coming to my rescue.
l could've starved down there
in that basement.
-There goes that grinding noise again.
-Downright freaky.
Maybe if it keeps up, we can trace it
to its source. Come on!
-Help! Let me out! Let me out!
-Who's that?
We'll soon find out.
lt's Mr. Crink, the foreman.
Your ex-foreman!
Those two green globs locked me
in that storage closet, and l'm quitting.
Please, Mr. Crink, you can't split now.
l need help running this candy factory.
Candy factory?! This is a creep factory.
l'm leaving this place for good.
And if you're smart, you'll do
the same thing before it's too late.
Oh, great. Now who can l get
to operate those machines?
Don't worry, Cass. We'll stay and help.
-You mean it?
-Sure. We're all behind you.
That's why it's so crowded back there.
Don't look now,
but there's something behind us.
-lt's the two green globs.
-l wonder what they want.
Maybe they just wanna check out
our yellow globs.
-Very funny.
-Yeah. Very funny.
Listen. There goes
that grinding sound again.
And it's coming from there. Look.
That you, Cass Elliot?
Mr. Franklin, what a relief.
lt's Mr. Franklin, the watchman.
Been trying to trace
that grinding noise. . .
. . .and them green globs keep
popping up everywheres.
-Oh, no. You're not quitting too.
-Me? Quit?
l've worked here, man and boy,
for 50 years.
No fuzzy green ghoulies
are gonna scare me away.
No sirree, Bob.
-What a nice old man.
-He sure is.
He's a pussycat. He's been
with the factory since it began.
Help! One of them's got me!
The green globs!
They've got Mr. Franklin!
-Quick! Let's go.
-Good idea.
-Out of sight.
-Not a trace of him.
Poor Mr. Franklin.
Like, a guy could get lost
in this maze.
Wait! Listen.
-lt's some sort of machine.
-Well, who could be running it?
There's only one way to find out.
Besides being troublemakers,
the green globs are also candy-makers.
And Cass Elliot Candy Bars, at that.
Now why would two green globs haunt
a candy factory just to make candy bars?
Beats the heck out of me.
The candy seems perfectly normal.
Hold it. l wanna digest the evidence.
Me too.
This is funny.
All these crates are being sent to the
same address in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Something sure is fishy here.
This is getting mysterious-er
by the minute.
l think we've stumbled on
something bigger than all of us.
Well, bigger than you kids, anyway.
We better split up and search
from the basement to the tower.
Good idea, Freddy. You, Velma and
Daphne can search for the green globs. . .
. . .while we stay here
and guard the candy.
l had to open my big mouth.
And now it's time to open mine.
l heard of a bottomless stomach,
but a bottomless person?
Look! Peanuts.
lt's elephant heaven.
l'll sure know who to call
if my garbage disposal breaks.
-That really hit the spot.
-l'll say.
Listen. What's that?
You were warned to leave.
Now suffer the wrath of the green globs!
A blizzard of snowballs!
Not bad.
l wonder if Gene Kelly started this way.
Can you beat that?
l think we're lost in a candy factory.
Cass should've given us a road map.
Those candy canes make me
feel like l'm behind bars.
lt looks like somebody pushed these
candy canes together to hide something.
Like a secret passage that leads right
to the mysterious tower room.
Let's follow it.
Somebody sure is trying to hide
whatever is in that tower.
Me too!
Darn. Why couldn't we have landed
in a mountain of grapefruit?
Talk about luck. We landed
in the softest spot in town.
And the tastiest.
lt's Mr. Franklin, and the green glob
has got him.
What a bummer. lt's locked.
You have received your last warning!
Leave at once, or you are doomed.
That's the best warning
l've heard all night.
Me too.
-Look! That must be it.
-Look at the size of that padlock.
l'll bet they stole it off
the front door of Fort Knox.
We'll have to find something
to pry it open.
Yeah. Like dynamite.
lt won't budge, Scoob.
We'll have to find another way
out of this fright factory.
Shaggy, Scooby, you can't cut out
on me now!
Oh, no? Watch us.
You are doomed, doomed, doomed!
Wrong. We are panicked,
panicked, panicked!
Quick, Scoob. Let's hide here.
l think we ditched them.
Bubble gum? Bubble gum!
Cut that out!
Do you want them to hear you?
They're shooting at us.
-What was that?
-l don't know. We better have a look.
That noise came from this way.
Yipe! And triple yipe!
They're headed this way!
Will you knock it off.
That's better. Now try to keep it down.
-Now what?
-There they are.
-Get them!
You've really gummed things up
this time.
l hope this elevator knows when to stop!
Oh, no!
We've got them.
Got you!
Look at me, a regular Willie Mays.
Where did you go?
l was looking high and low for you.
-We were high.
l'm looking and leaving.
Lucky thing we found this crowbar.
All together, now.
One, two, three!
We did it!
And l'm kind of sorry we did.
How come no matter where we go,
there's always a tower. . .
. . .and it's the creepiest room
in the building?
Let's search every corner. That grinding
sound definitely came from in here.
Mr. Franklin!
We're buried in chocolate bunnies.
Look! lt's one of them green globs again.
Scooby, look out!
Sweet work, Scooby.
-You clobbered the glob.
-Well, what do you know?
By gum, l've had my fill of these
dad-blasted green globs.
-Come back and fight like a man!
-Mr. Franklin, cool it!
Got you now, you yellow-bellied greenie.
Take that! And that! And that!
What happened to him?
Put me down, dad-blame you!
Put me down, l say!
Remind me never to book that flight.
-Quick. We gotta rescue him.
-Shaggy, are you all right?
-l think so.
-Look who's talking.
Let's see what's under this tarp.
This sure doesn't look like
a candy machine to me.
Sure it is, Freddy.
You pour the caramel, chocolate
and walnuts here. . .
. . .and it comes out candy there.
Hey, look at this label:
''Acme metal grinding machine. ''
Why would anyone have a metal grinder
in a candy factory?
Maybe it's for stale walnuts.
And why is it locked up
here in the tower?
Freddy's right.
There's more to this than meets
all six of our eyes.
Let's see what happens
when l turn it on.
That's the same mysterious grinding
noise we've been hearing all along.
-lt gives me the creeps.
-lt gives me a headache.
Let's see what it does to this key.
When they say metal grinder,
they mean metal grinder.
Jinkies, it ground a steel key
into powder.
l'm getting more confused every minute.
One thing for sure, Daphne,
you've got lots of company.
The only way to unconfuse ourselves
is to keep searching for more clues.
Look what l found.
''City Bank. '' These are the kind of bags
the banks use to carry money.
Metal grinders and empty bank bags
padlocked in a mysterious tower.
What do you think it means?
l don't know, but something tells me
we'll soon find out.
Either the green glob
has dissolved into thin air. . .
. . .or we're being chased
by the invisible man.
-lnvisible man?
lf this keeps up, l'll be ready
for the next Olympic games in no time.
l'm pooped.
You should eat more.
Food gives you energy.
l wish that were all it gave me.
ls it okay with you if Scooby and l
search around for a little snack?
Be my guest.
Why wasn't l born a skinny boy?
Holy calorie, Scoob!
l think we just hit the jackpot.
l don't believe it, Scoob.
l just don't believe it's possible.
For the first time in a lifetime career
of overeating, l'm getting a bellyache.
Me too. Me too.
Oh, it's impossible, Scoob.
What could we possibly have eaten
that would cause a revolution. . .
-. . .in our stainless-steel stomachs?
-l don't know.
Okay, everybody. Break time's over.
We gotta track down
poor Mr. Franklin.
Well, come on. Time's wasting!
Scooby, l'll bet you come
from a long line of bloodhounds.
So make with the nostrils.
-A green glob!
-l'm hip!
Cass, you can open it.
lt's bolted to the floor.
We could be trapped here
for the rest of our lives!
-Or longer.
-Come on, you two.
lt's time you stopped acting like cowards
and started acting like men.
How do you like that?
Our lives are in danger. . .
. . .and she wants us to do imitations.
-What was that?
-Yipe! Look!
-lt's popcorn.
-Our luck's changed, Scoob.
-lt's raining popcorn!
Oh, if we only had
some melted butter and salt. . .
. . .and we were home watching
the late movie on TV.
Beautiful. l need Superman,
and l end up with a canine garbage can.
Bad news, Shag.
There's no way to shut it off.
l've heard of corns on your toes,
but on your knees?
-What a way to go.
-Yeah. Corny, isn't it?
-Shag, there's only one way out of this.
-You mean. . .?
Right on. The supreme sacrifice.
We'll have to eat our way out.
-Cass, won't you join us?
-My grapefruit diet, remember?
Well, Scoob, it looks like it's up to us.
lt's nice to watch someone
who enjoys his work.
Shaggy, Scooby, you did it!
Oh, it's a good thing.
l couldn't eat another bite.
-Me neither.
-Not even jawbreakers?
Jawbreakers? Well, now that's a sourball
of a different color.
Out of sight.
Here's a machine full of them.
This could be our way out of here.
-Like, how?
-Like this.
Now l get it.
The jawbreakers become door breakers.
-Right on.
-Fantastic idea, Cass.
Except for one thing. This.
Somehow l think we were
better off with the popcorn.
There sure wasn't any sign
of Cass Elliot or Shaggy. . .
-. . .on the third floor.
-Or Scooby.
Keep searching. We still have two floors
and a basement to cover.
Cass Elliot, it's working!
The door is starting to give!
Far out.
-Scooby, where did Shaggy go?
-Beats me.
That thing's pretty hard for something
that makes cotton candy.
Help! Help! l can't see!
Shaggy! Shaggy, where are you?
-lt's a green glob!
A green glob?
-Wait for me.
There you are.
Come on. We've got work to do.
Scooby, it's time
for the bloodhound bit again.
Right. Hey!
-What did you find?
-A marshmallow.
Cool that number, Scooby.
We're looking for Shaggy.
What's shaking, Scooby?
ls it Shaggy?
Good. Let's track him down.
Come on. We don't have much time.
Let's hurry and load
the rest of these cartons.
We're moving out tonight.
Got it?
Far out, Scooby.
Keep that old schnoz sniffing.
-Scooby, no!
Cut that out!
-What did you say?
-Beat it.
-Hey! Who you telling to beat it?
So it's you.
Correction. lt was me.
Oh, great.
Now l've lost both of them.
Shaggy, Scooby!
Cass Elliot, is that you?
Freddy, Velma, Daphne.
Am l glad to see you kids.
-Where's Shaggy?
-And Scooby?
That's a good question.
-Hey! Look out!
-Something's coiling around us!
-lt's some kind of purple gunk.
-And it's got my arm.
-And my leg!
-lt's taffy!
We're stuck in the middle
of one sweet mess.
We'll never get loose.
That will keep them out
of our hair for a while.
Faster, Scooby. Faster!
Scoob. l just thought of something.
-What's that?
-Cowardice is the mother of invention.
Chew this, Scoob.
This super-concentrated bubble gum. . .
. . .is going to save
our frightened necks.
Scooby-Dooby, chew.
Good. Now, blow. Blow bubbles.
A big one!
Company, halt.
El Shaggy the lnvincible
thanks you from the bottom of his. . .
. . .heart!
Scooby-Doo, where are you?
First green globs, and now purple goops!
Purple goops?
Scooby, help me!
-Who did that?
Scooby-Doo, don't!
Scooby-Doo did.
-Welcome to the goop.
l'm stuck!
Forget it, Shag. The more you struggle,
the more this stuff holds you.
Even Scooby couldn't
eat us out of this mess.
Too true.
That should take care
of them for a while.
Yeah. Now let's load those candy bars
into the truck.
The green globs have gone.
-l guess it's safe now.
-At your service.
-lt's too late now.
Yeah. Thanks a lump.
We've got to figure
some way out of this mess.
Any suggestions?
Why not try what l've always done
in an emergency?
-What's that?
l got a better idea.
When l give the signal,
we all split in different directions.
A five-way stretch. What a great idea!
l got it from a girdle ad.
Ready? Now, on your mark.
Get set. Go!
Oh, well.
Back to the drawing board.
That taffy will hold those kids
for hours.
And by then,
we'll be on our way to Brazil. . .
. . .with all this luscious, rich candy.
-Let's try running.
-But which way?
-l'm going backwards.
-No, you're not. Those are my feet.
-Look out!
-Hang on!
To what?
What luck. This water washed
off all that gooey taffy.
See? And you guys were bugged at me.
Hey. Hey, what's happening?
l'm frozen solid!
''Rock candy''?
-Rock candy? Oh, no!
-Rock candy? Oh, no!
Try it. You'll like it.
lt's those kids.
You know something, Cass?
-What, Shaggy?
-l tried it. l liked it.
-Here we go again!
-We'll never lose them this way!
Freddy's right. Let's split up.
lf l had it to do over again. . .
-. . .l'd be an Atlas missile.
-Same here.
-Faster! He's catching up.
-And l'm running down.
-Dead end.
-Would you care to rephrase that?
-We're surrounded!
-There's no escape now.
Oh, no? Take a look.
-Have no fear. Cass Elliot is here.
-lt's Cass Elliot to the rescue!
l knew she wouldn't fail us.
Time to clear out.
-Here l come, ready or not.
-Not ready.
l don't know which is scarier,
the green globs or Cass Elliot's driving.
Cass Elliot's driving.
l've got no-fault insurance,
and you're about to get rear-ended.
Wow, she should drive at lndianapolis.
Hang on, gang.
Cass is about to make sweet music.
Why, Cass, what big teeth you have.
The better to nip these two
in the bud with.
Two candy apples coming up.
How do you like them apples?
They look pretty sour to me.
Oh, the candy apple connected
to the chocolate syrup.
And the chocolate connected
to the marshmallow topping.
And the marshmallow
connected to the cherry drops.
And that's the way it goes!
Well, there you have it.
Cass Elliot's own recipe for
chocolate marshmallow sundae.
-Chocolate marshmallow sundae?
-Chocolate marshmallow sundae?
lt's true, Scoob. Marshmallow sundaes.
Hold it. These two sweetie pies
are reserved for the local authorities.
-We just wanted to get in a few licks.
l believe you about the green globs
haunting this place, Cass.
But when you tell me these
two giant sundaes are the culprits. . . .
lt's no jive, Detective Storm.
Show him, Freddy.
Right, Cass.
-Mr. Crink!
-Mr. Crink!
The factory foreman!
Who would have guessed?
-And me.
Now let's see who
blob number two is.
Mr. Franklin! l don't believe it.
Somehow l don't
believe it, either.
Just as l thought, a rubber mask.
-Of all the two-faced guys.
-Two-faced is right.
This is Sterling Smith,
the international gold swindler.
Gold swindler?
Last month, he robbed the City Bank
of $2 million in gold bricks.
City Bank? That was the name
on those empty bank bags.
Jinkies, it's all falling together now.
All right, Sterling,
where did you hide it?
There's no way you could sneak
that much heavy gold out of the country.
There is one way, Detective Storm.
lnside these Cass Elliot Candy Bars.
Now l get it!
They pulverized the gold in those
metal-grinding machines in the tower.
Then they poured it
into the candy machines. . .
. . .along with the caramel,
chocolates and nuts.
And voila! A gold-filled
Cass Elliot Candy Bar.
How about that? My golden caramel bars
really were golden.
What a sweet operation.
How else could l smuggle $2 million
worth of candy bars out of the country?
-l know one way.
-Oh, yeah? How?
You could always give them to Shaggy
to eat and then fly him to Brazil.
Won't you have
a little something, Cass?
No, Velma. l must be strong.
For me, it's grapefruit,
nothing but grapefruit.
lt was really nice of you
to treat us to this fabulous dinner.
lt's my way of saying thanks.
Besides, l wanted to celebrate finding
the real Mr. Franklin safe at home.
Hey, how do we know
he really is Mr. Franklin?
Yeah. l'll bet he's wearing a mask too.
Right, Scoob.
There's only one way to find out.
You dag-blamed insolent
young whippersnapper!
-He's the real Mr. Franklin, all right.
Okay, gang, dig in.
-Hot darn!
Out of sight.
-What about you, Cass?
-Forget it, Freddy. l made a vow.
From now on,
l eat nothing but grapefruit.
-Far out. Here comes my grapefruit now!
-Here's the dinner you ordered.
But those are covered with
whipped cream, marshmallow. . .
-. . .and chocolate syrup.
-Not so loud.
lf you don't tell me,
l won't tell my stomach.
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